, . f SHUGERT & STAKft Merchant Tailors! (KB DNUU 1 Gents IHrnlshlnx Hoods, OOO. iPM FRANKLIN 8T1, .TITBSV.LIiE, PA.I VLOlUHdk CASSIMERES mLXSB, rftiNcn and AM URIC AN COATINGS, MIXftD AND 8TRIPKD SUITINGS, 1 FANCY VESMNGS. tm of. MS la tat Oil H.fl.a. TMtNTT DIFFERENT 6TTLK3 OF SCATS SC CAPS, Al. ta UMlal bblsst Bivlss. a nll uki or flenta' tarnishing Goods, fce. 'Nlotjm Centre 0-iilv Kcorfl Pel. Centra. -. i'rldajr Jan 10 MKTHO0IST EPISCOPAL CntJRCH Services every Sabbath at II A. M. ann H P- M- 8bbth School at 12'i P. M. eat fr. A Oordlal invitation extend ed lo hi I. Fir. G. Moors. Pastor. PRESBYTEUIAN CHCRCn. Prmibinir, hi 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7 '' ek P. U , by tn Pastor, W. 0. BritcB ao SshbMn School at lijtf, dirrcily efier laienoun service. Vrnj r Mmtinii and Sabbath School Te'i'a Meeting Tuesdsy evenings ol ash week. Vutiolenn C'iire Lodge, No. Tiff I. U. of U. F. Regular moling nights Friday, at 7 a'olock. Signed.! B ALLKN, N. G E. H RnoKia, A See'y. (ifPlic nf meeting, Malo St., apposite MuCiiotock House. A. U. Of I'. W. Liberty Lodge No. 7, A O. of U. W.. meet evrrv Monday evenloa at if, o'clock. Id Old Follow Hall, Petroleum Centre, Peno'e. . A. M. Kleckxib. M. W. A. Kmnr, R. I O. of It. ,U. Minoek-iuue I'riiiH N.i 1K3, I. O. R. li ef Petroleum Centre, meets every Tburtdsy ven'u In Good Templar's Hail. tjf C unoil flrri lighted at 7 o'clock. U HOWE. Sebm. ft. REYNOLDS. Chief ol Records .ji at I p. m. I12S4 A gentleman fluning la Pusbaw pond, re. ii!tv. oaiight a perch, and whila drawing it lolo the loal a largd plck-rel jumped and fcilitsntitrcly that bitb Bib were rafcly Undid . A ruao named Ju-epb DuttrloD, atboena ker who came to tbit phce from Clerelaod, aoii month! ago, suddenly left towa a day or two tmce tearing a wile and Ibiee chll- draa lu eilieuely dritliute circa untancei. Tue liitiilr were taken obarga of by Poor LonimlMlooer Motlurfb A villain bo would l bin leave u it laully aaprorided for a nld wiolor, oubt to be killed, tkiuned and dried, ai a warning to otneri. II n Ilillwig paid ui a ca'l yeateiday at- , leroooo. e'le Kled that "ba w I a dec-nt woman aod bad better uiei lor br ntunay thaa totpeod it lor whitkey, aad then be lorord lo lay dowu In tua mow and frrrie; k the waa on tuct wom .u at iut." She de airad a ooireciioo made, and politely in formed ui that tha fn sen female aluided to day or two liace wm El'C Part't mother, and not berteif. We make the correction, aliened Uat Mil. Hiilwlg It an aboard fa. male. f We are lu receipt of a eupy of Goveraor Geary's massage aod other publio doou mania. Three additional Juror! wereseeured Id the Tweed ease yesterday Drakeferd Broibers. London, have failed LUblliti't, i0.000 Judge I'rloule was atqtiitied'ln Aibaoy, yerrd.y. tbe vnlet'and sg 17 to 7 Tve linnui. Legislature elected tb Ra puih.lono kkucas aoailores tbrowghoul List of Patent. Issued from the Unl led Slates Palest offlt Peooiylf aole loveti ion for th wMk ending. Dee. IT, 1871, and caob towing that data. Barvesi-Dropper. " YT. H. Furker, Maad- lll. Adjuster for Well-Drills. J GalUgber, Sbamburir. Combined Water and Liquor Cooler. W A. Jonet, Erie. Oil I'utnp. A. P. Odell, Shembiirg. Brake lor Vehicles. W. A. Pit, Corry. Mannleeiure ol IllniDlDaliog Gat. T. G. Sprloger. Fayette City South Clarion linn. Tb Mailitosh well, owned by 1). B Campbell, oa th Ell Lou (arm, t tubtJ Uat Friday aod If dolag 40 btr.. Thit Tabor. Uaoombrr & Co , well on ana (arm, mb id of Clarion waa tubod Lit ftiiiridajr, aod II doing 89 barrala. No 2, brlooglng to tba aama cooipaay, ! In tba Mod, aod It makiug a largi now. Tba Wlllotighby wH. so the Eli Logu larm, wi'l ba lubad on Friday. Sba It Dow 16 feet in the land, and ii making a Trry hairy lkw. Owned by- Willoughby aod Lohub. Anthony Willougbby told II. C. Smullln S$l actet, 30 lodt from tba WillougDby w. , for I3.C08. Two new rl.i owoad by Tabor, MioomtH-r A Co., ai up no tba E. Lome (aim, and ate going to commnnw oprrxtioni at oace. Ptnburg Pingreti. Gat pnnpi are 'iotui( iuio uav In th lower diitrict. Tbe Petertburg Progrert deprecatei their me. It now traoipirei tbai the robbery i l Siramoni' drug atore occurred about lea o7 S'ock In the evening, iutead or two o'liock in tbe morning, at tl.ted by ua. Mr. J. Stauibaugb, an oid o.l bnyer n tb l trclion, -who bat been abtent lor toote liuie p.tt, bat returned lo tbe Creek attain, and commenced buying oil. It ia tald be intend! lo buy and tture 10,000 barielt ol oil at once lo bit iton tank at Rynd Farm Tnii will be good uewi to th Cberrylree aperaton. Oa accuuiil of a pretn ol jou work wa are foreed to run our readicg matter a little iborl today. ek. .i -. i .A th a i.i.i.i I IIP ai v.uivut lu IUV IUIUUW Uie.llt! Hi. 30,000 baireli. Thiiwlll rlie the dutrtoi oottiderably and put a better aepeet 00 buameM aff.ira. Tbe ailolmeat made las week, aod tbe pretedt out, will relieve Ibis diitrict ef 40,000 bairrla. Good! . Tidiout Journal. At tbe latt oil report puiilitheil in tbe Poleriburg Piogrett, tbere wat 119 new welli giiioit down in that vicinity a!ou Look bad lor the tuture. Ai laog at tbe production remaini to large, pricet ctonoi be expected to improve much. TbeTidioute pioducert at a reeent mei ing paused a vote oi Centura agalntt tba Oil City Derrick The Derrick ttiil livei. Trains are nearly all delaytd by ike ex trema cold weather. We hear it nattd Ibat ts soon as spring opons a number of naw test wells are lo be drilled at and near Cherry tree Tillage. We have no doubt oil exists In larga quantities in that neighborhood. Tba Prlrolia Advertiser, organ of tbe Canada oil region, complains of tbe low price of oil aud coocqiieDt stagnation ol batioeN of all kinds. Developing is al a stand still Woodbull, Clatlm 4 Co, were arrested again in New York, yesterday, for sending obscene literature through tbe mails. In def.ultol bail tbey were committed The Uat Woudbiill & Clagin Weekly con tain! a letter ol eyapetby for the deer Woortbnil Ironi Titiitvilie, to wbieb is ap. peuded tbe names of 19 of the lover, of the doctrines of that lemale wbo reside ia that moral lowu It dou't speak very well lor the uiorais el those people, when ihey lak an with tbe Drrnieioos duotrtnes Dubilsbed bv tbe Woodiiull cliaue. ' Tie llaaoaie Irateioity ol Omiha d ounce tue lottery aeoeme gotten up for lbs alleged purpose of erecting a masonic tern' pie lo thai city as being a swindle The question of building rettuei ies la be. In agitated in the Parker dittrict A cor- respondent writ s: Illslo be hoped thai the producers will subscribe libeially fur this piojeot, as ibis Is tbe oa'y permanent remedy lor tbeir low prios lor oil, and If a retlti.ry ts built at Paiker it will be epeedily followed by the election of one at Fuxburg aod other points, wbicb will go lar toward building up tbe trade of the country, aod will greatly lini-Bl all oiaaaes. Tba Florida Legisituia ergaoifad Tburs Tbe Obit rirer wu ruining tall f lot Thursday A Wicked Youngnter. St. Luke's Eptsaopal Church, Cedar Falls Iowa, has been wltbont minister for tome time. Lent Friday week It wa announced by lb young man, I). W. BiuHngame, In charge of lb churob as sexton, that on Hun day servlees would be resumed. .Tbe Cedar Falls G"ttt tells what happened oa Sun day and how tbe peopl fed about II, a (allows: Accordingly lb congregation araemhled for wortbip, and at the I me for werahip bo ihould appear from Ike vealry but tht b y Burlingaiue in bit wblt robe, wbo Immediately began to official. Rarely devloet to electrified an audience as on ttri (Cation. To a ptrt of tbuie present, wbo were strangers, be wss supposed to be a yunng eullegeate who bad been authorized io yed Services, but to those who kaew th young stripling, if Ibe sgl Gabriel with bis trumpet bad suddenly appeared Ihey could not bave been more surprised and dumi'foundrd. A part immediately led Ibe cburcb, aad it Is said that oneol the vestry men, as be pssied anut, was so chagrined that a "righteous iudignstlou" induced Dim to swear, If not right out Id met'ting. just uuiside the door, at tba boy's presumptive desecration. A choir ol young miioei, who bad teeu training a week or more, furnished lb mm ic .for tb oocation. Tb young devine went tbruugb tb usual exercises of prayer Willi Utile embarrassment, and, lurniug t-i tn'n Bible, gave out for his text from the pcieges, ' Let your light sojibloe," etc. Dwelling but a moment or two upon tb lex', be lauocbed lortli into an exhortation on toe neofusl y oi employing a ptater, and ibe sbam that it was lo Ibe church that It aboind reuiata unoccupied Alter coutinu 0 iu thla strain lor a sburt time, be coeed neaetvices with tbe usual benediction, -Gloty io tba 1'a'ber." It baa been toe tbeiue of mseh comment as lo wuy a boy oumd b ve tbe aiioaeity to liiua desecrate tb pu pil; but tbe answer was giveuiiy bim lo bis comr.des the uext mormug Ibai "It was too d bad thai sucn a nice little cuuicb ebuuld b without a pxitor " We cannot without our peu cil, do justice to th occasion, aod, Ibelrlorv witu tuese laeir, as lliey occurred, ask our readers to draw upon tbeir iiu.g.uation for a ncena Ibat baa never beeu banl of tor deecralve impudence and ludicrous "oiiei k" io tbe Ditk or M ddie Age, or ever before io tois evrr-oodiful aud pro grersive pieieut. TbecXcers snd member' are justly lodig n iut al tuis 1 1 (grace o be s'.urvii.and b p -never again to oeer tbe biimilialioii wUieu tne boy's action its brought upou tbeiu P- S It bis siuce beeu axcertaiued that tbe Juvenile D. D., uad beau preaching iu a b.rn for seme lime Pktbolia Itciis. 1'n K.rn. well na I . J.tnidnti lArm I. H .in.i 900 l..,r.la A liatoi City ell, on the Mtj ir Adams tract, Stnuh sltuck a 70 bairel ou Friday la.l. Tue Stuugbioo well, on tbe M-jor Adams iaru, is doisg 60 brraeii Mure Ibau one balf of tb wells in tb Petro l district are abut dowu, as tbey cannot get ineir oil ruu. 23,000 barrels ol oil wer told al Par ker, oo Fridar, lor $2.25. r Adamt will bava bit large botel at Fair view ready for occupancy next month The Suidetnauled well, on Ibe Robert Campbell farm, struck the t .nd oa Friday lull, and iu a lew anbuiet was fiowiog. Oil Naws The ti ianuou well, oo tba LDeKolf farm, struck the first saud, when the gas rusled forth In such volumes loet It rote above Hie derrick. It wat louud oeceatary io draw tbe castug and drowu It out. A dry nolo bat beeu sunk oo tbe Barnhari 'arm, two miles above Kirus City. The weil was put dowu l.JJO feel but nut a drjp of Ibe oieagenuusauid could be found. Mr. A. N. darner recently sold forth interast in the Ham-fat well, on tbe Stone House property, lor $5,000. Tb well is a good one and soil the tale, and what It betler Uamur Is in luck again.- Progress. Matrimonial felicity seems lo be improv ing in California if we my judge from di force statiities. lu ibe year 1850 io uiim bei of d i voice, grauted in Sen Frsnc-sco were more loan lu per oaut". of ibx wnjie oumber of lamiiies beiug on hundred and ten iu a population ol one tbousaud fa mi lies. The past year ibe uuuiber of divrce. to thai oily have havo two hundred aad ihlnyine in popu aiiou nearly four timet that of 1856, thus tae divo cai wei only a mile mora iao double. Of tbe divorces grauttd tba latl year three fourth! we b.ougbl by w.ves. There, at here, ik.re sis "f.vortte" divorce jdge.; on j.idga 0 sa Francisc granting at m iny divoicaa as all tneoluer j idget eoiobiatd. The (acllly with wkich divorces. re granted depend! here aielaewbare, upsg the pec.il r views the judge may bav upon tb lacrdnts r lb seiularness of th m.rrlage soalraat. It Is said Ibat a movement bit keen in eiiuurned by some or Ibe leading btokers io Boston, New York and Philadelphia lo urge tha Secretary of th Tiury lo de posit in th designated depositories lo those cities a portion of lb alo and IBM liber al a large amount at greenbacks low bald at reserve. Four plnidi Cbrogaot for Kver Mabacribcr. Arrangements have been mad by which we can offer a year's subscription lo Tt New York Chrlttisn at rk and Electic Weekly, with tbeir lour msgnifleent Chror niut: "Good Morning," "Carlo In Mis chief," "Spring Flowers," and "Summer Flowers," together wilb our journal, for As the Cnromoe alone are worth from $10 00 lo $16.00, and as lb New York publication is every way first class, it pre sents an unusual opportunity to our sub. criiirs. The C brum on sr mad by Prang and otr-er celebrated arlisir, and will be forwarded promptly by mail prepaid. Should any subscriber desire only Ibe two first nsmed Cbromos, tbey will b sent with Ibe two publications tor Remit ti tba publisher of this paper. NOTICE. Mr James S. McCray having removed to Franklin, parties having com. miinlcsiion wilb huu on business or other wise, are requested nereafler to address lueir inters to that point. 3t. II you Want a Salesman, Want a Servant Girl, Want to .-ell a Horse, Want to Sell a Patent, Want to Lend Money, Want to Buy a Hwiine, Want to -ell a Carriage, Waoito Borrow Money, Wanl to Sell an Oil Well, Want to Buy an Engine or Boila Want to bell a Hon and Lot, Want to find a titrated Animal, Want to Pu'Chase an Oil Interest, Wanl to S-ll a Pice nl Furniture, Want In Buy a Second-hand Carriage, Want to Sell' Tubing, Casing, Gss Pip, Waul Kind an owuet fur anyli ing Found. sdvertiM in tbe Ricokd. as no less Ibau tea iUoiien people read II weekly. m:i; nun. II. H WARNER, has juat received from b toe IweniJ C,K mure n( thai Cider, Ibai wm niter heal fni quality. Also, applet eiies, bulier, le Tue lient bulier ever i-rouget Into tnu town, wh:o ' he will ill ti r ca'h. HI will Boi trust any more goods af el tbe tim ol January. 1 87 J All ihnne Indebied lo Into sre requeaiel to call aad tlll wittout delay aod Save costs. H. H. Wasmii. .Wiiguzlne. All lb msgaziues tor September, bow ready. Harper, G ilnxy, Allautle, Lipniucult's, Eclectic, Ttacsatlantle, Oiiv-r Optic, Young Folk., Fraok Lenlie, . Cbi'dreu'a Flower, Old and New, Gokey's Ladie.' Book, Lodeyii S-iOiety, Peterrau's ' Ladles' Friend, Arthur's Hume, Koience Moutbly, Billon's, Good Wordt, .Vursery, Cbatterhor, Metr-ipolitan, Herald id Health. At the TOST OFFICB NEWSROOM, i - Winter Arrangement, I On snd sfler Sunday, Nov. Sd, 1871 "J ltuff Uay Niht Affi Exp. Exp. Kip. ATi Tltu.vlll.. Petrol, uin Cen, Oil t'irv, S mtho l Citj. Kr-nklin, Kei'iurgh, P.rk'., Br,lj Hand, KiUtnuiai;, We Penu J'n, p in n in P l 131 l!l ID I W i 15 9 80 1 87 8 W S 15 ) i ui : 1 61 45 00 8 UO 04.. s ro V t5 4 US 11 47 1 7 XII n 84 IU 05 10 15 a m 4j 14 III 19 in am 7 17 85 1 15pm I 15 8 80 n 97 2 85 8 IU 7 10 8 40 4 16 8 80 5 90 6 SO riiMourgu, p m p m am GOING NORTH a m 8 uo 9 84 10 90 11 91 fin IU 9 -ti II 95 4 311 P.t .hnrch, W..I Puu J'n Ki'tanniiig, HradT'a Bend, Parnere, roxhiir.h, Franklin, nouih Oil Cltv. pm v HI a m P 11 81 19 -7sm! 9 UO 6 6uam.... 19 m 6 10 2 65 8 90 III 6 35 6 45 f) 811 1 10 7 49 ft a) 7 65 89 IU 98 H m 10 Ml 0 OU '1 ou ...... 12 Upm..,, 9 WO .... 19 l-2pm5 90 9 m 7 io 9 311 7 85 9 4-5 7 45 8 37 8 S5 4 1115 Oil Cl y, res unir, fiiutfvilla, m m p iu J. J. L aWHBNi'B, Uac.Mnpt $10,000 How to Ubtittn :t ! AO NTH WA' TED. I'artlCulai. an-i ean-p'e i-rit on rt-ceipi ot itJimp. V() t:APlT.l. NKCKSSAKY Aiidrw,. M. OUT- I ON ill CO , 7 -4 IJroudway, New York. ' Love utid Nutrim4ny. Th. notations n av bo Laint.d he he fullowlnff simple rulM, and all may nisiry ba-pllv wiihinl ret; ro to wenlih. aire it laante, Addns. with timp. MAIiAMB LUCILLE DtMiHHk, Bihl. uouee Diauoo. n. x. GOLDblN TREASURK eiiiara at th Post Offios Nw Room. 8oatbio ntii) For Sale. Jfy t4fc e4 Sxtures r w far t M By OaUdial mm aal r tent. J- T Bintn. feiWlelwl CrtW, the. M, lg7I. TAHE NOTICE. Having disposed of my Lumber ytrt wltb Ibe intention of leaving tb Oil R ginni. all parties knowing themselves (. debted to m will please Call SI oac. ast rsttla and thereby save emta, R f. HTESNBCSO, Petroleum Ceotre, Jaa. 7, I873. Iw. All Bead that Haa-Prlea Redaced. Oisconnt to cash customers thankful for past favoi-s, and un der the stringency of tbe money market, knowing that we can buy cheap for cash, we prefer to give to our patrons the benefit of cash pi'icts On and after the first day of January, 1873 wo propose to sell for cash, which will be to your ad vantage as well as our own. Call and see us and we will give yon prices that will defj competi tion. Our motto in live and let live. MEAt'E Jts ARMSTRONG All those that are indebted to us for 30 days are request ed to call and "settle by the. 0th of Jan. 1872. Advent' In h Rpr-nno. ' H. H. Warner 1 0F.ALEK IS O .MI U I MI IK All PIzi'H CaalKg, Englsc, Boiler, and OIL Wilt MC:MFS. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR OLD ROPE, IKON and BR ASA AsTlnvlnr rcniHy pnrr;..'il a Niiw and Im pnnid i'II'R furriNO MAfWNK, I am wiaiis.-. nd to rut and St all siso. of l itio aad ttaing fh m H Inch to 3 1 4 Inch. waSilnlont.. Nearr Oww. St' fae etr Mouse, Vei eniee. Pa. anrSlf. H. II WAKNulT. New Goods. SAVE YOUR HOS El ! tlSTIiy-f,. s. . . . I V I . I ... W. ,IeIJ'! 1'-r.li I'- nBuitaw-a-t iy.ii.'! fi BOOT & SHOE STORE I keep a ftrj lara stock or all kinds oa hand, and -ell as cha paaany Mhnr bonae iu lb OIL hUGlON. Coaneated wltb my more is a ( ustoiu Deiartment ! And I icnarantee a perfect fit in ail sy worH ".pairing neatly done. Next door to Wolle Jewelry Store Petrol 'tim Centre. Pa. -4 t 6 CHBOIIOS aaM im WKinr," "0008 KOMDtJ," snua rMwjas." "srjjmis ixowhuv bWllktt, tiaaaaBCTic nriLTMiiim Till at woax tTi.r"-gl. .Te er IkeaCSwim, Um at t. ftaralakaJ a aa AGENTS. Wtdaaaattta7fl f j Th waaiiar is (earfal eold loMay.