The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 13, 1873, Image 2

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nocbant Tailors!
the Oil
yrn jxrt diffebert bttlh or
bW and JUbbteetatylak
A POLL till OV
Omit Furnishing Goods, ie.
fotrol-jum Centra Daily Record
ntm MrtiM.
SjtrUrt every Sabbath at It A. M. and
, r. .1. Bnbbntb MbQol al HJf r. a.
il.fro. A cordial tOTltatloa extend
Bit. 0. Mooh,' Pacter.
pbbbtteuan church.
Prcaahlag at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7
'clock P. M., by tba Potior, W. 0. Bcnca
a. iabbatb School at Wi, directly rteeaaon lervlo.
rn; Mtleg and Babbetk gekool
fjaaoborw Meetlag Taoaaaa afoaloga ol
Tlrwlaajgej C tra Ii4t Km.
TIB, I.9.a)i O.P.
ttogwler aaaaeiag algal, rrldey, at 7
rand linn.
B. O
- A. O. af IT.
aViaccty Lodge No. 7,
O. of u.
wm Meade weanta al Til 'lock.
la 044 PwUow'i Hall. Poarolaom Cwtn,
BL T. Caawoa, B.
A. Olbh, M. W.
awkuM Walk Ma is f . n D
a PeWeleam Geo Ire, dmU every Tkaraday
vewwg UBH VMDpiM'l nail. .
E7 Coatl Area Ugkted atT 'clock.
H. HOWE, Beebom.
HlHUUIg, CMfof Keoord.
tat lf.rn.MX
IXKow b tba Um ta pawekeao Pot
aMeryaboap. A laa imrtmiat oaa ba
Mad at Um feat Otto Nawaroom, whlek
will aa aoM at aaat.
tetcfeaaetoaagia toaame oatia Me
Atetau, Oaatata, ka4 a hy zow
Laatevlll Iblevco lUal ektektai from tba
A aw bad ol ararbto kaa kaaa dtoored
1a Wbrtotldtoouaiy, IHIaoay,
Tkaaaalailaanlalka aartfcata dlitrUt
al Illlaala have olrnok tor blf bar wag aa.
Oao auadrodiaiooa keep hava baaa
aaiMaa H r la All eoaaly, Indiana.
Aa artoalaa wall it to ba aaak al Blarl.
lag,. Illlaala, to. aupply th tewa with
Planner Item.
Tk eorraptbMC whlak bat baaa. to
thoroughly ventilated at Weablogtoo tat
viator, atcma to ba?a baaaaia epidemical
exleadiag tta ramioealiooe Horlh, South,
Eatt, Wait. Not avail tbla romtatlo tII-
Uga la rsaupt. Wa ara Informad tbat aoa
afaar eltiiaoa' brn baa baaa aotarad al
part wbao good peopla ara nMj rapoilog
wltbla tba ambraoa of Morpbaoa tad tuodrj
artlelaa diuppaarrd, eartilalr not wllboul
baoda. But tboaa baada wltk Jma balanoa
of atoaj bat aiakca tba gaout bona ta
jet ara uokaowa.
Wa laaro with ragral tbat our oldnt and
oat raipeelad eltliaa, Mr. A. 8. Tratbar,
lataodt dotIoi to Janaatowa, N. T. Mr.
P. wai bora and brought np a poo tba farm
wblcb ka now vaaatot aftar ao many yaara,
aaviog baaa engaged la Iba ilota and
banking bualoru In Pluaiar during Ha bet
tar dji and al'lthole, raSalng bualnau al
Oleopalli and banking at Sharon, and a
larga maaulacturlog bualnta at Jammtewa.
It la purely buiiaeta ralallona tbat (ttutf
Mm U leaaa tba old bonealead. Wblla
Pluraerjoaea ana ol tba oldeat and beat elli
ana, Jameatowa will gaioagood oltlieo,
Imbuaad Witb paWla aplrlt, aalerprlaa and
aapllal adcalrablaacqalitioa. Wa bate
to teoerd one of tboaa domtatlo aoandal
wblab will bappea In aplta of fala. Tba
pari? or iba drat la a full grown
man. Beeond part bla bouMkaepvr. Tbia
ooupla wba bare bean llriog togalbar lor
etTeralyeara witb teeming aerenlty and
peaeerulaeti only upon an ocettlon lik tba
preteol, bave two obildren, ana Iba '-frog
any" ol Aral part and one parly ol aeoood
pari. It eeene tbat Ibeee bad ao partlou
Ur lof a lor each otber and were tnuob given
to qaarrtllog, forfeiting tbat: "Dogtaad
oaia," Aa. Tblt did not tall alt bar party
ofBrtt or party otteoeod pari, and cauaed
eipreaaioaa and f lewa lo ba given freely
upon betb tldea. Party af drat part Ibaugbl
ba would eumpromiea tba matter by gab
ting a plane for eaeb of Ibo children and
ibey eould live karataaiaualy bad fellollona
ly tolangaatbe ebooaa." Tbia did not
anil party oTaaaoad part wbo cxelalmed in
digaaallyi "II bat child iweat the would
go loo." Party of am part nel earing la
abrogate What ba eonaidored a wlee plan,
tulck lo It" aod Hat bar go.''
Tba Ktcoao la lacreaeing lit circulation
la.Plnraer. It bat n peculiar faMiaatioa for
Iba Plainer ;"8beool Marmt" wblobtetma
pretoinatual and prejudicial aa tby da
nonace It (Racoaai aa a low vile contempt!
bla tbeat, aaa4 utltrly toatb jour aorret
pendent. If tbey will allow ut and exeute
eur bratob o f panoillloueneat-w by do you
read tba "obooiloua abeelf 1
Our reader! will bear in ailed tba eoaoart
of toe Plumar Cboral Unleo. In Iba U. P.
Cburcb, Plumar, Ibis eveolos. We under
aland tbat qailawauaibar la lead going
rroaibera, Wo ftel tafa la aajinc Ibej
will enjoy a rare mueioal treat and aoa Ibal
will aaiply tapay iheia for Iba llae and ex
peote atleodaot npon geiog. Among tba
lilt of ameleure aiuaioiant will ba lound
tba aaaeee of aeveral of oar townanaopla wbo
aajoy aa enviable repuieilea aaliai elaaa
awtMlana. Wabopeleaaea full attend
aaee al tba aoaoert tbla eveolag.
Cltlaea Mailoy Indulged hie Ugh ling pro-
elivllle again latl nlgbt, alalBiog Ibal ba
waa tba ebaaiploa leatber weigbl or tba
aaloa. Aa a mailer of oouraa ba received a
drubbing, and aow baa eotbiag lo aay ex
aept tbat ho la bully" of Iba light weight.
now lab tba light walgbic abow np.
A citatum of lltbogrepble atone baa been
diaaovered ia Montgomery couoly, Kaa
The elitcenc ef Alma, Kantaa, have aub
aorlbed (tog for tba purpoae of telling Iba
new oil wall recently opened.
A Kentucky wouiao, wbo lakai beta
Iralghi, gol a diaotca Irom bar buabaul
beeeuee be joload tba Good Templar.
Tba Literary Koolety moeu ibla evealng
al the Public Soheol Uonaa. All are la-
vlted to etleod.
Tbo aow Capital baildiogaor Michigan
a.a iowaaraMbbulllof Qutocy, liiln
ww aiaroia.
.; We are aorry to bear af tba aarlaba llloaaa
gtlaui- lowaamaa, Mr. T. R, Atmitiaa(.
, aaba baa bean alek lor aevorel daja paal
Ve cape he may aaea .recover bla. wanted
A man ia tluobM araualed bla wire r.
Mill. Id..ilu Ik. IuLhI I. i .
cere. He had anly baaa married a few
" CI I' ten Mailoy "waul oowtt (be river" for
kltiy daya, Ibla atlernooo. Cootldcrable
axrnaitiii waa oacaaieMd'amoag Uie bojt
i me i(ai of Cltlr.n Tm cad Oialn
' vI'd a. w t iitit:i!g i the
fJDowK Ttta Kitib. There were ninety
two pereoaa, raaldanta of Tliuaville aod
vleloiiy, wbo left for the dewn river oil re
glim cue day tbia week. A number ef ibem
bxl previoualy made arrangement! to ge
Into bualeeee, aouie ta Butler and eome In
Clarian conatlra, wblla Ike etheri went lo
luek upa plaae to locate Tituaville Cour.
After ao many leaving tba big city"
there can be but few people left la Ibal
Tltnavllle aotea on local optica Saturday,
Stroag eftorn ara being made by the frioada
or lemaeraDCe and alao by the liquor man
Al Weal LevaoVMe.. Uera- ia cueb
dapth ol aaow ever a portion f tbeaoanty
road tbat a funnel vmc aut tbrontb Iba
drill, aud fur two .daya learnt bave beeo
driven uniler a aaow aicb al act forty toda
A nnmber of onr cltlient bava latorned
from the Batter oil Bald! and do not give to
good an aoooont or tbat region ea moilef
the aewepapara publlabed Ibereaboat date.
With only IS to 17 fact ef third land rack
and walla 1,600 to 1,700 feat deep, we im
agine coma one will gel bll fearfully.
Upon being caked bar father'! profetalon,
a Claolonatl belle aald ba embeimeo
perk, abe believed" Tbe neighbor! call
hire aa aid bog packer.
Arkanaat It a good Slate lor Uneriff kill'
era. Tba Legltlatura of Ihet Slate hue
granted general ainnealy to C. B . FHipal
rlik far killing Sheriff Murray, of Miaaiaiip
pi county.
One of the modlea of Ibe r'erragut atatue
al Waablagloo, la laid to reaembla "ilia
loremao of a lire company lied lo a ebin,-ney.
Ellen Fiiaglbboo, agd alxty-four year!
and Joe Byan, aged alzlv-aevea. were rn n
over yetlerday at Kaabvilla by the truck ot
a book and ladder company and were aer-
loutly wonuded. Tbe truck wee oa He
way ta a lira and waa running rapidly.
The Ire Involved a lot of 91,600.
ltltdnoled tbat Geo. Wliliatn Carlit ia
dangeroualy ill. Ha It coofined to bla room,
Iba recult of overwork, but will be out la a
few daya, when he will probably take a let
aplta Irom all labor for eome montbt to
A (?blmeo woman la iall on a charge of
then, itole a tat of laWe teeth fjnin a lady
friend wbo oame lo tee ner In ber trouble.
Ql mtnthara 1.1 tbe Oma0 .rOfel faB
lly make np an aggregate etatne ct ttlrty-
!! feet and two incbea. Tnc iaoiiy m
wajt In high coclety.
The Worcealer Gazette defeoda aotbera
n law, and la really earneat In tbe cauae.
Tba editor It an nntophlaiicated bachelor.
Roaerl M. l)ouglatt,late private f'eereterv
lo 'PrMiilent Grant, will be appointed Uol
led Slatea Harebell In North Carolina.
Judge Poland la deiorlbed aa "about tba
oalr uld-faabioned bard-aballed antlMaton
tetl over lo Congreae.
Denl ceiioty, Mo , la out of debt and baa
'Iron enoimb lo tupply tbe demand ol lie
Kocbettrr baa an -Oh be Jojtul" Club.
Mobile indtiairie ara retarded by a want
of barrelt.
Tba Tld iue Journal aaya it require! oue
foorlb of a barrel ol oil to pay for a ride
from tbe depot lo Ibe hotel! in a Warren 'bui
for fesx CimKt, oJeUv.
crcd at the welk for u
ver iarrcle
Petrelcam Centra. Fefe, gjlb9l
BA Cinneoilout doctar deludea people to
tbe belief that be baa an immenta practice,
by practicing aa a cornet, ibe eounde from
wblcb eaaat patten by lo think tbey ara
tba groaat of a victim nnder Ike turgeeu'a
Georgia undertaken are firtloiae! but!
aeat aien. Tbey recommend pbyiiciana
pay for their advertlaemeote, aod II you
agree to lake a rich coffio, they pay for ibe
A Michigan editor telle bit daily ex
change! far five tenia each. lie la eunfideot
Ibal hli paper will yield a b indaome liw
come If he caa aueceed well in 'working
up" bla esebaoga Hal.
Tbe juil deotelon ia announced by seer
tary Oelaao tbat tba right of Briliio cilnera
of tbe Ialand of San Juan, lately awarded
to Ibe United Stelae, ahall nol be prejudiced
by tba Iranifer.
A man wbo often duet buamew around
town, and wbo, by Ibe aay, ia a iueic aad
lowly cuta lo bia converaeiiou witn the y
pic ot tbe world, lound a wuepa hrei tbe
otber day, with It! little oceitpMila
ently all frozen to death. Whiix loraing it
about one of tba waaya fell doaiu lb brk f
hie neck. In a few inioutei ih't man begn
la t irn lad lo lb face, and in balf a ruiitute
all bit alolha were eff and he h. mm
talking witb hiauell in every burned tnn '
aer end with uiutb' pruUuliy Tb ut el
of bla body had revived tbe waep.
Everybody la wieblog.loi the ouuing o
gentle Spring. "Come gentle Spring, eibe
real mlldoeci eoma. "
TK. nartnarahln heratofora aalatlns be
tween Hugh M. johoaon and Cbaa. U Bar
rait, II Ibla oay oteioivea vj muiuei cooaeai
Hugh M. Joheaoo itauming all aaeeli and
liabilllicp of tbe firm.
Dated Petroleum Centre. Marb 8 1873 U Jnhnenn ertll Mintlnne the hlial
oeaa of manufaciurtog machine oil al hereto
ire. Urderi auiicataa.
Grand Concert.
Of Plumer,
that they
would annonnce
will give their
Thuwdav Evenitiff, March 13.
Songs, cboruee8, tluettay quar
tettes, Ac. lickets Vb Uents.
Doom open at 7 o'clock.
Concert oinmences at 7X,
Eliza Part waa itatooced by Jualiee Kys
aoldt, Ibii afternoon, la a On of 1 aud
eactc and imprlaoamenl la tba eoanty Bao
lllc at Franklin fni tba anauing SO dayt.
Tba old well raoeatly Hurled up oo tbe
Maple Shade Oil Company'a property, ii
yleldiog about eight' barrelt daily..
1 Mietreae Eliza Perl reatad ber weary form
in Iba lockup once more today. Wbiakry
waa lha cauae of it f
Wa bear It rumored Ibal ao oil compare,
af wblcb Eequira Bcynolda bai charge of
their property, loeated al lha upper end of
tbe Bala, are about to commence Ibe woik
of developing al once in that vicinity. Wc
have ao doubl bnt tbat good wall! would be
atiuck thereabout!.
Ithaideeadiecovered tbat to make a
balky borae travel, tie a ctriug tigblly
araund hli ear, near Iba and, let him Hand
unlill ba beglna to ibake bla bead, when he
will forget about balkiog and go witboul
lurtber trouble. It never faila. Tbe "auis
milla" walkt right eff on hla ear.
One ol tbe counii of Ilia recent indictment
agaluat Mfat Sutan B. Aulbony at Rochet
Ur read at folio we: "She, lha eaid Suaan,
wallbea a pertoo of lb female lex, cou
irary to tba form or tbe Daltad Stale ale
lute in lucb oaa made aod provided."
A paper pula what it wlahea to enforce In
lha lollowing aimilie: "Von wel
try lo abampooa ao elephant with a ibiavi
blefal of leap mdi aa to attempt lo do but
laeec aod Igmre advertising."
. Aa eminent Weateru doctor hat diatov
arcd Ibal vaceloalion witb tartarmettc It ti
geod a preventative of nnall pox ai ika utti
al it; of vacin
Tba advance ot an culture In ibla eoun
try Ii aald. tubal particularly viable In the
Improved cltcui aad theatrical pciteri tn
If 5 fl
2. BP tj ft
S-v C qa
' tat
aoeaeh, ll.m
400 ,w)
00 0,W
im um
1 ,
9100,000 tbrODlj Ho,
Uoder authority of pcltl lti1ilihMb
of U-rch l,!871,th liutttt DowMtoeZ
I II J A AA A tax v at' vr WVnUwHTal
the benefit ef Ibe Public Library oftn,
lock j, lo come off iu Library Ball, at jj.
Tin", ay., ub
Vaeaclar, April Blh, 1TI.
At tbla Coaaerl tba beat mailaal i.u.,1
tbat can be procured from all nam at n.
country will add pleaiure to Ike ealerltlw I
meal, aoo Tea toouiaaa Lata wint, y.
gregaling a tall total of Half Mllliei
lolierecntroney will bnfdiitrlbulad by lata
licxei aoiere, aa louowa:
1,1 r of eirTS.
On Grand Caab Gift,
One Grand Caab Gift,
One Graad Calh Gift.
One Grand Caab Gill,
One Grand Caab Gift,
One Gran Caab Gilt,
24 Oaab Gifn a! a
60 Caab Uilla ol
eO Caab GUtl af
100 Caab Gifia af
160 Caab Gifn of
6M Caab Gilll of
,tuo Caab Qlfla of
Total, 10,000 Cilia, all Calk, gWt.Oe)
To provide meana far ikia mefilieni
Concert, One Haadred Thouaand TMW
only will be iaeaed, a large portiei tfilm
are already aold.
Whole Ticket. 910: Batvea, It; wi
Qii.riera, fl.i. Klev.a Wbela TieteUlK
tlfiu; ho diacount a late tkaa 1M m
dera. i
NoiklDg ooirld ho mora appraarlat b
preaenit loan tbaa tlckel to tbe Btoque)
Wealth ar nwre likely la pradaca tilW
antierctory reealie. The abjret of tla
Third Gi.'l Coacerl la Iba leoUrgewnl in
endownmeat ol lb Publia Library of Iw
tueby, wbieb, by lheepeclel acl aalbuliiq
Ibe concert lor lit bent-It, late, be ftrnu
free lo all eitirwoa of every Stale. TMi
Conterl will be cunducted like Ike lilt Mi
aerend bretafer given, aad fall penicillin
of the mod ot drawinii Iba glfn and
tbem aad everytniirg aeceaaary
thorough naderetaudiog of Iba acheoafna
bentauiue loand. are new BUbllanel la tat
form of a circular, wnieb will ba faraUM
Ire of coal, lo any wha apply.
The entire management of lh1i oadtrtie
ing baa been eo ram 11 bed by the irualtNH
Hen. Theft E. Bramlctte. lale GnvtroiM
Kentucky, te whom : all ccmmuDieallNi
pertaiolag la Ibe Gift Coacerl ahauld Uie
dreat. R. T. DHRRKTT, Pret'l
W. N. Baldkuxx, VlcePat
John S. CAIN, Sea'y Public Library of If
Farmera'a and Urovera" Hani, ireaew
Tioketa are now readv far aale. and A
ordera for them or applicalioai tor agearie
eirculira, iaformatioo, eta., will WHlvW
prompt alleatiea wkea addrettta
belew directed.
TBOa. K. tAng.CTTi
Agaat Pabilo Llbtarj I-
Cami. W. fe SMITH, rrf J
tomera, aod will keep tbe noeet 'oc . J
Drop taai aetata mT
' l t L