The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 01, 1873, Image 2

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Hww te XctataatlMth Co.,
Ilerohant Tailors!
OtrtY Famishing: tiootfs,
VS Sethi SM Of BeeSt MMMMBti of
Ber offered la tbe Oil Raftoa.
All the Uteet aai Nobbiest Styles.
Bents Furnishing Goods, &c.
Petroleum Centre Daily Record,
Pat. Centre, Pa-. Saturday. March !
Virtue Aervlce.
Services every Sabbath at II A. M. and
M. Sabbath School at 12tf P.M.
eats free. A cordial Invitation extend
ed to all.
Rev. O. Moorb, Factor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7
'olotk P. M., by tbo Patter, W. C. Buncn
a an. Sabbatb School at 12, dlreoily
after forenoon servioe.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbatb School
Teacher's Meeting Tneiday evenings ol
each wee.
Petroleum Centre Lodge, No.
TIB, I.O. of O. F.
Regular meting nights Friday, at 7
'loek. Signed.
ft. H. ReoiEit, A Seo'y.
t HT"Place of meeting, Mala St., opposite
MeOlintock House.
o. of v: w.
Liberty Lodge No.. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
meets every Monday evening at 1 o'olock,
la Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre,
Peao'a. .
A. Glenk, M. W.
M. T. Connor, R.
I. U. of It. M.
Mlaoeiaanee Tribe No. 183, L O. R. M
ef Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
evening In Good Templar's Hall.
W Counoll Bros Hunted at 7 o'olock.
H. HOWE, Ssobem.
ft. REYNOLDg, Chief ol Records.
eld et.l p. m. 114
It la ne usa It attempt to secure marries
women their rights. Only the other day in
Cbloago a wile, whose husbaod bad been ar.
rested for beating her, and against whom
the wife produced tee testimony of tbelr
son, the neit day etme into Jeourt and de
elared ber boy bad perjured blmsell, fand
thus lbs, p secured the release of ber Kur
band. And La Crosse wile, whose hue
band was convicted and lined for nnmerol
fully beating ber, osme Into court and from
ber own earnings paid the One and released
ber husband so that she might have right
we supposs to another licking.
It Is terribly discouraging to the advo
cates of woman's rights when women claim
the right of being abused and beaten by
tbelr husbands.
Next to the old fashioned spelllngscbools
to wblob every obap took bis girl and bis
tallow dip the printers are the beet teachers
nf spelling. Sign painters sometimes make
fearful .work with spelling, while those
daabers who deface faooss and dead walls,
nod even eurb stoaes with tbelr grammar
and tbelr spelling, would drive the spirit of
Webster frantic. One ef.our correspond
ante cites the case of this road ;side edver
tlslsg, wherein two t's areiplaced in water
wetter. Evenemoog "first class" dealer,
aba mutilation of grammar is fearlul. We
aae a aide walk placard wblob says: "pas
tiles cures soldi; end a elgn on the side of a
building reads that A. U. sells tea. Such
victims of '-bed spells" should consult the
printer, w.baa tbey procure slgnst or when
Ibey poet paint pat advertisement. '
A London mlisiouary brought borne a
Hottentot at considerable personal expense,
nd the fellow went aud hired out ig t fit'
fas tt ftr.t wek after his srr;al.
Letter from North. Carolina.
Sacmbubt, N. C, Fab. 11
Mr. Editor: What Is the matter up
your way. There must bee further decline
la prices. Something is wrong surely.
Have not received a letter in a month from
your quarter. After twelve days of ellle
I have floellyjgot out of the ooze and scum
of lbs sea bottom. Part of ibis no doubt
Is due to yeur own genial travelling corres
pondent, but I suppose the trip ilnelf wes
suggested by the motives that provoked the
loqulriee to me. If some poor devil like
yonrs truly, whom an adverse fortuoa has
driven from bis scegstomed oeeupellou,eka
how to rough it a Utile on the road to bu
tane, I am right there. I beva been all
over the road, know all the change bouses
and bow to slip the turnpike gates. '
The soil hereabouts is divided loto ham
mock lend and pine ridges, and the whole
country le Interceded with cteek branches,
fresh water Inlets and swsmps. The pine
ridges are bill land of secondary quality,
eesy te clear and producing sweet potatoes,
cotton, cow peas, Ac, bnl no oil, yet rich
In other minerals, such as gold, silver, toil
and limestone. Upon these the unthrifty
"cracker" is settled content to live on peas
and potatoes, and to purchase bis coffee,
oalleo and tobacco by the well shaved pro
file of bis cotton patch. He baa a drove of
"razorbaoked shoals'' that can climb a
stake and rtdared fence, Urink out of a jug,
or swim a like witb equal ease. A bonne
dog and alltgater are needed to guard your
gardea patch, but then lb,e alligator will
eet the dog instead of the sboat," The
woods are full of wild game and the streams
I flib, but be has no money to buy gun or
Bsblng tackle, and Is to) lazy to usi Ibam if
be bed. As a rule tbey do not bunt or
The hunters are a class and sometimes
a low ooe developed Into the cow boy of
whom you have 'beam tell." With Ibem
It Is well to be oi one's guard, and not trust
to opinions that are probably anything but
Impartial. More anon,
(Here Is a quuitiyn fur lha lawyers. A
jqry is composed of twelve persons we
mean a petit jury in an ordinary law suit in
a court ot tecord. We suppoie a verdict
would be set aside should it appear that
there were but eleven jurymen. And by
the came argument lha verdict found by a
jury of thirteen would uol be good. Out I o
Wyoming womeu serve on juries, and a
defendant wbo was found guilty by a jury
of men and women, now asks tv'feevx the
verdict set aside because oue of the jury
women bad her baby wilb ber during t)
dellb- rations, thus tbe jury room bad in it
thirteen persons.woeu only twelve should
have been there.
Our press collapsed tbia lutenoon. Fear
ful swearing eniued among the printers and
ine aevil. News Is somewhat short iu eon
sequenoe. McKloley & Gross, the well
known machinists, are emitted to the oredil
of repairing the same In time te get the p
per out.
George W. Kiug, Sr., wbo some two or
three weeks since moved away from the
Ceolte, with the regrets and well wishes of
the entire couimuuliy, baa returned to ejs
again. He bed just got fixed in bis new
borne, tbe Adams House, St. Petersburgb,
wneo Ike Dre Send swept everything away
irom him. lie look away with bim three
or four ear loads el stuff and returned wilb a
half load, on a wagon and "av kourse" the
'woir dog." We are all sorry foiyour hard
luck, Pappy," but It makes us feel good to
see you take your losses so good natured,
and although your ease Is not just like tbe
4 prodigal eon," nevertheless wc ate willing
u am iw "laiieu call.
Roboicd. Yesterday, "Lager Beer Pete''
to decide a bet, drank one hundred and
eeventyoix glasses of beer Inside of eight
hours, aod when asked If be .thought leger
was an intoxicating drink and would come
under the baa of ibe -Looal Option Law,'
said be did not think it was intoxicating
uoltss a man would make a ''bog'' of bim
self, and lu that case it might intoxicate.
Wbila under tbe snolbing influence of so
much beer, some oue robbed bim of his
watcb, alter wblch be fiat so highly elevated
tbat be welked around all the evening with
a thermometer banging on bis ear, so thai
tie friendscould get Ibe benefit of bis eleva
lion. Tete might bave lelt comfortable,
but be looked lor all tbe world like a wet
shirt hanging on a clothes line, and blowed
full of wind.
4There ate twenty thousand members of
tba Order of tbe Patriotic Sons of America
in this Mate.
A Richmond man sauted borne a ptoto
grapft ot an astiesa whioh be bad drawn In
a lottery, .and bis wife put ooe of bis
eyee-uudari the Impression tbat it was local
Rev. Mi. Uuberis Is pastor uf lha Cul
Teisetist church af Kiilery, Maine.
Never since the discovery oil la thli
country has money been so toarce. Men
doing business on a large scale, are transac.
ting their businses entirely on paper. The
paper system is rulnons to any community
no matter what tbe business may be. It Is
belter to sell one thousand btrrels ol oil st
four dollars per barrel cash, than to eel)
eight or ten thousand barrels at two dollais
per barrel aod not handle any mooey,
simply transfer paper that Is only available
with a lew. It Is putting down the wages
of laboring men, and keeping money on I 0
Ibe country, 'we will never be any better elf
In this country until we get a few of tbe
big operators out of it, and get oil tip to a
living price. There will be a day of reck
ooing In this country soon, and the sooner
tbe better, for a gjeat many ot tbe 'business
men, fot then we may sxpeol to see the oil
buaineet reduced to some system.
Bishop Simpson and lady are In Wa sh
And now the factious cities bave attacked
Wilkle Collins, wbo repels tbelr onset wilb
disdainful scorn.
Charles Reed is again uuhcpuy because
of being deteoted In borrowing.
Bret .Hurts vomplatBS tbai .newspaper
men de not appreciate bis genius.
A London dispatch says tbe Great East
ero has Duw on board 2,667 miles of cable
for tbe Anglo-Atobrlcau and Freoch cables
which are expected to be laid and In worki
log order by the first ol July.
Indiana fanners iudiguaaliy repel tbe
obarge tbat tbey wear weoden shoes, or any
other kind ofaboes In some sections uf tbe
Slate, much of tbe year.
A man can be flued five dollars for tel
Ing auolber Ibat be lies, in Rhode Island'
Tbe only way lo put it is lo say tbat a man
slightly mlstrkes the truth. .
Tbe eating salouu at Kit Carson, Colo
redo, on tbs Kansas Pactlic, baa been ex
trenily fortunate. Only four proprietor?
have hoenabot by passeuge.s whose leelings
were outraged by tbe bolok coffee.
'Buslnesss Is business, what will you take
for your vote;" is the way thy put it ia
Operators are begiunicg to look forward
to a belt from Greece City to Scrubgreu,
passing about three miles from Eralenton.
Tbe Mersimer and Baokui well, tbree
miles west of Miller-town, is reported a
dry bole.
& McKee struck a new well at Greece
City toilay, It is making a show.
Tbe Sutten farm, joining the McClelland
farm on the North, was sold on Satti'dav,
for twenty-two thousand dollars. The farm
contains 120 acres.
Tbree wells are golog down io lbs vicinity
of Boydstown about two and a half mlWt
below this point. We expect a railroad
here within the next tbree months, as woik
is golog forward rapidly.
It will tan Irom Harrlivllle through bare.
Fairview aod thence to Brady's Bund eul
interseot the Allegheny Valley Railroad.
.Kuileulon Sun.
Mr. John Fletcher, a reliiel actor of
over fllty years' experience, had a room In
Concert Hall building, New Bedford, Mjsaa
cnuwiu, auu uy me ourning ol that build
ing, recently, lost not only his clothing and
library, but tbe msnusdrtpt of a book wblob
he was about lo publish, contaiulog bis
Professor liraoketl, of Bowdoia College
has just received Irom England a new auto
tnatio spectroscope for the college. It is
said to be tbe best In the world, and coo
slsts of six prisms through which' the ray of
light traveses twice before it Is received by
tbe telescope. John Browning, uf England,
was tbe manulaclurer.
Beacher has beea talking to tbo til. jLuuia
scalpers about making money.
David Colt, a veteran of the war nl isiv
died at Bristol, Rhode Island, Thursday.
Boston no longer bows tu tbe Dhtlanthro
plo geoim of Mies Faithful, since she epoke
uisreipeotluny of the climate or tbe Hub.
Two sotors. Aula Lacioix and Ella Feiv
ding, were married on Ibo stage at the
close of a theatrical Derlormaooe In Sianonn
ney, Ind., on tbe 13ib lust., by tbe Mayor
ol tbe place.
"Bucbu" Helmbold is now earning bis
liviog In Paris as an auistanl .in a large
drug bouse. This, fur a man who appeared
at Loof - Branch with a turnout ol six in
band, and whose career was oieol lino
rious display, is certainly a remarkable
The bodies ol two more girls bave been
taken from tbe ruins of the Haoover street,
Boston Ore.
The Orwall cheese factory, Vermont,
made 175,000 pounds of cheese last vear.
whiea netted thirteen ceots a pound.
ReDorle from Europe stats that tbeflrcat
Powers have resolved to postpone I
oltloo of the Spanish Republic lor
eat. .
Efforts to settle tbe strike in South Wale
bave been made.
A man In Oregon baa a calf with wings.
He keeps II chained in orderjlo prevent a
rise In veal.
A sharp youud man courting a girl at
Portland won ber hy lipping ber mother a
fivrbottie caster.
A sentleman telegraphed lo Vienna last
week for rooms at a lending hotel for njs
family during the Exposition. Hereceiv.d
the reply; nouses here ful! untilt Novem
ber. Try Drefden."
Two thousand lUg', Ibe property of the
New Denartment alone, bave been turned
over to Ibe nio of tbe decorating committee
for the Inauguration. There is no doubt
tbel the ceremonies, espsclally tbe ball, will
be dialtnunlshed Tor Its colors.
A lodge of Hindoo Freemasons bac been
established in Bombay.
Tbe receipts uf ooilou at New Orleans
last wei-k were vety heavy.
New Haven, Connecticut, reports her old'
est dead man at only IDS. Modest.
A Michigan man feerte seven buibels of
corn a day to bis 2,000 cblckons and lurk
, The Preiidenl has signed the bill lo allow
'he Northern Paoiflo Railroad lo bridge tbe
St. Louis River.
Tbe Indiana Senate bas passed a law
prohibiting minors from entering billiard
rooms, or to be employed la the mauulae
ture or ssle of liquors.
A price fight is on ibe tapis at Pittsburgh
between Ha ry Hicken, of Philadelphia
ami Byron Caaipbell,of Wllksbarre, the for
mer being of Irish and Ibe latter f Welsh
blrtb. The latteV Is also a coat digger.
Tbe match Is for a purse of (2,000, aod the
fighting weight of tba men is te be 130
Captala Jack iaa atartsd lo mset tbe
Pesce Commissioners.
Tbe Western Wool mauufactnre sre hold
ing a meeting la Chicago.
In the Albany Assembly yesterday, the
N w York city charter passed.
The lower 11 ue nf the Kaueae Legists
tiire declarer Pumerov uowurtbv lha cnnrU
deuce of the peup le.
A girl to do peters! bouse woik. In
quire u xt dooi to American Oil Wurks ol
flc. P. T. Shirkoy.
Petroleum Centre, Pa., March 1 St
T All Concerned.
Oil City; Pa., Feb. 28.
Please take notice that we
have this day re voiced tbe au
thority of James Ellis formerly
fupenntenent of the "Coxton
Farm" to act for os, -and that we
will pay no bills of his contract
ing after this date.
J. B. Reynolds,
F. A. Rockwell,
Geo. P. Huh ill.
NOTICE. Mr. JameaS. McOray having
removed to Franklin, parlies baving com.
miioication with bim on business or other
wise, are requested hereafter to address their
letters to tbat point. . St.
Butter and cbesse are almost indispensl
ble articles of food. . Properly used, tbey
are nutritious and bealihy;but an inordi
nate use of either causes indigestioo and
dyspepsia. Owen Gaffney's Sunday Cora
fort. Judiciously used will remove both af
there trouble.
New Goods.
And buy yow Boots and 8bcts at
Mrs. M. Magrane's
I keen a vert lanre itaok nf all kind, an liana
and .ell aa chaup aa imj other bonne In the OU.
hiuwn. vouuuateo wuu my bura la a
Custom Department !
Anuiiiwrmn a perieci iw m an air went
Tf .... IrlTU. MMtl. Jnu V.v. - "DIJ.
Jewelry shore.
Pctrolema Cleat ret Pa
de-t tt
TVTfriNf Til ITelayiW'
Go to W. A. mziEi
in stTcc,noar k.,
ered at the nells for
per Barrels
Petroleum Centre,' Feb. 6t tr. "
y $109,000 for Only g(lJl
Under authority or speoial legit,w
of March 10,1871, the It ustees now anini,!!
tbe benefit of tbe l'ublio Library ol Km,
lucky, to come off iu Library llail, u
T'lMkday, April 8th, 1GT3.
At Ibis Concert the best musical uui
tbat can be procured from all partial iH
country will add pleasure to tbe enlrrliu,
meat, and Ten Thousand Caih Gilh, u.
gregating a vast lolal of Ball a Hu
Uol i bra currency will beldistrlbuted bj lot it
Jblrr OF GU TS.
One Grand Casb Gift, $100 (W
One Grand Cash Gift, 50'ow
One Grand Casb Gilt, ism,
One Grand Casb Gilt, jgo
Oue Grsnd Cob Gill, Jn
One Grand Cash Gilt,
24 Oaf b Gilis ol $1,000 eiob, U,m
60 Uasb Gilts of 600 J5.
60 Casb Gilts of ' 400 " 42 Out
100 Casb Gifts OT Sti'J om
ISO Casb Gills of 2t0 tO.OM
6'JOCasb Glftlor 100 ' 69,000
0,000 Cash Gifts of 10 " V,m
Total, 10.000 Gilts, all Casb, fUMM
To provide meeus for Ibis- msgoiStnl
Concert, One Hundred Tboussnd Tickeia
ouly will tie issued, a large portion of sue
are eireaay soia.
Thole Tickets, $10; Helves, 5; ui
Quarters, $2,60. Eleven Whole Tlcim for
$100.. to discount on less Iban $100
Nothing could be more appreprlits to
presents than Ihsn ticket to the baoqurtgf
Wealth or more likely 10 produce gtmde
lulletneKiry results. Tbe object uf ibS
Third Gilt Concert Is the .enlargement idJ
endownment ot tbe Publio Library of K
lucky, wbich, by tbejspeclal acl e'ulbcmikj
the concert lor Its benrtil, is to ,be fotfirt
free to all cilizet.s of every stale. Tb'i
Concert will be conducted like the tut ai
ferond bretofi,r givm, and lull tariicilut
of '.be mode ol drawing Ibe gifts aud pijl'l
them and every lulng orcrsaary la t
thorough undersundtUK nf ibe schemsttoa
beginning to end, are now pnbliaued Is lbs
foira of a circular, wnicu w.ll be lurniiM,
Ire of cost, 10 any wko apply.
Tbe entire management ol ibis ooderlit.
ing baa been committed by Ibe truiiewli
Hon. Thus. E. Brarolette. Isle Gnvrinottl
Kentucky, to whom all eommuoioatia
perlainlnu lo Ibe Gift Concert huld bat
dreis. K. T. DrBKETT, Pre.'!
W. N. Haluism, Vice rrnl
John S. CAIN, Sec'y Publio Library ol Kf
Frrmers's andDrovera' Baak, TrsasuM
Tickets are now ready lor sale, and it
orders for tbem or applications lor agists).
Circulars, Into mat loo, eta., will meti"
prompt attention wbea addressed lo
below aireoiea.
l.unievllle, Kr
Agent Public Library kf.
If yon
.Want Salesman,
Want a Servant Girl,
Want to Sell a Horse,
Want to Sell a Patent,
Want to Lend Mooey,
Waut to Bay Houee,
Want to Hell a Carriage,
Want to Borrow Honey,
Want to Sell an (Ml Well,
Want to Buy an Engine or Boiler,
Want to Sell a Hoase and Lot,
Want to find a Strayed Animal,
Want to Pii'cbase an Oil Interest,
Want lo Sell a. Piece af Furniture,
Want lo Buy a Second-hand Carriif
Want in Kll Tnhiriff. fTaalne. Gas Pipe.
Want to Find an owner for eojltl
Pound, edvertlw in the Ricona, as no l
than lea thousand people read It weesiy.
All tbe macaaines tor Sentsmkar. aw
'rransatlantle ,
Oliver Optic,
Tounie Folk',
Frank Leslie,
. Children's Flows,
Did and New.
Gokey'a Ladies' Booty
Lsitoyn Society,
Peterson's '
Ladies' Friend.
Arthur's Iltme,
Peience lioutbly,
Geed Word,
w Kiiraery,
Herald of Heairf.