m t mm a r. nPTiON.!S,M HOLLIDAX GOODS , ; Just roeivd tt NKW ADVERTISKHKSTS (K.lnSll.hwl A ,,., Cr)vuLt5i & oniKfini, Maiiar.:tiir..T of J j'lJ i.ton ! . .tD.vrc.it. Midi. a n. niir- i;lnhm.f lu. '" '!' ,Vb','V l,HMriy " r . r-mr-i DEALEB IXT In hh.M'IM "-'"y w'' c "w 11 ". .. t ItKMfX.TON.it Mi.illiil vl:lp, VrtnK'll (.", H' V.'. ;uu 'll rucijivu by tuluru uiuil uW ujiTill eiwmntnii. i:c-iiec!ui.l iiMpl.nirf' m m Iiimiio .l.yi,r..v..lii.M-.nci,Mril r.Uir. .1 f.i'l ; t.v ,. (in.JAiWiw. wih-lx fin r. i iiiu fUtiuiij ..I. VHUNU '.'u-, 1 CuiiTLaN I) "t a ' 5 4 4 m-"'- IV,;;;: ipntf.r,ri.l ...... I i ntra ikio. r. ..- - h ; ., - ,,.-, idili'uof 'uu,oouj,it ,,rmi,:a in au U""1 t JAMKNVIGK, Koi ii. t r, Nw . iJi SEOOINPRIZES ... . vrpo .1. I WP. Ton P.y. B-irller I ho. ,,r' "i"".,, ."'R lllull.l itiiii'ici i VI t VOU il P'T ll 1 4 p'Mll.llH liv m ,!,.";.' a, for t W. COM l-l'ON-4 TOhumpiubk. w(.r,fchntot;Acrc, V A lrttlo 'nter tlmii M.ariy ii"- , , . f $himt p .m... by mill. r ;yi SHUII1 lie .wnided, ' l'ltr.MH M tJtdliiMewllillimiMwlhii.li'i' ' v uiv in.." "i i.iiiii. , , C i, . ..l...l . f ill', how. W til .... i... .t ...too., pluioiu llln.linl"! i-f'1 1 "I"1, C"" '"J I'"11' Willi li'iiui."' ' ,., ii... ti.ml Ciiln i I II". 2"0 I "EM Willi loli.nd Uhiiiliiu "' .. IVIiiii, wr p ifiUm i P" U. It. I5ii oi.ti, NVw Yi.fk .V.. II nio nil A't'lllH SHI lr WWR " cvsn vvliu will i-nnajH with in at iixcb - b vi i y tiling liiniisueu u.i i-.i-i' i'-- UI.'e9 ... ... i .. n:i A I ..,.( lint or nl'l, m'u mm" w..rk for il.. i.i tii-ir ni...i..-,iM or ml ''; ' ' P.irt i:n nr I ll. o. ACUrii:i CI KI'INfl'l AG'l.t I'lirll'lii'l. Mft'.im it- '.'h ll'rilO I "H'liV" wmicu. M Hi r .iil'.l ,,f u..miiix li,-l,',W .ulT'trnl Willi Clunli tnlr'y '" i"1 w'114 ,','r';(J i.f nil mil cll i.ov. 'i. J. Mb.vb, jjM.t l.o, Syiacil', N.Y. ilWW AUW. Vt't ,1I1V lllll- Cl I'.iimi. r.icHiiins.Hcii mir or nlwrt..ill,il'-i unit UH UING'S 11 LB UKMKUV .-.i..... 1. 1. Tir..nkriil fx hi''"! V K latis iw v...... .- . . - . ciirn H' I'll, 4 hoMiibu i-ls-. bul'l oy all Dtuculsti. l'ric". Sl.UU. Q0. P. K0W2I.L & C0'3 AIIERI- pntpitpcr gircttotw Allm-k d1"' puK-". wiiu ..iliii-rs' ami linn ImiiFin" imiiu-n. jina of MUliln'imfiii, i2. Ii.ilil siiliKCrlplioii .iip hihI :iiY.ilutiin .il inl N. wh,iiii in tii Unliud Sluii-s unil Uomiiiioti i.i (tan.ilv i'kicr. i-ivi: doIjI. Arts. by ran'l. A'ldr. pb i'ntil intif m, JS. 41 P.iik II . w. N" Y'.rk. ONLY 10 CENTS KVBET MAN HIS oWK VKWWXi Or, l'AN l'ri-"W H .-hl-UJT A.NP ' U8KTHKM.. A plnln r..t'... (.muinli tt -,;i"ip'" ."" M rnr..i .i-..uiyii''i""i - '' ,!'"? . m 'c liwimeiiui.-Mr wcierlur m.d w,uri..r Iiu.ipii Hie ,"";'"I.l.-.l.-iinilni"'"- r-r 5- "'""l1'"1"!' I,.. . c.v.,.-. il,Tl. ,,( ..1. loin.y 11.1'J.'-' r;' nil pom.olirifttl'liilrtilvlt.lilii. Mniuiiulii-lnn ynliiiib.B umn.cnif.uiu yv:. !"'v!l.7vai.1i"J 1mm U. "'' ''"'ullr'l '" ,,.!.,( .'.,.,1.1 l,.ll .. - r.l It.- N I ;.Ti-ii"i",; '"..(. mil nut H,.,,fii iii. -li '-"''IJ ,""-,1'm 1 ' .ulij.ri o: i.mn.ln.1 n I -' iill. ., r..i) Uiw .x:- -a wn.il ioim roii m ''in. iii'.ii"i,' iintiv "h'r-li.. yim iii'iliiW-i; I"' x'0'" vu.il:li.liili'on.l,t " V-. r win m-ii . a uii.il- r thi- liui.lt iliirhia 711 '-li.i-lo i Adv. I -r -In mil I B n fniiM.i" i".l'v".r niwii". tnliii f.'l c rlnln Ml il.nl--r 10 Lull d il.cl ,.ll w.ll l,v.': -Kiiink l.r II.-. n . . , ,.. ..',' T,,i Vuiturotiiliiti. i,iir..vi. Hi..! l .lwi.lll.il!' ii iiiirni lil.l.'-i- nl ul"" 111 l'l'""' K,Vnl":Tu..V .l-n.liu-itrr iml.;l. Hrr,-;.. ' i-(imiiu-ii.l'l. . u.l u" v. . li t r lh.lt v u- nnd Ho ,Lf. iHiiciflnl Hi" -Miwrwu.i" iiund .,r Mini" irtid, I'lill. Lu 'K -r. ' ONLY 10 CENTS TlSK the HulsllH!"1-14'"" J" i"l Xill'imfl " Vatm 14ml VhmIws .iirliiR tit lirenk, lioiu'lllns nf iih; uhcnp, dni-ii- r!nd l... Mrclrelll.1-- Victor Ml ",,,0l. on ioc.il.l..f Ml ''l l II " 1 (1 !.. il... (..nil' Auoiit. wini" il Andre. Ki.r-iiMi Vt hVhU LOCg 1-0 , No. .IW M..r...t Bt.. Umrm- liiii.', ii V , Formerly wilt. -JFV i. It. T. llBLMBOUJ. SStiS Isi-lSt.), PstrcleTim desire, . 1 Koc-im on linnd a f" l!ne.f Equso PurEiishing' -oods, Esstaik Fat Wi Wi m Gas Rps 2Bi R New IJedford Bolt Kopo Cables and Sand Fump Lines, KTJ3BF.B IIKLTIN-O, OBKIKO BARRELS, TUBING AND packio. VA,vVu.vKcnr3. clajips l2V liUSli, . - - - , Lanterns. Lasit?r IoJ).-s, 'ari;ii;tn"s Tcft.?, Extra Whit erTSt rained T a; l Oil, jt..i t', i...... . ti'.. T nl,i :...-itKi- Oil. ..juuiiaumviu. o . ,,..(..! ,VA . 1NO. 1 HL-UliCt-l V-lll, . . ti Unvelty nnd lliirukit Colin- r iikith, the Lent In iwe, With a full lino o! Tul,i.:..i,l i'oik-t C-I. ry. .ml S.lvw WntU poonii MrVotki, STOYEa STOYES ! I am now prepared to sell any Newspaper, MaiHMierv, t!iauk fSook, Or Contectionery Line! At Greatly Reduced RATES, r Preparatory to laying in an ea tireiy NEW STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS Kitchen iivstiSJ So.ii'iii .u',,n.' nud nnh.lil"i;'lll"ll". !".,lJ m,iviii.; iniiit, M i v""vli;i; , ; Immiiiri.r lo.nv o-liur nrlk-lu miiui . .mi "' .T.1, i - will i wl it. tllli-r I" M'H or rli't ni" " Eiuv to i..iid V''rf.cy " i'lill All Kn--r. h-.1 it! l.V KAS'l MAN A llliOOliK 4t N. llm" jiiiii.i..iiir.ii Snwina Machine Itlin MI.S r IS TIIK AVOt: I.I ........ u-.ii.fu.i- P...1..1 i"r . -iKI.MKHTIl' Hi.iiilt.'r wiuiir ,i....irr. tlKVIlSI) MAi'lllNK '". Ho f.i".' iilil. M'lir-.-...lill. No bu in '"J"1""- No "... or pr.. m " ;t " - -... M, ttr .- A TS.TVtTlY'iS FtUID EXTRACT BUCHU, IsthoonlyKnowQ Bcmody tor HrlBhti Di tU ,iil inn cured, evory cue of DlabetM m whiaR it hiu. been Riv, ln-ilHtion of the HB of the Hlwl.lor and iiillunnBiitionotthe llilneyi, Ulueriitii.nottlio Kidiiojs and Bladder, tlonof Urini., Di:asi;.i of the 1'imitBte Gland, Htono in the liladder, Gravel, Brick Bust Deposit, and U ucom or Milky Diwihargo., and tor JJn laoblB.l anil ilalicate Ooruitilutioue of both Bexva, iitUmaud with the following .yniptom.: Low ot lowr, Uim ot Mumnry, DiilimUty of Breath ing, Weilc Kervoih WiikefnlneiMi, Pain in tbo JlMlK, I" lUBlllIIKOl"1" ' l'allid C-miiiteiiali.-, Larauude of tbo ByBtora, eto. Used by percoiie in the deeline or clmnKO of life) after ioiilluimiunt o labor pauui, bod-wut- UBS m ouiiunu, ...,..,. h. nv,. In many mrvctioni pwrau.ir n tnut llueliu i unequaled by any oth.r remedy A in tloroeis or Keteution, Im-.uUrlty, Pain rolueMorBupi.reeionolCu.toniaiyl;.vaei:attpiii, Ultoratedor Hchirru.etateof the Vlterue, Leu cotrliosaor Whltoa, Btorllity, and for al I oom DlalnU inoiitent to the aex. It ta prtaonbcd ,ua.uw . Mn.nan Pl.VB.RIMtl. Anil ZSl diUcaV euuMUtu. tions ofboth exo and all ages. KEAKNKY'S EXTBACT BUCITO, "Vima VlJuomt Arising Jrom tmpnmcnct, 11iM( of DlstipiUion, Etc., lu all their .tattM, at little caiieiiM, in tie or no chantfe to diet, no ln eonvoniani-e, und i o exposure. It uaueve a tro-otu-iit di-iire, and elvee etrength to Urinato, thtroby removintf Olntruetiona, 1'rovontinir and t'uvinir Stiieturai of tbo Urethra, Allaying Piun nniUnilammatlon, ao frequent in this ulnae ul Ul- euaea, and expulliug all Poiaonoua matter, IiEAUNE'S EXTUACT M:CHir, . L...I rn...K .VI allvMr.t oany edilri eii,Beouiolromobcrviitioii. Bold by iruuifiiiiiii.Ti.rywln.ro. l'rorarcil by Kl! AKNKY & CO., lu-t Dnano St., N. Y. to whom all lettera lor information ahouid be mkirww.'d. i Avoid Quacks and Imposters. Mo Cbaruo lor Advice and Oon.ultetion. fir. J. ft. Dimll, Oraduete of Jtftrwn MeMeal CnUtn; Pblladi lphia, author ot eoverul valuable ork, win be tonsiutvil on nil diwiwee of the filial or V rinnry Oiv-an, (wliich ho baa made an cutieoial etiidy) either in undo or female, no matter from what oniise orininatuiK or ol bow lonir taniif. A nrai-tloo of 80 yuuro enabloe hint toUeatdiauase v,ith euccens. Cuws gunr mitced. Oharttoe rcaoiiablo. Thoae at ad la tanoe can forward letter deeoribinn eymptoma and endMing etarap to iir..ny P'aKe. Mend for the (luiiU la llmlth. Prl.-e 10 ccntj. J. It. DYOTT, M .!., I'liyxii-inn and Buijioollj 101 linaneBi , Now Vork. WETHBBBY.1IB8 & RICHAU UAMKlUlUllKltS Pl In connection with the New room there is a first-clas Circulating COMPBISING Till? LATEST PTOJ. HOUlkS Vt I tin Dal. intiv Ml. lit it uvu " a S.,.eialtiH:-Wii'ii1w.i-ih 1'l.inlni!, Tongue " IU rm.vli.il Machine'. Wclie.d e.Hi'e l't-nt linpiov"l Tonuu MiOlilot'i, itc. i, n. iTiuimv. i. ' "iw 8 , (llll.lN' TlinASUUir oiiiaia at Hie l'.i HXw St Booiu. tiouitbliitf fuliwlj 't'o A.lvi'rimi-ra. All piTwina who eontein p'mo inukiii' ti.niiM. iH Willi M'i.:i,ei- fur ll.e ui-ertiuu uf Ailvuriievtikut. .Uould .end io Geo. ?. Rowell & Co-, fur a nmiWr, or nnchwi-21 .vntu f i their t' it cost i 'f ttilviTiNlnir, iiIho mtiiiv UfH'ul hints to iiiivt'iUjU'M, ud Miinw uoi-mint ol' iho .':(iiriotit'c men wmi rn i huhu nn- liMtUM. 'J'hlHiirni in;! piotulctorB of thu Amtn unit JtnY!pmu)r Atlvflllrlii;; Agfiicy, 41 PARK ROW, N, Y My ifck of COOK AND KKATIMG STOVKrf cannot i-o excelled In the oil region. At i Ol'Uttlll O.Kiril MIL lll'H II'IVIIKL-" T ll.u.i...'.. - - ni.. .I.,.,,!,,,, uncllilnir I.. Ih.. U-..V ni l. Cook Of llHalinU atove will do wi ll to call nud cXKiiiiiia uiv .lock, ot whicli the lollowmu la pui-ilal iil ; America' Cook "Wtta roiioTToir anil warming clupd, a Hist plaat Stove for fcatd ooal or wood. ant. for hanl coal. ii ni':i.li:i: ami Jiii'-IAT OIF. lil'RK-C.iok. a ohHap MrH class Stove wlin or without i. .voir uud wiumiiitf cli.nei, for Laid or poll Coal, l-'iirn H'll (look, a cin-np lirwi class Siove, fur limit or a .ft coal. li'Otl 4.tlt Uiiok, a liilo nt-avy ami iiiirii'.-i ri.'v. ii.r win rua. Wlll-al SSitial '-'link, for hmi'l or tut'i coal, is CMlebrali'.j loc Us qualities a a good .T.... Dll'l I l.ll,,nrnn i. CiipptT Cock, lor hanl or soil i-oul. a fmnll hut exwlloot PtOTe and very Cheap. .Uilil'.OStHll Cook, a woo.l fcjtiivu Willi elevated ovmi. MV LINK OF l'AKLOB UKATliM cannot he excelled: vliiSlC lioixiit of t87'2 Thi is a lieantifnl .eft feeder .. w'lTi h.W ri'iMiiiiiiiii. tirnli end nalent clinker urate. .... .. i. ... .in. TIlO Kartiailt HU0 A U.'W sell leeder I'arlo.- Heater Willi rani gruie unu iiniui iinaui'l nnse g Kt'l-p Sil'' Hili-tnr S-lf feeder Parlor Heater with dlmkiug lire patent and U..M.'..,'A U flirr, V. ..... siHiirJS I'iirlur lluulfr S-.m.-th t-i jr new, n very beautiful and powerful heater Cosoy IjiSllI A nent ami ei.eap liniie liiiMier . 140110 JIUill u in cyiiuiier D'ove wun mill graie,. llOHSt! A ehfi-t iion cylinder st.iv-, very cheap. .I.IV--' .'Il'lll eei, let-iii-r nuu .(.11... r,r"i Itliirk !vstM- pallor rnoK a'ovo with oven, or coal, r-'umo A ctieup ilinini! room yiovr. tJem A cheap bed room Stove. I't'aivl A clieup cylinder Move, lor nam or s.ni coal, Vl:ail1 A lar(" heullnir Mlove. (;isi itl Ada' t' il fur derricks and bolela. HALAMANbEU A derrick etove. GhOllli I1KATEB for atoree and oIllceBi Confectionery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. CX0AB The IHvii.& Vlsio Iiirli I uiitu' iStnvM AND TOBACCOS ! j CIGARS and TOBACW My Stock ia- Unexcelled. MANUFACTURER OK T.M, SHEET ?M AT.D COPPER WARE .MUKIS STACKS MADE TO OKUEli. Ilnki. In ni-ili-r (iAI,VM'!.'.ll ItlOV A1V1 which are considered ibo cUeupest and ralest putup bow in use, with common or patent vulva. Impairing. ol" all kinds dune with neatness and dispatch. GILBERT GORDON. I hope by strictjattention the wants of the rublietom'1 it a share of their patronage,5 would invite myjfriends to p 1 me a call. CMA8. C, WICrtf- llrW, V