SHUSBR.T & STARR (BftOMtMn ! MnffMtft4 talis. AO,,) Merchant Tailors! Furnishing tiotds, C9B. PRU FRANKLIN BTS., TITalSY.LLE, PA. CL01H8& CASSIMERES BNGLI3H, JRENCH AND) AMERICAN COATINGS, lUaTJCD AMD (STRIPED 6UTINCS, FANCY VESTINGS. ear afeM the Oil Bf1o. (TVBRTT DIFFERENT BTTLES OF Si!JLTS &E CAPS, All Ut Uleet u4 Nobbltet Stele. A FBLL LIH1 OP Jenta'TUVurniflhing Goods, &e. Petroleum Centre Daily Record . Oaatr Pew Thuraday, Dee. 13. Utviwe aervlee. H1TKODI8T EPISCOPAL CHURCH eJervioae every Babaatk at 1 1 A. M. ana ij,' F. M. Sabbath Bebaol .1 if P. M. mttttrn. A aordlal lavltailoa acteod a M all. Hit. 9. Mooia, Ptttor. PRNBTTCRiIn CHURCH. Preaching at II a'elsek A. U.. aid T ' e'elack f. hi., by lk Panlor, W. C. Bonca Sabbath Sebool at 12, direoiiy after laieaoo aire ice. Prayer Meeting and Reabeth Sekoal Taaeher'l Meetieg Taeeday eveoitgl ot aaeb week. atr1aiBCaU Iio4c, lfa. Tift, I. O. of O. F. Ragale'r meotiag alghi Friday, at' T 'alak. Signed. , " ' B. ALLEN, N. O B. H. Kaoiaa, A fiee'y. k tw7"Ple of meeting, Mala 81., etpoilt leCllatock limit. A. O. of 17. V. TJbartj Lodge No. T, A. O. of C. W., '-'Z "oaday evening at 7W o'clock, la Odd Fallow' Hall, Pelrolean? Centre, Faaa'a. . 'A. U. iLBCHaa, M. W. A. luil, R. i. (i. of n. m. laoakaaoaa Triua No. 1SS, I. O. R. M f Polrolanna Caolra, raaxta every Tburaday aaninf D Good Teaplar'a Hall. tT CobociI Oral Htbud at T o'clock. . U. HOWB, Saeboai. B, BRTNOLDg, Cblafol Racorda. Id at 1 p. m. iui So "Bill Cuej" tbe doubly wrooged, much injurea eoreiy prepiexea Indlvlvldual who It reported to bav killed Parker al Pelrolla. It falng to kava a glorlaut Cbrlilmat pol.plo oompoted eblelly of edllort and reporter. wno paoiiihea tba account. W bav l wayt uadartlood that game to be oleo muit a wen rattened before ki II lag. Now at edl lort are notorloatly lean and long, wawonld tuggeti la a friendly way that lha fattening proceaa begin, alto thai iba tobacco flavor be removed,'(for altboaTgh wo do not ne Ibe weed oartalvet, we bava decided objection. to boiling In tobacco juice. Of court we mean ibit kindly but wo are very lean and poor. fPelereburg Progreia. What a alee pot-pie Bltbop, of Ifie Der. rick, would make, aod lhaa fur darl take ld Sam Toung, of tbo Flrvlw Reporter, for laitane. Tbi."falUolag preeeet" wll bav to commanc al onoe in order tbal they may gat in good candltloa by Cbrlitma. Wm. ttopt lo eat them ba will Be glutted aid fall by Ibe wayeld before be gala at lar at Rouetville, Ftttroleum Centre aad Tllui Villa. Ot at Mr. Greeley' partner lo Iba Trl kuae, bit boaum friend, 8amal Sinclair, wiib lootbert, will oouietl tfce will of tbe deoeeatd jonrnalill, mada November Sib 187 J. by whtoh be leavee bit properly la hit dugton. Ida and Gabrlelle. Tba motive for tbe aootetl It not yet known, uoleaa it It la lb lci tbt 0 mad a different dlipotl II 00 ol hit properly la a will mada Janatty tlb, 1671, by wniob iba eaotattaat bop benefit tuemeeivea iadlreolly. If Bioelalr aad hie partf bava any regard for public oplaloa laay will nl plan a draw la wy of tb orphan abttn. The eoneert It el evenlair, el RuhI' Op t Hon, n Iba Mcaart Mimical Society or Pelroleor Can Ira. n a grand aneeee I every parlloalar. Tba following plea ere deeervlag of apeelal mention, at being fa abaad c f iba erdinary mutleel talent exhib ited at amateur tenctrlt: Pari lit Mutlo bf the CotamMa Cornet Bend. Anthem Great m Iba Lord ." Solo and Cborut O, Father A'lnigbty. Belee by Mr. Carioaa and Mr. Waddeil. Bolo and ohernt I'm very foad of a So- tial Bong. Bolo by Ml toe Halgtlon, Ulm lead aad Back lav. Duelt Nigel la. V niea. Mr. Cerratn aod Mr. Bjyelou Tula piooa received ao eeoore. Bolo Teo let, loo lata, jo canno! oler bow. Mr. Tor eoce. Tblaplae w loud ly ncord. Baa Solo W iblo Ibaoa Baorad Dwll lag; Mr. Cb. Boioo. Pari 2d America Hymn, laitrumentt1, by Colambla Cornel Bd. Upora Cborut Hall to Thee Liberty, Duotl Baroaroll. Mr. Carman aad It Haod'araoo. Eaaora. Pilgrim Ckorui, from Lombard!. Bolo Betwixt yoa aod I aod Iko Gala Putt; Him Olatteid. Eooora. Bolo A Hand red Faluom Deep; J. Waddeil. Encore. Cborut Tbo MoanUla Lad; Olaat. Aolkam O, Praia Iba Lord; Claaa. Huaio by tb Colambla Corn! Baod. Tba Columbia Coroal Band Tolualoared Ibalr tarrloat for lb la otttttoo, aad tba So- tlaly datlra ut la raluio Ibalr Ibaak to Iba Baid for Ibalr carrier. II tb Hozarl Maaieal Boolety coallnaai lo Improra lo lb an ol auaie la Iko futura a It baa to lb put, uadar tb efficient lul lloa of Prof. Boyatoa, It will ooa rank a good a Woaiorn Paaoaylfaola aflbrda. Erarybody know By. Taylor, oao of lb batl aod moal geailamaaly eooduetoia, aod ooo of tbo wbiieal Bo aa Iba Oil Ciaak & Allagbaoy Riaar Railroad. On lb down iraia, Ian avenlng, Tiylor bad a 'Tuollon" with a refractory paaaaagar. Tk lodlrld nil la quaiiioo gol aboard la train at Coi ry, aad upon Taylor taking blm for bit Ura in Ibo aiual eoortaont manner, aol oaly ut terly rafuaed lo pay, bat attack d By" lo a wage maaow. Now, everybody koowt tbal Taylor "don't eoere worlb a eeat," aod lb retail wtt tbal b tmaibad lilt laolaro orer Iba bead of tba Ogbtlag man, aod when lb Irtla arrived at Centrevtllr, with Iba aid of two tialwarl brakemao. cut lha drunkea bummer off. Toil would loi tai lily blm, bowrver, far no aaonet had tbe Iraia tlarled Ibaab jumped aboard agaia aod wet oly kept off wilb lb atmoet dlftt eully, tar being ated tbal au bodily Inju ry wtt done. Any pmoo Ibal not aanaa anougb I keow wbea tliey ara well treated, at I bay alwayi ara al lb baadt of Iba cooduolura o' Iba Oil Creek Road, bat ao bneiaeai lo rlda and aught to bo ibovtd off wilboal oaremo a. Tb Fifth Avanue Hotel, at New Tork, wat partially deatroyod by Ire, night before laat. Eleven of tbe waiter tlrlt nerltbed in Ibe flamaa. JtiT OraD. We bad loadverently omitted lo men 1 ion tbal Mr. Owea Gaffney opened bit new wheleeele liquor ttort lo tbo old ttaad of J. H. Cbrittie, so Waibloglen ttroet, an Saturday evening lait. Tbe new iter it oa ol lha aaalett, oozleil Ititlto- lioat la Ibo eatlro oil region. Ia the from '00m will be ttored'tb mala ttock, eontltl- ng of all Iba varletiet of choice wlnet and liquor , both forerga aod domeelic Mr. G. It alt tole agent lor tbe Gre.l Weitera braoda of Pleataat Valley Cbam pagn wlae, prooouoeed by good judge! lo ba inperior to lb bail Imported wine. 1 ibit itaek there It alto the flora! al Hennewy braody, Overboil' Frevporl rye and lb purett of Bourboa wbiiklae, brand lea, rumt gim, alei, ota, In every variety. U bat alto oa naaa the largati ttock 01 bar glutei of every deicrlplioa, and bar flxluret lo Ibe entire region. About tbe centre ol tb room a partttioo bat been run aeroti, tb back put being Intended ti a tampie room. Tbit room it filled up lo elegant ilyle aa a read ing room, and will be prealdrdover by lha well known aviologltt," Billy Pugk, wbo I on of lb good fellow ol tbi regie On Saturday evening Ibe many fneodiof Mr. Giffney called to tea blm and were bendtomely entertained at bit baodc We cannot rvlrai-j from laying In tbit con neclion, ibal our Irieod Gaffney, It one Ibe tquaraal dealera tbal wa knew el, aad all laoe having dealing with blm will gad ll to their tatiafactioa upa trial. H out oaly keep tue betl the market afforde, but elli It obeap. Tbe apetiog wit a fair la lax of what wa iruit ba may do la Ibe to lure at regard! buiineee. Ia tb meantime, Mr. Giffney wonld ba bleated to tea all bit old frlauda and nuatama thelertalbltntwitand, tnd wt would advit I tbarn la piy him a vltlt. The etreutlnn fa Vtm Tork oa Friday of the miirdrr Rngara, who killed a pollee aiao aeraral mooia ago. baa elicited m prefilnni of approval from Iba entire me tropolitan pre not became lha criminal wit banc, but beoioia lha law waa etcal-d It it I fie flnt Urn lo many montht in that onaimuolty In which murder b t baen pun lehed. Tbo lon of tb pvnl oonaitti. not to much la tb 000? of pualthtnant, aa lo In certainty. Had Imprisonment for lire been the penalty, and tba lenience Imparte ally carried oat, It woall probably bav bean at eOeoltial at tk iofllctUn of tb pun iabmenl of death. Tba main paiat It that Iba law tball be aacrrdly reapecled and rigidly enforced. Tbe lolutlon of the great fundamental principal underlying all orlm loal law, I tbit enunciated many eenturiei ago. "Hacaiie ioteoce aalnil an evil work it nalrxecutcd tpaedily, therefore tbe heart of lb tent of men it fully let lo Ibem lo do evil." Were punishment tuie I fol low conviction oferime, tbe bare poaitblllty of etoaptng detection weald be tbe only hope of tbe criminal. A nice little ecrlmmege occurred la Carry the other day. A man named Ruih attack ed aretber named Kennedy wblla driving along the Ureal In a iletgb, by Bring a pit tol at biro, but happily without effect. Kennedy Hopped kit team, and captured Iba belligerent Ruth, and look blm I the leekenp. Rot. Mr. Siepkeoeoo retigned Ike pn- loraltoftbo Baptitl Cbuttb, Rouieville, and pretcbed bit farewell lermoo lait Suo day. A Bra broke out on Saturday evening fa Ibe engloe room of Jareckl, Uayet ft Co', bran foundry, Brie, damaging lha tame to the extant of from ft.OOO lo $8,000 Tba oaly way in wblon.lit origin can be ao- aoualed for, It lo the tuppotitioa of a oaie of ipoolaneout combnulon of ragt need in wiping lha englae. II wat ooly owing lo Iba effort! of a tarperlor Ore department that tbe flame were confined lo Ibit o lid log. There appeart 10 be a decided feellne igainil Ibe coalition of lha produce i reflnert among many operatott In lb differ enl diitrielt. In tome Ibenr ara almoa. uoaoimoui, while lo otbert tba oppoiiticn I, very Hroog. Tht Oil City Derrick, with otbert, believe that it Itagainii lb lalereit. 01 me producera lor Ibem to lieten to an. propoMHoo which the rrfioen can make, while tbe Tiluivill pa pen lelleve thai it will be for tbe beet iolereati of ill concerned ocooipromlee tba who'a affair and work lo- etber, claiming that their Intertill ar identical. Our.viewt upon tbii iui j-ct are at lotiowa: 1 a leloera have from time to imetoughtlo ruin -ibo producer. Tbey Dave exbautleu everv etinri in .u. theoijec. They have "beared" the merke' from lima to time, (rippling fJnaooi.l'y buu- areda ol operaloi. TLey have themaehei Bntlly b en ctuglt ly lha s:ptre, wbo ay: "Redue the price of your 011 or w not export a barrel," and with reaeon O'ugb do tbey demand it. For, whether crude be 32 or 25 ceutt, refined Hill keept firm at 28. Agaia ,na rxporirr aay, "rr you are 'bearing' the erude market, and fo relng the producer lo tell al tbeir own flgnret; you mutt make an proportionate reduotiou lo ua or wa will not buy." Tb refieen refund aag 10a exporiert would net boy. Al otc the refioeri turn tbeir eyet tboul tbtm for a mil bod by wbiob to eiotpe. Tbey propoae a compiomlta wilb lb produoer by wnich tbey can control the exporter and eooiptll 1 acteed to their demand). The producer are now coonderiog tbe qaeillon tod oo tbit contlderatieo will real in auc- cett ar lallure or lb wbal movement tb life or dealb of ibe Council aod Aghooy vie lay, under tbe oiroumirhncet tbould the refiner be admitted lo lb fellowthip of lb Croduoen, whom tbey bav toogbt lo dat- uy. Let each ditlrict build lit owa red eriei, and tefln vry drop that it produce!. If lb production of one dnirict be 100 bar rele, let tbera be a refinery of ibal capacity, if iber b a production af 1,000 or 8,000 barrel 11 Ibem bav a eufficleol number oj retoeriea 10 itaoa tbal. Wilb proper care, tbar need be do difficulty experienced in eitablltbiag rBaerio juil where tb oil li produced. By Ibit meant lb rtdueri are left to tliiri for tbemaelve, aod Ibe produc er beom Independent of all rlegi, wbiob exereiae to baneful ao iaflueo upon lu oil market. We repeal, 11 Ibe refioeri go their way, aad let iba etodueeri go iheire, aod may euceeet alldod lb right. Peleriburg rrugrree. Several grammatical arrera occurred lo tbe artlele pobllabed day bafur yetterday, 'Coaeeraicg Oil." Tbe reader will pieeee overlook ibem a mlataket ar liable to oc. ur a lb beat regulated ftmlllea. Tbe people af Weal Virginia complain that their capital, Cbarletloa'o, eataol be reached or beard flow oaca la tx montba. It lake four full day to retch II from Wheeling; traveling by lb motl dlreot aod peedyroula A Fundy in TetM le tene detlnH by a cetreaponoVal wrliiag from Baa Aatealo: Til It Sunday, aad IH try and ' letl ya what I've aeen fwday. lo taa morelna I patted an antold number of bar raome, aad in all of tbem people, and lha beat eitltcna loo, playing billiard or tard, of enure lor drink, aud tfor tie crewd," really If yon won't drink and play billiard! 00 8nday you are not retpeotaMe. There ar mor bar-rooma In Saa Antoalo than any place out ol Texa of It alia In lb Called Slate At I til in my nom now at 10 o'tloea at otght, I hear the band play al the clreua, and aol vary far off it a panorama oa etblb Itlioo. To day I wat welhlag atoag tbe tireet, wbeo I wat toddeoly iter lied ty bearing a lot of boyt tbonllng aad lla bead playing; I looked up, and jutt Ibea II all came la aigbl. It wai tbie: Tba clrcai with all lit rldert, performer, Ac., la regu lar circus it; la, were coral og down Iheoireel with tbe baod playing, Ibe eoyi tboallag and ever to many Mexican! and itragglln following Ibem. Remember, Ibit wit on Siindiy. Wldowi at Hotels. Quito recout widow, with puffy bead tad 00 tign of tbeir bereaved Hale, coma lo the hotel flanked by Ikoee of a couple of year tlaudiag. Hill dratted ia the deepen Weedt' ibe tlgoiBciol eep cheriihed at a tacred tymbol; bntk youog widuwt appeal to men't admiration by their brightaeet, and laa gaid youog widowt exoile tympalby by tbeir despair. Pretty youog widewt of mail eodowmentl, whoie cbaoeel you would back al luog oddt, are handicapped againt plaiu featured widowt wboae detuUtioa yoa kuow no ooe would ever atk lo relieve were it not fur tbute luiee-perceolt with which tbey are credited. And ibe widuwt of hotel life ate aiwtyi a feature woitb HudyiBg. There are many wbo do nal ttudy item - ebletiy the old bachelor of well-preterved appearante aod acutia babitt, wbo bat con tributed almeall Ibe iqulre of datoee la lb etiabliidmiol, and wbo takat np flrtt with ooe and Iben wilb toother of the uoproteel ed femalei at tbey appear, aod eeeorti Ibem about tbe ueigbUirbood. He Dover make Irienda with men, but he la band-ln-glve wilb ail tbe pretty women; and bit crltltal judgement on ibem on their Brit appearance I considered Dual. At a rule, he duet aoi care to attach biaiaelf au exeluilvely lo one be ibe maid, wire or widow, at lo gel bimj elf talked about; but tometimei ba fall! In lo Ibe clulcbet ol a woman of more tenacity than he hat bargained fur, and, man o' irreproachable reipeclabilily at be it, drift' iatu a flirtation which the hotel laket lo vj-eu au uu"r i lumgue, acooroing to to tale cf lb lady euotarned, Al Ike hotel 1 1 .... tie a oacneior II general y a man ol pro found telfilbneae, Ibe diicomforl lhal eon a - ' " iin.w, in, eumeiimea net . P"" "", " ,'d,,0D l Hmond, wb tb li oul Miuuuua. 1 t,ouauD Sfttnrday Revlea St. Peteraburg wanlt ao Expraaa effie and the Prngrert goei for the TJuloa Ex- pre Company for not opening oo at tha point. Frequent attempli to enter private boueet for the purpote of larceny have recently been made at SI Peteraburg. Yet Another of Max Adeler'a filttle Oblfuariea. ' W have loit our little Iltootb In a very painful manner, And we ofleo aiked, 'How can her lanh uflVrlngi be borne I Wbeo her detlh wai flnt reported her aunt got up and mot ted With the grief that the mpported, for II made her feel rot loin. "bbowMPticb a little tertpb. thai btr father, wbn liiberlff Really doo't teem to care If be everrmilet lo life agaio. sne du gone, we hope lo Heaven, at the early ase ef ivn. (Funeral Hartt off at eleven), wbera the win uever more nave pelB." A etirioui eaaa of faydrooepbalui exlili to LtDcatler, Maiiacbuielti, lo a colored girl eignieen mooioioia. lu bead meacure thirty Intuit around tba frontal lob aid bate of the brain, being tevtn loobet larger than tbe very largeil adult beadt. From ear lo ear, over tbe lop or tbe head, II meat uret Iweoty loobet, and It weight hat been eitimtted at twenty pound a. The ehild't body bat been deoreulng in ilze for tome lime, aad ll now to much emaciated that II li doubtful If II will oatwtlgb lha bead. The chief eogineei of Ibe Erie Railroad animate! that Ibe contemplated reduction of the grade to Ibe ttandtrd gauge tod the new railing Hock Ibal muit be obtained, will coil 121,000,000. Bat lb xpotet of oper Hag will be reduced twenty per eeat He prepoee to lay a third rail for any new os glee aod ear thai may b ooilnictd. dairlng tb eld raili to wttr ant tba prattnt 1 I ttlllog ttock. linr, ell ana e. h we-er ., . tr ei.eered oa Ike lande of ih Wmi ler UlnB Aeanclalloa, Bear Waoeter. la OMo p. pleeielled. Liii-nl Atill-k. Bailer and ebeaae are almnat Indies i hi article of food. Properly uaed. th. re nutrition and healthy; hnl an Inordl ntie ne ni enorr canee ina'eeellnn dyapeneia. Owen Gaffney' Sunday Cam and will remote botke tbera troulil CIGARS Iveea f reod algart will find eeveril ea. Hrely w brand, never hefora latrodneed In lb I plea, al the Pul Office New Room Tby are warranted pure Havana HARNESS SHOP, Marshall & Richards W.wld reepecifa lj, .nniln'to the elt'aeni .r Peiroleam Oa-re and vlcleliy that ti ev l.. n. ehaxd ma lUHNX 8U0P ef A. LgVl P ON MAIN STKiET. OPPOSITE TBB RECORD OFFICE, eaaea. Aad ara now ready to tared CXSaate, Wliips,Bolier, HARNESS, MelR-li Bells Itlankets, And everything uill J kept la tVFIU9T-CL489 SHOP. j HIPAIIIINf) of all kind, neatly and exnefliloae ly doue. 01e aa a cli. MAItHIIAI I. A MICIIAKIIS. relmleam Centre, Dec. 6, 1ST9 tf. AS HOLlliiT PRETEXTS. iat. I'uat-patd 00 retilpl of lb marktd prie. W nan recommend Ike following Tocal Collection of choice Piano Songt: .shin ing Debit." (Sacred 8nii;: '-Golden Leavee," Ve'a. I. and II; -Hearth aod Ilome," Fireitde Rcbuet." 'Sweet Sound " PricHee. Gml " Price, l.7 each I boardi; $2 in cloth; 2,fiu in elolb aud gilt. alio lh following lmtrnmenlil Cnllee tlone: '-Fairy Flagert." --Megi f.ircle." Young 1'ianlat, and -Pearl Kropi" foor ev cnlleetioaa '-Millcal Kecrealion!." '1'le.aanl Memariee." -Gulden L'himea." and 'Brilllaiil Oemt." for more edvtnced playera Price i.f each hunk, ia huardi; $1 in.tlotb; $2.50 In cluth ltd gilt. Mima' Wal.fe (aik fer Pteie' Fdlllon) In 2 tola , $4 each in l.oariii; $5 ia elntb. Novello'i Ube-p Kdltlun ol Pieno-Forte Claatici, eoantilng ol Mendleorin'e com plal worki in 4 voe Svn, prle 91 50eck; Fulio Edition, td each: Beelhoven'e taa. ft: Maxurka. BiHada. and Prelndee. price $2 each; hchnaerl'a Tea Fnnalae. $J; Sbutwri't Piano IVo a, $1; Mcian't .Sona ta. t.T; Weher'e Complete pi. 00 Pieeea. $4; Schuman'a 4 pieeee, 2 vie . . la ordering thee, he aura lo aak for Novella a Kdltlon. They re all handaime edl I. one. Novellu'i cheap Vocal Cnlleetioni: M Iber Cooee, Z and $3: Raodegger'l Stared Bong!. . f 2 SO; Mendelawihn'e 76 Nnn, . beauiifnlly bound, $7 BO; Rebamaa'a Tocal Album, $3; Moare'a filth Meiodiee. Film Editioo. by Btlfe, 8; German Volklbider Album, f 2. el., ete. Patera' Muaifal Monthly, prle SO cent eaebv every n amber eenialning at lean $4 worth of autle. Roaod vo'nme for lftil, 1870, 1871, and Wt. price $5 e.cb. Al dreat, J. U PETEBS, M Broadway, New York. St 1 ft H - w CO -a? o 2" c 2 a CJ-B 63 ti H w KO a tn K o a vt .a ? 1 "a o a an. 3 ;t s 3 H r S Sa o a at i a 7 til p II at? m fed 5 1 ti B y 153 p. S3 Ir You Want To luoreate . Your builnett, Advertteelntb PlTaOLaTMCBaTn BlOtMIW