The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 24, 1873, Image 2

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Merchant Tailors
Gents' Fsrateliin!: Hoots,
Bave of la iMmaetronrstaaf
Pitt aOmi aitbtOll RK.
A la UMtfaad Hobblul Styles.
Cents Furnishing Goods, Ac.
Petroleum Centre-Daily Record.
Fat. Centre, Fa-, Monday Klarcuat
niTlna ftervtee.
Ksrviees every Sabbath at 11 A. U. and
i P. M. Sabbath School at 12 P. M.
' eats free. A cordial Invitation exleud
4 to alt.
Kir. G. Moorb, Pailor.
Preaching at II "'clock A. M.. and 7
'slnok V. M.. by the Pastor, W, 0. Buitcii
At. ISabbaiu Sohool al VI , directly
after loreennn servioe.
Prayer Meeting and Kaliboth School
Teesber's Uuttlinif Tuesday evenings ot
Nik wwk.
rtrlnnm Centre Iiodce, JVo.
Tl, I.O. of O.K.
Regular meeting nights Friday, at 7
'tlock. Signed'..
I. H Kooier, A Sec';.
p0"TWce of meeting, Mala St., apposite
MeClinlock liouee.
A. U. of U. V.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
meets every Moaday evening at 7J o'clock,
la Odd Fsllow's llall, Petroleum Centra,
A. Glknx, It. W.
It. T. Connor, R.
I. O. of It. Ma
. Minoekaunee Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M
f Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
evening io Good 'fetnplar's Hall.
tar Council Urea lighted at 7 o'clock.
II. HOWE, Saoberu.
C. It JUKES, Cblel ol Records.
Gold at 1 p. to. 115
Wt Incline to Up opinion that tbe 'par
rowi rather like Hatch weather. Tbe;
seem never aa. lively aa on one of those
Marsh mornings when the eartb i just
wbiteoed and tbe anow flakeaaro thick In
tbe air. Tbey eklrp all their extra breath
away and flutter arouod either in delight
at tbo uutlaiely Horn) or tbe breakfast a
thoughtful baud scatters or them. But tbe
robin takes it In entirely different manner.
He aits upoo a limb ruffled in leather and
in temper. lie bas no notes to dlacouot
upon tbe break air, arid 'beautiful (now"
bas no poetry (or bim. As be aita sullen,
and ill el a heap, be is a representative of
tboss who migrate every winter to wormy
er clluie, and who, invariably, come North
la tbe spring loo soon fer their comfort.
One would suppose the robins who bave all
tfcelr kaowledgde Iron Instinct would ac
quire wisdom and stay South until spring
bad really opened. Ilnmaoa are-not ex
peoted to learn wisdom by txper If nee; tbey
never bave done so aod never will do so,
and tbe consequence is tbey every autumn
declare tbey will stay South tn tbe spring
until auow (lurries are over, and yet every
tpriog rush away tram tbe blossoms of tbe
South to meet tbe most trying portion of
thejyear at tbe North. .We should pity
that disconsolate robin red breast on that
outwrisss twig, were It not that be bas a
kuod pair ot wings that could b ar bim to
balmy alia il a lew bouts, bus, as yet lor
the season, no uomestio uonue lying bim
down to any peculiar locality, no 'bouse to
luok after, being, bis own architect aid
miller, aud as tbey say to advertisements
uo Iciciirotiieuce.
Tbe Oil Cronk Railroad is doing goo1
Tbe chief officer of tbe Brotherhood ol
Locomotive Engineers condemns tbe strike
In Missouri aa wholl unjiiUflable, sod
aaya the Missouri Division will undoubted'
ly be cut off from the body wbeo tbe nex
general convention meets. Whatever may
bs tbe opinions and act loo of the Brother
hood on the point, there can be no dl tier
sice of opinion amonir tbe public. Jibe
strike was wbollv nDlustificiule, and tbe
action of tbe strikers outrageous ia the ex
treme. Tbo men who capslzsd locomot Ives,
ditched traioa, stopped travel and traffic,
and endangered lives merely because tbey
objected to a particclar man being e.n;,lo y
ed to run an engine bave no proper place
outside a penitentiary wall, and we hop I
loodiy onmberof them will soon be clad In
striped garmeute and set to labor la a pria
oo work shot), as a lesson to all who at
tompt to regulate tbe regulations of em
ployera and employed, and of employees
towatd each other, by vloleoce, destruction
of property, and possible inurdor. The
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers aa a
body, Iftbey .would preserve their good
name and establish their influence for good,
should labor unremittingly for the deteo
tion and punishment of the menwbo bave
brought disgraoa on their organization, or,
at least, not put a straw la tbe way of tbe
authorities engaged lu tkework of detection
and punishment.
Tbe Petroleum Centre, Record says that
several citizens of that place (contemplates
removing to Butler or some other lower riv
er oil i town lu the Spring. Send lu gocd
business meo, Wicker, II you plesse. Your
roughs bave beon here for some time, you
know. East Brady Iudrpendent.
4,1'be Independent is mistaken in regaid to
tbe rough portion of community. Tbey tar
rled at some point below, probably Parkers
or Peirolia. We notice for a fact that sev
eral of our people bave lelt this place for
tbe down river country and by some means
or o ber hsvejbecame demoralized. It must
have -been through the bad Influences of
that country the Independent delights to
puff up. We don't blame you old Sam its
"bread aod butter."
Railway elides are somewhat ait,atcd by
the apprehension tbat the Erie is enduvnr
Ing to flank tbe New York Centrul, by ab
sorbing the Lake Sboro Road.
Tbe season io California is wot and late.
In place ot the usually pleasant February
weather, there were cold ruios and s!ia;p
frosts, and tlie grass and whea tllelds here
bave been strotuiy afT-cied thereby. "
'Elsewhere fa pubiiMU a comuiunf'cation
In regard Io tbo vote on "Local Option"
in Cberrytree Township. If what the wri
ter etates is correct, and wo see no rearon
to doubt it from a knowledge r.f tbo writer,
the lempranca men resorted to a very
small trick to carry the election. Tbe
reader can judge lor themselves.
, -
The jury In the Audeisou suicide case
returned a verdict tbat be was insane at
tho lime of committing the act. This seis
at rest tbe idle stories circulated la regard
to Mr. Anderson being a dfj.iultor. We
oevir believed that he wus a defaulter, othl
er papers to tbe contrary notwithstanding.
Tbe chances are that some one will get
feaifully bit la the Butler oil Beld before
euotber season rolls round. We hope they
may as tbe reported big wnlls In that cour
try have ruined temporarily the upCreek
region, and io ono doubts for a moment
but tbat tbo same fate awaits them.
Tbe fearful temperance lectures read by
lbs Oil City Ddrriek d not appear ta bave
bad much effect, judging from the majority
in favor of license.
I hear the woodpecker pecking,
Tbe blasblrd teoderly sing;
I turn to look out of my window,
And io, it is spring!
A breath from tropical borders,
A ripple, flows Into my room,
And washes my faceot its sadupts,
And blows my heart into blaom.
At.thli seteuo of the year many persona
are accustomed to charge their ryBteins with
sulphur for tbe publication of tbe blood.
Parties sometimes arranged for the purpose
of enjoying. brimstone diet, aod it is paid
tbat Inciter matches ars not uolrequcnlly
made at these.
Cerebrospinal meningitis is slaying its
hundreds on the Pacitio coast, and tbe fac
ulty are unable ta oops sjritb it. Diseases
seem to multiply faster than remedies.
A man committed suicide ii Troy, N.
Y., reoently, by plunging bis bead through
aa air hole ia the Ice on tbe cansl,. and
matn-.atnsu mat position until be was
The weather was quite cool this morning
and continued so all day.
A widower in Kedrock township, Marlon
county, Iowa, recently traded Bye children
or o half lot' rest Id s sow mill.
from the
Notb. The managsrof this journal, with
out eodorsing tbe seutlmeatsoi contributors,
desires to offer tbe widest possible latitude
for free discussion. It ia merely stipulated
tbat commuuicationi (ball concern mailers
ol publlo interest, be put in decent language
and accompanied with its names or the
writers, not for publication, but ns guar
antes sf good laitb.
PETnotsnji Cintrc, March 21, 1873
Deab. Editor: I boar Jo-day that tba
Temperance Men resorted to very dioliow
est way to carry Cberrytree.QTby furnishs
ed tbe tlckota and one set was "No I.lcecse,"
and on tbe other "License." Ove: thirty
men, I believe, thirty-six vottd tboseVjur
ious tickets. Ooeofthe leading men in
Cberrytree marked acme thirty ticitals "?or
License," ana '.hs;o wore all tbat tvoro
oonnted. Cocment la needloso as cVo". c
men who would act Cialiones'.ly la oae thing
are dishonest in all.
Fair I'lat.
Mr. Wm, U. West, late Chief Clerk of tbe
Treasury, ,dicd la Waiting oa the 19th
iaetant, acod OS yeara. Mr. West bad been
in tbo Treasury since 1839.
A new trial has beeo granted lu a murder
case In Sacramento, on the ground that a
juryman slept during the addreaa Bcf the
prisoner's counsel.
Proverbs are not always reliable. "A
soul above buttooH" Is said to be the mark
of high merit. But a wile witb "a auni
above buttons" is a thorn to her husband.
A man named Maylord, recently commit
ted suicide at Hyde Purk, Luzerne county
Pa., by throwing himself down a sbatt lour
hundred feet deep. He was horribly mutil
ated. Tbe St. Louis Republican remarks the
curious faot that none of tbe unbii&ed
membsis of Congress bavn bad publio ie
ceptions from their contiiuenie,
Tbe'continued scarcity of tonage, especi
ally lor ibeeuitar. cotton, lumber and grain
trades tbreateus (a materially inierltra with
our export trade tbe coming scion, ruit
there is uo help for It. -
, Tbe Ceotunnial Aun'Versary of the organ
ization of tbe Kaiubow Fire Company of
Heading, P., una' celebrated in that city ou
the 17IU inst.
It oas been made a uii'-sliuii Muelher tbe
abolition ol the franking privilege (will
ply to tbe widow ot president Lincoln, who
received tbo rlyht 'ut Irankiug on her In e
bands death for the rest ot l-tr na ural lif.
There ia auiua ti l . ol ('i i. u cl on by
the relatively lumest Congresmeu on the
subject of that "back pny." We sra glad to
bear it, though it conn a a I ttlo lale in tbe
day, aud is something of the viuni
Tbe commeice of Canada i lapldly in
creaeing. The total impoi'tit- tor iil'2
amounted to 107,7 1), 120, ugainat $,D47
432 for 1671. And lie lots I exports lor
1872 were $82,639, 6C3, against 74,173,01-8
fur 1871.
Texas journals are urging a convention to
remodel tbe Constitution ol tbat State.
Local news tfrdnil at present.
A wagon, ou which was aa anchor weigh
ing 2,436 pounds, and drawn by a heavy
(earn crossed the Connecticut river on the
ice, from Glaslenburg to Hockey Hill, a
few days ago.
A waterspout burst near Bakerslleld, Cal.,
ou tbe 16tb lost., forming a cbafem sixty
feet across and fllteen feet deep. A party
ol men Darrowly escaped death, water
from the falliug column completely drench
ing them.
While two gymnasts were performing on
as elevated trapeee in a circus at Nasbviile
Tenu., recently, the centre pule- broke, and
tbe men were dashed to tbe ground, one
being fatally injured.
Cranberry outturn ie becoming an 'impor
tant' braoch of farming Industries in Wlecoo
Eagles are troubling Ike farmers io parts
of CaJiloruia, by carrying eff (heir lambs
and young pins.
A newaateaiosbip'Damed the Capron bas
just been completed at Brooklyu for the
Japanese Government.
Philosophical bappiueea is to want litt
and enjoy much. Vulgar happiness la to
want much and enjoy little.
Tbe New York Commercial Bulletin Is of
the opinion tbat some Congressmen need
busk bone more than back pay.
Copper or is said to bave been discov
ered ia tbe bills about Cornwall, Lebanon
A railroad baggage iosurauce company
baa Itiu established ia London.
Minnesota ooutaius 144 school houses.
Four preachers In Lancaster lavs worksd
earnestly In favor o Lloanas.
The obituary miller of the l'hi!ad?!p!s!
Ledger around out tie following tender
lines oa tbs death of a youth ( C.'teei
lie struggled bard to get b!i breath; was soon relieved by death;
And now la Heaven he la a'Jrert,
Where little childreo all are bleated.
The sand tones fared so much better than
the lineslooe buildings in tbe great Chicago
Gre tbey are accepted ia preference In tbe
t work of rebuilding Chicago.
I propose to eeli iuy slock of
Jevreirv, Watche?, Ulocks, tan
cy nrlicles, Cigars, Tobaceo,
&c., at cost, as it is my mtent-on
to leave town on or about the
first day of April. All parties
knowing themselves indebted
to uie are requested to call and
settle at once and save costs.
Petroleum Centre, March 24, 1873.
The peach aud cherry orops la Chester
oounty will, it Is said, bevery small tbia
Illinois is considering tbs abolition of
toll bridges.
The Navel Academy, at Annapolis, la Io
be enlarged.
A new Masonlo Temple is to be erected
at Reading, Pa.
Springfield, Mo., baa established her first
cotton factory.
Nilsaon. receives $l,24t) lor every pcrfor
maocs In St. Petersburg.
tSTNow is tbe time to purcbuse a Pocket
Diary cheap. A Hue assortment can be
liurd at the Test Office newsroom.
American theaters are superior to all in
tho world.
PS" Fine SINGLE HARNESS from 525
io&iOO at Miirstiull & Ilicbarrls, opposite
lliu Kttoiti) (lliee.
Adveriie In tbe Rbcord.
We expect all parties indeb
fed to this Hon to settle their
bills before the 1st of May next
and avoid nnpleasantness, ns we
intend to close out wid leave
this town.
Dated, Pelroleum Centre, Pa., March 20th
txxd fC 3
2. ST M
f Sa i N!
V S t -Lj r i
Co t 7. .1. I4)Zm
t"i Street,Doar 3. Ittnut
for yon;
ered at ttn wclij ;or
per Barrel.
Capf. W. i SMITH, PropV
Tap.:. 1. ... .1 !!...
j ,. .""u Hi" m me wma o1 mrna
termers, and will k-n ih. nn..
vaaauuri uiiaa asm. aa
YvSTi:US tn Every Style,
Drou (n and rcs ttia In m t ,n.
vn oiwAtu
The partnership hrainr.,r i.nn. i..
Iween Much M .Toh
Mt. is ibi day dissolved by mutual coospoI
uiiitu m jouiison iiBsurning all ttKseti sua
liabilities of the linn.
hugii m. JoriNsoy,
Dated Petroleum Centre. Martb 8 1873
Hu-rh M. Johns' n will cntitlniie Ihebmi-
ness of mnufnclurln(t machine oil bs serein
for. Orders solicited.
RpAAllil.iranrf All W.ii'm..
pile". lO.OOJ ft 9 In. TC1HNQ. 10. OU ft B and
"?dS Inch CASINO, 6,PU0 ft SMALL l'lI K,
tiui'KKH R01W. (I Im-h, inch 1 and lias WAV'
- -- . .... ..,..-. a. uiiu-iinii i.ricu ui
GA8 and KOTABT POM i'8 for sale or io rent
unwinaa oua builkks of all suns, st
Box 220, Petroleum rtanrre. Pa
oct-wtr. '
SlfMfi irnrtri
to every subscriber to OUH FIltKbTDK FRIENB.
The I.eadiiiar family Weekly of Amer-
HiAt!TIPULI. 1LLUHTRATKD. Kllll n'"11-
Rh1. lntrnrtlA a.l n. n.atlHT.
news and roisoollany, iiiort contlnnwl srorift
kiuiiqi.kt.uiiu practical matter, JUaT HUliw
tbe want and wlslie' of
i. Vk'uv ririT.D.
Whether llv)n In etty or country, ard we si"!
eacli yearly subscriber a copy of our niagniilceiitMl
Patntml It, HIT. nnmrta ta .1 r alYTEK!f
broNKs size, 16xj0 Inches. The snbject
size, asritiisiie and pleading. If CANNOT
TOI,I frnni the onulnnl palntlhe, and li M'7
wuiui iu it bxckkds In lieautv, siie ana
H,Vy flctni-e ever given with- ANY pnblWK
Etve more pliasnri, or be a creator ornament In !.
bniMPhold. It can be had FRUU, and wo PONi
ask sulcribers to vrolfmonttis fur it. but will "f.
It at once, or it ean be hnd of our eeents. !
berspayondillvery or pictuns, 0 WAlTIt'
. .v. u.nj. ruuuy, arm aeuverea py u .
u we bave ,
in yonr neighborhood, WE. WANT CKB
TRini 111- wantonlvflood. Actjj
EMPLOY" tszp!Fzsiv
, away a valuable 011 in''
MENT Imsj,'
elusive larrltory ard the BEST TOC19 to
with. Ou- Agents bavins; Immense aoeeesji 4
makins; from $5 to tit per day.
40 subscriptions in one av. others report l",.
26 pur day. Specimen copioa of paper, roil p
lars.Wernis, etc., cent free to any address- -gj.
Writa once wear TIUMBWH JTMsW