The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 19, 1873, Image 2

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MCMn M Uttmmi. 4t f J
Merchant Tailors!
fonts' Fiirnlshinjc Woods,
Ban put of lb IpmI MwrtMM of
lath Oil Hagtaa.
' Ak the katastaad Nobbiest tjl
Cents Furnishing Goods, &c.
Pctrotaum Centre Daily Record.
Fea.Cectre.PaM WedncsdarnarcblU
Irtvtna aervlee.
Crvlovry Sabbath at 11 A. SI. and
,X P. M. Sabbath School at 12i V. M.
eafefra. A ordial invitation extend
a -to all.
Kit. G. Moon, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7
'clock P. 11., by tb Pastor, W. C. Birch
.;.. Cabbala Sobool at 12, directly
after tcre..con service.
I'reytr Meeting and 8abbath School
Tabor Meeting Tuesday evenings ol
ash vnIe,
P,r:enm Centre Lodge, No.
via, i. o. of o. f.
Regular, intuiting night Friday, at 7
'oloea. 8lgad..
8. H. Kaolin, A Seo'y. r
"Plac of meeting, Mala St., eppoilte
MoCiintOck Uouae.
A. U. of V. X.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. ID. of U. W.,
IimKi every Monday evening at 7 o'clook,
lu Odd FeUow' Hall, Petroleum Centre,
A. Glimk, M. W.
If. T. Comkor, R.
I. O. of II. M.
Mlnoekauuee Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M
f Petroleum Centre, meeli every Thursday
evening In Good Templar' Hall.
. UT GoudoII Ores lighted at 7 o'clock.
H. HOWE, Saobem.
0. L JUKES, Cblel ol Racorda.
Gold at 1 p. m. 1153,
Tb noon, lb gentle mooo, the my tic
wanderer ol Ike nlgbt, iaol of the goda aa
tbe mlilrefi or tbe fairlet in their revelrle
by oigbt upon earth came slowly op tbe
horir od of Ihe east, mellowing into lot ell
aea rugged Datura by ber aofl pale light.
II I II-lop and treelop and mountaintop,
alley and glen looked lb picture of tb
beautlliil place wherein the god tbem
elves might abide. From Ibe atrial bone,
la Ihe far off deep blue of heaven, looked
down tb star tbe jewels of tb' angels
and tbey did iparble like a diadem of dia
mond, asd laugh 'er very joy; lb brook at
our feet aang low sweet music, aa It told
lit love to Ita pebbly skoret Arm In'arm
we wandered on our love and we over
tbe billi, along narrow rootpathi, threading
dizzy preolpioea, palling Ler tbe llteben,
there a moaa covered rook, from whoae baae
guabed tbe life giving walera. Yonder wa
a fallen monarch ol agut paat, upon whoae
on oe towering form, tbe pride of tb noun
lain, tine bad written the common Bat of
ail tilings decay. Ia aileoc w our lov
and ua pauitd, ai It by aoinmoo cooaent..
lo refresh our souls from, the louotain o
nature, who lay In all bar glory, msjeily
aud apleudor, captive at our feet. Tbe
hour waa propltloua the time bad come
our auol waa full, and Ibe question oame
bubbling to our lips: - "Would abe be our?
Would abe be tbe queen supreme of our un
divided heart!'' She turned tboae liquid
orbs full npou ua, ber baoda trembled, ber
lioaom swelled aod o did oura, Ilk a email
mountain wrestling with a email volcano,
her Imc turned florid aa a luo art sky In
omuier when tbe aim fa tumbling dotro tbe
en, ber 1 1 (I paried, ber soul waa in her
iMP'itn, ead li whispered la aocent low
and aweet aa tb ZfpbjM that wbiaprr
tbrougb thorng trove and lte of
palm, that (he would "conditionally."
i.Vnalere-yoiir conditions dearest! ' "That
ou In all ibioge that are needed (r our
oil welt, do purchase them of Howe fc Cook,
oext door to the Record office. '' Go, gen
tlemen, and see I hem and onr word for It,
you will never have occasion to regret our
ilvlce. They are gentlemen ol the flrat
ler, and deal with all men on the
Rkcoxcilkd and Marrikk It' only
once In a great wbile tbal Petroleum Cen
tre bal a genuine sensation, lesterday
afternoon, at tbe M. E. Parsonage, "two
brarta that were one, two son's that were
akin," Mr. Michael Bbooe and Miss Eliza
betn'McHugh, were joined In the boly bond
of wedlock, by Rev. Moore, bow aweet. for
it waa "love amung ibeioaea," la Ibe prea;
ence of a chosen few wltnewes, Messrs.
Thomas Snowdea, Gtei aod Shultr, aud
Mlsa Maggie Smith, aoting aa bridesmaids
aod groom, and well they acted their
parti a the poet lays
"Honor and fame
From o condition Pic,
Aot well your part
Tbere all the bonor lies." -There
wa a romance attached to tbia
wedding, which finally resulted in Michael'
"Tbrl bright bell
From it bom on tb lea,
Aod wherever it goes
It will aiog of tbe aea.
So be took tbla food heart
From ita borne and ita hearth,
Aod no doubt it will follow him
To tbe encaof the earth."
And again ibie unitiog of hearts and
baud) oauaed aome little aurpriae, from the
fact that Ihe parties thereto bad loved and
dissolved, one departing to tbe classic pre;
oinct ot tbe Butler aoap mines, wbile the
other took relnge, lor consolation only.wilb
Miea Julia tbe queen ol the city, lor
'Tula life la but a game of cards,
Wbicb mortals have to learn;
Each shuffles, outs, and deals tbe pack,
4nd each a trump tlottr luro,"
Consequently ber heart baa received a ter
rible anock, lor she too bad "let conceal
ment like tbe worm 1 the bud prey upon
berdamaek cheek," (or she too bad set ber
"cap'' for tills gay "Lolburlo" i( the
"shear and tazor," nor will ber gnuf be
assuaged until sue meet ber lint aud only
love, City Father Turn Mall oy, Iroio
gta Falls," but now rotting lu tbe BjsIiio
at Freukltot aud ever dreumiug aa be Ujs
checket with bt nose
Oae bright star ia ever shining,
In tbe fair or cheerless sky,
Aud that liar kuovri no ddoiuioj
Julia' bright star ill uever die.
At tbe bridegroom' Feeideuce everylning
was gay and festive ua a 'uiernage Leli'"
"'Twa a goodly sceue-r-
011 Creek, like a silvery aaake, lays out
Un coil, '1 Ihe uDsbiueloviogly-it breathes
Of Ireshursa in tbia lap of flowery mead
aou id lager uowed between, and evei
aod anon tbrougb the air cam lljaltug
sweet strains ol tnusio
"II you love me aa I love yon,
No kali oao cut our lov la two,"
While further dowa tb street a lone and
lorn woman might be een meditating over
the dim vista of tbe pan, aod ot tbe hearts
abe, too, bad broken, aod ofter breaking
out In plaintive snatches of song
'1 am weary; loo and toilsome
In tb upward march ol;
Weary of It Heeling pleaiurea,
Of it jarring din and itrife,"
Or breaking out In joyoua tones
"I koow my love by ail way or walking
I know my love by bii wiy or talking
I koow my lov lo hi suit of blue,
Hi hair Is light and hi heart is true.'
It' very aflectlug.
It 1 not oftea that we Had In a boarding
school for young ladies so many evidences
of reform as baa been reported lu tbe High
School ol Portland, Me. The girl ol the
dial elans, or first class girls, have resolved
to dresi plainly and to dispense with dress
parade on examination day. Jewelry will
be indulged In, II at all,' to a very limited
extent. Lace Ibey entirely euaudoa.
But tbey have determined on eomethtog
better than tbia. It I to refrain no all oc
casion!, no matter wbat may be tbe tempta
tloo, from tbe use of slang phrases and
expression. Unlike tbe young lady who,
when asked If ibe bad determined to us do
slang expression, answered, "To r bet,"
these young ladies are iiinicieutly id earn
est lo carrv out their ulao. tiuccass to
Ia Ihe deep heart of every lores! tree
Tb blood I all aglee.
And there's a look about the leaflen bowers
As it tbey dreamed of flowers.
IVNow la tbe time la purchase a Pocket
Diary cheap. A fine assortment can be
huoi at lb PmI Office newsroom.
jakuart 20th, 1873.
From Ballast News.
Down, down, she saoK. with a fearfnl sound
Anchored oe.r KngUud's shore
The jiving sea a burial ground
For thiee hundred souls and morn.
The tale will be told lo happy borne
Making the life-blood creep; W
While tbe phantoms rise wneu all is bulb
And haunt ua In our sleep.
Sb left out shore In bound iogj.iy;
And hope and love beat high
As psreuts kissed soma cherished boy.
So soon io soon to die.
'We'll met again," was whispered oil,
On a brighter, happier atiore;"
Tbe waves replied lu ripples aofl,
"On earth you'll meet uo raoro."
Beautiful children with sun-lit hair,
Clung to their fatber'a eido
On stay, oh stay; for their sweet take
Crou not Ibe ocean wide.
Away, away, like son iwlHwinged bird,
Proud o'or the water they soar, m
Only again will their voice be beard
Ou eternity' boundless shore.
Tbe mooo aroso o'er the hapless scene,
Aod the waves rolliie awifily ou,
Waiting to England the fatal new
That so maoy souls were
The maiden lay with her snowwbite breast
Kissed by the foatoiug surge;
Peacefully bad sue la lien to rest
With tbe wild waves ruthless dirje.
Tbe lover was there; and bia c bolt a bride,
Clapped in death's cold embrace.
Over their lips the while wavea ride,
Wbicb tbe cor 1 had woul to grace.
Tile mother gitzrd at her sleeping child
And murmured, "My been will break;''
The iluuiberig babe unconsciously euiilcd
bhe only aeked lile lur its sake
"Nay, nay," laughed the billowe, with
cruel auoru.
"O'et you acd yoer babe we shall ride,"
Tbe sun rose bright un that fatal mum
Tbey were sleeping side by biuV.
Peaceful tbey sleep on Hie ocati'e breast,
Guarded by wa've aud foam,
Aud we trust that the luv'ed bave all found
lu beavua, their eternal home. .
U. M. A.
Wo have lieaid olieu of 'pion-t truiid,'
but never could "exactly cuiulone i.'.i-n, ;
never keew just where ia the lit of mso ill-
ties to place them. Of courne it tvmid he
inferred from Ihe expression but tbry were
out ol Ibe strips of frauds reached by statute
however amendable to the moral la. v. And
so In classifying them we niiiat And a spot
where a real fraud, premeditated t'ritud, is
cloaked under a cootingeucy made to ap
pear accidental, but which ia fur anticipa
ted use. Ooeofttbisu Irsiids baa lately
come to our kaowiedge, and those who know
all about tb tricks ol Ihe trade say it is
only one of a kind very successfully prao
tlced. An advertisement appears oQVrlng'a
thousand dollars as prem'um (or tbe bett
Sunday school story. When tbe competing
stories are gathered, five of tbe best are ie
lected aod tb writers told that It la Impos
'ibie to determine Ibe relative merits, hence
tbe premium will be divided and the writer
of each receive two hundred dollars. That
secures five storiei Instead of one, and Ibe
five volumes entitled "the f 1,0(J aeries."
You see it now, don't you! There has been
just such a case and it is one of "a series''
of pious frauds" practiced eontisnally by
men who would mako every Sunday school
scholar an imitator of little George Wash
iogton the boy who never tld a lie.
All tbe monthly maguziDes bave been re
ceived at tbe Pust Office Newsroom. The
Marob numbers are unusually interesting.
Cull and examine them.
There has just beeu received at the Post
office newsroom a oimpleto assortment of
stationary suob as legal cap, note, cooimur
cial letters and foolscap paper. Parties
desirious of purchasingshould call. Also,
steel pens,iok, mucilage, pencils, and a
snundred and one other articles. Tbe
finest slock of Initial paper ia town
Th difliouity wbicb has so long existed
between tb oyster fishermen of New Jersey
acd Delaware, Instead of being at an cod,
as was supposed, sestns liable to breik out
again ia a way to cause extreme bitter feel
logs between ibe people or the two Slates.
The Straits ol Mscinao, according to dis
gualed vosselmen, are frozeu from shore to
shore, aod from top to botton, and tbe mur
eury continues lo drop dowa below giro
,'t mik It more bioOiog."'
A New . t4HW( ff VAMa.
Parties are In tosm to-day for tb par
pose of interesting our cittern lo (team
boat project. Tb gentleman who propose
to build and command tb new craft i a
wealthy and reined Ohio River Steamboat
Captain; one who is well qualified for tbe
business aod who enters loto It more for the
pleasure of the fling than lor profit. Il
proposes to build a boat worth $20,000 00
and fti have It running aa early as July 1st,
provided that the oitizenat ot James
town, Miyville and intermediate points will
take $5,000 worth of stock, said stock to be
re. paid with tickets for passage oo the boat,
if tbey no ilciire. We understand that
Mayville parties bave subscribed nearly
$2,000 of this amount. Tbe boat will be
built in Pittsburgh and transferred to tbe
ke by Ihe A. V. R. R., free of cosl. If
this project is succsssfuily carried out tbe
A. V. R. R., authorillos iotend to Issue ex
enrsion tickets during the summer season,
from Pittsburgh to 'Niagara Falls, incltid-
inc a round trip oo Our lake. This cannot
fall to largely increase the oamner of rial
tors to our place, aod we trust the project
will meet with success. Jumestow n
The telegraph wire is a lightning detec
tive. Tbe community bat not been wool to
viewllflo that light, but Ibe telegraph has
menu as a goardiau ef property We see it
stated by nn interior California paper thaj
since tbe withdrawal ol Ihe telegraph from
the San Joaquin country there lms been a
great influx ui' thieves and robbers and des
peradoes ol every bue and grade. The lack
of wires gives ratcals eveiy oporlnnily lo
escape with their boo'y without loar ot Oap
lure hence life aod property are' in constaot
jeopardy. At a place called Fitebotijb's
Kerry a bod of Ave men enured a hotel
at supper lime and piaciiig the few boarders
bound and laid on the door, they robbed
the bonne or all valuable oiolhing and of
the money. And that ia s specimen of tbe
doings out ol retch of the wire.
The plucky Miyor of Chicago has assert
ed his cootrol over the police of the city, in
spite of Hie Police Commissioners, to sme
purpose; in 1 ha is making the oily quite
too hot lor the comfort of rogues ol all de
A I! iltiuioie judi has ruled that death
by iit'lirnim tremeoa may mvulidate a lire
insurances pol sy.
Tim oiitoo sued of the south, wulch wore
ouch tnrown nway as worlnlers, ore now
worth $3,000,000.
A Maasnchiisellg cat recently atu twonty
I'M.r uncenl a ingWiueal, (lonliilees for a
wii;er wit. 'i some other predicate and biul
iab Turn. The cat still survives.
NottVumauiliug all tb it tbe law is doing
lot tempera nee iu Illinois, Ibe' uianufactoie
of corn ly notify Is becoming ooo ol the staple
industrial of the Stale.
Stimulated probably by the example ol
Japao and China, New Jersey ia going In
lor civilization with au energy and peretst
ence that promise the happiest resnlis.
Her Senate bag lately pasted hill making
womp eligible to tbe office of sobool truSy
Tbe proposed amendments lo Ihe coercive
education, and upon reading and writing at
qualification lor voting in New Yotk, have
also been voted down by tbe Commission.
The Illinois Legislature bas passed a law
for the puaiBhmeat of officers of tbe State
who shall be guilty of drunkenness.
There are ia Newark, N. J., three men to
one woman, and too' competition for the
bands ol Ibe latter renders marriage Ira
probable and puts a premium ou flirtation.
To cure this evil, a saofo or more of ladies
and gentlemen assembled together a few
evenings since, and formed a "society for
tb promotion of marriage," tbe tacmbers
pleading themselvrs to forward, by all oon
listen! moans, the ubjeots of the orgaoizt
t ion.
Illinois bas just sdopled Iho jury reform
which New York put Into praotlce last
year providing a man for the trial ot it.'
lo both States, also, , Ibey are beginning to
baog their murderers:
Our trade with France I valuable, lo
feur years time we have taken from tbal
country lo product and manufacture lor
sale the enormous amount of ooe million
one hundred and thirty millions oflraocs,
or $327,739,340.
The people ol North Carolina are lo Tola
upon eight amendments to tbeir State Con
situlion at the August eleclioo. Amooi
other things, tbey strike out tbe clause re
quiring tbe Legislature to levy a tax to pay
tbe public debt, providedafor biennial ser
sions ol Ibe Legislature, and make Federal
aud State effloen ineligible to seats ia that
Advertise to rba Kaconc.
Go to W. A. LOfl
4th Strcet,near It K.trai
for your UOZINE, ddi
ered at the wells f,)r
per Barrel.
fetruleum Contra, Feb. tth-tf.
Capl . W. fi. SMITif, PropV
I'srtimlar attention paid to the wants c j a
tomera, and will keep the rltiest stoo
OYKTi lJS in Every Shit
Drop in and see ma In my new stnnJ.
The partnership heretofore existing b"
tween Hugh M. Johnson and UlHS. H Ik
r"tt. Is Ibis da; dissolved bv mulusl conei
Hugh M .Johnson nasuining all aseeli nil
liabilities ol I lie nrm.
Dated Petroleum Centre. MarghSlST!
Hugh M Jnhns nwili corillriio Ihe hns
n ess of menufrtcimlnr; machine oil siiwi
l.iro. Orders ooliso li d.
fSi'onl-llaiil Oil Well np
nlie. ioouj rt a in. ti'himi. io. nofi.ii'mi
ard 8 Inch CASINO, l.ion ri SVAI.L Pie's, 6
KFI'KHI KOM a l.i-h 1 ,llli,l IW
l.S'O PIPE. FITTINf ;H nl nnnlMlf ifflM f
U AS and KOTAKT 'H M I s ftir ulr nr la r-Bl.
KNGLSiiS ad P.OTI.RHH at all ir.M. It
Box 220, Petroleum Centre,
S 10.00 worth.
to pvenr unh-prlbpr tn ntrn FlliKsinR FRlEN"
The H.fBHtrlliiir I'timilv U'aoIiU of AW
Iph. i.AiUiK. Mizir h.i i. ii p iAf;KS Un
HKAT"l'IVr;i.l II l 1WTU A'i-il Knll til
atili lna1rititlvit m-. Iitai.uiiii rsmrfink? VW
tikCIcll and Dractl. ril ttmti.ip. JiiSTHCITw
WllPthftr ltvlnv tn ellviw srmn.ri rd vTt
each yearly ribuctiBcr a couv oi our iuiiL'ni'lDl
Pfttntfrt In lTf. feu nva -Mt i (.! iVnin
HlTi vt.i.t.!a.' ...J .1 1 AN NUT
Ttjl.n IV,.... .I,.a ..i4ul ..! Atld U
win t ri sin i wi ii7LMu i.. tu bize nuu
r J' '"" F"""'r" ,
flUll.ill IH!HI(lf.ll ilfll.r.AK rit 11""
sii-. r ... -. .. . . . . r . - - .i mMprHi, ia
fft-v iiiuic fsVilOUrV UI IK" KfVtlUTi wiw pyj.
imruuiu. it. Mm nu naa rnioi "iii(fj
ty i win cMut si fjstu nan ui our "-v"l ,n'iN
v.rrrnwiirrj III 1 tfllllt MflB
- sviitsua nun IVBUjrt miU llVBioyu J
If we Live
In Xim a,-l..l,V..1 J WV.XMrkS? OH
l mill " - ,..i r
UITII Lli I -S -21 V- lm
VI MM I ,nrD1,n,llw.r Girt
....... . ' mUM.fl tO
. ItlPllfT ID ajus-
cinfivaierniory IDU xiib vo - - -cce
- ir- One IF
ma sing irora 90 " V1 " ri iron
40 ftuburiprioiw in one dv. omerB '"Jf-u pjU
w our oav. hiiar- mon imsDiub vi f-i-
- I I 'as I LSI
1 i.
', nl-