The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, April 04, 1873, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record
Ifnt, Centre, Fa-, Frldar, April 4
IMvliie liervlca.
Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
i)i P. II. Sabbath School at t P. M.
eats free. A cordial invitation extend
ed to all.
. Kit. O. Moone,, Pastor.
- t , r s-
Preeehins; at 11rn'olok -A. M.. end T
'olook P. M., by the Pastor, W. C. Brecrt
aid. Sabbath School al l?Jkdl,cily
after loreanoo service. '
Prefer Mating and Sabbath School
Teacber's Meeting Tuesday evening ol
tab week.
Pvtralitam Centre Lodge, No.
Tit, I. O. I U. F.
Regular meeting nights; Friday, at T
o'clock. Signed.
8. H. Kooicn, A 8ec'y.
' 9"Plao of meeting, Main St., opposite
MeUllntock House. '
,tt A. O. of V., W,. ...
Liberty Lodge No. T, A.' O. or II. w!,
newts aver Mood at evening at TJtf o'clock,
In Odd Fetlow'i Hall, Petroleum Centra,
. a' A. Glesk, M. VI.
M. T. CoNKon, R.
I.O.ofR. M.
Mlnoekauoee Tribe No. 183, 1. O. B. M
erf Petroleum Ceolre, met every Thursday
evening In Good Templar's Hall.
FaTT Council tree llibted at o'clock.
, H. HOWE. Scene,
O. L JCKB8, Cbletol Record.
044e, (p. a. ill ., ;
e hats received returns from torne few
oimhso eoj elllss additional ' these
publishes? by ns a week ago. ut' few ,
... vumai, ana r rem three or
ww MMtg ws have been unable le Had two
ef whleh agree In their figure. The nu m -bl
of eoueties and silles beard Irom is six-
v-en-rmy eotintiei and sixteen eltles-in
weieo ins vole ror lleenaa fs reported st
..,r, .oo, agaiosi, m .mo, making a me
joriiy-atainsl laeal option of 32,089. It
i ppoeea me teiat vote ol ,ibe btata. win
ncreare misj nalprllt.l ! ; i I . v , .
11 oo often we' lad a olergiman'" who
appreciate, the beneBls ol adwll.lng.-
- ... ftaHaeee on Brook in. N. V
don appreaiala . adveriiaU. . n. .u..
his Sondav etenlna? aervlmi h ..f......
(heoritlclimf ofthe nswepapsrs upeu tin
marriage ceremony ha performed al bis
auru rair, me couple belog dseraeriin tbe
coeiumeofaoentury since. He said the
notices were good advertleeaeatt thai baet
"u' " "an. us deelarad lee cere
rnony was not a moek dim h.,i .
end tbe eostuues of tba ooup'e a great imi
vv...u.Di on present rasbloos. And Inert,
upon his bit al the fashions brought cut
n oie congregation. II was
Congregallonal" applause. That hit was
so.wliweelaedthaRev. gentleman warn
on io eavemie thai any eoupla who could
live longer apart could be put out of
their misery on appilaaiioB to him.. And
... uruugui out note laughter and ap- t uen.caoe e amiee.
Mr. R. P. Bradstreet, proprietor of the
Rochestor Huuae. we understand.
e severe aseldent at Foxburg, day before
yestereayi in erosshig.Me raiMsa bridge
to get Into town bealinned and l.ll throH.h
to see ground, a dlstaoore! tweniylve faer
ue was picksdup In an rnsensible. cooBi
lion and taken Into a betel near a? i.
examination Keeealed tk (bet that .be wak'
uaagarouaiy injured about tbe beak and
pm., ie euca an extent as lo create patlial
Offloer Mctfugh Indulged In one of his
ous lima iooi raess IMa faranoen. An aged
straagar arrived lo town thie ferenoen from
uil Ulty with bis keg packed f.ill of local
opt too., Tba UJI Clay option raisep hie
spirits to that extent that he ,.Xm,
run option and ever, ih lag elai . Mo.; 0so
.1 J a . ... . . . .
aioeieu tun optional with blnieir, and
warned the aged opllonlst lo leave His lowrl
He dlaappearad round tba comer but reap
peared at the next earner. Thomas saw tka
suaiegie movement and started In pursuit.
Then ensued a lively raea. raalUna ur.r-
tunataly lor tba aged stranger from tba fact
that bis belt broke etlowina.hla um.nti..
ablej to drop down, Hrbteb the sane" trlo-
pne aim up, ana nuaene oapture an easy
euo. m veaerame ssa IB aaw railing in
lht retreat prepared for Oil City optlontila
-tbe lock, a P. Ue was furnished iih .
copy or tba. Derrick containing the. editor'
iesi aiiseruuon against local option,,
bopss of n reformaUoa. '
tit. tVutl kesm large siovk. of lumaer
titts on the tint boat ere Jti ortlor la
wM on t,e upper MinlMtppt
Tba Write Press, published at Mercer,,
oupiee an rtlcls from tba Tliuavlils Courier
relating lo lb appoiotmenl rofs Pestailr
at tbn plaoe, In whiob Ibe Crtrhr Wefend
Mr. Miller, our preeeut postmaster, egaiusi
tbe peralooi ol sundry parttfen journala
who have periiited Id the statetneut that
Mr. Miller received hii ieppolotmeot
through exCongresmn GiIHIIod. The
Preia says:
A We Julo WoAjVllhbe Courier' la Ibe
tribute It peTtta, Mt. Gilfillaraod Ibe
Postmaster V Petroieaa WolreMr. Mil
ixr. ur.ilM etmatr al. Oil LCIly we
know nothing. Mr. Miller area one' of our
beet eTtfxin for "m'any'yeeriv competent,"
jitlcloitadkooetja(l lt.woulil,PlliPMPIpe line evfflee, nod e number of ; other
uU.4a JBkkn Mares r county believe that he
did not da file woole duty as .Postmaster at
Petroleum Centre. .. i .- .
Or Gllllilsn's connection with the ap
polnlment the itory Is limply abmrd. Or
Mi. Miller's connection wi'h tba Poat Office
here we need only state tkat tba office has
keen Oiled with ilgnal ability and to tbe
atlifeoHon or onr citizens Irrespective or
parly belief sr creed. Nuff ced.
. Pleimier Items. .
Moving day was generally observed lo
The latest news . from 1st wsrd reporj
things quiet In that section. i
The High School at this plaee has been
closed for the purpoae of having tba bell
Local option went Into eRVct April 1st.
This will eausa our one hotel lo close up,
One or our down town citizeoa Intend
opening a temperance betel Too tbiu
''d tba pleasure or encoding a coo
sort given by Prof. W. H. MoCoilio, In
Piather's Halt, oe Wednesday evening.
Opened the eenserl with grend satiate.
'Pulling hard against the stream," was
well received; Comtp. sing 'Shelling green
Pass," brought down Ibe houae; Ballad,
Tba Old Sexton. " was well sang; a song
lor the young folks entitled "Tbe Cuckoo,
was received with Ibouti.ol delight by tbe
youths preaent. ' Tbe Trot. teoited tbe
Poem ll-rtiara Frlohie In good style; Comic
song,' "The Miller's Daughter," was encor'
ed; Sentimental ballad, "Take hack Die
Vow" wa fully appreciated by tbe lover
at that pedal kind of mimic; Comic iiiivk
"The Yankee Peddler,' win j-wid The
Prof recited a parody on Exceptor in Rood
jle, The entertainment we olued with a
abort sddresi by Mr. McC. returning thank
to Rev. Robertson lor Ibe use ol his otgan
'or the occaaion;
Nrxt uriday I knvwn as Palm Suailay
and la observed in oomtuercoraiioo or the
triumphant entry nf the Savior Into the
city of Jenitalem, aa bad been prediated by
tbe prophet Zaeharltm: "lit juice r'-ativ
6b, daughter of JCionj boiil, ob, duugblej.
ol Jerusalem; behold, Iby king cnmvtb unto
tbaei ha Is jui, and having ailvatiouj low
ly, and riding upon an ai, and upon a coltt
Ibe foul of an asa." Tbe church baa though
proper to appoint a particular day for Ut
commemoration of this event In the life our
Savior. The day la olwerved by the uul
aervioes, tbe benediction and ibe binning
ol palms.
tVNuw Is tbe time lo pmcbusa a Pocket
Diary cheap. A fine saeorttnent can be
found at tbe Pelt Cilice newrnoni. . ' t
' ' ' xjOitK JlGltK. : 1
Now I the lime to buy tba celebrated
Fux & William' BnfTilo Cieam Aiek at W.
A. LOZIEtt'Sa be Intend, to close up
tba twenty fuiirtb iuet. Alio, all tlmw in
debted to Ibe. same will pleate come sod
settle oo or belore said data andioblige Ibe
Wsite or wealth may occasionally be r -trlevsd(
waale or health,. seldom; but waste
or time, never.
, Tbe Cape Aon AdveMUer la wondering
bow. many people will miss 1 1 alter it has
been dead two years. a
61 Paui- people are unusually active in
building tbla year, and Ibe appearanoe o'
the city changes rapidly,. '
A Chicago justloe ot the peace and two
police officers ere walking about In--tear
or being abot, having received tbreateniug
letters frem eeovlc led criminals.:' t
A little mils of eight,' on being rec ntly
Informed that her affectionate graudmolber
bad made bar a life member of aTmlMiooary
society, objected on tbe ground thai "sbe
did ool wlb to be eaten by lavages.'
Anolbir amanameal to ilia constitution is
rendered necessary by tba refusal or tba col
ered .barbers in Cincinnati, to sbava person
of tbeir owe race..
'Were yen ever baptist" - InqelraaVaa
earnest minister to-, a. green aaadldate
'No no c sir. i'ever en!y onc't, sod
then IMI m.''
Parish CrtT. April 41 a m.
flr broke "out here at about half past
nine o'clock ieit evening. Smoke wai firl
diteovered taming from tbe office or Farrar
4 TreUt, adjoining the Parker House.
The lire ipread rapidly up and down tbe
Ucet, on botbtidei, cooiumlog about aizty
building, Including among tbe number ibe
Parker Hones.'' Central Hotel, Exchange
Bask, 8evlogs Bank, PottofflCf, Wettern
Union and Peoine telegraph tffloea, Uoioa
offioee. Tbeasesl valuable peillua or tbe
Tbe Wilson Home wai laved by tbe ex
ertloni ol the men, who did oubiy. Tbe
loss Is eetiineted at $25,000, bat will piob
ably .exceed that amount.
Latxr. 1:45 a. n The Bre is uuaer
control, having buined up tba street as far
ss tbe Morrison Block aud down lo the
Wilton Honia.
It is supposed to be the work ol an In
cendiary, it being tbe third fire within
lhlrt)-lx hours in l hi city.
An Instance wortby vl relating occurred
In regard to tba land siide on tbe Oil Creek
road, below this place, Ibree daya ago and
refleo;s credit oo our friend, Mr. George
Brew, the Section boa oo Ibis part or lbs
road, showing bltn lo be alive lo Ibe Inter
est or Ibe road apd tbe safely of Its paste n
gets. On the morning io question M
Brew arose a bom 6 o'clock, es is bis tirua'
cusfam, aud walked down the road lor the
purpoae of Impeding It be lore ibe early
train came in, and dlasovered tba- slide, a
rock weigbiug a least twelve toos, having
came down the bill end laid directly aorou
tba track. He Immediately want down lo
the point or Ibe bill and Bagged the early,
paateoger train which . was about due.
Tbe train was stopped and alter an hunt'
delay tbe rock was removed..' Had It no1
been for bia loreaight there Is no duiibt but
what Ibe train aud paaiengera would have
been prxclpltated ddwn the bank into Ul
Creek, as tbe rock '" lay at a poiui in tbe
ruad wheia the track take a curve, and it
would bavn been nlraou impossible . for ttio
engineer to have attno it In lime to stop l be
train.-1 Mr. Brew I certainly inllil.'.l iu tt.
I lanks ol the paajeugTs on that liain ut
. Just Iblnliiif 111 The Waiis upon all V
railways In Cealral and Noilhi-io Now
YoYk ware delayed or were stopped h) tl e
snow of tbe middle of Isal week. Ti.e
snow drills near Rieblield Spting wvre!rui
four to lea leet deep. On Ibe isilway
leading to fbe Spring tbe ruuning ol tram
were impended from Wednesday to Satin
day, Ibe mail being carried by aleiulm
On Friday there wsseo train fur iwt nty
four honra Ou tbe Rome and Waiemwa
read, aud of course no mails. That iu the
lst quarter or March.
An irate man wlio. was disappointed in
bW boots, threatened lo eat up the (hoe
maker, but compromised by drinking a sob
A cantemp'irray speaks or faahlonsbl
allur as being "una of tbe old war horses
ol Ibe trade. " A heavy charger wa snppuie
I there any reaaun why tba uam "lap
dog'! ibould be moonpolized by any partic
ular breed of canine? Don't tbey all drink
that way?; ...
Kituwglyeeriue, Is now prttered to ker
osene forjligtening Bres. It savea much truub
le to Ibe friends and family, and funeral ex.
peeeea ere entirely .done away with aa is
the experimenter. r
A Texas dry-goods dealer has Ibe port
rails of fourteen 'female thieves whom be
baa caught pilfering Irnin his ilore. ,
So far there la but oneoaudidate for May
or in Mew Albany, Indiana, and tbe people
are ln great distress In ennaeqnence.
Neal Daw,, of Maine, going lo Europe
to leolure oo Intemperance, with all the eio
queoce with which be Is N. Dow-ed.
The repor, tbal the Modoc Indians hsd
been engaged lo put war whoops on barrel,
of army stores has been contradicted.
A printer remarks that be has uvr been
able to give a proof of the puddieg till t
was locked up la his form. , ,
: Ladies' bead d rests have become such
structures now tbat tbabalr dressers have lo
petition the city governmenet for "permis
sion, to build" before tbey ana get ahead.
Several mad dogs bare recently, died In
CuicegDrroia the effects ol. biting tbe oiti
raui. A Gloucester boy tried to By bla Lite with
mitlrni ou, one day this week.
to. Fifteen Buildings
Estimated at Over
. $50,000.
By pecial dispatoh Oil City, tbla
forenoon, we Item that a Bra broke out in
Hick's liquor store, on Centre Street, at
hrnii o'clock llrt leornioR, Ibe result Of
wbfob was extremely disastrous, as at least
left buildings and probably mora were
burned to lh ground.
Included among tbe bnrned buildings was
tba Corwio & aVeri block, Oil City Sav
Ing Bank, W. V. Telegraph office, and a
number of grocery, liquor and clothing
The only building that escaped In tbe
coofltgreiioo waa the ufllce olFisner Brother,
located near the railroad track.
Tbe Bre is said to buve urlginsted Irom ,s
drunken clerk at tbe store, who dropped a
lamp on lbs floor which exploded and sal
Are lo Ibe room and tbe building lo an in
slant almost, and belore tba engine got on
the ground the flames were past control.
So botwss the Are that trains on tbe Oil
Creek road were unable to pass lor some
The los is said to reach over $50,000. . ?
Wa are without lull detail ol this fear
ful conflagration, but our informant stales it
to be tba moat severe tbal has visited that
oity lor years.
Our eltitens were very much excited at
receipt el ibe news, end the expression of
lymbalhy , with, tbe eueffsrers was wide
ipread aedgeaeral.
A Hiitt Oil. Si-it. In tbe Court
Pleas at Pittsburgh, on Monday, a suit waa
commenced by the Columbia Oil Company
against John J.jllenry and Frederick Fish
er, doing buainrii si Fisher Brothers, for
the recovery of $12,041, being an alleged
difference lo certain oil cooiraoli, whiob, It
is claimed, were uol fulfilled. It appear
In the declaration ie! forth Iu the plaintiff
fflilavlt thai uie of tbe alleged contracts
were for the purohaie of oil at as high a
rate as $4.25 per barrel. It Is not surpri
In4 that tbey were not fulfilled al mcb a
pric, when oil Is now icaroely hair that
price at the place ol'deliyrry Indicated. It
I probablethat tbe defendant prefer stand
ing suit and paying such difl'erenca aa I
decided lo he legal and equitable.
. The deed executed by Macbeth' wilchea.
altnungb it waa recorded, was illegal, be
cuae it waa "Without a name."
EJ. viiioiou nveraluu to wuikla laid to
0 iarae'er:. I cu rtreel cleaning aulhoritiii
of New Ynk.
We expect all parties indeb
ted to this firm to settle their
bills before the 1st of May nest
and avoid nnpleasantness, as we
mtend to close out and leave
(his town. .
Uated, Petroleum Ceotie, Pa., March 20lb
Having purchased tbe interest or Mr. J
Burton, In tbe coal buefoese, I will oontin
ue tbe same al tbe old stand, where 1
be pleased to see tbe patrons or the old Arm
snd? sell tbem coal, and at the same lluie rf
oelvethe "tcrlp" lor bilH now itne.
lw. St H KOOKER.
The local option law must be enforced.
rrom and.- after this- date and up lo tbe
day tba local optica law goes Into eSVot,
will sell allklnds and brands of wioes, and
liquor at retail at wholesale prices, as my
lock mnat be olesed out.. Now Is tbe time
o purchase a little vial for home tie. .
Having leased;'; luie; day lh
wells, machioery,-? and imple
ments owned by trie western
Pennsylvania oil company, on
the Pearson-farm,' ;;. the Baid
company and its property wit
not be liable for anv debts in
curred by me. and parties fur
mshine labor, fuel, materials
&cmt for the operating of said
wells, or enterinc into con
tracts with me will lookjto me
aione lor tne settlements ot. al
Pet. Ceatte, Ajifil I 1873.
Sobers Opera House,
PositlTfly One iIjht hilj(
WetaiajEvet April 91,1)11
Engagement of the
Young Beautiful and Accom.
Mlnsei Louie. Clara, nasi Alice,
Whose remarkable and brilliant Dn.r
Abilities sod rare Musioal Geoiue Unvi
tuoiibed end delighted the rsoit eriticti
andieness le the large cities, wblls the prm
nai oevn oi-iai i.viau iu praiara, Deatoi.
Ing ibe oust complimentary crillcloi tm
notice upon tbeir performances. Tin aum
exqo s te Character Aotreswr, Cemedlaanw,
vucaiisis, ig aau viug uaucer, crnt,
Flute and Banjo players In lb world, Win
be prodstcod for Ibe first lime in faunlnm
Centre a new emotional Dram wrliteg ,.
presslv tor Ibe UULEMAN albTERS, bj
wm vsr-nay, eniuieu
MISS LOUIE... es Wants 8tntnn
MISS CLARA Nellie StHloi
MISS ALICE as Louise Nntbehelaier
Supported bv Ames F-. Sherry end a fill
and powerlul Company or sleeted Artlm,
Dntins theplty the Coleman Siatsri elll
introduce thsir Great Muetael Speetellles at
Cornet Haying, Singing Dancing, In.
A-tmlln 60 cte tK-aenrrdSiati'ntlf.
' ick.ta tora-ila at P. O. T-ewaRoom.
Doora opcu at 7 o'clock perfnrmMH M .
Will lie at (ommllle on lb 8th otADrllarM lid-
lo itoon t Kith. I
Capt. SMIT, -PrtF
Parttsniar attcoilt paid to the wants C ml
tomera, and will keep tbe in I UX -r
OtSTEUS in Every Styft
vrup in mna tee m in my nw n
Go lo W. A-
for your BE.ZINl, te'
ered: at the welb for
per Barrel
( Petrelenm Centre. Feb. eth-tt .
Bittter and chessa are almost
bleartloles or rood. Properly u ii
are nutritions and Deeliny;: , j
u.v. un or euoer- wu TVf-v.,. to
ayspapsia. Uweo uanney-s t
tort. Judicionaly tiled will rerjoee s
there vreubl.