JAMBflTOWK CLOTHING 8TORI $ew Clothing ! New Clothing ! JUST RECEIVED AT TBI Jamestown Clothing A. P. WATERS, Pro'pr. PRICES REDUCED 03ST FALLtWINTERCLOTHI'G "CUST01C WORK A SPECIALTY. Good Business Suits, $10 and aiiu upwurus. Hats and Caps, Hats and Caps ! Gents' Furnishing Goods, In Gn at Variety. 1 BOY'S CEOTHINGM "CUSTOM WORK A SPECIALTY. '1 My tlaek nairl lk taeit Freaeh, Eaglltk, German, aad American Clotki and Ciatiaer. f mti Mtiiilf Ttlty f Week-Tie, Scarh, ate., In the market Trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c. fill aad exaalna ay itoek before parchaaiag eltewher. I ean od will Mil Clotblog atMper Itea Itaeo be koagni at iinj.yiue.er Fetrolentn Centre. Je. lh. 787S. HARNESS SHOP. Marshall & Richards Weald reepectfalty ennaunee to th. ettli.n of wd IU. HARNBi SHOP .f A. Leggett, " OX MAIN 8TUEKT. OFTOSITI THE RECORD.OFl'ICE, d er. ew readyk farnlah CSaies, Wife Bote, HARNESS, Sleigh Bells, Blankets, Aat arerytMng neaajkept la VFIR8T-CLA8S SHOP. JE3 i.?P4I?,mo 'a" l neatly and espeditioee Ilea.. lv...l. , MAKRHAI.L A RICHARDS. Wroleum Centre, Dec. t, H7. tf. - QQ 5 a 1 Si r1 S3 ST! u - - 2 -2 tfe- It s Jj 35 f i e m o-1 tj b 2 . Z a 2 .I S i 55 Hi n Hi El .1 1 n oe u a K . s CBINPU !0,.0 fr' 01 sECOND-QAND ti,iS'M ' 3 . per tool 'My tlUd - " "B ' fl. H. WARNER. 1 1 wards. Overcoats, $8 uu iuy. A. P. WATERS. H. H. Warner DRALRR IN SBCOND-nAND T I III Mi. All Size Caning, Engines, Boiler, and OIL WCl'li SIIP PLIES. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FUR OLD ROPE, IUON and BRASS. 4VH.riTip: rwMiiljr puret.s.i-d . Now and Im. prmcd P1PB t'BTTIN(i MACIIINK, I m pip.r. ed to cut ud fit all alze. of fip. and Cuing tron Hiactx to I 4 Inch. naihlufloull., Nearly Opp Koch, tar Mouao, Vet. :ntre, Pa. -Prttf, H. H WARNER. Menioyed ! M. HBRRON Has Removed bit CLOTHING STORE to Beatty's Old - Stand, Washington Street, Petroleum fgr- glelgb Bulla. Uufflo Robei, Wol Robe, Lap Rnbo. t Mtnball t Rrebtrdtf, Mafo STre.:. WINES. LIQUORS, ETC.. $4.00 OIL WANTED The Oldest Estab'ished Li quor Store on Oil Creeiu OWEN GAFFNEY, PROP'R, REMOVED To th. !.w Stand In Chriitle's 014 ftor, oppoilta the Jamcatawa t'l.thing Hlor., Petnleum IC.ntr, Pa. New Goods in Great Variety, Ijbut plenty ot Sunday t;om- iorc ieit yeu lhT. rffltted e'tsr.(fora.rlyocnpledbf J. n. Cbrlatl., corner of Washington land Flntfts., and laid in a sow atoek of the Iparon and beat of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THB MAKIBT AFFORDS. M (tack euiiUl ta parte BOURBON, AND MONOGAHE LARYE WHISKIES, Nevr England, Medford and Jamaicca Kums, HOLLAND GINS, UKNNISY, PINKT, CARTIIXKN CO.'S, A1TD MiKTBLLBltANUIES, DUFFAIiO, BOCIIESTER to CA.AiXDAIOUI AIi. to:. Agent forth BROTHERHOOD WINES, of Brockton, N. Y, Alan Aeent for th. Cel.brated GREAT WEST- KEN DKAND of Amirlcan Champagne, madu by th. PlHUant Valley WI.e Co., bteuban connty, N.vr York, conatantlj on band th. imported .haiu- pajnea, . Yj latoek ef CIUAitl I rnexelleed In tUa region. I KEIP NONB BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, Branch btore M the old iktad, He. 91 Waaklngton atreei. OIVK MIC -A. C-AX.Lt At mj new etaad and me BILLY PUSH, OWEXQAFFNE1 Pet fentfe De. TUB IL.niRKETI. BY W. U. TEL. LINE Owic op ) PlTttOLaiWII OMNTRR UiB.T RaOOKD Feb. 21 I87S The oil market li firm to-day at $1,30 No lalea. fblladalpkla, F.b. ti. Cnrf, 8'4 Raloed litf. Feb. 27. Market quiet. PltMborg, Feb. 11. Cmde tpot, ( . B. u. all year, 11,'. B. O. do. 11 fined Spot 22f. Market Nominal. Saw Teas, Feb. 11. Cmila I ReBned, 10 . Market-Qntet uolb in kbh iiina. Niw Yoke, Feb. 21. Gold 114. Sliut Down for 30 Days ! BUT NOW STARTED UP AGAIN! With the Largea tand beat .elected ateck.'ef CLTOHING Ever brought to Pctroienm Centre, -ya No Old Stock. All New. Call at my New Store, Wash ington street, 3 doors abov Christie's Drug Store, And examln. for j.unclvoe mj atock ot CTj OT HI HS"Q-! Hat y Cap, Trunk, Valliea, &. Also, the Ikrgcst .took of Cents' Furnishing Goods! In Pctroienm Centre. MOItRIS IIERROIV, oeti-im. Formerly with SobeL P. C HEIIME, Pioneer, Pa., Jlaitnfactnrcr mt OIL WELZ, P Machinery & Supplies Engines and Boilers of every description Repaired at Short Notice. Agent for FOSTER'S GAS . PUMP. PATE3ITEC of IIT IXZ'B WA TER PACKER. llEPATEiNQ of all klnda done at aliort bo Ice and all work warranted. Ordwa by niat or teloKraiih proptlj attended to P. C. HEINZ. Heneer, Pa., Deo. 21, 1871 tf. tVtT Fia SINGLE HARNESS from tit e $ins at Maraball it RleHardi, Mpeitre ib Kit9R ffle. McKinley & Gross, Machinists, Blacksmithe, gmlfr fakers, Egbert Farm, PetrdciiM Centre, Pa. Boiler Rppaiiint; a BpewiLty. BBFINERT kTILLS RBPAISBV KtT We watraot all work doae by a be nearly ae good aa new who repaired. Good material feroiiaed and prleei reeee" able. Having bad long experlene la the beet no, v are enabled to cW. eatUfaetlon. JOMtt'U McKINLKX. MKHASI'IAB tUV Petroleum Centre, Pa., Jan. . tf. New Goods. Emel Zedwlch. ("LITTLE J01. BOOT AND;SHOE;,MAKER Haijnat returned lroa Buffalo with a complete nck of Fall and Winter Goods. Bae been eetatilldird 'in Petrol.am Caatie (cr paat tkr.e jeora, and feae the nameef Maklna; Ike Rest Fit and Fine Root la the Oil Realona. 11. la eenatantlr receMng order, froaa ether eee. tivu. mi mm uii Begione. B. eenetantl, keapa en band Ready-madt Boots, Shoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'. SHOKB AND GAITMaV CACL.aMowr gfm. ntr imh,i m:rt. FOR SALE. a , i a- Second-Haa OH XVlt aajge. pliM. 10,00.1 ft 1 In. T'JHINO. Ill, 00 ft IN .i,. "kg and 8 inch CAKING, l,J ft MM ALL, PIC, 1 5UCKKK RODS. I inch, f inch 7 aid t lack UH1Y' I NO Pint, PITT1NC.H at one half pri.e ef MeW GAS and KOTAKY PUM I 8 for aal. or te IM attlrlBa and BUII.RKH of all erne, at HOWE efc OOUK'1. Box 210, Ptroltaa Cealv, Va OctKtf. 7 WE GIVE AWAY ? 10.00 worth to erery nhirllier to Otjn FIUKS1D1 MIH5B. The LvadtiiAT Family Weekly of Aaiw lea. I.AH(;K MZK Kit, IIT IJA.KS. Orlirioat. BKAUTIFIiU.V IU.USTRATaD. Pull nif r.lt able, inetructlve and liitereMlng reading matter, new and mlMoltuny, .hort ctmiiiiued aiorlee, keiel,e and practical matter, JUST BblTJall at the want, ard wUhe. nf KVBKY MAN, JSYKKY WOMAN, t .. KYKHY rHIT.D, Whether Ilv1n In city or country, ard wo W. a eh Yearly tubaeriker a copy of oar mesuilMBt efl Ckreme GUTE " Tainted in OIL COLORS, 1 time, from ITXTimr STONifMlZe, lfiiSU lnch,. Th. .ubl.ct I. lire Int. extpililre and plenainf. It CANNOT BiC TOLD frnm the original paintlnx, and i. ralr worth fill It KXCb'BUS In beauty, aia. and af n. any plcrore ever tWen with ANY publication. NOONfi 11UNBUKK DOI.LAK PlrfrUKK CM Stye more pleuur. or be a ereatrr ornament la any hmneliold. It can tie had FRtiB, and we DOfl'T ask enlwribere tn wait month, fur It, bat will am it at onco, or it can be had ofonr acenla. Iha.r. here pay on delivery or pietnrea, So WAITINil. Pletnre.i now rwtdy, and d.ltr.red by aa at tin. If w. n.ve WO AGENT In joor neighborhood, WBJWANT OKXv EMPLOY- We' went 'onlyrflood, AcMt. Aaenr., eiiter local r r can-tmiIiil--u we almost it UrilT f fwl7 valuable outfit, and MLMT I Inrniab the BCST PAYINIt I II I. II I agency in America. Give er clnnive territory ard the BRHT TOOLS te wo k with. Ou Agente having lr ""re anceeaa, aad making from fSto $16 per . no agent bit 4u Hubaeriptiona in one day, vi. . , .tit irom 1. iu So per day. bpecimen copio. of paper, full paruee. larn, term., etc , aent free to any aatlreae- Write al once to our FUtksDK FHiaNO, CLt cago, III. Cutarrb, Conaumpilon, and Itbeumatiim. Immediate relief and a permanrat cure narae teed in every car. Partlcolare lent fie.. AlidrM t'l.lNTtiN MKUlfALi.Si'lirUTd, UT Kail 191 Btrcel, New York. lr You Want To increase Tour bnaineM, AdweMtee ten the Pryaef eiKKKiRg K;ctrav I.