1 SHTJGERT & STARR mmhii la ScPrtmia, Satfia Ca.,1 Merchant Tailors! AMD DBIIIIH.IH Cfesti ffnn.lsliinjj Woods, tR. SPRIKO A FRANKLIN BTS., KTITl'ST.L.LE, PA. BBM ! S SBS Of She flOMt UMTIBMUM jfj GL02H8& (JA&8IMERES ' IEKNCH ANDj ' AMERICAN OO ATI3STGS, ID AMD STRIPED BUITINGS FANCY VfiSTINGS. lw offssal in the Oil Regum. TWKKTT DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS Sc CAPS, All the Latest and Nobbiest Stylet.' , A FCLL LISI OK Qents Garnishing Goods, &c, f etroleum Centre Daily Record Pat. Centre, Pa., Wednesday, Feb. fi Ivlue nervlce. MBTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. anri 4 P. M. Sabbath School at 12 P. M. eata tree. - a ooraial invitation exteua a io an. Kkt. G. Moors, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7 'lock P. M., by the Pastor. W. C. Bcrcii- ard. Sabbath School at 12J4', dlreotly auer loreoooo service. Prayer Meeting and Sabbath Sehool Teaeher'i Heeling Tuesday evening! ol task week. f rleaan Caatre Lodge, No " Mat-TIA, f. O. OIO. F. Regular meeting nights Friday, at! ' 'look. Signed. B. ALLEN, N. O 6. H. Kookrh. A Se'v. 't"Plso of meeting, Mala St., opposite jvuiiuiui;& iiuumi. A. O. of V. V. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. ofTJ. W. meet every Monday evening at 1 o'olook, in una reuows Mall, relroleuto C Centre, I'.nn'a, A. Glssx, M. W. a M. T. Connor, R, I. O. of It. M. Minnekariuea Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M f Petroleum Centre, meets every Tburaday in uoou templars Hall. ' JW Council tires Unbind at 7 o'clock. 1 ' H. HOWE, Saobem. B. REYNOLD, Chief ol Records. field atMp.'m. 113J It was onse a popular notion that seven yeari abseo ce of husband presumed his death, and the wife would legality, and morally, and modestly, marry again. Uow the period was made seven year we do not know, a o less it was according the theory mai toe ouman body undergoes complete cnauge every seven years, and hence, the liusband whs bad been absent seven years ould not ba toe. husband be once was, but e an entirely different man, Somewlves, who eve taken the popular belief aa "law and gospel," have. In marrying again, Jy the -Fi"iuce oi tne nrst nnsoanda who not Enoch Ardeo-lsh In tueirnalure havedeo manded renewal of suspended nrnriia rtbte. A Mrs. Sploer, of Brooklyn, tf. Y., Isacase.lo point. Her husband. Spleer sited, and she brought suit for $40,000, her dower. The brother in law contested it cn the ground that the aUintiff was not the lawful wire of deoeaied. Mrs. Splcer swore he was a lawful wire; that over thirty years agasba wastba wife of ona Miller, who abandoned ber.fand who afterwards died. I That looked all lavorable until the lawyer of the brother-in-law called the name of the dead Miller, when tie man clothed in flesh and bleod and in bis right mind, tot k the stand, and testified that It was Mrs. Spicer who did the abandoning thirty years prevkns, and who took away all the furnl ' tore, aud who left a note , thai she never should return. Once after b met bis form er wife who bad, meanwhile married a mau named Bell, acid then, be, Miller, did be come an Enoch Ardeo and went to sea, was gone twelve years, and-returned to Woroes ter, Mans., where ba still resides. That testimony made a finish of Mrs. Spicer's r s- and knocked bervlsens il tba $10, Ouu into a uiiniu quantity. , FlutfircllaUiOn by Law, lUrLT DKHRrcK 1st Query . Ans. No, Because the family relation wltb all Its com plexitis! Is of Divine authority and cannot safely be legislated for by human enact ment. Yet, we believe, that the teaching of the dispensation under Christ does away with all that is not of love. "Do unto oth ers as you would have others do unto you All through bis ministry be showed great love for children. So did bis beloved dis ciple John. The spirit cl the teaobings ol both the Lotd and bis servant was against Inhumanity of every kind. The school sys tem on tba contrary is tba sreature of law. It owes Its exlstenoe to it, and as all human law is conceded to be fallible, therefore it is open for amendment always, and especi ally when contrary to the teachings of our Divine Master 2d Query. Ans. Here, tha querist an- swets himself tu suit himself. He aasamea that flogging is the rule in families. It is ot. Thousands of parents do not me the red, and we venture to assert that their children do not need the whip at school. Flogging Is degrading. It baa been found so In the army and navy and abolished theie ler; It was lound so In prlsun discipline, and discontinued; it was found so in slave, ry, and slavery Itself was abolished in cun sequenca. it Is not less so in the family and school room, and in the latter it will be found that intelligent teachers In the lead ing colleges and schools of this country and in Europe never whip on the contrary de plore tba use ol tbe rod and tbeso men are found In the front rank, crowned wltb suc cess and with the lore aod esteem of their pupils. Tally ooe lor St. Louis. A hotel clerk of tbe regulation style, hair parted in tho mid dle and not much addicted to the display ol con t sy, wedded beantif Ij -ounggiil tb:re weeks ago. Tho bride bad it younger sister more beautiful than herself, aod to her new ly Hedged husband made leve. On New' 1 ear's day the beuedict and aistcr-lnlaw lelt borne to attend a party at a friend's bouse a short distance in tbe country, and that was tha lust beard ot them uulil a few days alter, when a telegram came to tbe wile, couobed in these words: "It was too hasty, aod I bava repented. Sis and I leave for Europe at noon." Now let us bear from Cbiosgo. - " ' losuraoce experts may be euabled, in 10 dealing with large numbers, ;to make trustworthy tables ol tba average of life, but tba toscieetifio observer finds that longevity can rarely be safely predicted in muiTiuuai cases. Twenty years ego, says tba Philadelphia Item, everybody would have given Forrest tbe chaoce of prolonged life over Maoready, bis great rival; for Ma- '; ' gauui, leeuie, excessively ner vous and lrrilable,nd a severe student. Bnt Macready lives at tbe age of slxty-six. When poet Bryant was thirty-eight, health was feeble. He was a sufferer from dyspep sia, aad gave pvemonltiona of an early de mise. Whs then supposed he would outlive many years bis friend Cooper, a splendid specimen of robust health, and that at near eighty be would be enjoying a hearty old age, while so many of his compeeis li ving. Paulding, Halleck, Wills, Cooper, Vr. plauck would be sleeping in Ibeir 'graves! We notice our old friend, Frank Ripley. In town today. Frank says he can't gel along without visiting the old town once lu a while, And many friends always welcome thee, old boy. A. S. Smith, who keeps ooe of tbo qur- etett aod most orderly places in town, has the best and freshest of lager on tap, while at tbe same lime you can get fresh pretzels, pigs feet, eausago, and fish of tbe beat quality. While Smith has no queer animal on' exhibition like Louie Vouoher, of tbe Opera House Saloon, be claims tbat tbe cbamplon lager beer drinker of tbe Centre bangs oat with blm. Pete CJaley, alias Dutch Pete, one of the jolliest ot mortals who swallows bis Ifly or sixty abtipcrs o- lager daily. On next Saturday be wilt commence in tba morning, indulging all day, in order to show bis friends bow far tbe skin will stretch without bursting. If he don't collapse before early candlelight. Little Joe" will beat a "tat loo" on his atomscb Captain Jinks, fco. Smith's friends will call early and often to sea tbe fon. S This evening there will be a private so cial bop at the Oil Exchange Hotel. A good lime Is expected. Cause and effect: Green Islaud, on tie Hudson, has a whisky saloon and coflln manufactory in the same room. BUnited maiea Treasurer rjpionor strongly urges a general increase of civil service sal arlea as a method of effecting civil service reform. His argument for tbe Increase is tbat we must pay higher compensation to increase tbe honesty of tbe officials. Scrantou's Indebtedness is only $107,000, or loss luao oiie-eigulh that of Reading. A Whole Hotel Turned l'p aido Down by a Sudden Cry at jViglit that the ''Lord was Coming." . ) i ! From tbe Dubuque Hernld. The guests at tbe Lorlmer House br,d a lively shaking up about five o'clock on Fri day morning which lor a few minntes was' of a serious nature In tbo great fright it pro di'Ced, but which fortunately turned out to be of,a harmless nature, and, to lonk buck upon, rather ludicrous. For about five minutes, however, times were lively, and there was the fastest gutting out of bed tbat has been witnessed in Dubuque since the cold weather set in. Tbe cauae was a lady who bad been seized wi'h insanity . during tbe night, aod insanity of a religious nature too; she stationed herself In the ball near tbe bead of lfie stairs, and suddenly, In a loud a-jd piercing voice, called everybody to repentance, for tbe Day Star bad come, saints, sinners and all. The lady is the wife ot an old citizen of Platteville, Wis. uuubiu. iter, nusoana is among tbe most respectable citizens ol that place, and she is described as a lady ef mote than ordluarr ability and culture. It seems that ten or a dozen years ago she was insane, and beeu treated in an asylum, but bad recovered, as was supposed, yars ago. On Tuesday last aha came to Dubuque Mo make some purchases, and while hers hail tha mtslor tuiie to attend some ot the revival meetings now in ;procress. These, wltb tha attend ant excnoiueut, must have unhinged her mind. On Thursday, some ol her actions. were peculiar, but untniug was thought o tbem at the lime. But her conversation ran wholly to religion and Its kindred ton- ice. After she had retired, it seems that uer insanity came violently upon her ouce more, and she got up, kindled her fire, burned up a wood box ot wood, aud devoted herself to writing incoherently upon the subject uppermost iu her mind. At the hour above mentioned, she lost all control of betself, and going into the hall ia ber night dress, she lifted up her vote-, crying for all to seek repentance. "See," euye she, "the Star of the Et appears; the wise men are coming. Get ye ra.ty to meet litem. Believe, bellev.. See, see; they coaie, tliey Come; beaulil'ul in ferui, o olhud In white, glorious tu all. These are tho diiya 'when old men see visions and youug rat-n dream dreams. Be ye prepared. Cry, cry loud." and cry aloud-she did, and nu mistake- Of course, alTtbe guests were wrapped in the protoundest sleep.jnnd, waki-ued , sud denly in this manner, they cuii U not help but be frightened. There wu Hie liveliest tumbling out of bed that bad been v ltnesa ed for ui'ioy u day. The (nil wus sudden aud short, and il did not ttv.n lo lunlio much difference. UaiveraalieM, Prwbyitir ians, Jpi3coimliaii8. Conun-ir iliuunlisis. Cttuolica. iletbodisla and ail, were biuugbl to their feet instinter, unljit was noticed tbatnone of them seemed nuove tbe le-it to be lu a hurry to accept the sudden invitation. By this time two or thtee uieu came upon the bCeue, aud, afler a snort us sisiance, secured tbe unfortunate ;,idy She was dually led back to her room, and was quieted as well as could be. The auibo- ities of New York city did a good thing when they set a large uuinber of the recently arrived Iioli.iu emigrants to work ou the dirty tborougblores of the city. There now 2U,UUU men aud lu.uuO horses and oxen employed in tbe lumber regious ul Maine. A Kentucky man, who had an arm shot off duriag the late war, has since tueo bad bis leg broken by a tali from a horse, bis re' malniog hand "chawed up" by a threshing nia'hiue, one of his ryes put out by run ning against a lonco .all, and half ol bis ribscaveil in by tbe kick ol a mule. It is a remarkable eiiutiuisunce that every cent of aid Vasar College has ever received has beeu t.-om men. The only gift ever re celved from a woman was a contribution of a huudjed or two volums to the library. The jeurs have liuiug just as goblets do . TUe old year is tbe lining of tbe. new ? Filled wilb the wine my precious inetuo rieB) The golden was dotb line the silver is, Wood for luel Is selling in tbe State of Nevada for twenty dollars a cord, and diffl oult to get at tbat. This is tbe liveliest winter which Read ing has experienced tor many years, Reading papers pu bits h iulereeting local items mora than ooe hundred years old. Tbo Wllliamsport man woo blew tbesnow oft' bis roof with nltro-glycerine thinis be will use s ate on his new house. Tin-bearing rock Iroiu the north sp ir of LakeSaperior, Michigan, baa been analyzed at Detroit aud rouud to ooulaia twenty. four per cent, of tin, ' ' A bill for the incorporation of tba Kult town Iron Company has been Introduced In to tbe Legislature, j . .. , Feoher is in Philadelphia. There are 390 Lodges I'ythiaa In this State, t 4' of Knlgbls There were two Infanticide easel at Phil idol phi a, Monday. John Beeoher was severely Injured by tba cars at Lancaster, Monday. EMzibeth Fame dted wilb tha tremens at Philadelphia, Monday. dellrum A great ninny Improvement are contem plated nt Scran ton next eprlng. A party of Americaua celebtated Thank-s J given day on tne shores ' of the Dead Sea, Not even the necessary turkey was absent Irom tbe hoard. Tboy made tho customary resolutions, and aslon ished tun Arabs with their nnthusinam at every mention of "Home sweet home." The nnnr.imcnifut his tten officially made that, in accordant wilii n special reipieat, all articles sent i or exhiblton at Vienna will receive patents of ptotcctkm nAiiiAt Imitation. QChlcngo haft two Bcsremen i balidiug at Jolist, making Illinois. steel works, and one three In tha State c' Katlle-drura parties are becomiag fasb' lonafjie in Washington. Tbey areofEog iish origin, nnd imply an entertainment where bread and butter and tea are tbe only refreshment offered. An epsom salt deposit bits been fonnd In Mineral-Lake, Grant county, Wisconsin. The present military forceof Michigan Is all comprised in twelve oompanles of mlltie The Stale is eertalnly on a "peace fooling. , line is the I f h Ststs in tbe Uo on In the number of newspapers. New Yoik has 951 publications : Pennsylvania. CH ; Illinos, 518; Ob o, 4:9; nnd lu'wa, ,109. Beeoher is advertised to lecture in Harv risbnrg on compulsory education. Tickets $1 00 encu. Miss Hummel, of liarrtslmrg, was qui Is severely burned by her dross catching Gre on Monday. The horrid devil dsn described by Victor IIiiko in his "Toilers or the Sea" Is no fig ment of tha Imagination. A gcnlne spec iinn was oaptured on the coast of Georg It is lour feet in diameter, und bad a di fa. in its clutches when caught. lost. Lost in the vicinity of the Post Office, tjie gum of ' 850 in $10 bills. -The finder will be liderally rewarded by leaving the sums at this'office, Feb, 4, 1873. The Idea of extendi g the rat tlonary signals to the hijjh ojs luis recently taken prnctl al shape In the proposal t- establish a floating observatory off thj Aihntle vea-board. NOTICE. Mr. James S. McCray having removed tu Franklin, parties having com. munication with bim on business or other wise, ate requested hereafter to address their leucri io tnni point. v . jt If you Want a Salesmon, , Want a Servant Girl, Want to Hell a Homo. ' Want to Sell a Patent, Want to Lend Money, Want to Buy a House, Want to Sell a Carriage, Want to Iiorrow Money, Want to Sell an Oil Well, Want to Iluy an Engine or Boiler, Wont to Sell a House and Lot, Want to Hnd a Strayed Animal, Want to Pii'chnsa no Oil Interest, . Want tu Sell a Piece of Furniture, Want to Buy a Second-hand Carriage, Want to Sell Tubinir, Casing, Gas Pine. want to Hnd no owner for anything I'u'iu'i.nnrniiMiiuiiiii UKUUH!). aB RO eS than ten thousand people read II weekly. - Blew Goods. And bar janr Boats faadj at Mrs: M. Magrane's ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE I I keen a very lured stock nr all kinds aa hand. andi-cllas cheipasany otier honse tn the OIX KliGlUN. Conueoted with my ttturs is a , Custom Department ! And I jrnarautee a perfect fit In all ajv werk Repairing neatly done. New oor ss Wolf Juwlry Store. ' 1 Magazlnei. Harper, Galaxy. Atlantic, Llppioeotl'i, Eclectic, Transatlantic, Oliver Optic, Young Folks, Fraok Leslie, Children's Flowsr. Old and New. Gokey'i Ladies' Book Lodeyo Society, 1 Peterson's oi Ladles' Frleod, . , Artbnr's Home, , Koience Monthly, nauou'ff, . . ... -..-, Good Words, Nnrsery, ' Chatterbox, Metropolitan. Herald of Health, -At lbs POST OFFICR NEWSR001I. For Sale. my woes: ana axiures are new aad my building lar sale or rent. Ml J. W. Bus.. Petroleum Centra, Dec. 18, 1872. v' For Sale. 800 BARREL TANK . retroieum Centre, iron linV i 1 -a - wooden top and Bottom. nri $100. Apply to Central PeW cam Co. MT Floe SINGLE HARNESS froal-j ilOO at Marshall Richards. ,- B. ' IB- Flna SINGLE HARNESS fronts to 100 at Marshall & Richards. .!, il D. n ' -IT"" -F"W hi... . I .-II I . . nnsifd ttiKAin HIRaa U-t- a. . . vm "vt mhiius u a. tiiansrni a. r mmlu a, , ienm Centre, Pa, II Eli E. .' H. H WARNER, has iust raasfwas I... heme twenty casks mare of that eider. He w ur.or uea ror quality. Also, stile eggs, butter, As. Tba best butter mi hrouget loto this town, wblsn bewlllfiiir cash, 'bat will aot trust any ssors focoV ids tuv mil ui vBiiNery, taia. All thoie Indebted to him are requsiW io can aia sain wltual delay aid nh cvsia. H. H. Winn, 11T Sleigh Bells, inutTalo Robes, fcl Robes, Lap Robes, to., at Marshall 1 mcoarus, nam street. H. H. Warner BFALKRflir SEC 6i D-II AND TIBIMJ- All Blzee Caalnf, Enginer . Bollen, and OIL va)l SUPPLIED HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR 0W ROPE, IRON aod BRASS. Havlrip recently pntr.ae4 a New and IS' proved PIPS CUrriNO MACUINK, I am prtrar 13 ,to f " o' 1'ipa aad Casing Inch to 1-4 inch. wawtalnsnon.Ht., Nearly Oar. Rotk eaier Honse, Jfu Oentre, Pa. Prt 11. H. WARN alt USemoyed I Has Removed! hn CLOTHING ; STOHS 8 to- Beatty's " Old Stand. Washington' Street, Petroleum Cme9, Pa. :.t'JTMrT'V-. atsaatatfasailaW