SHUGERT& STARR IkeiHMtl llllcMaet,.aa-ltk Ce.J Merchant Tailors ! m nmu i ' Genf? Furnish, Hoods, CtR. RTBIWO FRAKKLI!f 8TS., fTITVST.L.IiE, JA. Imh eae af ai a.Mt omrmmMtill VL02I18& CA8SIMERE8 7RINCH AND . AMERICAN COATINGS, KJBCBB AND STRIPED SUITINGS WANCY VESTINGS. Bver effered la tht Oil Rttfn. TWKKTT DIFFERENT 6TTLES OF ZTATS SC CAPS, Al,bt Latest and Nobbiest Btrlaa. a fdll Lira or Cents Furnishing Goods, &c. Petroleum Centre Daily Record. (. Centre. Pa.., Feb. 11 luvlua survive. MKTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sabbath at 11 A. II. and i P. M. Sabbath Sohool at li P. M. aU free. A cordial Invitation extend a la all. Kit. G. Mocmn, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at II n'eloek A. M.. and T n'eloek P. M.. by the Pastor, W. C. BcrtcH 4RD. Sebbetb School at I2J4, srtreclly alter loreeoon service. Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School Teacher' Meeting Tuesday evenings -of aab Week. Ftrlnm Centre Lodge, No. VIS, I. U. of O. F. Regular meeting!, nights Friday, at 7 'look. Slgoed. B. ALLEN, N. G 8. H. Koomr, A Seo'y. MfPlaoa of meellug, Mala St., pposlte MeCllotoek Hons. A. O. Of V. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W., meet aver? Monday evening at 7 o'olook. la Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre, Peno'a. , A. Glbnx, M. W. H. T.. Gositoft, R. I. O. of H. M. Mfnoe'aasuiea Trloe No. 183, I. O. R. M f Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday venlng In Good Templar's Hall. if" Council fire lighted at 7 ' o'otock. II. HOWE, Piobem. I. REYNOLD, Chief ol Record. old. at 1 p. m. lUtf f Among. tb killed In Ike terrible railroad avoidant, near Serubgraf, yesterday, Is tbe name of William Casey, a wellgknown porting oharaoler. The report has It tbat Casey "died at his post" while nobly itrlv Ing to save tha life of a fellow being tbe little newsboy. If suob Is tbe ease, and there appears to be little doubt, it takes off tbe curse of many af tbe evil deedsajcribed to him, and proves true-the old vtrte "But whether on tha sosflbld high, Or In tbe battle' van; The Attest plao lor man to die, la where be djes for man. " Mr. Catty bat a wife and child residing In tbi place. ' Tbe great wreatling matah for $1,040 and tbe championship, petaeen Homer Loe of New xork ana uolao, oame off at Brighton, near Boston, on Feb. 7th, result ing In Lane winning tbe two Brat tails, the mobey and the obemplootblp the "oross buttock" and "cross toe look" doing Dolaa's busloea for blm quicker than we can write tt. Now tbat Lane Is tbe champion, could we not yet up a match between blm aud olllifU Tout Maloy. Lane has experience, but Tom is "light but very quick," aud could Ret ail the bicking needed from either Plntuer or Kane City. "Av kourte" Tom U a little out of gear jttit now, but "sheep's pine" and Toitewanda hitters" would soon gel him In eoudiiioo. Tlmei- W J L Ketftr baa purchased' tbe Interes of Davis in Ibe Youth's uajsette, punnsn at this place snd will herealter oooduot lb uueines.. We may add Ibat tbe G"fM Is inproving with each issue. f Nearly oue-dUh of tha papulation Ol B'lHti at paupers. Oo Frldav and Saturday evening of this week, Miss Fannie B. Price, an old time fivorlte aotress will appear at Sobl's Op try House. Tbe Petersburg Progress ssys of tbe compsny : Tbe annorocement (hat Mist Fannie B. Price was lo play "Faachon," at the Op era House no Thursday evening list, drew out a large, and fashionable audience. Every seat la tbe bouse was taken and oc cupied before tbe oluee of the second act. Although, Fancbon has been produced here afore, this sson, it is admitted the ren dition last evening was. we were about lo ay Insompaible. Mies Price as the Crick et, called forth Ibe admiration, of the aud ience repeatedly. Tbe troupe gave excel lent support, and more particularly do we speak of Mr. Frank Rostwick, as Barbeaud, and Mr. .Torn. Calaroan as Didler. The perlormanoc throughout was highly app e iated, and we can safely premise good houses during the remainder of their stay. We have many among our readers who came from Northern New York particular ly from Jefferson, Lewis and Oswego coun ties. They knew, In their earlier years, how It was themselves In "old fash ionnd'1 winter, ta tunnel the snow from the from door to tbe gate; to walk yea verily to skate miles on the snow crust over field, and fences; and there are some of onr read ers who can back us up In the assertion tbat in,lbe ReCHsM woods af Oswege county where tbe speckled trout disport themselves In summer the people us two year old snow. No lone f need dispute our tales ol the winters of that region, lor we have good witnesses al'band. The present wiuter In Northern New York Is one of the old style. Tbe "oldest inhabitant" of Jefferson county does not re member so much cloudy weatber at the same season ot the'year as Ihnro Is this year. Watertown claims eighteen feet of snow fell his winter; tbe mercuty at Evan's Mills stood thiitt-sevrn degree below zero, while in Lowville, Lewis county II stood at thirty degrees below zero. Denmark in tbat couo ty has not reported snd we Imagine It wilt oot until tbe thaw get down to it in the spring. Ths Democratic Township Convention, met at the Petroleum Producer' Rooms, yesterday afternoon. On motion, Dr. T. H. Stuart was elected Chairman of tbe Convention, aod II. E. Stevens, Secretary. After tbe meeting was organ led, a mo lion was mad to proceed to tbe ncmina tion of officer which waa carried. Tbe followiug is Ibe result : Constable, George Notion. Assessor; Assistant Assessor ' Hugh-Joint, John Rickett. Tow a Clerk, Hugh Joint. Treasurer. J B McGwn. Road Commissioners, J S Shearer, l.yearv D S Keyes, 3 years. School Direotors, Geo W Westlake, 3 year. K M Hutchinson, 3 years. James Anderson, 1 year. Auditor, Jobn.Rlcket. PaJb Masters, Barnes Fauquer, Jacob Allison, Michael Boy lea. Judges of Election; N Seymour, Rifuaeville, Wm J McCray, Petroleum Centre, James Tyson, Rouseville, Geo C Rickets. Plumer. Inspectors of Election, J F Neeley, A W Cowoll, Owen Gaffney, W Campbell. On motion adjourned. Dr. Tba;er la in Pittsburgh on business, coonected wilb bis establishment, wbiob be Intends putting on Ibe road about the Brat of May. This show of tbe Doo tor's will be something "n;w aod novel," an experiment which it Is lo bo hoped will prove profitable to the proprietor. N. Y. Clipper. Tbe "new and novel" part of the show probably consists in tbe Doctor going to startle bis li lends by trying to get through the tenliugseasoo without a "bust up." Tha new well ul Blv A Muyue, on Sage Run, two miles Irora Oil City, struck last Saturday, Is flowing about fifty barrela. I, is near Greene well No. 2, aod is twenty leet in tbe sand. Greene well No. 2, on Sage Run, Con linues to flow over three b unbred barrels, with notsvtnptouia ((diminishing. Il Is be yond question Ibe largest well in the Region.1 Doctor Fee a ruck a uew well ou bia farm Ust Saturday Its production is variously ttlnitled at from fifty to tevectyQva barrels. ANOTHER HORROR. Accident'on tbe Allegheny Val j ley Railroad. Three Killed and Fifteen Wounded. EcnuBORAta, February 10. ' The Brady' Bend accommodation .touud north on tbe Allegheny . Valley Railroad, met with an acoldent Involving tbe lots ol three lives and Ibe Injury of several passen gers, at a point abont eight miles this aide' or north of a place called Black' Siding, ,eo miles south nt here. The' train is a mixed one, leaving Brady' at 12:35 p. m.t aod is due at tbe aiding at 3 p. in. Toda; II was made up with engine No. 37, next eleven loaded oil Cars, and last aa iron olud passenger ceaob. It was in charge of con ductor J umes Bonner and engineer Samuel Weigle, and at the time of the occurrence of tbe accident wat nearly thirty minutes late, and was running twenty miles per bout. : Tbe precise point of the accident is a ourve one mile south ofRosedalo, and when rounding the curve, tbe Qruman noticed that a piece about four ffet was broken out ol one of tbe outside rail. Ho notified the engineer, who whistled for brakes, but the warning came too late to allow of an effec tual applicatlou of them, and the snventb car of the train, in passing over (ho, gap, was thrown from tbe track, dragging four oil ears aud tha passenger coach la Ibe rear down the bank. Tbe embankment at this point i about fitteen feet btgb, and the coach was turned once aod ooe and a half lime over, and landed bottom side tip out in tbe river, and in about lour leet of wuter Tbe coupling of Ibe oil cars broke, the tunks which contatLed about eighty barrel oil eacb, a large portion of which ran down in to tbe patseogor car and catching Gte Irum Ibe forward Btove, soon enveloped tbe whole Carlo fltmes. There wro at lb s tiae about twenty-five passengers In tbe car, who of course rushed fur the doors and windows, and with tbeexception of tbo-ia killed, g t safely out, although a few of thorn eie more or less burned, lforis 'wti.oU eoou proved eucceSfful, were made lo txuuuiHj the flames, aod tbeo tbe budies of tue- dead were recovered, and tbe iujumd propetlv tared lor by tbe company's surgeons auu employees wstkiog under the direciiou ol Col. J.. J. Lfcwrence, Superintendent ol tbe oad, who fortunately arrived aouu after the accident occurred. EcMJRORAgs, Pa, February 10. Tha following is correct statement of the accideut on the Allegheny Valley rail road which ocourrud Ibis alternooo: Tbe Oil City accommodation, with a train of oil cars, when running on time near Black's Siding, at 3 o'clock p. Bi., a few miles uortb of Emlsntoii, broke a rail, and five cars of oil and the coach were thrown from the track down the bank. Tbe cars at oooa took fire, but'all tbe paeseogera escap ed except three wbo were killed. The kill ed wore Scott, a unweboy aud William Carey, said to be a sporting man, aud one unknown. Tbe injured are John L. Il'acna, 62 Wood street. Pittsburgh, badly burned, sent to Emleuton; Michael Kane, Peters burg, track laborer, gone home; George P. Riddle, Emleoton, lips cuf slightly, goue boms r C. W. Kidder, slightly buroed on the bead, gone o Franklin; A. C. George, uf Rouseville, burnt slightly, ' gone borne; Mathew Collins, Hamilton) Canada, bead and baud burnt, gone to Oil City ; R. C. Coulter. Petersburg, burnt in bead, gone home; J. B. Hoover, Franklin, head and bands burnt, gone home; Alfred S. Hamil ton, Groeoburg, Pa , bead burnt, gone to Parker's; Harry Wilbur, Corry, bead ar d band burott gone home; O. E. Singleton, Parkers, slightly injured, gone home; John Delhsnty, Tidioule, burnt on liead and baod,,wlll go borne to-morrow. The Injuries to all are sliiibt; except Mr. Haona, wbo ia tbe moat injured, but it is hoped not seriously. Tbe track at tbe place of the aooident was aa good as aoy oo tbe road, the ties all sound and tbe iron good, but tbe bard free, log weather has caused the rail to lrik worse than aver before. Tha companv't aa)io m4 Other rT promptly on hand, ajajd wry Mlentlon paid to the injured thatf possible. The Coroner Is now at the oeo of tb coldent, and will ennolre Into ta cause o daily. ' NOTICE ! Go to W. A. LOZIElt, 4tli Street,near It. It. track, for your BENZINE, deliv ered at the welh for 82,00 per Barrel. Petroleum Centre, Feb. fitb If. Tionesta Itkis. Forest county ha itt chled lo grant licenses, Mr. Iluuter has sued Bell fc Breckinridge contractors of the Tionesta bridge, for damage, aud tbey have sued Iluuter for oon-ptyttiout of debts. Tbe lerrymeo of Tionesta are resplng a ricb harvest since tbe bridge went down Tbey charge ooe dollar lor carrying a man acrnfs Ibe river, and Ibe earns for bringing bioa back. Wbo wouldn't be a feiryman? On Thursday a now well was struck oo Ibo Fee farm, by Tboma Fee. which is stated as good forever seventy barrels a day. Heavy oil is worth about two dollars at Franklin, and a drog in the market at thai Amber and ruttluobite are coming into favor for trinkets. 1 Ctnaionatl manufactured 11,038,829 gallant of whisky last year.. Twenty thousand men flod employment in the lumber regb ni of Maiee. Peat Is being expensively used for fuel in Fond du Lac county, Wisconsin. Tbe San Fraoeboo Mercantile Library made $5,788 over expenses last year. Olympia, W. T., having no need of jail, that .building baa been turned into a uoot and shoe I'aolgry. A (jounecticut man ha invented a ma. chine lor daruiug stockiuga. Ila cu li a t'Tbe Bachelor' Friacd." In the laka shore reslons ot Michigan, tb peach trees, despite tbe severe cold, are Itt ported to be In good condition. A lump of gold weighing 210 pound ia reported to have been lounid recently In a claim nwoed and worked by Cbinatneit, at Moo re, a Fiat, Colorado. A soldier at Kurt Saunders, Wyoming, wus uledTy court-martial recently lur ret tu'intf to go on seutry, alleging that tbe puS( wus haunted by a ghost. A geuural strike among the donestio helps baa occured in Springfield, 111., aud alrunrt every family in tbe city 1 reported to be in want of a servant it is repotted tbat tbe barbarous practic of duelling tis not ooly permitted bu t en. CiiiiMitrd it tbe German army as means of setting dispute between tbe Ulcers. A project bus been started among the woo led raanglacurer of Massachusetts to run half lime, oo account of tbe high price of wool and the low price of woolen fabric. A merchant In ?bpeka, Kansas, baa be come tbtane through grief caused by Ibe simultaneous loss of bis wife, bookkeeper and $1.)0 lo cash. A timid rssident ot KidgeGeld, Conn;, being unexpeetedly called upon lo address a school, rose to bis feet in some contusion, aud, after several desperate but Tain at tempts to say something appropriate, hoarse' ly muttered, "Dear children, never foo' with powder," and Immediately sat .down again, much relieved by the effort; TSeyouog tadieeofaNew York sem inary are puzzled over the exact meaning of the followiug Inscription reoently discov ered on tbe wall of the building: '-Young ladiea should Bet good example) for young men will follow them," If you ' Want a Saletnfhn, Waul a Servant Girl, ' Want to Sell a Horse, Want to Sell a Patent,. Want to Iend Money, Want to Buy a Holme, Want to Sell a Carriage, Want lo Borrow Money, Want to Soil an Oil Well, Want to Buy an Engine or Boiler, Want to Sell a Houae and Lot. Want lo Dud a Strayed Animal, Want to Purchase an Oil Interest, Want to Sell a Piece of Furniture, Want to Buy a Second-haud Carriage, Want to Sell Tubing, Casing, Gas Pip, Want to Find an owner for anything Found, advertise in tbe Record, as no lei than ten thousand people read it weekly, NOTICE. Mr. James 3. McCray having removed to Frauklio, parties baviog com. municatioo with bim on business or other rise, arereauested hereafter to addreaa thai J letters tu.tual point. 8u liOCMl Jt ,!,,. Mn camlne. All tb taagaalaea for Senhuau. . raadv. ' narper, Galaxy. Atlantic Lippinsott's. Icleotle, TrataatlantU, Oliver Optic, Tsung Folks, l'rank Let lie, Children's Klowst, Old and Nw, , - . Goky' LadiMtVott, . Lodeyo Society, , k Peterson's Ladles' Friend, " Arthur: Bom, Hclenc Moutkly, Ballou's, Good Word, Nursery, Chatterbox, Metropolitan, Herald of Health, At thr0ST OFFICB NEWSROOM. SobeFs Opera . GREAT ATTRACTION TWO RIGHTS ONLY. , The Peerless Artiste, MICO CAMMV D DDlOri im-jo r nun i i rniixiii ' Supported by a Powerful Oomponj, Frirli.iv EvAtiino. I?ih. it i Tbe latest and greatest sensation ' entitled L'ARTICLE 47! CORA Hits FANNY B. PRICE I To eooelud with a LOAX OF A LOVER ! Gertrude Miss J ULIA HANCHEII. Saturday Evening, February 15 The Sea of Ice ! With New Setnary, Ao. PRICES A8 USUAL. Reserved Seat fur sale at tb P. 0.) I Newsroom. C. W. KIDDER, Aieot. OPERA HOUSE. FOR ONE NIGHT ONLT. THURSDAY, FEU. 13, 18TJ Amy StoBS Dramatic Alliance Bston Jubilee Orchestral! IAMY HTONE. With her Complete Dramatic Musical CntnpiDj, In her (irfst Specialist, of "WI3L-X IvIEG And tha Kolllcking Irish Diamond. Seata eaa be secsred in advance at tht Pott Ofcs Mewarooui. P. C. WELLS, AfCtt. DISSOLUTION. The copartnership ' heretofore ' exiiU'l under the firm nam f Dawson Go, grocery and provision dealer at Pionstr, Venango couoty, Penna., is tbitday d1" solved by mutual consent. All' acoouot' due the late Arm will b settled by R Dawson, and alt bill will be Betttedej H19' R. P. Dawson will coot In He tbe bulum heretofore ) Dated Plaoeer, Feb. I, 1874. ' feb 6-31. ty Wblpt, at Marshall Ritbardt op posite Rkcorb Office, Mala Street, Ptf leum Centre, Pa. ILK IIEBi't H. H WARNER, hat just relvedlr home twenty casks mere of tbat cider, ' was never beat for quality. Also, P"' eggs, butter, aVo. Th best bntut ' bronget late Ibis taw, whlh he will M ash, but will aat Irnsl any ayr god tbe Qrst ot January, 1173: . , . All thai Indebted la him ar rM"1" la call aid Mill witktat delay s ottt. . .. H Wa