SHUGERT & STARR Hcrehant Tailors! Ctsit Vurnl&bliiz Goods, a. irsora a franklin sts., TITVSVLLE, PA.g Jtave pa kseas of Ms laert asseroaeala M VL0W8 CAJSSIMERES .BIT, FRENCH AHDJ AMERICAN COATINGS, AMD STRIPED SUITINGS VESTIHSS. mefSnd lata Oil Bf(.a. TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS 5c CAPS, AliRbt La tart aad Hobblaet Styles. A FOLIi LTO.OV . Cents Furnishing Goods, &c. Petroleum Centre Daily Record. rat. Oentra, Pa., Thursday. Feb. Divine Service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sabbath at 11 A. II. and X P. II. Sabbath School at l P. II. eats free. A cordial invitation extend ed to all. Bi. O. Moobi, Putor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7 'lock P. ll., by the Paster, W. C. BoitcH a. Saebatb School al U, dlreotly after lereaooa servioe. Prefer Meetlna? and Sabbath School Teeeber'e Meeting Tuesday evanlngi ol wmuu wave. Vatraleam Centre Lodge, No T1S, I. o. ol O. F. .Regular meeting) olghla Friday, at 7 deck. Signed.. B. ALLEN, N. G a knuii a oeo y. tirPlece of meatlog, Main St, appoaltt HeCtlotoek House. , A. O. Of IT. W. Liberty Ledge No. 7, A. O. of U. W., aiaata ovnry Monday evening at IK o'clock, la Odd Fellow'a Hall, Petroleum Caotra, Psaa'a. A., 11. W. M. T. Connom, R. I. O. of K. M. Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M f Patreleiim Centre, meets every Tburaday evenlne to Good Tamplar'a Hall. SW Conucll flrat llcbt.d at 7 o'clock. U. HOWE, Siobem. 8. REYNOLDS, Chief ol Record. aid atj.l p, a. lit Sorubgress an tba Allegheny Yollay Rail. road, has been Ibe seen of more aaoidanti during tba put three veers tban any point in tba Unliad Slates ao far beard from. In addition to the regular monthly railroad ae cldeols, tbay have oooaalonal diversion by way of torpedo explosions, river aocideotsi and boiler explosions. All of tbeaa render Ibetlecaiity more Iban. famous. BennebotT Ran, 'for way that are dark and tricks tbat ere vain," la becoming fe tnonr. Thla time It la Zeb, and bla darling dulneoa, Sarah "And tba be lit tbay go a ringing for Sal- And tba bells tbey go a ringing for Sarab," And sometimes, when Missus rings for Salrab, Sarah la not there, but in company with the genial Zeb, tbe aalt aod1. leader -beetled Zeb Whose artful atrelna bare oft delayed The babbling brook, to bear bla lore be trayed, kerplump into tba ear of tbe confiding and doting Sarab. Waa ever auob love untold? You imagine you bava a toft enap, Zab. You undoubtedly hare, but aome cuia haa betrayed you, or by tndleeretlen you bare betrayed youraelf. Take tba advice ef good couuaet, der Zeb, and marry tba lonooent at once. Yau would make a lovely, If oot hvabte, couple.' Pur u a pa you would be happy. We knew no reaaon wby you abo'd B ji be. Sbe, Inlelleoliially, le your match. Yau may think tltia la eeol, dear Zab, but a a fact. . AlVctluoaiely ymire.' By by. The aiaurs ot a North Carolina bride ro.had tu tbe alter with broomsticks, gxe tbe bridegroom a terrifio dtulibing: and biuke up tbe weddiug. wuunre lorari will remember tbat thla erening HIM Amy Stone tbe talented and faeelnallng soirees, rappotted by a full dra matis company, will appear al the Opera Honss, for ana night only. Here is what ao exchange taya ol her : Taking into eonelderation tbe disagreea ble weatber of last eveoiog, there waa a good turn out at tbe Academy or Music, to witness to play of "Wild Meg, or the Brok en Vows." This Is a piece fall or soclSj elements, and dlretalBed obaractert are t0 admirably arranged at to at onoe rivals tbe attention or the audience, bringing out, aa tbay do, all those peouliar traits ao otteo found, from tbe plain, well meaning me- ehanio to the ttylitb boarding tobool mles and the requisite too elegant for ordinary life. But "Wild Mog, tbe tbougbtleai, rattle beaded village romp, was tbe cbarac tar around which all others resolved. Her glrllib tricks upon "Jaspers Pidgeoo," the honest but nnsophlstioated village carpeo. tar, tbe affeotloo and love created for Jas per's brother, a treacherous, bara-bearted youth who pledges to another and leaves 'Wild Msg" in the deepest grief Jatpers dlsoorery of his brother's contemptible act the preparation for Bgbt and tbe appear. ana of "Meg u poo tbe scene all these, while portraying the evil peculisrltes ol nature, bring out tbe good In such bold relief as to draw from tbe audience the heartiest applause. And ' then there is "Ashley Mertoo, of tbe Hall," a magoifl- Oent index for Webster's Dieiiooary, "so to speak" tbe lawyer, nervoet, tricky and emphatic Meg's father, a men of difficulties, who does not sell bis daughter, but, gives soosent upon consideration or a loan "Mrs Netwell, of tbe Grange,' a widow too nice for ordinary lire all these were vividly and correctly portrayed. Thsjoteresl waa una bated In this play until the curtain dropped upon tbe final eonsummalian, wbeo, after round and round applanse, Mr. and Mrs. Stone, appeared and bowed acknowledge ment. Petroleum Centre, Feb. 12. Ed. Bccord. Please allow me to cor rect an article In your paper or yesterday, wherein my name was mentioned In relattou to an aeoldtat oa tbe Allegheny Valley Railroad, as tbera seems to be a ml tuns derstaadlng'as to tbe track being six Inobes lower on one slds Iban tbe opposite rail. My remark waa I hit I heard a gentleman say he thought it was. Tbe exact distance I am nnable to say. H. Frkiuas. hi belore last 1 two ladies wbo were walking down Waablngton street, were Insulted by a big brute of tbe male gender. We have the name of this fellow, and if we bear of a like occurrence shsll take ocoa sioa le publish bis name for tbe benefit of the nubile A We received a oa.ll this forenoon from Mr. Harry Miner, a well known showman. Mr. M. is aobnected at prssent with tbe Amy Stone Dramatlo troupe, wbo are to perform at the Opera House this evening. As a business manager be has few equals, having been connected with a large number of Coupes aod had an experience extending ever tbe United States and foreign cous; tries. Harry It a good whole souled fellow withal one or the kind tbat it always does a person good to meet and converse witb. Come again, old bay. Titusville bad ax baby show yesterday. Gaffaey, tbe Buffalo murderer, will be banged tomorrow. His Insane dodge to escape tbe gallows did not work. Fanny B. Price aod sompaoy at tbe Ope ra House, tomorrow night. An elegant assortment of Valeutines can be found nt tbe Pott Offlos Newsroom. At tomorrow Is Valentine day tbe youog folkt tboutd examine lb ear. Elleo Shaw, of Eaat Cambridge, Maaaa cbuaetts, baa beaivaeot to tbe Ileum of Cor reotlon for drunkenness. There was one man killed In tbe ditatter on tbe Valley Road, wbo, recent up to tbls time, has not been Identified. He had a baodkerchief in bis posaeasioo on wbicb was tbe usme of LaatetL Tbe friends of William Casey arrived yesterday, eand look bis remains to Loskpert, N. Y., bla former home, lor Interment. It will take forty barren of oil to pay for a ticket to attend Ibe Inauguration ball at Waubingten. Tbete were; seven sudden d.etne repor ted io tbe Mooday'S issue of the Button Globe, in New England. ' Altale temperance ruat meeting will be held at Trovideuce, Rhode Island, tbe 23d of tbls moth. A UutkyumUicbigau, fishermen has sold over a thousand dollars werthof Bsc already tbls month. Ualibour prayer nieellBga) are note held st Amherst Colk'ge. A correspondent of the Meadvtlle Repub- oan writes as follows from Foxburg: We have just returned from a rids through the lower part of this rich and apparently unbounded oil bell, and will give you a brief description or tbe country through wbloh I passed, and In tbe last six months have been over almost every portion of what ia called the oil belt between here and But lei, a distance of about thirty miles. Be tween here and Parkers, (three miles,) there are a great number of wells on the west side of tbe river, out tbey are mostly old wells, being called 'small territory,' but sure. Tbe wells doing, when flrat struck, from ten to lorty barrels, or more; but there are but few new well drilling on this part of the belt, ss tbe excitement Is now io tbe lower part of tbe belt from Pctrolia City to Greeoe City. Tbe bell bere, as de veloped, is about one mile wide. Patter's Landiog and Lawreoceburg sre ttill very busy oil centers, and perhaps will be such for years to come. Tbe burnt die trict at Parker Is being rebuilt, but not as rapidly as was at tint anticipated. The citizens tbere think It will be all rebuilt with a better class or buildings tban those that were burnt. The next town Is Marllnsbnrg, wblcb was so unfortunate as to be a little to the); right of tbe belt, the wells tbere being small, of course has belped tbe town in business. But few new buildiugs have been added to tbe place by reaton of Ibe oil excitement, and It it but n small town. Petrolia City Is tbe next town In tbe belt. Tbls town hss all been built In tbe last six months, and Is right In Ibe centre of tbe oil belt, as fsr as developed. It Is quite a larje town, and growing. About bare tbey get tbe best wells, thus far, found In tbe belt, wella produoing at blgh at 250 bar tils ol oil psr dey,.lwben first ttruck. A large number ot wells are being drilled about here; and parties holding leases in Ibis part of Ibe belt, ask a bonus of from two buddred to five hundred dollars per acre, with a 'quarter royally.' This town, we tbink, is tsking the lead ofairview, wbiob Isfquite au old town, but Mile Irom Petrolia; but it It a little to tbe right of tbe bell at developed up to tbe present time. Tbe oexi town in the line or tbe belt Is Earns City, about tbree miles from Petro 11a. This, like Petrolia has sprung cp In tbe last five months, and it quite a town now, a large amount or business being done at tbat point. They are getting tome very large wells bere and vicinily. Tbe devel opmeota have extended soma two or three miles from this point in the direction or Uiilerstowo, and at this point oil men br come puzzled to determine the direction ot tbe bell. Since tbe Greece City strike tbe querry being whether Greece City la on Ibis belt or another, some holding thai ii U, and others (bat ills oo what is kuown aa the Scrnbgreas ball. It will soon be decided whether MUIerstowo is oo the belt, as a number of wells will soon be down Io its vicinity. This Is an old town, and but small as yet, but should oil be toand about it, It will be quite a center rot business. Tbe next aod lust oil town is Greece City about five miles from MUIerstowo. Tbis town bas sprung up within tbe last ninety dsys, aod is being built up very rapidly, and is destined to be a second Parker or Petersburg. It Is in a deep cut or ravine surrousded wltb bills covered wltb scrub ok. The first well was struck bere but s short lima ego on tbe Jamisoj farm, and was a wild eat well, but it proved a 't pouter' aud now tbere are same Ave or aix wells producing oil, all very large ones, aud about forty or fifty drilliug, all gelling at close as possible to those Ibat are already produoing, aud wbeo tbey are all down will soon ex bausl Ibe territory near Greece Cily. .Butler is 8 miles liom Greeoe Cily and tba nearest railroad point to Ibe same advancing very rapidly in tbis town by reason ol Ibe oil developments so nsar It, and nsw and oostly Improvements are being added Io Ibe town, and Butler is bound to be a large town, should the oil ex lend on in the dliection tbe belt or belts are tending at tbe present time. Weill ate being drilled near tbe town aod it will toon be determined whether It it In tba line ol tbe bell or not Tbe whole line ot tbit belt Iff through a billy country, aod in many places tbe bills are covered with scrub oaks and rocks, Tbe farmers could barely eia ent a living on tbe parts cleared. There sre but few barns, and Ibe bouses are mostly old leg bins, wuicn, juaging irom tbsir looks, were built by tbe trtt settlers, wben tbe whole country wss a wilderness. Tbe soil poet. Tba country about Grssce City Is very bar ren, tbe bills bslog covered witb very low scrub eats. But yet, should tbe oil de velopments continue, It will beoomc oneoi tbe wealtbieat counties io the Stale; Oil to day ia $2,17t2.18. and Brrn. The liquor bueinesa ia getting unprofitable In Iuwa. South Bend, Ind, is tu bare a public 11 biary soon. go to v. a. ixriicn,' 4th Street,near It. K. track, fur your BENZINE, deli? ered sit the welh for $2,00 per Barrel. Petroleum Centre, Feb. 6th-tf. The Dainty Wardrobe. There's a little drawer in my chamber, Guarded with lender oare. Where tbe dainty clothes are lying, That my darling eball never wear; Aud tbere, while tbo hours are waning, 'Till Ibe bouse is all at rest, I sil, aod fancy a baby Close to my aching breast. My dsrling's pretty white garments, I wrought them while sitting apart, While blsrnyttio life was throbbing Under my throbbing heart; And often my happy dreaming Break in a little song, Like tbe murmur ol birds at brooding, When tbe dsys arc warm and long. I fit I 'bed the daioty wardr b, And tbe drawer was almost lull Wltb robes ol Ibe finest muslin, And robes ol tbe whitest wool. I folded tbem all together, Witb a mse for every pair. Smiling, aod saving' "Gem fragrant, Fit lor my prime to wear." Ab! Ibe radiant summer morning, So full of a mother's joy I "Thank God I be Is fair and perfect, My beautiful new born bey." Let bim wear the pretty while garments I wrought while silting apart, Lay blm, to tweet and helpless, There, close to my throbbing heart. Many and many an evening I sit sinoe my baby came, Saying, "What do Ibe angels call blm?" For bodied without a name; Sit while the boors are waning And tbe bouse Is all at rest, Aod faocy a baby nestling ' Close Io my achingtreaet. Tbe old town of Duaseldorf, so tamoua in art, is having quite a lussla with tbe nuns, wbo seem to have the e otire control of cbl I dren's eobools tbere. It Is affirmed ibat the little ouee learn little else tban the cats, cbifm. and csn scarcely write tbeir names iu tbeir'ninth or tenth year. I Klnrlfla nlnntura r.iall onnm Inter rntlAn r - a m tieavy thtt tpring. Grrenup county, Kentucky, bas eight irou turnaoes In lull blast. A new company la preparing to work Ibe lin mines al Lake Superior. nA report oomes Irom Nortbero Minnesota that tbe Indians are starving. Tbe Wbitewater, Wisconsin, wagon fan lory turns out 250 wagons a month. Natban B. Kent, ol Kent, Connecticut suicided in an arilslio manner on Monday nigbt. Two Iowa boys who killed their motler have been sent to slates prison for eight years each. The floods sre raging in Weat Virginia. NOTICE. Mr. James S. McCray having removed to Franklin, parties having coat, muuicatioo with blm on business or other' wine, are requested hereafter to address tbsir letters to that point. St. Blew Goods. SA YE 101 it MONEY ! And bay year Boota and Skats SI Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE I keep a very laree slock of all klndr ea band and tcll eh.opa.aiiy other honae In the WU. KKQ10N . Connected wltb my Store la a Custom Department ! Aad I K-narantee a perfect IU In all aa work1 X.palriKR neatly dona. Nest door ta Weir Jewelry Store. IarrelaniBi wsmm: J daeatr 1 Loca l-taotleaa. MMMlnea. Alt the magsalass for SspiaW a, ready. 1 m Harper, Celaxv. . Atlantic, UpptMott'c, Eclectic, - Transatlantic, Oliver Optic, Yeung Folks, Frank Leslie, Children's FIowsl Old and New, Gokey's Ladies' Bosk, Lodeyn Soolety, Peterson's Lsdies' Friend, Arthur's Home, Science Monthly, Ballou's, ood Words, Nursery, Chatterbox, Metropolitan, Herald of Health, Al tbsPOST OFFICE NEWSROOM. Sobers Opera House, GREAT ATTRACTION! TWO NIGHTS Q2VLY. Tba Peerless Artists, MISS FANNY B, PRICE! (Supported by a Powerful Cooraty, Friday Evening. Feb. 14, 1 The latest and greatest sensation entitled L'ARTICLE 47 CORA Mist FANNY B. PRIC1 To cooolude with a 111 U ibe? A IJIVaTR 1 1 mnvma as a; m uf a Gertrude Miss JULIA HANCUETT. Saturday Evening, February 15 The Sea of Ice ! With Nsw Scenery, Ao. PRICE8 AS USUAL. Reserved Seats for sale at the P. 0. Newsroom. C. W. KIDDER, Ai-tot. OPERA HOUSE. FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY. THURSDAY, FEB. 13, 1812 Amy Stone Dramatic Alii; Bston Jubilee Orchestra ! HTONB. Wltb her Complete Dramatic Musical Company,- Tn her Orwt Sperialliie. of "WIL.3D MEG . And the Holllcklng Irish Diamond Beat cn be secured In advance at the f ost OS" Newsroom. P. C. WELtB; Areit- DISSOLUTION. The copartnership heretofore rxisll'f under tbe firm name of Daweon & Co-, erocery and provision dealers st I'looe". Venango county, Penna., is this day d solved by mutual consent. Ail accouou due tbe late (Inn will be settled by R- " Dawson, and all bills will be settled by hie R. P. Dawson will continue Ihe business heretofore Dated Pioneer, Feb. 1, 187. lebC-St. rWWblpe, at Marshall A Risbsrds poslte Record Office, Main Street, P" learn Centre, Pa.. SKE I1ERE. t- H. H WARNER, bas jest recelrcdlrJ home twenty eaeks mare ef Ibst cider, was never beat for qaality. Also, spti eggs, butter, As. The best' batter evw broaget lata tbis town, wblcb be will ssll cash.'bot will nol trnst any more goods tbe first ol January, IttS. j All these indebted la bins are rsoessi" Is call aad sett Is wiUeal delay . aad costs. AMY B. H. W