The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 20, 1873, Image 2

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ItawMn te Ifctortaoa, Smith Oe.,j
Merchant Tailors!
tittEtV Farntebinx ttoods,
Beve autta m of Urn noast tmanamitt of
IBm esfena )a tbe Oil Hegten.
Ali Hi 1 teat and HobbLst Styles.
Cents Furnishing Goods, fce.
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
aTat.Caiitra.rtv., Thursday nareb 20
Divine Service.
Iservlees every Sabbath at 11 A. II. and
i P. If. Sabbath School at 12V P. M.
eatefrse. A ourdlal invitation extend
4 la all.
1et. G. Moors, Paitor.
. Freaobing at 11 o'clock A.M., an'd 7
'lock P. M., by lbs Pattor, W. C. lirucii
ill. Sabbatb School at 12'4', directly
after lereaoon service
Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School
Teacher's Meeting Tueeduy evenings ol
Mk Mk.
PatrUnm Centre liodge, JVo.
tio, i. u. of u. F.
malar meeting nights Friday, at
lack. Bicatd.
8. H. kaolin. A Seo'v.
HTPUoa pf meeting, Mala St., opposite
. .. A. O. of U. W.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
eela every Mondnv evmiluv at n
ia Oat) Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Ceatre,
A. Glink, M. W.
U.T. Conkor, R,
I. O. of It. M.
innekaunee Tribe ih;i. t n n m
Of Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
venlng to Good Templar's Hall.
mm vounotl nrei lighted at 7 o'clock,
n T U- U0WE Sachem.
C. L JUKES, Cbiel ol Records.
Cold at 1 p. m. U6
Teiterday our old friend, Mr. Tom. Mc
uooaio., paid us a visit. We are always
pwaseo 10 welcome him, and are glad lo
know be li doing well in tbe Livery biui
BSM. He Informs us that be, lo con doc lion
With Mr. G. Sakio, Is abonl to start two
Daw livery tod exchange stables at Greece
City and Butler. With these going it will
tonka, Ave sables ba will have In active
operation, and fully toxhiblU bis , capacity
m thorough business man. The rumor
has been currant that ba Intended to close
bis stable in tb Is place, but it appears
ueb Is not the oase, on the contrary he
will soon make several new Improvements
In the tuble at tbla point. It continue to
ba under charge of Mr. Charlie Wllsoo,
than whom no better boraa mai can be
fonod lo tba oil country, or more attentive
aurtaam basinets man anywhere. Good
luck to you, Tom.
How every robin redbreast takes himself a
mala. i
Bay tba birds, sing the is wrong to
wait -
Till the lilj fooled spring glides out at
, summer's gate.
Tha quality and the price of gas In Bot
ton and other elites, of Massachusetts is a
aubject Ol Interest In the Legislature ol that
Slate. It might be made ooa in ours.
Tba Boston religious papers are boiriSed
to know that a colored man, a barber, was
delected in tba Boston Public Library, last
Sunday, reading Blackstooe's cooimeatar
las I Ha confessed be Intended lo be a law
yer This is doubtless a bad esse.
Tba belra of Robinson Cruso hare begun
suit to recover possession of tba Island 0
We want every mother and every moth
er's son and daughter who reads this paper,
to read the following carefully, and if you
bear of a man that Oils the bill, don't say a
word about it to'any one:
God give us men! a time like this demands
Strong minds, great hearts, true laitn and
ready bands;
Men whom the lust of office does not kill;
Men whom (be spoils ol office cannot buy;
Men who possess an opinion and a will;
Men who have honor; tnen who will not lie,
Hen who can stand b-fora a demagogue.
Aud damn bis treacherous flatteries without
Tall mon, sun crowned, who livj above th e
In public duty, and In private tbioking;
For, while ibtfrabble with Ibeir thumb worn
Their large professions acd their tittle
Miogle iu selfish strife, lo! Freedom weeps,
Wrong rules Ibe land, and waiting Justice
A man named George Martin, while at
work at the laabella.wells, McCra y farm,
yesterday altornooo, met with quite a ae
oident, which came near resulting fatally.
It appears ba was assistiug Mr. linker, ibe
engineer at the well, In making gas con
neotlons. Mr. Martin bad inserted a stick
iu Ibe end of the pipe and was holding It
up while Mr. Baker was unscrewing it with
Ibe g3s tongs, when the stick slipped out
and the heavy pipe came down striking him
squarely in the forehead, knocking him
down and inflicting a sevore wound. The
blow rendered him Insensible for some time.
He was taken iato the engine house sod an
application uf cold water revived bim. Hud
thopipe came down a littlo heavier un
doubtedly he would have been killed.
Tomorrow ta the day set.fur the balance
of tlin couutiee, cities, lowbehips aj'i pre
cinuia uf me Commonwealth, to vote on the
uuestioii of local option. Several of the
townships of this county vote tomorrow.
The vmo taken romorrow will probably
decide tho license question.
Elsewhere will be found tbe local noini
PaHotis for Cberrylree lownsbip. Our old
liiend, Ed. McFadden, is renominated for
tue erzice or Constable and Assessor, lie
lias held that office for a long time and has
given perfect satisfaction the tax payers.
It begins to look as if '-Wild Bill was
(ally dead. Tho latest report Is that tbe
Texan who corralled the untamed William
did so because be loai a brother by Bill's
quicknexs on tbe tilgger. When the Tex
an shot Wild Bill,;he asked Ibe crowd iu
tbe bar room if auy gentleman bad a desire
lo "mix ln;"if so, be woald wait uolil he
was "heeled," and take groat pleasure in
killing him. No gemlemau expressing a
desire to be killed, tbe Texau got on bis
horse, and, remerklog that bo had business
In Texas, slowly started for the Lone Star
New Castle has a man who cau fall over
a their seven Hums, in three minutes, and
swear in five languages, . while bunting for
matches lo light Ibe lamp lo enable Lim to
sue where bis wlfo keeps tbe pepe rtnint for
tbe baby when it baa tbe colic.
The citizens of Sharon have subscribed
over one hundred and Ulty dollars toward
me monument proposed to be erected to the
memory of Horace Greeley.
A son of John 0. Martin, of Parker town.
ship, Buller county, was kicked by a horse
a few days since, and so severely Injured
that be died in a few minutes.
Tha Trout Ituu well, near Oinrlon, has
been drilled deeper, a good rock found, and
Is now pumping a smell quantity ol oil. '
A very heavy gas vela was struck in M..
jor Welter's well on the Mebrten farm, t
7p feet, wbicb has interfered greatly with
An afidotioaate and sensitive son of six
years io Detroit recently went lo tbe police
uwee who Ula troubles. He stated that his
widowed mother was about to be married,
and. as be didn't want a stepfather, be did
want Ibe alfair arrested according to law. .
'Dear" me. By recent act of the Leeis
latnre, tba legal rate or Interest on money
in Dakota Tetrlory baa been reduced from
24 to 18 per cent, per annum.
A new volcauo, with more than twenty
vent boles, baa been discovered in Lower
t9Now is tbe time lo purchase a Pocket
Diary cheap. A fine assortment aan be
found at tha Post Office newsroom.
Tbe new Auiuricau steamship Pennsyl
vans, launched ou tha 15th of August last,
is almost ready lor sea. She Is pronounced
ooe of the, finest ocean steamships afluat,;biit
uer qualities are yet to be tested.
At this soeuiiugly premalurei.period pre
parations are being made at Saratoga and
Long Branch fjr Ibe eusulng seasoo.
It Is as surprising as gratifying to discov
er Ibst tba tedious trial of tbe Alabama
claims case lo Geneva, for which tba ablest
oonassl is the Und engaged was acomplish
ad for the reasonable charge of 162,900.
We expect all parties indeb
ted to thu firm to settle their
bills before the 1st of May'next
and avoid nnpleasantness, as we
iutend to close out and leave
this town.
Dated, Petroleum Cenlie, Pi., Msich 20tb
A Billle AmongWhslti
A gentleman from Fernandina informs us
that a bloody encounter occured off between
a lot of whales from Qfty to sixty feet in
length and a smaller species of tbe same
animal known as tbe black fish. The Intter
for a time sustained the unequal conllict,
but the superior .size and power of: their
adversaries drove tbem to lake refuge in
the shallow water of tbe harbor where the
whales were uoabla to follow. Many ol
Ibe black fish, in their headlong flight, ran
on tbe shoals and tbe receding tide left
tbem stranded high and dry. Twenty-six
black fish, one of them twentythree feet In
length, were placed bors du combat. Tbe
tlsherman turned out ond secured a quanti
ty or blubber. Jacksonville(Florida)Dem
ocrat. Owing to the high pric eul coals In Eng
land tbe Directors of tbe railroad compa
nies have stopped all fires iu the waiting
aud other rooms of stations and depots.
The Sunday library wave is throwing tip
a deal )t sand at Boston, these days. Ev
erybody discussing the matter. Tbe
symptoms bonerer, are favorable.
A French commission has recently made
a report, reviewing all tbe methods em
ployed iu the manufacture of abslnlbe, and
tbe great loss ol life entailed by its use in
France. They recommend that this article
be included In tbe list of poisons, and that
its sale be iuterdlated.
Notwithstanding' tbe Immense crop of
wheat raised in California, the splendid
fruit crops, tbe amount of wine mtnufac
tured, and the amount of gold mixed, the
cry is that California is experiencing very
bard tiiu 'ft.
Tbe rumors of a consolidation of all the
minor telegraph companies Into on, ot
sufficient magnitude to pretend lo rivaliy
with tbe Western Union, thicken agair.
and there can be little doubt Diet tuch a
plan is being carried out.
Governor Dix has concluded that neor.U
vahn twnt n .1 k..ln ...
t,"" n ui4 mi win uiuiT pr np,e wun
car books, belong In lee simple lo tbe banp-1
man, even If they have enioveil the .,!-
vantages of religions education in the Suue
doy school of Kev. Dr. Tyng.
In Maine, excellent oysters are manufac
tured out of Hour paste, laploca, s&lt and
water. Maine might also manufacture bet
ter statesmen if she would only use less
paste and more salt.
A good many of tbe minority wbo voted
against tbe salary grab seem lo consider
that Ibey have thus discharged their obll
gatious lo virtue, and tbat they may now
pocket the money along with tbe Butlerlina
Let them remember that the receiver Is as
bad as Ibe thief.
Tbe first care of redemption of property
sold for non-payment in "tbe insurrection
ry districts" was tbat ot William Sinclair,
of Baltimore, on Friday of last week. His
wss Ibe Qulncy property in Florida.
A qnicksilver sbower is reported at San
Ignacea Mexlo, This is something new in
the way of ignaceous or other meteoric phe
nomena. Plants were eilvercoattd with
tbe beautiful metal, and many drops securr
ed by the curious and scientific lor analysts
and Investigation.
Tbe foreign importations for the past
week, Incluciug dry goods, amounted to $3,
974,593; exports (exclusive of specie), $5,
396,814. Imports from 1st of January to
date, $98,440,214, against 8l,Sil,07, last
year, Exports from 1st of January to date
(exclusive or specie), $46,698,289; against
$41,871,329 last year.
QATldiute gentleman ;wbottS showing
be qualities ot his horse to a friend is now
testimating tke distance be would have been
Kicaeu una not a board teuce stoppe l bis
The Cooimou Council of St- Paul, Minn
esota, recently authorized one of its com
mittees to borrow fourteen thousand dollars
without interest. Tbe money baa not been
procured, yet.
Southwesisrn Yirginia la shipping north
a Ihousrod barrels of eggs daily. Southern
pu lists hare grown lodustrleui slow tbewa
Letters from the People.
Notb. The managerof this journal, with
out endorsing tbe sentiments ot contrtbutots,
desires to offer tbe wident possible latitude
for free discussion. It is merely stipulated
tbat communications shall conoern matiers
oi pnblio interest, be put in decent language
and accompanied with the names of tha
writers, not for publication, but as a gaar
sntee of good faith.
Mr. EniTon: Allow me, through the
medium of your columns, to pronounce the
story published In yesterday's paper in
which my name is brought tn connection
with a certain wedding, to be a fabrication
manufactured from whole cloth.
"A little nonsense now and then,
Is relished by tbe best of men."
I enjny a joke full as well as anyone,
but il strikes mo that when Mr. Suowden
and .Mr. Shone praic about
' Honor and fame
From oo condition rise,
Aot well your psit
There all the honor lies,"
Tbey are acting an exceedingly shabby
part, and wherein NO honor lies, and from
which no conditions rise, end in wbicb no
honor and fame will accrue lo them "wbicb
tbe samel will ever maintain."
"This life is but a game of caids,
Which motto Is have to learn;
Each shuffles, cuts, and deals tbe pack,
And each a trump doth turn,"
To which I "copper the ace"
"Some bring a high card to the top,
And others bring a low,
Some bold a band quite flush with frumps
While others none can show."
Allow me to state, Drfar Tom, tbat your
haod Is bad, no matter bow "flush with
trumps" you may think it is.
As Shakspeare truly says, so it is with
these Lilliputians:
"The tbrug, tbe bum, or ba; those petty
That calumny doth use,"
Have no effect whatever on me, so keep up
your Utile game, boys. Do so same more.
As these gentlemen btve quoted some
very excellent poetry for my benefit, allow
me to return tbe compliment:
"May life's unblessed cup for them
Be drugged with tieotberles lo tbe brim;
With hopes tbat but allure to fly,
Wiib joys that vanish while tbe sip
Like dead sea finite that chnrui the eye ,
it u t turn to ashes on tbe lip;
Their coiintiy's curse, I tie r family's sbamo,
OiUcisU r virtue, peace and fame.
"May they at last, with lips of flame,
On the parched desert thirsting die;
While lukcs thai shone in mockery nih
And fadiug oil', untuiictied, untaxed
Lilt the iiiicx glorimn hopes thoy blasted.
And when from eaitti their spirit dies,
Jihi l'i'nph.., Int the ilt omcd due dwell
Full in s'ght ot Paradise,
DehoiiHug BHaveii and feeling hell,"
I propuso hereafter lo blowjmy own horn,
as these t.ry excellent men bave bluwed
th'lr hums undoubtedly l their satisfac
tion, s "ekliig theieby lo do me an injury,
but which baa tailed I au bappy to inform
tbem. This is my own and let them re
member the cxcellout advise: Let every
man and woman blow bis own born; for
whosoever bloweth not bis own born his
horn shall not be blowo; but whosoever
bloweih bis own born bis born blowo
with a muchness.
J. R.
i Judge ol Elections
Assistant Assessors
School Diiectors
Rosd Commissioners
(2 yeats)
Township Tressurer
Town Clerk
Township Auditor
Jasper alcorn
ltoud Master
"Why do all true Bustonian, gravitate na
urally toward unitariaaism?" asked one
clergyman of another, lately, by way of sol
emn ennnundrum- "Why" was tbe answer
"because having been born in Boston tbey
cannot concieve i necessary lobe born a
Ik "
To Increase
Your business,
Advertise In tba
rMMVMf iirai Rim
f vr. a. mzm
4th Street, tear F K. trail
for your BfiXZINE, de.
ered at the wclU fur
per Barrel.
Petroleum Contra, Feb. Mb If,
Capl. w. Ia, SMITH, PropJr
Particular atlmilim nM tm h
tomsrs, and will keep tbe flnMt stock
OYSTERS in Every Style.
rirnm tn anil MA t -
iuv iu ui new BlDHUi
The narlnnrahtn htr.fnrm .-Lit u.
tween Hugh M. Johnson and Cbas, H Bin
r-n. is i (i is oay dissolved by mutus! count
Hudl M. .Fflllhann DBsinnina ll .Mai. .n4
liabilities of the linn.
chas. ii. baruett,
Diiled Petroleum Ceutre. Marvb S 1STJ U 1nlina.. will t..- iL- k...l.
-... v..., i.e.., nui tnililluilB HIS Him
"ens of mHnufaciuiinE machine oil at bum
f,... ,--.! i:. . .
inn. uiuns Bunoaiea.
wsriiu-naiiu uil HCII amp-
pllf. lO.OUf ft 2 In. TUBING, 10, 00 ft 5 KM H
unci 3 Inch CASINO, ft.tUU ft KM ALL PIHR MM
INU riVK, FITTINGS atonehalf pric of "
GAS and ROTARY PCM MB for salo or to wat.
.v -'i'c men, . men 7 ana oibwi ni"'
xknuinxio iu,a nun. sits or all sites, t
Box 220, Petroleum Cent. P
oct-44tr. '
$10.00 worth
to every nubcrllicr to OUR FIRESIDE FRtKSIt
I he Leading: rumll v Weekly of Ai
lin. I.AKGE S1ZK KtiJHT PAGES. Orimul
able, iu.tracllve and iuterestln" radian matWi
nuws and miscellany, abort cnrtiiiuw
akotcheaand practical matter, JUST SCIIKH1
the wants and within or
Whether living in city or country, aid we H1"?
eac'b yearly subscriber a copy of our magaUctoiai
SSiSS1." 0IL I,OIt8, K time, from BirrBJ
8TONJSS-.i!!o, KixSO inchjs. The subject !''
size, exoniaite and u CANNOT M
TOLD fwm the original painting, aud !
worth 11(1. It EXlJISKDS in beauty, slse ana "'
lie any picture ever eiven with ANY puhlifW
give more nit n.ure or be a creater ornament '"Si
household. It can tie had FREE, and we DOS'
ask .ubscrlbers to wait months for It, bnt wj
it at once, or it can be had of our sprai. WIS
heraiay on delivery or picturi s, So WAIT'""
IMciurea now ready, and delivered by us M0""
In voor nftipliiinrhrtfj wniarAVr t)fft
EMPLOY-,2 ?5
. away i valuable .oaia'irjj
I furniahtta BEST FAtn
a. s a agency in Awei t
sluslve territory and the B8T TOOW
with. On- Agents having immense Xvl
making from $Sto fit per day. 0nrBt(H
40 eub.crlMions in one day. others report irw ,
5i per day. Specimen copies of paper-j f
lam. term., atft . amit frM lo anV addre...
mriie av ewse to ewj. STiaiaww - r