The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 19, 1873, Image 2

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lwm to tteFsriendOiealth A Oe. J
Merchant Tailors!
CCKfi FnrnUhing Goods,
BaVS pee MM of Ik isMt ifMtUnU S
AIi(tk Utestead Nobbiest Styles.
Vents Famishing Goods, Ac.
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pal. Cewtre, Pa-, Weduesdav, Feb. 10
Plvlne Service.
Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
iX P. M. Sabbath School at 12 P. M.
eatafree. A oordlal invitation extend
ed to all,
Eiv. G. Moorti, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'oloek A. M.. and 7
'loek P. M.,- by the Paitor, W. C. Burch
aid. Sabbath Sobool al 12, dlreotly
after loreaoon servloe.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbatb School
Teacher's Meeting Tuesday evenings ol
ash week.
JPwtrolettm Centre Lodge, No.
, Tl, I. O. of O. F.
tegular meeting nlgbli Friday, at 7
'eleek. Signed.
IH. Kookir, A See'y.
' tVPUce or meeting. Main St., epposits
MsClioloek House.
A. O. Of V. VV.
Liberty Ledge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
eels evorv Monday evening at 1 o'clock,
ta Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre,
A. Glbnx, M. W.
M. T.. Connor, R.
f. O. ofR. M.
Mlakaanee Tribe No. 18.1, I. G. R. M
ef Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
everting In Good Templar's Hall.
HT Council fires lighted si 7 o'clock.
i H. HOWE, Sachem.
B. REYNOLDg, Chief ol Records.
eld at 1 p. ra. 1UJ
''Last evening a . man named Brady, so
our Informant states, Indulged In the very
pleasant (la blm maybe) paatlme of beat
ing fearfully a womau named Ida Castle
' Now It may be fao.for this individual to
engage la inch pastimes, but the public are
not in lavorof such exhibitions. It may
be fun for a man a big strong man to bra
tally maltreat aud abuae a weak woman,
no matter bow degraded or fallen ska may
be, but tie respectable porlioi or commune
Ity fall to sse it lobat light. Be warned
In time, Mr. Brady, and in 'mure reserve
your pugtHstto powers, for men. Even
aavacea acorn in airika a. imu.
- A
A citizen of Plnmer informs us that we
were mistaken In regard to tbe item or John
Suttoo belnrun over by a strange parly.
Our Informant states that Satton was gross,
ly Intoxicated altba time, and further Ibat
tbe story of bia joining tbe churoh, Ac,
was a fallacy. That If he did join the
church, be must have ialleo from grace
wonderfully. Tbll is what our Informim
states. - A
V , ,
About the -thinnest article we have seen
yet Is that article or tbe Tiluivllle Herald
nn tsmperanoe. The Herald baa been pub
lished (or nearly seven years; in tba mean
time liquor bas bean sold in that city
right straight along) liquor. shops and grog
gsrle base ran in full blast, oext door to
tba Herald office in Uot, and crime bas run
rampant thereabouts, according ta tbe Her
aid's own police report, end yet It was only
yesterday thai the selfrighteous Herald
discovered that temperance waa a public
benefli. A friend at our elbow lofotmi us
be baa smllad many a-amols" witkio a
elion lime with Us very immaculate ed-
nt theH'ra'd. 0, C30teucj tbcu
, an, As.
The Provlilonel Spanish Republio Is now
several days old, but before It develop) Into
s permanent Republio tbera will be miay
difficulties Is overcome, fresh ones croppiog
up dsily. . Tba project most favored by the
Republican leaders la that el a Federative
Republic' whether on Ibe model of the
United Slates or or the Swiss h'epublio ta
ool clear. But there are aigoa ol dissatis
faction with Ibis arraogemeot, and ill
frleoda are nut sanguine or Its success.
Agitation in favor or a Democratic Repub
lic has been commenced, end the la tern n
tlonals are busily Intriguing for a riaiog lu
favor o the Commune. Aa we predioted,
there is s movement for extending the revo
lutlon to Pui ttigsl and ratabiisblug ap.Ibertan
Republic, wuicb might be either Federative)
Democratic, or Communal. The army is
now said to be opposed to a Republio ol
any kind, and to lie divided in sentiment
only on the question as to wbloh.uf Mie
rival claimaota to the crown is entitled to
its aupport. Meautlme Don Carlos has en
tered Spaio, Isabella ia reported preparing
lor a movement In favor of herself or her
ion, and the Orleanists are said to be rail
ing a luad in behalf o I the Duke de Moat
On Friday eveuing , Joe Cuenel, of Col
umbia Farm, Is to give a grand daose at
Sobel's Opera House. Joe baa bud a band
la several daneea gotteu up - during the
present winter, all of which have passed off
in nice lhape, aod this one be intends to
make tbia the best or all. Uollliter's string
band o( Pioneer, will luruisu the muale lor
the occaaion, aod tboie who take delight in
tripping the light lanlaitie toe will be sure
to be on band.
Rev. Graham, of Humor, deliver! a lee
lure on temperance In that village this eve
Roll of Honor.
Room No. 4, Petroleum Centre Public
School Jor month ending Febrnary 14,
Harrie Norrls
William Wass
Willie Powers
Belle Barker
Jerry F. Regan
Nellie Waddeil
William Stevens
Eddie Bartletl
Arthur McCray -Emma
William Boyles
Eddie Sailer
Freddie Jackson
WUlle. Walker
Harrie Walker
B. Alcorn, Principal.
A basdsoms waiter girl In a St. Loula
botsl, whose reputation is unsullied, waa
insulted, tbe other day, while performing
bar duties in tbe dining room, by a man,
railroad engineer, who oalled her bad
names. Proceeding to tbe kitchen, she
procured a pan of bot dish water, aud re
luming to wbere tbe ruffian was seated at
the table taking bis supper, dashed tbe
greasy fluid over bis hea l aud shoulders,
Tbe tauroughly dreuobed defamer aroie,
eiced a chair and knocked tbe girl down
with it, Inflicting a severe wound on ber
bead. He would have done further injury
bad not Ibe other girls in the room Inter
fered. The affray created a decided sense'
lion among the boarders, who express re
gret that tbe water waa not bot enough to
William L. Maxwell, of Waterville,
Maine, and William O'Hara, of Lowell
Masaacbcaetls, dropped dead Thursday.
An Omaha bride was married barefoet,
because ber .lover's kinsfolk dressed that
way, and aba did Dot wish ;to seem proud.
According to a late California law, a man
can eoter into a buaineaa partnership with
bis wile, tbe property oi each being inde
pendent of tbe other.
Mrs Nauey
Kyle, ol Connecticut, bas
been married twenty-three years,
and sbs
bas saed ber husband fur wages as a house
keeper, claiming $15 a month for Ibe tweo
ly three years.
Among tbe artioles Irom America to be
exhibited at tbe.Vieooa KxMbUlou Is a log
of black walnut, the largest ever grown, six
'est in diameter and eighteen feel , long,
wbicb was cut lu Missouri and weighs seven
ANeenah, Wiroensin, aoboolmaater re;
ceaily broke a bard wood ruler on tbe per
so. of a yoang lady scholar, about seven
teen years of age, begause shs did noising
In suit biin. A tie pounding ber to bl.
heart a content, as wound up ,by . expelling
Ibe girl from sohool.
TbeTreaion, Tennstnee, ji cast $12,000
and He public sebooli $,000,. last year.
Comment is unnecessary.
A ten thousand dollar court, bouil is
be built it St. Alujts, Vermont.
Tn Pricr op Ttmv Messrs. Geo. P-
Rowell A Co., snnonnee that they have at
their warehouse io New York an assortment
of type irom one of tbe most celebrated
ounderies In Ibe world, that of Figgius,
(London, England, wbiob they will sell at
20 pet tent, discount from the American
seals, when ordered in foots of 100 pounds
and upwards. They also offer to Import
large foots on special orders at a greater
discount from tbe Amerioao scale, and pro
fess to be able to 111 the largest OMer io
eight weeks Irom dale of lis reoelpt In New
York. Tbe supply sorts In Isrgs ot small
quantities from tbeir slock on band. In New
York at the American scale rata. They as
sert tbat if tbe pressnt duty ou type shall
be removed, tbe price of tbe article, both lit
home and foreign manufacture, will Immed
lately fall 40 per cent, below Ibe present
acale. Messrs. Geo. P. Rowell Jfc Co , are
known as conducting tbe largest advertis
ing business ever secured by one house,
and are also extensive dealers in printing
material. They are compelled to import
foreign goods besauie, American founders,
governed by a oiese corporation or ring,
keep the price vastly tee high, and at tbe
same time make it an exception to every
other speecies of merchandise by recogniz
ing no wholesale price; the same amount
per pound being charged to tbe pur
chaser ot Ave tbousaod pouada as would be
paid by blm who wants but fifty.
An iciole, ssys tbe Danbury News, near
ly two feet long, fell from a Main street
building Friday afternoon, and went point
Ural down Ibe back of aa elderly.mea who
was standing on tbe walk below talking
about foreign misiious. Tbe subject was
immediately changed.
It is said that since the civil service ex
aminatioos were introduced Into England,
giving every one a obaoee to obtain a post
lion under government, fully 66 per cent, of
the eatire appointments have been taken
by Irishmen.
Two oi tbe moat famous of the former
daimois o( Japan have left home lor an
American tour. They are gentlemen of tbe
old sobool. descendauts or historical bouses,
and very much opposed to tbe Innovations
or tbe present tegime. Still; they seem
bound to find out what tbe new 'civl:zllon
tbat Is j making such n rumpus at bums Is
The London (England) Telegraph has
made a discovery! It tells its ,readers tbat
"The lime baa unquestionably come when
a thorough acquaintance with the current
history, politics, fashions, and geography
ot tbs United Stales will be deemed iudit
pjnsable to tbe younger gerwrelii-o ut our
Briliab statesmen."
A New York mngaxioisl bruncbaa tbe
theory that the name? ol maokiud are grvl
ually lessening In number and variety, aud
the people becoming consulidated under a
few appellations. Ooe half of tbe pupula
lion namely, women are perpetually Us.
ing tbeir names by marriage-, wuite new
names are never created.
An beglra or negrues istakiog place fium
Virginia to Western Tennessee, where bet
ler wages are cseimanded, and tbe "Mort
er of Preaideat'a" bids fair to lose fcall the
porlioo or her population that ever amount
ed to much.
Most ol the valuab e peacb orchard ot
Grand Haveo, Michigan, are a tblog or Ibe
Uoulon, Maine, working bard to- get a
government building erected In that village.
There are nearly four and a quarter mil
lion dollars deposited In Ibe Vermont la
viogs banks.
All tbe general laws ol Rhode Islaod can
be bought fer a dollar, and Ihey aie a slow
sale at tbat.
Only 2,610 while children went to school
in Memphis durlng.the mouth ol January,
and Memphis is the largest city in Tennes
see. A great ootton will ia te ba built near
Clinton, lews. :
Highway rouberr arr operating euaoeir
'ally in New York.
Memphis is sufficiently metropolitan to
bave profeasional jurors.
Hemp seed sells for six dullaia a busbel
in Lexington, Kentucky,
Norwich, Connecticut, is to bave a new
publio library established.
A fifty-thousand dollar Insane asylum
is to be. built at Augusta; Maine.
Extensive spenge beds bave been die
covered on the California coaat.
Buzzeaw item Henry Slooaker, of Pal-
eatiue, Taxis. In bis life be was lovely,
aod io bis death be was divided.
Tbe bark extract business is getting to be
of great Importance to Michigan.
Go to W. A. LOHEil,
4th Street,near n. It. track,
for your BENZINE, deliv
ered at the welh for $2,25
per Barrel.
Petroleum Centre, Feb. Itatf.
wanted- r:i,WB"'nl
Business that will Par
from $4 to $8 per day, can be pursued in
your own neighborhood; it is a rare cuanee
for iboss out of employment or having leis
ure time; girls and boys frequently do as
well as men. particulars tree.
Address J. L. LaPHAM Jfc CO.,
292 Wasbipgton S.t, Boston, Mai.
A society for tbe suppression of alang bas
been formed among tbe pupils ol tbe girls
hlgb school of San Francisco. Said a repot'
ter to one ol its members: 'Your object la
a praiswortby one. Do you tbink you will
succeed in eradicating conversational slang
Said she: You bet!"
Mabcgaoy Is used as luel at White Pine,
Tbe Omaha Opera Uoese baa been eons
verted Into a hotel.
An bistorical society has beea organized
at Sioux City, Iowa.
Pike couuty bas tbe richest coal mine j
In the State of Indiana.
A Cioolnnall Gazette speoial reports a
seven thousand dollar fire ia Independence
Ricbland county, Ohio, on Friday, destroy
ing tbe warehouse of Will lam' Zeraioei,
with the contenls, consisllDg 61 thirteen
hundred buskleli of clover seed aod a large
quantity of otlrer grains.
Two San Jose lawyers got into a fight In
tbe court room, Ibe other day, aod one of
them was bit wltb an ink stand. His.wlfe
sow claims tbat be is a Crimean bsro, on
tbe ground tbat it was tbe battle ol iuk
There are tweoty-dva stove firms in Troy,
and tbe averaae woman In tbat .city be
comes frantically bewildered wbra attemp
ting to choose a coal consumer.
Wild cats are so plenty in Sullivan coin
ty, N. Y., tbat tbeibagobark hickory tree'
are warn to rtueoth tbat tbey appear to
hive been sitnd-iopered.
NOT1CK. Mr. Jatcn S. McCray having
retnovru lu r ranmin, parties naviug com,
niuuicuilon with him on business or otber
tviw, are requested hereafter to address tbeir
letivr to tiial point. St.
tyWinuK, at Marshall A Riebardi op-
poene iiKciiiin umce, juatn atreet, retro
leutn Centre, Pa.
M il HEBE.
H. It WARMER, baa just received frees
home twenty easka mere ef Ibat ehier, that
waa never beat for quality. Also, apples
eggs, oiiiter, aa. Tie eesi aimer ever
brouget iato tbia town, which he will sell for
cash,' but will sal traat any moregeeds after
toe ursi oi janaary, isi
All these indebted te him are requested
te can eaa asms witteat delay and save
H. H. Warxii,
If you
Wunt a Salesman,
Want a Servant Girl,
Want to Sell a Horse,
Want to Sell a Patent,
Want to Lend- Money,
Want to buy a Honee,
Want to Kelt a Carriage,
Want to Borrow Mooey,
Want to Sell an Oil Well,
Want to Buy an Engineer Boiler,
Want to Sell a House and hot.
Want to find a Strayed Animal,
Want to Purchase an Oil Interest.
Want tu Sell a fiece of Furniture,
Want to Buy a Second-hand Carriage,
Want to Sell Tubiun, Caainir. Gas Pine.
Want to Find an nwuer for anything
ruunu,BUveriipe lu ids ueuuRO. aa no li
than ten thousand peop le read it weekly.
Tbe coparloersbip heretofore existing
under the firm name of Dawson A Co.,
grocery and provision dealers at Pioneer,
Venaniro eomity, Prone., is Ibis day di
solved by mmual' coueeut. All account,
due the lata fkm will be settled- by H P.
Dawson, and all bills will be settled by biin.
R. t. Dawson will continue the basiuessas
Dated riooeer, Feb. 1, 1174,
feb -3t.
Butter and cnm.e are almost Indispensa
ble articles of food. Properly used, tbey
are nutritions and healthy; but an inordl
nateuseor either causes indigestion and
dyapepsia. Owen Galfoey's Sunday Com
fort. Judiciously used will remove both ef
tbere trouble
GOLDEN TREASURE cigars at the
Pest Offles New Room. Scathing entirely
new. '
Local IV tinea.
A 1 V lha nanaalnua ff 12 .... I .
Oliver OptU,
cnua eaiie,
Children's Flower,
Old and New,
Gokey'a Ladies' Rock,
Lodeyn Society, '
Ledlea' Friend,
Arthur's Home,
Solence Monthly,
Ballou's, ' ,
Good Words,
( Nursery.
Herald of Health.
Seneca Falls
With Steel Packing
SO Sol In Last 60 Dap,
Etclaslve Agents tor Ike Oil Railota,
Saccessors to F. W. Ames,
Wood .Work
And tbe
Best Carriage Bolt In Mailt
Successors to F. W. Ann.
New v Goods.
Aa bay year Beet aat.Bawasat
Mrs. M. Magrane's
ONE price
I keen a very larre stock of all binds es
ntf.ri) aa cb.p aa any other kenae tn the va
1 JtGlON. Coaneeted with my Store is S
Custom Departereat f
Ropainnr Matty aoaa. Man aw is
J ewalry kiore.
PwtrlaaT. cywrtron t
t"uuja rj-owroa,.. my,Hn1utm,',
iT1 SKPHSKy1" ! nmt rasaJ
k t'iaaiiimiiD,asw. i
Awrt !?!!? i"