The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 17, 1873, Image 2

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1: VI
! 'J
to MtrwUDd, natim Ht.Jt
Mrohant Tailors!
Ctvtf Firaishins tioods,
Um ssst to it tosst sssirnssnto nB
MM ssise
(over osTered la taeOll Haglsa.
vr.jL.Ta sc caps,
' Alette Lttestsad Nobbiest styes.
dents Ihrnishing Goods, &c.
Fotroleum Centre Daily Record.
Vat. Ceatre. Pa( Plondaj, Feb. IT
IMvlne Mrvlee.
Service! every Sabbttb at 11 A. II. and
iHr. II. Sabbatb School at 12 P. M.
aU fire. ' A cordial invitation extend
ed te ail.
Ket. O. Moori, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and T
'eleek P. M., by tba Pastor, W. C. Boaca
ARB. Sabbatb Sobool at 12, directly
after forenoon service.
Prayer . Meeting and Sabbatb School
Teaeber'e Meeting Taaaday evenings ol
aok week.
Vwarolemm Centre Lodge, No.
Tl, I. O. ol O. F.
tegular meeting nights Friday, at 7
'look. Signed.
S. H. Kookih, A See'y.
K9Place of meeting, Mala St., apposite
MeCliotock House.
A. O. of V. W.
Liberty Ledge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
meeta evury Monday evening at 7 o'clook,
la Qdd Fellow'a Ball, Petroleum Centre,
Paaa'a. .
tf A, Glikx, m. w. .
M. T.;Coknor, R.
I. O. Of 11. Mm
Minnekaunee Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M
f Petroleum Centre, meeta every Tburaday
evening In Good Templar's Hall.
PB" Counoil Area lighted at 7 o'clock.
H. HOWE, Sscbem.
8. REYNOLD), Chief ot Records.
eld atl p. m. 114
Accivckt. On Saturday evening aulto a
aerlous accident occurred nrar Plumer ?il
lege. It appears that John Sutloo, a reel
deal of Plumer, lelt Ibis pleoe Ibat evening
a route borne. Wbea near Ibat village
be mcl.a borseman, who Is at present ua
known, and In trying to get out ot Ibe way
was run down by Ibe barsemao and serious1
ly If net fatally injured. Alter riding over
tie man It seems the party rode along fo;
some distend without slopping, and Iben
probably baring a tweak of euoscieuoe,
tetnroed to the house el Isaeo Aklo, and
lolormed elm of ibo feot Ibat lbs man had
been injured, and asked help to remove him
borne. A grand son of Mr. Akin atari
d for Plumer at once, and by tbe help ol
Mr. Black aod others the nolorlunate mao
waa removed to bis home where be now
lies In a preoarlous condition.
Dur lafosaaut states that Mr. George
Stevens, oar old friend, was the party who
ran ever tbe men. Ur. Stevoot lofotms us
that he wae oot tbe party; thai he has not
been in Plumer for over seven yeara; that
be was at wotk at Ibe refinery on the even
ing la question, and thai he was not druak
at tbe time elated and does not get drunk.
We bare known Mr. S. tor several years,
ad know the above to be untrue In eveiy
reepeel ae fer ae Mr. Steveis is concerned,
In tbe meantime tbe Injured men lies at
that village the ekauee beiug thai he will
not ivepver..
There bes been a ebaoge la tbe llaa of
the Oil Creek ead Allegheny River Krl
rued. Due ootioe will appear to-morrow.
St. Louis supports eightyulna destitute
Vhy buru lima euvb ouru hiet tu Iowa...
Canxon.Onr old friends, Messrs. Croat
6 McOmber, for several years back ptopri
etnrs af the Central House, have disposed
f their Interest la that bouse to Mr. W. B.
Davis, long proprietor of Ihe Petroleum
Centre House, who took possession this
forenoon. We cannot retrain in this son
oectlon from eoasolimentarv mentioning;
Messrs. C. A M. to connection with the
house. The have run the house fur nearly
seven years eu,d In that time have secured
boats of friends tbe country cter. it
has been conducted In IratcIsM style as
every one can bear testimony to. Wherev
er tbeir lot msy be cut tbe best wishs of
a host of frlenJs will go with them.
In Ibe meantime we take pleasure In re
commending Mr. Davis to the public as be
ing a thorough hotel keeper In every re
spect and we trust will receive a liberal
share of publio petrooate.
Tbe Oilmen's Jonrnal says: So many
persons have isqaired of ns tbe distance
from Parker's Landing to various points In
this oil region, thatwa herewith append a
table ot distances:
Brem Parker's Landing to Foxburg, by
rail, S miles; to St. Petersdurg, by rail and
back 6 miles; to Emlentoo, by rail, 7 miles;
to.East Brsdy, by rsil, 18 miles; to Martina.
burg, by hack, 5 miles; to PetroliaCity and
Argyle, by back, 8 miles; to Karns City, by
back, 10 miles; to Fair view, by back 8 miles
to Peaebville, by heck, II miles; to Greece
City, by hack, 17 miles; to Butler, by back,
21 miles
An engine bouse on the Lake farm,
Cherytree Run, was destroyed by Ire, this
forenoon. Loss slight.
Tba loss lalls on W St. Clair who owned
ibe well.
An English Immigrant te reported to have
'swapped her baby for a doiea at porter
on Ibe pasaege bitber by tbe Cuba. As Ibe
child wee sickly, she probably thought Ibat
her getting stout would save it froml small
Indians stilt livedo Vermont.
Ohio is importing Norwegians lor domes
tic purposes.
Tba Rhode Island Legislature proposes to
abolish taroplke roads.
The Portlend Board of Trade are talking
of building a new hail.
The pipe line ot Payne it Cuapmaa, en
tbe Boyd farm, sprung a leak on Saturday
aad upwards of sixty barrels or oil was lost.
Tbe oil being run from their lank on tbe
Boyd farin.lo Messrs. Faiileld'ds Co.'s re
The Massachusetts termers are just mtrr
keting their tobacoo crop.
Tba Burllogtoo, Yeruiuut, sulphur spring
it pronounced a failure.
Tbe agricultural produote of Colordo near
ly equal the mining proSts of that terri
tory. New Haven, nonoectlcul, wants to an
nex wostneld, and Weelgeld don't want to
be annexed.
A fatal cattle disease Is rsging In Texas.
TlMIBLB Buknimo) Affair Last Mon
day afternoon frightful burning affair eo
tarred at Ibe Armstrong wsll,oa the Dough
ty term. In the botlow, between Petrolle
aod Fairview. The third sand bad beea
struck iu tba well on tbe dty above men
Honed, and as It wss geslag and flowing an
attempt was belag made to make a connec
lion with Ibe lank when Ibe oil and gas
Sewed In suob quantities as to taks Ore from
the furnace. The entire rig was enveloped
in flames and belore tbe four men, who were
at tbe well, had time to escape Ibey were
eevsrely burned, two of whom will bardly
tutvlve. Tbe names ot tbe persons burned
are Robert and Porter Addleman, brothers,
Frank Frsota and Harry Scott, of the. Arm
of Scott A Andersou. Tbe two Addlemao's
are Ibe worst burned. Dr. Hopkins, of
Fairview, and Dr. Johnston, of Petrol la.
have the patients in charge and are 'doing
all that Is possible to be done in tbe several
casei. Oilmen's Journal.
There are eight hundred aod fifty ace
demio Institutions lo Ibe United Stele,
with three tboussnd professors aod slxly-lwa
thousand students.
Tbe Wisconsin Legislature hae before it a
ProDosltloa declaring it a misdemeanor far
a Stale officer of member of Ihe Legislature
to aooept a free railroad pans.
Ban. Hoean settled Ike Questions as to
whether a oertatn citizen of Petrolle bad a
right to vote at tbe election held there oo
the 1st lost. Benjamin stepped up to Ihe
window and eaid "this aantlemao is a cili-
zen and entitled lo a vote. I can testily to
bis having been here six mouths, as bs bas
beeu visiting my bonte during that time."
It ie proposed to traosoorl silver or fmm
Colorado to Illinois for reduction, Instead of
Uansuortibg oaal U the opposite direct iot,
In the quiet garden of my life
There growelh red-rose tree;
A little bird sits on the topmost bough,
And merrily singeth he.
Tba sun may shine in the happy sky
Through tbe long and golden days,
Aod tbe eweet spring blossom! veil Ihe trees
Io fragrant pearly baze.
Or tbe pelting raits of autumn come,
And the weaiy, wintry weather,
And we've naught to watch but the leaden
My rose and I together.
Come rain, came shine, so that bonny bird
But wsrble bis cheery tune;
For while be sings to my rose and me,
To ns It is always June.
And Death aud Sorrow sball vainly sit
The portals of life beside,
For we float upborne oo that eoarlng song
Through tbe gates ol heaven flung wide!
Harper's MioiziKt.
Folks have gene to Work again on Indian
Hill, netr Mlddletowo, Ct., In tbe belief
that if they get down deep enough tbey will
And anthracite coal. There Is a tradition
that coil was found thsra about a century
ago, and every now and then comet on a
son of intermitent eoal fever, and they go
to digging fiercely for tbe "black diamond;."
Clairvoyants and a "seventh eon of a sev
enth son" have been consulted, who are sure
there Is "a vast deposit of ooal" down there
and we guess there Is, it it is not too far
down but they are working tor It.
You don't hear Michigan making much
luss about tbe matter, bul neverlbeless,,sb.e
bes sixty murderers In her State prison
under life sentences.
The most extraordinary instance of eon
treelion from tbe cold wettber that wa have
noticed this winter Is that or tba St. Paul
daily Press aid Pioneer, which succumbed
to tbe rlgort of winter by the loss of one
column In width and two Inches In length.
A well dreased man went to a Bialo
theater Monday evening, and being under
the Influence of liquor, become drewty. In
bis efforts to obtain a nsp. be disturbed
those sitting nsar him, aad a police officer
was called to remove blm. The officer car
ried the man out without wakening blm,
end deposited him In a doorway. An bour
later the mao was foand there, sound asleep
and almost froieo ta death.
In Norfolk an old recoid hat just been
published, shewing that lo 1749 the presets
era of Yirglaia were paid in lobasco.
Nearly all toe prominent lumber manu
facturers in Maine have elgoed a call for a
mass Lumbermen's Convention to be held io
Bangor oo Ibe 19th Inst. This is e prelim
loary step toward an organiiatioo lo ad
vance tbe lumber Interests nf tbe State.
Tbe Rhode Island courts dissolved 171
matrimoolal partnerships lo 1872.
A will was protected for probate at Tlv
erlon, R. I., Iba otber day, whieh.bad been
loeked up for tbirty-olne years, all tbe sub
scribing witnesses being dead.
Large quantities ot burned grain are now
beiug shipped over the New York, New
Haven and Hortford road lo point! In Con
neoticut north of Hartford. It it used for
manure by tobacco cultivators.
Tbe Londou Enterprise, rehashing tbe
natural adveolaeeo of Virelnla. makes an
earnest plea for tbe leafablisbmeat of man
uiaciurere of every kind.
Tbe National Lifeboat Institution of
Great Britain taved 643 livet by their lite-
boats during 1872, and rescued 25 shins from
destruction. Rewarde wre also sranled to
fishermen and otben for aavlns livee to the
number of 167. Slojje lis formation, the
Institution ssved lu all 21.4G5 lives. nri
have expended la awards 38.000. and
granted nito d and a 1 er medals.
A well knowo Hertford merchant, who
paid a dollar for a stand-up sect in Ihe top
gallery at ihe opera Ibe otber night, was
very much edified by seeing several young
men wbo had owed bim many months oceu
pyiog four dollar seals in tbe psrquette.
with fashionably attired yousg ladies st
their sidv. He thinks a few yeara hence
Ibey won't be able to buy even gallery tick
The robins have begun lo chirp lo Ken
Three hundred moccasin makers In n.
gor, Me., bave truck for higher wages
We suppose it was Ihe only thing tbey
could do lo let tbe world kaow. th ....
so mauy mecoasio makers n existence.
Acoordiug to Wall street runorta Rn....
F. Clar.k la eaid to have given his father io
law, Commodore Vaoderbilt, an affectionate
bug, wbiob left him uilllsn Hotter . after
tbe operation, tbe oltkar day.
- iitaf s. ,; , j ... ipjrvMrau.
f ' t ' ' ' ran..,.
Go to W. Ae LtiZlEIl,
4th Street,near R. B track,
tst yta BENZINE, deliT
eied a tfca veils fer 935
per Barrel.
Petrolenm Centtw, Fa. fU-M,
The Halifax Express Is aocouotabl for
a st cry of a precocious horse, wbo, having
learned lo love liquor during tbe epizootic
treatment, put his head Into a sleigh neir
where be wat bitched tbe other day, took
tbe cork out or a whisky bottle, optet tbe
bottle, aod then lapped up tbe liquor from
Ihe bottom of the sleigh.
Tbe several reads now under Ike control,
owned and in couise of construction by the
Allegheny Valley Railroad Company, are
the Allegheny Villey, from Pittsburgh to
Oil City; tbe Oil Creek, from Oil City to
Corry; tbe Allegheny River, from Oil City
to Irvintoo; tba Buffalo, Corry A Pittsburgh
from Corry to Brooton, and tba Bennst
Bianth from Ibe mouth of Redbankta Drift
wood. Te these are to be added Iba Pine
Creek Branch ten miles iblt tide of Pitts
burgh and in complete running order, and
the completed branch from Brady's Bend to
tuo coal and oil fields of Butletcoiinty.
Tbe well owned by tbe Columbia Oil
Company, struck several week ego, oo what
was formerly Ibe John B. Redick larni,
two and a bait miles northwest ot Law.
reoeeburg, ia doiag 45 barrels per day.
The tools have been stuck In a well on
the J. B. Jtralaoa farm, near Pelrolia, for
more thantwo weeks. Tbe well wat nearly
down when tbe accident occurred. Wm
B. Krottkop and Wm. Dalley bava Interests
in tbe well. We are sorry Ibat these geo
llemon bave bad such bad luck, and hope
success will yet crown their efforts.
A well owned by S. V. Kama about 40
rods east of Earns City, oo the Riddle farm,
has been pumping for about three weeks,
aad is now doing 140 barrels per day.
When this well waa, being eunk it wat
thought by knowing ones to be too far
Tbe well owned by J. W. MoFarlaod, H
C. Adams. Cap! A. M. Spun and others
on the J, B. Campuoll farm, near Kama
City, which started up last week at the rale
of 160 barrels bas settled down to 100.
The Spider well, is a oew etrike an tbe
McCieery farm, between Pelrolia and Fair-
view. It wae tubed on Monday last and
comuiensed lo ourap tbe afternoon ol that
day at the rule af 150 barrels per day. It
will io all probability settla down to a 74
barrel well. The oil was pumped on tbe
ground for a ebor I time on teeoaot of not
having any tank. Tbe well It about Ave
rods from the Jennings well, eo tba tame
iatm, wblob is only good for five barrels.
The owners are Israel Conwrnth, C. S.
Ahrner. Miller A Son, L. Sendker, Mr.
Musselman and Mr. Lupper Oilman's
NOTICE. Mr. Jamee 8. McCray having
removed io rranniia, parties navtng com,
munlcation with blm on business or other1
wise, are requested hereafter to address thsir
letters te that point. It.
OT Whips, at Marshall A Kiehardt op
posite niicoRn umce, Main eireei, retro
leum Centre, Pa.
H. H WARNER, basjnat received treat
uouie iweoiy eaaaa mere er inai Clear,
egos, butler, Ae. The best butter ever
uiu-g... iBIW ui. tvwa, waive ov win eon tor
cash, bat will eel tract any mere goods after
Ihe first ol Jaaaary, H73.
All these iedebted la bim are reaaeiMd
lo call aad settla witkeat delav ae ....
H. H. ITani.
If you
Wuot a Salesman,
Want a Servant Girl,
Want to Sell a Hone,
Waot to Sell a Patent,
Want to Leod Money,
Waot to Buy a House,
Want to Sell a Carriage,
Want to Borrow Money,
Want lo Sell an Oil Well.
Want to Buy an Engine or Boiler,
Want to Sell a House and Lot,
Want to Hod a Strayed Animal,
Want lo Pu'chaee an Oil Interest,
Want to Sell a Piece ot Furniture,
Want to Buy a Second-hand Carries
Want to Sell Tubing, Caalng, Gas Pipe
Want to Find an msner tnr ...i....
Found, advertise in lb RsrcoRD, as no lee
t lan ten thousand people read it weekly. '
Soar Oil Creel wAUegbesy Bivei Batlway Bey
wwi-tt m, -vr. B. DArre Prop-:
Local NotlcM.
Al ttt) aagaaiaat far Ssalewk. . I
raadv. "H
LI pplnootl'a,
Oliver Optic,
Yeajf folks,
Frask Leslie.
Children's Flower.
Old and New,
Gokey'e Ladles' Boak.
Lads jo Society,
Ladlee1 Friend,
Arthur's Home,
Rclence Monthly.
Good Words,
Herald of Health,
Seneca Falls
With Steel Packing
ffO 8oI la Lait eo Dap. I
Exclusive Agents for tbe Oil RerloM,
Baceettors'to F. W. Ante,
And Ihe
Best Carriage Bolt in Mailt I
Successors to F. W. AM
Blew Goods.
84 VE YOUR rjO.VEl!
Aad bay year Beeta aad aaaet st
Mrs. M. Magrane'8
' k,f very larte stock of all hinds aa M
"""'s e. aa any otber boose la tas
bJtOlUM. OeueeledwllhmveMorelaa
Custom Department !
m t " ' pwiaci ns id ail .
srsjrgroie)BiBa crwatre. r
i BAiw insciay," boob mmhm."
VtSrKC " loams smwiis, i
l1 .rjJSW Fsnv mm wsnrtv t
" "JU (I niuii), a
Awmkm twmi -- - " -
aaAas SueJsM AT OX CI ;