I .. - . -.-- ..r-T '-I ' ' 'I i'"'aajMia'e'l'"ei' it J?- 4 7 ' .5 A i 1 I,' . A.-":.' ' N V. a' tv!:. " I - r.;i-' HUGERT & STARR tlMMMnn to BeFatlan mlta Ce.,B Merchant Tailors! AJTD.DBALlHt IN Gents' Farnfehing Woods, "COB. SPRING 4 FRANKLIN 8T3., JTITII9VLLE, PA. pat la of lk MrBUBM ofl VL02HS& CASSIMERE8 SCH ANDJ A1IBRICAN 1THSTQS, pTRIPED SUITINGS, Nestings. ytheOUHegtoa. JfRENT STTLES OF .;sb caps, ' $ and Nobbiest Btvlet. JlILL LINI OF ihiti? Goods, fcc jotetne. .Centre Daily Record, Centra Pa., Thavaday, Utvlue ejorvlce. L 1THOD1ST EPISCOPAL CHURCH rvioes every Sabbath at U A. II. and , P. M. Sabbath School at 12' P. 11 eats free. A. eoraiai ibvubhob uwuu ledtoaH. Kit. 6. Moom, raitor. PRESBYTERIAN' CHURCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7 f aid. Sabbitb School at 12'4, airect! i oeioea r. Um dt iub ruiur. it. v. '. aricr lraooo lerrlc. Prartir liatttlni and fabbath School Taaabar'a Mtcllnir Tatida tTaolBsa ot 1 aaab weak. 9trleaim Centre IiOdgt, Wo. T1S, I. O. Of O. F. lUrular ntitiB( alghti Friday, at 'lock. Signsd.- B. ALLEN, X. G R. TT. Kioiii, A Sm't. lyPluea nf metiD(, llalo St., aapoilt jnulllDIOCt llOUM. A. O. ol V. W. Liberty LoSgs No. 7, A. O. of U. W., aiMti every Monday eyenlas at 744 o'clock. la Odd Fallow' llll, Pelroluuia Centre, renna. A. 11. Klcckkib, M. W A. Kliki, R. I, O. of H. M. !aoekqaa Triiia No. 183, I. O. R. II f Petroleum Centre, meeti every Tburadey yenlnx In Good Templar'a Hall. B"TCuneil Area lighted at T o'clock. H. HOWE, S.eUem. L RBTNOLD, Cbief ot Record. 1 told at 1 p. m. HIT,' Mr. B. 11. Geary, a resident of tbe Skln nsr Farm, furnishes ue with the facts of very fcunosiout affair which occurred al rioneer a few mornings since, and wblcb If true, and he vouches for their truth, ought to result in the kicking oat of decent socle- K ty of the principal actor therein. The rests , I appear to be that two highly respectable ' J ,0"ng BleeM ' Mr- Geary's wife, v 'r'ed from bla bouse on tbe morning in ! T lUMl,,n ,ot Pioneer, one of whom Intended ' to lake tba early morning train for Rockes j ter, tbe other going down to keep her com. -5 peny. They arrived at the station about fifteen minutes before Ibe train arrived and V before tbe statien bouse was opened. Upon the arrival of tba agent, tbey weat Inside tha bouse and sat dewn by the fire, when according to'lbeir statements, tbe aforesaid lodividualjcame out of tba office and under took to lake undue liberties with the oeraon of one of them and grossly insulted both of them, and was only compelled to desist when one of them got ber temper up and tbreateosd lo split bis bead open with aa axe which lay near by. . When the. train arrived one of Ibam went away and tba other ana went baok heme and related to ter uncle, Mr. Geary, what had occurred, f If tbe facts are as stated, and wa have 1 o reason to doubt Hr. Geary 'a word, aa example aboald be made of aa Individual, jwbo.when placed in a pablw position and as ajservaatof tbe 'pabllo, so far forgets himself aa to insult dafeaealesa wosssn; .We ' feel sura tba gentlemanly maaagera of tbe i Oil Creek X Allegheny River Railway will v Irewn down anything of tba kjud. Baa IMaUag Of' the Him Society Jf l L3a aaaalasL.' ftial I waiakka nhaa-"rafilte mimm ... auav.'4 Pome eyen of our oil prodaclog rediTi may not bo awore of tba entire : aroepect of competition in their peculiar product open ad up la the lata French aid present Ger man province of Elstit. A German paper, Ike Arbeltgeuer. alates tha tbadiaooyery or prlrolenm In that region baa been aowo lor a coniiderable time, and that a email beginning In tba development of Ibeaaurcee baa been mad In Scbeliweil, near the forVal ofHageoan. Peaatratlng'a thick alluvial atratunt, clay, landatooa and tend veins are met with. These latter appear to contain tba petroleum, wblcb Is found at tba 'depth of from a hundred faad Ofty lo hundred and aixly feet. Further explorations in the Hegnau forest led lo tha diesovery uf other Km re. : boring lo various placea bav lag tverj wh.re disclosed snd aked with potiolen ii. Tttongb tba working of these saurcrs is vet Utile more men begun, nongh b. btan discovered to render II probable that tba business may grow into an Important Industry. Acsordiog to tka authority referred lo above, the method of operation Is as follows: A Shalt la run dawn to tba land-stratum wbiah contains tba til, and galleries era tbea opened aa In a coal mioa. Tba oil flows out or the sand into reservoirs, from wblcb it Is conveyed to tba surface. In this manner, however, all the oil aonlained in tba sand is not secured; tha sand la therefore taken Into tba upper air where It Is distilled in retoits. Trie crude oil aa it flows from the sides ol the galleries and Ibat wbiob la distilled from tba sand, are both subjected to another proeesa of dislllatlon by which the article Is rectified, It Is affirmed that tba oil thus procured la Elssss Is fully equal la excel lence to the American product. Tba oily sand exists in great quantities, and an Eo cllah chemist who baa visited tha aite and made the necessary Investigations, jooour ages the liveliest hopes of the sources of the petroleum business there. The following resolutions wets adopted by lha lumber dealers at Parkers Landing; Resolved, That we recognize In Ibe oil districts, one of Ibe chief productive came, of Unsocial depression In all business circle. Heselved, That It Is Ibe especial aim 0 lha association lo reduce the retail lumbe trade to a cash basis as aoon as possible Resolved, That all customer falling to make payment on tha Drat of January, 1873, and on the Hist of each month lollowing, be atrack from onr list of creditors In anyeeal- iags tberenfier. Resolved, Tbateaoh member of this asso ciation be required to pay into the ireaiuiy Ibe sum olflva dollars, to defray any present expanses. Resolved, That a copy of tbe proceedings of this meeting bo sent for publication lo al' the leading papers In tbe oil districts. The San Francisco Call relates the follow ing: Tbe champion drinker of this city is a colored men named Epb. who lives on Ibe Barbery Coast." About noon on the 10th Instant he went Into aasloon on the "Coat I." called for and was served with tbe lollcwioe. amount ni liquor, wntcn be made Into punch: Brandy, 3 pints; wbUkev, 3 o'ols: rum, 2 plots; gin, 4 pints; bitters, ( pint; water, l pint; sugar,! liquid measure) 1 nt. Total, 10 pints, or oue gallon and seven eighths This be mixed ami drank in a perledofan hour, sad weal home. At midnight be was still alive. Two joints of tubing end Ibe working barrel accidentally dropped in Ibe Coquette well, Egbert Farm, day before yesterday. Forluuately tbey were taken out yesterday, and strange at It nay teem, altera fall ot 600 feel, were found to be only slightly beat Our former townsmen, Messrs. James Carulhers, the well knawn contractor, J as. Samuels, and Bracken, are tbe lorluoata owners of a 90barrel well on Ibe Fronulo ger Farm, located about half way between Parker's Laodiog and Petrolla, struck about two weeks ago. We cogratulate Messrs, Carutber and Samuels on their good for tune. . This evening, at 1 o'oloek, Prof. D.C, Tubba, late Principal ot Penmanship. D oarlment in tha Lake Shore Seminary, will dellve lecture oo Penmanship and Cairo grapby, at tha publlo scboal boase, oo the hill, preparatory lo organising a writing sobooL Tbe Prof, eomes here with the blabest recommends from .the Principals ol schools where he baa taught and (rem differ ant newspapera. Tboae wbe desire to Im prove themselves In penmsosblp should at tend tbe lecture this evening. Tbe apportionment of tbe 200,000 barrels ol oil to he tekeo by the Refiner's Combi aatioa at onse, aaa oeen made and went Into effect yeaterday. The share allotted to tbls district Is 2,600 barrels Tbe price ob tained will b $1,25 per barrels, and if re fined remains at tbe present figure, $4,07), wiiaepaia. we are mrermea tbal a desperate fight occurred al a dance la Demueeytowa, last evening, between a party from Cberrytreo Vi . uempseyiowa men, On the Death ol a Jackasa. Aa aged jicksss, for many years aa bon ored reaideat of Buayros, O., having sac cumbed lo tbe prevalent disease and gone to that country Irom whose borne no jackass returns, Ibe Buejrus Joarual eftVra Ibis tiuly effecting tribute la memory j r -. Alcora'l Jack, ' who died of Epixeots, Friday. November 21, 1871 In tba 4th year ol bis sge. Wherever he' was known, tbe most experienced kortomao wondered what be waant for. Wben be was seized with Epizoots, his master, atertainiog tha popular arrar than a Jackass never dies, let him alone severely. Wben too late, be received.every attention tnal sell-interest could offer, and intelligence presenile, ' but ha died, ' a victim or misplaced eonldence' la bis supposed iumoradty. As a musician, be ortea attracted atucb alteation. Of great promise but small performance, faitbful lo bis nature and firm to fault, A representative at bit class, ke was every inch a jackass. His death solved tbe oouuodrum of bis life, what was be III for by teaching bis larvivori tba great moral lesson, even jackasses die. Reader, if yoa are a philosopher, admire that wisdom which makes everything aseful, If you are a regular reader of Ibe Rkcom without paying for II. directly or ludirectly, therefore a regular sponge and possibly a jackass, heed ins waruinx. Buffalo, tlorry and flitaburgh Hall road. The sale of the abuve read lo the Oil Cieek aad AHeghony River Railroad Co., gives for tb first Hmx a proper 'slgmflcaus -lo ils title. Tbe road, more familiar known as the Croat-Cut extends from Corry lo Broclea, forming a sennestioo there wilb tbe Lake Shore and Uichleaa Southern Railroad. It is staled lhat Colonel Phillips ol tbe Oil Creek and Allegbeoy road, bs been eodeavorlog for some lime to effect the' purchase, wilb view of lorming a direct coonectionjwitb Baffalo, by building a new line from the Lake Ridge, a short distance tills side or Prospect stallen, via Fredonla Foresiville; tnd it is (bought ibis proj.et will be consumated by the eneaieg mia- lauimer. It is represented, taat u " Buffalo aod Jameatown Railroad, which Is on tbe same line with the proposea t,rose- Bl extension, will be merged In the same enterprise. Tbls line, wu.u Uu.p,0i.t ill lorm tbe most direct ram ueiween Buffalo - and Piltsburgb, snerientng the present distance by rail about 26 miles. Whilst the oil producers and refiners have been putting tbeir beada together lo devise eenem for more completely monnpolliiog tbe oil trade and enhancing prices, a new aod ualoobed for factor threatens lo disturb the calculation. Letters from "Creekers', who weat to Peru report a big oil field la that country, with a two hundred barrel flowing well, oil five dollars per barrel at tbe welle, boring shallow, living cheap, sad distrlol healthy. Are tbe Peruvians lo be taken Into tbe Producers' Association? .IClev land Herald. Tbe first locomotive engioa ever takea to tbe Stale of Iowa, called the John A. Dix, which crossed Ibe ice in tbe winter or 1854-e, is still ia ssrvlee, and apparently as good as ever, notwithstanding eighteen yesri or hard work; during wblob it baa ran about a million miles equal to more Ibau forty trips around the glebe With tbe ex. oeptlon or a aew boiler and saeko alack, tha maobiae is aboat tbe same as when it was built. Tbe Errlentoo Friend says: Laal Wei netday, (Dec lllb tbe engine bouse longlag to tbe Wldel ft Bboup well, on tbe Askbangb farm look Are and waa entirely destroyed. The owners Immediately built eoelber and the wall was staried up ' again going ten barrels a day aod inereasing. 1 Tbe No. I welLea seme tract aod owned bj Widel 4 Stoup, is down 900 teet, ankl If no serioai trome-Dceurs, is egaeeted to he i. a""v Tka death ol tba King or tba Sandab Islands, Kamebeeiebe, and the fact lhate left no heir 'o tbe throne, bet renewed il lation of the subject of annexation of tbe Islands to tbe United States. The late kt Influenced by tbe Eagllsh and French re des la, was strongly opposed to anaexata lojlhe Un'lee Stales when it was ptope yeara age, and indeed the Inflaeoce of ie Britiah aod French ministers I, ad all too Win Ibe a lure of be pnjoal Of e yeara the Americans have been gtawlBf1" strength nd importance en . Iho lalare, and Ibe sttbjeol ot sonexation baa enro with their growth. It is said that II tr goverameot wonld indicate its pteaere relative to annexation, tbe authorities, sd people of tbe Islands wonld- no doabt e eiare in favor ot it. WuaT Yin Wakt. So long aa there is one fourth mora oil produced Iban be arkel demands, tba price of oil cannove Irmly established, because the basis II in.' stable. Tbe members of Ibe Producers' it' sedation, with others, but them mere par ticularly, are operaliog to an exleul fir be yond tbeir means, and rushing fotwsrd to Increase Ibe production, In tbe expectation of oil being Dimly established at lour do! lars. There has never, perhaps, been many wells commenced witbio so sborl a time aa aioce tbe thirty day movement Especially in toe Falrview district ia Ibis tbe case. Tbe opeiators there have arrd themselves, if uol fools, at least moaonitu iact on the subject ut operating, aod lii belooging to the Producers' Assuciallou, are yet ils greatest enemies. Their (rted has taken away tbeir sense, aad tbelrju4te ment "hat departed from them." Tbe inly way by wblcb the difficulty can be ore,- eeine la to stop operating, not to eeae, as tbal word is meaoinglea. Let 'operations betotitlytuspeodod. Oil mutt then Im prove, and tbal improvumeot be bealuy. Petersburg Progrtie, Yesterday, ou invitation of Mr. ff. D, Oopge, landlord of the Petroleum Kxclinge ve editor" dlLed on wild tuikey aod tlx. lugs, at Ibal bouse. It was gotten up iu Mrs. D'e best style, aud was nice ana to mistake. We enjoyed It to Ibe lullell ex tent. . Tbe Emporium Frees of (be l'Jih says Last Thursday evening cur tswn was Ibtown into considerable excitement, by ibe tamer tbal a well on this Portage bad ceuinenced flowiog. All Ibe livery learns were brougb Into reqmsiiun aod nearly everybody start ed for borne Oilderado, but tbey dldu'i find exoeetations fully realized. Torre bad been a considerable flow of oil, but It had ceased io conteaueooe ef tbe large kooy o' .t.r In Id. Intent. Knun aa Itltl Water It exhausted a good paying well la "peoie.1 Tlraloia City ia evideuily o a healthy place fur diamond stock jobbers. o icing I rumor.lbat diamond baa -- neighborhood, tbe Enlerprtee ui..r. . ,ul. lowing emphatlo deelslon: '-The report may be true; bat tbe men who attempts to tell a abare of the stock io this marktl will beshot " If you Want a Salesman, Want a Servant Girl, Want to Sell a Horse, ' Want to Sell a Patent, Want to Leod Money, Want to Buy a House, Want to Seat a Carriage, ; Want to Borrow Money, Want to Sell an Oil Well, Want to Buy an Engine or Bollse, Want lo Sell a House and Lot, Want to Bad a Strayed Animal,' Want to Purchase an Oil Interest, Want lo Sell a Piece ol Furniture, Want lo Buy a Second-hand tJarfige Want to Sell Tubing, Caaing, Gairlpe, Want to Find an owuer for snioma Found, advertise In tbe Rscoao. aim jtas than tea tbonaan people read !VHs.ly, Butter and cheese are alrooel Insensi ble articlea of food. Properly tm, tbey are nutritiooa and healthy; but u Inordi nate uaa of either causes indigetlia aad dyipepiia. Owen Gaffney'a faunae Com fort, Judiciously used will remevi toih of there trouble j jIaliEGIIEN Y VA IiLPi ' Winter Arrang ospekl, K. On and after Bnnday, Nov. Wj uuinu uin BnrI Day Ntght Pa'kr Are. a m. Jtxp. up m . am Kip rm OS I s. Tltaevnte, Petroleam Ce, Oil City, loath Oil CM. FraoktiD,, Pusbarfb, Farkar't, Brady's Hut, 19 4U 1 87 I SO 8 j)0 3 15 IS S 4S' an so 00 SO T IS T 48 8 80 10 05 1U 15 a d IK IH 4 11 47 1 4 4 19 m 19 11 il i ! 1 15pm I It tit lt5 8 11 T 10 S 40 4 II BVllMnning, weal renn en, risatBuiBo, 8 80 8 SO AM pa pa a 1 GOING NOUT11 a m I OU t m 10 so 11 .1 f-o 1 at ( 86 4 8o 6 10 P.rehnrKh, WeatrenafB KlttanDing, Bredy'e Bens, Parker 'a. is loxborsh, U ISpmS SO Vranklln. I 08 1 IS Honth Oil City, S 80 1 85 Oil City, I4S. T 45 5"t llam.... IS 80 lit, hS8 M ill 9 00 In iXJ lor-Hl Kittlrre. For Sale. Js i stuck and fixtures " now for isle, and mv building lur aa!aer rant. J. w iiiirrr. Patreleaea Centre, Vett. Mi. M SKt: IltlCF. H. II WARNER, basket received from home tweaty oasks snare at that cider, tbal was Beyer beat tor quality. Also, apples eisi. ;bulter, p. Tts best butter era rougel lato this tewa.ebiak be will eellfo cash, but will asl itnstsiy mora gecds,alie toe nrsi oi jaaaary. ibij, All these ledebted to t are requested te call aad sellle witkoal delay and asvs costs. n. H. Waskib. , , , , S NOTICE. Mr. Jaai'uS. MaCray htvlag removed ta Franklie, paties kavlag eoea-. miiulcatlen with bias oa lusloesi or other I wise, are rrqueslad hereater to address tbelsf letters to that point. 1 St. I , , For Hale 15.000 to 20,000 feet Of SECOND-I1ANT1 TUBING, at from ii to Si eta. per root.! Tba Tubing is in first claw order and alL ready fitted. April 23. tr. a. m. wmitki All Head Unit llnn-Prlr Reduced. Discount to cash customers1 thankful for past favors, and un der the stringency of tbe money market, knowing that we can buy cheap for cash, w prefer to give to ur patrons the benefit of cash prices On and after tbe first day of January, 1S7J we propose to sell for cash, whicu will be to your aa van tago as well as our own. Call and see us and we will cive vou prices that will defy competi tion. Our motto ia live and let live. . I MEtVE & ARMSTRONG All those thatiare indebted to us for 30 daji are request ed to call and sfcttle by the 10th ( Jan. 18". Sunday Comfort slill S deek ai fat sale at AylT. t Atvan'e la the Kaean. p. c, jmz9 Pioneer Pa., I ifanafacb-er ol i I i t Machini Supplies Enginepadjbilera of everj description f I irea as onori iMOtica i Agentft'I't 3 GAS PATIT)i Alf lit Z 8 1 ti t jqiyjaxciHa !0" kl mr,A all W" A OIL PELL belt 1 ji. : ttea !) Si I waaa. ngu U. 1 f 1 p.-. rvr.m xtmiTzywTfi 1.4 ' 1 mi