: iiUiMAVK MJirntvn ernnv r- - Tr New lotMnB ij-! MeW (Dlotliin JUST RECEIVED At THB Jamestown A. P. WATERS, Pro'pr. PRICES ,E3DXJCE1D 03ST FALLtWINTERCLOTHrG Br-CUStOJt WORK A SPECIALTY. Good Business Suits, 810 and Upwards, r and upwards. ''' '' ' r.- . .' Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, In Gn at Variety. ' BOY'S CLOTHING! "CUSTOM WORK Iff .tefck iraarliM Ik laeit Frtaeh. Eaaliab. German. CiMIBerta, Tk Meat exteai Ire rarlelj f Neck-Tie, Scarf., Ac, la tb market trunks, Valises, Satchels, &c. Gill ead exealn ray ilnek before purcheaioir eleewbere. ikuper tb.Q It (in be bought at Tituarill or Oil City. Petroleum Centre. J.o. 9th. 7873. HARNESS SHOP Marshall & Richards oild rwrwctfe'ly announce to the dtlacti" r.f ntrolnm On'r. and virlnltv that ti.-y have ur cbiMHUi. IUHNiS bOP .f A. lwg.li, OK MAIN STREET. OPPOSITE THE RECORD OFFICE,' mi ar. a ow read; la IvrnirA HARNESS, Sleigh Bells Blankets, And everything hen.) kept la 1 - ' HTFlBST-CIiASS SHOP. l.!!!LPAIJ?.rao " Hod. seatl and ripedltkm. ilea eiiraaaMi. ""rolma Centre, Dec. (, lMt-tf. M 08 - gq s l or? tl l3J ES I 1 .3 V J i S2 t as v3 1 h - 0 m 3 r I a H H a M ft- S Mi la i . B .2 cB El! IS m a " VI Vb1NQ at0',000 fr' 01 SECOND-HAND Tk.TS,,1 'f" "35 et.. per UOi reayflHd oranr. and all April 23. ir, n w.DiTr ......w.,y.Hlltf.v.u,i,.i wimkh. LIQUORS. ETC. I Clothing Overcoats $8 Hats and Caps ! A SPECIALTY. and America Cloth and I oao and will fell Clothing A. P. WATERS. . H. Warner DEALER IN SBC ONB-IIAND TI'IIIM,. All Sizes Casiiiff, Engines, Boiler, and OIL WKII SUPPLIES. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID KOR OLD ROPE, IRON and DRASS. aYV-Tf.viiii rerentlv nnrr Lnaeil . New and lm proved PIPE CUTTING MACHINE, I am prep.r. efl in cut nnn Hi an ance. ui rip. auu iuain from 4iDch loan men. wahln;loiiMt.. Nearly Op p. Hnt'h eater Home, ret. cemro, fru anr5lf. II. II WAHN T Menioved IVZ. HERR01M Has Removed bis 4 CLOTHING STORE! to Beatty's Old Stand Washington Stfeet, Petroleum Centre, Pa, ' MTSIelah Bll. IBuffalo Robe, Wol Rbn, Lp Robei, &, talanb.ll 04.00 OIL WANTED The Oldest Established Li quor Store on Oil Creek. OWEN GAFFNEY, PROP'R, REMOVED To tb. New Htand In Chrlitlc's Old Btora, oppoilte the Jameetowu ClotMng Btora, Potr.lcum,C.ntr., I'a. New Goods in Great Variety, Ikbut plenty ot "Sunday Com fort lett yet. 1 iiaT. r fitted ft .tnr. tormerly occupied hj 3, II. t lirl.tl., corner of Wahluj;oii and First Ht.., and laid in a aew .lock of Ike jporeat and beat of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET AfKOHDH. aty .lock comints In part BOURBON, AND MONOGAHE LARYE WHISKIES, New England, Medford and Jamaicca Kunis, HOLLAND GINS, HENNKSY, IMNET, CARTtLr.KK A CO.'S, AHD XI i tri'Vt T tin A K III VM Blf 1'At.O, 1IOCIIF.9TRK CA.AIAIII ALiU. ?o e Agmt for Ut BROTHERHOOD WINES, of Procktou, N. Y, Aln Affcnt for th. Celflirntwl OHKAT WKST- EEN HKANO of American uniopne, ninitu by in. 1'K'anAiii vanity lae t o., pivumn cmiiiiiit, N.w York, constantly .n nand th. Iinuorted cuanv pagnce, &. My yutk f C1GAKS la i natclloed In thlt region. I KEbP NONE BUT THE FINEST Cigars and Wines, Brunch btoro at th old tma1. No. U Wuhlngtor GIVE MR JL CALL. At my aew rand and ae BII.LT I'UOU, OWENCAFFNB1 p't.'Cntra Ne. JT. tUt Wit, fflAHKETn. . RY W. P. TEL, LINE 0pica of PBTaot.aiunf Gentkr Dailt Raooso Fob. 1 1873 - , I, Tiie oil market la firm to-day at $2,30. No tale. Fbiladalpbla, Feb. 11. Refined 19). Fl). 27. Market quiel.' PitUiburg, Feb. 19. Crude spot, 6 S. O. all year, 12.', B. O. do. HJi Rfined Spot 22i Market Nominal. uw Yam, Fab. 10. Crude S ReDnea, 20 , Market-Qniet. GOLDUR TOKt, Niw Fork, Fb. 19. Gold U4. Miut Down tor 30 Days ! BUT NOW STARTED UP AGAIN ! With the Large tand beet .elected itockf CZ.TO H IN a Ever brought tn Petroleum Centre, amg No Old Stock, Jll Newi Call at my New Store, Wash ington Street, 3 doors above Christie's Drug Store, And .xaniln. for yourselves my atock of CLOTHING! Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Ac. Aim, the largest .toek of (.cuts' Furnishing Woods ! In Pelrol.nm Centra. elSS-lm. Formerly with Sole. P. C, HEINZ, Pioneer, Pa., Mannfactnrer of OIL WEXX Machinery & Supplies Engines and Boilers of every description Repaired at Short Notice. Agent lor FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATEKTEfi of III INZ 8 WA TER PACKER. KKPAIWNQ of .11 kind 8oc at abart aatlc and all work warranted. a Order by mai. or telegraph proaiptly attended to P. C. HEINZ. Pioneer, Pa., Bee. 21, 1872 If. eir Fiae SINGLE HARNBM lreaitt& 100 at Vlar.hall i Richard, oppoaite the Kecoud tfhee. .i .. i McKinley & Gross, Machinists, 3 . Blacksmiths, ' oik Makers, Libert Farm, Petroleum la. Centre, Boiler Repaiiing a Bpeeiiilil. EEFINERT STILLS REFAIRBO Of We wair.nt all wark da br si be nearly ai good ta new when repaired. Good material furoiiked and prleei raaaar able. H.vlni bad Inns experience In th bait no. Are enabled to eW. .atlnractlon. .lOKI'H MCKIMLKX. bKIlAHTIAK SROSS Petroleum Ceaire, Flu, Jan. a. New Goods. Emel Zedwiclav ("LITTLE J0I."i BOOT AND'SHOEMAKER, Bailnet returned Iron Buffalo with a complete alack of Fail and. Winter Goods. Baa been e.t.hlt.lifd '"'etrolKtm r.ntre Iir paat three yeara, and aaa Ike name of Making the Best Fit and Finest Moot in the Oil Regions. II. la esnatantly rateWInf ord.ra fro, ethereal uoua ei in un Jiegion. n. ooD.tAntlykata.ea hand Heady-made Bodtst& Shoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S ' - SHOES AND GAITIKaV CAIiL'JND BEf'Hlin. KMKLS d fnr. 19lf FOR SilLE OHEAP. Secontl-IIand Oil "Well asip. plie, lto.OtW rtln. T'. ltl.NO, 10. 00 ft H and M trd S Inch CASINO, ,r.0U ft HMALL PI PH. .0U ft srt'KKH 1U)I)S. a ineh. f inch 7 and 6 Inck UIV INO PIPE. PITTING at one half arte af Hew OAS and KOTAKY PPM I'M for aal or to r.nL . kN OILS Kb aud BOILKHH or all im. at HOWJB Ac COOK'S. Cox 220. Petroleum Centre. Fa oct tr. , ' . . WE GIVE AWAY $10.00, worth tn Tery .nlwerlber to OUR FIltKblDIt FRtBND. Ike (.cndliia; family Weekly of A mar ie.. I.AKtJE bIZK Eli.lir PAGES. OiluioaL HKALTIl'TLIA ll.l.USTRATItl). Filllfifr-U. able, in.tructlve nnd intfroting raadina mattnr, ii.wk and inlficellany, abort cimtliiued .torlea, ekct.li.and practical matter, JUb't bUlTJUl tue want, and wi-lie of EVKKY MAN, EVliUY WOMAN, kyicky cnn.D, Whether llvlna In city or eotintrv, ard we (Warn -i. vearly .tibcr;Wer a copy ol Cut magnllMnt ei Ckraino OUTE " Painted In Ol L f 'OI.OKS, lfi time, from SIITBlm SToNEs .Izo, ir,xi fneh.... The .uhject la lire tiT.i; exiulule and plnMing. U CANNOT KB TOLD iri.ru the oninHl painting, and I. r.liy wonli till ll EXCEEDS In beauiv, la. aod TaJ ne any pieturn ever civen with ANY publication. NOONK IIUNHUKU DOIXAK PIOTIIKK call liive more plmsiir. or be a greater ornament In any liiiiLehiilil. It can fcetaad FRKB, and wePON'T auk itilHerlher to Walt month, for It, tint will emd It at oneo, or It can tie had of our auenie. RntiMrt heninay on delivery of picture., NO WAITING. Ptrldraa now r.ady, and daliy.rMl ky aa ateaoa. If w. have WO AGEIMT In your nalzhborhood, WKJWANT ONB. Talini rtV. Wewant-onlvlOood, Aetlva. till 5 LUT Aionta, eiieer local or can vawio)! aa we almoH Kive a w"7 valuable oiitdt, and MLMT forni.h the PKS1 PAY1NO III Lis I a agency In America. Ulv. x cluKlvelarrltory and the BEST TOOLS to wo tt vith. Oit Agent, having Immenee eucee.., end makliiK from fMo $11 per day. Oneagent totk 40 toibacrlptlnn. in one dav. oilier, report from 10 m )tb per day. bpaclmea onplee of paper, full yartlea lar., term, etc., gent free to any addrew. Write at ouc. to oar FIKSSIDB KKIIXD, CM oapo, XII. t Catarrli) Conaumpiion, an 4 itheumatlein. Immediate relief and a uernianant enr. pnnrKo. ted in .very cane. Particular, "cut fr. Addra. I.'IJNTON MKDIOALINfJTJTUTS, 141 Kaal 10a Street, New York. Jr Vou Want To incre.ee Your buaioeei, AdraHiee Id the PKTlftil.KmPEffTlllf Rkcuiiv