SEUGERT& STARR Merchant Tailors! xa tmmjKm im Genti Faral&litns Goods, ML MOM FRAlfKLM 8TS., (JL01E8& CA88IMERE8 noutuL COATINGS, STRIPED SUITINGS, NESTINGS. latbeOtlHegte. rlXTT DIFFERENT 8TTLE3 OF HATS Sc CAPS, Hi Ik latest sad Nobbiest Steles. a rt ll mm or ffente' luruishing Goods, Ac trolwum Centre Daily Record ret. 0awtra !. Tnir, B- If at viae Mnltt. MRTH0DI8T I PISCO P All CHURCH BervloaieverT8abbetkatll A. M. ana .u P. M. Sabbath School at 1IK P. M e.afre. A cordial lavltetioa extend ed to aU. Kav. O. Moota, Pastor. nnBTTERIAN CHURCH. Proeahiac kt 11 o'eloek A. M.. aad T a'slo.k P. M.. by tke Putor, W. C. OokCi abb. Babbalb School kl 1 directly after lareaooa Mr Tic, Prayer Meeltag end Sabbath School Teacher's Meellag Mk iNk. Taesdsy evenings ol Tuit fnn ITinRT. A snnounsed ?M-I terd.y, lb a.teh.d dog fight (or $25 . side C.m. on. Ooe we. of k brlodle color, .ad oweed by Cb.rley Johaaea, ol PitboU. Tb ath.r eee, end tb bossiest of Ik two, w. of a whit col.r, aad ewa.d by a ma turn d Morray, residing oa tb Egbert F.ra. Th p.rtiM, eooilsilng of tb eembieed sporting fraleraliy of lb rnlon, at Brat rokMdad to lb Eghert Fara, aad request d aermissiea t k.T tka fight euai off there. This ws refused by Mr. Palm 8u perlotanderl ef Ibal fara. Tb lbo look tb Wrrn A V.a.a.o rallro.d traek, sea proceeded a. lar a Bssaoboff Un: Pare iMloa wss doll Ikem to b.T. lb fight on off la teo. King's slsogbler house Tb compee then proceeded to tb peel bouse, oo B.aoehoff Hill, where lb figbl earn off. Tb Johr.t .a dog w.a baodld by Ziegea tnyr, el Oil City, a neted "Ooggtet. Murrey kaudted bit awk dog. Tkro roakdi were fought, resulting Id Ihk Petroleum Centre do eomiac otil "the upper dog to th fliht." Tba nd.d tbi muck laia.u i p.rtiag evsnt W might add bara tbal dog ngniing i. a rlle of bsrberous g.f, aad we bopa to proper efilesrs will m lo It tbal oar Iowa la aol witb y kimllar exniotueue. A fearful raaaw.y o.curtd oa Bteveneon Bill, yestsrdsy afternooa, wblcb cam aar hln a f.ul rid. la III. J. M. How, a eery lady residing la tb neigh borbood or Cbcrrylr. Mr. H. w. e.m log to towo la a slslgb, aad when ju.l laming off Iko Wood Farm oo top ol lb bill, th bona stsrted wlinaul apparot aoaa aod rao dowa Stevenson Hill al Ml turlout p.i..' Wkoo ne.r tba aid Fox wall, tba sleigh .track brc.kar" lo tb ra.d aod wat thrown over tight ft. lata tb air, tealng Mr.. How al tw.oty (rat to on ild of lb road. Tba unfortunate wam.a muck th froxea grooad with bar b..d, receiving laarlul braises about th. b..d, aod raod.riag b.r Insensible. 8b w.i alckd ua aod iakn Into Ike bout of Ur. Wot. Bpaar, wb.r, attar aa appllealioo ol Ik proper rstorstlvs by a physician, be w.i restored la cooMiouiaau, aod sub aeausntly r.mof.d to b.r home. Tbe li cit p. from d.atb w. a Barrow aae, PaTlratewai Contra,, Lodga. No. Tift, I. O. of O. F. Eegslsr aeeliag algkti Friday, at T 'ilock. Slgaed, B ALLEN, N. O B. H. Kooiaa, A Soi'y. tRT"PUee of mealing, 11. 1 a 81., eppoilt MaOlialock Hobm. A. O. Of V. W. Liberty Ledge Mo. 7, A. O. of U. W., kierta ef.ry lioad.y avenlag at Hi o'olook, la Odd FeUev't Ball, Pelrol.uai C.nlra, Faaa'a. A. M. KLieuaa, M. W. A lull, R. t. o. of r. n. laaakaaoae Tribe No. 183, I. ft.' R. M. af FelraUaai Catr, nt ry Tbureday ainf la Good T.aipl.r'. H.H. af Ooaoail Bna Hchtrd .IT e'oloek. H HOWR, Sieheai. R RITNOLDg, Chief of Record. tail at 1 p. u. inj. Tkire eppear la be aa new dTlpaiati a Ik oil qonlion, that the betieai la gtadaally galag out of the market, aod thi belief if fail gatalog gronad tbal a 0- aaelal araeb baa got la aoaw, the mull of kloh will da tba iw.mplog of Iboa gree dy poreler Id tba dowa river touairy wh la tba rerj fata of tola, bare eonttouid tba work of developing, aotwl ibil.adlog tbair vrllleo plaega not lo do ao, thereby large ly Inareaalag tba prodaotloo aad fcaileolog tbedUMtnwblob otb.rwlae ailgkt oeclly bava kMk averted, bat for tkelr graedlaeea. Tba aaalltloa betweea tba producer aad tetaen nay aa a wlee atove oa the part of (be Coaoelt, but we are iacliaed la doubt Ita aipedleoey. Wa bava all aloag d.pre eaud aay "ibaklag of bead aaraat Ike kloaly baMk" with oar old enoaloa tba Beatk Comp.ay, RrOner'e Oeaiblaallao, aad tba whole of eoaiplra tin agalul tba regloa. A few day will probably tail the story. Tb Mlg wlodi of winter bare now aiaeeg their work. They bava penetrated avary anvlaa aod catered every aoproleeted dwiUlig. Tba r.yi of tba aua bava I oat tbelr power lo warm tba abttliag form al tbeae wko are aol elotbed with comfortable telthaat. Tba lima kaa come wkea Ike auffbrlag poor will, mora than al any other time wal lb laeeavealeaoei af poverty. Thla Urn of y.r, mora tbao kny ether, the aympeihlei of Ibaae who ar aurroaad.d by plcoiy af thla world's goods, sbenld U awaaeaaa iw iiny 10 aenalt ol tba peer ana peaassltoua. w bava many of these la M love, who ibould resalve sid sad yui- Wky, st .lone Id giving of mosey aad tMd,ui lo aambertes malbods of show. ii kiodaatj to tkea la laalt diMicai scd Pouca . Rd. Moore, w.i.rreii.d byoffl' sir McHugb, Ikil lorooa, on eomplelkl of Abbey Ana Grah.m, a colored sister, for aa eair.vated anaull aod battery. C.. Iri.d by Juitlie Beyooldi; aeoience aol paaied Ed. Moore, Mra Mick aad Mary Fiikier aid, arreited fcr l.rc.By on complalal of W H. Psrki. Cs aoltrltd. Ed Moore, Mary Fitzgerald bb1 Mri, Mack, arrested oo tba abov eomplalnl wer. k.ld to bail to f p.r at Fraokllo. Falling to produce the collsteral, they wore taken down tbli eflerooon by bfflser Mc Hush. Rise Pert tbe note aid drank. Diipalehas.lo lb Tltaivm courier a( Ibis aornior. soolala the following la re gard ta tba Producers' aad ReBaers' Comb! asiloa: Tke meeting of the Prodaeere and Refla era wss lo ss!oa to-day, wilk doers abeo lately aloeed against all outside partial Harmony Dievalled Ikrougkout a sis bours' alea. The members of essb committee bavs ea deavored lo adhere as closely as poalbl lo lbs Tilmvllle agreement, aa tba aala.l b. sis of permaaeol between the produslog aad refla log iateteste, bill several minor eoaoeasioDS have been demaad.a oy each aemmltl, lb resall of which will probably a Ik appolnlmeat ol a speaial committee of three or ilx ta draft aoadlttaas roeoaslllag diflereaaes. Ne conclusion wbaMvsr has ba reached to-day. TbeCemalltee will aeel agal to-morrow to deela tba eoadltloas to be dratted to-elght Tba member are vary aeurieoas, but ezlraaely reticent Immediate Actlvn Tbsl the preMBl stale of things oaa con tinue la the market fur a loag lime, Is new ImpoMtbla. Tbe prodaeere have been well ing sod holding oo lo Ihelr oil llll Iniolv eacy Ihresteos many of tb.a. They bsve large Hock still oo hand and are .bow umplng away al their c.p.elty. Tkey aust either cell Immediately ar be come beakrapt Of lb two courses lb keel ems la be I call at one all lb oil Ibey bald al I be beet terms loey can ponl bly make. With the preseat production sad consumpl!oa, prices must remain rula- ously law, oveo If Ibera were ao combina tion ol rcgeere to depredate iba market. It Is aataral lo lay all to them wbea they l responsible far only a pari. As the alter aow staods, II would be lha belter ceureefor every producer to cell at whatever price he aaa gel, and briag money Into the regloa. To let lima pass along, living oa irust, even If It sea be deaa for a few weeks loager, means bankruptcy, aod Ibal as losg distance off. Bomsthiag most be dene al eace to it.y the crisis aow threatealag. Tbe proposed oomblnelloa has do.e eenr- aoeiaiicbief already. It has unwilled lb market aad every one Is waiting lo see bal caa be dene next ' There is no eel dense ibal evea the Orel barrel will be tak es at Iba stipulated prlee. The bargain Is aol slosed yet, end ibey may eontlnee aegetlstloBS llll tb great qnafllty of oil Ibay are aow moving will empower tbetn lo again bold oal ol tbe market lo Ibe rain ol prodaoersl Bo ws say let tba producer! ell bw at whalprlc It oil will Wing, aad ..? tbemielrei for a few d.ys longer. ' Lt all tb capital and ability of Ik auoclatloo be mployad I iacrais Ik coacumptioB, in stead at ralniag lb market, a II has doae for Its wbol eilitenee, so for. Let the lews of trade operate nohiadered, aad If a small producer canaol make a livlug, he auil qiaA just ss la say other business This win lake time, kul II seems lb only wsv out of trouble to a 'solid mercsatile foaadalloB,' and Ibe soooer II Is seen by psrtles.lalereiied tbe sooosr will tba prow parity of the oil eoaotry return. 011 City Telegraph. The "oldeit Ink. blunt," that old "rip' whose menfbry do aol run b..k beyond en seeeoa deol.res tbal never baa winter "The sweeten iblng In III" is a sleigh rid with yur girl, la oaa of these new suiters aad behlsd one of tboee fast horses, constantly hept on head by Tom. MeDoos aid. Wilson, who wperistaodi McDenald'i stables, knows bow lo do It la city style. nice groomed bone, elean sleigh, and blsn. kots thst doa'l small as If you were swat lowing a cbuok of boras flesh, sad elegant buffalo robes. Bullous is brlik. Try i Ida. Th public school! lo this plioe will not be In seasloa Ibis week, la order to afford ibe teachers sn opportunity lo attend the T.sango eoaoly teachers' loslltale, which begaa yesterday, al Fraahlia. Psrksi's Landing and Lawrencebarg agitating the subject of a anion nod.r ana aaaelpal org.olsatloa. A motion to qua.b the big Indictment agaiosl Tweed, was dialed by udge Ingra-ham. lhallo or out or up or dowa so nsoy people's celcnlallune ss has Ibis wioler Meskanies have be.a cauckl with roofless buildings, farmers bfe been eaugbt with petaloes in ihegroaad sod lueir corn uocat, veaels without nuaiber hare been eauehl by lb Ice, and fruit, and windi away from Ibe haven where Ibey would be aad lo every department baa tbe cold snap e.ugbl the sagacious as well ks the Impro vident. Men never learn .nylblog ly rz nerlenee. Toet are eleruelly taking tke chances, snd sver getting eaugbt improper ed. Tbs story oomes from Ibe far West. Ws bars s Portland (Oregon) Bulle tin, before as end II Is the same in Ibe Northwest. Tbs prorpect aow laibatstock raiien la Zailern Oregon will be lerriMe sufferers before spring opens, Isr the flrel snow fell on the lTth, a thing heretofore nn kaown lo the "oldest Inhabitant," though we will wsger a reasonable sum that the asms Ihiog bu occurred within ten years. It would not do for the "oldest Inhsbl tent" te remember a ease parallel with present one la bend whether II be a mat ter of aold, or beat, of wet, or ol dreolb. To make himself a nsslul nniisnce the "old eat Inhabitant" must deslsra the present sa unprecedented condition of things. And so ws go on, yesr In snd yesr out, no wiser, oo belter prepared for thai which experi ence should teach us Is inevitable, and when we are eaughl. we appeal lo Ibe "oldest In bsbltsol," aod Ibal old fool ooaselea us with lha Ha that aa bumaa foresight could bars averted lha vll as h baa nsver before kaown such a season. Letters from t he People. New. Tbe menagerortbli Journal, wllb oat endorsing ibe leutlmeatiol contributors, deilrei to ufjer the wlde.1 possible latitude for free discussion. Il Is merely stipulated thai eommuulcatlona shall concern matters oi public iutereit, be put lo decent Isogusce aod accompanied wlib lb names of tbe writers, nut for publication, hut as a guar antes f good latin. littler from Jjan Cllf. Kakb Cut, Dec IT, 1871. Ea. Rboord Tbloklog a tew Hues troa (a cl tires of this plasa would aol prove un acceptable to your readers, I lake Ibe liber, ly f lurolsbing y with a tew llsas for your valuable paper. The Untied Brethren are holding a very suseeaful meeting la thla place. Kev bawklsi. ef Colombia, delivered an eloquent sermea oa Bandsy avsnlng lo a vsry at- teatlve aad appreslstivs aadlsooe. Great good Is being dene la onr midst Quite a number bava experienced religion, aod more are seeking for "thai peaoa wblcb pas- sslk uadsrstaadiag." . Too maoh praise oanaot be bestowed upoa I r. James Bpense and ethers for Ibe Interest ihsy lake-la. lb. elernat welfare of cur Onr schoolc are progressing finely aader Iba cere efMissss Campbell and Palmer, leaeberewbom the aitiaensof Ibis place may well be proad of. Tbeybave organised a spelling school. which, meets with the good citissas,od Is being largely attended by'balh perenls and children. Tbe Chief BurgeM, however, Woks It is goltea up la opposl- tloa lo lb revlvsl meeting, and deaounc ll as being a plaoe where bar reea lo.fers, Ac, do most soogregale. Tbls Is all wrong as tbe school Is a decided beBefll la all who alleod aad has ootblsg lode with Ibe re ligious galbsriags. A sleighing parly conslstlag of Iwe gen llemeo and sixteen ladles weal from here lo Oil City aod back last Saturday evening, aad are reported la have had a Wright good time, although the gentlemen are ssld to hsve been under the csre of a physician sver since suffsrlng from mental aberration They have Ibe sympslhy of all la their sad miotic. r Mr. O. E. Crocker bss Bolik.d a wsll on tbo Brown farm wbiob is being tubed to-day It bids fair lo be a good five barrel well. Mr. S. 8. Hancock baa eleaned out bla wells and is pumping" Ibiee with boree .power, which Is quite sa Improvement financially, aullng lees than eae-fuuribof th usual expesse attending ibal ef well! rua by steau. Fios. Local Notlnea. Butler and are almost indln .r.i bis article of rood. Properly used, thee are nutritious aad head by; hut aa Inordl. nate nsa of either cniwa indlseetton dyspepsia. Owen Saffiiey'e SundsyCom. fort jeaieiouiM ased will remove tik thera trouble CIGARS Lowers of teod clears will find seveeal ex ilrely aw brands, neeer before latrodneed In lb is plsae, al lb Pusl OBce News Rocd Thy are warranted pur Havanaa HARNESS SHOP. Marshall & Richards Woold nipectfally announce to tbs clt'ieni ef Petroteam I eare and vtrtnllv ia.t t..w chased Ike IUHHBSS SHOP of A., ON MAIN 8TKEET. OPPOSITX TBI RECORD OFFICE, JspL nowreaey lo teralik CXSaiaies, WM, Bote, HARNESS, Sleigh Bells Blankets,. Aod everything nsa r; kept la arF3B8T-CIiA8 SHOP: 1 RBPAIKINO of all kiiida neatly snd espedltioai. ly done, dive a. a eili. anniiAi.!. rrituAltus.. Centre, Dec. t, 1879 tf. Th saw all of Chapla A Co., at Walls horg, Xrla aoaaly, was destroyed by fir Isst wssk. Loss, $6,000, partially tasursd. Rrawa A, f Warrao, ara build lag, at I heir aschlaa shop, aa ,1m mens gang aad elrcnlar saw Bill for a laabcr company In Flerlda. Judge Rosrdmsn, ef Ithaos, will preside at tba trial af Slakes. The Chicago A Reck Islsad Railroad Company yesterday Dollied Ike Stock Rx ehange al their Intention to iaua 60,000 shares of aow stock. Rev. Hubbsli Locals, oos ot the plsn sers ol Illinois, died at his home lo Alton, Buoday night, aged ninety ssvsn years aad sis months. General Dii declines Iba military escort ao tka oecsslok of hit Inauguration. Can. Hancock visited lbs headquarters of the Department ot tbe fast yesterday. He will sssums command In a lew days. The olBces ef the greet sawdust swind ler's, la New York, bat been robbed ol the books and papers Tbe Blisker well, un the olioker farm, Is one ol Ibess cetiuus things celled a pkeaom enen. Beeeral meolbs since the eontreetora tbe Meisn. Gilieipie Bros., commenced drllllog sod bad drilled some 15 or 10 feel, when ibey struck a crevlse le the llmestons' This nseeisilsted I be blasting of a conduce tor kale soms 40 feel in depth through the herd limestone and bed cley. Tils oecu pled lour weeks or more. After gelling under way again they made excellent pro gress until lbs following day. when Ibe rope concluded lo part and left the tools la Iks hsls. In Ibis wsy II hss continued, not e week p.Mlng but that ihsy bad break dawai lo some way. Even Ibe engine gsve out sad Ihsy were compelled to get a new one. Bel after all thla tribulation the worst is yet lo come. After eoeouaterlog and orei. coming every sorl of ill luck thst driller ere heir lo, sad having reached a depth at which they should bavs found the third sasd. they bsbsld II not Wslls In the neighborhood, kul a few feel below the level of tbe Slicker well, ar pnmplng at a depth of 1, ISA and 1,140 leet, having pens- trstsd tbe ssnd lo a depth of 10 feet, hut the Slicker well Is new down 1,1(0 feel, aod there li aol tb moil remote Indicstiosi that Ihsy will ever find sand rock, even though tbsy should go dowa antll tbe tools shoald moll with sxo-silvs hsat Now thsrs Is aol what m.a would calk "virtu rewarded" bal rather tba opposite. It I one ol Ibe 'most siagnlar elreumsaaoea sou asoled with drilling of which wa bsve hssrd. (Petersburg Progress Commodots Tsndsrblll dsalss that be hsaabaadoned tba osdergrouad railway ptojset. If you Want a Salesman, Want a Servant Girl, Waot to Hell a Horse, Waal to Bell a Pateot, Want taLend Money, Want to Buy a House, . Went to 8eH a Carriage, Want to Borrow Money, Want to Ball an Oil Well, Wsol to Buy an Engine or Bollem Want to Sell a House aod Lot Want to flod a Strayed Animal, Waot to Pu'cbaee an Oil Interest, Waal to Sell a Piece of Furniture, Went lo Buy a Second-band Carriage, Want to Sell Tubing, Cuing, Gas Pin. Want-toFlnd an owuer for aaylbing Foand,advertrss fa th Ricobd. is ao Isrs than lea Iheassad people read 11 weekly. mnm bum AS HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Sent, Post-paid on resslpt of the marked prlee. W ean recommend the following Total' Collections of choice Piano Songs: ".Shin ing Lighii." (Sacred Sings): "Goide Lesvee," Ye'e. I, sad II; '-Hearth and Home," Fireside Echoes." "Sweet Sound'."' Priceless Gemi " Price, $1.76 eats la bosrds; $2 in cloth; $2,S lu cloth end gill. Alio the following Instruments! Cnllse- tlom: "Kslry Fingers," "Megis Circle," Young Piaoiat," snd "Pearl Drops" fnnr eaif eolit cuona Miitcal Kecrealions, "fleeeunt Memories," "UPlden Chlmee," and "Brilliant Gems," for n.ore edeenced Dlavers Price if eaca book. fl.TJ la buardi;tin elotfc; $3.50 In cloth ssd . . . Mi am' Wellies for iviera Miiiloey in 2 vole , f 4 eack in tMiarde; f " In eloih. Nnvellu'a Cbaip Kdlllnu l 1'iano-Fnrie CiaMici, coniiiilog ol Mendel.enhu'a com plete works in 4 vols r, price f I SOeicl;: Folio Editioo, $f eech : Keellmfen's Sona tas. f4i Mizurkae, Utlledn, and I'lelnden, price f t eseb; l-'chiikert'e Ten onal.e, g.'i; Sbubert's Piano l'ic I, $4; Mozari'i Soiia- lai, f 3: Wsber a Complete I' 1'iis'. $4; Schumsn's 43 pleeee, $ etc. eie. In ordering lliei. be sure lo sik for Nuvelles Edition. They r ell handsome edil.oDi. Novsllo's chosp Vocal Cnlleslioos: M Iher Goose, $2 end $3: Rsndegger's Sisred Songs, $160; Mendeleaohn's 76 8on, besutirolly bound, f 7 00; Bshaman's Vocal Album, $3; Moore'e Irlch Melodies, Folio Edition, by Balfe, $8; German Volksksder Album. 92. eie.. etc. Steinsr's Christmat Csrols, new sed sia. Illustrated. Price f 4. Tbe ssme without llluetrstions, in vols., $1 each; complete, 1 1 80. Peters' Millies) Monthly, prlee IU een each, every number cenieinlng st lesil ft worth or muaie. nonna vommee tor iodv, 1870. 18T1. end 1873. price (5 each. Ad- dreis, J. L. PETERS, 099 Brosdwsy, Niw Xork. i S Br. 0 g U Qli S s-js o s h I fif H ! Hi Hfi a K m h m a o s r M eeg I I 1 J m i i i It You Waot To incrssse Tour busloess, Advertlee la iba rintnwCiitM Raeeww