The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 05, 1873, Image 2

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Ilercbant Tailors!
Gmtt Furnishing tioods,
ITlTVSTaI.1.13, PA.H
Btl pat om of tlx but aaseraaen. of
co ATiisras,
"Fancy vestinos.
h effcrad la to Oil Beglea.
CTJiars ss caps,
Ab th UtMtua Nobbiest Stylo.
font Famishing Goods, &c.
etroleum Centre Daily Record.,la-. Wadncaday. Wrcli
Ulvme Morvlce.
Services every Sabbath t 11 A. M. ana
t P. M. Sabbath School at U P. H.
staff. A oordial invitation extend
ed I nlL
Ket. G. Moorr, Pastor.
fresbyterIan CHURCH.
frtaahing at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7
avolnsk I. M , by tba Pastor, W. O. Borch
Sabbath Sobool at 2'4, directly
after lareaoon service.
...u U.atln,. .nil C.V.hath
Taeahar'a Meeting Tuesday vvenlogs ol
rlenm Centre fjodge, JVo.
Tift, I. O. ofU. F.
tegular rjieeting nights Friday, at 7
'slack. Signed.
1- H. KaoKER, A Seo'y.
flfTPUcs of meeting, Mala St., opposite
MiCllnlock House.
A. U. Of U. W.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
Meet every Monday evenlug at 7 o'clock,
la Odd Fellow'! Hall, Petroleum Centre,
A. Glkx.v, M. W.
M. T. Connor, R.
I. O. of K. JM.
Mlnnakauue 'Vriue No. 188, I. O. R. 11
f Petroleum Centre, meeti every Thursday
railing la Good Templar's Hall.
OT Council Urea lighted at 7 o'clock.
H. HOWE, Saobent.
REYNOLDS. Chief ol Record.
(laid at 1 p. m. US
The Creek la Dearly frozen over at this
point. ,
Tbe present bna bum tbe coldest winter
oa record for yean.
Oil matter! at Kane City are dull. A
nanuar of people are talking of emigrating
is tbe lower oil Heidi aa aoon ai spring
A new seventyeve barrel flowing well Is
reported at Franklin. Owned by Hall &
McKlnstruy, ol Deropseylown.
The Inauguration of Preaident Grant, at
Washington, yesterday, wai tbe grandest
affair of the teaion.
Several ol our "sports'' attended tbe
Charaburs-Hicken prize fight.
Correspondence from Iba front atata tbe
rroduotion to be falling off largely 0 tbe
Butler and Clarlou distrusts.
General Edward Jonson, ex-Confederate,
died at Richmond, Vs., Sunday.
A Ore at Lgrange, Indiana, yeeterday,
deetroyed Lerr'e Bourlogmllla. Lois 18,000
A public school houae la Fort Wayne, lox
dleaa, burned yetlerday. Loss $18,000.
Congress baa directed that statue be ereo
ted in Washington, lo tba memory of tbo late
Geconal Thomas.
The Supreme Court of Alabama baa. de
Iced tbat I he Cour Houae Legialature af
skat State ti legal1 body.
Visa Emily Filth lull aad bar aegretary,
l Patiiaon, are in Wasategien for a lew
days, aad have been ahowo tba alientioo
ail If tbeirdua by iba British MialHer.
A ease of disappointed love, conjugal
bliss blasted, Cherished hopes hovering dov.0
the wind of cruel Infidelity, came under our
observation on Friday last, wbiuh is likely 1
lead to some litigation, and development
rlch, rare and racy, if the matter ia not
amicably adjusted by some living concept
loos upon the.part of the standi ng off bride
groom. As near as our reporter could glea"
the facts, they are nearly these: About
three weeks since, at a dance, l.ila alushin
couple met, looked and lo vJ the olj
lory, love at first night. Tbey aru not or
tbe upper tno, aod'to our knowledge, lay no
claim tn a long . Hue of ancestry throng'1
whose veins flowed the erliusu.1 current o'
stamped nobility; but they are from the
humbler class from the,cuttage lowly, from
tbe bone and sinew of the land, and their
love was the Inve ol giants. It waxed warm
aud grew in alrenxtb, until our Adonis could
no lunger forego the jewel within bis reach
be looged that she should be bis bis ooly
and accoidingly propounded. Tbe maiden'
whose beart was not of adamant, listened t0
the Qnlxot lo talcs of this modern Moor as
only trualing and euutldiug maidens can
listen, and
.'.She swore. Ia faith, 'twas atranger J 'twas
passing atraogu;
'Twas pitiful, 'twas wooderous pitiful;
She wished that tibe bad notheuril it; yet ebe
That beavan bad made her such a man."
Tbe heavenly vision of a cottage by the
sea, clam chowder and fresh oysters was too
much tor our little heroine, and, like Niobe
all tears, ehe confessed ber soul and made
bltn tbe guardian ol ber heart forever and
for aye. Last Friday they were to go lo
Oil City, the metropolis ol Venango county.
and there and then be united as man an,
wile. Thursday uigbt came; tbe loveis wer
io have one more nieetlog ere tbey louche
their boat upon tbo tide of time, and moved
down the map of tba world as
'Two souls wilb but a aloglo tbougbl,
Two hearts that beat as one."
Dressed In ber neatest, she was indeed tbe
picture of lovelioess assba nt peering
tbrougliiho widow Into the darkness, watch,
jog tbe coming of . ber bope ber lord aud
master. The sun went down aa ;usual, tbe
shadows of night came on apace, tbe blue ot
Heaven waa dotted here and there with in
numerable slant, while up out of tbe eastern
horizon god like, rose Jupiter to throw
kisess across Iba -sea of blue lo tbe bright
eyed and brilliant Venus who was retiring
or tbe night down tbe horizon of tbe west
He was to bave been on naud at eight, it
was now eleven, andt still tbe maiden wait.
ed. Twelve o'clock was ushered in and past
down tbe past among , tbe ghosts ol hour,
gone before, and be came not.
'Ob, Robinson Crusoe, how could you do so
How could you do so, bow could you do so?.
Our reporter was looking upon that coun
eoance at tba lima expectlug a storm
whirlwind of pass ion, agony, grief and dea
pair, expeotiog to see those flood gates of th"
soul open and drown us in tears, but wo
were doomed to disappointment; there was a
sigh, a gentle swell of tbe bosom, a eompres-
ion or tbe lips as if of some stern resolve
and the simple remark, which means vol
umes when translated Into English "if1
Jack thinks be oan trials with my effeotion
with Impunity, he's barking up a bollow
"Then come to tbe old gum ttee, come to tb
old gum tree,
Come where de'cooa and ds possum be, torn'
and jojnejur jovial dance."
You ail want to know whom this fair an
gel in prospective bliss .was we lien be,
name with reverential awe it waa Emma?
vvnowas tno wrelob tbat promised this lair
Bushebaand took water! Who was tb
wretch tbat blighted tbe load bones oi thi!
luvoiy luaiueu mis uuifulng blonde ot
thirty summers? Was It Jones, or Smith i
or Variant
"We have met, we bave loved,
We bave parted, broken hearted."
Oh Jack, my boy Jack, bow could you?
Be just and wiso aud fear not, take tb'
blutsom to your Jtieurt aud cherish, love
honor and protect.
Tbe caae ot George B Evaos, tbe defaul
ting claim agent ol ibis Slate, came up fur
trial yeslerdya at Harnsburg.
About tbe best story told lately is of a
wealthy mew York German and a Uarlord
livery stable keeper, wbo was loth to let bis
best rig lu a gtranger, The German was
bound to bave bis ride, aud agieed io buy
tbe horse and sleigh, and when be returned
tbe stable keeper might refuod the money.
Tail was done, and tba team returned and
tbe money refunded, wbeoMbe German star
ted lo go. 'Holdon.'sald'the maa of Iba
horaea; 'you bave not paid your horses hire.'
'Why, my deer sir, s,ud the'New Yorker
cooiy, 't have boea driving my own Uam
this morniog.
2Mr. Will p. Howe, Business Manager of
the Tllusvllle Sunday Naws, paid us a call
today. He repressuli business? as good ia
that office. ,
Tba world is asleep, all hashed In Naturo'.
warm, sweet breath;
Tbe world is asleep, and dreaming tbe
silent dreams of snow,
But through tbe silence tbat Beoms liko tbe
silence of death,
Under the shroud of ermine, tbo souls of
the roses'glow.
And forever tbe beart of the water throbs
and beats,
Though bound by million gleaming, fot
lera and crystal wlng;
No sound on looesnme mornings tbe lonely
. watcher greets,
But the Irosty pane In impressed with the
shadow of coming wings.
Home Journal.
PtTTSUtnou, Pa , March i.
Tbe pugilists lu the Hicken-Camp be(
mill were on time in tbe ring today, wliicn
was pitched on a frosty and enow coveted
ground, at Collier Station, Wi st Virginia.
Tbey bad great difficulty in getliog a
Siddons finally acted as referee.
Twenty-tbree rounds wore fought.
On the twenty-fourth ronud tbe ring was
broken by the JCampbell crowd, and Ned
O'Baldwin narrowly escaped with bis life.
Ho waa beaten and .kicked, and a dozen
pistols wore pointed at him.
Tbe referee lit out of town, and Uicka
claims tbe stake-,
Hicken la not even scratched, while Camp,
bell has a hard looking face.
Time of rUht, sixty-live minutes.
?A San Francises telegram says tbat the
Mniloo chief, Jack, objects to Applegate and
Meachatn, two of the Commissioners ap
pointed by the Administration to treat for
peace with the hostile Monocs now in tbe
ava bed. We noticed In tbe ;San Fraocifco
Chronicle tbat tbe eommissioners appointed
by tbe President is condemned by many as
composed of men towards whom the Iudian
are particularly hostile, and towards whom
be Indians bave reason to feel savage, inns
much as said . cnmmissioneis bave teen
among tbe foremost in maltreating the In
dians and in fleecing them and Uncle Sarn
also. Tbe commissioners are Case, M'Clu m
and Applegate, and it ia very dubtfti
whether these meu can accomplish anything
with tbe Modocs. It will be noticed that
tbe squaws sgnt Into the Modoo camp re
port tbat tbe ebiefa ol tbo bar.d are anxious
to bave a talk, and are "ready to lull; with
those men tbat come Irora a long way off'
Evidently tbat.means that the Indians are
usploious of the white settlers and wish to
Vat with white men from a distance who
are nbt identified with the d fficnl lea be
ween tbo lodiana and white settler.
Samuel A. Hitcncock. of M ..ohutt9
has given $50,000 to the Illinois College,
at Jackoosville to endow IlitobcueK'a pn
fessorsbip ot mathemaiitcs and natural scie
Rumor says that tbe beauty of Genera
Sobenck's daughters (a ausn aa to cause
special' remarks in London, There is 'danger'
tbat Ibey may even marry Englishmen, as
tbey ard domesticated in London'.
A runaway occurred this forenoon, near
Lozior'a benzine oSlee, occasiened by tbe
team becoming frightened at the cars. The
horses ran through the street aud were du
ally stopped after breaking up things in
y . N
r A robbery ou a small scale occurred at
riumcr, last night, it appears some un
known parties, supposed to have been en
route to attend tbe revival meetings at
Pitbole, probably losing their whip at some
point on tbe road, Concluded a new one was
belter than none. Accordingly they broke
apaue of gloss out of Wilson's harness shop
and possessed themselves of several fine
whips, anddrove off. There is bo clue to
tbe robbers.
uorriB t'loiuiug store, at uil utty, was
paftialty destroyed by Gre yesterday morn
Twelve dogrees below zero this morning.
We learn tbat Messrs. Fairfield, Preston
& Co., owners of tbe old Barrlett refinery,
are about lo Increase tbeir capacity by put-
ling ip another row of stills.
Dr Heivley, tbe well known deullst, has
bis office in tba brick bank building fitted
up In moat elegant style He Is aceou led
one of tbe best deu tills io this seotlou ol tbe
r'tale A call will convince tbe most skep
Auotber big well is reported in tbe But.
ler oil Belds Between 400 and SOO barrels
per day, aud oil running on tbe gronnd.
The sun sblues out bright aod warm to
day, but air is cold and raw
Gen'.. J. G. Foster, United States Army,
will ba ebief uariball at Washington on in
augurttlaa day.; , .v
'We And thai ba can lo bis death turn
calling Bill Jackson a lisr.' was tbeir ver
d ct of a coaoner'sjury In Missouri.
Lydia Tbomp.on aod company made $39
000 In one month's engagement at New Or.
leans. .. ,
Mr. Robert Browning Is said to bave
withdrawn (rem society lo finish a new poem
VatiderLiill is trying bard toget a coo
troling inleiest. in Massachusetts railroad.
. Senalor Pomeroy still bus a large fle'rt o
do labor lu;he owua 120,000 acrua ol lauu .0
Kilwiu Booi b is in Cincinnati.
Bret narte was born in Albauy.
Mile. Alace Is lit New Orlians.
Mr. Charles Ueade
tie Captain Kidd.'
is now called tbo Mil
J.imrs Brooke, ol the Creid Mobilier Asso
ciation, is in a critical slate oThenlfb.
A girl to do general house work. In
quire next door lo American Oil Works of
fice. Wild Cat P. T. SHIh KEY.
Petroleum Centra, Pa., March 1 3t
To All Concerned.
Oil City, Pa., Feb. 28.
Please take notic that we
have this day revoked the au
thority of James Ellis formerly
uperintenent of the "Coxtou
Farm" to act for ns, and that we
will pay no bills of his contract
ing after this date.
J. K.. Reynolds,
J?. A. Rockwell,
Geo. P. Hi kill.
la th only Known Remedy tot Bright Sia.
u'i una curca every ease or DMDetea is,
wined H tin been Wen, Irritation of the Keck
of the Bladder aucl inflammation at trie Kidneys.
Kiwijuuuuium jiuneya nna autuuer, jteten
tlon ot Unnn, Diseasea of tbe Prostate Gland,
and Mucous or Milky Discharge, and for Kn
f entiled and Delicate Constitutions of both Saxea.
attended with the following symptoms : Lone
ui rom, iMn oi Memory, viuculty of Breath
ing, Weak Nervpn, Wakefnlnew, rain in the
Pallid CountAnanRA.TjiMaitnHAnffliACtva.aK.
Used bT peraons in the decline or ohanite of
"i ""ruuiiiincmeuiofjttooT pains, oea-wet-ting
in children, etc
In many affections peculiar to ladles, tba Ex
tract Buchu is unequoled by any other remedy
As in Chlorosis or Xtetantion, Irregularity, Pain
fulness or Suppression ol Customary Evao- .ations.
Ulcerated or Nchirrue atote ot the litems, Leu.
corrhoea or Whites, Sterility, and fos all com
plaint incident to tlm aex. It ia prescribed
extensively by the most eminent Physicians and
Midwivea for enfeebled and delicate cojuUtu
tiona of both sexes ana all ages.
r,?,T P'""" Arising from Imprudtncu,
JIMle of UUtipalion, Etc., in all their stairea, at
little cxpenao, hi tie or no change in diet, no in.
convenience, ami i o exposure. It cause a fre
jHe". wewro, nUU givea aTrengwi to urinate.
Inereby removing Obstructions, Preventing and
Cur'nc Strictures of tho Urethra, Allaying Pain
and Inflammation, so frequent in thiunlasa of dl
eases, and expelling all Poisonous matter,
Sl.OOper bottle orsixhottlcs for $5.00, delivered
to any address, secure from observation, bold by
(JUgBiiiU every whrre. Prepared by
KiAUNY & CO., 104 Duane Bt., N. T.
to whom all lottera lor iuiormatiou should ba
Avoid Quacks and Impoattars.
No Charge for Advloe and Oonsajtatioa.
vouagt, Philadelphia, author of several valuable
works, ran be consulted on all diseasea of the
bexual or Urinary Gnrana, (which ha baa mad
an especial atudy) either in mala or femaW. no
matter trom what cause originating or of how
& .t!ndi?5- A P008 ' 80 enablaa
turn tn treat disease vjith success. Curse auar
anteed. Charges reasonable. Thoaa at a dis
tance can forward letter describing BnsDtoma
and enclosing stamp to prepay postage.
nd for theUuUle to lUallk. Price 10 cents.
J. J. DVOTT, M.D., l hysician and Buxirooi.
104 Duane St.. Nnw Ynrk. " .
( va men an
Buaineag that will Pay
from $1 to $8 per day, can bo pursued In
your own neighborhood; It Is a rara chance
for those out of employment or baring leis
ure time; girls and boys frequently do as
well as men. Particulars tree.
Address J. L. LaPBAM 4 CO.,
' 292 Washington S.t, Boston, Maa.
Butter and chesse are almost indispensa
ble articles of food. ProDerlv used. th..
are nutritious and bealtby; but an Inordi
nate use of either causes indlire.tlnn ..j
dyspepsia. Owen Gaffney's Sunday Com
fort, Judiciously used will remow bothaf
there traub)
4th StteHtmt)U VL Ittiitl,
for job BEIVZIJE, dellf.
eifd at the wells for
per Barrel.
Petroleum Centra, rk. atb tt.
u 100,000 for Only $10.
Under authority of special leiitlatrts m
I March 1. 1871, the liuttees nowsotoniti
thebeuelil of the Publio Library of iai
tucky, to come off In Library Hall, at Loie
vine, ivy., on .
Tuvaduy. April tJIlt, 18T3.
At this Coucert tbe best musical IiIhi
tbat can be procured from all parts l tin
country will add pleasure to tbe estertili
meat, and Ten Thousand Cash Gifts, i.
gregatiDg a vast total of Hall a M lllioa
Dollars currency wilt bedistrlbuted by let i,
HCaei ooiere, aa louews;
One Grand Cash Gift, U0,W
una uranu uasu uni,
One Grand Cash Gill,
One Grand Cash Gilt,
One Grand Cash Gift,
One Grand Cash Gilt,
24 Cash Gifts ot sjl,000 sack,
CO Cash trills of
bO Cash Gilts of
100 Cash Girts af
150 Cash Glfis of Giftfof
9,01)0 Cash Gifts of
Total, 10.000 Gilts, all Cash, $MI,0M
To provide means for this magniScsai
Concert, One Hundred Thousand Tickets
only will be issued, a large portion of wait!
are already sold.
Whole Tickets, $10; Halves, ; lit
Quarters, $2.50. Sieves Whole Tlckelifti
$100. o discount oa lass loss $100 tu
Nothing could ba mare approprtus In
presents than than ticket to the Bsoquninf
Wealth or mote likely to produce grander
sttielactory results. Tbe abject of mil
Third Giil Concert Is Iba enlargement ud
endownment of tbe Publio Library ol Kio
tucky, wbieb, by thejsf eclal act siilbcrini
t 'e conutrt for i'l beiiebt, Is lo ,he fonin
fioe to all cilizf is of every Stale. Tin
Concert will ba conducted like the Dial
seuond bere'ofore given, and lull t anlci'in
of tbe mods of tlrawiog the gifia and pi)'i
tuem and everything necessary lo
; borough understanding of lbs schema fns
heaianinz to end, are uow nnblished Id tb
lo'ra or a circular, which will ba lurniun,
tree or cost, lo any wba apply.
Th entire management of this ondsrltt-
Ing has bsen committed ay tbe trustsnii
Hon. Thos. E. Bramlette, late Governurtl
Kentucky, to whom all communicauti
portalniug to tbe Gift Concert should btii-
aren. K. T. DrRRETT. P" vt
W. N. IlAi.DtMiN. Vice Pw'l
John S. CAIN, Sea'y Publio Library ofl).
f armers ana lirorers' bask, irssiurn.
Tickets are now read Isr sjle, aud ill
orders lor them or applications for ajticin,
Circulars, information, ate, will meat tilt
prompt attention when addressed toots)
below directed.
aU.niav.ll, Kr
Agent Publio Librar; a.
If yon
Want a Salesman,
Want a Servant Girl,
Want to Sell a Horse.
Want to Sell a Patent,
Want to Lend Money,
Want to Buy a House,
Wsnt to Sell a Carriage,
Want to Borrow Money,
Want to Sell an Oil Well,
Want to Buy an Engine or Bollsi,
Want to Sell a House aod Lot,
Want to Hod a Strayed Animal,
Want to Purchase an Oil Interest,
Want to Sell a Piece of Furniture,
Waul to Buy a Second-band Carrlsfv,
Want to Sell Tubing, Casing, Gtsfif
Want to Find an nwner for B0mif
Found, advertise in the Ricosd. as no I
kaa Ira tkoataad people read it wssii;.
agsaines for Btfl t
All Ik
LI pplaestt'a,
TraosatlaaM ,
Oliver Optic,
Yeaag rola.
IVeak Lesli,
Cklld'eo's Flowtr,
Old and New.
Gokey's Ladies' 1
Jiodayo Soily,
Ladies' Frleaa,
Anhar's Horn,
rVjienoe Moalkly,.
Goad Werdv
Harald of HealW. M ,