. .1 . .r...-. .. iirt-M ii4afiwi.'aryawi jail 1 1 ii in i i " NJSW ADVERTISEMENTS. , ' KBOOHD COLUMN. C. GCMiliii V.V. '" '.i: V.-r .-rrri.TW.. q-. co:R,:oQ2r: IIOLUDAY WOODS J tat tetalTtfot Daily Record rBiMJilil.d lafU t WHMMIAi Oilll I'lTII., MaTnil,u-hirt'n ol ii.. m:iBHHIH I'M Al l, Ol'IIBKH. i:vi;kv haw lYAUHA.Vi'i-i filfa, hi liinn A; iiwvhliiprjr" - LlJtKIOI. HI PN rvk I'm p 1.1 -ca hiii ("ii- ivh: ffi a id:;- NEWSPAPER, Ilea on MiM , A l)li-n:t. Jiii.Ii. AMD ifSlOl Job Printing Office; MAIM TIIBT, i'fiTitoLEi'n centre. OnU)0, WICK.UH, Proprietor. Weroxriro taltfripUe dlariatehea opta 4r. M. ptvAiat them to our rodent eer rventnr. am. aradngaewj of great .riterwt from ll aed'uina of in coi:at-7. we oava made epecial arranf.'eiti.iit, , wheraby ve rtcelva miliar Petrnlenm, Miick and rruaucu buhku nnpona every evening oy tiiltraf-u treat New York, Philadelphia, and I'ltuiiar, whti-li og.lher wita Mltortkli and Local matter., rinke it a or laa mo tmirable nawipapera published la wi aivia. r.m an vza A4Ttrtlln Of edlnw, eWMOOHD hat as aparlnr, It tlrcalatei! Wkartret aa OU Operator at Dealer cauhe fuantij JOBBING DEPARTMENT. ' i i : . . . W?-JI!ilU!S .n4. w''-'lx-tl arnckVo ,mUi,i.': We h'l"ro onahled to eecuie Wbi doaind, job. will bo neatlyprinted la' Cow,. SblpplrtaT Bill ' V ': . ' Jostori Uand-DIUi. - Piofraoimcta ' s ' BUli f Fare. JiBbels. ' Bailneu and Yi.uiiie Card L ttkb;bbadb, BlUHBADa, BILLS OF ADINO, Kta , Ew Uso . ix:k'nfi), M M raaoj IuIm, nwtiy anl promptly oiaca smbnu'.iv .t,tv.), tri.w tad :vi. .,, i ,.Uw t-i. Lair.fara. Jjrliof tin itr oil l). nmd AKni. linn Pim-a iMiw r.w.-a vtri ani-.lw la waat. a' tiitv-mrt i TLI.tr."'".'1 ' 'iiHaiaiu ir 'l kliKO ol im-Jy . Wd. n ijul.al u. u.ia eoui- 'l,wt3iTii::vi'r an.i'ti 4 Hntrln I niiMUliffl 0 mrtprtv. Vt pnnta rnv for the yiwr. wlrch I not hilf the cot. Tii;so wtio al'terward hoi id money to the amount nf one dnliar or tiior f.r UMi'Ji jny ahu ordnr ecuta wjitii extra 1h price paid for tlx? t.ti.d . 'J ho Kit hI Numtiui ii bo tut-Tul. nivhi? plan for milking ltnrnl llomca, Jiuiu Tallin De entiion. Window i.nrdeiM, &c, un'l n imn ol inf jinnition inTtioRhk-Jto the lover of flowem. ISO pat;e., o ilul tiuted nnpr, Home ft 4) EinmivingH, und a Hip erbt'oloren l'latand Chrome Oovtr, Tbi Vlr.t Kdition of i-OO.UWJUit priuud in Kr.-liU nod Ur man. JAMES YICK, ftorJittfttr ftcv York. $500 IN PRIZES. ETTl'.A EAl'I.Y VKHMONT. T.n Tava Kirlipp llimi Early lloe Fu r moanK Pruclticlivfnnl of EXCKLLuNT l'l.VOI. tl per lb. ;4 liou:U liy rr innll, poslrnid, lor ti u. COMlTON'd Hl.Kl'iil.Sl'I. i i Wli Btinlmla to the Acre. y A lrltlo inter limn Kurly Hose. CIHiinr ponnd. liv poirftid. (100 will lio liwurded, a I'ltr-MIIT ViS, -rtii tiiwo who producmlie Luruit yuau- llty him aim irfiand. t S liiwcripiivn irralara rf tan ahorr, w:ih ijSfv lif ofanvariuliaof Potaloefi, f co ts ai . ILJJ f Jllll.lralwl tpd Catalnauu. 1M Uitatf. W v illi Culorulrknimn 'Jsn.' llhi. rated S.-vd Catalnsua. SCO -raima with (Xilurcil Cbromo. S3 cent. Ai'o.aRmv Tiimilo, thi' AIII.ING TON.'.' Kurly, aolW nnd nrodiiftlv,!. j'i'i;e,2fic. perpicketit (.aiketa, tl g LS. K. Kliis A; no in, Kit I'aik PUn fXnv York ONLY 10 CENTS KVEUV MAN HIS OWN PAINTER: Or, FAINTS HOW TO SELECT AiD USE THEM. ' A plain trent'ea, containing MBiplo card uiih J. difftTntactuillv nam led phudcH and tint.', uiiii in tructioui iui uxiciior m.d cuteriur Jiou-io Dec- ur.ituin. c -pio, Imund in rlotli, for $5. HampH cop w, pnpfr cuviT, urn led, io.it paid to nuy uddrt:i on rei vi; t of in emit-, by ihe ruillhr, , l-:riKY OAIIFV .IAI, tm thu lotiowiu valuubiu cxtinuta i'.om pre., rutirtu: " very vu'inMo hook, nml no onn IntT.diijg to pri nt Hhontd fail u- roaJ it. N Y.Vi'rlnui'o A e did not know fo mi.cli could ha naidonttic rttil.jectof p ntin a Imifij nntii rotd luio txo i.)iit book oi' Mr. ifctitd'a " ,. Y- Honild "A w int loiii; folt ut kit aii;pikd." Solcnilfii: Am frit y 'Not only anoccs.lty In Uicmiuter. bit vi'u betoerery occUiiaU fa dwelling Y. Worlj. "Jtuy 25 coiil w of thi book and dieiir-hntn tlimii amoni your Ith-nnt. It'tliuy villi rmd tl.o advlnn then int you touldmaku uo iiiuru f.:u tHuijrert.ut " CIhlctfo Trib. "In publishing this book Mr. Biird litis done 0 roalurvlro to the commutiity 'i o!J Hindu 4'W o bopothu f iitunlii-r will sell lO-MMj w,pic3of tbio book durlutt 'W." ItoHlo'i Advi itis.-r In Polling a unuiple ropy for inoenM Mr Itihd tnnM ft c rtsin hu ordurl jr 5 bou d Incl ih wH follow." -Frank L lie. W'h hveju-t paintMlrnrhr.u'fi ni ndv'pod by the author, uud ciniratiilatH onrfii. iiut .,. (Jwelliupi n oiirneicbbor ood excolti eura in apptiur aucp " Hnrer'a Weikly- ' e Know in town aon con try ptiinta thwln i e commended, cod can vuueh f r -hir vtihicrmU the exn'l.'iuce of I ho "lirriou" tiruiiu of .biiu una ' rbil. Ladger. ' ONLY 10 CENTS WETEESBYiEUGS C HICHAe2-r- :st3N, MANT'FACTCliKnS O? Sppclaltlrc-Woodwo-th Planiri(r, Toncua Ing and Grooving Moolilnef. K'chatil (oa'a i'atrrjl Improri"! Teooa llaohlDrs, &. Central, cor. Union St., WORCESTER. MASS. U B. WITIIEHDY. 6. .1. ltw?g. H M. lilcliardaoa PJ-,JT?V!!S, iif Shan '.l?',r: ''vile "" P"tpaid' in rei-Hpt of il. W 1IBHMAN '1 KhUKAUf-r. Hifi.il.. N. r Ji.l 1n iai'!! P"rl1 A.-iit. wantrd! Air p w in i.u clni'tia of vurWin proplo nt eitl'ar a.x, y.inng; or old. make mora money u work for na in tlmir .pari) moniunla or a'.l thu ti:n Mum at. aiivtliln'r olao. I'.li ilralnrn ra. AUdrcaa ft. BTlNnIlM t Q'l PorMlnd. Mnlnn ItNWAUD. For auv one cm ol Blln l. iilfrdlnK.ncli ing or ii1i!i?riitili'iln f.lia to cum. Ills prcpurtil xprcaaly to fiirn thu flifa, rinil iioiblm; rlntf. Sold by all Druegiiiia. J'rlo, $1,.. 'I'o A vt-rtlarra A'l pKrvona who rontmn p i'o iiiuhin cootnna with i.rvv-i:iHT for the IrnerUuu i,f Advonisvm. M, .hould ax-bd ur Ggo. P. Rowoll & Co-, .'.'"'' " ''- v'k f. tivir One ! t r .. t of aov-nUm-. nl-o a. Vl ', hi, t ,.. tan KMH;, ActTOTiMi " t t'.e AtuCTi- a iinn 9 i aftitof &W ldSaiHW f-'a ril.Aj' Keeps on ha-jcl louse FornlsiaiEiiS Baston Pal TuliiiiL New Bedford Bolt Ilope Cf.Wcs nr.d Sand Pnmp lines, KCBBKU IlEr.TIG, T.OKKIXG r.AKHKI.S, Tl'EISG AND l'ACKINf;. YI.VC.-. CAihVO -AND UOSE, VALVE CLT?, CLAM'S S.anterns, Lantern (h-.vk, t'rpentfr's T$oLs Extra Winter Strained Lard Oil, . t Johnson Bacrett'd Luhncatincc Oil, No. 1 Helmed Oil, 1 1t "Sinp'Af hi d KirtU;. C tiliw T, r rgi rs, tin brut in u1, Willi a full Hue o. 'Tabb-'unU lockt Cutb ry. and .Silver 1'ldlod ;Spjoua aiul forki, STOYES, s m & sty atoo- or OUOk AND HEATING STOVK. 1 uoueni hi-lori-ilirt Jitm ailtance ol eiovwi l.y niDuiifuciurera, I am enuntrrl to atill fall at old pi icn-i. Thoi-(Icfirini? unvthlnir la t h way ol b Cook or lldMing uMStote will do well to cull aud examine my atovti, cl wbicb the following ia j.ui purii.il i.at; . . !SSWlth reservoir and warming c!cret,-a A.lt RKIC ART Cick. with low wnlpr rirv(iir end wurmlriB cloaer, for I TliU JiKIili:il wild CHEAT II V. Jj I ! it Cook, a ohi-ip Mr Willi or without Iffrrvoir nml (varmint? rlnsot fnr hMr.l ar.n Ponl. Fire net'Ii l.'ook. i clo-ap Crst tlii?s tfiiivft, for linrtl or a-ifl coal. IrjMt (;tl I'o'ili, n !rpn lnjTy und (tumble filove lor aofl coal Waieut Sillosii; 0ok, I'm bartl or tol't coul, in Crfk-britted lor Us qiialltln good Klovii fttid clipiipnena lo price, rilppor Cook, lor bard or folt rout, a f mill! but excellent glove and ver7 c'jeup. RliiiucaotA Cook, a wool fc'lova wiib rlnvated oveo., .. H Y LIKK OF IV.ULOli IIEATLT.3 cannot be excelled: Tlio Uivins rillis Tl'mt Mflm i of 1 8T-JI Thla la a bea'itifnl eclf feeder 1'unor f-lnve. wlio ( ri'iiiimilnc ijiafi anil patent clinker urate. Tile Ksviium llcmo A nuwuuif k-eder l'urlor lleuter with mill grale and Ilium ioaied Ihifo Keep Sliln's IJijninr SMf fwili-r I'orlor Iloater with ehaklug fire patent and dumping olinker mite. filnnrlN l'iu j!f Ilcittrr Someihinpnew, a very beautlfirtand powerfnl kaater l OSipy Jiiaht A neat uod cheap U ige Jturr.er cicnp cylinder rj:ove witn mill grates lloiiao A sheet iun cylinder etove, very cheap. y A eriiil I f.'l l.eilfr und quite cheap. IJijJC.U. Hwsill pirlur coon a'ove wilh oveo, for coal. J 'HHtu A cheup dininut roor.t iiiovi', eii A cijenp bed room Stove. OJiri A che.ip cylinder ftovo, for hard ?Af,y,rvrTi'''T,''',ir !':,rtve- Kt-A.Ii.tel for derrick, and hoteli, ALAaADi.U-AdelrlcliBlofl. GLOBE JIIiATE-For Btore. and oiacee. conv..r,..d t,.r th.-m.tn .ul ,t.c-t 1 1. ;:! ,-.,. ,0 uie, v.iib Cuu.mon or (a'.nt valve. I.V-jniring.f.f AlLkindi doiw uitli ju-atriffs f.nd dispp.tcl.. 2flf Vy a full l!r T CaiiL GasFipa ana FiltinES, STOYES ! w - I runnot be rxolifi In the oil relon. A I fiisl cIhpi Slove for hard co;lor wood. hard coal. Mrat oUss Store or ; ift e vil. MANUFACTURER OP ' inon AND- COPPER- WARE jiadi: to oi;OF(t. I am now prepared to Bell any thing aud eyerything in tbo XewspaptT, Maitonery,' Blank Book, bouncy Goitds, Wr ('Oiifectiunery Line! At GreatJy Reduced Preparatory, to laying ia an tirely NliW STOCK iF SOUDAY GOODS! In connection witli tLe News room there is a first-class Circulating Library! COMPRISING THB L AT 1ST PTaU DARD AND V ISCK I. LAN KOL'i W0iiK6 Ul' TUB DAY. Confectfonery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. AND TOBACCOS! IS tlAHSandTOIMCt My Stock is Unexcelled. I hope by etricfattectioD to' the wants of the public to mer it j. r Al. i n.ii and r rr.. ' wonld intnte myriends to fJ me a eall. 41 PARK ROW, Nr Y i i. trU;i I