The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 30, 1873, Image 2

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ItaMMri ie MaMarst,
Merchant Tailors!
Gmt FurnUldiis itoods,
Jaa goatta IHl(k) laaat HMIMM M
MKatv AK
tot ru4 la Us Oil ttaglaa.
AULbs Llttttaad Nobhisit Bllse,
6er' Furnishing Goods, fcc.
(uitjioum Centra Daily Record
Vk Ceaire, -, 1 Uuredav, Jan. 30.
: IMrlna lervlce.
tkrvioe every Sabbat b al 11 A. it. ana
P. U. abeelh School at 12J, P. M.
all free. A eordiel invitation extend
ed ta all.
Kir. 0. Mooki, Paator.
presbtterIan CHURCH.
Preaching at 1 1 o'clock A. M.. and 7
e sleek P. M., by the Pastor, W. C. Bdkcm
. . Sabbath Stbaal at I2i, direct!;
after lerenoon service.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbath Sebool
Taaaliar'i Meeting Teesday evening ol
aab week.
JBwtrelftMau Centre Lodge,
., T1S, I. O. Of O.K.
a l,M .iyw rnuaj,
at 7
etiesit. eignso.
S PI. Kantia, A See'y. .
tVPlace of mealing, Hals El., opposite
MaClinlock House.
A. U. Of I'. W.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. uf IT. W.,
assets evi-rv Monday evening at 7 o'clock,
la Odd Ftilow'l Hall, Petroleum Centra,
A. Glknh, II. Wti
U- T. Connor, R.
I . O. of it. Mm
Minnekaenea Tribe No. 183, I. O. R. M
af Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
evening lo Good Templar' Hall.
IV Coeooll ttrei lighted at 7 o'clock.
U. HOWE, Sachem.
S. REYNOLD Chief ol Reoordt.
aid at 1 p. as. 114
Haw doth lha Hill busy bee improve
acb tblalng hour It illustrated by a man
wno doiiidi lour twarma ol beet ten yeart
ago, and bat now aa lotome oj $1,000 per
year tram hooey. Go and luy four swarms
I bees, youag mao. Ex
Then adverllse Ibe hooey, cheat Ibe prin
ter out of lha price of tbe advertisement,
ease your conscisuce by speaking ill ef him
upoD every ocoaiioo. "Soma things oao be
done at well as others. 'S
The continued cold weather bat compell
ed Burton it Kooker, tbe well known coal
dealers, to put a night watch at tbeir coal
can and coal bios. Only a few oigbtt tiooe
one or the (iron caught quite a party niak
leg a Hid for coal, beaded by that great
eivil engineer, Flora McCarthy, who when
liurton eame around tba cart with laotera
jumped fross the top ol ooe of tbeaj,' aud
flew Ilka a burred," remarking wben be
arrived at headquarters, that be hadn't
"brained fur two bloeks."
Obi Flora, Flora, way will you sin.
For a tingle glast of tugar aod giu.
Atleoliou It called lo Ibe oolice ef meet
log or tbe Republican electors or Petroleuo
Ueutre pracinol, at the Petroleum Pipdu-
cer'a Rooms, to-morrow (Friday) evening,
fur tbe purpose el nominating delegates,
Ac. Every Republican li requested lo al Drilliug oomineocee oo Ibe oew Watson
well, beer Cberrylree Village, today. Jubo
F. Tarr, an old oltlgeo of Ibat borough, de
tiiet in la annouace that Ibe prospect tut
tba airikiag ol Ave hundred banal wall it
goud, la bit op la Ion.
Venango County Court Kocorrl., January 29, 1873.
On Moodsy the regular term of Ibe Court
of tbil county met lor tba trial of criminal
oases, aud lb it lar bare disposed ol tbe fol
lowing :
Ueary Radio Charge, uadaii 1 1 and bat
tery. Nul pros; entered ou paying ol
Jobo James at. al. Cbatge, surely of
tbe peace. Oo bearing the Court disuiiss-
d tbe complaint at costs of prolocutor.
Fraooia Mullen Charge, aarely ol tba
peace. Oo bearing tbe Court dismissed the
Complaint al euai of defendsiit.
Joseph Patoo Iudiclnieot, aggravated
assault and battery. Nol pto; euterud oo
payment of costs.
Eliztbelb Junes Indictment, murder
aod coucealing the doalh of a baatard culid.
Tbn caaa ia toe lauious Oil City infanticide
mailer. The trial occupied a day asd a
ball, and tbe jury after au absence of threo
bouri aud a half re'luraed a verdict of out
JuimTbonipaun and Tbemns ''Rsissr
There were tbree lodlcltneuls against I hue
purlin fur larceny at Petroleum Centre.
Tbe defendant, Thomaa Reiser, plead guil
ty to each charge, and tbe detrndaul,
John TbooipKO, plead Dot guilty, welit to
trial, and lb jury relumed a vol diet ol
guilty in each cane.
Quite a Dumber of ludicrous incideola
Occurred at tbe fire, yesterday, Wuitfe are
wsrtvy of. Bote:
An aged hub woman, when the fire first
broke out, ruu out of ber bouse with the ix
clamatiou Holy inolberol Muse pioirtt
us, " at toe tame lliue emptying oo the lire
a bottle ol what purported lo be boly v a
lor. Tba boly water did uot appear tu have
mucb effect ou tbe bra aa tbe buildings all
burned down.
In a bouse a short distance Iron) those buru
ed wat a tick lady who was unable lo be
moved. Several men were oo the toof bard
at work in the bitter cold eudeivoriog te
save tbe building which they dually suc
ceeded in doing. In tbe uiHantlme a pood
brother might bava been aeau rusbing Into
lha bouse aud administering cooseiatiou lo
tbe lady aa follows: "My dear woman, do
net be alarmed; trust la tba Lord, yum
home will be saved," running out directly
and viewiug tbe situation, and tbea rusb
log back to administer consolation. - Tbe
boose was saved aud Sunie of tbe boys are
irreverent enough lo tbiok the Lord bad
nothing to do wilb It, and that the good
brother migbt have lubored to belter advan.
tage shoveling sno en Ibe buildiog. Tbe
readnr can judge fur biiusell.
Jutt before the UcNierny build iug fell, a
large black Cat shot out ot Ibe cellar, with
baok up and each particular bair en oi, cie.
atiug considerable excitement among Ibe
bystanders far Ibe moment.
We might mention that tba unfortunates
who were burned out ate poor people and
deserving the sympathy and aid of ; I. We
trust Ibe charitable miuded will aid tbeae
poor people lo tbe hour of tbeir distress.
Tbe coming election no tbe Local Option
Law, it excitiog considerable comment
aoioog our citizens. The prevailing cpio
ioo appears to be opposed to tbe law. We
are free te exprese tbe opioioo tbal we do
not believe Ibe law will work even if it
should be adopted. The present license
law if carried out would remedy tbe evils
oompiaiued of by tbe friends of tbe law.
Tbe vote on tbe question will be light.
They are making silver dollars at tbe
mints in Sao Francisco for use lo Cbina,
woere, ii is graveij aiaieu, iliey are very
scarce aod mucb wanted. We do not koow
ol lo wbicb they are not very
scarce, or 10 wblcu tbey are not mucb
i ne peivio oooe or a mastouoo wst re-
eeolly discovered Dear Granville, Obie. by
an engineer ou Ibe Allautic and Lake Erie
Toa Wboie number of soldiers graves to
be provided wilb bead lionet, it appeari. It
308,372 T.he cemeteries containing these
three buodred thousand dead are scattered
idely, numbering about a hundred differ
eot localities.
bomebody recently greased ZUO feel Of
down grade borse railroad in Jersey CUy.
and passengers were treated lo a rapid
slide ami sweet little"tip-over" wbeo Ibe
toot of tbe bill wat reached.
1 here was so mucb swearing among tbe
iruutc leavers on Ike Uneofrosd over wbicb
Aliuee travels, Ibat it ofleo lakes several
oours,ior toe rails to cool ibat other Irelos
cu pats. Alines has 120 trunks besides
Ibe one to which bes bead it attached.
Greet suffering mil exittt m Mluuesote,
owiug te tbe coogeaied stale of all alcbeiio
A yinkee Mined t-uallb opened up a flrst
elass tavern in cisuic Athens. .
Only a soug that a maiden time.
Yet it stayed In tbe young mau's heart all
And bit mind from bntineti wandered away
And tbe bright blue eyes and toll brown
Gleaned out from tbe pagei before bim
Aod tbe silvery lonet through bis memory
Tbe toog wai of love aud be thought, ' Cao
It be
That the thought el me aa the tang to
Aod ab bow the thrills of a love eomp'ete
Seemed Stirling bis beait, aud U liug kis
Al be thought, "She will sing me the lung
Aod I will aok her lo livs with me."
They walk together Life's paths to-day,
And tbeir beans are merry and light aod tree
Aod lile is si twsel at Me can le;
And the bappy years glide twifily Irom
And Ibeir love though old seemt ever oew,
Which trouble orgrittfc-in never dt-c.y.
Lat wrek'a very admirable young lady
ot tblt city died alter a long and; linger Ing
illnet of tbal fatal disease consumption.
She was In full powrsslon of her faculties,
and conversed with ber relatives almost to
I lie instant wben the peacefully fell asleep.
She was a girl of over Iweuty yeart of age
aod had always borne ao exemplary charac
ser, aud.fnr ber deaih bud lew terrors
Some months Hgu an aual lo whom she was
ureal ly attached died, and half an hour tie
fore tbe Ibe young girl died she said to her
weeping relative who were around the bed;
Aunt Maggie was here a few moments ago
but she b.i gone. I waot te go and be al
rest, but I can't leave until she reiurni te
go with uie. I can't leave until she comes
back forme-" She conversed calmly with
those about ber, gave directions relative to
the memorial gifts te her relatives bod tbe
manner of ber burial, and then, with eyes
brigbletilng as if recoitoiziog mine loved
noes, tonll others present unseen, ber ep'r-
II passed from Itseartbly tenement. Bale
more American
Illinois milliners are Immigrating loKsn
tat by Ibe hundred.
Ice Is nine inches thicker ia Kansas thli
fear thau ever lelore.
ilk-ink jumped over a slump into a
skuuk bole." repeated as rapidly as the
toniiue will allow is a very favorite juvenile
literary amusement. And Hint, suppus
e1, was all a skunk wa good tor Ti e1
animal even failed to secure half holiday
to a district school somewhern ivn
where a Mischievous boy put skunk in toe
teacher's desk, supposing it would orlor the
teacher Into a dismissal for tbe dav. I'. ii
tbe tescber a woman of cnuiae mi a
elelbes line en her noBe, and the el,ool went
oe, the pupils being oblite.l to keep iheir
hands under tbe desk, and could nut, ibrre.
fore held tbeir notes. But skunks are use
ful at we see In the debate, of tbe Michigan
Horticultural conversion, where e member
protested against tbeir destruction J as thev
protected tre-s rrom ibe white grub to det
MT Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School
Teacher a Meetfog oo Friday evening al
t'retbyterian Cburcb.
Quiooy, Illinoil, has packed 70,000 lom of
ice tone lo ber .next summer'! cocktails
aod lemonades.
At the little village ol bt.iJsmas. Minns.
iota, eleven people were frozen to death
during tbe late norms.
An Indiana editor hires a band to teren
de him twice a week, and be always re
sponds by a column of thanks next day.
The obesity of e Keokuk, lows, hog, is
attributed lo ibe fact that be devoured bit
owner't ton, a nice juicy lad or four years.
A Chelsea,' Mast., man has a dog that Is
so fond of chicken meat thai be baa nearly
cleaned out two or three room In bii vlcin
Tbe Ivvurt vl pork lu New Zealand are
happy ia the knowledge that ibert are
about 1,000 more pigt man human beiugs
ou ibe tsiaod.
In eddlliou lo Ibe sleeping cart that are a
feature ol all regular iraius leaving Si. Paul
wearing Coaches bave beeo added since tbe
roads bave been snowed under.
Only tbtee wivel were tbrasbed by tbeir
busbaudi In St. Paul Suuday, aud yet wu
arejtuld that Aliuaesjia iaike place wbare
aid eujey tbe comfort of life.
Fleas ate lo Hack lo Sun Diego, Csl.,
tbat it it necessary to blast through a urate
if I lues lively lusscts two feet thickness to'
reach ibe luifec ef ice loll proper. , 1
The ereat fire at Chicago In 1871 was
disastrous in more wsys tbso one. Among
other things It developed a peculiar clas o1
ftro reporters who hsve thrived efef riiie.
Tbit is the way ore of Ihetn telle linut the
destruction of the First C.ngrflisoe.l
Church In Chicago: "The angel ol B brt
made his New Years call to Chloago 11 the
idet or January, 1873. Ills crimson wing"
Hspped In our skies lastevening. and tanned
into destructive lire columns of flame which
sntllowed up the stateliesl edifice, dedica
ted lo God's worship, which graced tbe cllyj
From Hie Sucrameuio Union of Jtauaiy
20tb we get the account of the light between
the trootit and Ibe Modoes on the rlday
previous. Our lelegrapb dispatches gave
us all tbe particulars Ibat are essential, ex
cept tbe fact that it Is certain tbe Modoci
have received Indian relnforeemeols, and
tbe opiuion of Ife guide wbo piloted the
troop" into the lavs-bed, and who sy ti
will lequire a thousand men to dlolndge Ibe
M odocs.
An Omaha mun tried lo get alone blind
drunk ou a j ol linseed oil, but bad lo
nlve it up His feelinva can be painted
with a while leau peutrn, out uut vim
Temperauce cirtles Jire agiiaielby the
lined' of the fanners of Illlm is, Iowa, and
nih., ila who Intimate taev will Start
distilleries and thus consume tbeir surplus
SIOCK Ul vol Ii.
A New Jersey jewelry manufacturing firm
recently put down new Huoriug in tbel'
workshors. and the gold tbey obtained in
t. ..., th (ilil fliinrinir nut unlv r,alil fur
tb new one, but lor putting two coats of
paint on the enure weey.
cans The Republican electors of
Petroleum Centre rrecinct,
Cornplanter township, are re
quested to meet at the I'etro-
1 u u p: cchcers room at 7ao'cloi k
p.m., ou Friday, Jan. 31st, to
choose 12 delegates to confer
with an equal number from the
other votiug precinct ot the
town to meet at Rynd farm
School house on Sat February
tfth at 0 o'clock A. M. for the
purpose of nominating officers to
he supported at the spring elec
N. B. Parker,
Memh. Executive Committee.
All the niagxziuea lor September, now
re oy
Oliver Optie,
Yen mi Fut ka,
Frank Lealie,
Children's Flower,
Old and New,
Gokey's Ladies' Book,
Loilejo Sooiety,
Lad let' Friend,
Arthur's Hume,
Science Mouibly,
Good Words,
Nursery, ' t
Herald of Health,
NOTICE. Mr. James S. MeCray havlag
removed to Franklin, parties having com.
miinication with bim oo business or other
wise, are requested hereafter to address tbeir
leuers 10 that point. St.
W Fine SINGLE HARNESS frogs 2t
to $100 al Marshall Kisbards, eppoiiu
New Goods.
Aad bay yaw Beets isaaSlssa at
Mrs. M. Magrane'a
.kefP TerT Ure tink nf " "d en band.
STld vol a .h. n a. an w nit., i ,l "T!V7
KKGIO.N. Coonested with m blurs it a
Custom Department !
lnii!M.r..iaa . T a .
"sTalry'Stora ' " " Wu "
For. Ffllft.
My iinck m4 Bztiree ere new tor lall
aM ay Ullldivg lei tale or reel. "
J. VT 6rue
IUimIumm P.alu Am OO fatf
For Sale.
Petroleum Centre, Jrou sitlt
vrooden top and Bottom, nrir...
400. Apply to Central Petr0l.
eum Co.
VtT Fine SINGLE HARNESS "f,. ao,
to 100 at Marshall A Richards, onrJiu
Hie Kbcoiib office. '
Whin. .1 U.pahsll JL 1)1.,...,
a v i i m. ..i wu .i u, e
posiie Ricoki Office, Main Street, fttZ
leuu Centre. Pa. "
Oil Wells For Sale.
Three producing wells on the
Central Petroleum Farm, Pet
roleum Centre, Pa., doing from
200 to 250 barrels per month.
Run with a large Woodbury &
Booth Boiler, good us new.
Engine nearly new. Gas, water
and oil connections all in com
plete working order- with all
necessary tools to work said
wells. Price $4,.r00. Five
hundred down. Balance in
three, six, line and twelvi
months with interest and se
cured. Enquire of EM MKT
FEUKIS, agent, on the prem
ises. jan2:;-3.
K.H WARNER, hat jutt received Iran
home twenty tasks mare ef that cider, tkal
was never beat for quality. Also, , sipies
eggs, butter, As Tke brsl bult'er ever
broaget loin Ibis taw a, wbita bewtlfellftr
cash, ht will not Irasl any eiore goods after
the first ol January. 1871.
All those Indebted le bin are reauesrsl
te call aid utile wilkoal delay aid tavt
h. n. Winn.
19 Sleigh' Bl, inuffalo Robes, Wot
Robes, Lp K-ties. le., at Marshall A
mcnards, mJB Sireel.
H. H. Warner
II Slzei Catlng, Engiaei,
Bolleri, and
PiJln reesntly pircr.aied a If ew and Tav
f 'f C'OTTINO MACHIHI, I am prapsr
ed to ent srid it all slaes of Hps aad Casing Iroai
H Inch to S 14 Inch.
waahlnctoiit.. Nearlv Oil. Hooka
eater 1
aprs tr.
If. H WN
Memoved !
Has Removed his
Beatty's Old , Stand,
Waakington Street, Petroleum
CVr, !,
aw. Kt-l-ritnr sae.a