The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 08, 1873, Image 2

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fSiOMaaors lo McFvlaud, Smith & Co ,
Merchant Tailors!
4.'iitH Furnishing Woods,
Have put Id ono ot the finest asaonmenta of
. , . . , .FRENOlf AND
l.i .1 -. . ... AMKRICAN
Xvtr offered In the Oil lUgloo.
. f Ah the Latest and Nobbiest Btylos.
' Geute Furnishing Goods, &c.
eUoleum Centre Daily Record
(tot, ere. Fa-. TweadaVt April 8
niTlne Serlce.
' Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
t P. M. Sabbath School at 12 P. M.
ate free. A cordial Invitation extend
ed to ail. '
t .' Kbv. G- Moors, Pastor.
presbyterIan church.
Preachibg at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7
o'clock Pi by the Peaior, W. 0.
ARB. Sabbattl . Soheol at 2,', directly
alter lereooon tervic, -.grayer
Meeting and Sabbath School
teaeaer'e Meeting Tuesday evening ol
rach week.
Itrolnm Caatre Lodge, No.
riH4 t.o.oto.
Regular meeting nigbta Friday, at 7
o'clock. Signed.
g. H, A Seo'y.
fft9FUoa of Meeting, Main St., opposite
MoCllntock Honse.
A. O, 01 IT. XV.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
meets every llooday evening at 7) o'clock,
In Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre,
A.' Glnn, M. Wv
; i ' i .'
f. O. of II. M.
Mlnnekaunee Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M
of Petroleum Centre, aieets every Thursday
evening In Good Templar's Hall.
Council Or lighted at 7 o'clock.
H. HOWE, Sachem.
C. L UKES, Cblel ol Records.
Gold at" 1 p. m. II814
. V Art, Poor Tcrlclt, 5 1'
I knew htm well."
". Tnt But Brady Independent Sam
"Young ohooaei to regard us as a "Seet'i
beeause we bare InUrmated la our columns
mat an woo went 10 Uiitler would not
realize expectations, and because we deem
.drilling down there s an expansive luxury,
with a ebsooe'td rose money or a dry bole,
oratmall well. r We do not olalm second
sUbt, .but tat our flaws of the hazard and
lolly of so many going below, on tbe records
of lb past elsewhere, ..where everything
promised much better In Ohio, Virginia
. aod bare and at Pleasantvllle and Pit bole,
It .does not require) a prophet to foretell
mat a lew big we.Ha bere and there, short
' lived at the best,' with oil dirt cheap, can
, not long prosper and sustain a large and
.floating populalhin led thither by exagger
ated rumors Jand will o tbe wisp fanoles,
that glitter only to betray. '-
However, seer though we may be, we are
not In the sere and jelUw leaf ofjournaltsoi
while our Brady Irlend Is equally fortunate
. lor ba will be ever Young, though seldom
The Petersburg Progress, less than a year
go, was wont te boast of that city, not aa
Oity of refuge, which lor augbt we know
It may pe,,isee Levltlcna), but aa the bub
.ol tbe oil region However, tbeebaoges made
of late areaueb that If half the emigration
tfrom above oould be iseenred, It may be
able to bold lie own, make up Ha shifting
od losing population, aod be happy. So
mote It be. "
The following communication, as stated
in yesterday' issue, was originally prepar
ed lor tbe Titusville, Oil City Aad Chicago
papers, by Hon. Win. M. Connors lht,;V9
to be of this placo:
Petroleum Centkh, April 5.
Mr. Editor i
Our Petroleum Daily
astonisbor a reporter to TitusvilU to get
items for his one boree sheet well, this re
porter mint have been like himsilf , per
aps he was whistling Robison Cruroe. with
a Petrolnm Centre Daily Astonishor boiala
ed on a broom stick as the emplem of his
traiiii that gopr) old tune; perhaps be bas
niarched to the s.ime before, If be did be
bad no tin wnistle to accompany him and
it was not to put him out as be was out of
a certain ucmh in tMhosh not wishieg to, be
perronal, and not 10 give any oamea I would
say. I was pre-rut on tbisocasion myself
now in regard to the items, the reporter
was drunk en re. for be could not t ell wbet b
er be was at the National hail, or tho resi
dence of Miss Nellie R, This star of Editor'
calls her honest old neil, tb is name is fa
moller, to blm, we bave beaard blm ure
more than once before in regard to the gor
geus dressing of the girls not one of tbem
woar black, with Flow noes, nor while kid
gloves, and tber Was 00 grand display o;
dimonds it was simply a calica dress hop
the readeis ol tbe Petroleum daily Astoo
isber, will please look upon tbis report, as a
bare fabrication, orogouatiug In tbe idle
pated brain of tbe reportor.
Please sign Justice to a one borse
Edltcr. ,
W. M. Coxxor,
Tbe above communication bas beea band
ed lo us by a committee of two, with the
request, ud behalf of W. M. Connor, alias
Roddy the Flat," to give II a pauper's In
Srvtiou iu our columns. It seems from the
jargon and twaddle be has strung together
that be is offended at a certain description
of a '-fancy ball, ".published, day or two
since, and wbicb took place la tbe city Of
Titusriiiu. Great "parties" rln Congress
when tbey are twitted upon Pome party''
tod isctetion, put lorwaid tbelr greatest
lights to extinguish their opponents, uud
wesupposn. upon tbis principle, those who
went to Reddy's Calico ball" without
"silks or dirnoudb" from tbis city, have. se
lected Reddy as their "M iltese Jack" to
champion their rights on tbis particular
occasion. He starts off by calling us tbe
"Astonisber," and says our rupurter was
drunk, for tbe simple reason that we did
not wish to give names and date in lull
fearlug it might burl some birds of Hue
teatber, both iu tbis city and Titusvilie.
We bave no doubt bad we mentioned Rcd-
dj's name In tbe first article in full, he
would bave felt highly honored, aa he free,
lyklowedto bis friends he was tbu "White!
eyed boy' on this jol.y occasion, and would
bave been glutted wilb bis weakness l'jr
seeing bis name in prin , . Ho does not deny
the fact of this "blaze ball" and lis tltvul
Ing Influence upon soft young men, but ad
vertises biuisull as the "Ass-'.unishcr" wbo
arranged toe particulars and called tbe fl
ures for a regular old tashiuned "bate
dance," which will be news to the select
society be bas lately been associating will.
Ills rigmarole about "Old Neil, Oskusb,"
and that he had seen us there, Is tbe stillest
of nonsense, yet we bave, "before our
blooming days wore over,1' an Indistinct re
collection of seeing tbis same Reddy at
"Oskosb," in tbe pleasing business Of emp
tying piiohers and washing iowil, but e
tbougbt since tben be bad made a respect
able man of himself by bard work, exem
plary conduct and Christian association, and
there is no one more regrets tbis "backward
slide" o jyours, dear Reddy, than your bum
ble setvaut, as at heart you are tight and a
good fellow. It's the upper stoy that's
wrong, and early associations bas made you
at tbeir commands, go back "like a dag to
yonr vomit," and tbeir we loave you. Exit
; Take another trip to Oil City, sweet
Reddy, when tbe roads dry up moru.
Do your own. w itiug berealter, classical
Reddy, olso we shall be compelled to giro
the uaoies of those who usajatod your first
literary effort.
NflT Tho niftnuaerof this journal, witb
Ant n dorsinir the sentiments otontrlblltors,
desires to offer the widest possible 'latitude
lor free discussion. It is merely stipulated
that communications shall; concern matters
01 public interest, be put, In dpcenj Inpguaue
and accompanied with the names of tbe
writers, nut for publicatlqn, but as a guar
antee of good laitli.
Galloway Fabm, nxar Frankum i
April 7th 1873. J
Editor Record: Knowing that you are
always happy to hear from tbe boys,
submit a few items regarding Galloway
farm and vioinity, which may be of genera
Interest. "I would first' remark" that it le
considered exceedingly prudent for any in.
dividual, whether living on said farm or lo
said vicinity, to remain there until tbe mud
subsides, unless ho bas made bis peace wilb
God, and not leave tben (in consequence of
the heavy rains) without a llle preserver,
A number ol good strikes bave been made
within tbe last ;two weeks, tbe best are
tboseofS. Mitchell, Col. Kane, and Morris
Coonor. They will average about one
hundred barrels each. .Tbe excitement I
intense, and notwithstanding tbe demoral
Ized condition of tbe roads, dozens of rigs
are being hauled iu daily and the work of
development goes on, as there are no dry
boles within tbe belt, and the wells usually
start olfat from fiO to ISO barrels per day,
Witb a very encourageing prospect of a rise
iu heavy oil. Some land owners are asking
and getting as high aa $500 per acre bonus
and one half royalty. Others pay three
eighths and agree to leave tbe complete rig
end casing when tbey abandon the wells.
Drilling will be commenced tbis week by
tbe lollowiug parties: Hancock it Dodge.
Stock & Algeo, Jos. Burton, Vincent
Wright, Samuel Mitchell, Cbas. Clausen,
Frunk Fee and several others wbase names
I Cannot now recall.
Quito a number of tbe operator and
workmen are from tbe Creek, and generally
speaking are tip top good fellows. Among
the most fortunate opera o,areTaft,Pajne
and Egbert, Jos. Burton, and Scott & Lee
dotn, formerly ot Petroleum Centre.
Tbo water here is very bad, but I bave
only beard ol one death from natural caus
es, and very little sickness, with the excep
tion ol several bad cases of eulargenient 0'
tuegall, but those atf-cted witb this disease
are mostly royalty owners, and all Iroui
Fraukilo, where I learn it has been quite
prevalent lor many yeats. though seldom
terminating fatally, the percentage ol
deutbs iu proportion to the number all'ected,
being decidedly dltcouragiog.
We have no chuicbes or gin mills nearer
than Franklin, where, I regret u luarin
some of tbe boys ant inoie apt 10 patiumze
I ho littler nu Saturday nigbts tbau the
former 00 Sunday, liut they are ou the
whole, as I said before, splendid iellowa,
and bave made my stay here thus far
pleasant. More anon,
PirsoxaL. We were favored wilb a call
this lorenoon from 011; friend Mr. A. N
Sherwood, of N. Y. City. Mr. S. repiesents
tbe well known firm of Berlin & Jones En
velope Company, and J. G. Sbaw tCo.
blaoitjbook raanufaoturers.bolb of wbicb firm
are A. 1. and bave an extensive dea
throughout tbe United States. Sherwood is
one ol those wbolesouled follows that it does
one good to meet wilb. A man that Is al
ways tbe same, no discount, and bas none Of
those small tricks of which most represents
lives of New York bousi are accredited
witb. We wish him good luck, and tak
pleasure In reopminending bim to tbe trad
in Ibis section as an honorable square deal
ing man and a gentleman In every sense 0
the word.
The Sioi y of it Private Soldier
in the tfcbol Army.
Among the unrecorded aois vf true hero
ism by uuknown men during tbe late war
we Ond tbe lollowlng, wbicb some eye wit
oecs bas chronicled In tbe EdgerSeld (S. C.)
"During Longstreet's campaign in Ten
neseee, while a portion ot bis army was
under a fearful Hie of shells from tbe enemy,
at Campbell's Station, a private soldier
within a few foet of tbe colonel of bis regi
oient bad both his legs lorn olf. The regl'
Nient was not fighting but wailing orders.
Tbe wounded man .was; lifted a couple of
yards in tbe rear to die. 'Another private
now marchsd down tbe line under a bail o1
missiles, a lid said to the commanding offi.
cer tvoionei, may 1 nave a moment 01
prayer w.itbtbat dying Jmanf Tbe colonei
said, 'Are you a clergyman?' The crl
vale answered 'I am.' 'Then, euid tbe
Colonel, 'do as yon desire.'
"And the man of God knelt and prayed
with and for tbe dying man Ave or ten min
utes without moving or swaying bis body,
seemingly totally unconeoieus of a storm of
shot and shell wbicb, tbe colonel tells us be
nevor saw surpassed in lury. In a lew days
Ibe praying private was announced In field
orders as ebaplain of the regiment promot
eu lor gallantry and piety In the field. Tbe
regiment was tbe Hampton Legion. Tbe
colonel was .Geary. Tbe private aoldivr
was in nev. air. w. inomas, now pastor
of tbe Methodist church of our circuit.
.Tana imnil ramnhene to liubt her Are the
"We lav her to rest." intoned the pastor.
Smith blew tbe gas out ere tbe bed ba gild
ed for.
Leaving his family quite unprovided for.
To learn if charged, Jones breathed Into his
fallowing pirce.
.lis widow's uncle will support his howling
Brown thought he'd flirt with Simpson
wile a little.
Tbe jury stood a dozen for acquittal. f
"I'll shave." said Ruth, of woman's rigbla
Ibe forerunner.
"Tbe razor must have slipped," obierved
tbe coroner.
Stiles jumped to reach a moving rail car'a
A home's bereavement shocking is In that
"What whieky one can stard," said Thorap-
kins, "try, ohl let's."
His sleep is sweet beueatb tbe early violets.
His shop girls put on topmost floors did
Alter Ibe lire tbey didn't count so many.
Jinks tried lo stop, by baud, a something
or other in' saw.
"My daughter's next shan't smoke," re
marked bis motber-in-law.
Orpheus C. Keer in tbe Gtapblo.
A Deluded Shark.
"It it probable," says tbe Pall Mall Ga
zette, "that many valuable records or naval
disasters and other locidentg of sea voyages
are carefully stowed away, In sharks' stom
achs. Within the last three weeks on fewer
than tbree ofthese voracious fish bave been
captured off tbe Suoteb coast by fishermen.
Tbe first csught was eleven feet in length
and after being exhibited with no emalj
profit by Its captors, bas been presented lo
the iDuo.d'e Museum. In tbe presence of a
numerous body of spectators it was made tbe
subject of a post mortem examination, when
among other articles tound in It were a
man's bonnet and a soda water bottle corked
and sealed witb red wax, and containing a
note. Tbe bottle waa Immedlatly brokeni
the note taken out and read aloud to a
deeply attentive audience. It was as fol
lows: 'On board the Beautiful Star, Sunday
September 1, 1872. We bave crossed tbe
Hue end all's well. Last nigbt Ibe captains
lady Had a pretly little boy, Anuette Gor-
dou.' A postscript to tbu note consisted ol
some V"rse8 composed by tlbe writer, and
doing nonor lo tier nead and heart.'
Some persons aie skeptical enough to Imag.
ue that 1 ha liollie and lite uoiewer swal
lowed by shark afior death, but what
can be uio: 1 likely than that a large Baa
taking vioi int exercise .in salt water,sbould
in bis.delifc'il'etseeing what be conceived to
be a bottle f soda-water gobble it up
once without 'eking the trouble to uucoik
Ttie di8ap,HluiuinH t of !u tisb wbau
he discovered i iul he bad swallowed notb-
ng more exhilarating than a letter and a
poem must bave I een as painful as though
e bad snapped olf au artificial les iu mis
take fur a real one.'
Pftrrft ItY nrtfr a
Two Mg hie OnJr
Monday Tuesday Ew J
iPKII, lllhj. .
AOlfc. ...
(feeding Htar or tbe Walltaeg,
Ann ni rr...w. biwm,I
TJTTTJT Vfifl n Hfi.
auft-u.j& UUflUaJY TEBK'I
vpoiinK in ina kampIvxm.
pTocmielad. wllhtb Burl.swfctB
far .. OF TH.kmq
.Hi.ii.n.... u -
... .- vmj
rrtase.PppetU-B AGlsrw
Other CbatMtem bv tk. nil"1
... . . "na "res of
R B., or Mistakes Will rw.
v.u-.-t.cra uy UMConpsn,
ADMI88IO. SOe. iiwim, ...
Reserved leata can be seearad-t .h.J!"
Doors open at Ti Oortala rises M8 o'clock.
Cot- 3. B. RIOM. Rn.ln. m..
' -"mg.
Ex-King Amedeus; gives aa ooe of bis
reasons tor abdicating tbe ibrooe of Spain.
that the insurance companies asked enor
mous premiums on hla life and that ol tbe
Queen. So it seems tbat tbe only policy
toe youugiving nau mat was worth any
uiug was ao insurance policy.
mi.. m...t uix-!. .. .. . 1
' iiiauurgu iany mall bad the ml-
fortune to "pie" one of its forms, day before
yesterday, and was compelled to appear in
a nan sneet. we sympathize with c
Incredible aa it may seem many ol th
richest planters Iu Jamaica live on ooffse
Tbe cbanoes are tbat some one will ge
fearfully bit In the Butler oil field befera
another season rolls around. Petroleum
Centre Record.
What makes you think to, Wicker!
surely there is nothing to prevent tbe But
ler oil fields producing as many years aa
did lbs upper districts; nothing within tbe
reach of human ken, at least. Fafrvlaw
Why? Wherefore? The .Feirvlew Re
porter wants to know why we tblnk lb oil
product of Butler County wilt prove peren
nial. It it evldontly impressed with tbe
idea tbat tba territory will live as Jong at
it does here, and longer, yaa, live forever.
Pitbole had better wells larger i acorn
parebly better sand, and more of it yet.
We know bow tbe multitude were deceived.
Wbat f. rlunes were lot', and bopet blasted
witb oil at ten dollars.
Sobel's Opera 'Horn,'
Stew T
Positively One ilight (hily.
Eogagement of Ike . ; ,
Young Bemtifnl and Aceoa-
niMeIonie; Clara, and Alln.
Wbose remarkable and brilliant Sri-iHe
Abilities and rare Mmleal Genius burnt
lonisbed and -delighted Ike most triilol
andleMaa Id tba large eillss, while t-spm
baa bean most lavish In lit praises, ssiuv
ine tba most eemplltseoiafy erltirltsaj and
notices u poo, t keif performances. The aw
exnulslU Character Actresses. Cenedieiw,
Vocalists, jib ana Uloa vancsrK ww.
Flute and Bank player In tbe world, fin
ha nreilneed t-Slka trst time ll Mrokit
Centra a new erietlonil Dtsmn written r-
preaslv for tba COLEMAN Bibiwin, j
Wm.'Varfbay, entitled
DlivfiN mm i
MISS LOUIS at Minnie pisiW Netnss"'
MISSALICE-..-aa Louies Nrjtbsbi
Supported bv Jamee F. Sh'rry and
and powerful Company of seleete Artii'
TV..I-- .k..i M.i-.n Ablers will
Inlrodoe their Great Miis'ealBpeeltliW
Cornet PIsylBg, Singing Dancrtft
ASmi-loa 10 da fee8ai,l
1 leasts lor ar r. v. fewn "" -1
Deera oaea at 1 o'clock perfon
will k fennviii n ih.H,ha(AprUia is
We expect all parties indeb
ted to this firm to settle their
bills before the 1st of May next
and avoid nnpleasantness, as we
intend to close out and leave
this town.
Dated, Petroleum Ceutie, Pa., Marob 80th
To increase
Your business,
Advertise in the
lawman t . Ktb.
.', i. IiraR
Now ia tb lira to buy tb leb'"tri
Fu WllllatMrBntslo Cissm AM, '
A I iiVIDDIU -. - h l-a-ila A sllAai Df '
me twenty lonria raab jan- ,
4MMioUi mid l V'X. Z
aattWe v bafoHtald date sad obllg us
: a.. ,uaa ha eofor"
From aad, af ter thto dat "P"
daw tb lecal c-lUo tin -Ut 1
.'. -T..T .-.JL-. ' . --a. .last, m
Will aeu anaioaa boo uraw
liquor. retu as w.oiw-r r- ' , 1.4
bk xntrnt I lsed out.1 .) IB1
.0 purcna- a ""-gimijr
NOTiCK.-tlr; Jamet 8. McCrsy M
rataoved to Franklin, parllet ",
municatloa witb bim oa busloesi '
wise, ar requested h.reafter to
totter to tbat polol
ao oenta a year, with a"P'" LTg,,
fa saw this. oha 9- i
, T .
Aldan. fuWIsb