The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, December 19, 1872, Image 2

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Uerchant Tailors!
estt' FurnUhlcx tiooda,
Im part tm aa at a aat mmM p)
ear odea la the Oil Haglaev
All th Lataataaa Nobbteet Btaiaa.
Vents' Famishing
Goods, &e.
tfolum Centre Daily Record.
a?. (Matr, Pa., Thwreday, Dca. ID
tetvtae aarvlea.
ervioea every Sabbath at tl A. M. and
P. M. Sabbath School at 11. P. M.
aatjfrae. A aurdial lavltatloa extend
ed to aU.
Hit. 0. Mooaa, Paitor.
Presbyterian church.
Preukiag at 11 o'clock A, M.. aad 7
'iMk P. hi. by tka Pailor, W. C. BcRcn
abb. Babbath Sabool at Itfi, directly
afir lereaooa service.
Prayer Meeting and fabbatb Sehaol
Taather'e Meetlag Taedy evening ol
oath ek.
Pajtrtrieaaa Ceatre Ii04g, , No.
VIS, I. O. of O. F.
bVgalar maotlag algal Friday, at T
'lok. Sign.
a. H. EeoiiB, A Sec'y.
BafPlaea of matting, llaia St., appoeit
cuiioiock uoaa.
A. O. Ol V. XV.
Liberty Ladgo No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W.,
eat every Monday evening at 7W o'clock,
la Oid Fellow' Hll. FelroWam Centre,
A. II. Kr.kei.xat, li. W.
A. Iliir, R.
I. O. ol H. ill.
innekaoue Tribe No. 13, L O. R. M
I Palreieam Centre, meet every Tkurtday
vnln in Good Tntplr'a Hall.
tTCoanctl flre lighted at T o'clock.
II. HOWE, Siehem.
. REYNOLD,;, Chief of Reoord.
Mat 1 p. m. in;
FtAaruf. Acciof NT. A tearful acetdeat
uired at on of tba Stewart wells, on lb
roll farm, npperi Beanaboff Run, about
halfpeat alx o'clock thl morning, which
will prbbly result In tba death of a man
named C. Strickland, engineer at tba wall.
At nar aa aao ba learaad, Mr. C. wol anl
aboattkallim tool! tba maobinery, and
ami kiva ba aaught by tba band wheel
bait aod drawn aver th pulley. Ha iwa
dloovrd by an engineer at aaotber wall,
wh ttrtng ii my appmr, iatUad of
going to hi (tsistaae, rushed wildly ovar
tba aeigbbarbood la watch at balp to aid
Ik ooforleoale maa, wka la lb meantime
bad arawlad through tba nw oa bit band
aad kaaaa as far aa hi boa, a ibort 4i
teoce tram tba wall. Whea dlaeovsrad
wa laylog In lb (now at hi awa Joor
lap. He waa picked ap and taken Inalde,
aad an examiaatlaa of hi iojuri reiiltd
In lading aa thoulder hrokca aad other
tajuria of a rlou nature, which will
probably retail fatally. Wbo plokad up
h wa ipllltng blood quit frly, and il
was thought wa lojared Inwardly.
Dr. Chrlslla of tbia ple, aad Dr. Bur
chard of Union City, a brother-in-law af
tba Injured maa, were sent far and attend
ad to bla lajarle. Mr. S. baa a wlf and
on child.
W laarn lb faot from Mr. Lew Bea
aabotT aad Mr. WHI Stewart, ratldent of
that algbborbod. Mr. BeonehoflT waa of
the oplalen that lha Injured ataa uld aat
urviv tba day aat.
Palb r Oa PaoraaTT. The Banning'
bv Broa. bav boaght out tba latareat
Oa. Baaelagboff, la tba Gehriog Farm,
appar Benaeaoff Run. Tbia paU than lata
aeaaaatlaa of aeariy oat-half af that prop-
ry. Tai arWtt.
Tba following la aa acaauol of lha pro
eeedleg of lha Refloer and Produatrt Con
vealtea, yaalardayt
Naw Tout, Dto. 18.
Tba Producer and Kellner Commute
met egale to dy. Tka PhllaJetpbie party
aay( ha approved of a aoa tl a u at loo ot th
aaottaal whereby railway drawback are
preklblted. Reliable autbarl'y atele thai
a declilao la now definitely reached oa all
pal dm except tba baila of prlca whea the
agreement la la begin to operate. TL Re.
loera committee claim that lha prlca abouid
atari aa la day' valae of crude oo the Creek.
The Producer firmly reins Ihla bai and
olalm a a bail for operallea at lha tlarl ol
the agreement lb prie af crade an the
Creek ben the meeting Iril convened,
aeaely, four rt.. lar. A bulk crada I Arm
at eleven anil a quarter to I afternoon, be?
log reaehed iruia eleven cent tbia morolag,
the probability la (be bala ol price fjr the
beginning of the agreement will ba unani
mously adeptad at four dollar.
Niw Tbrk, Deeembar IS
Tka committee have finally edjuded lb
plan. The Rrflaere Aiaoolatlon agrea to
take flfteea tkeuMad barrel per day or
mora, at four dollar per barrel lo begin
with. Tba rrfloer lo ry their preteni
lock aad to cemmenee taking from th pro
ducer Immediately lo relieve producer a(
muck a potbl. Both committee are
wall Mliiled with Ik reu!l and y that
hirmeay ba prevailed throughout. Theie
are toe mam point, w lit nu aeitu y 1
mi. A
w I
Tk UbI well put down by Meter. Wood,
Irwin end Egbert, oa the Pierce term, ap-
n BeaoebolT Run, proved lo be a dry bole
Tboae gentlemen re aol la ba discouraged,
however, aod have full faith In that terri
tory yet. Day before yeaterday Mr. Wood
aod Mr. Irwin located another well on the
am larm, wbleh will be drilled at oo.
Wa hope ibay may bav belter tuccest la
their next venture.
W would ll Mpeaial atleatlon ta tba
advertisement of Blind Tom, th celebrated
colored musical prodigy, who will perform
at Sobel'i Opera llouae, en Tuesday even
ing next. Thoteof ourclllzeo who have
money lo (pare abouid rettrv it aad Invest
It in a legitimate abow. The trouble with
tbia plae i iber ha been loo maoy quack
bow billed consequently good troupe
avoid th town. Soma of the humbugs
are billed lo appear here anon. Those who
do not desire lo get old will avoid these
shtst" (oacarns and patronlz Blind Tom.
Ticked cen be procured at lha Po Office
Dwa't fall to eee th Photograph
rtovcltle lu lha Boeaeator House.
Belting i a fool' argument, aud ba wa
a bole specimen of an English fool who
bet dva buadred pound Ibat lha world waa
flat, ia spite of lha evidence of bl eyes to
Ii contrary. Wa made note of thl if-
backed conservative cbslleoga many
moalb go. A maa wa fouad ready te
lake ap Iba bet, and the edileroi the Field
newspaper wa made amplra aad atakabold
Tkateivlcf of tleliao men ware
kllad la, proper nrvy mad, aod Iba am
plre taught Iba rash advoaale of lata
that "a fool aad hi mooey I aooa ptrtod
by baadlig over lb (take la hi adversary.
Tbea tbe "flat" grumbled and published
abudva attack en tba umpire. Tba reenlt
waa a mil, ia which Iba aaae went against
the rash better, wba now ia firmly oonvinead
that he I a martyr I a general conspiracy,
ad that to him lha world It, a it waa to
Hamlet, '-flat, (tale, "aad oaprofltable "
Tba amount of Petroleum exported dar.
log the drat ten month of thl year, or op
lo th flrit of November, waa over forty
thousand barrel lt thao tba amount ex
ported during tba corresponding lima last
ytar. Sine tb first af November Ibe ex
port htvabeen unusually light, to that II
I probably safe to tasum that at lha clot
ef tb year Ike eiport of oil will fall ikorl
of thute af laat yar at lead tiny thousand
Distrust of lb produoat aod reflier
combination items la ba general, and w
think with goad reatoa. Tbra baa been
tall deaeplloa prlloed aa the part of torn
of tb leading producer, and these rsol,
leaking oat, give anything but eoafldeaoe to
tbetmall producer. Bat Iba Immediate
remedy proposed by tome I absurd. Tbey
aay that refineries mast be buill at ooe,
and that I all that caa cava tba ptoduotr.
Can reHnarlee b built aad all rflad; oto
lb preaeal stack of tk reflntr b xbust-
d aad iba aw ralnerlaa gat thlr produc-
ttao lata market ia a week or three dayt
Tba rellel mual be immediate, long before
noatrlea oould ba put ia aperatloa. Sail
at aay prlaa yoa ata gel, un to ba all
tka (ttvattoo of tba produeer tr tb next
Uw day. lOil City Telegraph.
Tba Oil City Derrick ad rotate aa eatlre
ataaattea af dvlopmat a tba oaly ra
ltf for Ik ptftett law pria of all.
.. P .
II, 1671.
FBaKtLiK, Venango IO
Nolle I hereby given that the Pear
Bonse In and for the county of Venango I
erected, aod all necessary' kceommdlos
will be provided for lb reception of pauper
Iherala on tba da?' and dalea berealter
meatieoed. Th Overseei of lb poor In
lha several dlslrlcis of the coaoiy are re
quired by law lo briug lha pauper of their
resneetlve dlsirlat lo said Boor bouse at
gagaroteek elation, oa Ibe Atlanllo aod
reel Western kailraad, la Ibe Mlowlng
order t
Tbe pauper of lb lowneblpe of Altegh
y, Coroplanler, Clinton, Can 'I, Caerry-
Irea aod lha barougb ot Coopers low oo
Tbardy, lb I6tb day of December, 1871.
The pauper of the towasbtpe of Cren-
barrv. Fraaobrk. Irwin. Jackaoa, tbe
barougb of Emleotoa and city of Frank
lin an Friday, the J7ik day af December.
The pauper of lb townships of Mineral
Oakland, Oil Creek, Pmegrov, Preside!,
aud r'irst and Second Dittrlcta of tba oily
ofOilOilvoo Monday, tba 30tb day of
December, 1871
Tba paupera af Ike towaakipa of Plum,
Rloolaud, Keck lend, Sugercreek, Sandy,
ereek, Scrubgraaa and lb borough of Pleat
atvllle, Pitnole aod Utiea on Turdy, the
Slit day of December, 1872.
JiMKS P. Kiddlb, Co. Coma
A. M. l l'RBIK,
At led : E. W., Clerk.
Oil Fibb A oovelty to the way of Ore
occurred at lha depot ibi morning, attract
ing a good deal of atleatlon. A lank ol
crude oil, going eaat oo n early morning
train, spraog a leak oa the track In the
yard, and before it waa noticed a large
amount of oil had run out. Aa eagiae
coming along about eight o'clook set lie to
ihla oil, and tba boya bad considerable run
with It, pourrog water on it and floating the
ibe burning oil aroucd tbe platlorm to the
danger of the surrounding property. Ii at
laat got under lb platform, and aa alarm
wa given, and tee flre department turned
out. Their services were not required, aod
the apparalu waa boused, and In about
half an boor a eond alarm wa given tnd
tbey turned out again. This lime tba Bra
waa rll out before the engine waa in poai
Ilea, bin the boya took a turn and enjoyed
a little aqiilrliag. No damage, but a big
crre, lot ol smoke, aud a good snare ol
tporl. Jme.(own Journal.
Prise Phntoejrapha for four day,
til lha Hoebeaiar Hons,
Tb "regular tervise" at Ibe fort In Os
wego, (N. V.) barbor inatl be plearanl
about these days Ibat is if on does aol
ear what be Bays. Te artillery company
lately there in gerrlsoo had lull lor another
station, and while awaiting tba arrival of
H successors, tke surgeon'wlih three priv
ate war left la charge. Two of lha
privalea immediately got lota tba guard
hou aod the other man wa employed a
tbe guard, while lha aargeon bad to keep
up Ibe regalar routine, Ira Iba evening gue,
and baal down the colore al tuosei. In
order to relieve tbe guard, one of tbe pri
vate in tbe guard house had to b brought
out, aod so tbey alternate, oo (tending
cuard over the ether, tb snrieoo. mean
while, being in command ol blmif4aa lb
only on al liberty far ordlaary garriasoo
duty. It be wa smart ho would physic lb
private and lend loam to the hospital.
Tirbd or Lire Oo Sunday morning,
about 2 o clock, Capt. Smilk sa a woman
goiog toward tba river, near tba old ferry
laadlng, and thinking abe wanted lo cros
lb river told ber th woaid bav lo go over
Iba bridge. She paid no attention lo hi
word but want on. Tb Captain Ibougbl
omatbiog wa wrong, aad eoocludcd lo
watob bar. But a very few mloute laps4
before betaw tb (rail aoa throw hereir In
to th cold, oold water. The Captain rea
down and toon bad her out, nut, however,
nolll he got in himself, aad with tba asl.
taoce of a aoupl of geotleaaao conveyed bar
home. She I of tbe 'oiltd dove" prua
Ion aad goet by th name af "Curley."
The poor girl wrote a long letter to ber
Johnny," lellinf him of ber love, and bow
cruel ba wa to "go back" oa ber, aad laid
it aa the iea with he packet book (oenlMn.
tng va cant) where II was found a See
day afternoon Parket't Traasorlpl.
Thomas Alexander MltehU. xf. P., aad
mtmber of a emlaeat Loadaa tblpplag
ken, of great weeltk and 60 yetra of age,
ba bokd tb oriatotratlo circle f wblob
wesaa etaameal by leading lo lha
byraalel altar a pretty barmaid from a met.
ropolitaa gla peleea named tha "Irish
Harp." Ha fea 76,000 pr year. Shaba
yaalb aad beauty aud aaly falattd twice
during the ceremoay.
Church waddlaga bava lately oibo to ba
each occasions of vulgar display that aat
bast paepl have dropped tkasa altogalktr,
aad gl marrlad at hone.
CnMHKKioaaa'i Orricn
Letters from t he People.
Rata. Tb mBgroflblJoarnal, with
out andorelne ibe eiitlmelol Contributor.
desire lo i.ffer th widest peatble latitude
for free discussion. Il it merely stlpalated
that eomBsuiiieallon shall eoaoera mallere
ot pubilo ioteieat, be pal In decent laagaage
aod acoompaaled with the name of tbe
wrltere, not for publication, bat aa a gaai
to tee af good laitb.
Letter Iron Plthole.
Pitholb, Dee. 17.
En. Rbcobd Il ha been quit t while
In, ami heard Irem tbia on fmu
plae. Ia fad, quletn' be prtvsiled
lo uh an exlenl Ibat l4 thought It hardly
worth while lo bother you with an Item,
however, wlih lo tee our town not I aly
forgotten promoted me to luraleb yoa a lew
Item to our tip aad down.
Tk ahulliag dowa procee ba bad a
damaging effect. Well wblob were pump
in fism in to Iwent barrel etch are
m -
now only yielding Dva to ten and many
small wallt bava ceased tl'ogelber. Ikoow
of n territory thai btt lufleied more Ibta
tbia, especially a tha opeiatare ware all
ooor and oolv entering upon buiioest. at
nearly al tha wella were newly pat down,
however, they pride Iheauelvee In their
olutk The welli now runnlog are Has
kell No. 2, Morey farm, doing about tea
baereU; Perkiaa aad Baebe. oa tb Holas
dea farm, doing about elgbl aod lea each.
There are Mat lour or liv other which
can hardly rats fuel lunda. Tbu tbe Iblr
ly dy agreement ha lost lo a some Ifiy
to sixty barrel per day.
Tha Borbogb lo proportion lo tka above
has lost lis vim. Our colored jailor, Mr.
Carter, reports business dull at iba lock up
aud I In no way backward about condemn
ing lb Sontu Improvement Company "an'
all odder dm ting dal com ap In oil mat
ter aim beeo a decent fight in lowu tiara
Ibe lliirty day agreement, la fact any man
can go fro tba town wltk a ball dog without
being bart. .
Tbe Dan forth House, under lha manage
ment or Col Alford, Hill bow a comforta
ble front.
The only Indication of old timet Ibat bat
recently occurred wa tk dg fight which
cam off day be lor yriUrdey. The fight
wa in tb neighborhood of Plumer and I
am aorry to aay (on Ibe doge aicoao ) that
our dag had lo throw tip th epoag io favrr
nf your Petroleum Centre aaimal, but never
mind aur dogt are not all dead. W II
itch them 125 baek Tha result af tha
above contest wa tb dtatb of both di gs
and ao man light, the whiskey having ran
out before tbe purp got to work.
There ha bean no oil told her for
ly two month", tad I understand, ante
the produoera agency aea oame to ome
latag defialle, Iba Pipe Co., and otheit
ill purchase on their own hook.
Tb tlelghlsg from berej In Tltusvllle
nver wa so god, yet lb yeaog blood
fail ta put in an appearance.
Your agalo,
Go and aoa tnoa keamlf al Pkoto
graph la tba atoehceter Ba.
Oil News la Riobiand towuthlp, two
new well war itntch aa Saturday oa lha
Wm. Shoopfarm. la aaeaf which Mr. Wa.
Heeler ii ptrl awner. They are both belag
tubed aod give promts el targe wcl'.s
Tb Jvbaaoa wll 00 tb vast ld af the
David Sboup farm, wa slruck on Saturday
week, wa labd and I now doing it bar
rels. Tb owr ar Graham & Sboup,
Paler Kllogler. Sam'l B alapft, Adam
Drlph aad D. Bostspb Eq.
A well wa (track oa th Dan'l R, Knight
farm on Friday. Whea Iba (and was struck
tbe ail (pealed out loaatroog volume.
Tubing l( now la process. About a doten
other walta ar galag down on Ikit frm
bal thl wtt lb Irtl sltuek. Clarion
Bcrmixo or am Oil Car Oa Wed.
dty evtoing, between 6 and T o'oleck, aa
Iron tank aar full af petroleum taught Ire at
Foeler Bialtea, 00 tha Allegheny Valley
Road, aad wa totally destroyed. A ipark
Irem lb locomotive la supposed to bav
oaueed tb Ire. Tb eat wa one of a traia
bal wa detaohed before any of tb ether
war Ignited. Tbe passenger train du at
Oil City at 9 o'clock la ihraveaiof, wa de
layed com two hour lo coaseque of lb
JJADastabdlt Act. Ob Sunday algbt
laat aoa mean ouaa or coate turod lb
lop eok of lb Ftguada Faira Oil Tank
at Fagundtt and allowed tbe all flew 1
wast. Atyattb guilty party has net
beta found. A reward of $500 I offered
lor lb triad tnd aonoetloa of lb guilty
parlr. We ilneerely hope lb villain will
b taught aad severely dealt with.. Tld-
leuie Jouraal.
Wflllaaa Heary Rasasi, aaserabaat af
New Tork, died la a Ureal aat Saturday,
agtd Tl yaart.
Local Mottreia.
SEE llhllF.
H. H WARNER, bat just received froaa
bom twenty ek mar of thai cider tka?
wa never beat for quality. Alao, aDa!
egg, bailer, Ac Tb beat bniiar ev
brouget lato Ibi tow, wbiek b rJL
ash, but will aot treat any morgcdtn..
tb flrtl ol January. 1871. "iw
All these Indebted la him are reoiiena
ta call aBd.settle witkoul .delay aad ta
H. H. WUla.
NOTICEtlr. James S. MCry baric
removed t Franklin, parllea bavlag eon,"
maolctlloa with him oa business or other
W ts, are requested bersafter lo address ibtlr
letter lo that polal. 3
Pletare lover will bear la mlid thai n
Monday evening aeat, a teclal parly t te
l glv.a at SobePt Opea Bout, by Mr
8ler of thl place. Hll)tter'a Sac tf
Pioaeer, ar to furalab Btur for tk
loa. Tk liekel are placed at tb H.
low nrle ol til. Kettkla fcu 1. . 7
nut far a alee time, aod the wa an!.
r "j"7 .ivee.
Bolter aod cbesae ar almoat Indltcanal
bl article of food. Properly nd. tk.
ar nutrition ) healthy; bal .n ia0raf
nala us of either indlgeitloo tad
dyspepslv Owa Oaflliey'i SuodtyCea
fort. Jadlclotsaly ated will rmv hoik a
tbr troubU
nf it Al-... Ill . -. -
- - a uua evverai ta
IImI mam k.anil- a 1 .
iri, iniPMIOM
In tbl plae, at the Poet Office Neat Roeaa
Tka a n.Ui a.... U VJ
J " m' w . - nB p.., l....n.
Tneaalaw EYenlag, Dj. t4tM.
The Celebrated Kegia BjyPholst,
The Great Mnstcal Prodlcv of the an. mr,d
STaWIUSnpA aa la M.M.AMII. lV.
. - - " .w vww II.
see aad bear ihi agmat
aaftita IKw nnhlla la I. a rin. .n. n ... ... .
Incomprehensible Wordcrof th
Nbtteent b Century.
Desra ms at 1 o'clock. Cbnrart la eon.
aence at 8
nvHeserve Beat Ticket he aala a PaatnflaA
Kewa Retm.
Marshall & Richards
Wnold raeDectro'lv lanMio the dt'aens .
Peimleam ( ea'i and Wully ikat tut have par
ebaied taeUAKMSS SHOP or A. Latgatt,
J a era new ready to laraisa
Sleigh Bells Blankets,
And everything ata tjktptk
HtPAlHWO of til Usds ncatlx ad rxpeditio
lydone. Olveasaoili.
m a no mm a a w a. (BtiVV a, UTa.
nnmiMi ni. "-
rtrolm Co.r?, Dec 4S Mil tf.
To iaaraaa
Tour butinMB,
Advartla la tha
BiP 5i! -J
j j 1 &k j
riBjj1 Hl