JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORK ew Ootmiig: New Clothing ! JUST EE O EIVED AT THE Jamestown 21.F. WATERS, Pro'pr." PRICES BEDXTCED OIXT FALL WINTER CLOTHFG tyCUSTOM WORK A SPECIALTY. GoodBasiness Nuits, $10 and l p wards, Overeoats s mill iiMii'avik' Hats and Caps, Hats and Caps ! Gents' Furnishing Goods, In Gnat Variety. BOY'S CLOTHING! yCUST0M WORK A SPECIALTY. K? itMk comprises the finest French, English, German, ind American Clothi ind CmlBtm. TbCBMt llTTrIoty of Neck-Ties, Scarfc, &c, la tba market. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c. Ctll ind examine miytnck beter purchasing; elsewhere. I cannj will sell ClotSlnn tknpw thao it tan h Yougbt at 'lltusvtlle or Oil Clly. Psltolsiiin Centre. Jan. 9th. 7873. A. P. WAT BUS. HARNESS SHOP. Marshall. &' Richards .Weld wspectfnlly announce to the citizen1 of 2""nnm una vicinity mat ti.ty navo lur- w ue uAiut43s Biiur or a. uetitni, OSlUIN STREET. OPPOSITE THE RECORD OFFICE, ad an A. ow ready tofurnieh niinxvrisss, Metrji Bell, Blankets, And everything usu&j kept In WTIB8T-CI.ASS SHOP. 5airino of all binds neatly and expeditious Vtaa, Slveaeseili. , MAKKHAMi RICHARDS. Uum Centre, Dee. 6, 1873 If 1s iwu For Sale DBijjfl z?'000 " SECOND-BAND foot tm. :.." urn giubi oraer ai and alt s OJ JJ . ml kBi -a j S m "8 RlkZ 2 82 i ; .HS f Clothing H. H. Warner DEALEIt IX SECOND-HAND TUG, All Slaws Casing, Engiues, Boiler, and OIL WEIJj SUPPLIES. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID t-'OR OLD IiOPE. IRON und BRASS. Xallavhie; rwPTjtly firciiiMrd u New and Tm moved I'IPE CUTT1NU MACHINE, I am prepiir Ml to cut and tit all elen of H)o and Casing fruni Vlnch to 31 4 Inch. Washington -M.. Nearly Opp. Rnch. eiuer Woufcc, Vet. centre, fib . aprS tf. II. II WAHXlt. Shut Down fur 30 Days ! IH'T NOW STARTED UP AGAIN! With the Largos tand best .elected Mock of CLTO THING Ever bronght to retnJtum Centre. No Old Stock, A.11 New. Call at m)' Kew Store, Wash ington Street, 3 doors above Christie's Drug Store, And examine fur youreolve my atcick of CLOTHING! Hats, Copi, Trunk, Valle, &C Alio, tho largest etock of Gents' Furnishing Goods! In Petrolenra Centre jMORUIS HER It ON, ectM jm. Formerly with Sobel. WINKS. L1QVOUS. KTC. $4.00 OIL WANTED The Oldest Established Li quor Store on Oil Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PROP'R, REMOVED To the Xew Stand in ChrUtie'e Old Store, oppoaltc the Jamcituwd Clothing Store, Petroleum Centre, I"a. New Goods in Great Variety, but plenty of Sunday Com fort left yet I have refitted e tnr ftrnierl y ociTUp led hy .T. II. ( hritie, rorow of Wahhi;tun and Flrat M. , ui Ihid iu a n.Av .tuck of Ibepureit aud be.t of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THIS MAKKET AfFOItDA My tock contlsta In'part BOURBON, AND MONOGAHE LA RYE WHISKIES, New England, Medford and Jaaiaicca Hums, HOLLAND GINS, nESSKSY, PINET. CARTILt.KN CO.'S, AND MAltTKLL BiIANUIKS, ItUFFATiO, 1IOCHESTER As CAA AMAIOtl ALUS. Ho e A'unt for the BROTHERHOOD WINES, of Brockton, N. Y, Aim Ajrnnt fo the Celebrated OHKAT WEST KKN BUAND of Alm-rican Champaiie, made hy tile I'lrniant Valley Wine Co., Hteiilien county, New York. cunntuntly uu naud the imourted chain pawnee, JLa Mt Stock of CIGAHS Is rnexellecd In thia reuiuu. I KEbP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, Branch More at tho old itand, No. as Wwhlnxtos st.-oct. CJIVIfl MK A. CALL, At my now stand and ee BILLY PUOH, OWEN OAFFNEV. rfc Peart Dee 11 THE Oil. ITIAKKETft. BY W. U. TEL. LINE frrirK op iFTKOLKRttM CltNTRIt HaU.T RECORD Mroh 29 1873 The market It flrm and active at SZlOrtii I $2,15. Fbiladelpbia, Maicb 29. I CnirlP, E'. Refined Ma arket qniei. Pitlehur,;, Mrcb 29 Cntde spot, 6 . B. O. all year- 12 B. O.d 11 J, ReBned Spot, 22. Market Nominal New York, Mnrcb 19. Crude 10 i Kellnoo:, 19,'. Market Quiet. UUI.OIN IMKU V4IIIK. Nsw riKK, March 29. Gold 116;';;. F C, HEINZ, Pioneer, Pa., Mnniifacliircr ot OIL WEIilL 9 Machinery & Supplies Engines and Boilei-s of every description Repaired at Short Notice. Agent for FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATEJVTF.fi of II T INK'S WA" TER PACKER. HEPATniNOiTullUndadme at Phart no 'lee nnd nil work wurnintij. Orders by mm. or teleirraiih pj;omptlyattetidud to P. C' HEIN2. Plonefr, Pa.. Iec. 2), 1872 If. New Goods. SAVE Y01R W0E ! And bay your. Boots aud.Stcet at Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PRICE B00T& SHOE STORE 2 I keep a vory larzn .fork of nit kinds on hand and Ml aa efae.piwaiiy other hnue in toe OIL KEGiON. Uonueeted wltb my Store la a Custom Department ! And I anaranteo a perfect fit In all my work Re)Mlrlii; neatly doue, Next door to Wolf, Jewelry blore. Petroleum Centre, Pa. deoer tt5" Slelgb Belle, liiuffalo Robes, Wnl RoIips, Lap Kobee, ic, at Marsball & Kicbarda, Main Sired. I1" Whips, at Marsball & Rioharda nn- poalio Recoup Office, Main Street, Patro leumCeatre, Pa. Advertlia In lb Riocao. j McKinley & Gross; Machinists, Blacksmiths!, ANP l',Sbort Farm, Ietrolcum Centre, S'a. Boiler Rppairing a Specially . REFINERY STILLS REPAIRED W wairant all work dona by us be nearly as (tood as new when repaired. Good rraterial furnished and prices reaao' able, Havlnn bad Inns experience In the bual dcm we are ennhled to clve eatlAfartlnn. jokki'h Mckinley, sebaki ian orobs Petroleum Centre. Pa., Jan. a, If. New Goods. Emel Zedwich ("LITTLE JOE.") BOOT AN 0 SHOE .MAKER, Hapjuft rc'uined Irom Buffalo wltb a complete slock ot Fall and Winter Goods. Ma lietn rptntilMird in retioVrm rieler paet three jeare. and haa the name of "faking the Hi at Fit and Finest Moot In the Oil Regions. Ue Is conatar.tly receiving order from other sea titma til' Die Oil Kejlous. lie constantly kei'pa ou hand Heady-made Roots,& Shoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GAITERS. CALL. ANB8F.F Hlirt. Jlllf KM l'.L Z DWICH. Local Alotlces. IMPROVED Seneca Falls G-AS IP TJMP, With Steel Paekins SO Sold I lit Jiiist 60 Days. Ficlui Ive Aginls for the Oil Regions, DAME, SMITH & CO. . p Successor to 'F. W. Ames, TITHSVII IiE. PA. Wood Work FOR CARRIAGE BUILDERS. 2D GROWTH SPOKES, HUBS CENT FELLOES, SHAFTS, SAWED FELLOES, POLES, NECK YOKES, WHIFFLETRBES, HUB BANDS, AXELS, SPRINGS, FIFTn WIIEELF, MALLKABLES. And the Dcst Carriage Unit in Maikt DAME, SMITH Ac Co., Successors In F. W. Ames. NOTICE. Mr. Jnrcea 8. McCray baTine removed to Franklin, parties baring com. muoication witb him on business or other wise, are requested bereafter to address tbei letters to tbal point. -It. Catarrh, Conmtmpiion, an i j iiviiiiiatiRiii. Immcdlnte relief and a permanent cure pnnrfin teed In ev::rv r:iHi. I'lirllciilerii pent flee. Addn'a CLINTON MEDICAL 1NH1ITUTE, 147 East let Htreet, New York. Philadelphia milkmen sold thlr milk h lbs raod, Tuffdaj. oiltr Mlakrs,