The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, December 03, 1872, Image 2

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Bowmen 0 eMand, BraUa 0.,J
Merchant Tailors!
Gesto' Fuxlshias (Hoods,
CtR. mun FRANKLIN 8X8,, ,
Bare ot la one of the teat i laiaitaarj '
Int offcast ta the Oil Region.
AL the Lateetaa Nobbiest Style,
Gents' ' Garnishing Goods, fec
etroleum Centre Daily Record
?. Centre P.., Dee. S.
Divine aervleev
8ervlce every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
t P. M. Sabbath School at 1JJ, P. It.
at free, A cordial lavilatloa ecleud.
4 to all.
Hit. O. Moon, Paator.
Preaching at 11 o'eloek A. M aad .7
'cloak r. M. bv tka Pallor. W. C. Bnura
ab. Sabbalk Sakool at directly
ner lereaeoa service.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbalk Sekaal
Teacher1. Meeting Taesdsy evenings al
etab weak.
iNtraUaai Caatru Lodf ,;'.!.
VIC I. O. of O. F.
tegular meeting tight Friday, al T
'leak, glgaed.
. . ALLEN, N. O
lp- Kaoiaa, A Se'y.
.."Plsc of meeting, Mala St., opposite
MeCilatock Hoase. ' "
' A. O. of U. XV.
Liberty Lodge No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W.,
aetuj very Moaday evening at 7 o'olook,
Odd Fellow's 11.11, P.troleaa Centre
fea.'a. '
A. K. Elcchib, it. W.
A. Kubb, R.
I- . Of II. Al.
tM.k.aoe. TilUe No. 113, I. O. R. II.
ef Flielear Centre, meet, every Thursday
Ihnn. In RmJ ti.n
8f Cu.soil area llhl.d al 7 o'eloek.
m-v!n, H. UOWK, 8.ehem.
. REYNOLD, Ctilef of Records.
t al at 1 p. m. UJ
we notice a committee of rodoera
cotnmitte of producers have annoi
meeting, to be held at Tllusrllle,
Oner and a
annouDced a
low, to lake aetioQ on tba alleged eoasplra
cy among the exporter ol petroleum to
break np the reenera and produeera associa
tions, aud pul Iba game entirely lulo Ike
Bndi ol me exporter. Tbla new wrinkle
lo eery much aa if It wee gotten ep in
th Interest or Iba Refloer'a Combloatioa at
Ike expense af Ibe experlere, In order to
foree tboie refiner who ara pot In Ibe rlag
mbertojoinor elae quit refloing. It ie
veil known ibat Ibe Combination waaform
cd on Ibe pro lata prinelple, ikal If, all the
oil in to be divided according la Ibe refin
ing Capacity of the different enJa tf Ike
CoinblaetloB- Pittsburgh. Cleveland, the
oH region, o Since the produeera nor,
neul agaimt ibe comblaalloo Ikoea reOoera
uot In tbe ring kare bad plenty of oil; run
tbeir reOueriea la Ibe fallen extent, and
made money where iba ring refiners could
nul. Tie consequence la tbe Combination
to save IheaiielTe have made a' new feint to
Mien tbe produeera, a la the iplder aud tbe
Uj, la their net. We would adviae that
oamtlle ef produeera, whoever Ibey may
.u uewara or out eonimoo enemy tbe
iwu vuvojyiue I
"For ways that
o. tmp. v,o. or uer. Cum. "For
dark, 4e., tbey .re aotorloaa. 7 J
roiaioee are to or .r.H a
. .
at Irnl.Dd tn., lb, gOT,rnori of TM)out
couniyj,ile bare (wen directed by tbe In.
(Doctor general to lubetliut. for tba regular
dial ol tka prltooer a ration of bread one
time a week.
PloMjaivtlle Is to otw bank, with
capital of 100,000, wklob will g,n,0
operatloo about tka Ant of Jaaner. It
will be called IDs Clt'aenf Bank
Tba Weat Virginia Lubrlaetor ba great
latlh In the ollterrilory or that State. A
late number baa the following:
There la no Stale In tbe Union that offen
great Indue menu for eapital ibto doea
Weal Tlrglaia, especially aucb the ease
with the ail reglooa el Ibla State, tbe deeel
cpaeal of which li but la Ita Infancy. The
oat of leetlng territory here, aa compoeed
with the deep territory ef PeoB'yleaala, I
iaalgolueeat, and tbe oil when obtalaed
we ipeak of lha lubrteattog oil la worth
frm two to Ikree tlaee per barrel Ibe value
f lb a4l produced there, Aelde Iron tbe
oil bailD, our bllla and moualalna are
burdened with mineral wealth, aad only
wall the teaeii if aaplial to tiling them
lato ilia market ut fair aod remunerative
prvla. The lev.rd thai awaili thone who
eoae here witb uimtna lo develop our tnln
ikl wealth, la c-riainly vi-rv ptomltiug,
and we trait, we have reaann t believe,
ibe day la not lar diitaal wkea eapital will
flad it way here, aod tbe piodacti ol West
Virginia will be teeond In commercial im
parlance lo ao Slate In tka Uniob.
PoLtca. Belere Juttioe Revnolda. John
Thompson and Thomai Riser, arrested sow
erai eei ago tor larceay or eietniog rtom
Messrs, Hsrron, Stmuels, Sobel and ethers,
were brcuibt belore tba Justine on Satun
day, aod bonnd 9W In appear al Franklin.
railing to procure oau mey were sent dowB,
Dennis Reacan aad Jamea Roblnaua. laat
arrived from Ibe ''big ditch," better known
aa Ibe Erie Canal, celebrated their arrival
In town by gelling outside of immense quan.
titles of family disturbance. Unfortunately
lor them Ibey tell Into tht heads of the PhtU
la tines aad were losked ap by officer lie-
Hugh. Fined aod discharged with notice
to quit town.
John Hickey, from tbe laws loealitr. col
drunk else, aod committed malicious Ires.
pais, ittued aad discharged.
President Grant's annual uesiete was
read before Congress, yesterday. Tbe doc
nmeol is well willtea. and eooslils of a re
view ef the events of the past year affect
ing lha nation, touches un the faielen end
domesllo policy, treatlei made wita foraiee.
eonatries, aod the different measures adopt.
ea oy tne dmloialialton for Iba welfare
and advancement of the country. The
message is sendee, aad wlll doubllesc meet
iae views ana approbation or a large major
ity of Ike people.
Tbe deepaat aemiiaiay will be olled oat
towards Iba Iwe orpbaaed daughters of Mr.
Greeley. Bolb have bee made suddenly
orpbaos by the fasl following or the motbe,
by the father lo a looz heme, and ana dauuh-
ter, lb elder, has lost more In tbe melaa
choly death on board Ibe Weat India
er VIlMonrl, which eairled lo bis esral grave
Ibe body of one whom abe was engaged In
marriage- Imagination can hardly picture
gaaaler wordly desolation than baa thna
suddenly come upoa lbae two yeung llvei,
aaa may the Uod of Ibe Fatherless bear
their lerv of aneuiah ami ...,.,. ki.
gnet 1
Seme days ago two cows aod lever. I nl.
the properly or Anthony Kane, a reildeat
of Gregg's Switch, were ran over and killed
by tba can of tbe Oil Creek k Allevliene
River Railway. Anlbeny brought suit be
fore Justice Remolds, and waa awarded
$ 180 damages and coats, the railroad falling
to appear aiioougu It was understood tbey
offered to settle. Tbe judgment not having
been salifBed Constable ilcUusa, this fore
aooo, levied on Ibe safe. etoTe and a mian.
Ilty of coal al Ibe depol.
The original Buffalo Bill. Texas Jack and
nine abotigloal Indians will make their ap
pearaoce la Oil City sometime during the
Utter part of Ibis 'month or early In Jan
uary, and give an eolertaioment. Ned
Buatline, tbe celebrated novelist la with
Ibe parly.
A railway ! competed trout Ibe Mediter
ranean to Bagdad. Tbe locomotive will
seen be puffing over the land of Ibe Sarac
eas and Croiaden. Jeruaalam will nrftbii-
bly to a way nation, aod it may be aeeea
sarylocul through 4a. Mount ef Olives
and Sll In tbe valley of Jeho.h.n.i Tk.
dust oljudah's kings will . carted off hv
the cubic yard, and piierims will tr.v.i i.
drawing room ears.
Tbey cootiuoe lo strike Uowing oil welis
in Ibe Venango region, but they are not an
magniloeat in their production as those
about Pilhrla were a few vaara un qk.
fooa;lTi operator U tm a legitimate
.I w. umicr, Buv tun tor
making fortunes In week have passed
ana gone beyond recall. TPittsbursh
Tbadriett of all dried applet is InJ the
poeseisioo of a Kentucky family. Il was
given le soldier by bis betrothed .juit be
fore be entered tbe revolutionary army, and
tier ovrylog II through all that war, he
reiurned and married the donor, and
apple baa been kept
M an heu-'oo m erer
What Conatltntea no Habltaal
Judge Stow, al Pilisbergb on Friday, In
the ease ol Eleanor MeGinnla vs. John rlo
G nnle, gave bisdeeieioo In a suit to de
teratoe whether or ue tbe deieodaat was a
habitual drunkard and therefore unfit to
manege bis own .estate. Ills drcislon
thai will be read with greater Interest tkaa
is usually accorded lo tba eettleaeat of a
knotty point of law. W quote from has
fha simple question for Ike jary le, "Is
Ike defendant an habitual druokardt" Il
is aot necessary lor lha plaintiff . lo prove,
nor ter Ibe jury lo Bod, that tbe habit ol
druokeaoeec arise from Irreattsible appe.
lite or leadeoey, nor that lb drunkenness
ausl be ceastant, or ossurrlng at intervals,
It may be Irregular In Its recurrence, lie l it
ausl be so frequent aod coollouous as to
sbuw Ibat It is a custamary or ordinary eon
dltioo, and not simply occasional and ex
It is not neeesiary to make oul case ef
habitual druokenness, thai defendael should
be eomtantly intoxicated. A man may be
a habitual drunkard, and 'yet sober at
limes for days and weeks together. Tbe
true questions for the jury are:' Had the
defend.ut a fixed bakll of drunkenness?
Was be habituated lo laloxteallaa when
ever Ike opyorlunlly offered!
Whal constitutes drunkenness cannot be
dvlined with exactness. When II batreach
ad certain extent, It is easy enough to din
liagiilih II; but In lis Orst singes II is per
bsps very bard, II net Improbable, for any
one lo say tx.cily when sobriety ends aod
dtunkenoesa begins. Il is certainly no
merely habitual drinking, aaa man may
be In Ibe habit of taking one drink .or more
ef liquor from day to day, or from week to
week, or every day and yet not be by any
means aa habitual drunkard. So long as
Ibe drinking produces no preeeptible or
visible effect upon one, mentally or physi
cally- lhal Is to say, not affecting, bis con
ductor bis pnysioal appearance to any per
ceptible effeot he Is not habitual drunk
ard in Ibe eye of Ibe law. So that unlets a
perteo Is either mentally or physically
perceptibly and postlvely affected by liquor
be cannet be ssld, under tbe meaoiag o.
the Uw ta be drunk. But when ho Is afbet.
d by liquor to an extent showing thai be Is
either menially or physically controlled, or
so strongly Influenced by It as lo be posi
tively drives or moved oul of bis normal
condition, ho mail be said, lobe drunk;
Ibougb in ene case be might walk well, and
In another hie miud ba'apparently olear.
Thea If yea shond find that there was
frequent drunkenness on Ibe pact of tbe
defendant, was it habUualf That Is, was
it customary, usual or common, as diilln
guished from stldom, unusual er occasion
al? We again repeat. If you should be of tbe
opinion Ibat the defendant Is in.lhe habit ol
getting drutk, il makes no difference, and
constitute! no defense lo this proceedlse.
that you should believe that he la still able
lo take care of kimsell and manage hii es
tate. We are oot Inquiring Into his cipac
ity lo attend either to himself or hi estate,
bit simply whctiiur he Is an habitual
druokaid. If be is, tbe law fixes tbe rest."
Tim Farm. Tbe small producers ara
replacing a number of their eld derricks by
new ones this is one good result of the in
creased price oi oU.
There are c new developments on this
arm al present, but If Ibe price of oil con
tinue number of operator are determin
ed lo test large tract of aodeveloped let.
riteiy beyead Blood bill.
"I'll kill somebody before I go to supper,
wai the rcmntk ef Mr. Rob Cox as ha walk
ed up to the bar of a Memphis saloen aad
eidered his forty-third cccktalL after drink
ing which be began knocking off tbe bats of
the loalers therein assembled, and flourishing
an pistol with thraal of sbooliog. They
all took il meekly, and no one afforded Mr
Cox reasonable) excuse for sbeotipg. He
was beginning to get hungry, when, fortu
natuly, a young man named Martin attempt
ed lo leave the room, and oo goingout look
ed over bis shoulder to see il aoybedy was
aoing to shoot at bim. Mr. Cix thought
ibis wss bl last chance to avoid a cold nip
per. "What are you looking at!'' be indlg
oamly demanded. Nothing, Mr. Cox,"
was Its reply, whereupon Mr. Ci x piomptlv
Sot him through Ibe bead aod went home
lo bis supper. Tbis should be a w.rnloir lo
all Memphis people oot lo look back wbea
they ttarl to leave a bar room. Mr. Cox
will be tried but laere is liute doubt of bis
acquittal. He was losses with hunger, aad
hilled Mania In self defence. St. Louis
3Yet another arbitration. A'.Realer'
telegram from Paris in London paper
says: M. Thiers bas been ohoaen nrbllrati.r
In Ibe long-pending colonial question be-
iweea id tngiiab and Poriutus Government.
Saepenslon Brldje--How
ctand Ibe Teat of Tine.
It Is o.w torn twenty year since the
great Suspension Bridge was built over the
Niagara River. The question of It aafaty
has receally beea agitated, and crilioal la.
v eetlgeliea bas accordingly been made by
the Chief Engineer and Dlreolors of the
Great Western Railway. The caps on tbe
towen covering Ibe Cables have been mov
ed, and the cable foaad le be al perlecl ia
all respects as aver Ibey were. But moat
important ol ail, the anchorage of tbo cable,
wss thoroughly luspeoted. The masonry
over ene of them wa removed for ebon'
twelve feel, or below whet the wire are
allaobed lo the anchor chains. A portion
f the cable is Imbedded lo water lime ce
aeut Far twenty year this baa been
teere, yet, on removlag It aad rubbing the
petateff the wires, ibe latter were found as
bright and peilsci ea when placed there
Ike eeaeul having preserved lha wire and
anchor cbaina lnial. The eummatleo
was made in tbe present of competes! en
gineers, who have expresssd themselves ss
iov loth bridge cosnpauy. fLockport
Daily Jeuraal.
Parker OU ft'lel.
The "Major" is the name of the new well
recently struok on tbe W. C. Adame farm,
near Falrview. II bas been pumping and
flowing oil lor several days aad is asiituatnl
ae being fully a CO bbtrel well. W. G
Sio'ugblea, A. 1. Reep, Alexander McFar
laud, John A. Browu and Mr. aBdersoo
are tbe owners,
A well on the Wilson farm, lying between
Peltolia City and Fairview, bas beau drill
ed into the third sand and is flowing large
quantities of oil. J. C. Hatch end. others
are tbe owners of the well.
A well owned by Harrington & Ilarrop,
lecatsd en the Gibson farm, brlween Mar
tiosburg and Argyle, was completed about
ill eouuueooemeal of the thirty days' snse
pension. This wall bas been torpedoed
sioso the resumption of business, snd i
now yielding Ge or 70 barrels ol oil per
The Aagell wall No. 2, located oo land of
C. V. Angel I & Co , near Fairview, has eeeu
pumping for some days and is yielding about
60 barrels ol oil psr day.
Tbe well at Bonnie Brook, five miles south
east ol Duller, bolug diilled by J. 11. and
J. A. Lambing, is down 1,100 feel aod the
icdicatious are said to be good. If str'ke
is mads iu this quarter large soope ol new
territory will tie opened up. Tbe Lambing
Bros., are desemu of success for their uu
llring eU'erte iu tins qunrtcr.
A well eu toe farm, over Klr.
viow, Butler cnuuiy, owned by B. Dougber-
t Af P-k .'a I i . . i . .
., . w.n n uauuiny lull uioere, ie IU ISO
tnird sand witu a good show. Oilman's
Peters' MasiCel Monthly complete Us
Teeth Volume witb the December number,
and it is doing Mr. Peter but simple justice
to state that bii excellent magazine is im
proving witb age. Il was good years agot
when il first made its appearance, and it
has been steadily improving until the pres.
eat lime, wh il can only be pronounced
perfect, and iudiipeniable lo every lover o'
The December .umber, price 10 cents,
contains three Ballads, Chiistma Song,
ao Anthem, a four baod piece, as playsd at
Theodore Tbomss' Orchestral Cooasrt,
and three splendid Piano Pieces, aay sin
gle pieee being worth in sheet form inure
than Mr. Peters asks for tbe entire let.
Giving so much really good music feriueb
a smsll sum, It Is oo wonder ibat Patera's
Musioal Monthly has hosts of friend among
our music loviug people. These wbo have
seen il will, ol course, renew their suhicrip.
Iloa for Ibe coming year; oiten, less for
tunate, should send the Publisher, J. L.
Peters, 699 Broad wsy, New York, $!, aod
seoure ibe last four number as sample cop
ies, ud $3 for a year's subscription.
Thsre wss great danger lasl week or a
complete block of the Pipe Lines at fox
burg and Parker. The producers had pooled
tbeir oil al certain prices, which buyer,
would not pay, and the tankage ef the pipe
companies and at tba walls wa all flilej
la overflowing. Duriog ibe first part of
the.preseut week we were Informed Ibat oil
eomaen'ced lo be moved al lively rate,
giving relief to all concerned. (.Venango
There ia a wrong Impression abroad, that
Peterabuig is a hard place, because a num
ber of-vioLlors ol the law are brought Irum
there to court. We know from personal ob
servation and acquaintance, that there ia a
otass of excellent business meu In that, com
miinlty, and Ibe eitizens generally compare
favorably witb thote of any other town In
the oil regions Tbey have good police reg
ulations, and bring te justice those wbo dis
regard Ibe law. Clarion Democrat.
Forly-pouud wild turkeys, witb beards
foot long, are formidable gam that sperU
men bag In Georgia.
Local Notice.
A good dwelling in Wil
Cat I'osBeBaioQ given immedi
ately. Apply to C.C. CI1UKCH,
Hochaster House.
Nov l-lw.
All Ike asgtxiaes ler September, now
Oliver Optic, " '
Young Fuibs,
Frank Leslie,
Children's Flower,
Old and New,
Godey's Ladies' Book,
London Society,
Ladles' Friead,
Arthur Home, Monthly,
Goad Worts,
Herald of Health.
Advertise ia tbe Kbcobb.
The Vislor Brand ef elgars al the fait
OfUee News Room.
For Pore Wines warran ..d as eneb by lha
ti.thtrheot af Bnwtaa a ffAFiaiJcT'a.
IVGAFFXET keeps cooataotjy o
band Scotob Ale and Leodoa Potter, esse
ally for family nee.
T.nvera of ennd aisaia Mill flnit .
tirely new brands, never before Introduced .
in Ibis place, at tbe Post Office News Koea
They are warranted.pure Hsvanua
Dais Uninee. New Varieties. N Tn.k
Clipper, WUk'a Spirit, and all sporting p-
n.ri l Ih. P()T HrtPf"H Kl'WJDlliia
I - vis., . r. j.ui.i
acid can be saen at
Wber Il to bt ftood !! grtftte! link ?
In the Oil Regions, consisting io
pari or wax and Ubina Dolls, chiua
Cups and Saucers, all kinds of Toys
and Fancy AMlelee loplease
the little ones,
In great variety, Skates, Willow
yT 1. L3i-J rl ' TT
vvuiK. oiauuis, Aoehiing nursery
Confection ry
Nuts, Fruits, &c.
Come and examine, inv stock
before purchasing elsewhere-
Death! Bad Itnatli!
Millions of yourijr and old neople ( both eexeel ere
torrured dalle dlxordered Dtomech, lllood, Heart,
iver, Kidneys, via: Ague, nervous headache, pl
pitaiioD, iiiddlums, drowsiness, no enerey, dispep
Ha, cam rh, rhi-umatiem, heuralglu, eravel, wea
ouck, nrn'tlpailon. piles, Ao , Ac. Wa rellgloosly
eiunmend our UOI.UK.N PACKAGES. NeviT !
Mailed free for H- Uwcrlbe your esse. Creels
true. . AddreM.
CITY INFIhVaRY. Youoeitown, 0.
I suffned with CATARKU thirty jeare. end wss
eared liy a eimpli- remedy. Will send receipt. po"
age free, In all afflicted. Iter, T. J. MBAO, Bit"
w 17u, Hyracine, N. X