The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 19, 1872, Image 2

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rdairt Tailors I
r vtist.IiIsE, pa.
A.M ilv MM . fl IMWTIMm
riuoa and
,aaatvcmBet1o '
TmT xjitfeQext bt Tiis or
ill U Uteataad XobMeat itl.
iroix hub or
its' Furnishing Goods, fcc. Corrtrw Daily Rcord
. U Ceaira F., Tueritr, Wot.
OlTtSBO Htilti. f
.2-r&Ti:sT episcopal CHURCH
fciriioiw every Sakbath at 11 A. li. dnd
V' r. ?. tabbeth School at lit, F. M.
.starra. A cordial iavltalloB aaxteod.
-4 to oil
Bit. O. Koobb, Pattor.
at 11 o'olook A. M.. aad T
V4'h P. U., by Ike Pastor, W. 0. BrjtcH
ad. rUubti Eekool at .U,, dlreoily
altar laoou servlca.
l-yai Mvetlnx and Sabbath Seheel
Taiat.-'i Meeting Tusdy evanl el
j" week.
FotrarfaaUB CtW9..lottf
VIC, I. O. of O. F.
aVH:r aeeliag algal Friday,
tl 7
eioea. oigaaa.
II. If. Etoiai. A Beo'y.
fiTiae of BDwiiog, Malt EL, eppoill
Olialock Hoaea.
A. O. Of V. W.
CiVrly Lii No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W.,
aeele every tfoaiiay fTenlBg at 7)1' o'olook,
0id f Uow Hall, fetroleaai Cotre,
A. at. SurKBia, M. W. l
ju um, k.
I. U. of It. N.
lMkaoea tlib No. 115, I. 4. R. M.
af Telralaaia Centre, oasle every Tburiday
axnlag lu O004 tanplar'a Ball.
MP Ooaaoll lra llbud at 7 o'olook.
II. HOWH, Stekm.
a BEYKOLDj. Oblf of Kecord.
ild at 1 p. XSi
Fi.owimo. Iotelilgaaca received Ihla fort
nooii from Ike well cn tba John Ware farm,
J'Ua lowaiblp, owod by Capl. Smith Of
thu plaoe, a report of wblcb appeared la
the Sbcord of Saturday, atata It lo ba
"awing. Tubing waa Oolahad yedarday and
ika wall Immediately commenced flowing oil
la Urg qaaatltle A a mailer of aourt
Buoi excltemiut baa bees oooaalonid by
,ta;i alrlka, aud a ow oil excitement will
nitoubtedly be Ike retail.
Tu properly la Iba vlelolly It largely
. ooujd by rtrobum Centre ma, and moob
l artlll will Ba.doubtadly accrue to Iba town
:t ire horn.
Give u the np-Creek region after all.
It lay a goed wa; over the deep territory
A the down tlver reg'oa. It don't eoal half
t-i muah to tink a wall, and then yoa doa'l
tun Ibe chance of getting "hard up ainea
year we'l run dry," aod of baring "aa
'ts. t.empe lo buy yonr gin." Shallow
territory la te bel by far.
At a regular naming of tba producer of
"S ib Dlitrial, al Ryad Farm, laal Salor
tft " "aa unanlmonaly retolved to pool
sor .l t $4,60, and Mr. R. Rlcbardtoa, of
Tarr farm, wa aleeud aad duly aatlfied to
a our aenl. Fcraoa having oil to tell
will C4 H to Ibelr advantage to aail thro'
tie pool. Each lot of oil It told la regular
By '4t1 lhPreldal.
- J B PiiNTtK, See. pro tam
. Drowa Farm. Vgv. 18, 1872.
?i l over a million dollars' worth
it pl, Iron alnn the Sbeoaiigo valley, ready
far a patent, bot keld by tb maaoUotaraia
(tf Utwi prlaatwa tuppeta.
fMr ted.
.. .
it I now 3o
Community was suddenly thocked yaileiyj
lray at th announcement ol Ibe dteth of
Geo. Magrene, Eiq., oat of our oldest and
mont respected citizen, which look lac
hi bom on lot Upper Boyd Farm, ylr
dy forenoon. Mr. M. move to Petroleum
Centre from tie city of Rochester la tke
year 18CS, and engaged la the boot end iboe
trade which bo followed up lo tbe II mo or
his daalb. Aa honorable dealer aod a man
of tha moil generous Impulse of bead and
baart, far lao mucb ao for bli own good, wa
do not bail be bad aa eoemy la lb
world, or ever knowlugly done aa injury la
aoy man. lie may bare bad faults, but who
II Ibera exampl. Bury them with blra and
only remember ibe in iny good qualities af
Wbioh r-e waa puae-d.
'Clos hi yre bl work la done;
Wbat to bun i frlaad er feomao,
Else uf meou ur Ml of aua,
Hand at mat, or kite of woman T
Lay him low, lay him low,
la Iba clover or Ibe eaow;
Wbat carat ha? 11 cannot kaow :
Lay him low.
"Leer him to God'i waiehlog eye,
Truit blra to Iba Baud Ibal made bin;
Mortal lure weep Idly by
God alone baa power lo save.
Lay bin low, lay bin low,
la ibe olover or iba eoow;
Wbat earea bat Ha canoot kotw;
Lay him low.
II leave a wifa tod lira cblldrea, Iba
youageal of wkoro It ooly three daya old.
Tba tympatblet at tha entire eoramually are
witb the family la their ead affliction.
' Oeceaied was 44 year of age laat Aprils
Tba Producer' Council meet at Oil City
lo-dey, for Ibe purpoae of receiving report
from the director of lotal aaaoclalloaa and
the lrntotlon ot other Important batlaett.
The lubtcrlptioo bookt to tb eapltal Hook
of the agency were cloMd oo Saturday laal,
and Iba director of tb local ataoclatloa
aatlfied lo eolleot tba ta par cent, to be
paid al the lime of anbacriblng. Thit tea
per cent tbnat ba paid In bifora ao Election
ot Dlreotere cao be ordered. In the mean
lime aaob dialriol baa nominated thirteen
director, aod tha culleellou of thl per
ttoiage it tb only aeatary preliminary lo
Ibe election aad tba Agency commencing
bullae! at once.
Io tbla Olatriel Ike tea per eenl. ha beea
paid In, and ail that la needed la for the
other Dlalrioia lo -com op to the arateh''
and we iball oo have the Agency to work
lag order.
With our representative, Col. Vera, aa
a member af Ibe Board of Director, and
like good men from the otber UialtUi. w
feel perfectly aula lo laying lb dawn of
redemption 4 raw a nigh." Redemption from
tk ravanoui clolcbei of beam of prey Ilka
Ibe So. Imp. Co. or Refluer'i Com. Let Ibe
good work go oo. A
NTha following pateolt have been iMued:
I Compound and Apparalu for the remove
al of laeruitattoa In Steam BoiUr. J.
Chandler, Pioneer.
Burning Hydro-carbon. J. CbaodUr, tt
al, Floater.
A beiotled Individual loaod bl way Into
tba McCllntock Home parlor, thl afternoon
tnd laid down for tnooze. He got bounc
ed and upon lauding la tke atreel, like the
Indian Imagined ba "weighed a Ion'' and
quared off la whip the uulverae lo general
and tb McCllntock Houee la particular.
Hi ''dream of glory la toe roped arena"
waa brongbl lo an abrupt termination by
officer MaQngb, who marched blm to tha
lock up.
Tke one-legged loldler, band organ ac
companiment, arrived lo town thl foienooa
Either tha weatbar waa too cold outwardly
or Iba benzine loo warm Inwardly, aa lo
praludtb playing of tha old familiar
tuase. Probably tha latter oaua.
Tha Oil City Telegraph publishes everl
sansatloo Items purperting lo bavt ooouired
In Ibis place. May b they did. If in, ot
one about her ba any knowledge of them.
Even the part let themselves kaow nothing
about having keen loteraaud therein.
District Atloroey Smith and Caanty
Traaaurer Riddlt, of Franklin, ware la lawn
loday. '
Tkt eplzoallce it gradually disappearing
fiom Ibia vicinity.
A large number ol i-mpalbicing frtenda
followed the remain! of the departed, Geo.
Ma-rane, to their laal reeling place. The
fueral look place al II o'olook tblalorenooa.
l b remain were burled la the cemelery
on the bill beek of the church. Peso to
bit tabee.
I a then time Petrolla CUy will ba ln
corparated, aod then out ofckaoi will cm
order and arraogemeol.
The Weaiarn Ualoa Telegraph Company
I w r-
era poiuog up a wire Between f arkai't
laadlng aad Butler.
( ip llUratowa.
Tke Hat It computed
Ptreitaat lo a cell of tb rV'lideot the
member of the P. P. A. of the 9th district
met a I Ibelr room oo the Rynd farm laat
Saturday, A G. Oliver lu Ike chair.
Oa motion of Mr. Weimar, J. B. Painter
wa elected See pro tern.
Tke chair then Hated tke object tf the
meeting lo be the ncmlnattea of thirteen
Director la acordio with the plan of the
P. P. Agency, and ordered the reading of
Ibt liokel aa adopted at a preliminary
meeting of the Tib Diet.
Mr. MaGlanehlio moved la nrooeed to
Ibe nomination of Director. Carrltd.
Considerable dtacutaloa aroaeal thl junc
ture aa lo tba mode of voting. Mr. Perdue
loaiiting aa each member voting according
to bl tlotk, aod made a motion to that f
lett, but after oooalderakl debate tht mo
tloo wat lost.
Oa molloa of Mr. Walmer, Oapt. Henry
Byrom wat nominated for Iba 9lh District
aad unaalmoaely elected.
Mr. Fisher moved to take op tht lal Dist.
and proed la regular order. Carried.
A general discussion aros br a to the
fairott of our nomlnatiog men lor the otber
districts, and it waa Anally egreed,laimucb
at Ibea men were recommended . ay the
aavsrai diatrlci to aomioaia Iba balance af
iba liokel at presented by Ibe 7th diatisol,
wblcb wrre at folio wi:
A L Campbell,
Wa Tbompaoa,
F W Mllobell,
Wm Haison,
8 Q Browa,
J L Graadln,
B B Campbell,
M B Desa,
C V Culver, .
W b NcMollen,
N F Hilton,
K E Clapp.
Mr. Power moved that w meet thl week
and eotaldar Ibt action of other Dlslricta'
and Ihea coaltrm tar ticket to the wishes ef
otber district at aar a passible. Car
ried. Mr. Perdu moved lo tnttrutt Ibt Ctuncll
ibal Henry Byrom bad been unanimously
Bomioaled for Director af tba 9tb district,
nd Ibatwa recommend tht otber twelve.
Moved ta allow Mr. Byrom It lake hit In
atraotloni from Ih mlnutet.
Adjearned lo meat at tba call of tba
J. B. Paixtib, Sec. pro tern.
Ryad Farm, Nov. 18, 1872.
' Abdcction or a Hot. A most aaarhren
ding osae ol eedaeliun eaeurred ber oo Sun
day morning. About two weeks ago a rough
looking Individual named McBride wba Is
apparently abuut 35 or 41) years of bk, rr
lurnad to b falter who livs in tills city,
from Tonsaee, where be pretended to be
doing a Ona peddliag buslneea. During bla
aojeuro In Oil City ba apent hl time in cn
rouaing and night brawls, and a hie money
wa becoming rcarce ba delermleed to re
turn lo Teoaesiee, where b sild he conld
easily supply himiilf with plenty of mocey
wltbfut having to work hard either. But
before he went be waa determined lo lak a
young lad named He neisy alang with kirn,
to he told young Ilenneaiy tome tall atoriea
of Ike riehee which awaller) lbm when bt
got to old Ttaneasee, which so dezzlitd tke
boy Ikat be consented t go along; oontrary
la Ibe advite of bit playmalet, so that oo
Sunday morning McBrid aad young Hea
oossy eat off on their lung voyage la a canoe
oa Ibe Allegheny river. Yutiog Henaeaey'a
molber, wba la a widow, Is alusoat crazy at
tha loia of bar son who Is now about IS year
old aad waa always tonaidered a brtgbl aod
intelligent lea. Tnispeor woman bal a
sora anlictloa a few yeara ago ia tba loss of
her huabaad who wa killtd ei the railroad,
since which lime ibt baa beea supporting
ber family by keeping the (IBcea and wait
ing rooms of tba railroad cempaniea al tba
depot. Ia ber saw trouble ene hai applied
lo deputy Mayor Boyce lo endeavor by aome
meaoa lo bring back ber boy. Tb man Mo
Bride i about fire feel oln laebr aod la
very (pare and dark looking In countenance
oe weara a while bat and toat afier the
Greeley fathloa aod perbapa may gofurtuer
wesi. un uuj Teiegrapn.
Tba bualauea portion of the town ofakbey
vllie, South Carolina, wua deslioyed by
Ore Sunday. Laaa $50,000; paitly inaured.
roiiury tt a.l to te dying along tba
bankaot the Susquehanna, in Peaaaylvaa
la, by tbouiande, from aa epldemlo dii-
Tba iioyr no. J, JtoUlynaono'i larm,
alruoka heavy vela ofge lath sesond
(and latl week, which look Bra aooo aftn
i ne.aerriCK waa lavaa ooly by the utmost
xerlloo. Tb amount or gas is tuffioiaot
to make iteam far drllllog, with lo (pare,
something strange for second sand.
A waicb I oo exbiblllen lo New Orleana
wblcb I asserted to have beau given by
Washington to Lalayelte, and stolen Irom
tba latter when he visited thl couotry In
1824. It wa recently discovered la a
Louiaville junk shop.
New Cattle by next dimmer will boast f
sin uraiei, oo of them tkt largest in Ibt
Tht bora dleas baa beea to thoroughly
disposed af In prne, that one of the ataff ef
tke Boston Bulletin ha attacked It poetic
ally, with the following retult, which ba
term "Horsdu Combat:"
Upon my tout I've walked to much,
Stnea berse have been boar,
I feel Ilk lame pedestrian iporl
la training oa the courae.
I've worn my boots to eendale,
Tbe aaad'a all In my feat;
My calvee won't werk if oxen do.
For boraea n th street.
Such "pilgrim's pro-tea a tbla is,
Mek each man "kunioaa" bale;
And though a ttrlet Uetotaler,
Ha't corted la spit of let.
FurgolUn bow It horsemanship
Aad drlving'i a lotl arl,
Hoteli can't furnish carriages;
They' natblog bnt Ibe eorf.
Tb price of leather'! going up
At a most fearful rale,
Aed.every cow bides, quivcrlog,
Lssl tbafit should be ber late.
No car 'oa new will carry ui,
Urged oo by drivers'! wbacki:
Obi far tha winga learns bad,
Allbeugh lhy wnl by waxl
Than let at hope that horses my
B fretd from preset! wo,
And running oa their fret agalaj
Instead of at th nose.
A precocioa youth ol Altoom, Pa., hav
ing atrreplilioualy obtained a package of
powder and a cigar alump, tb elber even
ing, oon realized Ike faet that tha way of
the transgressor it bard. While smoking
tb cigar (lump he saw bl mother coming
toward blm, and at oocttlld lb cigar lato
the pocket containing lb powder. Hit
band, th cigar atd Ibt powder got ont af
that pocket "quleker'n blnzet," aod tb
youthful hr It now teouraly "bottled op"
far a few days' real at home. Thit Allcoat
boy waa thoughtful beyond hi year. Rl
Izing ibal ha had oo right l be amoking, bt
provided Ibe mttoa lo blow himself up, and
tha laved bla mother that trouble. How
few chlUren are thus careful lo keep unnec
enary Cars from their parenla. And wken
wa remember bow much aazlety In tbe tra
der yeara of iafanoy, Ac, Ac.
The patient ox baa put la an appearance
al Pittsburgh, and Ibe Smoky Ciiy people
felicitate llieuiselves upon fti arrival, Iro
ibnuld b ebeep eoaugb ia Putebiircb lo
fiiraiab each ox witb a let ol alioes, and uc-
lesa this la done tbe "homed borte" will
loon gu limping out of town.
In Office A. M. Tarter, Kio. , county
Commiaiiaoer aleet. assumed ibe dutlei el
thai positioa oa Tuesday, J. Y. Slggi,
Eq , reliriag. Mr. Elpgins baa mad a
faithful offloial, carefully guarding Ibe lulera
est ot the people, aod is worthy af lb blgb
regard la wblcb be 'a keld by his . fellow
cllzen Mr. Turner Is a oareful business
man and will make a good Commissioner.
Franklin Citizen.
Angel) well, No. 3, near Falrview, ttruck
Monday latl, li doing oaa hundred aud
twenty barrel i.
Tbe amount of Petroleum exported from
Philadelphia lail waek waa 147,673,478
Th New Call I district conference of the
M. E. Cbarch, will meet lo Sharon, on ihe
4ih of Dcmbr. Preacblas on Tuesdav
veulng by Rev. Wm. Sampaaa.
Th Mercer county teaotere' Institute
meelt lo Greenville next week. Among tke
attractions will be Tbeo. Tillot, Tboa. K.
Beecberaad Mlea Emma Garfield.
Brady't Bend has horse tbievai and burg
Karnes City eqalnei have Ihe hippopatble
.0. u naiawio, tue iris giant, accom-
paaled by a number of otber "shoulder
bitters," la lo give a grand sparring exhibi
tion al Parker' Laodlng thit evening at Ike
Opera Houee.
' Tbe specified price $4.61 baa not yet
bean obtained lor paoled oil In tbp Parker
Diatriot, owing lo Ibe faot Ibal boob peraona
have refused lo olr Into th arrangement
and have baaa Belling al fi 40 and f4.4S
per barrel,
Huntiagdoe couaty ba
Odd Fallow.
eight lodge ef
Apple are down te a!iseois a bushel
Berks county.
Ladies' leather bain are now warn tbre
Inchea wide, celored to match the toilette,
witb a largo buckle of oxidized allvar, aad a
tborl cbalo of lb tami materiel, to wblab
I tuspeadsd ibt ttabtelt, tan, beach ol key
liocal Xotitie-.
vu rosuessioa givwnimrJ
ttely. A pply to C. C. CHliRrf
hKocnester jrionse
I 11 1 , -w r '"IU
Mot 19-iw.
Al the PatlrniAataa lal weak. n . .
--vw-.pio uol .
dlnlnt Vanm iBrnrk a t
"f apwaa. Alii BJ tjQ-a
wanted. Study employment faraJ
BBlLvhatali (awaktrual a.aalH
For at
18.000 lo K.OUO ft of bECOIDP
v v., iuim mtt mt a qij.
ter i
i n Tauiag I to Irat claat
ready fltted.
orar at(
April IS. It H. H. WAMi
If yon
Want a Salesman, '
Want a Servant Girl,
Want to Sell a Horse,
Want to Sell a Patau!,
Waul to Land Money,
Want to Buy a Hone,
Want lo Sell a Carriage,
Want to Borrow Money,
Want to Sell an Oil Well,
Want lo Buy an Engine or Bolls.
Want to Sell a Houae and Lot,
Want to Bad a Strayed Animal,
Want to Pii'cbaae aa Oil Itierest
Want lo Sell a Piece of Furniture
Wanllo Bnv a Second-band C J
Waot lo Sell Tubing, Caaing, (JasfirJ
want to Find an owner for aoviil
UHUUi """" iu iu ncuoRD, as do I
nan sen inonaana people read it weeklt
nutter aad cbease are almost indii
ble articles of food. Properly used, i
are nutritious and bealtby; but an i J
ii a in ubs or eituer onuses ind main, i
dyapepsia. Owen Gaffney't SuodafCel
ui.. 0 luii-iuueiy uecu win remove
there trouble
Daya Doloee. New Tarielie. New Tl
unpper, wiik't Spirit, and all sponined
per at tne ruST OKF13K NEW3E0II
Alt tht Batgezlaea far Septemhsr.
Li pplncott'e.
Oliver Optic,
Yeung Folks,
Frank Leslie,
Cbildreo's Flower, '
k)it ana Nw,
Godey'i Ladies' Book,
London Society,
Ladles' Friend,
Arthur's Hm.
Scieam Monthly,
Good Words
Herald nf Health.
I.overa of ceod tiaart will And several
llrely new brand, never before iatriJm
in ibia place, al th Fuel Office Mewl BotJ
Tboy art warranlad pure Havanaa
taTGAFTJEY keep constant Ij
band Scotch Ale aad Loedoa Pstr, stafJ
ally lor family ate.
Advertise la ibe Rccoart.
tTn I IPC! Wa Kara
W I TlMW49aS Issued Slrsi
Waltze io Two Tnlame. trii
eaoh la boards IS each in elelh. Tba i'
volumea contain over Forty Beautu
Waliz-a, worth al leaat $35 la efieel
oraerf Alfniw-r-i
elber derMYWBll I C
narliaular to ask for Peters' Kdltlos
Strauss' Waltzc, a it It the enlyenriesi at
jiplel. ditlon.SM A I T7C
Addrea. J. L If Mb I aaaWVl
Peters. Muiit Publlthtr, 899 Broaitql
Nw Tork.
Tb Viator Brand ef tigara at tha fal
Uftlo Maw Houw.
Down fur 30 Days
With the Largest and best selectet stock st
Bvr brought to Petrokum CenUe.
No Old StocM
A.11 New.
Poll at rriTr Naw Stftrft. Wssll
ington Street, 3 doors above
Chiistie's Drag Store,
And examine for yourselves say steek of
Ilnta. Rati. Trainkl. VHM
' Aa. Alaa, the largest atoaksf
Gents' Furnishing; GoOrU
Ia Petroleum Ceatr.