The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 14, 1872, Image 2

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    EKJuURT & STAIlRf '-ripUons to Produc
fr's Anrpnrv.
Kercliant Tailors!
Chatr Furnishing Gwals,
SFAHCT testings.
(MJl t on Begfcak
Aa the leant oat KotjMert Style.
a fill tnii or
BenteV I'urnishing Goods, fec
etro ! um Centre Daily Record.
rU Centra P.. Thu radar, Hotr. 14
islvtae Barries.
ke-ioea every Sabbath at 11 A. M. ud
i P. M. BaNtalh School at 11,
eel free. A cordial Invitation i
a tn all.
P.M. -xleod-
r Th,
itorT 'lB
Bit. a. Mooeb, Petto
Prcaehiag at II o'oloek A. M.. aad T
o'clock r. M., by the Pallor, W. C. Bibch
ari. Sabbath School at li'f, directly
fr lorapoon service.
Prayer Meeting and Sabbath School
Teacher's Heeling Tuesday eveniaga ol
eaon week.
Ptr4HH Oemtro. . Lodge, If o.
Vis), I. O. of U. F.
Regalar aseallag nights Friday, at 1
'look, gigaed. '
' 0. H. Keoxaa, A Bee'y.
MTPlaoo of meeting, Mala St., oppoilta
,l A. O. of V. W.
Liberty Ledge No. 7, A. O. of U. W.,
eels every Mirnuey eveolog at thi o'clock,
la Odd Fellow Hall, Felroleom Cant re
AM. KLauKiB, M. W.
A Kxna, R.
I. O. ofU. M.
iBiekeeoeaTriieNo. 13, I. f. R. U.
a Feuelanm Ceotre, meets every Tburidai
ataolar In Good Tepler'e Hall.
BT Cueuoll Irai lighted el7Jf o'oloek.
U. HOWE, Sachem.
A BETNOLDg, Cbl.f of Records.
whist 1 p. . H3i
la aaotbor column we nnhli.h thai all Mil
lar froiu tba Petroleum Producer'! Couooil
relative to Ibe alttclleo of a Director of tha
Agency la aaeh District. In lb la District
tbo oana of Col. J. A. Vera hu h.n ...
commended bi a suitable person for that
pwinvu. ti jjsartiiy approve
or tba aomlaatloa. There It do maa la
tbe entire region who baa labored mora
sealouilyoa bebalf af Ibe common eaute
agaloit the enemy than be. from Ibe lo
elpienl sieges of Ibe South Imnrovemen.
eoDplracj dowo to the present time be bas
eperea oeuoer time or money lc
the effort
la break down Ibe villainous monopoly tba. tbe ruination of Ibis ,.aL B
tkrealeoed tbe rulaatloD of Ibis region
all meaui obooaa blmas Director for Ibe
Eleventh District.
New Well. We made mention yester
day el a new woll having been struck on
Ike Central Petroleum Compaoy's farm, in
Ibis plsce. Tha wall la loeuted on Lease
No. 160 of that farm, below tbe eld Asdr
jb office, and a short distance from tba old
.station walls which were so prulilo In
taait yield of oil In days gsne by. It slsrl
4 op at ecvon barrels par day and has In
creased siace te nine barrels. This wl
had forty-ili last ol as fine third sand rock
m ti e region affords. It proves beyond m
'doubt ibat good territory yet exists herea.
We understand It Is tba intention ef the
Company to put down several mora walls la
tne same vicinity hetora lung.
Geo. jttiClelUo lef. K York laet.veo
Ibg lor Ueadvllle, where be will arrive tc
d .y. Ha my be expected In Iba oil regloa
aemettme within tba Drxt Urea or lonr
Tbe attention o( Dlreotore ol the Produc
er'e Association, of Committee oo Snbcrlp
Hon, aod of aubecribera to the atook of tbe
Producers Agency is oalled to the follow.
Ing resolutions of the Produeet'a Council
as adopted yesterday.
Tba books will be closed oa Satardev
evening next. Ia Ibe meantime, however.
the lists are In the hands of the committee
bo will eonlloue to receive auhacrlnllona
up to that lime, and ail who eta, and have
not yet none ?. are requested to subrcribe:
oesoltiii. That members ef IbeConaell
are hereby directed to close and collect the
subscription tis In tbair several Dlstriots
6d Saturday ixi, that capias of such lists
ball be farnlihed each District Trustee aod
ton orlilnale li presented be the members
of the Ceoucil ea Tuesday next, tbe 19th
RasoLviD, Thai tbe Dlreotor'of tbe
Local Aseoelailons be requested to dlrsot
the Immediate payment to tbe Trustees of
tbe 10 pr oent. required to be paid on each
subscription at lbs lime of subscribing, aad
that aaob sabscrlber to be required 10 fur
olh a Trustees receipt for Ibe payment or
sueh tea par cent, en his subscrlptloa, be
fore being allowed loole upon tte ibarea
of stock subscribed by Ibem.
For convenience la carry lag out tbe last
resolution, printed receipt! lo blaoka will
be forwarded to Trustees by tbe Secretary
of Ibe Producers' Couooil. Capt. J. E.
Ray, Ibe Trustee for Ibe Eleventh ninrtni
will rrebablr reoalva theaa hunt h Th.
Members of Producers' Council,
following clrculai baa been addressed
President of eaoh district Association
The circular Is an Importaot ooe. and t ih
request of the AssociatloB for tble District
we publish It:
On. Citt, November 13. 17.
To. Esa . President . n,i.ii
Petroleum Producers' Assoolallon: '
Dcar Sir At a meatlns of tbe Cauneli
in oere, u was resolved to oall lo Ibe sub
acripiien lists oa tsatnrday olgbt next, tbe
loth lost.
A 1 - era
absolved, That Ibe subscribers to
the slock of lb Agency, throned ih.ii. in.i
Associations, be requested, at a meeting to
um aeia oa or oerore Monday next, to nomU
Bate tblrteeo peraons Ibrutigboul tbe Oil
Regions, for Directors of tbe Agency, and
report Ibe llckel so placed In
the Secretary of tba Council, at Oil City,
the same day; and that Ibe Secretary
prepare a lias of ibe persons aame
Ibus aomlnaled, statins- onnoaita a.h n.m.
by which dialricts recvmmendwl. and t.ot
ibe same In a conspicuous place, lo Ibe room
wneia me election is bald.
Please notify tbe committeeman
charge ef Ibe suhrcrlplloa lilts to collect Ibe
in per ceoi. oa all tbelr luuicrlml.n.
wbalhir lo cash or oil, aod baod the same
over lo tbe trustees appointed la each dis
trict, wllb Instructions lo reoorl with lull
particulars, at Iba meeting called as above
Tbe Iruatees will please see thai sueh .nh"
sorlber Is provided with a vouober, showing
now many snares be Is entitled la vote oo,
and Ibat be be requested to execute a orait
for voting, la case be should not be able lo
attend personally.
Vouchers and proxies furnished here
with. . Ilfvnr Rm nu
Secretary to the Council.
Alf. Myers, formerly tbe oonular landlord
el tbe Petroleum Excbaoge Hotel at Ibis
place, has started a similar loslltniioo at
81. Petersburgb, noder Jerome Aklo'a Opera
uouse. lie nas titled up tbe room with all
the modern conveniences aod apptlaocei
aecessary for running a Brst-alaia mun.
"1" " t0"anM m
to. V?. ""V bo"r of ,b T "
raol, aod Is now prepared lotfuroisb warm
--- - euw njU BSB
Iloa of getting up the nicest the country
afforded from a game dinner dowo lo a plain
niKQia ftOa Alt. I V1VI HM hmmm It. ..
oystarclaw. Tboiaofour citizens having
oeoesiou to vim &i. faleraburgb, will al
ways receive a hearty welcome from Myers,
aod If be don't treat tbam well oo ooe can.
la addition lo bia olber attraction!, Alf,
has engaged Ibe services or Taylsr, Petrol
aum favorite bill poller, tot tbe obamplon
oyster opener ef Ibe oil regioo, who ails
Ibat honorable position la the new reiteu
rant. A charier has bean grao lad lor an 04
Fellows' Lodge at St. Petersburg. Alro a
charter has been Issued for the aime pur
pose at Fdxbar-. A new building Is being
created ou St. Petersburg road, te be sed
by both new Lodges.
Mr. E. Y. Brack, oil reporter of (he TI
teavllle Herald, paid us a call tela eltei-oooa.
A loud report tbli e'leroooa led many to
believe a boiler bad exploded la the vicin
ity. We did not leaia the cause.
Another olerlcal editor apraks on tba oil
queation. 1 ba editor of ibe Ceogregalion
aliet, published at Bpslon, hae about as
much idea iff tbe oil ttade as a cow has
about walklpg en Ice. lis lauabable to
red Ibe fearful (Hurls of luob writers as Ibis
editor is:
Tha lil efforts lo creating a monopoly la
the Oil Regloos has lately been made by
tbe producers, and they bavaglvea lo the
piibllo a series ol Iweaiytbree rules or reg
ulations by which they show how It la to be
done, but would It not Impllfy matters
very mach II Ibese m.o should rescind tbelr
resolutions aod take for their guidance Ibis
rule: "Remember ibe Sabbath dav and
keep it boly, 4o. By working only six days
in a weak ibe ever production would be pre.
vented, and Ibis Is tbe cause of nearly all tb.
troable. For many vests there haa ben na
Sunday rest in tbe oil district, greatly lo
me icaoaai oi tbose who respect the day,
ana ia violation or law; the producers, by
unanimous consent have ceased pumping
for tblrty dive, lo order Ibat tie aloek o
oil oo baod might be cleared off That
lime le just expiring, and if. they will ga lo
work again and be content without trying
to cheat Ibe Lord of the Sabbath, we shall
expect lo see Ibe oil Irade settle Into a
healthy stele agaio. The present would
seem to be Ike very best lime lo establish
such a eustem, aod thus settle this trouble
on a permaaenl basis; and we are sure II
win aever be settled at leag as noSaoday Is
Tbe Eleventh District claims, aod justly,
to be Ibe banner district of tbe oil region
In tbe matter el subecrlpllona to tbe stock
of tbe Producer's Agency. We have new
taken $105,600 of stock, aod when It Is un
derstood. thai this Is In spot oil ur spot cash,
we think tbe claim is well founded. All
Ibe olber districts subscribed cash or oil
ayable at Ibe end of six months.
Tba Tiluivllle pipers of Ibis mornlog are
filed with accounts of the burial of Mr. J.
A. Hooper, who was killed at Pioneer, day
before yesterday.
Mr. C. J. Hepburn, Assistant Superin
tendent ol tbe Oil Creek tc, Alllegbeoy
Railroad, has removedhls office from Corry
to OH City, aod laleads making thai place
his home permanently.
Tbe Oil Creek Si Allegheny Kiver Rail
way has put oa an extra pusseoger tiain
between Corry and Tiluavillv,leaving Corry
on Ibe arrival ol tbe Philadelphia 4 Erie
train from Erie, al 6:30 n. m.. It arrive .t
Titiisville at 8 p. . Reluming, learn
iiioiviiieat 8:10 p. m., making connections
wilb tbaAtianlie A Great Western Kail
way for New'York aod Ibe East.
Tbe red sun gathers up bis beams
To bid Ibe wlibeied eartb farewell,
Aod voice Irom lb swelling streams
Are ringing wilb tbe evening bell;
Tha cold lake tbrebs with renters grief
Where late ibe water lilies grew.
While autumn fowl, aod autumn leif)
Are sailing down the river blue.
Formken are tbe woodland shrlnea.
The bird! lo warmer laoda have fled,
And winda are wailing througb the pipes
A dirge lor summer's gloria dead;
Eveo man lorsakea bis dally .tr ie,
Aod museaoo the radiance flown,
As if In nature's changing life
He taw tbe picture of bia own.
One of Ibe most toucbioa laatancea o'
gratitude Is alleged lo have occurred at
Look Haven Ibe other da. A litti. .
the child of a wealthy mother, tumbled Into
ue river, lie was rescued by a worklne
man and restored te bia parent- The fco
man gave the man- a three cent postage
stamp, and said sbe would be glad to have
bim ome up lo bar bouae and sit ool lo lbs
entry and beer her play oa Ibe piano. Ha
weal away wltb tears la bis eyes. He said
be wasot used to sucb overwhelming kind
An Important decision bas iuit been van.
dared by lb. Supreme Conrt of Maryland in
regard. to tbe religious belief of wiiaaa
Tbe cate In question was an action far debt
wnere tbe defence made orgeettoo to a wit.
ness oo the ground of reMrlous belief. Th.
objection was founded on tbe old common
taw rule, as well as a provision In tha Rt.t.
Coostllulion, providing that a belief in the
existence or a liod, with a system of future
reward aod punlabmenl was the ent r.
qulalte. It was shown by dlreot testimony
to impeach the witness that, so far as eould
be gathered from bis expressions, he nam.
within both these limitations. ia rebuttal
It was shown thai tbe witness did nt ' h..
Have ia a personal God, but enlv la a R.
preme Spirit pervading nature. Tba court
held ibat a better in personal God was not
aeeessary, aod that Ibe wllneaa. S
knowledglng merely iba existence of a Sib
preme Being or rower, established hla nam.
peteooy lo testify.
An epizootlo prevails amona tha ! .
the Michigan frontier similar lo Ibat af
feetlag the horses al tba East, and large
anaberi are found dead and dying lo the
Coal has bean discovered la Lincoln eoaa
ly, Tennessee.
Home, the. lemons Spiritualist, will return
lo America soon.
Destructive Ores have been raging In Ibe
pineries of Clark cauuty, Wlaeoneia.
Amang tbe worst luillotl oos caused by
me oorse laaueog are some ol tba names
given it.
eigoiy-two mvmmtned Ubinatnea were
lately ibipped from Sacrarceatu to tbe Ce
lestial laud.
A London Arm recently Imported by way
of Rolteidam, the first cargo of Pruanlaa
coal ever biougbl Into England.
Steam pipes twining among tbe roots of
trees, lo keep Ibem warm aod prevent Ibe
leaves falling off, Is tbe mast recent ramlg-
calloa of Ibe inventive genius. 4
Hydrophobia is raging to an uoparaleled
extent In the northern counties of England,
here many men as well as animals rase!
tbelr deaths by it.
Dr. George S. Vallandigbem, of New Lis
bon, Ohio, is procuring subscriptions at
Canton, Oblo, for a life or Hon. C. L. Val
lendtgham, bis brother.
James Robinson, tbe noted equestrian.
bds been startling New Yorkers by riding a
bare back hurdle raoe, with boota oo
said lo be tbe drst instance ol Ibe klod oo
Kentucky papers say thai Joel T. narl,
tbe great Florentine sculptor, once built
cbimneys and fence in Bourbon coaoty.
Many of Ibem are atlil standing, mute testi
monials ol tbe erigla of a great genius.
Barry Sullivan is called the leading Brit
ish tragedian of Ibe age. He was la Amer
lea about twelve years ago, aod contemplat
es making a profasilonal lonr ef ibitcountry
again before long.
Thomas Fleury, living In Columbns, and
a brakeman oo tbe Pan Handle route, was
killed last Monday morning, by a atroke,
while entering tbe Corkrun Tancel, dye
miles from Pittsburgh.
Iron shloglee have been lately patented
and are said lo be less expensive than slate.
Tbey ate made about sit inobes by thir
teen Inches in ilr, and fastened with head
less nails.
Canada On. Haws. Occasionally we
hear ef a goad bit of a 1U0 barrel well as
it is tbe case wilb the McMillan No. 2 (.the
Aral ooe having been abaodoaed,) ;South o
12lb Line, nearly oppoaite W. Mitch.l's
lata residence. Messrs. Noble & Parsons,
havs stuck slakes lor a new rig avroas Ibe
Uih from the McMillan well; while Ibe lat
ter bas a new well drilling a little to tbe
Eatt ; a abort distance lo Ibe West Gaiduer
& Co., are down 400 feel.
Tbe New Dnmiuloa territory. North of
utb Line, bas nothing special lo repot I ibis
week; VanTule 4 Co., well, and also, tbe
P. Taylor well,' lei short of expectations;
McGarvey ft Rosenburg's new well testing;
Polly & Dunlop and Lawaon 4 Grange, aad
Frank Smith 4 Co., wells drilling; Nobis
Parsons' new well, near Iba Gibson well
finished drilling with good stow: Canadian
Oil Companj's No. 2 nearly down, with
fair show No. 3 preparing lo drill. Tbe
Ribigbiul and Brake weir to tba North.
upon Ibe Barae's farm, Is "not much," aa
Lawsoo aod Grange No. 2, aod Col.
Sbcemaker'i new well drilling, Ditto lb.
Ibe Lawyer well. Brake and Riblgblni
well, Sou tb or Latnbe properly nearly com
plated. Mr. Lambe's two last wells testing
with lair prospect. Tbe ;Fatrbenk and
Draper wella, upo tba Park's Isrm, are
drilling. Further lo the West Perkins,
Cooley, 4 Co., and Anderson and Co., are
drilling, la another wMk m twA , wit
eating friends to Ibe far Nor' West will
have "made a spoon or spiled a born.''
' Peirolla Advertiser.
Ola News The Cramer well, D. Shoup,
Sr., term, le doing 60 barrels. It was tor
pedoed a lew days si ace.
Loaoe 4 Harme welt, D. Bboap farm, Is
doing 40 barrels.
The Graff well It said lo be doing abou 6
The PaMea well, Heeler farm,. Tnrkey
Run, is pnmplng 30 barrels.
Tbe Heeler well fs reported lo b doing
only 40 barrels.
Many new wella are being started an the
Knigbl larm, ea Tnrkey Run.
Tbe Fanny well, en ihoKllnger farm, Is
pumping 10 barrels.
Tbe Coulle, Irwla 4 Co. wen, oa tbe Ely
RUi farm, commenced pjmptng yasterday
at the rale of 80 barrela per day. She will
probably settle down to 75 barrels per day,
Petersburg Progress.
During tbe paat winter a British steam
ship made two snteesafnl trips from ibe
Chesapeake to London, losded exclusively
with Baltimore oysters. Se great was lh
snecess attending Ibe undertaking that It la
now learned that three large vessels are
newoa their way to this country from
European ports under charter to take car
goes of Baltimore OyUert to Leaden.
Tbe value ol metellnrglc skill Ims teemi,
ly been strikingly demonstrated In Greece
Some time ago the Greek Goveran. .'
ed wltb, for a mere trifle, to two enterpn,.
... , v, ,ne rubh.
heaps at tbe Lanrlom mines hu
first worked S.W0 years ago by the King 0,
Athens. It was soon found thai .... 1
debris, which had been cast aside by i,
ancients aa worthless, possessed Immense
wealth, and the Governmeal, repenting ot
u-rnoiu, nmeo ioe properly at
200,000,000, and Is demanding ...
for Its right. 1
They ire "some" on "neriinniiii..
- uver
in Canada. Talk about "h.mii.. .
Amer loan names, we cant begin with it,
brevet Uengllshmen of Ibe Damlnln. n.
- flivr.
is a specimen of a marriage announcement.
u. uupwa, ior loo printer's sake, tbit
uiairiage notices are paid for by tba lis..
Al Ibe Blaboo'a Chanel, nit.-. '
Thursday, November the nut,. n.
Lord Bishop of Ontario, miiu i..
Right Rev. Lord Bishop of Huron, the Rev.
u. n. Mavias, d. D., Principal of th. N0r,
mal School far Ontario, aod
Ckurch of the Holy Trinity, Toronto, M
the Rev. H. Pollard. Assistant ef m.t.....
Chapel, Alfred Edward, yonngesl sop f (b.
lata k. K. Devlea. . r a.ik
orkahlre, England, to Hanrleit. s...v
OBly daughter of Henry Hartney, Era '
lteaae of Commons, Ottawa. H'
Ijoeal Notlcea.
At Ibe Petroleum Kxehanea Hm.i i. a.
dining room work. Alio a soad tk
wanted. Study employment furnished ids
highest wsges paid. ,
For (sal
16.000 lo 20,000 feel or 8KOOWn.n l ra
TUBING, at from It le IS eta. per feel.
Tbe Tabiag ia In Ins ehua order aod ail
ready filled.
April 2 V. H. H. WARN BB
If yon
Waal a Salesman.
Want a Servant Girl,
Want to Sell a Hone,
Want W Sell a Patent,
Want to Lend Mooey,
Want to Bny a House, tn Q.I I r I
" ' own . virriBgr
Waal in Bnrrnw Unn..
' Want to Sell an Oil We'll,
nam io uuj aa engine or Bollea)
Want to Sell a Honee and Lot,
Want lo Bad a Stiayed Animal,
Want to Purchase aa Oil Interest,
Want lo Sell a Plrce of Fnrnltnre.
Want to Buy a Second-hand Carriage,
Want to Sell TnUng, Casinir. (iat Pipe,
Want tn Tinri n ... r -
- - -- " IWI .UJIUIj
Found, adveniae in Iba Ricoita. at no Use
ueu ira toonaaaa peeple read it weekly.
Butter and chein are Almnt InHlan.n.l
ble articles of 'oo. Properly used, the
are nutritious and beallby; hut an inordi
nate USA Of eilhpp Mlllu inili.ual.. ..4
dyspepsia. Owen Guffney's Sunday Cnm-
rori. Jimclnrrsl tied will remove both ef
there troubl
Lovers of good cigars will find several see
tlrely new bvandi, waver before latrodaeed
In ibis plaeer af .he Poal Office News Room
They are warranted1 pur. Uevanee
teVGAFriTaT keeps onnstanlly eg
baud BOOlah Ala lt LnnBnn PM. mtmml
ally far family mm.
We have ju
Issued Slrssis
Waltzes la two Volamaa. arise 14
each In boards S each lo elolb. The Iwe
volumes cootao over Forly Besullluf
Waltzes, worth al lean f.35 le sheet form.
particular to ak for Peters' Edition af
Strauss' Walim, aa it Is tbe orrty correct sod
, ea it Is tbe oniy correal sod
complete editun.1
Address, J. L.
Paten. Musi Publllh.r, 99 Broadway,
new lore.
The Viator 3rand af elgara al Iba Pn
Ofllce News Rom.
Shot Down for 30 Days t
With lbs Lrgest and best selectee stock ef
Bver trooght to Petroleum Centre.
No OldGtocll,
All New.
Call at m7 New Store, Wasfr
' ingtoDltreet, 5 doors above
Christie's Drag Store,
An4 examine to yourselves my stock of
Hats, Cape, Trankt , Valise,
4m. Also, tha largest ttoakir
Gents' Farnlshins Goods!
Ia Petroleam Ceatra.