The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 15, 1873, Image 2

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(SMMMora to McrvUnd, Mth Co. ,
Merchant Tailors!
Cents' FBrnishing Woods,
Rare aut In on of Dm Boost aawrcnwnta or
Brar uUVnd in tbe Oil Begtea.
All Mm, bMud Noblilsrt Stjlsa.
9en1;g Furnishing Goods, fcc.
' etroleum Centre Daily Record.
rut. onrre.!Pa., Saturday march IS
Ulvlno Hervico.
Bervloea every Subhath at 11 A. M. and
iSi P. M. Sabbath School at 2 P.M.
uata free. A oordlal invitation exteui
e to ell.
t Rv. 6. Muokh, Factor.
Preaching at 11 o'olonk A. M anil 7
e 'clock P. M., by tbe Pastor, W. 0. P.urtOH
ak. Sabbath School at Vili, directly
alter foreaoon service. .
I'nayer Meeting and Sabbath School
Taacber's Meeting Tuesday evening ot
nli weak.
Vatroluum Centre Iofje,
719, J.O. of O. F.
Uogular uuwtiug slgbla Friday, at 7
'slack. Sigh ad.
B. TI. Ksokkr, A Sec'y.
(rTTlac nl' meeting, Main St., eppoiito
MeOlinlock 1 louse.
A. O. of C. W.
Liherty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of IT. W.,
net evnry Monday evening at 7j o'clock,
la Odd Fallow' 1111, Petroleum Centra,
. A. Glikk, M. W.
JC. T. Comkor, R.
I. O. of H. .11.
Mlnnekatinne Tribe No. 183, I, O. it. M
f Petroleum Centre, nieels every Thursday
evening in Good Templar's n All.
t2T Couuotl tire llghled a7 o'clock.
11. HOWE, Suchein.
S. REYNOLD, Chlel.ot Rcord8.
old at 1 p. in. 115 2)
The maddest woman la the United States
of America Is tbe one that Uvea at Jackson,
Maine, and recently lent ber Qtty-dollnr
muffle a foraale acquaintance, who spoil
ed it at & etuall-pox funoral; who cent it
borne with a neat little .lote, staling lb la
fact, and that at ebe "had sprinkled it wilb
benzino, the owner toed not 'fear catching
the disease."
Indianapolis Ib agitating tbe questioner
having a. grand national cattle end Block
how there next fall at tbe same time the
Exposition la held.
Tbe Michigan Legislature has passed a
law compelling all persons wbo sell poieoo
to give witb It priuled directions for the
administration of an antidote. Sensible and
worthy ofimilation by other Legislative
Tho President tent tba following nomi
nations to the Senate on the 10th : Robert
J. Cunan, Franklin; John II. Howe, Oil
City;. "William Miller, Petroleum Centre;
A. W. Merrick, Sbarabutg, all re-appoint
uicntt. ;
Abovo Tionesla a largo ice gorge la form
ing and becoming heavier as the water rla
. Tbe gorge extendi from tbe town four
miles up the -river. Below Tionesta the
liver la clear ol Ice to Reno, where thero la
another gorge, lu case of heavy rain or a
sudden thaw much damage may be dona to
property along slime.
Tli weather baa now put on toe appcar pUpriri,;. We may soon expect t'ja,
g iy' and fes'iva bin bird, nnd ttio gentle
lightning rod ped;er in our midit; tiiu one
fioiu the tulmy south, and the nthfr l.-oiu
'tiVr U si Z Cellln a giliOD'JUl W"Et.
Tie largo tank on tbe Central Petroleum
Company's farm, owned by James S. Ma
Cray, and containing upwards of 10,000
barrel! of oilsyrang aleak yesterday after'
nooo, and up to "ibis writing bal leaked oat
about 600 barrels of oil, which will prove
a tottil Inns. Pipes have been run from tbe
Centra! Petroleum Go's tank, and one other
tank on that farm, and this forenoon a pip
line was laid (ram tbe leaky tank to Iba
largn iron link on the Egbert farm, and
oil is now being pumped into it. Tbe leak
was occasioned by tho frost earning out
of the bottom nf tbe tank. A ft is t be oi 1
dippers are making a good tblng of it.
Later. Tbe tank has sprung a new
leak, and the oil Is running jout with In
creased force, down across tbe railroad track
'owards tbe town. Fears are entertained
it may catch firu and tbe town be endan
gered thereby.
A tine of big casing bus just been rnn
I rom the tank to tbe filling platform and
about forty tank cars will be 81 led at once.
As fhe cars bold about eighty barrel each
a cansiderab I quantity will be saved.
Mr. McCray'a loss, so far he informs us,
will not tall short ol $5,000 to $6,000 thus
far and may be more unless tbe leak can be
found and stopped.
Tbe Youth's Gazelle for March It more
than usually attractive. These who have
not subscribed should do so at one.
Tbe lalonl from tbe leaky tank 1 that the
oil is rnoning out as fast as ever. Another
line of casing is being run from tho tank to
the case.
The meeting if tbe Literary Society, on
Thursday eveuiog, wa" quite largely at
tended and proceedings very Interfiling.
The firm ol Johnson ft Barrett, manufac
turc-rs of mnchine oil. ia dissolved hv mutual
consent. Tho business will be continued by
by Mr. Johnson. This oil bas gained ; a
wifie reputaikm lor excellence la lubrl eat
ing machinery of all kind.
Tho sbockinvoccurrence at Franklin, ves-
teiday, by which Mr. Thomas Anderson, a
respected citizen, met aieata by hit- own
bauds, created considerable excitement in
ibis place, wbere M r. Anderson was quite
well known. So far tbe mystery attached
lu his death is unknown. We incline to
the belief tbe nu fortunate rutin was insaue
at the I'tno bo committed the rash act.
Tbe song of :hs robin waa beard this
morning tor the ftret time.
James 13. Work, elerk to lu cummisni
ooore ol Indiana couuty, bas just gone to
the Wiiitern Penitentiary for iorglug comity
boudt. hit. Work will be a member of Uiit
institution oighteon months . '
Tbe lutt illness of a 1'uuxsutawuey
younjster, which the family
prououofod cernbrospiual uieniugilis, was
lound on u postmortem examination i) con
sist ol boiled cabbage.
A Cattaiaugus farmer, when ho beard
read thu miracle of turuiug water iuto wine,
said, old Brown, bis neighbor, could turn
water iuto milk and cell it right along.
Cincinnati ia tbe place selected lor tbe
next aetsiua ol the Grand Lodge oi Knigbls
of Pj bias. '
The Cuban General ltci alba, recently
captured by the Spanish Uuiis, was exe
cuted on the morning ol tbe tb Instant at
Putrto Pilucipe. Several engagements
witb the rebels are reported in tbe Central
- St. Patrick's day will .come on Monday
A petition signed by sevea thousand wo
meu of St.Louis, baa been presented to
tbe Legislature, asking for a repeal, of tbe
Social Evil laws of tbat city.
It Is reported from Boston that the
schooner Coros sunk near .B iker's Iaiaud
lights, on Wednesday witb all on board.
Fivemen were drowned.
A Troy, New York, dentist, while plying
bis avocation around tbe mouth of a lady
customer recently, was seized witb emotion
al Insanity and kissed her. She was uot so
far under tbe Influence of other but that the
shock revived her, and tbe tooth Icarpenter
loaned h?c husband $60 on long time the
next day, besides making no charge for hit
two and a half hours' work.
Straps on pants are coming into vogue
again. Tbe straps' are to be sewed to tbe
leg bettnms, and tbui always be ti readi
ness lor usii. They aro not then in the way
for It is rarely tbe wearer is in so great a
hurry a to have to draw tbe pants ou over
h In bead.
Tbe toughat etry bunjauity bas yet been
culled titKio. to believe Is this: "After thlr
teen years of acgry , K-piratioa, ' a Teire
iUuto couple now sleep npon the turns pil-
Inw." Pillows must b .arger iu Terre
iitin'n than H other localities.
1.rit;o Cootm!8 is "ehook lull" cf water
Parker Oil FleK.
We bavo tba following to report from
one ,
Grant farm, which Is situated about om
aod a balf miles northwest of Parker:
Tba well owned by John A. Sedwl ck
which started np about tho 25th of last Sep
lember, Is at present Oowlog fully? 6 bar
rels per day.
Bawers' and Brothers' bave swell about
John A. Sedwick ft Co., are starting
three new wells.
W. A. Crawford bas a well down 1,100
feet. '
All the pumping wells aro boldiag out
Well No. 3, en the Peter Whltmire farm,
one and a balf mifea Southwest of lowo.
bas been drilled te a depth of ever seven
hundred feet aod tbe work Is progressing
regularly. Wm. S. Zisglur, Esq., took tbe
lease aud is interested witb other Id sink
ing tbe well.
Well No. 1, on the Whltmire farm, owned
by Esq., Dunn ami others, ia down five or
six hundred feet.
The well ou the Aba Martlu farm, tbree
miles Southwest of Greece City, aod five
mile Northeast of Butler baa been sunk
about 1100 feet. Ankers, Cooper. Marshall
and Thomas Brother ere tbe owners.
These gentlemen leaned some thirty acres
from John II. Neymnn, last week, adjoin
log their well on tbe Southwest for which
tbey psyed sixty dollars par acre aad give
line eight of ail tbe oil obtained thereirom.
A well owned by M'Farland, Taylor and
others, located on tbe Jamison farm, north
east of town, waa struck this week which
up to this time continues to yield about 250
barrels of oil per day.
A well owned by D. Cameron and others,
located on the Jamison farm a short dis
tance above tbe old well, was struck this
week and bas been yielding about 201 bar
rels of oil. daily.
David Morrison recently purchased ball
the royalty In thirty acres northeast of town
for Which he psyn G It. Campbell $4500.
Josiab M. Ttiompson and Ii. A. Jamisou
recently purchased eleven acres, part of the
George R. Uambeil farm, northeast ol town,
for which tbey pay $33 per acre.
Vandergritt and Foreman bave recently
bad two pipejiuas surveyed from Greece
City, one of which leads to Brady's U-nu,
and tbe other to Hairisvllle. Thus, it will
be seen tbat additional outletslor Uiw vast
supply ol oil being produced bnu will toon
be provided Oilman's Journal.
A welldressed man bas been swindling a
number or shopkeepers iu in n
mariner that is very provukiug to ihem. He
makes a purchase a dozen spools of cotton,
and theu discovers, to bis apparent surprise,
tnat be bas not bis pocketbook about bin.
Representing that tbe cotton is much need
ed, be proposes to leave bis tpeclncles as
security that ho will return aud pay fur it.
Ih a number of instances Hi is proposition
bas been acceded to, but tbe buyer did no
return. His spectaeles are of the cheapest
kigd, worth abont 60 cents a dozen.
An offer of $6,000 was recently refused
for a lot of uufcoproved lead in. Detroit,
Michigan, which, the ow nnr gave a tnueket
'or thirteen) years ago.
3QTbe new Indiana Temperauee law Is be
ing rigidly enloroed.and many caies bave a
ready been brought up before tbe oaurts o
Tbe Legislature of Nevada is gravely cod
sidering a bill authorizing ail State officers
to travel free over tbe railroads, on condi
tion tbat tbey make no charge lor niileago.
A somewhat remarkable question will
shortly claim the decision of tbe French
Chambers. Tbis is whether fortified town,
which have suffered through tbe war are
entitled to indemnity at tbe band of tbe
nation at large.
Tbe Tittwvilla Herald publiabed an obit
uary notice of Queen Victoria on Saturday.
last. Will it please kill Sergeant Bates
A mau In Tidioule offers to bat five hun
dred dollars that Sergeant Bales can't carry
the American Sag ttfrougb tbe Modoo
llr. lsiab Corbeti, of Franklin, bas been
appointed coroner for Vanango county by
the Governor.
31 A terrible tale of youthful depravity
comes from Philadelphia where a hardened
wretch aged tbree years, forged bis mother,
name to a shingle with a pleto of chalk,
aud bought Sve cents' worth of rock sandy
with the hc.giis e;titf.v.
A German frui lienlii has been for.socie
lime at Patinais. tni'eriiy bunting. Ti'i liret
rotnittiooe was one buidred jioituds won!)
ol butteriiii'3.
Totber dsy 'twai In inmr' meridian
I, loving to flsh and to dream,
Was wont to pay vlata qoolldlaa
To Eeen'i miraculous, si ream.
With my meerthaum aud ood pocketjflagon
Right mrry the life that I lod
By tb river tbat Utber Pendragon
Tried vainly to tutn from It bed.
One charm bad the rivet'; tbat very
Soon set my poor brain In a whit I,
I used to be rowed o'er the ferry
By tbe prettiest possible girl.
Her lace wa a cluster of roses,
Tbe sweetest of bud wat ber tnoutb
She'd tbe nicest of little Greek noses,
Aod breath like a breeze from the south.
In vain did her neatly made bodice
The curve of ber bosem disguise,
There, wa news of love' mischievou god
gin the blue or ber timorau syes.
I, not being very patnoian
(Though I bave got an uncle an earl,)
Mid scenery and weather elysisa
Fell in love with Ibis buxom young girl.
At last, balf in earnest, balf jokfcg,
I ask ber il marry (he will;
She drops me a ourtsey provoking
"I'm'engaged, sir, to Jack at the Mill!"
Cenfoundedly bothered and nettled,
I leave by tbe very next tralu;
Tbat girl shall be married and.seHled,
Befere I tea Eden again.
Mortimer Collin.
In Gsneva accurate register bave been
kopt of the yearly average of life ince,l60
wbicb was then twenty-two years and nve
months; In 1833 Itjwea forty year and five
months. Thus, in Ices than three hundred
years, tbe average duration of life ha near
ly doubled.
Peru uses ber guano to pay bet notions
You must bave your wedding cards smaly
ler this winter.
Two ladles in Canada West run a store in
tbe interest of tbe English Church.
jyNow is the time to purchase a Pocket
Diary ebeap. A lino assortment can be
fun d at the Post t'fiice newsroom.
CAN A nook of fiOU pages, wiln editors' and put,
lisbers' names. d'e of establishment, site,
politics, subscription price and circulation
of nil Newspaper in the United States and
Dominion of Can.ida.
hv mall. Aridres Publishers, No. 41 Park
Row. ifw York.
Sr. Q
3 " o
o'sr ST J1
F G S K r -i
Go ta v. a. imm
4th 8treet,Bear R. K.trsyJ
for J.onr BENZINE, dehr I
ered at the wells fur
per Barrel.
Petreiene Centre, Feb. 4h 1.
Capt. W. it. SMITH, PropV
Particular attention paid tn the wants 01 aj m
lomtra, auu win Keep vue miwi Bluer
OYSTERS in Every Style.
Drop la aad see dm in my sow stand.
The partnership heretofore existing bv
tween Hugh M. Johnson and Cbas. H Bin
ri-lt, is this day dissolved by mutual cooipdi
fliifrh M. Johnson assumicgall oiwli ml
liabilities of the firm.
Dated Pejroluum Centre. MaMb 8 1S73
Hugh M. Johnson will continue) thebmi
nesj of triHnufacliiring maehin oil cibmw
fore. Orders solicited.
Senond-Haqfl Oil Well
plies, io,ua ft a in. TVTnNo, iov ooft ssM
ard 3-iuch CASING, ,tgo ft HMALL Pil',
HUt'KRH UODH, a inch, iach 7 and lack l)M:
I WO 1'IFE. rrrriHOS at owe half WM f H"
G AS and- HOTARY PITM I'B for aaio or t ral
lC.NGlWlta aud BOILBHS of all sum. t
Box-no, PetrsleHK Centre, P
810.00 worth
to every subscriber to OUR FIRESID'S PRBW
The Leadtner famtlr Weekly of
able, instructive and lnteivitlng raadtai o"1
B and miecellanyi short continued or
aketohasand practical mattcrr JChT SLrTJW"
tbe wants and wit bea of
Whether living la eltyor country, at d wf i"j
each yearly aubacrker a copy of oar mH"ilm
. "CUTE"
Painted In OIL OOLOHS, 1 times fromllXWS
HTOMKH-aiae, IbxSO incbaa. Tha "JfAr,
slie, Mqntiiie and plensin. It CANNOT
TOLD n-oiii tbe original painting, aud lJV
worth $ 10. It BXCBEDS In bcaaty, she i J "J
ae any piclnre ever (riven with ANY rmbl
give more pleasure or be a ereatcr otnaiaent i"
tanuMhold. It oan be had FIvKE, and weU"-j
sk sabsarlhers o wait montbaur it bt
at once, or it can be had of our scan"- .B,K(,
here pay on dllvry or pictBrea, t0 WAH'"
Plclnrasnow ready, and1 deUrarad sy
If wa hare
In your neighborhood, W;WANT OK
rati- i "f lnSbJc'1PATiSi
MlMT T faraiah the BEfl
elusive l.rritor and the BB8T TOOM
with Ou Agents having ImmenM S""
makina from $5 to f 16 perday. """f-aioi
40 subscriptions in one rfav, oiberarapar! t j ' Btlll
5S pw day. spaclmen copies of PP-'
lars, tarrns, eto , aent f reo to snv -ail ViS'lNft
Write at me to awr IIKB6UK PW,IU'.