The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 25, 1873, Image 2

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Meaant Tailors!
iTlTCSV.IiliE, PA.
an yk eae or the Basel WH.UIM cat
tlrtf cffs4 1ft ibt Oil
AL lh Latest and Nobbiest Styles.
Scntu' Furnishing Goods, Ac.
etrpleum Centre Daily Record
Pat. Ceatre. Pa-, ftatarday, Jan. 25
l.lvtno aervlca.
niTHomsT episcopal cnuRcn
bervioeeevery Sabbatb at 11 A. M. end
(A, P. SabbalU School at 12' P. M.
eaia free. A Cordial Invitation extend
ed km oU.
Rv. Q. Moori, Pallor.
"reaching st 11 o'clock A. M.. at d 7
dock P. M., by the Pallor, W. C. Burch
arp. Sebbatn School el 2, directly
afier forenoon service.
Prayer Meeting and Bthbatb School
Teather'a Mealing Tuesdsy vveningi at
Mb week.
Vctralenm Centre liOdga, No.
tin, I. O. Of O. F.
Regular meetiag Rigbli Friday, at 7
'look. Signed.
I. H. KnoR, A See'y.
' tyPUce of mealing, Mala El., apposite
MtCliniock IIoiim.
A O. of U. W.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
ataeta vvcty Monday evening at 7J o'clock,
la Odd Fellow'i 11.11, Peiroleum Centre,
A. Glinm, 11. W.
M. T. Connor, R.
I. O. of It. M.
Mlnnekaauee Trine No. 183, I. O. R. B
of Petroleum Centre, meeti every Tburtday
evening in Good Templar'i Uell.
ay Counoil lirei lighted at 7 o'clock.
11. HOWE, Sachem.
R. REYNOLD?, Chiet of Records.
ald at I' p. m. USJi
Fotler, tie aar book mtitderar of; Mr.
Putnam U to ba banged. Hit oh kai berg
carried up ta tha bigbeit court lo New
Yok aod tha judgemeut of tba eooTlctlng
aourl affirmed. So It ceemi "banging It
net played out" la New .York City. Still
murderlug goei on, and the; bive a Sueday
keeping cleat af murderer! in tnat eity,
Oa iaal Suadey a gambler aimed llagtudar
'pieked" a quarrel with a young man nam
d Loekwood, In Ibeir boarding home par
lar la Mtdison afreet Msgruder told Lack
wood that, It being Sunday, ba would not
kill btm, but tba out day ba would aboat
bin down Uka a dog. And to be did; go
ing up to Lookwood'ijrovm about liz o'clock
id the aftainacn, be abol blm through tba
body, aad want down lato tba dining room
aad look bit cup af lea at eoolly at 11 ba
had merely killed a dog. It it taid Ma
grudor it a relative of tbe Confederals Gene
ral of that name, aod it would team
bit murderer brought bit Souther a ideal
with bio, for when at the elation bouie
be jiialllied bit .action by laying. "Out-
"tlden may not iblulc at 1 do, but I leel
"Jutllfied ta abootiug blm. He flapped me
'la tb face, and tben wltk a threairleal
'all told me to get tatltraction. I told him
'that I would jjto go fixed, at I would about
blm oa llgbi. I kept tnj word. It ia out
"m j fault that 'be did not bava a pltiol
with .blm. I taid hiat to bare one. I
went lor aatlifaoilon.' '
. . ,
The Sharon Timm tayt: Tbe minert in
tbia vatry era all at work, and from prei
ni appear 'ncft tbe old builneit profptrily
will be returned ltfore a great while. The
tiitnucet will aoua blow In, and the depreeii
uo ta Ltttinant wllloo doubt be rpmoed.
Tbe "Uborrr la woriby of hl hire.''
"fldney ie feftvt and tooil lo Ibe tatle."
Some lime tlnce we rrretvtd an order lo
advrrtioi Ibe good qualllit ol tone honey
to Ibe Urge amount of teveoty-live cnn
We aeot tbe bill aronod, yeuerdaj, wbro
the party ow ng it reluoed lo pay, aod ad
ded Intuit Co Injury, by tending, ni word lo
lick tbe'bill Into an unexplored part. Tbe
pany who gave tlila Intuit baa jut I ttarted
a flora un a nil nil tcalr tirong biilter, bad
istt, a few oranget, plenty ol chek and
dead loadief tlaodvr. being tbe chief tiock
in trade. We lutvnd to lake out this bill
by adverlltiug llie mid firm at tbe rate of
ooe Cent per notice, euatequeoily at Wilier
eot timet tkeie will appenr tereniy-luiir
dtnlucl ootlee tiuiilar lo ibe wllhlu. Any
panoo receiving bill Irom tbia party are
authorized by ut lo lell them to ttlck it in
the tama place be teat word for ut to ttlck
ourt, ee tbe adrerliiiag bat not been paid
for. He wbeezed and many a wocee ba
wboie. while cryiag "Era'a yer nice fretb
fltb ooly three wnekt old."
Seventy-tour more notice! coming "Old
Tbe great problem witu the Mortnooi
ttrmt lo bethel marriage question. Tbe
mladt'of tba Mormon letober,run upon mat
rimony; tbe Alpha and Omega nl Mormoa
irm it gei married" ai our dead friend,
A. Ward, would lay "gel very musb mar
Ned." a a termon lately delivered by
Eider Orion Pratt at Salt Laka City, be expatiated-largely
upon lermllcal end celet
Hal marriage, taking tba ground that tbe
latter wata continuation ot the former, and
that marriage wua a command of God at
mucb at any other of tba leiigiout duiiet of
life; Ibal to secure Imppiueaa hereafter luere
mutt be marriage and inch inarilaga mutt
be comtmnmated iu thit Ufa. - He tuuk tbe
ground altolbat Iba marriage of aMormeo
woman to a Geatila man wat not true mare
rlag, and would not reach into eternity,
but would be levered, at tbe grave. Hit
doc'rlne wat that to secure tbe promise
hereafter Mormons mint marry tud marry in
tbe cbuicb.
Tbe Mormon elder enlarged upon tbe
condiliua of those ia eierouy who marry
here oulaide Iba cbaraii, and controlled
Ibeir c.tet with tboie who obeyed the law
aod married wilbiu Ibe cbuicb. Tba diff
erence between tbe two cases In eleroity
wat Iblr. TbOfe wbo manned iu tbia
world oultide tbe oburch, would In the next
world have uo legal claim upon eacb other,
and never aonld aspire lo a potition above
Ibe aogelt, aod would be without tbe power
of Increasing their tpecies; eould not beget
ont aud daugbtcn in Ibe epirit world;
while lliote who were properly Wan led ill
tbli life would have Ibe power to produce
millions upon millium of tpiriit, and could
orgauizi) worltlt, and send tbote begotten
spirit) Into such worrit lo task temporal
bodies, and ia Ibeli turn be rendered, and
become tool of G'id, growing up like tbeir
Father, aod propagtliug Ibeir species
through all eternity.
Frail pgli aid bachelors and old maldi In
a very bad quaudary, fur he taya, "lo live
"old bacbelen aod old maids, and lo go
"down to your gravel lo that caoditioa It
not tbe order of Heaven "
For the benefit of "old aalt in tba area,"
wa would Hate Ibat we bavejuit received
twelve bnodlet of paper, "which the tame''
It paid for, and thai Iba Rruohu bldt lair
to live f:r tome lima lo came.
Now, then, eld man, give ut a little long
"A Life on tbe Ocean Wave; or, Tba
Brioy Deep
A correspondent ef tlia Meadville Repub
lican, writing from Fuxburg. lays:
Ail batlaeii ia very dull here, Ibire ia no
moa.'y In oireuiatioo. Tbe tanka are all
tiled with oil, bat there ia po demand tor
it Many are puniDina on tbe around. It
it laid there it more olljo iloro here now,
than ever before at auy one lime. We
bote oil bai reached the bottom In price
and that in ibe course of a few dtytlt will
take an upward figure. Tba eombiuatloot
.formed lo take the place of tba time honor
ed principle or rule, ol tupply and demand,
lur regulating toe price al oil bava all fail
ad, aud now Ibe produeen; bare conoluded
to lat it legulate itaelf, and they will mere
ly atop drilling new, welit. Tbe refinery
queilion it Hill agitated, but no delinile ac
tion bai been taken In regard to It.
fff Sacrament ot tbe Lord'i Supper will
ba administered in the Presbyterian Cbureb
to-morrow, at iba utual hoar for morning
Prajer Meeting at 10 o'clock A. M.
Tbe Wbeailand rolling mill retumid op-
eraliont in full laat week,
At a meeting ot tba Ureeavillv Driving
Park Association, oa tbe Btb intt , It wat
decided to hold tbe Secoad Aouual raeti on
Iba third ai d leurlb of July next
BDirpiviua ii having a warm lima over
the qaeiiloa ol Incorporation, to ba decided
next court.
Olli AT IjAST. .
It Is already known lo most of our read
en that Ctpt. A.DInpley bai beea prcl
pectlng for oil, near Warren, for the last
two yean, fill farm it located 2 miles
below Warren, and one mile back from the
river, up a little itream called Sill's Run.
The present well It the fourth fone. In all
tbe others there have been ludicatiool ol
oil, and In one oil in lat, bnl not tufficienl
lo warrant a thorough telt. Tbe Capiain
bai beeo iiibjected to all manner of hin
drances from the beginning, no one acarres
ly but bimsell believing be bad oil territory
But be hat persevered. Tbepresent Wel
wm lorpedord.ou Monday, aod f the pump
put to work. For tome bourt there wis
but a small quantity visible, but en Ttiet.'
day tba well began lo yield quite a flow ot
excellent oil. Tba men .'report a yield at
preteot of Irom five to Ian barren per day,
and Inoieaiing.
A married woman on the itage exerclaea
lest magnetism over an ludieuce than a tin
gle woman doet; the tact ibat ibe belong! lo
aootbtr, that her brlghletl glances, iweeteit
dimples, aud matt musical lours are for bim,
unconsciously diminishes her ipflueno.
Whit were called "Nllssou" wtlcbei form
erly bad a great sale in Parit, byt tinea Ibe
Sweediab cantatrice look a husband tbeir
demand baa to sensibly dlmintbed that tbe
proprietor bai been compelled lo change
ibeir name.
Greenville talk! of erecting a new tcbool
balldiug on tbe west tide.
A. Miner Grltwold, the "Fat Contribu
tor'" will deliver bii leoture "Injun Meal,'
at Mercer on tbe evening of January 25th.'
Tbe question ol "going Wei!" if ratbar
significant, it the plica currant of an Iowa
paper can be relied on.' Wbo would sell
oat and go wort, when a pair of winter
boots cost two loada of potatoes; a nlght't
lodging, a load of oats; tbe wile wean Ave
aereiol wheat; Iba obildren eaob ten aarei
of corn; tbe price of an overcoat il a good
nur year eld iteer; of a Sunday luit, twen
ty lat hogt, aid when a farm wean a morla
gage that ia worse tbas hard pan ta tbe
soul, and tba annual tax roll tha roof fatter
than raia.
Thnmaa l'drien. uueri ninHtMun umm lrlllwd
by a f illing tree in Delaware towcihip
Mercer county on tbe 11th lnt.
Nettie Wbaley, aged tlx years, daughter
of Julio Wbaley, of Meicer. wat burned to
death on tbe 9lb intt. her clothes caiching
fire while tbe wat ilanoing in Ironl ot an
open ttovo.
Tbe weatuer remains cold and cheeriest
at pretent. Wa have accounts fronrv dill'er-
nl sections of tbe country whlcti give fear
fill tkfltcbet of inttVring on the (pan of Ibe
Warren rejoices in a Dramatic Association,
tbe treasurer of which wat one Wm. Bailey
William, in addition ,to having a teste tor
the drama, wi alto a shoemaker. On XI. m
day night the Association played Hip Van
Winkle, Mr. Carner, of Sherry theatrical
fame, playing Rip, and Bailey, very ap
propriately, aa tbe sequel snowed, taking
tbe cbaracter.ot Hendnck Von Beekroan, a
miser and a scoundrel. Ha played it well;
but ba played II better tbe next day after.
when he 'gathered op bis awl, bia wax-end,
and slid, without returning to tba Anocia
lion Iba proceed! of tba entertainment,
which Lad beeo eotruited to bilk eeplog
Wa received a call Ibii afternoon from
our old friend ana wife, Mr. W. W. Btlley,
of Tiluiville. Mr. Bailey it engaged a.
traveling agent for the' well koown cigar
bouae of F. D. Hamilton of tbat city. Tba
cigara told by Hamilton are aa good ai Ibe
market affords. Having tried tbem we
know whereof we epek.
At Last. Cobo, a weH known charact
tar abo.l town, by bia indiscriminate abate
received a well over Iba eye, tbii afternoon,
that quieted blm for tbe time being. Give
your triendi Credit, Cohen, far toil one and
pottibly mora at tbe tame kind if you keep
on in the aama abusive tlralo.
Tba new luvention for utilizing petroleum
for burning purpoaei at tbe walla, ia being
put ander tbe boiler al the Bird well, Eg
bert farm. It wai expected lo be la opart
tioo tbia afternoon.
New went oominue to be ctruok daUy In
the down river region.
A new refinery bat been erected at tbe
mouth ol Donma Run, near Tidioula.
Tbe Oil City Derrick It miittkca in mak
ing the itatemeut that we claimed tbe party
who recently made nlgbt hideout in thai
eiiy were from Pelioleum Centre. No such
claim waa made, aad bo euek people retide
Seven wellt on tbe Wilson farm, between
Patrolia and Falrvlew, ire dotuj 1,100 bbli
A raiiijnaraed Little wai ia love
With one whose name was Long;
A waln called Mann once vainly it rove
To win ibat love ao airong.
My cake," bt mourned, "I roar It la
Aud bummed tha Little ling;
"Mann wantt but Little bere belew,"
Nor want! that Little Long.
Now be a Little maid, I can,"
She answered to hit long.
"But ne'er could be a Little Mann.
With ray true Love a Long."
He cried iu an un-Mannlyay,
"Why should I suffer LongT
I'll ttreiob my oeik tills very day
With tliil stout leather tboeg."
No more at present we'll unfold;
Although 'twould not be wrong,
'Twould abenge that Little wa bava told
Aad make fi out aa Lang.
Bloody Hun, l'cuuiylvaula, kat aeen transfunacd
lato Everett City.
Twelve passauger trains irrlvi and da art from
Ibe Lebanon depot dally.
A gentleman ucar Vinelaud, Vi., entered an or
chard o steal some apples, while hl4 friend, wboBat
ou the fence and rumunstrntcd. fell off and biokc bit
beck- There appears to be iu (this incident a una
fill lesson for the young.
Somebody enclosed a copy of tbe Ricoro
in a wrapper and lent it through Iba pott
office to Mr. A. Smawlt-y, after he bad flop
ped the paptr. Mr. S. oalled oa us thli
afternoon to know if It wai done by ut.
No, lir!
What a knack royaiism bai at making 11
elfridictiloutl AtCbiselbunt, tbe "Prince
Imperial," although ha it not a Prince and
nut Imperial, ba ii now tddretted by all
fluakeyiai "Sire!" '
Some eld army buttons, used aa play
tblngi by a baby in Iowa, proved to ba
bollaw, with a five dollar giecoback folded
In each. Now, how many old army butlont
will go unopened, ,
It ii listed that a general reduction of
telegraph rale will be .Inaugurated abortly
by all tbe companies.
Tbe Island of Sun Juan and tbe other
small adjacent itlaudg'tbat have been in die.
pute between tbli country and Great Brilao
are now jurisdictional altatcbed'to Wair
Ingtou Terr iiry.
The first conviction under the new 1111
no's liquor law hat jual been secured. A
salooo kee er wai indicted on two countt;
one fur selling liquor lo a person while in
lox'Csied, and tbe other for telling liquor
to an habitual drunkard. After aa anima
ted contest the defendaut wat found guilty
on both counts.
Tbe Virginia Legislature baa passed an
act making it a misdemeanor, punished by
fin - and ImpritonmeMi, to pay, or to ba paid
for procuring tbe pasting or defeat ol a bilj
lielore tbe Leglsialure. Tbia example
might lie copied with advantage in moi
other States.
For Sale.
Petroleum Centre,
Jron sides,
woouen top and Bottom, price
$400. Apply to Central FetroL
W Fine SINGLE HARNESS fron $25
loHlOO al Marahall Sc Rlcbarda, oppotile
the Recorb office.
NOTICE. Wr. JarretS. McCray having
removed to Franklin, partlea having com.
muuicaiion with him on hiitinesi or other
wise, are requeued hereafter to addreta tbeir
letters to thai point. St.
Memovcd !
Has Rem crtd is
Beatty's Old' Stand,
Waskingtoit Street; Petroleum
Centre, Pa.
IsOGftl Notion.
Hrnese Repairing at Marshall &"ru
rila M.ln Kiii.pI. n&
My itoek and (Ixtnreiere oow for ... f
and my buildlug lor tale or rent. " L
t 11 n I
PeUoleam Centre, Dvc. M, 1878.
Having disposed of my Lumber
a. 1 1 1 . In I ... 1 1 .... f I... u . - ' 5
gioui. all parllea knowing themselves it
Uhlad In m will (iImhim -. '
- I ' ' uuca ji
tellla and thereby lave costs.
Aeirviwuai vruirr, eB. I, 101a.
t-Wblpe, at Marshall it Rlchtrdt e
posite Kzcoun Office, Main Sireet, p.,,?"
leaia Centre. Pa. ' "
Oil Wells For Sale.
Three nroduciW welL
o vu LUt)
Central Petroleum Farm, Pet
roleum Uentre, f a doing from
200 to 250 barrels Her mnntl
Run with a large Woodburv &
rt n -1. J
oootn xxiuer, gooa as new,
Engine nearly new. Gas, water
and oil connections all
plete working order with aM
x t .. . ,
necessary iouis xo worn said
wells. Wice S4..r)0(. M-.
w j - WM1
hundred down. Balance in
three, six. n ne and rueU
months with interest and se
cured. Enquire of EMMKT
FERRIS, agent, on the prem
jan 2? -St.
to $100 at Marshall Rlabardt, apioilb
the Rkcord office.
II Hit i .
Tf IT W A RWFR hmm inat I
borne tweoty tasks more ef Ihtl cider, that
wat never beat for quality. Also, aapln
eggi, butler, Aa. The beat butter nr
hrouiet lato tbia Iowa, whlah bavill .aiif..
eashhul will aol trnat any aiort goods ilia?
in nrit oi janaary, lof J.
All those iadebled to him ar requttltl
la call aad mile wittoul delay and un
IL H. Warjiii.
ty Sleigh 1 iIif, iBuffalo Knhes, Wolf
Holies. L.p Rile t, Jte., at Marshall t
Richards, Main Streal.
H. H. Warner
All 8IZPS. Catliiff, Enytneay
Boilers, and
OvHavini reeently pnrcr.aaed a New aad
proved PIPB IIDTTINU MAl'llINK, I am prenw
ed to cnt and tt all ilzea of Pipe aad Casing froa
i inch to a 14 inch.
WMhlna;lanajc., Nearly Ot). Rock
eaiar aloaae. Vat. Centra, Pa-
aprttf H. H. WARN-'tt-
Blew Goods.
AX tor yew Beeti aadMt at
Mrs. M. Magrane'
I keep a very large stock er all' kind oa haeir
and sell' at sna.pasany other honse la the ou
KEQION. Ooaneoted wilb my HUir li a
Custom Department t
Aad ) marantea a perfect flt la all
Kapalrlng nsativ done. Hast door
eewaarf lore.
E 1
. a . a. U i, u IX
?jC,tm' 'k. l:t'iavi--.-''- aWN" .