t SEjGERT&STAKR em ,. Elerchant Tailors! ak nun ni ear- Furnishing ods ..". SeBUW'A FRANM BTt., i !TITBVbjLE PA.I HMfW tlh enWQSte 0i GL01H8& CASSIMERES ' BEflLISH. frekchaNd,ami!bioan COATINGS, Mmo AMD JSTRIPED SUITINGS, VESTINGS. ntheOURegfea. TH1MTT DIFFERENT 6TTLES OF HATS &C CAPS, All the latest and Mobblssl Styles. A FULL MM OP Cents' Furnishing Goods, &c Petroleum Centre Daily Record PetrJCeatro Pa.. gaf rdar, astvlJterrlee. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sereieca arery Babbetb at 11 A. M. ana U P. M. Bebbatb School at 12 P. M eetafrea. eordial iorltatloa extend abaa. . ' Bit. G. Moobi, Pallor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. FiMtbiDB at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7 'lock P. M.. by lb Pallor. W. C. Bcaci abb. Itbbatb School al 11 directly after tareaoo eerrice. Purer Medlar, and Sabbath School Teacher's Meetlag Tassdsy evenlogs ol Mb uk. vSiralwaibB Cantre Lodga, Ifo TIB, I. o. oi o. v VagoUt meeting algbti Friday, at 'aleak. Blgad. B. ALLEN, N. G ft, H. Kooitft, A See'. Hf Place of meeting, Mala St., appoeil uuaioca House. A. O. Ol II. V. T.lharl. l.iulaa V. f A II nt TT W ualinm Unn.l..'.r.la. -t tiy .inl.-b la Odd FeUaw'i Hell, Pelroleaia Centre, earn a. A. M. Klickmm, M. W A. lun, K. I. O. Of U. M. lanekaanea Tribe No. IS J, I. 9. R. M f Felreleara Centre, meets every Thursday renlng in Oood Templar's Hall. geT Coanell fires Hahted at T o'clock. II. HOWE, Saahem. JLftlTNOLDj, Chief ol Records. aid at 1 p. m. m. Aeeordiag la tba Tliusrllia papers oil aomaeoced merlng yesterday aader Iks refiners aad producers contract receotlr ea. tertdlalo. The herald aad Coarler appear nave lull lellk In the mereraeat while the Oil City Derrick la a trifling warariag, belleelng the ealy remedy to be Iba etoa paga of drlllla,. wa bopa tba plan may be m Mul .LI . ..." - av ! ror ita regioi." Tldlauta rejoiced Uteij ,a . AHqllnil raiie Attention Is called la the i...iiu; . f MiKlDlay A Cross machinist, aod boiler Aers, la be found elsewhere. Their chop .u;,.,ka.0B1,h,E"bm,M"- dtr.cu. ap posite tbis place across Oil Creek? Thee .rtTr"? o? -.chin. ?nii , Llf , PKlaliy of boiler .od atlll repairlog. Give mam a call. Tha lea ... . . vi iu vreea wtia a usb at tbli polat, ikla forenoon. At Bret a rorstea a short distasee above, be Eg. barl Farm bridge running down as far a. tba bitdga. Tha pressure of water finaii. started It agala and pushed a .head to tha bead below lha place where It a.al. od ia lhameactlma ih.u. ...ui. r . J-rTl.lf "'"'' lawar part el thiea,fkirp0r' bother gaiga macb larger i.u w"u, oxtai at or near Tba lower rematalag an Iba eileef'tke ... 7 " , U dM." '"'8, aad tba II I Bh-A aha.A. mil aawa. Cl'y Ckemaerlela Palmer, ol M.. T-.w wmmmt ia isaaarar I a. e ia ""way Beak. a , ...... i , rani a... . ,h. ...,, a XianiiLAB Accibikt. Oo l Thnrsaey mornicg Sa:k AlexBBder,agec"aVxnt Sfyeerr Ml killed under rery elaguler clrcumstea om at ibe Bostoa Iron Works, Intlls cty . Mr. Alextader wu contractor for drilling well, and. . with a fellow workmen, bad gone t the Iron Works lo get sl of jere. weighing over Son pounds, lo take taem to Ibe Galleway farm. Falilogto gel a lata t Ike work! la benl the j ire tbe two men raeolred to carry then down lowo, whew they eoald flod one. Having got the jire railed to their Ihoulden, Mr. 'Asunder beiig li front, the two started, but arter tby bed proceeded a few sieps Mr. A. slip pad on the frozen luow andell on bli face, precipitating the beery jars oo the left tide of hie neck, lovaklng It Inetantly and buret a blood Tf"-i . After be fell he did not I-aid bre allied but a lew momente. lie leave a wlte and family on the Galloway (arm. Ou Samiday be aae twirled, a Urge nam bar al Odd Fallow, la which order he belonged, attending tb roneral. Venango Spectator. Forth Daily .Record. A SOLEMN WAIL I'm Ihlnkln la bnIII, Biddy, Tbe llmei be getlln tigbt, Wbia yon and I and ee'ry body Hye puree dirllab light. , I've oieer known the llkee, be dad, 8nce ill wee ithruek befuar, Phat yoa and nil tbe abllder had, Sbtampi plenty by Ik icoor. Bat now tbe very diril'i to pty, Wid workln' mia end nil, Fur lle'e loiruin' irry dey. An' shore the price must fell. Tblm creytbari tket relae the lie, Ought ell be kilt like shnskes; Ii'i them tbat'a ssuiin' all lee broil, And all Ibli tbreuble maker. Bad luck to all lick loeeke, lay I, They're aotbln'elea bat thalves It'i diril the plot they waon to buy, The dirtby inakia' kaairea. They're walla' till lb leak! be fall, Wblo evry waa muit till, Aad thin tbj'U all begin lo pull Tbe biaderi lighter stbill. Be jabbers ll'e to thru what' laid', , About tbe creyten ihnre; Bad lucb II li, irihey mecade, Our rieh will tklo be poof. In lerrowful I am Biddy, Wbia tblakiu' all '.be while, That you and I and Irry body, , Here not got rich on II. We are In recel I of a coiomuaicatioa from Cberrylree In regard to tbe reoeal row al Dempseylowa, between a Cherrytrre par, ty and eae from Dempeeytowa, which oc curred New Yeer'i nlgbl. Our Informant itfttei (be Cherrjlrpriy weot in Dmp- wytowo on tb ntiibi ia fifitio lo uttod were beset hy a lot of roughs. They all left the house quietly rather than engage In a fight, wbao the Dempseytowneri rushed out and setted a boy belonging Ibe Cherry w party areggeti nim luto the barroom uf tba Dempaertawn Hotel and beaf him n.nte severely, bo less than Bra men being poo me ooy at once. This would seem lo plac a different light on tba affair. wa are in receipt or a copy of Pomroy'i new tors, uemocret, with a request to no- lies lha same. Ia bis cirsular be says: From .m,. ..ui. a ue uemocrai win be itrely, ev.o ror inosa wno ao not like II, and io all reapeota a rery Independent newspaper. While we do ool admire Pomroy's etyle of p,?:dlvv;7.,J: a aaonic column, and Saturday Nlebl art! uiva, uom ui woicn . are goaa. la many omer leamree ma uemocral Is a lire news pspsr. rrsteinsliy wa wish it success. iaes.ommon Council of Tltusrllle bss granted tha Wsrrea A Venango Railroad iba right of way through thai city. This is as It should be. Prof. Tubbs gara a lect.r. at tbe school honae, night befora last, oa .Wannal wnien was quite largely attended. The . forl la orgauize a writing school bids fall lo eoeeees. coorersatloo at preien'. Tbe general opio loa is that It will go eren lower tbaa that "ore ine bottom Is reached. Mr 8 A w. .,.k. i 7 . sir o. a. Woods, of tbis olace. is at ores -- entdrlilln.nai. .J.... . "tel. He is ia f.ror of a stoppage of drill a aaa a reonctton of ibe daily production aa a relief far the present depressed market. - are m UDic.go friuay moialoe de- ireyed about $10,080 worth ol partly Insur' properly. Tbe luteral of Charlotte aod -Sell, rlctime of tha Centre street largely atteaded. Merger t fire, was laa laeisst are reported w.i io DelpMa. isoiaaa, rrlday. li desiroyed $55,(00 Vnmr iSnlandid CbrOBtOt lOtf Every SmbacrlDere Arrangements hare bees made by which we can offer a year'eeubseriptlea to The New York Cbrlitiaa at ork and Elecllc Weekly, with their lour magnificent Chro mm: -Good Morning," 'Carlo lo ,Mli chief, " "Spring Floweri," aad "Summer Flowere," together wilb our journal for Ai the Coromoi alone are worth from $10 00 to $15.00, end ae tbe New Turk publication li every wey Inl Nan, It pre tenia an'unutnal ODDortunltr to our ut rcribere. Tbe Cbromoa era made by Preng and other celebrated arllite, aad will be lor warded promptly by mail prrpald. Should moy iiihecriber deiira only tbe two Brit named Chromo, tbry will be lent with tbe two pablioatieoi lor Remit to tba pnbliiher of tbli paper. WtitU the Beflnera Mean. Not a barrel eflhe two hundred thoueund hai yet been mored and there li oo pro peel ofaoy immedlete activity la lraniac tlotji For one retioo and another tbe re flaeri lllll bold off until their Intention ool to more kai become at leaat luipicions, if not certaio. Tbe firit exeuae they gire li that all the oil wai to be lold through the agency alone, and putting Ibeir own con struction oo the lb time when tbil ar raogement ihould into effect, tbey lay that oil li moving In Iba lower dlatrict that li not sold tbrongb tba agency add beoce I ey are not bound lo take any oil ol the produceri until tbii iorl of operation It lopped. That la the excuia sow. What tier will bare lo ofwr when all eelei are topped we can't predict, lor we are not rery coarenant with tuelr dark wavs, but tkey will doubili'it find tome reason to give; howerer anntiifaciory. Tba proipect al ike time we write, li rery dublom as lo whether the serentb dist' iol will ratify tbe compact. Bui that tba reduere will unite with the other districts in ignoring this district lo tbe pre rata distribution of Ibe two hundred thousand barrels, we do not or a moment suppose. It will give Ibe ex cuse tbey waot, and a plausible one too, lor refusing to take any oil. Tba situation siude something like Ibis. Should Ibis combination operate successfully tor a few days, it would bring a large a moan I of money Into this region, and the threatened bankruptcy of many producers would be averted. This distress reliwcd, the producers bare no InteolhMi of keeping up the arraogemeol lor five yeaie, nd would build reRrlpfiee as fast es the I .que lie funds could safely be withdrawn from business. There are already more than enough refineries in existence to refine all the eil pioduirtd. Hence tba ereeiiun of more tiy the producers would Injure tbe buslneu of the existing reliuers. Kuowlan that new refiaerios will be built, ebeuid th preseot financial crash be tun a I aie, Ike tQari bate doubtlBg delibur.tflj reto vutl to let tb orth coma. Ttau Is tbo w it l0,k' frP" n Produe,!, m poiut- Tk'T lol the whole producing io teres! in ruin, that their own business may not be curtailed and that result ia not U, .... .... , , " lu eiluatloo remains noehMjied. (Oil City Telegraph. Tna Fuon Hodib Up tv yesterday last out 17 persons were tsken Into Ibe Den Psor House. Tbis small number vt Inmates may be partly aecoaaled lor by reason ol neither Cornplanter or Craoberry sending any of Ibair charges to Iba HouH. The paupers ia these townships, when tkey Mound they had to ao to th P. n.. stood upoo their dignity and swore thev rouu:.r-,b.,,,eVb..o,e Ji be ruthlesly tora from Ibeir beloved lowo hips. Hew long three people will work tor Ibeir living la doubtful . Good jndges ol iba arerage paaper ssy tbey will all be ia ibe Poor llouse ia less tbaa a moatb. I. Venango Spectator. Dbato or Fatbttk IFlanpeui Tha deata olJFajeite Flanders, wbo waa serious- 'TT V! . '"P-ct, ,i 7 " ' Ug . exPecwd' ueep reelings or ro- by bis many Irlends. He died oo Tbursdar afternnnn at hlf.r...i n. I. - - . u .w w uiucK, at tbe farm bouse at Prospect, where he w" WMD 00 nl8bl 61 accident.- 1 " ue0M' one af tbe oldest cooduc, tore on iba read, and was exceedingly non. ... e " ",,b ,h ,r,eliB8 Public. His borne ... .i m "'w 10'- woerants re - ----j J 'Da tm( reeoids In Lincoln and Derdeneli, Aikansas, hare been destroyed "'' Wm. Eddy, ol Terra Haute, while coupling oats, Ft Id ay, oa dalle railroad. waa the killed Van Demas Barnes has witbdrawo his cbarg ol fraud against lha managers of (ha East Kivarbildgo Company. T m I 7i ' venae tag ia an iba Caatrra cities mala n,t Nwe The Howard well, at Tur key Rub City, Waller farm, owned by R W. McCoaneil A Co , la doing S3 barrel! It affords as muok pleanira la1 reooid the ood luck af oat friend MeConneil an'd trust he may hare many mora itrlkea equally ae good. A new wall oo the Scott farm, owned by W. R. A John H. Galey and W O. Banks, at a depth of 1,35 leal struck tba "juglar" and Immediately filled la the top with oil. It will prore a spleod id well. S. D. Karns, Parker s Landing, says, t will hereafier shut down every well be owas oo Sunday, if not aootber operator ImltatCa nlm in the whole oil region. Good lor Dune F. J. Clemlnger, or Fairrlew. and C. Jaraisoo, o Greece City, bara lour hun dred acres ol territory loiirteeo milee to Ibe (root, upon which tliey are now putting dowo a well. Twenty acres ol Ibis tbey own in lee. While putting the tubing in Dlmlck, Wee. beth A Co 'a new well, Tuesday altera oon, sbe ilowed sererel times In a rery reckless mauner. Tbe workmen did't like It as well as the ownera. Fairrlew Reporter, Eighteen handred emigrants arrired at Castle Garden, New York oo the first day of tbe year. Dr. Harrey 1'rindle Peel, of the losttla- IIqo for tbe deaf aod dumb, New York, died on New Year's day, at tba age of seventy nine years. The counsel for Stokes la opening .tbe defence, said there was but counterpart for Kink la history Pnblius Clauaius of Rome, "With that nun (Fisk) tell tba corrupt 'governor of New York. When be Heed 1 be wsi a leader; a chief in that Diosl "corrupt ol all rings, tba Tammany Ring, "Wbao be died rice alone sighed while "virtue rejoiced." All l which, wa take II, Bwai deemed a good reason a by Stokes should kill Fisk Perhaps that lawyer tbinks it would be good policy to employ Stokes to kill off all the bad men in New York.Clty. A heavy fog eoreloped its lold yesterday . Washington a Masonic. Al lue Annual CommiinlsS' tionol the Right Worshipful Grand I.ode of Peansylrania, held al Philadelphia ou t. Johu's uay, December 27ib, 1872, C. W Mackey, Eiq , of .Fraoklin was reappointed District Deputy Grand Master fur the couD' lies ol Venango, Foreat, aud Warren. At a meeting or the Gratid Chapter of Pennsylvania al lha ame lime aud place, C. M Iloorer, cf Fr.okliu, was sppoinled Distrist Depa'y High Pi lent for tbe counties of Clarion, Forest, Yenaugo, Wairea aad Erie, aud Chapter No 207 at Tilurvllle. : Oe Sunday latl Mr. Tltuoiby J. Moran I died at his home la Exlenlon. Tba d- ceased wan a prominent busiosss maa i Einleuloo, was a good sltizeu aad beloved by a,l who knew btm. Showman U.ioum has bad bis $1,000 diamond pin stolen while riding ia iba tars on bis receot Irip from tbe Souin. About two hundred coal loan, bargee aod wreks, moved wilb tbe ice at Louisville Fridsy. The water was rising. Aadrew C. Adams, alawycr ol New York city, suicided Thursday, al residence, by shooting biot-lf through Ibe head. Tbe fog in New York yesteiday, waa the greatest kuewa many io year The ob struction ;ol ferriage caused great loss t business. A married woman has the right lo require that letters addressed lo herself shall out t delirered lo anyone else,, except on hea vcuer. ou avciues ina roslmastsr Geo eral. CIGi-RS Lovers of good aiaara will Bnd a ..al ureiy new orauds, never berare introduaed lo tbia place, at iba Puat Offloe New Boea Tbey are warranted pure'Uavanas. liJLitGIIfc. V VAliliJbJVHH Winter Arrangemanl. On and after Sunday, Nov. M, 1871, OChNU b U'l U. IluCT Day Night O 0. Acc. Pa'kr l-Zp. AXp. Kip, Ac a m. p m am 1 -it 1 87 l su 8 vo 9 IS V IS 3 30 Q SU 9 PO 65 4 98 11 47 p m 7 OS 7 6 a 45 00 80 Vt in TitnaTllla, 8 m OS a os 4 9. 4 40 6 OA retrolcum ten, Oil cttv, South City, 7 is 7 43 a as I'rauitiin, KoztiurKh, Parker's, Hrady'a Ben J, Kittanning, Weat Punn i"n, lltuborgh, 7 9 4 o 11 m 19 19 am 7 17 io us io is 6 itS 1 l.'ipm I IS 8 80 91 Ul 8 10 t 10 a m I 40 6 90 4 16 10 Sm p m am I NO NORTH a m p ia rj m DO 110 V !l 9 aa 9 s n s P.fahnrsh, Weal IVuo J"n KUtanning, Brady's Beul, Parker'a, 10 so a 95 11 91 3o 1J 97am a ou s DUam 19 m 6 10 1 49 T IS 10 98 H io so a foxburab, 19 UpmS 90 rranklln, 2 Ui 7 16 Honth Oil City, 9 80 185 Oil City, I 46 T 46 Pet. Centra, 1 87 b 85 i'liuavllle, 4 96 V IS 64 90 6 01 a 85 45 a so 7 10 1 ou 19 Opm 9 90 , For Sale. !tf steok and fixtures sre new tot aela, and lay bulldius lex aale or real. W. BBAITT. Petroleam Centre, Dec. 18, 1871 af SEE HERE. IT. H WARNER, baa last receive treat borne iweety aasks more of the! elder, thst was aver. weal lor qnallty. Also, e a ales rfgs, butter, Aa. Tb beet butler vs broaget lalo this tawa, which hewllle., cash, bat will aal Irasl aey moregaodeli e the Brsl ol January. 1878. All ISeoe ladebtea la him ar requeued lo call aad settle wltkout delay aad isvi costs. H. H. Wabmbs. NOTICE. Mr. James S. MeCray harlse removed ta Franklia, partial kavisg eosi muolcatloo with blm aa business ar other wise, ar requested hereafter to addreMlhelr letters to thai point. 81. For Sale 15 000 lo 20.000 feet of SECOND-HAND TUBING, at from It to 35 da. per foot Tbe Tubing i ia Brit alasa order aad all ready fitted. April 23. tr. n. a. WARNEB. All Head that Hnn-Prle Reduced. Discount to cash customers thankful for past favors, and un der the stringency of tbe money market, Knowing tnat we can buy cheap for cash, we prefer to give to eur patrons the benefit of cash prices Un and after the first day of January, 187 we propose to sell for cash, which will be to your advantage as well as our own. Call and see us and we will give you prices that will defv compeii tion. Our motto is live and let live. MEASE & ARMSTRONG All those that are indebted to us tor 30 days are request ed to call and settle by the 10th of Jan. 1872. Sunday Cnafnrl still aa desk aad fee ss!a at SAFf'HRT'B. Advertise la iba Raeese. P. C HEINZ. Pioneer, Pa., Uanatactarar f OIL WELL r 1 Machinery & Supplies Enerines and Boiler of every description Repaired at . Shor JNotice. a m Agent for FOSTER'S GAS PUMP. PATEJf TE )f III IMZ'B WA TER PACKEU. 90 89 86 ou PBfATPIVO nf all kladsdone at Shalt 00 tit and all worlt narrated. . brden by mat or laipaub pn BVtly attended p. e: HEiHi. "" nf arnne.iv. iieouiiiB reaieroav 3. t. IA WBWNl-K, &i. I am n wm Pioneer, Ps. Hem. 11, ltix u.