The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, December 20, 1872, Image 2

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Ilercbant Tailors !
tfestt' Fonilstiins Woods,
reurca iio
wear Mi ia Ut Oil H.ftn.
All ah levteet sad SebMest 8 tv las.
entrf Inrnishing Goods, fec.
trt leum Centre Daily Record
rat. owtva a-.. Fi-Uav, Dee. 80.
BStvlaie r-ervlae.
kwrvltsce every Safcbeth at 11 A. H. ana
, f. M. Sabbath School at lltf P. II.
eats tree. ooreisl lavilatioa extend
ed to ait,
Bar. 0. Mooes, Putor.
Praataiee- at 11 o'elsek A. M.. aid T
e'sl.iek P. M., by Ut Psslor, W. C. Bcbci
ill, Sabbaio School at 11, directly
fur fersaooa service.
Prayer Meeting and Bebbalb Sehael
Tesahsr's Meellag Tassdsy evenings ol
Mb week.
.tHirsrtetiaa Contra Loslgw.
Tit, I. O. of O. F.
eUir meeting nights Friday,
al T
a'tlMk. Signed.
9 a. hooks., A seoy.
af'Plaee of mealing, Mala St., apposite
MeCliniook House.
A. O. Of V. W.
Liberty Ledge No. 7, A. 0. of U. W.,
rueeti everv Monday evening ai 7 If o'olook,
la Odd Fallow's Hall, Petroleum Ceotre,
A. M. Elbczszz, at. W.
A. run, B.
t. O. Of U. M.
leoekeane Tribe No. IKS, I. O. R. M
af Fetraleani Centre, meete every Tburaday
eveolnt Id Good Taaiplar'a Hall.
teJCoauetl Aree Ms-hied at T o'clock.
H. HOWE, Saabem.
B. BETNOLDg, Chief ol Records.
id at 1 p. m. U1J$
Tka all lane between tba producers aad
refiners, according lo tka dispatches pah
lished tbla morolag, appears lo bare beea
eaatammated. Aa a reaalt tka prabablllty
II that all will take a jump upwards la tba
B xt few day. How leaf lbl will lent
tliaa alora will tall. Wo bava never bad
faith In lbs movement aa a lasting rsmed)
fur Iks ills that aow beset tkia region, at tke
la ma time wketever the producers agree on
w shall leod our support to. We hope the
tnsvemeot may prove a success, and ba the
mesas of ligbtealag aa the money market
watch bas beea exceedingly tight for se
ral weeks put.
Wa are pleesed to notice our friend, Mr.
L. J. Toucher, oo the strsel onae more.
Mr. V. bas beea seriously 111 for aevaral
days past.
Tba mow at sj-tei'e Uuera Hiuss, laa
evening, waa pretty thinly attended, aa It
should bava been. This Burnett relies oo
his repctatloa for patronage. When naked
by a geatleman al the Central House, yea
tsrdey, If ka aver dona anything for the
aviator In the way of advertislug or job
work, ba remarked that he "could gat along
without any aaelsiaaoe from tba d d prla
tr. He had no hones and plnysd to
empty lieoohea.
Lseel lie sis are eoereeltbaes days. There
la astblug aew except tba thaw, aad that's
pretty near over as lis freeclog.
Te resection eo Ike clouds al tka get
llstits liom tke walls oa the upper Beoae
off tad Qalava territory, eaa ba aeon ovary
A aew .o . of holiday goods iost tseelved
et the V O. Wewaroom.
Tba following I the latest from the Con
venlioa of refiners' and producers. We
copf from the Tituevllle Courier:
By refrrene to a special from oar enrrea
pendol la New Tork, It will be seen, that
the Producers and Reuoers Omrallleei yes
terday slgoed the artiolea ol agreement a
cereed apon lbs day nefor. The oewe of
the agreement which we published yesterday
did aet have tba effect to advance price as
much as mlsbt bsve been ezpested. But
w eappewe that wayera are not disposed ta
act Malll I hay tan know tbel the enmbloe
tion Is a Bird feci, aad eaa baee soeie as
surance that the plan will become a prastle
al success.
It must b admitted that the Refiners In
esr-eing to take fifteen Ibaussed barrels of
crude a dy at ft per barrel for alzty days I
have plse-d tbetneelves la a position la
which ao cbiiii's play will be required Of
them lo make a ancseesof tbelrundertaklng.
They biud themesives te do what might
well appal men lees brave Ihsn I key. If
tbey shall carry through their undertaking
etieeeoefuily, they will bo entitled lo the
tbaaks ol tke whole people of the oil region.
Tbey will bring Into tba regleo in sixty
days' lime $3,00,000, aa amount whieb
will eery sensible sffeot tba financial coadl
tioa of our seotion.
Ws sra iarormed tbat Mr. Calvin Strlsk.
laad, ao aeeounlof whose serious injury we
msde yesterday, died at his boma on the
Potts farm, laat eight. Thisiaealy a ra-
They beea a plaoe for the eale of Iced
drlnka at Newark, which tbey humorously
call a "liquorice factory."
Tba new well of wkicb we spoke la 8i
urday'a Issue ol Ike Journal aa having beea
struck on lbs Triumph treat. Is rspldly In
creasing. It Is now uumpiog between lorly
aad flfty barrel per day. Tba ownera are
G. H. Wettoo and J. RTellman, of tkls
place. Tldloule Journal.
On Tbarsday Col. L. M. Loekwood mat
wltb an aceldent wklle ridlag Into town
Hie korse fsll wltk blm, earning a fracture
or the small bona of the leg. Dr. J. .
Sutherland applied the appropriate drew
ings, and the Colonel Is able la be .about oa
arutskes. Petersburg Progress.
On December 20lb, Mrs. Msgreoe, widow
of lbs lata George Magraae. Is lo rffle off
ksr kouse, looated on the Boyd Farm. Tba
tickets are put at the low price of 1 1, and
wa bopa eur citizens will all purcbese tick-
ta and lead aid to a shsritabla object.
What ia spssding the eteolast Tbat
deaende anon circumstances Been lea la
an olastlo term; atratoblog from one o'et-
P. M , until dey'igbt the next merelat -
Out lo Minnesota evening, evidently,
means all night. At a village lo that State
betel party was givaa, the gueata arriving
along Id the alterneon and havlog atipper
about dark, when danslug cemmenced end
continued uatil about three A. M., whea
the meal of tie festival wae dlssussed and
daaclng rssamed and continued until 6:30
o'clock In the morning, when tba parly,
Teellaa they bad spent a very pleasant
evening," broke np happy.
Down la Graaada Mississippi, the burglar.
have adopted tba plan of ralslag pnttalei on
tbeir feces and getting up a aiekly look lor
the porpoaa of ssarlng famllloe to death,
In order tbat tbey may rob lie bouses mars
The varlana rumors current tbat the Erie
Company would vacate the Graod Opera
House appears la bo groundless.
Nios jurors have
aeea obtained In the
Stokes case.
About 7:30 ua Wednesday Bight, Ite
paesangsr train from Chicago lor St. Louts,
collided wltb a Irelgbt train at Andersou
Station between Springfield and Carllos
viils, wrecking three freight cars aad killing
Hawk, engiueer of Ike passenger train.
The gold brokers' Arms in Nsw Tork city,
suspsaded yesterday.
Sevbbklt Bvbnbd Do last Saturday
eveolog about nine o'clock, an asctdaul
happened at the Hoover farm, two miles bo
low this oily, resulting lo aevera Injury lo
Mrs. McElbaoy, wife of N. McElbaay, ol
that plaee. Bhe bad gone up elaira boidlog
a lamp in ber band, aod In returning miss
ad her footinz oo the atairaay and (all la
tbe bottom, breaking the lamp, aod Ik row
tot tba oil, which igailed, over ber dre.
sod on tba stairs. Ia extinguishing tbe
flames ber hand, were severely burned, nnd
her neck was also slightly buroed. In a
moment alter the sooldenl bsppensd the
stairway waa in flames but a few buckets o'
water, fortunately al band, xllavuiabed
tbe Bra. Dr. Moore of this oily waa .called,
aod drssssd tba wounds of tbo lady.
Teoango Citizen.
Tbo Volcano Lubrioalor oama ta us laat
week priaied on pale yeUow paper, which
looked as if had beea dipped la lubrloetlag
N A Mw Vn,b envreannnAeni he made a
4'teovrry that Isdrssdlulty shocking to old
predndlcee, ee well es a singular Indisslloo
ol some notable meotal differences between
tbe si'Xes. He says tbat In caavasalsg tbe
Eighth ward, where nearly all the negroes
of Bow Tork live, be found more than three
thousand aogro men married to white we
meo, and but one white man married to a
aegra wemao. Amoog tbe females many
are claimed tn be young and handsome, while
most ol them are represented to he contented
and even cheerful. Tbe correspondent who
bee msde this discovery saya he Icqulred Of
several of the white women bow tbey eame
u marry negroes, nnd tbe answer was Ihsl
it waa better lo be a black man's wife tbsn
a white man's mistress." If these aoswera
are true, It seems thsl tbe alllsnees are jut
tilled mere oo the score ol morels tbsn on
tbat of esthetics. If there is such a dispro
portion between wdIio men aod white wo
men, II would elo Indicate thsl tbe women
are tbe mora susceptible, though tbe obslac
las In the way of tbe marriage or tbo self
support of women la the lower classes of life
undoubtedly influence them lu tbo choice
between a colored husbaod or oooa at all.
Shut 'a a Down A Hartford, Conn, man
has succeed,, alter aeToral years of study
log aad experlmeatiof, lo solving the prob.
lem of oxvdlzing srude petroleum and other
oils, fsrwblcb bebssobtalned letters patent.
Thoasandn of dollars bava been expended in
trying to asoomplish thisebjeet by chemists
and urhers, but without effect uolll now.
T bis, it is tboaght, will Increase the pro
duction from len to filteen per cent. The
production Is too besvy now. Who wl 1
disc over some process to decrease tbe
Gas Flinty Aoaim. Tkose wboee light,
began to fell wkea the lewn eveologa eame
an will be glad lo learn that Colburn's well
is now yielding a lull supply again aod
maoufacluiing has ceased. Coal gasls good
enoagfc but does not last so long aa natural
and tbsrsfora makes bills higher. Colburn's
well bed diminished Its yield about half, till
be tried tba experiment recently of drawlog
oo II wltb a gaa pump. Tbe result waa a
large flow of gas wbiab so far baa not mater
ially diminished. It Is supposed some depos.
II bsd collected in the Bisurss which lbs
pump drew out aod boaae Ibo effect upon,
tbe well. Fredonla Censor.
Dr. J. II Cbritlie, for many years a resir
denl of Petroleam Centre, bas removed lo
ibis oily, and will continue the practice of
bis professiea. He is ao experleaeed phys
ician, afhlgb steading. Wa are glad to
welcome sash men lo our city, end we give
the Dr. oar best wishes for his sescets.
Venango Cltezeo.
At Flnehing, L. I., oo Wednesdsy night
a large amouul of valuable property was
burned, lbs Ire originating In Clemen I &
Bloodgood'a grocery. During the fire a
chimney fell and bnrled In the miaa one
man, who wea Inatanily hilled. A boy who
waa alao injured. Tke great excitement
prevailed among tbe people, wbo feared a
geo'eiel eoeflagrstioa.
lilat of Jnrora for tha 8d Mon
day of January, 18T2.
Csnal Ip Robert Gilmors, Hugh Ssrvlcs
Jerome Hill, Marvin Hassen, James Beggs.
Cooperstown W J.Bradley.
Cberrylree Ip John W Loag.
Clinton tp Jaa Scon.
Em!tulom Frank Seeds.
Franklin Wm. Rossman, Hsrry Pianls,
W T Kennedy.
Freoehcreek tp -John Pblpps.
Oil City Cbss. W Hall, RM Grsea,
Julius Davit
Oakland tp Jonaa Fraokenberger, Wm
B Bryner.
Oiloreek tp Walker H Ssdorus, Gso
Pli esaatville John F Carroll.
Pel Centra D P Williams, NB Parksr,
J K Elliott.
Plum Ip Jsmo Dsvlaon, Pater G Welsh,
David Matbewas, Robert Adams, Hugh Mo
Ctea. Piogrovo tp Michael 8 lever.
Rousevllle J A Rockwell.
Rlcblaod tp John Bierg.
Rynd John Blair.
Saudycreek tp Joe Bell.
Sugarcreek Ip Thomas Cartsr. .
Scrubgress Ip Abner Ssyl
gjTbe Portland Press saya: A tearful mite-
auoe, and one peculinr to Portlend, la tbe
habit which young people have of going of
a Sunday evening from one ebureb to an
other, entering tbe building during tba er
vice aod then Immediately leaving If thsy
do not find tba person they are la want of.
Indeed, most of our young msa Sunday
etgbte seemed engaged in a fruitless search
ler n swoetneari wno naa taken refuge ua
det tba drippings of tbo sanctuary. 6a
tbey seek ber, waoderlog about from ebnrcb
lo ebureb In quest of the fait but fteatiog
Tbibulatioi. Tba lime of trial aod
tribulation for the sobeol leathers In tbls
county appeare to bava arrived. In addi
tion to the cases In Ibis city, Oil City and
Petroleam Centre, mentioned last week, the
rcral districts are beginning to be heard
from. ,
Al Maple Grove school bouse, Canal Ta ,
last wsek, tbe teecber attempted lo ehaatlae
a largo sized youth lor disobedience, wbsw
ho waa resisted, knocked down wltb wltb a
poker aod generally neeil up The teach.
er bed ibo boy arrested, bat the lather, like
eessslble men, settled the c.te, gave tbe
boy proper puulshmsat, sent blm beck lo
school, aod guaranteed forhisgaod behavior
In the future.
Freoehcreek township also, deter mined
not to be behind ber neighbors, oaceevied
gutting ap a flrsl-slaes row lo one of ber
schools last wssk. Tba teecber attempted
te puoisb e Scholar, when three "big boys'
advanced upon blm In front, flank and rear
aad gave him a severe pounding. Tbere
wesn't much school the balance of Ibal day
and the case ia likelv lo figure in tbo cnni.
inal court of Ibia county. Tbia ia enough
lor thiaweek.
Saodycreek, Irwin, Clinton, Cranberry,
Scrttbgrass and eight or ten other town
ships yet lo bear from. Returne should be
sent in lo this office promptly. The Return
Judgee will meet at the Coart House oo the
4th Meoday of January, Judge Truokey
presiding. Citizen.
Bro. Batemau, af the New York PosUof.
flee; banda ua the following genuine super
Now, Lncle Ssm, if you mtssarry -
Tkia letter to Miss Addle Psll,
By Jupiter! you'll cstsh Old Harry,"
Or something worse then ''Hsrry'' well,
She's gone to Stamford, Cl , where
Yoa'll Ind tba truant dame;
Someasy she'e gone for "chsogs of air,'
And some to change ber name."
Tben, Uncle, bid your postman tramp,
And tor your trouble, here'a your
Tbe Joseph Kllngler beira sold their farm
on Tarkey Ruo, adjoining tha Dan'l Heeter
farm, eoolataiog72 acree, foi 11, 855,01
Baroey Vensel wae Ibo purchaser. He bas
since said part of tbe land nl an advaneed
The Jackson we(l, on tbe Flllmen faro,
on Turkey Ron tbe place wbero Nelson
Vente and others were burned lo death last
summer, ia now yielding CO barrels ail a
The developments en Tarkey Run are be
coming very exteaaive. There Is a lar,e
number of good el la oa Ibe Keating Neely,
Shenp, Ueeter, and other farms, aud fur
ther up ia Salem, Ashland and Beaver
towoabipa, the.Dela wells, aad those on
Switzer l(na,thsve opened ip a luge Held
Eaat of Turkey Run, and not far from Ibo
mouth ol thai stream, ibt Neely larms, are
becoming valuable. A well waa struck tn
Juno last, on tbe Isaao Neeiy farm, wbiab
has bia proiuaing about 26 barrels a da.?
svsrsiose. This well Is owned by Pant
Neely and R. P. Borland. A second wel
has just been completed oo the same farm,
owned by Speer, Gider & Ciley. It baa
some 900 feet ef oil lo Ibe bole, aad will
undoubtedly boa large well. Aoolber
wall, en aamo tract, owned by Capt. Croel
aad others, Isdrllilsg lo Ibo boalder, and
still another owned by Sheriff Neely, Rich
ard Neely, and other Neelys, drilling ia the
sand. Two other wells are balsa alerted
by other parliee. Oa the Fry farm, ad
joining an tbo north, tbero ia one well
pumping 10 barrels and two drilling wells.
Further notlb, on Ibe Davis lot, tbere are
to pumping wells, producing 25 and 40
barrels escb. Tbe 36 berrsl well Is owned
by Sheriff Neely, Richard Neely, aod Eb-
eoezer Davie.
Tbe price of oil la lower, and the market
dull. On tbe I lib lost., the price al Oil
City, waa $3,80; Parker's Landing, $3, CO.
Tbo refloats end producers sent a eoav
mlttee of conference to meet escb other.
sod alter a lull dlsstissisa, al a meeting held
in Tlttisvllle last week, agreed lo report to
Ibe aasuciatloos tbey represented, la favor
of a basis ol sompiamise. Tba minimum
price of oil to b $4.00 aod the maximum
f 3,00. (Ularloa Democrat.
Collectors of County laxss, are required
by law lo make retura to tbe Couaty Com
miaslener's, oo er bolero Ibe Slot dsy o'
December in each year, of all aapaid texee
oa leads in Ibelr Towosbip, Wsrd or Ber
ougb, where tbe same csnoot be collected
npoa the premises or from tbe owner.
School directors aod road aommlssleners. In
tbe severe! districts, should see to it atones,
that lhair delinquent laze, are properly re
lumed. A Utile delay or negligence will
sense tba loss of tba entire levy on unseated
lands, as tha laws makes all returns made
after Ibe data mentioned above Illegal.
Where blanka for the purposs bava not al
ready beea received, tbey eaa bo bad by
P7 CMBF Ccaalmiorjsee.
fral ftotlrra.
farm, ali.u Iwo n otiti s age. a cow Ti
owoer le requeeied to come forward ri,
properly, end pay charges, or It will beiul
posed ofea the law requlrra. "
Peisoleam Csatre, De. Jr MTlf "
SfcE llfiBC
H. H 'WARNER, baa just resolved ir.
- - - -- VMJVr, la..
wae sever heal for Duality. Alao. eaaZ!
saga, Jbntter, Tha beet bailer ;, !,
brenget late Ibis tawa, which be will tell r,!
oasb, ttt will not trast any morsioodiar, .
the fltat ol Jaouery. 1873. ""
All ikecs-Indebted to biar. are reaaeaM
te cell sad eettlewtttoot delay and Til.
soita. '
P-n. Wabxib,
NOTICE. Mr. James a. al.n,..
removed lo Franklia. Darlles hai. ...
. g UOT-
manlcatlon with him oa busiosas or other
. ars requested bsrssflsr lo iMmiu.
tatters to thsl point. 31
Plsssttre lovers will bear In miad th.i ..
Monde- evening next, a social parly . 1,
be slvea al Sobel's Opera House, h. u..
Selover of tkls place. Holilsler's Bead of
Piooeer, ere lo furaleb asusls for Ike ores,
slon. TkellekeUaropl.ced a the
low prlee of 91 Everything baa beea laid
out fer a nice llaae. .nil th ... "
caoool help but enjoy themeelvee. jf
Butter and etaeaaai are .im.i .
bl. article. toJpZZZ, .""?p,."-
are nutritlone aad healthy; but an Soordi.
nate use of either censes iodtteatioo
dyspepsia. Owen Gaffoert Sunday Co
fl.( iuiHAlA.l. . I III VVD
.-. . u.v."...j aniui remove bclkaf
there trouble w
fLAVawa of eaod . i atl a-a .
llrely new breads, never before introdessd
In this plan, at the Foal Office News Bessi
Thsy asa w err sated pure Havaoaa.
Snndav Comfort still oa daak l ..u
To insreasa
Yeas busioaaa,
Advert lea la tba
Tuesday Evening, . 34tb.
ThaCelebrateA (. Bjy Pianist,
The Great Mnalcal Prodln of lh ain. .nil
rae'R.fnr. h. I. tlMKniMiiantl -OV..I
Before the nnhlie It 1. . dut M w.n nun ... ...n.f ia.
ae. sad bear th. a gnat
Incomprehensible Wonder of the-
Nineteenth Century.
Deon open at T o'clock, Concert te com
taenrs at S.
eaVRMArvJ Rm, tu. ..1. HMfaili.
Kawi Room.
loecMtori te H. H. Warner
11HI Snbaeriben having bought the old
. H. K., intend enlarging tbe kuunne
and will keep alwaye oa hand tn. Iwt t"
market aflbraa. We will do a WROLBSALI sua
KKTAtL trade in tha following products;
Hay c
of all kinds. Ws she base a very large sleek
wlaviUa share ofpablts patmBSge, wsrtsf
enneitAnt .m tri u. uii.iSetiiMft In nrlee aaa.
qaalitvof goods.
nnon aav nr.n' -
Petroleom Centre. Ps-Mov. B. UffO tf
School Books.
A nmpleto stock of School Boos" ".?L
at the Public School's eaa be tstlM at U