BHTJGEPuT & STARR Merchant Tailors! ectj Furnishing tioods, CVK. WRW FRANKLIN 8TS. rriTsT.i.L.i:, pa.i CL01W3& CASSIMERES ENGLISH, VRENCR AND! AMaTRICAN COATINGS, UUD AND fSTRIPED SUITINGS, FANCY VESTINGS. ear oae the Oil Bagtoa. iTwBMTT DIFFERENT STYLES OF STJIlTS 5s CAPS, All Ut Latest aad Nobbiest 6111 A FILL MM UP dente'Tturniflliing Goods, fcc Petroleum Centre Daily Record . Oemlra Pa., Iharatay, Dc 12. n r , Xtlviw rle. MBTM0DI8T EPISCOPAL CHURCH Uervloaa aor; Sahbatb at 11 A. M. ana M P. M. labbalh School at lltf P. M. at freet. A eordlal iavltatloa aclond MMlU. Kit. 0. Moots, Pallor. PBMBTTERLtN CHTJICH. Pioaahiag at II o'eloek A. M.. ud T 'lk r li., by Ik Pastor, W. C. Bonca a. Sabbath Sehool ! diresily vf lr loieaooa tart le. Prayer Meeting and Rabbalk Sekeal Teacher's Mealing Taaede; aligs el acb vk. HtrofeHaCaatre, Lodge, Jfa. Ttft, I. O. of U. F. VUgnla'r aiaalla algal Friday, at' T 'laak. Signed. ' B. ALLEN, N. O t. H. Kaon i, a 8';. fc lT"Pleof laaaliof, Mala 81., posit Cliatnck Hons. . rr Am O. Of 17. W. Liberty Ledg No. T, A. O. ofTJ. .VT.3! Mo,dy "!! o'olock, la Odd Fallow Ball, Petroleum Centra 'A. M. Klicms. M. W. A. luil, R, I. O. of K. M. laotkaaae Trio No. 113, I. O. R, M f Firlen Caolra, meets every Tbursdv vnng D Good Taaiplar'a Ball. TefT Council fire ll( bud at T o'oloek. -.,. HOWB. Siebaai. t. IKTWOLDg, Cbtafof Records. Id at 1 p. . mag So "Bill Ca.y tb doubly wronged, mueb Injurad sorely preplexed Individual who Is reported la hv killed Parker at Pelrolla, It gain to bav a glorleut Cbrlitmee pol-pla composed obietl; of ad 1 1 or and rsporUr. wbo published lb a account. Wa ba?a al- Wava uadaralaful thai k Miu . J - - e - ' i ww uin DIUB ca wan wuened balora ki II log. No aa adl tort ara nolorlooaty laao and loog, wewonld suggest lo a frleodly way Ibal Ibo faltealng process begin, alao tkal iba lobaeeo flavor ba removedfor nllbotfgb wo do not naa tba wand oarattvaa, wa bava decided ohjeollooa to boiling In tobacco julet. Of eourto we meeo Ibli kindly but wa are far lean and poor Peleraburg Progress. What a nloe pol-pla Blebop, of iBe Dar. rick, would make, sod ikaa fur daoaarl lake ld Sam Toung, of Ibo F.lrvlew Raportrr, for laiUnoe. Tben'Taitaoiog preeeae" wil h.ra lo cimmenoe at onoe in order Ibal they may gat io good condition by Cbrlatmei. It Wm. atopa o eat thaa bo will ao glutted al fall by Ibo waytlda before ka gala aa lar aa Koueerllle, Petroleum Cotre and Tllua Tllie. Ota af Mr Groeley'a partner lo tha Trl bone, bla bosom friend, Samuel Sinclair, wib lo others, will couiasl tbo will of the deweeed jouroalilt, made November 9lb, 1873, by wMoh he leaves bis property to bis daughters. Ida end Gabrielle. ' The motive for lb aootett Id not yet known, unless it I In the (act that o made a different disposi tion of bis property in a will made January lib, 1671, by which iba oootestaaie hope to beneilt tuemeeiv indlreotly. If Sioelalr aad hut pari bav as; rogard for public opinio uy will not pise a straw lo th w; of tb orphan alebsrt. aaVja. Tb ennoert irl avan'lnir, at 8otl Op r Honta, by tba Vrt lfnlel Society of Patrolanrc Can Ire. a grand antevM In very parllealar . Tba following ptenao are deearvlnf of apeelal nanllao, m being far bead cf iba ardinary niiiiiaal tlrot nhih Itad at aroatenr toneerla: Part let Mmio by tba ColnmMa Cornel Bn1. Anlhana (Graat if tba Lord .' Solo and Cborua O, Falbar A'tnlgbty. Soloa by Nra. Carman and Mr. Weddall. Doloa and oborne Pai vary fond of a So- lal Sof. Soloe by Mleaea HelgUon, Ulm ataad and Rnekley. Duelt Nlgkt la V nice. Mr a. Carman nod Mr. Btiratou. Tuia pieoe raealrad ao ooo ra. Bolo Too lata, too lata, ya eaoool oaler Mli Mra. Tor eoce. Tbla piaoa waa loud ly oneorad. Baaa Solo W ibln theee Seared Dwell Inga; Mr. Cbaa. 8a loo. Pan 2d American Hymn, leairumenta', by Colombia Cornel Bead. Opera Cborua Hall io Thaa Liberty, Duett Barcarolle. Mra. Carman and Mlaa Hend'eraoo. Eneore. Pilgrim Ckorua, from Lombard!. 8ole Betwixt yon aod I nod Ik Gat Poat; Miaf Olraatead. Eneere. Selo-A Bandred Faluoma Deep; J. WaddelL Encore. Cborua Tbe Monntaln Land; Olaa. Aatkeo O, Praia tbe Lord; Clam. Mualo by tba Col a table Cornel Baod. Tbe Columbia Coroet Band volualoared Ibelr aarvicea for tbia oacatloo, aad tbe go al ty dealra ua lo return Ibair Ibaaka to Iba Bead for Ikair aervicra. II tba Mozart Mnaical Soolety contlnoea lo Improve lo lb art ol muaio In tk future aa it baa in Iba peat, under ite efficient lul lloo of Prof. Boynlon, it will aooa rank aa good aa Woaiern Peooaylvaola affbrdi. Everybody know By. Taylor, oaa of tbe beat nod moal gentlemanly cooductoia, and ooo of Iba wbiiaat mao an tba Oil Ciaek & Allegheny River Railroad. On lb down train, laat evening, Tayiar bad '-ruction" wllb refractory paaaaagar. Tko iodlvld nal lo queaiioo got aboard lb train at Co ry, and upon Taylor aakiog blm for bit fare in Ibo aiual eoorlaona manner, not only ut terly refmad lo pay, but attack d By" In lavage meaner. Now, everybody koowa tkat Taylor don't aoare wortb a oaa I," aod tba reialt waa ibal ba amaabed lua laalarn over Iba bead of lheflbtiag man, aod wbeo tbe train arrived at CentrerilH, wilb Ibe aid of two atalwarl brakamao. out tbe drunken bummer off. Tbia would loi mt laly kirn, bowever, for no eoooev bad lb train alarlad tbanba jumped nboard agaia and an only kept off witb lb ntmoit diffl eultj, ar twlng med Ibal no bodily tnju ry waa doa. AO panoo mat ka ool aena oougb to know wbn they are well treated, aa Ike? alwaya ara at Ibo baadi of Iba conduotura o' Iba Oil Creek Road, baa no bnaloeaa lo ride and ougbt to be abovad off wllbonl oerome Th Fifth Avenue Hotel, at New Tork, was partially destroyed by fire, oigbt before laat. Eleven of tbe waller glrli periabed In Ike flamaa. Jvit OriKO. W btd loadvereoll; ontitlad lo mention Ibal Mr. Owen Gaffoey epeoed bla new wholesale liquor atore io tba old rtaod of J. H. Chriatle, oo Weiblogteo street, o Salarday evening last. Tba new tor is oo ol tb aaaleat, coxiest laetllow liana In tb cntir oil regions. In tb front 'oom will bo stored tbe main stock, consist- ng of all tba varieties of choice wine and liquor , both forarga aod domestic Mr. G. I all sol agent for tb Grt Western brands of Plaaaaat Valley Cham pagne wlae, pronouoeed by good judgea to be superior lo lb bed Imported wine. In ibia stack tbere la also tbe flovst ol Hennesny brandy, Dverbolt'a Frovport ry and th purest of Bourbon whiskies, brandies, rums gins, ales, Ao., In ever; variety. 11 baa alao on baad the largest alock ui bar glasies Ol every aesoripuoa, aod bar Bxlure iu tbe entire region. About tb centra ol ibe room a partition baa been run across, tb back pait being intaauea aa a sample room. Tbia room ia fitted up lo legaot etyle aa a read' ing room, aud will be prealdrdover by tba1 well known --m:xologlst," Billy Pugk, wb is one of Ik good leilow ol this rcgisa On Saturday waning lb many friendiof Mr. Gaflney called to e aim and were handsomely entertained al bis baodr Wa cannot relral j from saying in this con nection, ibal aur friend Geffney, is one o1 Ibe squaraat dealers that w knew at, aid all thus kaviog dealing wilb blm will Bod it to ibair satisfaction tipaa trial. He uo oaly keeps tba beat th market afford, bit rails It ohssp. Tb paiog was a fair In dex of what wo trust be may do In Iba to tur regardi businet. Ia tb meaalime, Mr. Gsffne; wonld be pleased to ee all bit old IrUuds aod ousiors rs at hi ow stand, and w woold advis, l bom to pa; blm a visit. The a I'eiitlon lu New Tork on Friday of tbe murderer Rngera, who kilted a poliee aio aeraral mootai ago. haa llclted ex prarllnaa of approval from Ibe aotire tn fropelllan praaa not became Ibe criminal waa bane, but beoania tba law waaexacat'd II ia lb Aral lime lo many monthi lo tbat onamunlly In wblob murder b' a been pun- iahad. Tba lemon nf tbe evant conaiate, nol io mucfc In Ibe mode of ptinlihoiertt, aa Id ita certainly. Had Impriaooment for lira been lb penally, and tba lenience Imparta lally carried out, It woall probably bav bao m effeslual ailk infllolian of the pun iibment of deatb. Too main pel at ia Ibal Iba law iball be ' aacredly reapecled and rigidly enforced. Tbo eoliition of the great fundamental principal underlying all erlo loal law, ia tbia enunciated many oenlurleij ago. 'Became ran lance againat an evil work U not executed ipeedity, tberafor tbe heart of Ibe aena of men ia fully aet In tbem lodoevlt." Were punisbmanl aui I fot low oovlolln of Tlme, lb bare poaiibility of eaoaplng detection waald be tbe only hope of tbe criminal. A nice little icrlmmage occurred In Carry tha other day. A man named Rmh attack ed aralber named Kennedy wblla driviag along Iba itraet n a aleigb, by firing a pla lol at bin, but happily without effeet. Kennedy Hopped hi team, nnd captured lb belligerent Ruib, and look bim to tbe lecknp. Rov. Mr. Slepheoaoo reaigned Ibo paa- torataoflbo Baptist Cburab, Romeville, and preached hi farewell aermon laat Sun day, A Are broke out on Saturday evening fn tbe eaglDO rom of Jareckl, Uayea A Co', bran foundry, Brie, damaging lb aaroe lo iba extent of from fi.OOO to $8,000 Tbe oaly way io wblob. lie origin can 6a ac- ouoted for, li io tbe auppoaltloa of a ai of ipontaneoui eombuiiionof raga need io wiping tbe eogloe. Itwaiooly owing lo Ihoefforltof a aarperior fir department aai ioe uamea were coonuaa lo IDle o n HO log. There oppeara lo be a decided feallni agblnal Ibo coalition of lb produce i n refloera among many pperatoti In Ibe diffar nt dlilrleti. In aome Ibay are almni, onaoimoui, wblla in olhrra tbe oppoiiilcn I, vary atroog. Tbe Oil City Darnck. with otbara, believe that it laagalnii Ibelatereat, o! the producer! lor tbem to iitn In an. proportion wbleh tbe rrBoera can make, while tbe Tiluiville papara lelleve that It ill be for tbe beet iutereaie at all concerned o compromise Ibe who'e aftalr and work to gether, claiming that tbelr intereeia ar ideoilcal. Our;vlewa upon tbia auijcl are as folio wa: Th iari have from tlm. m time aougbt lo ruin ibe producer. They nave rioauiira everv edort in aen, mniiu. Iba o'jec. They have "beared" tha merke' from lime lo lime, crippling flnaooiai'y bun aras ol operalot. Tbey have themaeltti Anally b en csugll I; tb :ptra, wbo say: "Reduce the prioe of your on or we not export a barrel," and witb reason augb do tbey demand II. For, whether crude be 22 or 25 cents, refined siill keeps firm el 28. Again ,tb exporter aay, "bare you ar 'bearing' Ibe erude marker, and fo rcing Ibe producers lo sell al Ibair own flgnres; you must make ao proportionate reductiou lo us or wa will oot buy." Tba refiners refused aau me exporters wouta nol buy. At oece Ibe refiners turn their eye about tbem for a method by which to eseepe. Tbey propose a compromise with Ik produoer by wnich tbey can control the xportra aod sorupsll l aecead to their demand. Tbe producer ar now eoosideriog tb question auu ou io to oonsiaeraiion win real ine suc cess or failure or lb wbai movmnt th life or death of ibe Council and Aghocy We aay, uoder tbe oircumiltoces should lbs refloera ba admitted to Iba fellowship of the Producer, whom the; have aoogbt lo des- oy. Lal aaob district build Us own reiia eries, and lefla every drop that It produces. If tba production of one district bo 100 bar rels, let there be a refioer; of that capacity, if there ba a production f 1,000 or 0,000 barrels lot tbem have a sufficient number oi refineries to rs&o Ibal. Witb proper care,'! there need be no dlfnouit; experienced la atabllabiag reQaerios just where the oil Is produced. By this meeoa tba refiners are left to ablfl for themselves, aod lb produc ers becem Independent of all rlsgi, wblob exercise so baneful an influence upon tue oil market. Wo repeal, let the reftoers go ibeir way, aod let tb producer go theirs, and may eucoeia altdnd tha right. Peleraburg Progreas. Several grammatical orrars ecourred lo Iba article published day befor yesterday. UoaoarnlDg Utl.' Tba raader will please overlook tbem aa mistake are Ilabt lo oo ur a lb belt regulated families. Tbe people ef Well Virginia complain thai ibair capital, Cbarlailow'n, caosot be reaebed or beard from one In six months. It takss four full day to reach It from Wheeliag,- traveling b; Iba most direct and ipdy tout. A Sunday In Tex la b", deaerlhed by a cnrreeponoVnl writing from Ban Antoiiln: Tbia ia Sunday, and I'll try and ' tell yon wkal I've aeen In-day. In tko more Id I paieed an untold number of bar room, and In all of tbem people, and tbo beat aitlcena loo, playing billiards or ord, ol eoure tor drioke, aud '(for tbe crewd," really If yon won't drink and play bllliarda on Sonday you are nol retpectatile. Tbere ar more bar-rooma In San Antonio than any place oulotTexaaof Ita alaa in Ibe United Sletoe Aa I ait in my room now nt 10 o'clock at nlgkt, I bear the band play nt Iho clroiii, and nol very far off ii a panorama on exblb lilioo. Todtylwaa walking along the alreet, wbeo I was anddenly Clartled by hearing a lol of boya ibonllng aad the baad playing; I looked up, and jutt Ibea It all came In light. It wa tbia: Tbo oireui with all Its riden, performer, Ac, la regu lar circus itjle, were oml ng down the alreet witb tba band playing, Iho boya shoullag and ever io many Mexican! and atraggltia following Ibem. Renumber, tbia waa on Sunday. Widows at Hotels. Quite receut widow, witb puffy beads and no aign of Ibeir bereaved Hale, com to tba' hotel flanked by tkuea of a aonpl of year landing, Slill drsaed ia tbe deepest weeds' th algniflcent cap cberiahed as a sacred eyrabol; bruk young widowa appeal lo men'e dmiraliuo by their brlgbloeee, aod laa gaid young widows axoite aympatby by tbair dei-pair. Pretty young wldaws of mail endowmenla, wboie cbaocea you would back al i long odda, ara handicapped agalm plain featured widows whow deputation you kuow no oo would ever ask to relieve were it oot lor iboae ibiee-per-ceole with which they are credited. Aod Iba widowa ol botel lire are alwaya a feature worth studying Tbere ars mao; wbo do net aludy them eh if fly tbe old bachelor of well-preserved appearanae aod acuue babits, wbo baa con tributed blmaell the squire of dame lo in" establisdmeot, and who takea np firat with on and iben with another of tbe unprotaet ed females aa tbey appear, and cacori them about tbe neighborhood. U never make Iriend with men, but ka la kand-ln-glav wilb all lb pretty women; aod hia crittaal judgement on tbem on Ibeir Drat appeiraoc ia cooaidered Baal, does so1 care lo attach biaieelf ao exclusively lo one be ibe maid, wife or widow, aa lo get kirn.' self talked about; but Sometimes ba falla Id lo Ibe clinches ol a woman of oior tenacity than be hal bargained for, and, man o' irreproachable respectability aa be it, drift iato a flirtatioa whicb the hotel takea to mean an off-r f Intrigue, according lo Ibe late of the lady concerned, Aa tba hotel 'lie a bachelor ia geoeral y a man ol pro found eelBahoeie, Ibe dlicom'ort thai ami Oi doea no (real harm; and It aometlmea bat . P"Ut ,k,t " ''dl"0''- " diamond, wh ab I oot wu.iUtcBii iviriuuiioa. I uouaun Saturday Review. SI. Petersburg waul ao Express office and tb Progress goes for th TJnloa Ex pees Company for ool opening oo at tba' poiot. Frequent attempts to enter private bouses 'or tba purpoae of larcaa; bava recently been made at St Petersburg. Vet Another of Mux Adeler'a Little Obltuarie. 'W hav loat our little Hannah In a very painful manner, And we often asked, 'now can her karab suffer I ngi be borne?' When her dealh was firat reported ber aunt got up and snot ted With the grief that aha supported, for it made her feel for lot a. "Sbowaeeocb a littla seraph, tbat ber father, wbo Is sheriff Really doo't aeem to car If bverrmile In lire again. Sba bo gone, we hope to Heaven, at tbe early age ef seven. (Funeral starts offal eleven), wbr sb will never more have pais." A Curious oaa f bydrooephslua exists in Lancaster, Massachusetts, in a colored girl eighteen months old. Ita bead maatures thirl; Imhes around tba frontal lobe aid baa of tb brain, balng aeven ioohes larger than tba ver; largeit adult beada. - From ear lo ear, over tba lop or tbo bead, It meaa urea twaol; Ioohes, and Its weight has been estimated al twenty pounds, Tba child's bod; has been deoresaing in size for some tlm, aad Is now so much emaciated that It ia doubtful II It will outweigh the bead. The chief engineer of ibe Erie Railroad estimates that th contemplated reduotioo of iho grade lo Iba standard gauge and tb new railing alock that must be obtained, will coat 121,000,000. But lb xpDa of ope r tlog will be reduced twenty per eeak H propoM to la; a third rail for an; new an glnes and oars tbat ma; b onstrnolsd, desiring lb old rails to wear ool tb present I rolling stock. Iron, oil ana .-lt we'er Live le,r ,t, eorered on Ibe lende of ihu Wiu ter Mlafe Aaaoclalloo, Dear Wooiter, In Ohio. p. pie excited. Loi n I .eitti-h. Boiler nnd cheese are almost lndlsin,i bio articlea of food. Properly uird th are nutritions and healthy; but an inordl nate use of eliber causae iod'jretlon md dyapepala. Owen Gaffnev'a Sunday Cam fort. Judiciocal need will remove both of I hero iroiilOaa v,, CIGARS levers of good clears will find orveral ea ilrely new brands, never before loirodneMi In tb to plaoe, at lb Poll Office New Rool Tbey ar warranted pur Havanaa HARNESS SHOP. Marshall & Richards Would reppectfu'ly aunoarto the clt'ieni .r Pntroteam fa'ra and vicinity that trav I,t. L. eltascd III. 1IAHNKS8 8U0P or h. lZi' ON MAIN STREET. OPPOSITE TH1 RECORD OFFICE, 1 Ati " now fdy to larnti. LXSaes,Wliips,Ma!, HARNB SS, Slelgli Bells lllankets, And everything nnall jkaptla OrFIU$T-CIi4S9 SHOP, HIPAIIIINO of all kinds neatly and einedilloia ly doua. (Jive m a cll. retrolaom Centre, Dec. 6, 18TJ. tf. AS HOLIDAY IIIESETS itot. Post-paid on rscslpl of lb marked price. W can recommend the following Total Collections of ohoioe Piano Songs: 'Sbio iog Light." (Sacred 8 nte): '-Golden Leavea," Vo's. I. and II; -Heartb aod Home," Fireside Echoes. " '-Sweet Soundr." 'Priceless Gems " Prtce. (l.Ti each la boards; $2 in clotb; $2,50 in cloih and gilt. alio the following Instrumental Cnllse tlona: --Fairy Fingers." --Mgi circle," "Toting 1'ianiet," ami "Pearl Drops" fon r easy colleetloaa "Mulcal KecreHlions." 'I'le.aanl Memories." - Uiilden t'iilmai." and '-Brilliant Uems," for more advanced playere Price of each hoot, ia hoards; 2 in.clotb; $2.30 in cloth aad gilt. Mraus' Wat t-s (ask fer Peters' Edition) In 2 vols , $4 each in Imards; $5 ia elotti. Novelln's Cb-p Edition l 1'ianoForla Classics, consisting ol Mendelsohn's com plete works in 4 vo Svn, price fl SOescb; Folio Edition, $6 each: Beethoven's Sina taa. : Maxtirkae, Ballade, and Preludes, price $2 each; r-chneen'e Ten Fonalaa. tS; Sbubert a Piano lVo s, $1; Mosan'i Sons- as, .T; Weher'e Complete fiano Pleess, $4; Schuman's O pieces, 2 etc. eic. Ia ordering theae, be sure lo eek for Novella's Edition. They are all bandanmo edil.ons. Novello'a cheap Vocal Collections: M Iber Goose, $2 and 92: Rsndegger's Sssrerl Songs, f 2 90; Mendelssohn's 76 Sonet, . beautifully bound, f 7 60; Sobeman's Toeal Album, $3; Moore's Irlrh Meiclies. Folio Edition, by Baire, $8; German Volkstedsr Album, f 2. et., etc Peter' Musical Monthly, prle SO cent acb, every nam ber containing at least 94 worth or music. Round vo'nuies for 1 Still, 1870, 1871, and 1872. price $5 e.cb. Al dreM, J. L. PETERS, SOB Broadway, Nrw York. It You Want To lucre Your builn, Adverttae lath PfTIIOLBTHCltrrU Bioow a -SOS. I t ie pa " ; $ -4 " Sis ii 5 Is- bb 5 B ? L I- 2 H ' ' I So ?K H J M C H an