The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 15, 1872, Image 2

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    M L
Hi imiii is Migxal, km d M
Ilerchant Tailors I
fiesta Fcnisklsg; lods,
wdMh k on Bagloa
AM th a! obM1 Btylsa.
a fill Lina or
Qente' Furnishing Goods fcc.
l:etrolum Ontrc Daily Record
Pes Centra Pa.. Friday, Not. IS.
IrlM aerviee.
stervtoea every at 11 A. M. end
X P. H. Babketb Sohool at 11), P. II.
eetafrae. A eordlal lavllalloa ecteod
4 to eli.
Kit. O. Hoou, Pastor.
Freaehiag et 11 o'clock A. M.. and T
e'eleek P. M., by lb Putor, W. C. Bcacri
abo. 8abbelh Sobool 41 directly
after lorenooa service.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbath Bckool
Teaebor'i Meeting Tuesday evenlage l
eeoh week.
Patratfeiiaa Caatre.. Lodge,
ri, I. O. of U. F.
Bageler meatiag algal Friday,
al T
ClCWa. igueo.
B. H. Keoxaa, A See'y.
' MTnaee of mealing, Mala St., oppoalli
MaClialock Boaat.
A. O. of II. W.
Liberty Ledge No. 7, A. O. or V. W.,
(Beete every Monday evening at 7 o'clock,
la Odd fallow'! HelL Patrolaaai Caotra,
A. M. Exacuaa, M. W.
A. Kun, B
I. O. of It. M.
leaekaeaee Tribe No. 113, I. 0. R. M.
f Fetrelenm Caotra, taaele every Thureday
evanleg to Good Templer'e Hall.
BfCoaootl IrtillibUd al TW o'oloek.
m H. HOWB, 8ohm.
8. BEYNOLDg, Chief of Records.
fold at lp,
oil mature ara beginning to look up on
tba Upper fienneboff territory. Irwin.
Wooda A Egbert have oaa wall nearly coot'
plated, and two mere about read? to itirt,
Tba Kapler A Worden wall, oa tba Slums
farm, U yielding 26 barrali per day gaad
Tbaia parllei bare anotber well nearly
ready to atari. Tba preterit winter will
wltneia a good deal of developing tier'
aboulr, and our town tney cxpeot to derlra
large oeatni therefrom.
Sheriff Marke la In Iowa to-day.
Tba Eclipse Tutrlcellog on Wor
Franklin, bide fair to prove a eucceie. Tbe
wbole amouot of Itoek, $200,000, baa been
aubacrlbed for, and tba work will aooa be
Tba baoke of tba regloa generally ara
ubeoriblng to the aloek ol the Producer'
Agency. Good (
A larga aortmeutof Pocket Dlerlribave
juit baea feoslved al tba P. O. Newtroom.
Tba pooling ayitara appears to ba grow
Ing lo favor among tka oil men. Nearly all
(ha all produced la this vlololty new pauee
tbrougb tka baode ol tbe agvnl of tka Aw
aoclalioo, Br. Howe, toba told.
. x
Tba Oil City Derrick baa tome arproprl
ate reinarka on tba article liotu tba Pitts
burgh Hall, published lo tba Eiconu yew
trrdav, ralatiag lo explosive olle ami recent
teali made In Ibel city. We Coincide with
the Drrttk, aad tblok tka Preducat'a
Coauvll ihuuld lake action la tbe metier.
Of all diMUillug sights a drunken wo
men la tbe woial. Leal sveotng 4 beeotied
woman ant up acme ttranga antic on Wash.
logtoa street to tka disgust of tbaia wao
V aa) ber.
Subscriptions to Froduc
rr's Agency.'
Tba attention of Dlreolori ol the ProAor
ar'a Aeeoolation, of Committee on 6 ibicrlp
tlon, and of lubeerlbera lo tbe itoak of tbe
Produoera' Agency la called to tba follow
Ing reaolollona of tba Produaer'a Council
aa adopted yeitrrday.
Tba book will be aloeed ea Satarday
eTealagnext. In tba meantime, however.
Ike lltte are la the baadaof the committee
who will oonllnue to receive tabecrlptlona
op lo thai time, aod ail wbocio, and have
net yet dona a?, are requeelf d to aunecrlbe:
Easot.Tai). T hot member af the Council
ara hereby dirceil to Cloea and collect tbe
tibecrlptloo lie( In Ibelr eeveral DUtrlctl
on Saturday nrit, that coplce of auch lltta
hall ba farnlehed each Dietrlcl Truile aod
Iba orlgloali be praiented by tba membera
of tba Caaocil Taeidey next, tbe 10th
BaHOLVio, Tkal tbe Director or tbe
Looal Aeaoelelione be reqnatted to dtreot
the Immediate payment te tbe Trntleee of
tba 10 per oenl. required to ba paid on eaab
obicrlptloa al Iba lime efaubterlbing, aad
theteaobaabaorlber lo ba required to fur-
nin a Tiuiiaea receipt for tbe payment of
uaa ten per cent, on hla anbicriptioa, be
fore being allowed lo vote upenatte abaraa
or etook aubaaribed by them.
For aonvenlenca lo carrying aut the tail
reeolalloo, printed reaelpla In blank wilt
be forwarded to Truitee by Iba Secretary
ot tba Prodneera' Cennell. Cant. J. v..
Key, Iba Traitee for Iba Eleventh Patriot.
will probably receWa tbe blank by Tbore-
hf ember of Producer' Council.
Ia Iba (eveoteeolb century a law was In
force In Eogland that all women of what
ever eg, raak, profeeiloo, or degree, whelb
er virgin, wive, or widow, tbat abould
Impota upon, aeduee, and betray Into mat
rlmooy any ef bla Majesty' male auljecta by
ecenti, paint, cosmetic, waihet, arlifloial
teeth, fake balr, Spanish wool, Iron tayi,
noop, nighnbeeled ahae. or bolstered blD.
abould lucar Iba penally of the law, aod
that the marriage ikould ataod null and
In th absence of the editer-ln-cblef around
the corner, our devil fully endorsed the
above, aod erird out In plaintive and mel
odeou vole what be remembered of that
old, old toog
"Ok for those rare good time of old,
When wemon. I've beard say,
If wind were high and weather cold,
Dried up and blew awaw."
The little wretch ! lie need reconstruct
Tba erJtnutlc has affected the oil business
In more waya than ooe. On Cberrytree
Run a latge number of walla ara ran by
horse power. All tbe horses In tbat vlololty
are down with the disease, consequently lb
owners of walla have bad tosbut them dawn
temporarily. Our friend Ilarper. of Kane
City, has eight or ten'bead wells which ba
bas run by horse power for a long lima
All of hi borses are sick and ba ba bad to
top Iba well. There are other instance
of Iba same k.iod in that nelgberbood,
Tba Volcano, Weil Virginia, Lnhrlcator,
baa tbe following eooouragtng words for iba
producers lo Ike struggle aew going on
gainst Ibe mouopely:
Wa aotice with feellnge akin te pleasure
tbat tba producer of tba Pennsylvania oil
region are In a lair way to carry Ibelr
point in bringing tba prloe of crude oil lo a
tandard value of Ave dollars per barrel, a
consummation most ' devoutly la be
lined fjr. The straggle, a agalnat a
strong and well organlaed monopoly of te-
Boert, pip line companies, bulla and bears,
and wild-cat speculator bas been, thus far,
evera bill determined. While we bold no Hi
will toward rednera orplpa Una com pan lei,
for their intereate ihoald be Identical with
those of iba producers, we ara opposed to
each and every monopoly wbieb ba lor Its
purpose lb aurlalliog or legitimate aod
hoofst Industry Tbe producers the men
who invest their mean and their time In
tba development of territory are eertaialy
these who abould be rewarded for their risk
and their labor by a fair aad jast rewrad.
There ia a tatr margin for prodacers, refloi
era aud transportation companies If honora
ble dealing cbaraclerlrea Ibelr tranaactiona
toward each other, aad tba public, wbo ara
Ike coDsumrra, will readily psy a fair price
for tbe redoed srlicle.
Leggett'e Valve Cups
In lavor among ell man.
oonllnue to gro
Tbey are Iba best
Billy Pugb, Tom Wait, and ooe or two
otkara of our citizens, are np in Forest Co.
"buotioa; Ue w Id deer and following the
roe." The prick of van icon Is expected to
tall In eousequenca.
Rabhlts San ooty be killed belweea Iba
1st of November and the 1st of Jaausjy.
Huatlniidon county baa eight lodge of
Odd .Fellows.
The Episcopalians of Bsdfordoounty hsva
just completed a new ehurch.
The State experimental farm ara nol a
Tba hnnter of Warreacaunly do all their
work en Sunday.
Ox teams are the reliable mesas at trans
portation lo Ibe ratal districts.
Wild turkey ata abundant ia tbe Allegb
Tbe Philadelphia Daughter of Temper
ance ara tbe richest In tbe State.
A dog fight took place near Scran ton
Sunday for purse of $25
A patent tin roof for railroad car ia
tba last invention of a Pennsylvania gen
There Is not a ral or mouse la Athens,
Bradford county.
WeT Virginia Oil News. The Col.
vinal well, Ho. z, E. L. Gale tract, was
torpedoed last week. Not beard from.
Pine Grove, No 3, situated oa the V O &
0 Co' Iraot, torpedoed lo-day. Result uo
J.- B. Shufell ba taken lease 60, V O
C Co. tract, aad will commence the building
of a rig immediately.
Tbe Eclipse Oil Company, C. F. Pontlou
& C. C. Conger proprietors, are having
their well No. 1 rapidly pushed to comple
Pine Grove well, No. 3, on V O & C Co's
tract, I now pumping finely, aud gives
promise of a Jen or fifteen barrel well.
Well No. 4, lo Alexis Oil Uompaoy tract,
V O A C Co's territory, is now pumping six
or eight barrels of oil per dey.
Tbe F. M. Wright well, No. 4, was tor
pedoed tbi week, wilb what reault we have
not beard. Tbi well I oo Ibe V O A C
Co' tru'cl.
Tbe Gideon Oil Company well No. 2, I
nearly drilled to the proper depth, and w
learn Ibal it gtvr fair ludicallons of being a
good wt 11.
The Grand Duke well, No. 4, torpedoed
yesterday. Not beard from. Tba well Is
leeated on the V O A C Co's tract. Vole.
co Lubrloator.
A Horriiilk SracTAi-LS Was it a Sri-
ctnaT On .Saturday iai, ibe lOtb lunl., as
a party or men were going through a email
wooda in the town ofVillenova, they discov
ered Ibe body of a man bunging by bis neck
lo a tree In a little out of the way place.
Th body was partially decomposed, pre
senting a horrible epecUcle, with ttn-.clolb.
Ing fluttering In tbe breeze and Iba body
swaying lo and fro. Coroner G. B. Bishop
was notified of the Bariinv of tbe body, and
under bis direction tbe body .was eul down
and an Inquest held. As tbe news spread
hundreds of people gathered te view tbe
ghastly spectacle, and at '.the Inqnest Ibe
evidence showed Iba men lo hare been a
German by the name ef Waple, fomerly of
Batavla, N. T. lie wa laat seen alive on
Ibe gih of April last, and nothing ba been
heard from blm since then. No Informa
tion concerning bis previou condition, or
Ibe circumstances ol bitf death could be
learned Jamestown Journal.
Hseon, Ga., bas a "haunted house, "
wbicb is occupied by a man nrnned Surren-
cy. In addition to breaking bis vhloa,
smashing bl whisky bottle aad hurling
flat-iron about, depriving him . of much
aeedet natural real at nlgbl, he la nol even
allowed quiet and oomlorl In Iba day lime.
When tbe unhappy man alts down lo bl
post prandial pipe or cigar, there enters lo
blm a silent and shadowy pig. This lm
pertinent animal turns preposterous somer
saults upon tbe floor, upsets cbalrs aad ta
bles, and roola wilb spiritual snout for
ghostly grub, which b eftVots lo And in tba
tbin and well worn carpet. Tbara is do
passible way of expelling the Intruder.
Kicks ara ineffective strain upon lb mm.
oles when directed at bis substantial ribs;
dogs clntob in vain al bis thadowy ear and
Impalpable tail. Tba pig I literally a
supernatural bore, from whom there la no
esaape nntll ba choose to release tbe lunar
er. The truly brave man may, perhaps, sit
unmavad while arockery orastee around him
aod tbe domertlo air is tblok with wander
ing flat-irons, but to expeel any man to en
dura the forced society of a pig tbat no
effort can put out, is manifestly unreasona
ble. Rev. W. C. Burcbard, formerly ot Cher
ry tree, I now regelarly Hallooed over the
the Presbyterian congregation ol this place.
Now I iba lima to advertise yoar fall
goods, and tba Ricoro I a good medlnm
through which to let the people kaow you
ara alive.
Local matters doll twday.
The city of Ysddo, Japao, baa aa area'
thirty-six square mtlee.
TlgbtSqueexolatbeaamaofa towal
Dinwiddle coanty, Va.
The German ladles of Laxloglno,
bave nrgtalaed a coffeee oluo.
Tbe mercantile marina of Ibe whole world
number ever CI, 000 vessel.
Freacb opera, wa read, has ceased to b
an Institution of New Orleana.
An Italian and a Japanese womaa vera
recently married in California.
Last week 2, 147,584 poands of cheese
wers skipped from New York for Liver
Canada seams to be the source of all ani
mal Ills. A pig past la now reported com
ing thence.
Low water lo Lake Hooatoeog, N. J ,
ha discovered a quantity of Indian aallqule
lies recently.
A clipper ship an route from China to
Loadon, with 1,000,000 lbs. ol lea waa tec
eotly wrecked.
A little girl, thirteen year of age, In TJli
ca, N. H., lately Hole money and Jewelry
lo Iba amount of $300.
TbeCbloago detective ere trying to And
a dead man to St a bat (potted with blood,
found nn a railroad near the ally. . m
Tbe New lork Herald gives an aecoanl
ol a yaung lady who wa bitten by mad
dog, and died of the bite- It add: "She
waa twentyseven year of age, and, aa ns
nal In such cases, was deeply loved aad es
teemed." Wa were not aware before tbal
it was nst)al to love aod eateem young per-
oo a in a peculiar manner because they were
bitten by mad dog.
McCltmoxds Fab. Undoubtedly tbls
4tl prove one of ibe bed prodoclng farm
In tbi region. Tbe owners, Messrs. Kern,
Heine aod ethers, are pushing develop
ments aa rapidly as possible. We bave a
new strike te report on thlt farm. The
Boyerwell No. 1, Inbed last Sunday, creat
ed considerable excitement la tbat neigh
borhood by making a big show. In four
hours she made tnlve Inches In a 250 barrel
lank. Al tkis rale It would put her high
In the figure, but ll I lata te plana her pro
ductlon at ane hundred barrels a day.
Tba Boyer No. 2 atruck a heavy vela or
gas in tba scaond sand last week, which
took Ore soon alter. The derrick was saved
only by the utmost extrtloos Tbe amount
o gas Is suftiolent lo make si earn for drill
ing, with seme lo spare, svmetblig itraaga
lar second sand.
Wa bad wrong Information last week In
regard to tbe Lincoln well. They drilled
eighteen feet in Iba sand without Iodine
oil, and every ooe eooaeoled with Iba wall
give It up a a dry kale. Thlt w. qnlle a
natural coaoludon. a la Iba wail a few rods
below oil was siraek near Ibe lop of Iba
sand. After pumping six hour b meas
ured twelve a 250 barrel tank.
Tbls production has lallen off considerably.
She Is perhaps a fifty barrel well.
Cooper No. 2 wa torpedoed, last week
Production .lusreesed from nr te flllsen
A well looated between tba two;besl walls
oajhe.faimiwlll be.flnlbed la a few day.
Something gced la prospect. '
All wells shut down last Sunday except
the two new onea just I a bed. Tnese will
kul down hereafter. Falrview Reporter.
A correspondent ef tbe Erie Dispatch
writes from Foxbnrg on Ibe 1 lib : A "re
gards Ibi thirty day movement a greal di
vert ily f opinion are expresrel. Bom
claim lhat tba produclioa of the wall has
been reduced, some more, some less, while
others olaim that Ibe average production In
this district I fully a great a heretofore.
I koow personally ibal Ibata are walla with
in a stone throw, almost, from bsre whose
dally production basgrsally Increased. A
gentleman at Parker, before the abut-down
movement came into force, offered bla wall
three In number, for $6000. To-day ha re
fused nearly three times lhat amount. The
Erwin wall baa ravomineaoed flowing three
hundred barrels, against a format yield of
two hundred barrels. 1 could go on ad Ir
Bnitum stating wall Ibal bave really beea
benefitted, bn I unaececsary. These cita
tions are nol advanced aa argumeata to
prove Ibal tba suipsnsloa movement bas
been Ibe meaaa of raising Iba dally produc
tion; bul I limply alalm, from expressed
opinion ot others, tbat where aertala well
may bave lost In their yield, etherr have
gained tuBeiently to make up the amount.
The laat new. Held of oil operations Is
Turkey run. A number of good vails,
ranging from twenty lo eighty barrel, have
lately been alruok. The width of Ibe ball
at tbia point ia a boot one and a half mile,
and doe not teem ipottcd. The drllillog
Is comparatively easy, aod the average
depth drilled about 1,280 or 1,300 feat.
Coal rtealere begin to look cheerful aow
tbal winter I oofcUeg.
LAe Al.ske Irdi.o , lately pi.wnt.a
ot overnmenl with soma hosis.
04 spirit aa a matter of Irlendsblp
yaw. nn ....Hin mmw fittm ana pjQ
flounced It exoelleol, tbe former, la accard.
aace with hla duty, aa be viewed tt, bunted
up the atlll and destroyed tbe "poor In.
dlaa's" ecu re of mpply.
A memorial baa beea preeented lo Ike
Attorney General of England, iigned by
21.000 gentlemen, banker, -merekant aad
Iradearuea, agalnil Iba proposed abolition
ef imprisonment for debt. It was stated
Ibal lasl year only 1,000 parson were act
ually Imprlsoaed by ooaaly jrdges, and
any of them as aooa a lhay reached lb
jail paid their debts.
Today Ibe weather la decidedly cold snd
blustering, reminding one thai old Winter
Is close upon n.
Jama T. Temple, of Cheater, aaslataat
assessor of Internal revenue, died anddealy
al Philadelphia laat week.
Local Notices.
Al Ibe Petroleam Exchange Hotel gft
dining room work. Ato a goad cook
wanted. Study smployment famished ss
higbeel wages paid.
ror mala
IS.OoVIo 20,000 feet of 8E00D-HAlt
TUBING, etfsoa 2 to (6 cia. per feci
The Tabiag ia la drat efeaa order and 1
ready filled.
April 28. -tt K. H. WABJEaV
If yon
Want a Salesmen,
Want a Servant Girl,
Want to Sell a Horse,
Want to Sell a Patent,
Want lo Land Honey,
Want lo Bny a Houoa,
Want lo fell a Carrlegey
Want to Borrow Money,
Want to Sell aa Oil Well,
Want to Bny aa Engine or Bolls
Want to Sell a House aod Lot,
Waal lo Dad a Strayed Animal,
Want lo Purchase aa Oil latere!.
Want to Sell a Piece of Furniture,
Want lo Bny a Second-hand Carrier.
Want to Sell Tnbing, Caalng, Gat Pip,
Want fb Find an owner for anything?
Found, advertise In tba Bacoaa, as no lew
baa lea Ibonsaad people read it weekly.
Bolter and cbessa ara almost Indlspenel
ble articlee of food. Properly used, lb
are nutritions and healthy; bnt aa Inordi
nate use of either eanees indigestion snd"
dyipepsia. Owen Gaffney'a Sunday Cem
fort. Jedtclnrisly used will remove both tt
there trouble
Levers of good cigars will And severe1 en
tirely new brands, never before latmdneed
In tbls plea, al tba Post Oflfcw News Boom'
Tbey are warranted pure IJavanaa
sVGAFFIf ET keep eonatantly oa
baud Beotch Ala aad Lao aow Paster, eseae
ally ter family asK
Waltzea la Two Vol a me, price $1
each la boards $6 each in elelh. Tbe twe
volnmsa contain over Forty Beantlful'
Wallace, worth.! least $35 la cheat ferae;
particular to ask for Patera' Edltloet of
Strauss' Walties, a ll I iba only correal eoff
complete edition.! A I TaVlE'-r
Address, J. L. W ALTZES
Patera. Muelo Publlkr, p Bread way, -New
Th Viator Brand ef cigar at the Pee
Office News Room.
By the abacrlbr, about three months
since, In CornplanUr Towaahlp, Veasngo
Cnualy, Pa., ane light red cew, with while
back, and star In forehead, qnlta old. The
owner I requested lo come forward aod
Ideality aald cow, aad pay eharges or else'
she will be disposed of as the law provide.
Wm. J. McCiat.
Dated Petroleum Centre, Nov. 15, 1872. .
Shut Down for 30 Days t
With lbs Largest and best select ea dock ef
Bver brought to Petroleam Centre.
No OldGtocli.,
All New.
Gall at my Sew Store, Wash
ington Street, 3 doors above
Christie's Drug Store,
And examine far yoarselves my stock of'
Halt, Cagsa, TraolM, Valieen,
A. Also, tba largest stock ef
Gents' Furnishing Gootfs T
la Petroleam Ceatra.