The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 15, 1873, Image 2

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to hhM.Mi k.,l
Merchant Tailors!
Gents' FUcIn Goods,
VMM pit to ea f to taxst mmm ajtj
Ber efesal to the Oil Ragle.
All the Ulat and Nobhlsat tttyles. ,
a nit, lisi or
ento' Furnishing Goods, fcc
Petroleum-Centre Daily Record
Vat. Centra, !., Wednesday 1
ItiTlue ftervice.
Hervlcs every Sabbath at It A. M. am
P. M. Sabbath School at I2i P. li
eats free. A cordial Invitation extend.
Riv. O. Moom, Pastor.
Prasebine at II o'clock A. M., and 7
'Iron P. M., by the Pastor, W. C. Bdbch
aa. Sabbath Sehool at lt, directly
auer lereuoon service.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School
Teasner's Meeting Tuesday evenings ot
aaa week.
9fUum Centra Lodga, Ifo.
Tl, I.O. of U. F.
Regular meotiag sights Friday, at 7
. B. ALLEN, N. G
H rtAOKCB, A Seo'y.
EVPI i "f meeting, Mala St., apposite
MsCliolock Uouss. ' rv
wt A. O. ol U. W.
Liberty Lodxa No. 7, A O. of tl. W.,
eets every Monday evening at 74" o'clock.
In Odd Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre,
at ajHU a.
A. U. Klecinib, M. W.
. . I. O. of It. M.
Jlmnekvinee Tribe No 183, I. O. R. K
f Petrelnom Contre, meets every Thuraday
evenfn la Good Templar's Hall.
WCoauoil Ures Hunted at 7 o'clock.
' U- HOWE, Sachem.
8. RETNOLDg, Chief ot Records.
' at 1 p. m.
Thle svenlns, a ball tor the benefit of
Geo. W. Wilson will be given at tha Opera
Home. The object l a good oa and wa
hope to see large crowd In attendance -Tha
beat of roualo will be In attendance,
and a good time may be expeottd. Giro
George a router.
Realty, the well koowa cooleottooer, btv
Ing removed a portion of ble stosk to oil
City, willeuetioo off a large lot al toya,
laaey articles, atore (Uteres, Ao , eommene
tng tomorrow . Sea bit adverlisemeo t else
where. Th Tetroleum Produeer'a Council met a.
Oil City, yeaterday. They do not appear,
to hare transacted any buaineaa whatever,
and alter talking up ike question ol ulilix
lag petroleum for burning
jouroed lo meet oo Wednesday.
Vh.M I... 1 L...J . "
tiwQ i, hi iw nmminnenia ta
m.e town taring the present winter, nearly
all tha traupestkipping the plsot for oil
City or Titaav Hie. Petroleum Centre has
always had tbe repetition of being the beat
show town In the oil region, aad goad
troupea will be well palrenlxed. Nearly all
tbe Iron pea visiting ns the past year have
been of the pooreai grada, aad have nel
beeo well patronised aaa matter of court..
A good troupe would get a crowded beuae.
An alarm ol Ore ibis alleraoon wee occa
sioned by ao eiploalon in one of the tar
tills at Herman, Cornell 4 Co'a refinarv
Damage sliihi,
A ponton ol It.e Pioneer ioe wut out this
efWsoeo. ' Trouble la expected b.a t.
CuikioiiU Kurge goes out.
Wetikec W4ruia(,
"All Hlghtee."
Tha Telleto lodepeadsot tall tha folia
Ing goad atory:
ft A laughable Incident ocenrrad ooo eren
lag, reeeally, on the up train to Saeremoo,
to. There were two aeata In the car turned
o at lo face each other. One wai occupied
by a lady and Ibe other by a Chinaman
bviaenuy the lady did net rellab the prea
tee ot the Chinaman, and aet ber wita to
work to onii him onl. She succeeded about
ae follows.
Motioning tbe Chinaman to rlae, t ex
plained to biaa that tbe wanted ta take tke
ouahlont and tbelr frames, and place th
lengthwise aero from seal la seal. John
laid "all rtghtee," and got out in the lelr
while aba placed tbe teati aa aheve aVacrlb
ed. and theo proceeded to lie down on the
bed tbui improviaed, with ber bead reating
on her valiee.
She auppoaed that the Chinaman would
onea take the bint that tbe lady wanted lo
take a Hula rest, In a apnea uauelly occu
pied by four peraona. But John hadn't
heard 01 Ibe woman's right moeement, and
al once proceeded to erawl in and atretch
himae.f by ber aid, with bit bead oo a lit
tie handle ol hfa own., TfaeChloeae are no
imitative race, and like to do as others da,
you know.
The lady, as aeon as she discovered that
ha bad a bedfellow, got up a little wildly
and atarted for the next oar, to the Infioltr
amusement of Ibe paaaengera, who had been
watching Ibe little scene wftbaoma interest.
John took no. notice of the leu be bad cre
ated, but went to sleep with the whole bed
lo himself.
The petroleum trade ia la a greatly d-v
preeaad state bero as elsewhere. As (.0
evidence of tbe dullness of tbe trafflo in
Pbilidflpnia, it Is stated that lets than ten
thousand barrels have changed baoda in tbe
past two months against nearly Dfly thous
and barrels during the same period last
year. From present appearances it would
seem that tbe trade does not give early
promise of being aetive, as oil took another
downward step in price In this cily yeaier
day. There is scarcely any exnoitdemuod,
which Is the principal cuse fur Ida utagnj-
tion P ttsburgb Mail.
For ih Daily Rtcord.
About tbe Boy.
'Petroleum Cintber's not dead yet,
And that's a pbact I am shure,
For here's tbe place yx'll alway get
Hut Scotob and whisky pure.
And ifyez think I tslli elis
or I don't know pbais nice,
Ye'll only tiara to go and thry
Cord'a velvet once or twice.
Be dad I knows ye'll like thai Dodge,
His shlore be always klaine;
It'snon but gents with kirn do lodge
Aad tber ye'll see Kujaiae.
The boy's a wooder and so merry,
And beats ibe world the say
lo mixing up a Tom and Jerry, ..,
Wkin sbure he'll galls bis pay.
But ikii be not tba only slilore
To sbtops at mind yev eye
Foi Lew Is jist font Inst Hank's door,
He kapes lb besbl of Rye.
Mesllfyo'll not be eakln which
Kapes this or that ye'll mind,
Rut if yez want a nice sandwiob
Bill makes the best y',l Sad.
I'll bet the best yez tin cm Is
There's one more place to'go,
Till trait a friend and that's old Clints
Bedsd, I'm sbure I know.
If George ain't tber ye'll ak for GUI,
The crather is In the style.
Compound! og goods that never kill
Just call and taka a smile.
And If ye thinks the quality
Not of ibe finest brand,
It's qiiare taste ye bave for vlsbksy,
Mtsilf can't understand.
A sleigh cuniaining a brace ol buckwheats
was upset last evening, by the horses tun
ning sway. Tha buckwheats were deposit
en in tbe middle of the road, aod on account
of beiug pretty well Oiled up with b nzioe.
experienced considerable difficulty In gain
tog their equilibrium, to tbe einusemeul ot
the loekera oa.
A spsrlsman's slub bas beau organized at
m. . ... . "ejT
ine ueriiek butlesquef Uapl. Butler, of
l totoute, at a fearful rate in this morning's
At the recent lire at Petroila Cltv. Chaa.
Crocker, ol Centreville. Butler countv. waa
fatally injarej by a felling derrick.
Mr. Falrehild, owner of tha Rartlait r.
Unary la Ibis pisee. ta making extensive re
pairs lo lhat institution. When oomnletoA
' , . oea oomplrtod.
what It fomir Mparlty tut.
Oil Niws. W. R. Petlll baa new rig
oadsr way on a twenty sore lease on the
Hutcblosoo farm, three qutrters of a mile
weslofBuana Vista.
John Preelon and othen will soon com'
plete a well at Greece City.
The new pipe line between this place and
Brady's Bend Is about completed.
They could never tell in what rock Ibay
were drilling at the big gas well, because
tbe gas blew tbe drilllnga onl, stalteriog
litem In the four winds, nobody ever getting
sight of thorn.
A well on the Ralston farm, on mile and
half north west of Baeoa Vista, will be
aompleied next werk.
Tbe Lambing well, on the Campbell farm
between Pelroiia and Argyle, wbioh was
aliandooded a short time since as a drv
bule, Is ouw being drilled deeper. It prov
ed to be in the bolder, Instead ol the tb id
saad, as was thought
Ttiree 2130 barrel tanks are about filled 1 1
the R ladaiue well, oa the McCieary faiiu,
aear Fairvlew, aod one of 500 barrels capac
ity. Is being erected.
Jobo C. Asnur is cemmonclng two new
weils near ibe new strike at Greece City.
lhe lauk builders ate In aiover. Tbe;
bave more work than bey can do, wilk
prospects of more.
iwo meniusngo we aaia that the gas
I'om the well on lb Campbell farm, near
Fairvlew, would probably be utilized by
blingiug to Ibis plaoe and Petroila lor fuel
aud tlluininatiug purposes. Tba work ot
Uyiog tbe main pipe will commence this
week, or next, uuder the direction and
management of tha owners of the well,
aLsanrs. Lambing Brotbsrs. Two and a halt
i neb tubing will be used lor this purpose.
Fairvlew Repurter.
The Story Farm case will again be tried
ai Kne this week.
There win be four eclipses year: A
total eclipse of the muoo May 12th, visible
in in vicinity as a partial eclipse; a par eclipse of tbe suu March the 2Giu, in
visible here; total eciipae ot the moon Nov.
4tb, luviHibla in this section; a paillai
eolipsu ot tue gun N... l,b, invisible here
Tbe reoeut hinging iu W .suiogton mov
a journal ia thai cny to remaik u;iou ''cai
fuid consolation" wuieh c.eigjmeu deliver
lo capital couvictf, audio add satricaily
tbat "il Cinnol ba luo streugly impressed
Upon criminals jis a oertainiy tbat they are
lo be launched (rout Hie gallows right Into
UeaVKC." The some paper protest against
a llnelogy that unites musder a means of
aalvatioD, but it la quite probable tUat a
lirgeperceulaourrumaiis who die on the
aciilf jid will always exhort its assembled
apuculetors to meet tbm In heaven.
One of Ine eases on luo duCKei al Frank
lin Ibis week was the suit of a young mmi
gainst bis lather for money which jl.ine
tivecla ms he loaned, but which lhe
fendaut averred belonged to himself. The
oouosel lor tbe defendant in su.iioiuik iiu
iha case, said, very pithily: '-Twice bs
he returned to bis father's house, iwice t,a
be been received with open arms, twice fur
hiiu hai tbe fatted clf been killed, aud be
now comes hack fur tbe old cow."
II Is aodurstood tbat all tbe coodustors ol
the Harlem Railroad have teadersxl their
resignations in consequence of ao order re
quiring them lo keep check books or their
reoelpte and give a pnuctied ticket to each
pisaenger paying Tare.
Rev. A. H. Williams, otCorry, bss re-
bBiveu ius unanimous call lo tba psstoraia
ofibo Baptiat Church in Franklin. Tbo
congregation are now worshiping iu their
new chapel,
i ne papers ol the surrounding eouuties
are macnifylug a little 0b kosh fun amon
me insn laborers on the railroad, alon
tteuDasx, into a fireadful marder Nomur
der waa committed. A man named Jaa
Liauoigan stabbed a comrade earned Robert
Jeoee, with a bitlcber knife, while
a drunken spree. Jones' neck was severely,
oui eat dangerously cut, Laonlgao wen
Oil City on a coal car on Saturday night.
anu wnau teuuri oy tbe aulborilies
was almot fr.izea to death. He thought he
nau allied Jones, aod that v the way th
afMr was exagg.rated. We have net heard
or any complain! heiag made or eff.rt lo
arrest Lannigan .Clarion Democrat.
The train, wbreh until recent y.
Meartvllle oo the Franklin branch of
Allantlo A Great Western Railway at 12:10
anaa'rivea alO'lCily at 1 :55 in time tor
ho train up ihe river en tbe Oil Creek
Allegheny River Railway It also g ves
HoKere going up itl Cre(,k ,hlrlT B10
uies ior business in Oil Cilv. before l.-in,,
the three o clock Iraib, Ihe differenoa h..
taeen the lime of lbs Oil Creek road and
tbat ol Ihe Allantio and Great
balog about thirty mlnulea Thi.
arangemeot U rry imnorlant and ii .n.
-nisr'toi' j :
to tb traveling
Th Oil Cily Greys of Oil City bave) re
ceived I ha honor of an lovitalloa to Gov.
Hartranfl's inauguration, on Tuesday next
Tbe Isle Emperor llapoleou will b bar
led today. .
A rural gvntWmau standing ova arcglsler
In a store in Syracuse attracted general at
tention lo bimsolfby observing to bis wife,
"M trier, I guess I'm gola' to bave a fever,
I feel sncb bot streaks tuonlf)' np my leg."
The Citizen that should Ibe Slate Can
elude lo erect an additional Insade Asylnm
n Ibis part of tbe. Common wealth, Franklin
woaid be just the place for It.
Jsmslown bas Ueiermlued tbat no more
oil shall be sold to tbat town nnder 110 deg
Fahrenheit. Tbe penalty for selling oil al
a less Are test lb m that is fixed at $60, one
halt lo go to the informer.
All tb aagaaiues for September, now
Oliver Optic,
Young Folks,
Frank Leslie,
Children's Flower,
Old and New.
Gokey's Ladies' Book,
Lodeyn Society,
Ladles' Friend,
Arthur's Home,
Science Monthly,
Good Words,
Herald of Health;
If you
Wnnl a Salesman,
Want a Servant Girl,
Want to Sell a Horse,
Waut to Sell a l'aleut,
Want to Lend Money,
Want-to Buy a Hotiee,
Wanl to 'ell a Carriage,
Want to Borrow Money,
Wnt to Sell mi Oil Well,
Want to Buy an Engine or Boiles,
Wanl to Sell a House end Lot,
Want lo Hud a Blrajed Animal,
Want to Purchase n Oil Interest,
Wanl toS-'ll a Piece ot Fiiiniinre,
W'inl to Buy a Fecund-hand Carriage,
Want to Sell Tnbinir, Caaing, (jaa Pipe,
Want to Find an owner for anvtnme
euuna, advertise In tb kkcokd. aa no lete
... i
than tea thousand people read it weekly
NOTICE Mr. Jatcea S. McCrav bsvina
remorea in f ranKim, parties having eom.
tniiuicaiinn wiib bim nn liosinesa or other
ise, me requested hereafter to address their
letter! to that point. 3'..
sn mm:.
U. H WARNER, has just received from
h. nie twenty eneks more of lhat cider, tba
was m rer beat for quality. AIho, apple
et, miner, si inn nest butter ever
hrougui ioto this town, whle'i he will sell for
Ci"b, iui will sot trnsl any more goods after
iu- nrs iiieatiuary. js3.
AM 'hne Indebted te bim are requested
i i:a:i anu stuie wiicoul oelay sua save
Toys, Fancy Goods,
M.ow ascs,StoTe and Fit-
and other article to numerous to
mention, at J. W. Beatty's stand,
commencing to-morrow at 2 p.
M, Come and buy Cheap.
Wluter Arrangement.
On and after Sunday, N-v. M. 187t
nun vay
tixu. Kip
0 C.
p m
1 m
T 54
a 45
l'i m
Titusvilla, is -u 7 87
Petrol nm Cea. 1 St) H m
8 05
Oil 'lt,v, s 15 U 15
S-mth O 1 City, 1 i e It)
Fr nklin, s 50 9 55
Fozoumh. a on n At
8 OS
4 2
4 40
6 05
1 vfl
f If,
7 41
P.rk-.r's, 4 4,, ia mi
10 0
l 1
am? 37
llr.'hiv a Uend. . B 1 l;nm 1 ik
Kittniulu;;, fl ill g a:, g i
West Penn J n, T III I 411 4 1
8 SO
10 15
UIIUUI'XU, o bu 0 so c to
p m p 111 a ui
P.t'shnrr-h. ft nil 1 ill
v i
p Dl
Went pu U 8S S M5
Kittaijnillg, 10 yo 8 25
Brady's Bvnd, It SI 4 3it
a 34 ,
13 -1 ami .'
SOU 6 50:1m...,
S 5. 7 49 a,
8 SO 7 55 (j a?
or iu as h at,
5 S3 10 50 0 (m
48 II 00 .....
fo IS Opm....
1 10 a 90 "
arKers, Vi 111 0 10
"Xhurh. 13 l-JnmA -'HI
Konth Oil" Cltv.
Prankltn, a OH 7
7 85
T 45
Oil Cily,
t u
8 87
-t. uearra,
vm em am Mm
e. "lavv aalffSj na. sjafy.
For 5ale.
My slook and Bxtnres srw new ht t
and bj building lot sal or rent.
i. W Baaas.
Peleelenm Centre, Dee. It, 1171. H'
Having dieposed of my Loader
who in inienuon or leaving in oil d.
glons. all parties knowing themselves . ,
debted In me will plesse call at osce ut
settle aad thereby save costs. ('
Palrolenm Centre, Jaa. 7, 1873. ;
lw. t
Beast that Bii-ph.
Disccnnt to cash enstomers
thankfnl for past favors, and nn.
derthe stringency of tbe money
1 - a i . j.i i
Luai Kei, Kuuiviiig vnac we can '
buy cheap for casli, wo prefer to
give to our patrona tbe benefit I
of cash prices On and after
the first day of January, 187$ (
we propose to sell for cash !
which will be to yotaradvantagi I
as well Its our own. Call and
see ns and we will give von
prices that will defv competi- !
tion. Oar motto is live and
let live.
All those that are indebted
to us tor 30 days are request
ed to call and settle bv tha
!0th f Jan. 1872.
Advertise In ibe Kioeita.
H. H. Warner
All Sfr.p Camilla;, Engines,
Bollera, and
ROPE, ll'ON and BRAS3.
-ITaviTip recently pareb ia- il a New and In
prored PPi5 t'UTTfNG M CHINK, I am iireinr
wl t.i rut at.d fit all sizes of I'lpe aad Casing fri m
Inch to 8 1-4 inch.
waslilnKioii.Rt., Nearly 0r. tnck
eater Bouse, Vat. renlre, Pa.
nra tr. n It W '
ew Goods.
AM ray yen Boats aaaltt( at
Mrs. M. Magrane's
.nii ke1T TT' "toekof all kinds an baao,
twfwJJ h'P aa any oUmst hoaae in the OUa
KbUlON. Conueated with mv HUira ia a
Custom Department t
aweiry ItorT ' " ioat WO'"
P(Jtrolim Centre. p.
if) $s ch
ataar rVm'W
. Ybay