I SHUGERT & STARR inn i AaW.l Ilerolaan't Tailors! ajtowuiks n. Gtetf Foralsbiiig ttoeds, ml rwum FiAnruN era, ITfTVIV.CLE, FAII m reiki M of Baa Be eriaBt f HLOlOSdk CASSIMERES MOMSH, ooATiisras, m WBiriD SUITINGS ifACT VESTINGS. Pnt oti la tea Oil HifWa. TltlMTT DIFFERENT STTLES OF aiA.Ta sc caps, Ah t. Uteetead Hobble Kytea a nu urn or 0nt3 Furnishing Goods, fec. Petroleum Centre Daily Record. rob Centre, Pa-, MoaWUT march IT Vtvlae Bervie. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Service every Sabbatb at 1 1 A. U. and P. M. Sabbath School at 12.t P. II. eat! free. A oordlal invitation ex tend ed to all. ' Rxv. G. IIoori, Paitor. rRESBTTERUK CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7 'dock P. hi, by tbo Piitnr, W. C. Bi'Rcu abb. Sabbath Sobool al IJJ-4, direotly after fareaooa eervlce. Praver Meetlne- and Sabbatb School Toaeber1! MeellM Tueeday evening! ot eaMb week. VwtroUnm Centre . Lodge, No. Tl, I. O. of O. r. Regular mce-ting nigbte Friday, at 'aleak. Signed. B. ALLEN, M. G I. H. Eeoxia. A Sec'v. gyPlioe of meeting, Maia St., appoaite Ullatoex House. A. O. of. U. VV. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. or U. W., ate la averv llondav evening at IU o'clock. la Odd FeUow'i 1111, Petroleum Centre, reao'a. A. Glixk, 11. W M. T. Coxxob, R. I. O. of 11. .11. M innekauoe Tribe No. If I. O. 11. f Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday evening in uooa Templar 1111. taT Council lire lUhinl at 7 o'clock . II. HOWIi, Saobem. . REYNOLD, Chief ot Uecorda. eld at 1 p. m. 11 Tbo excitement In regard lo lha leaking lank on tbe Central Farm, oaned by Mr. HoCriy, continued all day yesterday, and the dipping interest! were ituile lively, In fact commanded) a premium. Vp-lo Ibo preieot time ;h actual lass In Inrreli of oil oaouot ba estimated, but will not fall abort of 1,200 barrel. The leak is iiow under control and tk oil la all being avid. The excitement occasioned by (bla event, aad tbeobance lo make meoey dipping oil, agpeared lo pervade every one, nod oven ibe publie officer! catcbed lha contagion aud wvntiuto tbo oil business wltb n deter Many ludicrous incideuls wero witneeeedN Jebuay Kiag and Billy Keevei formed a I'.artu rsblp la ibe dipping business and war eugaged in diggiug a trench wherein lu eatcU the oil. George King stood on the bank above tbem and "hove" a twelve or nfteeu pound stole lulo the dutch, which waa ball tilled wltb water and oil. As a matter of courie a graod splash occurred which nearly covered the firm or King & Ueve with mud, oil and water. Thenoui of tbe ditch thur a roe a prolonged wail, the only word! our reporter being able lo make out were "goddemltieh'tl." Tbe irm however did not gel diicottraged but dipped a aumtwr of barrels. j Tl porter et tne Mcunntock Uue got Ih ell lever. II seems be bas a girl, and when tha oil fever struck blur be wildly xolaimfd 'Stia must have a new diets aad I a fen' neck lie," wtb which exolam lienheaer'd eovetal empty ber k'gs, pked lueai 01 a wheelbarrow and imbed f if ih- dipping nionJ. Wtieiher S'ian .t lv, ;.. nr m l w are i.c.l in.' iin.d Mal bfil Of 0 told tha oil, pent Ik mooey and got drook, ooieqaaatl lb Arm broke." Tbo M0llBnt raged to high that Iboto una Bear being nnhI IgbM over lb working Interest. Darlog Ibo foreoooo ipeelal train ten up from Oil City with twenty-four empty lank oar, wbieb were being ailed la Ibe lleraeeo eld leel night. To-day the leak le under control. A miserable specimen of aumaatty wee taken wltb tbedrllrinm tremen al lie npV per end ef town, yesterday efteroooa. It ia refreshing to aonieocrosi euub e gem at tbe tulluwiPit: 'The Ural bird of eprlng attempted to siog; But ere he had sounded a note, Be Mi Iron tbe luub a dead bird wai bin Tli music had trie in bli tbroat." Bloc tbe spread ef the epiniolie, tbe uWashington Republican bai been prinliug renurta ef ihrlllisg accident like tki: "A sleekloeking high led mail, altacbird lo a light wagon became frigbieoed at ibe eight of a aleam roller yesterday, and seizing the bit, la iplle of Ibe efforts of tbe uau behind Ibe vehicle ran away. A poliaeman seeing Ibe frightened animal ostniog down tbe tree! al a frightful speed, with a out tali flying and foaming m'tuth, sprang in front of blut juslu time to save a lick bone which wetcroesing Seventh street Iron) be log run over, and by llnuly holding to the bit, Dually noppped him near Frank Fai, ley'! alore. Wltb the exception of tha.loss of eome parcele from the wagon eo great harm wai done. It li propoeed. in Alabama, to xl)pt all widowe from taxation, wbeie property doe 01 excede $10,000 In value. Tbe Uppet-Uooao ol lie North German Parliament foul aim uoinlaally 344 member of whom 32 are hereditary . Daniel Fox of Adami Center, JffersoD eeunty New York, celebrated bla one bun drd and tecond birthday I ail week. .Tfcetubjrct of tbo degeneration of the quality and number of boreal la England la engaging tbe alien Hon ol Parliament. A ouriou superstition exists In pirti of urope, lhal wbeu a person ia dying tha window should be opened ta let tbe soul de part. A Connecticut Ursa will ship seven bun. dred bexei of clock ta Japan on "tick." Now aome wag come out and cilia Grant, Inaugural inimitable, or course It la, though 4 Early peas, potatoes, etc ,bave been ki t ed in Virginia by the continued cold, aa weather. Wolve are causing much trouble lo lb termer lo Ihe region at Koauoke couuty Virginia. The Sielia, a new Uuniau eenns jiurna has been seqiiestirad for uffmo agaiusi publie morals. The bas ball season New Orleans. baa commenced In Numliera ol Uaoadiau familin are eml gruting 10 Virginia. Ilartfor l bas enjoyed eeveniyeigbt days coutinuoui sleighing. A Georgia eooviet 110 o the cbiplain'i knife and out himself loose. A woman in Albany, N. T-, has had nine children within Ihfea year. A laundry company II lo b formed Mioneaota, la utilize a hat spring. In Silvered mica reflect for locomotive headlight era laid to have proved a iuc eis. A enrrespaodenaof tb Hotton Glob, willing from Nebraska, lay it is very droll to see fbe amazement ef our English visl tore. Tbey eaa't eompreheod the extent of tbli wonderful country, ao different Iront their own little Island while Ibe whirl aod hurry of our expeditious tnamgeineat la all maileie amsz them utlarly. Not long since there landed in New York the mayor ol a promiiieul Engiieb oily. He wished to travel ail over the Uolou ,snd understand ita growth. Accordingly, having made the tour, of prominent eastern cities, bo purchas ed ticket! for California and star led weal. Arrived In Chicago. I.e luqtlired if he were not almost to ICO facido. Tbey informed blm his jiurney waa euly just aommmied. He muruly took tha cats to Omaba, aud (lien desired 10 knew bow lunch further. I'xplauatluo war attempted, and beeour ageeusly waot ou till ba reached Denver. Lookiug u at the giant mountains and learning ikat atier pasamg thetu tbera yet remained two or Ibrea days of travel, he sunaudered hi ticket, declaring be bad seen eiiough in that direoiino, aad return Inn, vielled some trletida la ihls elly; de ":r:u tint ibe "idaaicd uiai.l;u.i oftae Utters from the People. Ma..Ths maaaeerof tbllionraat. Will - aat endorsing ibanutlmeite el contributors, desire to offer tbo wide! aeeilbl latltod for fro diMBtsfoo. Iliimeroly itlpalated lhal communications shall eoaoera matter 01 paelie Interest, be put la decent language and aeeompaniea wnn ia ummn i writer, not for pablicalloa, bat a a gaai ante of good faith. Eaas City Gorroyonwen ee Kisib Citt, March 17, 1873. Id. Record: I noticed an article i veur valuable oaoer of the 16th Inst., which eevdi correction. Said article M.rra that one of tbe teachers of cur school la a eon vert to tbe free llethodlrt dootrine, and that she Is trying to Incuietta lot tbe mind of berscbolar tbe tame doctrine. Such Is not the case. Neither one ol our teachers are Free Uetbodist, norrr ' tave and I preaumenuver will be. Tbey are both teacher who nnderatacd the duties requiring of theuituo ell tuallnw aoytbing of the kind In their achool hours, and thus fat given tbe liel iiafctleo posaiblH lo both prenia and children. Keliglou Is all right enougl). but when tbey g' llt ai badly roiX'd aa they have here it should, as It has been in this place, kepi out of the icbool room. Your informant ibould be bolter posted next time. One of the Sabbath school teachers, a leading member uf tbe Free Uetbodist eburcb look Ibe liberty lo look up tbe Bible, last Sabbiih morning, and instructed tbe children te go borne and re main there, alro iu Turin their parrots that if tbey attended the Universal gatherings Ibey would be consigned lo a terriblo pun ishtneot', 4c. I would advise them to en close their tracks.ao be a littio tnoie lib eral hereafter. Tbey certainly could ac complish more good lu tie end. Quite 1 number of tbem walk from herd to tbe Co) umbla farm every Bight at wblch place tbey are holding a series ol tneeiiug. One of the leading members arem le have grown wry cold. His beautiful fe i misead in Ibe Sanctuary. Presume it didn't pay as well us lie anticipated. Jostibk. A lUnu Wisnont Uluaclea. A faro dealer in Ibil city about four years ago was compelled lo relioquisb bn pro lesslun by a paralysis ol hta right tore (in ger. Tbe nerve cell (In Ih spiual comma) Which supplied Ibej dill had died fioi avarwotk, aod ,lbe muscles of tbe ftuger granually d away Ibii.ngb dium trophy, toe doeiora call t. The Dead ivjl in ibe ipmal marrow ia euuie way, deatroy ed ite ueigbber, wliioh vuuirolled tlm atoie finger ou tbe left baod. The atrophy ex teuded overboih bend, 11 ,j iva rui m tbe cbesl, eboiildeii and neck. Al lt. preeem lime there ia out a inuacie iu im e (-orifuua of the uau'a body. Tbe urina h.n i.e- les and absolutely fleableaa uiere ni Dunn. I De in lercosiai muectea i m, aud the mi can make no reapiiauuf m.-te I menu requiring tbeir action. Hie ur.-k ir a'sopbagurlttracl a: aad-aHoal vulninu i-U" in skin, hnd tb .1 11 all, lha proce.ara 1 1 tb latter standing out aa plaiulya in u -e eton. Tbe bead uuni-porled hao. Uuai. ou the cheat, ai Hit were merely nd or tsy a movement 01 tne lolPe tb - ui.u cae throw bis bead over so I bat it will fall lett ing on bis sbooldem sud imck, but olhe: wlso than thus, mechanically, be cannot oontrol ila tuotlou. Wbat parti tha dis ease will uext aMact ii a (tiealion with tbe pbystciaui at Bellevue, wuere tbe case was ibowd yesterday, but the result Is bardly, doublliil Breathing It dona now wholly bv the diapbrevui, aad mutt Ceaae if that be attacked. N. Y. Times We were shown to-day by a gnnilemau of this lowu a letter whilh ba a biatory of lis own. Laat fall when toy balloons were tbe favorite amusement with tbe cbildien, two young men uf Triumph tied two ef these balloons logetbet, aud attatebed to tbeio a letter askiog the Under uf It lu coniniuoi eate wilb tb writer, la November the letter waa heard from, il bad been picked up al Poiut Turner, South Mayabatigk lowmbip, county ot l'ritice Kdward, l'rovi deuce ol Ontario, aod Domirion of Canada. The Point is nearly opposite Oswego, N. Y. Tbe balloon waa aeul off on the Slat of October and waa, found Ibe next day al tbe place deaignaled. It bad thus traveled uearly fuiir hundred miles, in twentylour hours, eiofsing New York state aud Lake Onlarla 111 its pawage. Tidiotue Journal. Govoruer Atietin, of Miuuessota, bas made a ipeolal communication to lie Ley latura relative to the catisalliea iu tbe ureal cow storm to January. The deaths resull ing Irom that 1101m were leveuty; injured tbiify-Hiae total one buudred aud one. Tbe loss olitoek as far as Could be ascer laioed, but which ia no doubt far below the actual lose, wee homed cattle 2H; bones to;. mules S abeep and bogi 10. I HTNu ia the time la purchase a Pocket GEMS Ol aWAOTlWI. WeUXIN. A now Compandium of Pommhlp, oon prised in a complete rle of copy slip, bat jast been pnbllihed.. Too auioor, . Gaskell, Preildent of tho Bryant a, sii College, Manoheiter, M. H., hn long been kaowa a tbo "Prlnc of American Pen man,"and ilooe Ih death of Father Spen er Ibero kai been to one lo dispute tbli title. Thi ComFendium I having a large sale In all the pnooipal cinVi and throughout the country, as nothing 10 complete, beau tilul aid iisetul lor self Instruction hai aver befora been off-rrd. It pplis a great vraiiL Buok keeper, alerks, teacbeti, int. all want to learn lo write rauidlv and et.gaullt, and nowhere, els uood InstruclioD aa In this . li m soul bi mail to aov address lot Si. Write fr l. Arid.tM I'ruf. G. A. Gaikell, ManchrsUr N. 11. To dy l 't- Pairick'e Uy. On. News Tue Almshouse well, which was doiug fn.m 15 lo SU barrels, lias dwio died down lo nothing. A torpedo wai put 10 Us', week. A new well waa alrnck on tbe Sam'l Beals taitn. Beaver towasBip. It wai tubed on Wednesday of laal week, and give, promise ol a large well. The i.wnera of an nil well la Cowansban iineU. Atmslronz cotiniv, now 1,500 fel itn. have concluded lo exteud tbeir bole farthvi toward L'bioa. Tbey deserve iuc Cess. The Gallagher Si EH'aon well, Washing ton townnblp. waa pumped laat week. A small amouut of oil waa yielded, b it not In paying quantities. Tbey have comluded le drill il deper. L Jierwn unmocrai. TOP AT, OPTTONoiJ aa viewed rial crgi ut in. L'nu.r IlI retu. euarnpu. 1 ft3k.-rear; Clubaof 10, f6 Addnw AMbHI iJAt'liiLOKMItyS anVuCATaCO, No Vl ijtoorijr eiieei, i-iupuurpn, . m. r..-.iil.M4 iiiiiv 95 celltn to JAM. n uvuiMii-riiV.nl Afftuuit vtilo. VllrahtiU Co v . Vn., jou will roceivo by return mail 6t useful re-e'n s. WOKKINU CLASS Ak-Io15. week guarantewt, oi)ecauoi uiuiuuyinriii w I ,1..' .ir vi.nlne: nu rAuital reuuii'Ld. 1111 iu a cuetiouK aod valuaiile p uk.ue ofunili eeit f e uy . a .l..d.:riH-, w In "IX ceui run riiuu,iu. VOliM. a , r.ICOrtl'lJlSU t, It X AGENTS ! A RAKE CHAUCE ! We will pay all Agent ?40 per week tx cast! wlui will eiitfaee wim in at iinch hlverytuitig luroistied aud expeusea pato. Adil's . , , . A COL'I.TEU & CO. Charlutle, Mcb . ejs.aaa prdi ! eut wanted! Mr p- Ml "Jifv.P cl-ue f w.irktii people o u.iiii t -ex. j unx or. ..Id ake mure nimu-e al iv.tU I'-i- ii in uielr par.. luniueuta or a.l tne iin . I thiui i anjluiu.' em-. Karlleiliar iree. AQureaa OU v., IN . ; ,, PnelHeil. Mnilie. sf H2. r 9 S.4 a U 'f is d ft p u do to Y. Aa LOZIES, 4th Street,nir IL K. track, for your BEZIXF, tjeT. ercd. at the welh for per Barrel. Petroleum Centra. Vet. 6tb l. VERANDAH SALOON IiD REST4UB1M Reopened. Capl. W. Ii. ft.niTir, Prop'r- WASHINGTON ST., PET. CB.NTBE 1artlciilar attention paid to the wants f toratr. audwHl keep tbe fined suxv ., FKESH la'AGEK AND ALE, CHIOCi! ClOAHS, A. OVST1US in Every Style. lroe In and aee ma In my new stand. U18SOLVTIOA'. The partnersbip heretofore exitllng le twern Hugh M. Jobnsoo and Cbus. H Dei reit. ti tbis day dissolved by mulusl coofil Hugh M Jubeaon assuming all oiieti' uJ liabilities of the firm. HUGH M. JOHNfOS, CtlAS. 11. BARRETT. Dated retroleum Ueutre. Maryti 8 181 lliiich M Jnbna-.n will continue ths buttl nen of inanufseiiirtng macbioe oil si beret" lire. Order aulteateif. FOR SALL CHEAP. WUMUt1 Serond-llnnd Oil Well PM. lo.ooj ft 9 tn. 'jthing. j. go ft ts sat 1 ard a inch CAKING. ,rot ft hMALL FIPX, .? Ht.l'KEIt HODS. U Ini-h. inch 7 and iBck HHI ISO PH'B. JMTTINGH atuncbair pr(e of GAS and HOTAttr P(iMi'8foraaloortersu ItNUl.ilIS aud HOll.KHB or all siim. HOWE Ac COOK'C Box 220. Perrolcnai Cenfft, r et-m WE GIVE AWAY SI 0.00 worth to every autxrrtlM-r tn HU" FIHESinK FBII"1-. The I.eadliiB t'trluUr Weekly ofAa" ka. I.AHtitS MZK-KIi.HT PAliKS. W'? HKArTIKl'LIA II.LUSTRATBD. Fall ef J alilc, imtructlTe aud iuteraatini; reading u11"' new aad iniMellaajr, ebon contimiwl "J"! keicheand practical raatltSS JUST 8llTW" tu wauia ana wine or kiVSUY NAN, HVKRYvTOMAV Whetliar ltvlnf le eltv or eountry, si 4 w IJ ? each early aubscriker a oopy ol our maguintai" Cbromo ta TTr-nTTI CUTE Painted in OH. COLORS, 18 times from HIT'S bi-umkp site. 18x50' inc k. TOLD from tha oriRinnl painting, and haw? CAK""' .0. worm f 10 It BXt'KKDS in beauty, """ ueanvpiulumevprL-lven with AI.?u-l it at ..nee, or It n be had of our aere; ' " liay)ii dillvary of p etnrea: 0 ""i.-ai. Pieiuraa now ready, and deUvared ty n " If w. Hits ' nro AGENT .. .it.i 1 i iirD'tVlVf ..kMfl- iu jvvi umiJilOOriMJUfj, TT U vy - Afltllli EMPL0Y-Jr3S:.5 lllklll agency in , ' clo.1val.,rltorv and the BtBT with 01,. Aeiita bavirg imjien a a wakiiw from 5to l per y- JSrt ,r.o ' 40 snbtcriptions In one f ev. oibera PMl part" so pur any. npacimen r---. lari. term.. atiTeent fre. to aer ttJdreje- NMONb: 1ILNBUK1) DOLLAR rw'fi.0l civo more pltaiure or bo a grealcr ornaaesj' hmnehold. It can be bad FRKB, and wa "" hk iiinttrioers in wail mnnins ir 11. ' Diary ebeap. A tine aeaoriinent en be liiii'.d at the Teat (Iffi.-e irtrn.r.gi. '.iiv l ull liit . t !-, a'ifi r :u! 1 v N i. ii.n f.a." . HriuatWtt'ew fittsaviuii if'a Tt'