1 i n t Mt 'it 43i Mi i r r !:. i t n SHUGEBT & STARR Hcrchaot Tailors! A FRAKKLHf 8T CLOlJLSd CAHSIMEBES rftucm jlxdi AM1MCAH COATINGS, HODilD STRIPED SUITINGS, CTAnCT YE5TINS. afaeOUBegtOB. ITBKTT DIFFERENT BTTLIS 07 ST-aVTS Sc CAPS, AL the USeeteat Xobbiest Btrlm. a rtix urn o Gents' Jnrnishing Goods, Ac. troleum Centra Daily Record. a. Centre) Pii, Monday, Dee. 2. envlae Bervlee. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Service every Sabbath at 11 A. II. and , f. M. Sabbath Sobool at 12Jf P. II. aata free. A cordial Invitation extend ad to all. Kit. a. Mogbi, Pallor. piesbttxkIan CHURCH. Freeebiag at li o'clock A.M.. aad 7 'loak l. H.. by lb Pattnr, W. C. Bhrcb abd. Sahbalo School al 11, directly after laraaooa service. Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School Teeii.er'e Matting Tuesday venlg at each week. FtroIam Cewtrw,, Lodge, Wo. VIS, I. O. of u. F. Katalar uoeliag aicku Friday, al! 7 'lock, eijsaad. ' . ALLEN, N. O IT Raoiik, A Bee' j. WT loa f meeting, Mala St.. apposite liliutock Houm. A. O. of V. W. Liberty Loe No. 7, A. O. of U. W., 'J.W!J u"u,iJ enln)r al 7 o'clock, la Odd FeUow'a Hull, Pelroleaa? Contra Feaa'a. ' , . , A. M. Klbcemcb, M. W. A. Kuia, R. iaoekaaoee Tribe No. 1M, I. O. R. H. f retrolenia Centre, raei every Tburtdtv aventai In Good Templar't Hell. UT Coaaoll fret n(utrd at 7 o'clock. eV RBTNOLDg, Chief ol Recorda. aid at 1 p. ra. H2Jt It apuean nothing eao ba done hnh., al prateat towarda perfacllng tba plan of lha Producer'! Agency, until it hat bean legal lied by aa act of tba Stale Legislature. To anabla Iba Bembert ol tba Legliltturt wbo rttlda at a ditlaaca frem iba ail re zlan. and probably da not aodarttand Iba inertia af aequettiouaiitiua, we ara iafermed lha Produoer'e Couaoll btve axlandad an Invl tatloa to a large aumber of ttfc nembert la oat tbrm al Oil City on or aboal the lOtb f lha pretent maotb, lo confer together in the nutter. A large aumber of lha niem btrt btve algnlfled their Inleatlon af being ore tee I at the maiiii i-i. . , iuvi.iii.ui ! I .a guod ona and we bopa will ba carried aqt Tha qaettion It frequently atked at kow II comet thai toll ia yet charged on lha Eg bert farm bridge, when It wta reported for a racttama aioaiba ago that Iba County CotamlMionen bad purokeied laid bridge, undei loilruotloai from Iba Court, eltber to boy Ike bridge or build a new oaa, the Id teallon belag to maka n irea. Will Iba boaorabla County Cemmlttlaaara explain in what "drawer the red lapa Ilea," or wbara Ike, "klak" ia The Iravollag pualio bare boula wauld vary muck Ilka lo knew. QVorge W. Wlator, Eq., the well known dealer In hardware and oil well auppllea, it lha agent lor enteral ttylea of tbo flo.it eol burning itovet. with the . t.i..i improvxmeoti, for both pulor and kltcber, tiwtweevortaw In Ibia reglen. Etpecl tlly it toe larjie elegeet nave now In ate ia lh....t.. t.t. t. 'eny worm laklug a look l noiblae; mora. Oaaocuuul or the heavy tiorw ol Stlur t, dey. aa meellog or Ike Producer Aerooia V tla wta held. Mr. T. i. trap, ol WllllamtBor l, baa iaa veatei a boom wbloh float upoa Iba atfac of lha water, for iba collection of iba via 611 floallai upon iba streams la Iba oil reg ion, me top part onaiji of wood, aod alliokcd la a rack to preve l floatim sub stance fram nixing wllb the oil. Tbic raek alto creates a diversion of tbe correal, and force iba ell to ona corner ot tba bow, wbara it passes out through tubing lolo Iba vessel intended fur Itt reeeciiuu. lo winter II oaa bo pieced under Iba Ice, and o eooetrueted at to prevent Iba oil from mixing wllb Iba lea. Bv ibia luveafloo ulaaa water can be afforded, aad Iba ot1 Ibatlinow wan.d all aetbered. Judg ing iiam tba moce ) It will prove a grand acceet. la tba V. 8. Ut.en. bald at Erie, Uil waek, tbe follow na lull wet tried : In coilitloa si Koueevllle, Augutl 15th, 1868, betaeen a conilriicllaa and a freight train on tba Oil Oreek & Allegheny Hirer B R, Mlebaal, sua of Oeikarlaa McKlligotl, wai killed. Tbe mother brought tutt iar $4,000 damage. Verdict for defendant. Spsakiog of our neighboring village "of Kaoe City, a down eroek exchange cayt: Tklt 'city" kae two holeli, three general tome, two groceries, a good hardware f lore, a aewsroom la tba pott office betiding, a two-story tcbool boute (or one hundred aod thirty pupllt, an unknowa Dumber ol dwell ing houses, and a aootal, klad hearted data ol retideata who never 'raite Cain." There are aboat forty producing welli oa tba Brown farm and several new ooet drilling ; tbara ara alio about forty on Kaa Run. Tha Parker Clt TrantcrlBt It the nmi of a new paper pnbliahed dally at Parker'a i.anaing, ny Jeaat s Jtcktoo. n lookt well aod we wieb It well. Tke large amount of mow that bat fallen for tbe patt day or two, from preaaot ap pearaaeea to go effebeut at feat aa It oame on. Raining aad tbawlna fat. We bear it rumorid that the Aseaev ara te aommenee bavlna oil thla weak, nevtae therefor $3 la eath, and errtlfleaut for Ika balaooa of lha 5. Tblt will be uood newa lo our oil men aad builaeta mea gantrally. Our friend Harner. of Kane Cllv. com pleted a well on Iba Morriton traot, adjeio Ion the Brown larm. Cberrvlrea Run. on Setiirdey, wbleb provet lo ba a dry hole -Not even enough oil lo greate a hull wheel in good tbape." Never mtod, old boy, wa hepa the next one will turn oat baiter. Uoo'B'Ville, Beaver lownthlp "ia d lnd to Become aulla a town. Ovh ianfi building lolt kava been bought with the pail month and building will ba put up in the tpriog. Tbe oil development! ara doing wondart for Beaver. A new woil wat tlruck latl week on tbe Eli Ritlt farm, in Betver townikiD. and hat been doing 15 or 20 barrel. Svera other well ara color, dawn In tha me vi cinity, wbleb would have been linltbed bad oi IE lone dinette retarded the work. Tba Eeit Brady Iadependeol levi: Tka approach of wioteueemi to bava little or no Ileal upon opera! Mt in Iba lower oil tre- lou. A falling off in drillina aiuallv somee wllb the wlater bul toll teuton teemi looflVr an exception to lha general rale. New rigt are being created on avery farm la Ibi neighborhood, and new well ara etarllaa dally, Bolwilhelaodlng 'tbe diffieulllei en- couoiereu ortlling in M winter montb. Tha unprecedented nJrBber of large well truck lo tba lower Oil Itjgiooa In tba put iew mooint ia a great lonll veto operator. Producer have uobauoded faith In tbl Iar rltory In lha entire Oil Regloo. There It nan o great in a ten I, and at lb acme time aooe to rich a lb territory la Butler Armnroog and Clarion oouatlri. Orr fob Birbidob Meurt. U. n. Adtil and Frank Murray left bare on the three o'clock train Wedoeadey afteraooa for Boatoa, from wbeaoe tbey will tall today (Satardiy) far oaa or tba Wed India lilaodt 'called Barbadoea- Mr. Adill, wbo hat been ,to Barbadot before, ralnrned lo toil place 'a raw week iluoa at tba aeat ol an Ingllih company thai purpoar putting down ona o' mora oU well on that ialaod, and takee back witb bim a complete well rig which ba muobaied from Mraira. Thaverand Jmin Mr. Murray, who ha long been knawn aa on ol tba bett drlllert In tbe ail region, accompaolet blm at aa employe. Rout vlll renoaylvaulan. Tbelewnof Sterling, lllioole, haajhlt opon aa excelleal lemperaaca meaaura. It ba peaafd an ordinaooe providing that tba aoora or wtoaow or ariocing nioont ttaall be obacured by meana ol toreent. naini. or Other devicea to coooeal what it eolni oo wtlhta. Tba proprietor tkall be liable a loa al from fa to $20. To Ight daikaeu witb light I wlaa geueralahlr-, and Ilia idea I an wkicb, if II can ba earrlel out. will terra an xoIIbi parpoM. NOTES OF TI1I3 DAY. Tk Patomao river wa fraaa ever, at Waaklngton, latl week. Tba New York Elevated Railway made a tucceaa by the apizj ill o. Ti't Krle Railway le tald to earn near y $500,000 a week, grora re.elpta. Two gentlemen af Lowet, aged 71 and 76, married youthful bride lad week. Tke Lord Chamberlain of Englaod haa prohibited any mora ' barmaid aboe a." A young lady of II yaart died In Trey lha atber day who never walked ar tpeken. John P. Jonee, who will probably ba lb next Senator from Nevada, la tald lo ba worm $10,000,000. There ara (aid lo ba In all Ik merchant dean ol Iba warld 81,061 veiaeli, meaiurlog 78,214,41 loa. Mr. Paul B. da Chilllu ba begun an cx- leuded lecturing tour in lb Northern and Wetter Stale. A eight fool vela of plumbago It repert ad lo bava been dlrcove ted near Srdalia, In Soutbwettera M incur i. Tba indistmenl againtl William M. Tweed itaaid lo ba tba drlighl of the New York lawyer. It contain 1060 paget. The Sixth annual meeting of tba Society of It Army el lb Cumberland look place at Dayton, Ohio, ou tbe 20tb indent. Tbe Pari Cbiefof Police relieve bit ateroer dutle by employing bit lelaure lo writing fatbiun aittclea fur lb newspa per. ' Invalid! Irom Iba Northern Slatet ara baaieolbg to Florida, lue Wtitlndiea and tba Mediterrenran to ipetid tbe winter. Tba Clarkaville, Texat, Staadard report! pear Ireee, plam treei, crape myrllei, la- mal vine! aad jraaamine! In blaoui. Sleepy Eya bat become a f remlnenl Min netiota lows oo account of tba peril ol tba railroad laborera tnowed up in ttal Stale. Tber I a large demand from Englaad for American eemi-bilnmiooii eoahjoo account of lha Increase of Iba price or Engliih coal. A wtrn piper put II gently by Myiog tbal "llty-four perioni took up their ren deuce In Ik cemetery at Lalayaile tail waek." A Brooklyn doctor, wbote leg wit recent ly broken by tn accideut on a ureal rail way, surd for $20,000 damagei and wai awarded $7,200. Al Fort Smith, Ark., a Are aeourred on Ike 14tb int., deetroylig a number of aierea and bouiee, doing damage! lo the extent of $180, 000. Witbln eighteen montba wetk w!ll ba eommeooed a a tclegrapbi line to oanct the Vnikd Slaleiasd Euiopa with South America A Wiaconaia Crnngrearman la taken lo ink by tbe preu of tbal State lor tending out aider hit frank over Ire hundred wed ding eardi for a relative. AaniSTBD. Matbew Lucaa, a colored man, wai arrvited by officer Scheafuoc'ier, in thii oity yesterday, on the arrival of lb Franklin train, upon Information received by Chief of Police Boyd that Ire bad ibot and probably mortally woon'led a man In an altercation Jin St. Petersburg, where he iLucaa) resides. Aa officer cam oo last night aud look tba prisoner. la custody, and returned witb bim to Clarion county. J be wound! inflicted were in tbe bii aodahoald er, aod It li not thought will prove fatal. According to Luoai' alory, thii man wai followiag blm up witb a buicber'i cleewr, threatening lo kill bim, aud that be, Lueal, wai endeavoring lo get away from bim, and tbal when pressed by blm, be turned and tired several abots. Tbal be fled irom the the place fearlog tbe mob might do him In jury. Tba wouudvd man li a itrengitr in at . retersburit.- (.Heedvllle liepablieaa. S. N. Lelap aod others, have just made a good strike al Petrolia City. One kuodred barrel well ara a good for blm ta have ai well ai others, aod all I will thai end In a good an all well. G. Wallace Delemater bat been equally fortunate, yet more eo. Wa learn be bai made a big bit In Iba lhape et 250 bbl. well. Both these Willi ara aa tha Graham farm, Petrolia Oily. Parker Leading Transcript. W bear of a daily paper avlng alerted rn Franklin by Bios A Cgswil of the Titut viile Herald. We btve not yel leaned the oame ol tbe paper, bul expect toon lo se it. W aulieipata for theia a large circula tion. We witb tbtm success. Emlenien Friend. SGeorge Frantio Train biowed off bit smp.us gat In Jobostowa last Saturday night. Tba A. Y. K. H. ba a $240,000 Iron bridge just completed, across the Klakiminl lis. Tba Odd Feliowa' heme for orphan will ba belli la Utadvtlla esrly next srring. WIHTEB, t b. w. Loxoratxbw. O, Iba long'aad dreary wlntsrt O. tbe cold aod cruel winter i Ever thicker, thicker, thicker, Froze lb lee la lake river, Ever deeper, deeper, deeper, Fell Ibe mow e'er the laadtoape, Fell lb covering mow, aod drifted Through the forest, round lb village. Hardly from hi bar led wigwam Could lha hunter force a ptstsge; With bit milltrii aad bit Mow tbue Vainly walked ba through the foreat, .Sought for bird er bead, aod found Suae; Saw ao Irack al deer ar rabbit, lo tba snow befeeld a footprints; g In tke ghastly, gleaming forest Fell, aad could not rise irom weekatts. Perished there from cold and hunger. O, the feralo and tbe fever 1 O, the wadlug of-lb famine! O, the blasting of tba fever I O, tbe wailing of Ibe children; O, lb anguish al tbe woman! All lb earth was sick and famiihid, Hungry wai tha air eronad them, Hungry wat the iky above Ibam, Aid the bmgry dan la heaven Like tba eyea of welve glared at them, Oil. Ntwa. The Bell and McDonald well, on McUlymoed't larm waa tubed re ceotly, wllb a good show. Wm. Sanghton ha purchased Mr. Reep's interest In tha Major well, on the Adam farm, near Kaine Cliy. Tbe well ia pump ing 75 barrel a day. In a late Issue w laid tba Ad tell No. 1 line being torpedoed, wa good for 76 bar. ral a day. We kava seen ber pumping mora recently and believe she I a 100 bar .-l .11 r n a - 1 1 l .ni. w. auKwiebV', owners. v i r-..ku mr.. a , . . . N a, in aigjijr, owoea oy in Jamison farm Co., wa tubed oa Wedaet dayoflait week. Tbe well made a good bow, and will probably produce 60 bairel day. Tba valley between Art;! tnd Petroll and the bill side oo the eaalernelde of lha dream, presents stirring appesrsesr. Derrick teem le Le tba uataral product of tka toll. C. J). AngelUt Co., own three hundred acres of land adjoining the MeClymnnds farm, whicn will be developed at once. Two welli ara drilling 'at ibe preeenl lim . They pnuhaeed lie properly last spring fur $t0,000 (Tend loday 11 wiuld bring twice that amount. In another plate w date that W. G.. StouKhloo bad bought cut A. J. Rp In Ibe Major well, on the Adame farm. Since that lime ba ha also purchased lha latereslso' Mr. Stndertoa aad Turner, and new owns tha controlling lotemsts of Ibe well. The proprietors the Scndder and Camp b0l No. 1, ara d if posed to crow over the time made in drilling tbat well, and with good reason, we think. Tbe bole was drill ad 1405 feet In tha nnpretedented time ol forty tevea day , with four ashing job. Tbe Baldy bey and "Canada Jim," loo. drensrs aod drillers. If anybody In tbl, region kaa beaten that lima we ihould be glad lo hear from them. Another good drik on lb McClymoad, farm. Last week we visited tba BoyerjNa. 2, on tbl farm, and lonnd ber making a splendid show. Drilling waa not yel floe ished and tbe well 'was flowim. oeriedl call;, at tbe rate of about eeveoly Ave bar J rvie a aay. in consequence of the frequent flow the work was greatly retarded. This is tbe well in wiiob lb beavy vain af gai was drnck in tba second land, aa reported In thii paper a few week age. (Kadbrady Independent. The Slate of Kentucky, wkioh assumes lo bs civilized, bai eo joyed another whipping post xblhlrtoo. Tba county or Caldwell bai this time done Unit honor la baol a human being up and laib bim. Two Baltimore girls bad a qaarrel rso eatly, aad taking aeaodd aid male ref eree, went outside Ibe oily lo Mill It. They dripped le lb wait! aad pounded away for ten rounds, when, M neither onuld aea to pound any laager, Ihey aalled it a draw. Tbe dlisot.ry of oil at Sbabeygao, Mlsbla gao, li reported, and io Georgia, oa tbe Una of tbe Maun railroad, the water Is said lo be so impregnated with oil thai It cannot be used in locomotive boilers. Tbe value ol loads In Ibe oil territory of Washington county, Ohio, I reported by tbe Marietta Regiater to.be tepidly advao ciug, aod il I believed tbal Pelroleam abounds there in great quebtilie. - Tba fouodktiun ol tba oil business laid in laad tblrd land. Na excuse for not resdiag ths Bible bow. It I printd4o Efqnlmsux. Local Notlm-a. FOB SAJLE Oil KfcAT. A good dwelling in Wilfl Cat TosseesioD given irnroedu tely. Apply to C.C CHUKCH, Rochester House. Novl9-lw. Hfstfaslne. agsala far weptemocr, aw All Ik ready. Harper, Oalexv. Allantle, Llpplncoilc Eclectic Traoeatlantl, Oliver Optic, Teung Folke, Frenk Leslie, Children' Flow. Old and New, Goday'a Ladles' Boak, London Society, . Petereon'a Ladle' Friend. Arthur' Home. Fcieaca Monthly. Balloit'e, Good Wnrlt Nursery,. Chatterbox, lletropolitan. Herald of Health. Al lb POST OFFICB NEWSROOM. Advertise la tbe Ricobb. Tbe Viator Brand af inr ai she Pi Office New Ream. For Pure Wine warran ae eneh a i reltMsweeaJ ef Broetea a la iTMiTi. - VGAFFITEY keen oondanilv mm band Scotch Ala and Leedoa Porter, asaae ally far family nee. CIGARS Lover of cood lirarB will find aeveeal m lirely oew brands, never before iotrodneed in Ibi Dlace. al tba Pod Office Na Rn They are warranted pure Havana Dtfl Dnioc. New Varieties. New Tnrk Clipper. Wlik'a Spirit, and all spnrilr. pa- pare at the rlMT OFFICB NEWSROOM. 7 OXjJLTJS HAS ARRIVED F nd can be seen at VARIETY STORE SECOKD DOOR FROM TBE OPERA HOUSE, PETROLKUM CKNTRE; PA , i Xfbif li to U fDDd Ugr.ltl itoik f the Oil Regions, consisting ia part of Wax and China Doll. Chin Cupt and Saueen, all kind of Toys aad Fancy Articles to pleas the little one, In great variety, Skates, Willow Work Stands, Reeking Horses, Confection ry Nuts, Fruits, &o. Come and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. ' fJ. W. BEATTV. novae. Death ! Bad Ilnatli ! Milllens of mung and old people (both srxee) are torrnred dallv diKordered Stomach, Blood, Heart, J Ivor. Kldueva. via: AmuA. nanroua headache, pal piutinn, elddlnees, drowainMS, no eoerry. difpepj ria, cau, rn, moumatn-m, rheumatism, hanralfla, paval. nation, nlles. Ae . e. We rellelooily otCK, eonenpauon, pllea. commend our UOLDK. PACKAGES, merer n"- Mailed free for ft- Describe year ease. Cretin free. Add, CITT INFIRMaRT. Touogstowp, O. JHORRIBLE. I raff.' red with CATARRH thirty V-n.nii oared by a simple remedy. Will Mmd PPyf'7 i fte. io 1) aSUemd T