DAI VOL VIII -NO 19 THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECO IM) THE FIRST DAILY PAPER IN VENAN GO COUNTY. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, 'Sunday excepted. CHAS. C. WICKER, Editor. mjm payable n adTaaee, ', IS 00 FB1CE-MST OF AOVERTIMNO (T llnet of nonpareil make on square.) Ho. Iuie.rtl-iue. I eq. It sq. t Bq. tt'ai. 1 00 1 sn m i (Ml 1 ne in mi l Oil l Oil 17 01' M 00 (1 K' 1 14 Ml 6 SO ro fredsys, liter csya, far says, fire days, DM week, Tin weeks, (km wwkl, 0 month, Two monftis, Thm mnntbt, til months, Hiae months , fcejeer, 1 01 i iv.: 101', t 911 4 till T vi io mi IK IB 011 18 OH SO IX 45 00 M 00 1 BtM torJ 7 00 6 10 ( to t Sit Oti 8 10 oo It SO 15 Ml t 110 M 0(1 4tS 00 14 no M OH 0 ID to on 40 on o Oil Ml tl 100 00 i Special notice! 20 cents per line, each Ineertloa. Mfertieemente payable quarterly In advance 8. M. Pettenill Ac Co. at MKav, New Tirk, and Oka. P. Rowell A Co., Atortlslag Agents, ere the role agente for at Pe. (ralram Centre Dailt Rbcobd in that dir. Ad' wtitert In ttutt city are reqaestrd to lent their iron wnn ettaer oi wm anove noaies WCOE. WET HE RILL t CO. Adw- tkiiw Atents, Philadelphia, are duly aatheriaed ipoi air toe kbcobb in mat city. 1MIEI B. iniTHi ATTORNEY-AT LAW, OSes In Court tCoue. Franklin. T . anil on Tues. yi and Fridays of each we 3k OTer Blseeil Cu'a. tut, Petroleum Centre l a JulyVMf DM. U. MACH1CK. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, II'ETROLKUH CENTRE, Pi, (Successor to Dl W. K. Roellug) "H's on Washington Street, opposite Sel Vr House. VlBce open at all hour day and nltrbL v bicai.i'i.m:. (Lute of Pctrolcnm Cenw RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST, fcu administered. Offleu open now. P'ricw-Orer Ml SEVILI.I, Khepard't PA. Dry Gotde tttire jiml VI II H. Wilbert TSnownrcrandtncxn-uto BrtK"K AND MA 1 SON WOHX IN ALL ITS URANCilKM, and Vtnajlle tci nvn eti.f&flinn. . PI.AT15H1N( done to order. BUlfB CniM NIKH built. Also, BlilC'li and LiME iouilant J on hand and for eale. W. Keeidi nee on Hubert Farm. Tost Oltlce AMiom Pctiolenm 'eiire. Pa. Dive me a call. BorSOin. W. V. JOII.M-iTO., ATTORNEY AT LAW, .PETROLED at CENTRE, PA. J'Sceon WashtngtoB "street, oppoaita bolileomco. Esq. Rey. jbl If 'WLBETTS: ENGINEER, MACHINIST ttLACKSMI I II. And maiiul ncturer of Ilrilllnc and Flaliiiig TooIn. SHOP ON CENTRAL PET. FARM. NEAR R R. DEPOT, . PETROLKtlM CENTRE. PA. i All kit flu of JolibinK nnd Machino Repair- aprl5-tf. WRT. L. nr.TT". CITY HOTEL Ami Ktsi4iaT, Spring ttrecl, T1TU3VILLE, PA. Tlioa. Goodwin, Prop'v. Tkla Hotel k deatrtlly leeetea The beatef ae- MUdaeloBa afforded to gaeani trantient oi per Snry delieaey ct tbt aeaeon eanttantty JteVr4 .?"BTniNO sflW-The preprletor baa PETROLEUM CENTRE. PA . IIoili Riid Keatiiiirunl. Q1.N1KAL, UOIhE, V aTROLtUet CBNTU1, PA.. Near 0ft Creek A Allegheny River Railway Depot maylO-tf. G. J CROSS,' Propr' etuoa.ci;ri hocw. Fraa Oannlbua Ui and from all Train BILLIARD AND BA1W ROOMS CON NECTED WITH HOTEL. noTlfl-tf. C. W. 8TAATS, Prep'ip OYSTERS. Smith's LAGER BEER SALOON! ami oisTFJt wmms. !l .Ylnir pnrclii-d the Saloon, NKXT BOOK to SIMMON DHL' a STO tK. 1 iei ct'ullj riilidt a ehare of patronage. My ronme will b ktpi ruil ant pieaeant, tut rav trtende will nt all uracs Ilea from the brewery and alwevn cool. Yon enn aUvsve And thi abate ertlc.e. with itIMON ADK. N ATI 'K WINBH, KUOT RKIK, and: freeh made 8AND WI0HHS kycalllsKOU me 171 hnTe aim lited ap a l.adloe' Rente Oy.tr K(M)H, where te erum will be icreed up at all honra. Prirate entrance to theftni. A. 8. f MlTII, OtttA-tf, Next door to Simmons' Slcre. VERANPAH IVM MRESTltRiST. Tllllat. HEAliY, I'rop'ar. WASHINGTON ST.. TET. CENTRE Partlcnlar attention naidtothe wants r. n.y em- tomere, aud will kevp uio flnett r.orV FREI1 JiAGKH AM AMI, CIIIOCG ClUAIt, c. YSTl:lCS fn I'.vny Myl Drup In and see me In my new quarter. !." f pera Hons I SA-LOOIST! IiOiiis J. Vonrlier, Pr;i'r. TTiider the Opera Heme, Petroleum Cmtre, Pa fBhSIl LAt!' R received dully and c.liilan:l i t 4rnii"iit l.rNCil at an hours. . . vn-st o WINES, ALUS, c and tlio llnet brands ol CI GARS constantly on hnd My fii t-tts nnd .it public are respectlnliy Invited to pay in- s cM. l,ovl4in. LOU. S . I. VOUCH B!. 0LLY 1 VAEDEN ANl) RESTAURANT ! WASIIINGTOM STREET, . PITROLKUM CENTRE, PA Caft.W. I. SMITH,- Prop'r. Alta aa ! n Tap, Cholea Vina. NatlTt fc rorelf u, aaaaatla aaJ lmvtr ('3r CmQ atta tat BarrvtMcS'. fliteSeto' RECORD, p ,i - ni ,- itttwittmii wiiaf jiiiiiil tin i i null in i ii wwtw winnwi I IWJI IW I u4i miPWP" 1 WDNESVY EVENING NOVEMBER ;20. 1872. FINANCIAL. UO. II. BISSEajLi & CO., R A. N K E R S, pi;tkoi,i:iii cicniki:, va. G. II. UiiMl, . M. C. Martin Chrlitophof BIcyer We nflVr onr errvicee lor the 'roniaclinn of a UhNRHAL BANKING, KXUUANUh aud COL. I b' TION m:siNE(S. Any l.iixine'ft enti-uetcd to onr oare wtM raelTe pn inpt attention TJIJU CITIZEN'S BANK AND TITl'SVIIE, PA.? OKF1CEHS: WM. H. ABROTP, - Presideeil! I. Q. JACKSON, . Cashier Mkigts i in : WM IT. ABBOTT, oK. AVPKHKON P1. W. AMKS, F. W7 ANIHRWS, . D H CAUY, LYMAN STKWART I. O. JACKSONI This fenk U or nnized on the nnrtterahls prln- oipm. o.cu stnoK' niii iiettii; InrilvidaaUT liable to tue 1 ui.i. aa I KM r or Ills FKOPBKTY. six ir CKHT. Intorent allowed on time dnpoeits in 'aTitifs Bank urtiannicnr, eperei raciuiios balnr osered HMALL DKI'llSITORS. O iVKHNMENT SKOJRITIEt) of allldadi far 1) iconnts mailt and a General Bankina Bi trausacted. The Safe Deposit Drpartm'. FOR THE SAFE KEEPING OF VAl. UABLES, (enow open totbnrmbllo, fur Hie BKNTING t .( B3 in tlm H. ItUI.AK l-KOOlf V Al LTK tehu if. CCLINTOCK HOISc rBTHOI.EUM CKNTRE, PA. 1Y.?popalai Hotel, iltuatcd Cornar of Main 4c Waabina;toii-MU. Soar the De-io', bus been rsllf'-d and rurnleln tirotiL'hont. and theproprli.iorw111spnre no pair o nmku !; a first-claps nar.E. oc-'.Ttf .INO V I1UI BKI.T, Proprietor MM Centre Meat Market Gi'o. , Kisjff, .Jr., ?i'T:t n.mr o the Kurhp.ier Ito'i.e dnli-r 'n Freeh in ' .lt MKAT , SMuKID SIEATS, 1'OULTKT, I'.'Ti KIt A.'. Kit'-iiu-re tm-inr fut CntMe will Ho well to ive me ac;U. A slitieuf the nubile pitM-nmreK-ilir-i'Mi ii t. . KING, Jr. fetrnlenm I'entre. et. ail. dm a C t .-! - PV fee ..11 WW 'I pHKTenlti Yo'llii Oil's ll()rKIIf'LD I V Ai. AZINE liiL-ins wilh. anuiry, '7!l. It Is diti-d by (;ah Htiniilo.n. S s. WikmI. and II. V. shorne. an? include, nmoi-g its regular contrr n lors llninc" (iriley, tinll Hamilton, Thos. R heo her, Pi D'o Lewis, lr. W. W. Ual James I'ar roil etc Harriet Hetcher Htowe Brick Pomrov, John G. Haxe, MsJ. ienl KilnatricW, peirolum V. Nasby, etc , write lor it occii-lonully Te-ms, One Hollar s year. In cluMiinrj. thres flr.t. clais pell ndicals sre ifiven fur ihe price of one of them- 'i he iiiimt liiieral Preminni List ever pnliltshed. No ne tlodical ie more fr-qnent y or IsM'ia ly nieTtiioned liy the press. "Wood'p Ilou,i hivld Masaaiue Is one of the monnments of bu-i ..i-ia enlerpr ee v. h'en muk ihe sue." Methodist Home Jonrnal, I'hlla-deli-bia, Pa "It raa hwn Imprvl ir ever since we - new U a geod criterion for the future "Courier New Marks'. Canada "It la a sisrvnl of cheap nes snd fl at '!ass qr.ality eomhiwd." New York rimes. Boentne" crpy sa!:t free to spy sddress If i jtESSSWtttuti,.... The Oldest I stabMsheil Li quor Store on (III Creek; OWEN GAFFNEY, PROP'R, PUEE Wines So Liquors, Ihe Best Importations Wlhes, Drdndles, Hunii .. Wfilskl6s, FGR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PUR POSES. ,1 would call particular attention to my Brands of Wines, which art genuine Importaliona, and em brace the entire list ever kept io America Markets. Ales and Porter Knsa A- fo'i Imported Alt. In Rottie aim on until, ii i.ni'a imort l Alp In llutllaa, (.uluoeat Rrowntioul' tc t-oudoit Por tr, Ac GSOARS.CICARS THE FINEST BRANDS OF DOMESTIC , AND HAVANA CIGAUS. o. 5 tV nail in st on -st.', PE roiiEl.n ci:!V ruii. pa., nov4-tf. OWEN liAr'FNUr- Take Notice. Great IReducti'n ntlie PKICRof BENZINE! AT Sciiermcrhorn & Ten Cyck's. AND MARKET PRTCE PAID FORCR0DR OIL. Petrolenai Centre, Pa., July ii, tf. ILeggett, (Successor to A. T. M auufiicturiir and I.efaett, Dualer In IRHESSt Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c Experienced workmen srs employed, and Ilat-u"i-e of all kluda kept constantly on band and uiaot to order. FINE NEW HARNESS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE, i.n band at reasonable rates. fANCYANDUORSKLANKlTS W LA KOI There la no auperior VALVE CUP Made, than the one made In my ahop, Bad they will be sold at $11 per hundred er tOoanta a set. Maln.St., btlowr iha BtaGllntoak Honaa. Petrolra, a, NovT-tf Atyr-jitM !a hvRar)nT. 25 CTS WEEKLY TO I HujK gent. GREAT INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES: AN niSTOHIC AL HUM v I-Y IF Til H. OPtttl GROWTH AND PEHFEITLON OF THi CHIKJINUUSTH1AL AltTt OF THIS COtlNTRYS 1300 PAGES AN Q5C0 ENGRAVING? M rtlttu by t) l-miieul Authort, iti cladlng John II. Gonclt, lm C'ene, Edward Ilowtana, Jos. B. Lyman Rev. K. Edin lull, Horace Ojee ey. Pblllp Ritilev, Albert Brisbane, f. B. i'lTKIue. Etc., Kit. 'I k is work Is a complete klitnrv of all branohea of 1 idostry, vroccsses of manufaetntv, etc . in all ec. It Is a complete eutyelnpi'dla of arts and niennfactares. and is the most entertainliic ard Tal nableworkof irifiH-rantion on Puhjecs of general Interest eTor i.fi"ned to the pub'.lc. It 1 adapted to the wants of the Merctsut, MannrMtjrer, .Mo. chtric. Fanner, biadent and lr.vintor, ai d selle to botli old nnd vonnt; of nHclaises. ' be run bts au'd by agents, who are makina large sa ei In all porta of ttie country. It Is offered at the low price o f3.fi0, and is the cheapest botik ever sold ay sub scriptlun. No family shonld be without a copy. M wnnt Affnts In every town nttkeUnlii-d Mete, and no Agents can fail to do well with this bonk. iur terms are liliersl. we tiveonr arenta t' a exclusive rlpht rtf teriitory. Oueot onr acents tobl IS) copies In eight dtiys, another sold 'CA In two wnks- Our aent In Hartford so'd AVTIn one week - peclmcne of the woik tent to events ov receipt of stamp. For eirculartlind terms to agents address the publisbere, J.B IIIlrlHAHVDR.IIaHferd.f'onn. CUICAl.U. ILL., or CI.NCMNATI. OlllJ. . lr. Crook's WIJlSTH r 'A 3 itT&It 18TAIJBHWD IM A renodv whlcb baa tee tested tor 10 tea's, Biid'pioT ed In thoniands orensea ap able of curing a'l Dii'n e tht Throat and Lnyi ; f er Ii ami lie - D-eny ruiiiiirkrbli earee, met It. e trial from ail who are '-nfferini! from e Br iar affectlous st.d vslnlv seek lot relief. Witt you trf jiulitr prtrmt you from tinf cura atto. ConKha and Colda. The DruggUts iaf It ctL-eetbeni all. - -Asthma. Tlie relief and cores of It art marvrl ons. Broncbitla. Every snffjrer will find relief cnr ' Threat AUnvnts require oniy a sew uim-e. Liinc Diiearee. ILw cui od cases pronounced !r. cnrshle Debility. It renovates and lnvltorsiee the ay teat. Liver Complaint. Moat enYctlve recnlator of tbt I ft' epspsla. Its healthy action on the atomBet It la health-giving and appc litc-re- cures iw Appvtiz r ator in:.. t'riuary Orfraca. AcntoD on them ta narked aii PrSMtt.' nOOK WINK OF VH larltb In ihe nudcinsl qualities of 'I'nr. com Mi ed Win veectsbh- liirreilleBis of- nndnnb'ed va'.ne. whleh mke it ansurtiasied, not only for the anrmlaiiHa. enumeratt-d, but-It rapidly restore ex hausted BtreiiiBlb, eiean'eatbe sion.ach. rw Isies the l iver and ptita hem tn ai rk cii'hus U a foi-d to d-e;''at, and mitk's pure blond. nd biireta viva ity sppreciatea ovdoio s-msniin i hick. . u yn are aftl'etf'l In any way. we lino.v if;nu try tna Ufa-flTlUK tel prtiportlta of Ir. Crook's Wiu ol 'lar yon will eid viinr lestiinony. to its sieat valne in correcHnu any "ills th-.l fesu ! h'lrto" 'Preiiared only bv OLIYEK fklOOA A CO. Hold by UrUKnistsoierywbiirt. A CAMII TO THK LADIF.S. Dt'PO-CO'S Golden FerioriicAl IMII.t FOR FEMALES. There ta not a ladv Uvlra but what at amre rerV odofiierlfe will find the l'l I'DNCO OOLBM PILLS just the medicine she needs, ., . For Nrrrous Urbilliy, Heatlatk Faluiucaa, rVe Mothers. th'B Is the p-eato-t hliisss4nr 'iver. ofTer--rd you. and you shonl-i in mcisiciy preenre theet I'll).. Ilicy never fail, and may hed'Hndart upoa in everv eae where ihe monthly ftVw lias Into ob.. nnct'd ihmm h cold or Hi.' an They a'wiystrivt inimixiiAie relief, beiiii? esnci-lallv nretiared for mar ried laolos. A lady writes: ltnponco's Golden I'lila. relieved lie In one day, wlthjul lucouvenimce, ilka raaric. THE GENUINE are put up In WFIITE BOXKn, npon each box ru will find mv oriwte it'-veriue Hianin upon wiilth lire the words DUPONtHI'a. Ul'l.llll liN l'KHHH-1'. AI. I ILLS, lu White Ullort Wllliont that None Are Genuine. . Villi ami eiolicit d rec'ion. eecomrarv earb boa.. Price fl.OJ rer b-x, six boxes gs.O. Sold byonsi l'ineii't tn edbrv tiiwu, vl lace city and hamlet ia the world. Mjed by vun jiiiarvtwirs, uruESiat, Sole Aiteot for P -tron uiu t'entro. f a. HPIK.HI Uy s ndinghim tltU to Ibo Vetrfe leum i'entre l ostoMice. ran have tne Pills sent (roufldonilally.) by mail, to ai.v part of the ouut.ty, free of pmtae. JOHM t. II PNRY, General snd Wholwa's A'gt No Col'eire Place, New York CUv. olO Jut . TAmonililyTriouniJivojrted to tht lntereatsof gi pe plo who ai spend "isi. ey Ilutli ess oraau oi the TltUb PLAN PUil LIHI1ING AND CdMMIHKlOM UOTJSM. At cute a year. Bend stamp ft r specimen, a d learn bow you may reduce your HvIuk expenses ae to to lar cent, witbont diuiliitsbingemuAirts or luxurtea Plain, stralk'blf rwird boatness; not In the least "sensational " Of Internet tn a' avriioiy. Addrasa John B nldsn, ejanaaar, IW fi sal Jtrr-m aita (JLtcara 111. Siindsy Comfort mil ob dect o l for aic iCAPPNYS.