The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 20, 1873, Image 2

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IXerchant Tailors!
Qestf FnraUblcx tftMHh,
ZSk. pswo fbanixin m,
All tke Latest lad Nobbiest (Styles.
' a nLL una or
flenta' Furnishing 'Goods, fec.
Petroleum Centre Daily Record
Fat. Centra, moudar Jan. 90,
utvlna aervlee.
Bervioea every Sabbath at U A. 11. and
iK P. M. Sabbath School at 12"; P. U.
aata free. A cordial invitation xteud
4 lo an
Hit. 0. liooan, Pastor.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7
o'alaak P. al, by lb Paitor, W. 0. Bdrcb
Sabbath 6ehool at )JJ$, dlreotly
after lereaooa serv lea.
Prater Meeting- and' Sabbatb Sebool
Teetber'a Iteellag Tuesday evenings ot
aaa wees.
tatralaM Centra Lodga, No.
. T10, I. O. of O. V.
Regular raeetlag alghla Friday, at 7
'slosk. Signed.!
I. H. Keoian, A Sea'r.
' tmTPlece of meeting, Mela El., apposite
seiiiiDiocE none.
A. O. Of V. W.
Liberty Ledge No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W.,
assets every Mooday veoing at 1 o'clook,
la Odd Fellow'e Hall, Patrolaoia Centre,
A. H. Elicinib, M. W.
A. Kiwa, R.
I. O. OIR. M.
innekeauee Triba No. 183. I. O. R. II
f Petroleum Caotra, maeta every Tburtday
Trmna id uooa templars Han.
flf Coanoll Area Hunted at 7 o'oloak
H. HOWE, Sachem.
I. REYNOLDg, Chief ol Records.
eld at ;i p. at. 113,
Salctabt Laws. It la time tkat Con-
greaa leglalated pro bono publico.
It itaould compel buildera to provide for
every building a ire escape and ceostruct
them with reference to omantlns the
apread of Bret from on building to Iba oth
er by Bra wall aad other devlees.
It should eompel every refiner store
keeaee er seller of burning oils, to submit
tbe commodity to a severe Ore test.
It shoald compel every railroad lo keep a
elvll engineer on the road to Inspect aad
Met regularly all bridges, trestle work, enl
varls, As., and see to It that lbs road bcdi
rails, ate , atasala. .
In lbs winter the roads should ba con-
palled to employ patrols lo see tbal the rail,
are nolbroken and tkat na abstractions are
on tba track.
As It Is bomaa life la too sbeaply beld.
aad tba safety of passengers aasrllced lo
Bereenery Interests.
A husband la Rams, N. Y. lately surd
his wife for $80 which he entrusted to he,
before marriage. Nothing like It was re
corded In tba law books, and the jury with
blvalrle promptness decided la favor of tba
A wild aalmal, suppesed lo be a Celi
forala lion, has for some months past been
roviag about la tbe vicinity ol St. Joseph,
Mo., eating sheep and killing rush dags as
bad lb temerity to attack it. A bunting
party of thirty men and bujs was organised
last week, and wsnt la search of his lloaloe
majesty. Ha wasfoond and killed, and
proved to ba a fall-sited African lion, whlah
fead sasaped tram a traveling menagerie.
Loo I matters are antes this cold wests
Tbe following applications from Ibis plaae
for Liceoee to sell spirituous, vinous, mall
and brewed liquors:
Geo. Sargent, restaurant.
Jl J Howes,
Oliver Galea, '
W. L. Smith,
A S Smith, "
Christian Herbert,
Tboa Heely,
Owen Geffrey, wholesale.
R P Bradsireet, hotel. '
Cilotoo Rubseo, "
W L Pngn, "
It is rumored tbal the ReBner'a Combina
tion have unloaded refloed at a lower figure
tbao qnotations end are going lo Oil Ibeir
tankage with trude while it Is sbesp. So
be it. Anylbiug lo get the oil out aud toon
ey in.
Refined 28, wholesale in New York.
Crude, 6,'Gc; margin, 10c. Retail rates
rellced here, 35o j crude. Sc. ; margin,
SOc. These pruliis would help tbe produ
cer ameziagly if be was interested in refill
ing. Surely tbe next combination will be
the ptoducere and refiners in one.
Ia Franklin tbey have taken lie bull by
lha boms. Tbe new refinery will have ca
pacity enough to refine the eatir pro-luct.
there and give tbe small producers a share.
Tbe two brandies of ibe Aseieot Order of
United Worknieu btve been united and
will hereafter work aoder one charter.
This Increases tbe membership Dearly 6,000
There is to be a pipe lioe from Parker lo
Franklin to load oil on broad gauge cars a
that point for the seaboard.
The new bridge aerota the Allegheny riv
er at Tionesta was carried away by Ibe lale
ice gorge.
Much sympathy Is expressed by our cltl
zens tor tbe sufferera by ibe late fire at Par
ker's Landing.
The Oil Creek Railroad Company now
employ several track walkers between Ibis
pi see and Titusville and Oil City, whose
duty It is to watch tbe track tor broken
rails, to. Tbe provision Is a good ooe.
The Pullman aieoptnii car which went
into Ibe Allegheny river last Friday noon,
lemains taal in the river, but for fear of a
rise and moving by, strong hawsers have
been run irom it to tbe qiore. The Injured
by Ibe accident are all recovering.
Burloo t Kooker, ike well known coal
dealers, announce by circular, ibat hereaf
ter they will sell no more coal eijept lor
Photography as an art has just reached a
new dignity . It bas got a Professor's chair
and a Professor to fill It. Tbe tortuual.
man is Dr. Vogel, photographic instructor
In the Brllo Royal Industrial College.
A woman at Maciro, Ga., dared ber hus
band to commit suicide, and be bad ber
arrested and placed In jail for six meotbs
ibe judge boldiog that ber action waa a erave
The oldest Inhabitant" In Alabama dif-
iers from bis contemporaries In other Stales,
by declaring luet the winters have beeu
gradually becoming more severe since lbs
days of his youth.
It is becoming fashionable lo send tbe
"Compliments of Ibe season" by telegraph
aeress Ibe Atlantic Several such metsugee
were ressived In New York ibis year fioui
European friend.
Tbe Ekab or Persia wisbea lo make bis
European trip without ostentation, so be
will take witb him only three Princess of the
Blood, three Ministers ol tbe first class, aev
ea of Ibe second snd tb rty attendants.
A band of Roman Calbollo pilgrims will
set out from Munich oa the 14ib of tbls
month to visit tbe noly Land, and will
spend some lime in Jerusalem. Pilgrim
ages seem to be tbe order of tbe day in
. Milkmen in Loudon are lued ten dollars
every lime tbey are caught adding water lo
their milk. Such a measure in this country
would speedily extinguish tbe autioual
Sardon, Ibe Freuch diamaiial, bas written
a new comedy, eutllled "Uncle Sam." Il is
a atudy of American manners, aod is to bo
produced lu Paris shortly.
Cludt petroleum is now selling In tbls
market at aix cents per gallon, or about two
dollars aad seventy oents per barrel. Tbe
refined article is aold at seveaieen aod a
hair seats per gallon. These are exlraor
dloarily low prices for the commodities
named tbe lowest which have prevailed
foreovsral year. While the produoerso1
o'l are nnrormnaieiy ibe losers by th
tr at depression, tbe merits ought to rasp
tbe dvrotages la cheeper lihgt.
Pltlibtirgk Cotameielal.
FlRKKR'S LlNlltliO, Pa, )
January 188 p. m. J
Patker'a Landing bas again been visited
by a aerious conflagration, aweeping the
luwer portion of Ibe, town cotntneucfog la
jhe Opera House salooa, opposite tbe bridge
(sweeping the buildings up lbs street to tlis
Wallace House, aod by tearing down tbn
hotel Ibe Barnes were checked tu this direc
tion. Below the Opera House tbe building
were deetrcyed as lar aa S. B. Kern's beue
taking both sides or Ibe eireet. Tbe fire
caught from a defective flue lo tbe Opera
House suluon, and traveled so rapidly Ibat
all ( Sorts to subdue tbe flames proved una
vailing. It awept everything from George
0' Presl's dry goods storu to Karnes' resi
dence, a distance of about three hundred
yards Tbe tearing down of tie Wallace
House saved the tetnulmog portion of town.
Tbe citizens worked manfully, and tbe
Hie Is novr under control, after about lour
hour hatd labor.
Tbe loss ia bard lo estimate at tbis time,
but cannot be nmcb less Ibaa $SO,C0O, upon
which there is little iDsuranco, Tbe band
engine was promptly oo baud, but from
some cause It would not work, and was fin
ally destroyed by Ore.
Tbe bridge aorosi the river, fortunately
was saved, and was tbe means of saving a
large quantity of goods Irom the burning
buildings, placed upon it for safdty.
Among otberestabllsbmen's destroyed Is
the bard ware store of Cbalfaat & Graff, to
gether with tbe stock, one of Ibe most ex
tensive In tbe ol, region,
From tbe Tidiout Journal.
The cry of Svo dollar oil has ceased, and
tbe only cry now beard from tbo procuceis
Is "what can we get?" The attempt to
keep oil at a high figure liy merely resolv
Ing to do so has utterly failed. Tbe pro
duction exceeds tbe demand and oulai'le ot
Ibis ia the surplus slock ou band, which is
helping tu pus!) oil dowa.
During tbe Ute trouble, bowever. w
think the producers have learned ibis:
when the teudencv ol the oil market is
downwaid, let it go down! It will bring five
dolltr oil qu cker tliuo all lha resolutions
ever passed, and is tbe surest tr.eibnd of
making tbe pricn of oil rise. When oil
dropped below its usual price the cry was
Ibat tbe only hope ol better prices' was in
an immediate cessation ol drilling ami
pump na.PIl was tried. So Rreat was the
temptation offered of a bl$ price lor oil, ly
this cessation, that many of the producer',
thinking Ibeir pumping a little oil, or cum
mencing a saw well would amount to but
little, did not cease operations Tne result
was tbe eessajlon proved a failure, anil the
producers were left io a crippled condition.
It is now proposd, by a lew products, and
seconded by some ol tbe oil pipers, to try
this cessation again by resolutions. Tbls
would cap the climax of absurdity aod fool
iaboess aod the oil regions would be lefi in
a state ol bankruptcy.
Tbe "agency," and the "combination"
have nearly completed what tbe ceeestion
commenced. Neither have wrought the
desired results, Tbe spirit was good but It
failed In tbe working. Tbe price of oil is
still going down.
And we say the lower tbe belter.
W itb oil at one one dollar a barrel, those
wko would not shut down when others did,
who would keep their drills going when
Ibeir neighbor!" drills were idle, and wbn
did this iu the bopes ot having oil ou band
lo sell at a bigb figure, when their neigh
bora' stosk was abori, will be fbroed to abut
down. With one dollar oil, tbe production
would be effectually curtailed. Tbere
would be no more wile) catling. Those
wbo commence wells do it without the pros
pect of making a lortune io a few monies,
and producers will hesitate , long belore
starting wells with one dollar oil In the
So we say let us have one dollar oil and
out longer deceive ourselves wltb Ihe false
hope that Ova dollar oil Is tba salvation if
ibe region. ; It is not, aud the sooner thai is
discovered, so aoen will tbe "good old
times'' rtourn.
Fifteeo lies to the square inch represents
Ihe editorial power ot a Kansas City news
paper, if lis rival is to be believed.
A fashionable dress lo Titusville will soon
represent about three hundred barrels of oil.
Tldionle is trylog to improve Us fire de
psrtmeol, and proposes lo raise tbe means
by a special lis.
ftWbat will dishonest men do next? We
bave lotrd ot "blown" meat, a procrsi ny
which lean, poor cieit is "blowu tip" so as
to show like fet, juicy meat, but In Wash,
lugton City they hove a way of "brining
stock," inorder to add t their weight,. It
la as follows: The animals are starved lor
a day or two, and the night before tbe sale
are fed on bey and com saturated with salt
water. Os the tnortiiriir of the dy of the
sale, aini'jet maddened wilb thirst, tbe cat
tle are allowed to drink all tbo water tbey
crave, and the conteqiieut if, I bey go to
Ibe ecales wltb over sixty ponuuds of water
in Ibeiii. To fuel) an extent is the Wash
ington market supplied wilt) poor merit for
tbe Wbite House acd lor the hotels are
brought from Baltimore,
Near Baiuhridge, Kuss county, O,, there
Is a bill known as Copperas Mountain, the
interior of which is a ens is of ignited enm
busiitile matter, and Ihe 8re is spreading
witb great rapidiiy. ;:nioke constancy
isiues from the fu:inult of tbe uionutain,
aud the eotire external appearuccee of the
bill present a btiren, eturtie and desolate
aspect. Tbe ocly theory presented to ec
count for Ibis is tbal about tbe lut of Oc
tober last the party to whom Ibe belongs
was burning bruab on Ihe bi'l side, and
Ibat Ibe flames cummuui eated to ioflamable
matter, crude oil, 'ctal or boter
combustible substances, Contained In the
geological formation of the bill. Tbe
quenching ol the fire Is an tmpoasiblllily
from its situation, but at tb e present tbere
is no danxer lo ba apprehended lo property
In the vicinity.
Tbe wells ol Rndure & Watson, at Tri
umph, bave heen shut down.
Rochester must be a cbeup piece to live.
Billiarde only cost ten cents a game.
The Pittsburgh papers erenow all "orow
iog" over a poultry show iu sbat city.
All tbe magazines lor be; terr ' o now
Li ppiucou'e,
Oliver Optic,
Yuung Folks,
Frank Leslie,
Children's Flower,
Old and New,
Gokey'n I.adiea' Book, -Lorteyn
Ladles' Frieud,
Arthur's Home,
Science Moutblj,
' B;.l ou',
Good Words,
Herald of Health,
II you
Wnnt a Salesman,
Want a Servant Girl,
Want to Sell a Horse
Wnt to Sell a Patent,
Want to Lend Money,
Want to Buy a House,
Want to Sell a Carriage,
Want lo Borrow Money,
Want to Sell an Oil Well,
Want to Buy an Engine or Boiler,
Want to Sell a Houae and Lot,
Want to Hod a Strayed Animal,
Want to Purchase an Oil Interest,
Wan I tu Sell a Piece ol Furniiiire,
Want tn Hoy a Second-hand Carriage,
Want to Sell Tubing, Casing, Gaa Pipe,
Want to Find an owner for anything
Found, advertise in tbe Rrcokd. aa no less
than tea thousand people read it weekly.
tW Sleigh I el , Buffalo Robes, Wi If, Lp K'liies, to., at Marshall &
Kicbards, Main Street.
ty Fine SINGLE HARNESS froo $24
tot 100 at Marshall A Richards, opposite
ihe Record office.
NOTICE. r. James S. MeCray having
removed to Franklin, parties having com.
ninulcaiino witb him oo hnsiness or other
wise, are requested hereafter to address thsir
letter to that point. It.
Winter Arrangement.
On and after Pnnday, Nov. 3d, 18TX,
GOiNtf S'iU'tH.
linff. Day NlRht 0 0. Pa'kr
Vzp. Kxp- - Acc. Ate-
Sin am pm pm am.
40 7 17 7 OS t OR
Petroleum Ceo, 1 60 8 SO 7 6 S 05 ....
Oil tlty. 9 15 S 15 45 4 SI .
Sooth O-l City, 9 8u 9 SO SOO 4 40 7 15
Prtnklill. CO 9 65 9 MO 8 05 I 43
Koxtiurnh, 4 4a 11 47 19 m 7 a 8 a
Parkur't, 4 4 13 m 12 IV am 7 87 10 05
Rrauy'a Bend, 5 25 1 13pm I 15 a 30 10 15
Kitunniog, 6 m 9 S 10 ...... ' a m
Weet Peun J'n, 7 10 3 4U 4 16 .... ....
KlUUurgh, 8 80 5 90 S SO .
pm p m am
amntu pm am pm
P.t ahnrch, 8 00 1 10 V Hi
Weil Penu J-n Sll 9 35 11 84
Kituniitn(r, 10 SO 8 85 111 -'1 ami
Brady'a Ilend, 11 SI 4 36 9 00 6 50ra....
Parker'a, 19 m 6 10 9 55 7 4 0 SO
Fnzbnruh, 19 Hpm5 SO I 90 7 66 HI 89
Franklin, 2 08 7 18 t 07 10 98 ' h 86
Houth Oil City, 9 80 7 85 5 85 10 60 g 00
Oil City, 9 45 7 45 5 46 U 00 .,
yet Centre, 1 87 B 15 (I 80 17 'Opm..,.
TiesaTllla, 4 96 t 15 7 10 9 90
am em am pm
J J. I.aWBtWCI in Ivjh.
Lucnl Asttirci.
Il.rnesa Repairing al MerebelUi,
l-dl, Main Sireel. ,
For Sale.
My aloe and fixtures are new ax td.
aad my build tog lor sale or rent. "
J. W. Raun
Petroleum Centre, Dee. tg, I8T2.
Having disposed of my Lumber i.
wilh the intention r, l,nn ,k. ,.
gions. sll parlies koowing lliemselvea k
sotlle and thereby save eoste. "
Petroleum Centre. Jan. 7, 1873. '
fcSTWbips, at Marshall & Richards ,
poslte Rxcord Office, Main Sireel. p.2
leutn Ce6tre, Pa.
All ltead that Baa-Pri
Reduced. "
Discount to cash customers
thankful for past favors, and nn
der the stringency of tbe money
market, knowing tkt re c
buy cheap for cash, wsj prefer to
give to ur patrons the benefij
ol cash prices. Un and after
the first day of January, 1871
we propose to sell for ch,
which will be to your advantage
as well as our own. Call and
see us and we will give yon
prices that will defj competi
tion. Our motto is live and
let live.
All those that are indebted
to us lor 30 davs are rentifist
ed to call and settle by the
1 Ail m T
iuia oi Jan. luu.
tar Fine SINGLE HARNESS from Itt
to $100 at Marshall A Richards, eapoalM
tbe Kicord office.
SEK I IK it i;.
H. H WARNER, bas just receives frea
home twenty casks snare ef tkal elder, that
was never beat for quality. Also, ssslM
ccs, butler, As. The best kuttsr star
hroogel Into ibis towa, wbtsa be will Nil rat
oe-tb,'bnl will aol traal any ssore feeds sfut
tbe lirst ol Janaary, 1871.
AH thope Indebted la bint are reonsstal
io cull aad settle wlthoat delay aad cits
eosts. '
H. H. WAttnia.
Adverilae la ihe Bseean.
H. H. Warner
All Sizes Casing, Enlnett
Boilers, and
SnVHaTtrie recently parcbased a Hew and '
ed to cut and lit all slaea ot Hps aad Caslag fwev
inch to S 1-4 Inch.
waahlnalonat.t Nearly . Hock
eaier Boass, Vat. Centre, Pa.
aprt tf. H. H. WABW.
New Goods.
SAVE 101U H0XE1 1
Mrs. M. Magrane
T keen a verv lam atoek ef all krada ea head, .
aod ell as eheap as any other eoaae In Ibe Otav f
nnuiun, voaseeua wun my aiore ia a
tastom Department !
And I Knaraatee a perfect lit ta all say wash
Henalnne tuatle doae. Kaoct torn aa Wel'S
Jewelry itore. , i
i i