RarOOBD COLUMN. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DAME. FMITII CO.'S A!. - 1 G. OURDON HARDWAKE AKD OIL ITEI,!, FUPPMFi!. X p h, I.!.'- ! I,'": hi- ft: WW - ; .if. 111 1 .'l I -if '5 1 f m m ) 'A if Daily Record NEWSPAPER, Job Printing Office; Hill T BEET, PETUOLEltt CEXTRE. HAS C. WICKER, Proprietor. NEW DBrAUTMEXT. WaroeelTe telee'apble dispatches up to 4 r. -(nit priit them to our readeie every vciih'ir. em bmcinuiiewfof ireat iuterest trom all scc'.iona of ' tha rou.ilry. We hve njalo special amiiiitonients, whereby w-receive nyntar Petroleum, mock and r'odiire Marue.i Heporia every evening by tnhvmph fr..ih iew York. rhiiadeiphla, und Ptttahiirp. which together with Kditorutln ami Local matters, ninke It on of the moat durable newspapers published In taeOI Region. As an Advertising Medium, Tee KRCORT has no snperlor, as It circulates wherever an Oil Operator or Dealer can t found SSm' EEPMTMEST. Wa'Skava a' lanre and Well 'aelactei stock 'of Jot Mllg 92atura. cmbnxine tbe very latest atyiea We aro 'V'iW.i I'ltaUled to execute Job Work of every variety In a eailafaotory manner vi ilea desutd, job will be naatl) prluied in Cou.as hipping Uilli Hand-Bllli. Fiogrammeti, Illili of Fare. liabeli. AND Xatilnem and Yltiittn; Card L ITTEH HEADS, BILL D BADS, BILLS OP UADIMO, Bt , Etc lilSO RALLU'KIVriNG. flan or Faaay styles, neatly and promptly execa , . tl, eatbraclag fSTflTATlOSS CITlUTII.AtW .dKOQKAMMBS CAHI) , TIUKKT9, lie feet, every variety sad style cf wor n tattat prcaa pi:eiiBK. H. Hants. Tjawvara. JnaHHa'of the tan! oil l'e.r and Aitenia, lnan ranca Aventa K iraeaeMvi a.id tior pti-iias a m,nt, a.e tn'ormtnl b t weare pro ianw to xocto to order a ll krnits ol a a-tuis, u?iniajor luli tequiroo la ibis com at aitv. AT JLOW HATES t For $70 per Inch per month, we will fa rt no advertisement Id 129 Fit at Clans Papers In I'll List sent on application to GEO P. ROWE L CO., Advertising Agents. 41 Park Row N- Y. Agents Y anted for Cobb'.a's Child's Commentator ON TIIE Mltl.K. for the Hnine drcle. 1 310 pa res, t'o encru ir s The bft en'ei prlie of the year Tor ops-its Kvety fatnllv will have it. Not.ilne lire it nowputtlicned. For circtilnis address 11.8. QOOUSI'Er.I) . OO., 87 Park Kosr, New York Agent Wanted. Wo guarantee em p.oyo.ent inr all. enher tex. al (5 day. or $'!. tit) i-t mors a year. New woiks by Mrs II 11 Smwe and others. Superb pie mltime riv-n away. Money made rapid'y and eas.lv at work lor ns. Write and se-. PartlouUis ir. e Wwlll'l INGTUN, DlB TI.V A ;t. HtrtfnM. ('"tin Imhumu h UtVi:M:Kof Hartford, It. SI III P'r(15 1 .rntu !"icd! Al IIP TrwV clat-L. f.f wurtttng iHopl o' ettntr net y unK or old m!; muie money nl wnrk for ii! In tlit'ir iparu monicnt ir a l the tm than nt niivth'ti'i nidi;. Part teal a five. Address Q. H I'lN'N & O . t ortlflnd, ilame 1823. Jubilee 1S73. Tbe Best Religious and Secular Family NeM;aper. $3 Year witb Hie Jl'BlLEE YEAR HOOK SIDNEY C. JIOKXE CO., 31 Park l-t w, N Y SEND FOR A SAMPLE COPY. wfc0 mi SrnpaO of WlHiVt W"n!a yon avoid bale? "Ml" l Kogneo. SwIikTIt and ilumliagst Kand tbe ".-.I A it ISCANULl D BNNhK" 'A lar.e, MltHir"t"d 40-;olunm 8 pg ;MK.r, Idffer elxe. pientia ierie, K.tcllat 'hIus. f'itne. Wit. Ilaiiior. PnU Ifecii.e., .ve. lttn year, f I a jenr, w ih eieiait Pravir t liromo. AQIumn Attaivtn, iree lo an Ji I 91. ir.vii once rttr;u;tlon OUiiraijteeu. Ainit w.inu-u n t tit PKKK -cilliens. c., tor V cunta. A4 dress "IIAN.SKP.,'' 1 Ii.aiiale, N. H A GREAT iiYEMT. We have decided to dispose nt our immvi;f stock ol BILLIARD TABLES at prices a tittle above cost. Kirsltlass 6x10 New Tn hies, complete, $3tW. Second hand Table made over new. $.'00, $225. $250. Ac. A crest variety to suit all boy en. Send foi Catalogue. ' KAVANAGH & DECKER. Cor. Canl A Centre Sis . ' e York. HOSE OF CASHMERE HAIR TONIC, i Ij annnrptiMOd nn a pronioiiT of the Growth of t1 liuimrd bi?k r Ji i nv tlier Htirky norcrrn v, yi't it tot tun i Hiid moi bi tho Hair I'm b .tiw Hi d ni'irB.(i'riiiiiii!iiny tifln any CHI or Poiaafj-lM-d t a Hair Dn'ing. U jirodnc-b t!io tn tv hi'muiful ai e lii-tptni:n Warr nieil i)orii-cti lui rm I (. It rx'iiiirtffv perftime lqnitc utiriv.iM lwliiK dis Ilk tl ftur.i the world renowned lNvoi o; I'aBHincre.' l.:ir:o b'rttlpe onlv t.) cti Ad-'S-ASOnKNUAUi & MihLEK, 4I0N. 11 &t , Miila dclphiu, The Weekly IS un OXIiY $1 a Yt At. 8 Page. The Heat Family Paper, 'l ite kseal Acrtcalinrui Paper. Th HeatPaltl.CHl Cupvi. The) lioi Mo. y Paper. The Heel t iialiloii Meporta. The Boat tail.e ,'lai ke( . t p rta. Tka Beat M-Mieral Itlurk t Repnc ' lie Heat Paper Kveiy Wny. THE WIOI'Kl.V Ht-W tUHK M . Eight psges. 50 cooimns. $laynr or less tlian 2 ceira a nuiuuer. Nend y4ur dull r. Ad.lr. sa TIIK New York Opy. iLiTsKllI'M (itlfUui Hto.iA.V J SO.t J UTAH L- - Wliolew.la to Hie tr.,e. hinl i caua .cnt. p.at taid' on receipt i.f $L. v I1K JlA.i 1. f L.Ui!.AU r a, liauulo, IN. I. BOOKKEEPINIJ Mide Enay. I'very elerk and nijicmnit e-in lem nt once. U tok nml ed, too. d. QoULDlNU BKVANT. HnfUKi, . V. To Ad vertleer. All persons who contem p'a'o mak n' co. lr:u:is wllli newapapura for the Geo. P. Rowell & Co-, for a Clrenlar, or endov 9S cents foi their tie asuuarea s'aae ramnniei, contMiiin Uataof all) Near-tuneia aud e.tinialea floi.iiim t e cost of adverllittii!!, atao iiihiiv useful bints to advertisers, and ronie account of ilie i xperlencm of men wno i.ro l.nowu aa nurceabiui sann tiaera This 8 in ate nrooiluois of Uia Aiueri- eau Nawpaiier AdvtjrtUing AKncy, 41 PARK ROW, N, Y 't-:rrr of Youth . Rnlca and Prciciintlona ib&t w'll cure snveaaa mt Bemiual Weakn .a. Knii'siona, 4c. an4 rea ota loat manhood v perf.-ei hettlth Sxar rasa to m. by una wno naa aunrr-a ami is now rurtU Adrtrees, wilb s'amp, KUOAlt lUEJlAlNK, alioa Raw York. $10,000 HOW to dbtaia :! AOrNTS WAIITED. Patiicnlnia ani sample sent on recini oretamp. NO I'Al'ITAl. NK.OKSSAKY. Address It. BUT TON & CO., 1"4 Drotidaay, New York. IiOe and Matrimony. The atT'Ti Ions may be sained hy iha Ibllowlrg simple rules, and all may mairy batplly wtihon' ree re to wealth, ec- or Limits. Addreaa witb atimp, WAHAMK I.UCILLB UKHAHHal, libit Uunaa blatlos, N. T. OOLDiiN TRIABUKB eliars at t.e Petit UBm Jfewt Baam. leaatwiM eartsMl . ACCIDENTS IMFliOVEl) Seneca Falls G-AS With Steel Parkin?. SO Hold In Iiast 30 Days, Kxclnsive Agents for the Oil Kegtea. D.1S1E, S5IITII & Co., Bneoessoas to F. W. AUX3, TITUSVILIiE, PA, Wood Work FOR CARRIAGE BUILDERS. 2D GROWTH SPOKES, HUBS, CENT FELLOES, SHAFTS SAWED FELLOES, rOLES, NECKYOKES, WHIFFLKTREES, HUB BANDS, AXLES SPRINGS, FIFTH WnEKLS. t MALLEABLE?. ' And the Ucsf.CuTiaKe irolf in Sfarkt DAME. SMITH fc CO., ,l lereaanrn to F. tf. AME?. H. H. Warner 1): ALEHflN rroMi-nnii ii!!!v,;. All fizA Casififf, Ensliiei, Uoilers, and x OIL WEIJi KlTl!HRS. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR OLD ROPE. IRON and BRAS. atallavin? re..entlv riMrct.'is.-d a New nnd Tm rr ..d I'M'K '0TTIN MM'HTSi-:, I mn w.ar. ' d to cut and Pt all aizcaof I'nw aud Cuttiii';; fi'oui i inch to 3 1 4 inch. waaliliicint., Nenrlv Opn. lfoli. rater fsouae. aet. eniro, i'il. epr6tf. H. II. WAl.'X R. Lord's Boiler Powder ! FOR TH Removal ana Prevention(ofl SCALE IN STEAM BOILERS This Powdcrwill Itemoya AnyPcale, no matter how Ibick cc Hard it may be, and keep the Iroh in a good condi tion for ages. WB CAN SEND TOO A PRCCP OFJTHIS. A. J. HAW LEY, OOI.DTJATEH LFASB,VI1 B CAT 1T'M,OW P to lanra Ce tre. I a , Is themlyaiithorij!ed aaem in (il Hoi n for tbe .ale of the Powder, of whom If It ls.eleo f"r eile ' He liaMwsre ftore of Gee. W. V) la -r, I atrolenm Voire, Pa. my ix tl . ; School Books. A complete stock el School Books needed t the Ptthlte School's can be foibd M tbe Pttjf OsTlaCS VST8 BOOM. 'a , t'i j .ii-- .; ,.-..: . ' C3-. C3-OIID02r, DBieXlSB I3ST SWinerrsrmvl IwatJaOaUjLlul wSa-aS as. t M 4. IKCain-Sta. Petroleum Centre, Keeps oa baal a fall lias of House Furnishing Goods. Boston Fat. Coupling Wins, Casinf, Gas Pips anl Fitticp, Netr Bedford Bolt Hope Cables and Sand Pnuip Lines, ruber belting, working barrels, tubing and packing. taltes. casing and ho?b, valvb ocrs, clamps l.anJprnH. Lantern (ilb s, Carpenters Tools, ALL lilXDS OF BHA9i UOOD8, Exti-a Winter Strained Lard Oil, Johnson i Barrtttt'a Lubricating Oil,f No. 1 Refined Oil, ha Nevalty tad Kwrti Oethes Tfi Irnaaj, tie ties' In me. With a (ml line al Table'aud Pocket Cutlery, and Silver Plated ;.Spoons and.Forki, STOYES, O) '"W 225 My stack of COOK AN HEATI.VaSTOVE.-i cannot be eioellad In the oil rBlrn. Ar I bauKht before the late advance at Stoves by manufacturer, I am enabled in still ail at o4d prices. Those desirist anythinr. in the way er a Ceok or Healing State will do wall hi call aid examine ny stoak, el wbleh tbe following is a ' . partial list; America Cook Stove! With reservoir and warming closet, a Gist elass Stove for bard coal or wood. AMRlllOATV Cook, with low water reservoir and waratjnf, eloat, for bard coal. THE 1IELPEIC and GREAT HELPER Ceok. a ekeap drat class Slotr with or without leaervoir and warming olusat, for haul or soft Ceal." Pirn neea Conk, a cheap Brat e'ass Steve, for hard or a ft coal. Iron dial! Oonk, a large heavy and durable Steve for soft coal. Wheat sallenf Cook, lor hstd or soft coal, is celebrated lor Ml ejnalllias as a good Stove and cheapness in price. 4'lpper Conk, for hard or soft eoal, a small bat excellent flove and very ekeap. MillueMita. Cook, a wood Stove with elevated even. MY LINK OF PARLOR HEATERS'canaet be excelled: The Diving Fine Llffht Honxa of leSTS-Thla la a beaatifut self feeder Parlor Stove, wlln self reitinaiinr draft and patent Clloker grate. The Hadiant House A new self leader Parlor Heater witb mill grate and illiia inaied bos' . Keey Sld?a Hut ner Self feeder Parlor Heater whbf shaking fire patent aid dumping clinker itr-Ur, St atari 'a Parlor Heater Something new, a very beautlfol tad powerful bealsr. Coaey Light A neat and cheap Base Burner House Light A cboap cyliuder Stove witb mill grate. Home A sheet iron cylinder stove, very ebeap. Joy A small sell feeder and qnite cheap, kllnck Swan-A parlor coea s'ove witk oven, far eaa'. Fame A oheap dining mom Stove. Gem A cheap bed room Stove, Pearl A ebeap cylinder Stove, for hard or soft coal. Volcano A large healing Stove. Gliivtt Adapted for derrick aid hotel. SALAMANDER A derrick stove. GLoBK HEATER For turret ate office. MANUFACTURER op ' " Tin. SHEET IRON AND C0?PEH WARE, SMOKK STACKS MADE TO ORDER. Make to order GALVANIZE!? IItOf SAIVD PfJMP" wh,ch r" oonsideted the ebeapest ad safett pump now In use, witb common or patent valve, Kepahing of -Jl kinds doM wi neattesa and dwpateh. aajew n. m m STOVES 1 S3 I