The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 14, 1873, Image 2

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ffiimmiir 1 Mefarleas, aalth AO..)
Ucrohant Tailors!
Gn Foratohinc ftloods,
. fR. irimtt ihanklin st.,
Utk ea af . least aewtt ejfj -
mmsSi ' ' " .
- . f , . AMERICAN
(Brat eaVri lata Oil Kegtea.
kjlts" sc caps,
Ali;th UtMt tad M obWwt Btjla.
" A KDLL Lim Or
Jents t'ornishing Goods, Ac.
Petroleum Centre Daily Record
U Oltw, ft-.' rrlday, feb. 14.
. MiTina aarvlce.
ScrvioM every Sabbath at 11 A. II. and
JS v. M. aabbatn school at lijg. r. m.
satires. A, cordial Invitation extend
ad to all. i
. ( ... Biv.,G. Mooaa, Pallor.
Preaching at 11 o'olock A. M.. and 7
'lk r. M.. by tb Fetter. W. c. Bdrch
ab. Sabbath Sohool at UH dlrootiy
afier loreaoon serv lea. -Prayer
Meetlnx and Sabbath School
Yeesbar's Meetlag . Tuesday evening ol
eee waea.
aVatreleaa Centre Lodge, So.
VIS, I. O. of O. F.
Regular meeting ntgbU Friday, at 1
t'alook. Signed.
8. H. Kaoiia. A Sea'r.
WPlsea of meatlng, Mala St.,' spposile
a. of ii. w. r
Liberty Lads No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
meets every Monday evening at 1 o'olook,
wan cvuowe uau, reiroiaum ventre,
IWa. . 1
ff) " .A. Glint, H. W.
f. O. OfR. M.
MllRihUBM Tflh Ma lfi Sf A D 11
sr Petroleum Ceotre, meats ovary Tbanday
Manilla lai (ImuI I 1- rr . i'l
tT7 Oonooll first llbtd at 7 o'olock.
. L V "OWE, Stobem.
S. REYNOLD Chler of Record.
Mat I p. m. lit
HeetlDf tf Producer's.
The ftodaeer Aawslelloa ol the lllb
dlltrUt Will meet at tbatr .nam. nr. S.tnr
daBfBnlng,.Fab. ISth, at7 o'clock.
AU partial biag bill against tba Aeioole
tlaa art requeeted to present them without
U. All member of ;tks Association ara
wnajtly requested toslteo aa bsaine of
t-rwDoa win Bono barora tba meeting,
.. , By ordar
F. Jl Karraa. President.
Tilt Oil City Datrlok baa waantly baeo
lgd te ibowlDguptbo fraud pariM-
tratad lo tba County ComnlMlooer offiea.
Tka Oarrlck la cridaotly right la tba mat.
tor of tba Cowoimonera, J W wonld ad la
that atpar to proba tba torrupt aora a llttla
oP aad abaka up tba Jnut offloiali.
How wuM II ba to louob up tba moagia
of Garaplaalar towa.blpjor a. p, ,w0
yaara. It would ba rlob, rara aad racy
Uni,th.D.t,ick atiaod to it wo are
afraid wa iball have to da lb. job our-.
aaWea. .
Our old Urn. Mead, Manager D. Ban
ohetr, ef lb. Prfcj, Bran.tlo Traupa. Mr.
iookl nlral aiever, and report the
lbairloaUaloM.good tba preaeot eeaaafi.
Tka oompany appear at tba Opera Ilouie,
IbKovaoiag, MtH Faany a frlwi appear
Ing ki Zoe in tbe Ootorooo, MIm Julia Han
abett aa Dor. Fuonyelde, and Mr. Hanobett
at Captain Ratta. '
When a wettern paper aunounoe. that (be
daughter of an Amerlo.n' Amb.M.ilor
ibrm ii iba flnaoeier' or a foreign noble.
in, it probably ineuot liucve. Bat Ibe It quite natural and entirely excui
able Sbe will bit Uunucicr truie lime
A larca and appraolatlva audlanca wera
In atlandaoea at tba Opera Houm, laal ra
Bloc, to wllorai tba perfornMoa of Wild
Utt 7 " AmT Stooa Dramallo, Troupe.
Tbeplay waa wall rendered throughout and
cava gaaeral ealiaractlon to all. II lea Amy
Stene, alooa her laat appearaaoa her, haa
Improved wonderfullr In brl acting. Bha
I a flnlihed .and perfect aolreM la every
mpet. The balaoce of tba troupelara ax
oellBnt performer and aaeb and all carried
oat tbelr part In good 4b ape. Among tba
oimber we notice ou 'old frload Ferrla, for
merly of Sherry' troupe. MIm Amy can
boait of having aa'good a company, and by
far tba bt aroheatra, on I be road., llaeh
af her tepularlly I due Mr. Hairy Miner,
(be efflcleot bimlnen manager of the 1 roups
We bone Mist Stone will tavor n with an
other vlil twin.
Tbe importation of Chines labnr.into Beavo
er Fallt It llabie to make troubla and lo lur.
nltb material for leglilatloo. Aa will ba teen
from tbe legltlalrve proceediogt, Capt. Mo
Ciellaod bat pretented a petitioo from citi
zeot of Beaver county, reciting tbe faoleoo.
oected with tbe importation of one bnndrd
Cbioree for tba purpose of operating tba
cutlery werka, and Iba ditcbarga of an
equal number of white Americana In conae
qneoee; adverting to the report that two
hundred more Celettialt ara an route for the
cutlery work, to tb exoluaion of a similar
number of white American mechanic, and
directing attention at tbe Mine time lo tbe
tariff impelled on foreign cutlery, amounting
to from 35 to SO per cent, Tbe petllloolal
recite tbe debasing Influence exerted by
tbe Celeatiala now employed In tbe work,
icttilutute oompariaoot between them and
while American mechanic, and cooclude
with tba requtit that a law be passed whicb
will prevent tba importation of Cbineao In
(ba tulure under a penalty.
From the foregoing it will ba aeeu that
Ibe rrtlienta of Beaver Fall ara not dis
posed lo remain passive In tba matter af tba
importation ol almood eyed workmen, Tbe
petitioner have entrusted tba matter to a
representative who will maka a. hard Bght
for hi eoDitlluanl. Tba bill presented
may ba regarded a tba opening f ball or tbe
0 omiog battle wbtob I lo decide precisely
bow Pennsylvania stands upon a question
ibat, up to tba present time ha been tern
Tbe newspaper make very frequent men;
tlon of Instance!! in which women And em
plojm at Id tbe disguise of men, and suc-
oeasrully keep up the deoeptloo for longer
or ibcrter time. And the wty. la wbieb
dtsguUr ara finally pierced ara very cur
ious and la many cases very amusing. The
ex of woman in men' clothe ba been ax
posed by tba way tbey handle tbelr feet In
running up (tain; by their voices; by tbalr
manner of (browing (tone; by tbelr manner
or sliding oo lea, Ac, 4c. But the latest
jxpose we have beard af I tb most re
markable, and while remarkable la touob
log, and italao creditable to,, tba weaker
sex. A woman wko bad followed tba life
of a tailor for tome time under the suppot
Itlon she was a he, relate that ber sex was
not mlttruited until iba got Into s knock
dowa flgbt with another tailor, In which
flgblthe waa wonted, and la bar madnett
andjmorllf cation began lo cry. Tear war
to nnmanly that they expoied her. For
tunately tbe captain' wife was on board,
and petlcoat wera procured for the uniexed
eallor. She uodoubtedly felt, if be did
not lay: . . ,
I did not tblok to abed tear
In all my miseries; bnt thoa but forced me
Jto play tb woman.
I had sol eo much of man in me,
But all my mother came Into mloe eyes,
And gave ma up to tear.
To-day la Saint Valentin.' Day. Ac
cording to tradition St. Valentine fell a
martyr to tba faith In the year 270. On
tbi day It I aaid Iba birda begin to cboua
tbelr mate, and o tbe euatom haa grown
up of (ending leva meaiage and mlaaivs
oo tba 14th of February, and along with
tbi ha grown ap the custom of (ending
groteeque oarricaiurea to all eort of prr-
eooa, yeung or old, married oral ogle. The
ouatom we regard aa a moat rldiouloua one,
which ought to be discontinued. 8t. Val
entin' D.y la a feetival of tbe cbureb. Io
Pagan Roma there wae a festival f.lliog on
Ibe 15th, but when Paganism wat abolished
it waa changed lo tba litb lo boner of St.
Valentine. ,
On Monday evening Mtaa Faooy Price'
benefit night, "The Pearl or Savoy," wa
produced, with Miaa Price a "Marie."
Tha pari waa well rendered, aad at time
h almost aurpaated bcrtelf Mix Haocbett
a "Cbouohon," evidaooed b.r perfect aa,
aod remaikable versatility. Tbe other
member or tbe troupe gave excellent eup
port and "The Pearl of Svoy," wa very
aatlafactsry to all. Petersburg rtogreae.
MlaePiioaaod ;oupany will appear at
tbe Opera House, kbit evening, la ibe en
aatloo drama of tha Octoroon, or Life In
Loutlaoa. Give them a lull buuie.
Oil Nws. The Fettlg well, on tbe
Knight faro, I doing 10 barrel.
Tb Weller welt, on the Wallet farm I
doing 35 barrel per day.
The Texter wll, on tb Teller farm, la
doing about 6 barrel.
The Baiter wall, on lha M. Shoap farm,
i doing 60 barrel.
They ara ttlll drilling at tba Galey well,
oo tb Knight rara, and whleh bad been
given np ae a "dead bttU" Tbey expect to
go aom deeper, a the driller eatert thai
tbey kav not yet reached tbe seed. ,
Maater, well No. 2 koown a Forest City
No. 2, on the Maater farm, will bo down In
a few dayt.
From aioformtion received yeaterday, w(
learn that the Elalager well, aboul4iniW
beyond aoy recent development Ii not near
down yet.
Tbe Trout Run well, near Clarion, it
Claimed to do fifteen gallons per day.
Tbe old Lasue well, toutb aide of Ibe
Clarion I doiog 70 barrela perdity, as ebe
baa done for teveral months.
St. Peterson rg Progress.
A negro boy wa eaved rroio Ireeslog to
death in Lewi county, Keotucky, one io
tensely cold night recently by "huddling
up" lo a big Newfeuadlaad dog, lying out
aide la tba yard. . .
An Illinois Unatlo tried to preach in tbe
atreet of Terre Heme .tbe otb er day, but
there waa ao many other luaatlca in tbe
streets that they whistled blm dowo.
foe Pentlaod, tbe veteran clown, died in
New York oo Friday.
Prof. Tynd.ll, Cyrus W. FhMd, and Mln
later Orr, sailed aa Saturday fur Europe.
Journalism appear lo flourish In Boato n
Nearly all Ibe papers of tba modern
A i hems bava pulled down their buildings
and built greater, in tbe last few days.
Y' About the thinnest verdict we ever beard
of i that rendered by the coroner' jury oo
the late accident oo tbe Allegheny Valley
Railroad It new turn out that tba eoro
ner, whose oame 1 Larue, and wbo retidet
at lha nureery ol great men, Franklin, la
not a coroner at all, hit time having expir
ed over a year ago. Tba county court
tbould take notion In Ibit matter. If hu
man life it lo ba held to cheaply it I high
time lb publiB understood tba risks tbey
Uke wben.riding on railroads. A
It I laid tbal ooe of Ibe juror wbo con
victed MoNulta the Illinois wllo murderer
wbo wa banged last week, oroied to
aigolng a peliliou lor kiapardeo Uoauae bl(
fatber bad tbe contract for building tbe
gallow. Butloeaa before pleasure, alwaya.
Tba friendaaf ibe University at Michigan
ara beginning la inquire If nothing can be
dona to atop the frequent realisation of pro
fessors io that loslllntlon. An ' intrraie ol
aalarle might, perhaps, help Ibe mailer.
Texaa paper av tba past ba been the
coldest aod most dlcagreeabl (winter ever
known in tba Stale. Snow ba fall.n in
Urge quantities, at rariour time, and oo
that day covered, the grouod to quite a
depth. ... . .
Middle Park, Colorado, whicb I now ex
oiling much attention, I deacribed a a
valley about 60 mile long and perhapa 45
mile wide, glvlog an area of .1,250 . aquare
mile, or 1,440,000 acre, being larger than
Rbode Island.
Rev. E. II. Chapin, el New York, ia to
leolura in Oil City, Feb. 25th. Wa nope
tome arrangement wltk lha rallraad oomp.
ny will ba mad. to accommodate tb larga
number along lb Creek who would un,
doubtediy b pleaaed to bear him. Dr. C
i on of lb moat popular laclurei of tba
A aevoul Koman Catbollo (ugged
through the paper that a good way to pros
vent aiaaitere oo railroad would be t t
up at at: railway elation ttatuet of tb
'taints!" He tbiok tkat Ibia pious reoognl.
uoo 01 me "saini" would ruroiib prot.c.
lion agaloit broken raHe aad flange, poorly
b ullt bridge, eareleea engineers and drunken
or atcpid awltcbmen. ,
lb old project of tapptoit the -Tulare
Lak for irrigation purroee baa been revi.
ved by a company of California capitalist
whoolalm thai tbey eao gel aufflcieal water..
from it to irrigate Iron 3,000,000 lo 6,000,
uuu aoree or land.
John C Urockeoridge, of the late South
eru Ceof.dc racy, ba been invited to deliv
or tba oration before tba literary aotialiea
or Princeton College, at tba annual Com.
meacBUieot in Jun next. p
San Fraociao paper report hva
beeo terrible anew drifts on Ike Union Pa
ciflo line io some place alxleen feal deep;
but thank to lb superior precautions lakea
loo lad winter, the prolonged lateiruptioo
of that memorable season bnt been prevent
edf and pataeugera have ooma through with
oc I suffering any bardablp or locooveo
Go to W. A. WZltX
4th Street.near It. II. trade,
for your BENZINE, deli
ered at the welh for 92,00
per Barrel.
Petroleum Centre, Feb. 6lb tf.
. London Panch deflaa a. womaa a "a
creature endowed with self ornamental in-.
allact." Epigramatlc, but exbauetlve.
An tngenioua Wisconsin tenant ba kept
tbe wind oul ol boua and increased It lo
ternal warmth by pouriog water over to
outside uutil be made aa Impervlou ooat
log of Ice.
Il I eatimoted Judat lacarlot would bava
made $229 mors than ha did had b lived
lo Indulge In Credit Mobileer. Oak (ay
be'll be banged if be would.
Mfs Virginia Cunningham, ,of Shelby
ville, Tennessee, (waa badly buroed laat
rock, ber dreaa catching Ore aa aha kneeled
to lay ber prayer. Moral obvious.
Accordiog to Wall street report Horace
F. Clark le said to have given hi fatber lo
law, Commodore Vaoderbili, ao.affectionate
bug, avbion left blm a million lighter after
tbe operation, tba oiher day.
Nakrow tscirx. Toe Faunie Ii. Price
Comedy Company bad Intended going to
rranklio on Ibe llaiu which wa wrecked
near Rockland, Monday laat, bul war In
duced to remain on Monday, nicbt for a
benefit. The Agent, C. W. Kidder, bow-
ever, went aboard, aod waa badlv burn..!
In tbe wreck. Tbe troapacbould feel urate
1'ul for tbe eacape, tine bad Iber beaa
ladiet in Ibe oer, nothing could have laved
tbem. j. Petersburg Progreat.
Cbloagobat itaowo Gabednabardly in
ferior Is that or Jeiutalem. It it jntt with
out lb city, aod I described a "an acie
ol offal six feet high, aod an acre of blood
fourhet high." - ,
Three hundred moccasin makers .In Ban
gor, Me., bare struck lor higher wage
W luppose it wa tbe only thing tbey
could do to lot tbe world know tbers were
so many mecoaaio maker lo exlatauce.
NOTICE Vr. Jam S. McCray having
ewuTru rraoKiia, parties caving com.
muoicatlon with him on bualoeee or other
wise, are requeued hereafter Iq addreaa tbelr
itmrn le seal peim. St,
Tba copartnership heretofore exiiling
iuurr Uaj nrm name oi vewaea t uo.,
erocry SM DrOTlalon llMlan ml Vinnmmr
Venaugs eouaty. Peona.. la v dlu
olvd ny- mutual coaaeot. All acoonola
ohm toe late arm will be settled by R. P.
D.weon, and all bill will be aetlied by blm.
it. I . u.wlon willcootioue lb baalueaaaa
nereioiore. .
Dated Pionesr, Feb. 1, 1874.
ieb 6-St.
t9Whlp, at Marshall A Rlebard op.
posit Ricord Office, Mala Street, Pelre
team Centre, Pa.
H. H WARNER, has jnit received Iram
noma twaaly aask mere af ibat elder, tkal
wa never beat for qeality. . Aleo, applet
egg, boiler, Ae. The beat batter aver
broegel let tbia tewa. whlab h.IU eail u.
aah.'bal will ael trad any mar good afur
All that iadabled t blm ara reqaetlad
caii aaa one wiliest aeiay aad av
H. H. WlBMR.
New Goods.
SAVE 101 It rjOVEl !
Aad bay year Bwts aad Meet at .
Mrs. M. Magrane's
I kew a verv Urn itor.k nr .u htA
?n.d ck"V aov "tk.r bona la Hie ftlL
iUauiun. ueaDoeiea with mi btore is a
Custom Department T
A.d I arn.rK.taM A Larfut . 1- -IV J
Js5elrf"sUo,reU' 0B"' 8,M 9,r W,lr
PVeytblesiaM laaai i m e"
It emi Hotlraa.
y aafwiaw awpuwibM,
v- n .
Trans tlaatl,
Oliver Optic,
Tasag Folks,
Chlldrea's Flewti, .
Ookey' Ladlss Boak.
Uodayn Sostsly,
Pstsraon' :'"
Ladle' Krlead,
Artkar' Boms,
felenca Mcntbly, -Ballou'a,
Good Word,
Metropolitan, .
Herald of He.llk,
Sobel's Opera House.
Tb Peerless Artist,
Supported by Powerful Oampanf,
Friday Evening Feb. 14,
Tbs lated and grsatsd senaailoa
L'iRTIOLE 47 1
T eoasluds wltk a
Gertrude '
Saturday Evening, February i
The Sea of Ice !
Wltk Nw gssasry, Ac
Reserved Scat for ls at tb P. 0.
C. W. KIDDER, As!.
sQIMw.aSa.aa.M n.1ff.
With Steel Patklu
SO Sola! In Last o JSkaaa.
Exclnslv. Ageaf for tb ft) fjajltrai.
SucovMora lo Fo.W. Am,
, TITU9V1XLE, r A.
' ' ' , ft'
' ' Aad Iba-
Vnt Cwitijre tt fa flaiW
" . SudossssfOtoF. WVA
Bnitae and almai IndlsoeBli
ble artloU of had. Peoporly used, W
r oolrfllaa aat betUibyibvjl a iso
lllllall althM aSV
dy.rpla.,;0wse CeaBbsyir aa4ajr fr
fort, JaoUdaaBwsstl vHI sa ea bstk
deotf '