SHUGERT&STARft HMHn to MtaM, Srafia. &. ,$' Merchant Tailors! Gouts Furnishing Goods, COR. SPRING ft PRASKLIU 6T3., . fTITBSVaLLE, PA.J ft, it put in one of the Cm aeeoKtnenUi Of) 0L01RS& VA88IMERE8 patxca AND . . AMERICAN. COATINGS, X3X1 ABD STRIPED SCTTINGS, 1.1b fee OUBaeD TW1XTT DIFFERENT STYLES OF crTS 5S CAPS, i Ab Uo Uteet sad Nobbiest Btyles. . A FILL MM 0 ' ents' (tirnishing Goods, &c. Petroleum Centre Daily Record Pot. Centre) Pa.,'raesdar, Row. 13 iftlTlwe ferviee. lilTHODKT EPISCOPAL CHURCH Survlooe every Sabbath at 11 A. II. and ! r. X. Babaelo Sohool at 11 P. M enUfrea. A cordial Invitation ox tend 4 to all. Kit. O. Moobs, Potior. PBESBTTEBLAM CHURCH. PraochiBa; at 11 o'clock A. ., aid 7j mr r. a. ' Pwtroleain Centre , Lodge, No. VIS, I.O. of O.F. Scalar maoling olgkU Friday, at 7 'eloek. gl.aed. . - B. ALLEN, N. Q B. H. Kmiil A See'v. u KSFf Uco bl meeting, Mala 81., opposite A. , O. of . W . Liberty Lertg No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W., Mela every Monday evening al o'olock, 1a Odd Fellow' Hall, Petroleum Cootre, foao'a. A. U. Klicknbb, M. W. A. Iui, R. V f. O. of II. Its. Mionekaanee Tribe Mo. 183, I. O. E. U. t Petroleum Centre, meets very Thursday ni In Good Templar'a Hall. JSr CohuoII tree lighted at 1 o'olock. H. HOWE, Sackem. n. ti&i.NULUg, Ubief ot Records. old at 1 p. . Ui Tba Titusvilie Herald of yesterday, nub- lisiicd no attlela outillad "Claspl0( Bande" wblob carries tba Idea that a combibatloo between Iba refiner and producers would jujt fill tba bill, and alio seeking to lead Ibe publio into tba belief tbat a aeoret uu. deplandtu-exist between tho Producer's Agency and tba Retioer' Combination whoraby negotiation will ba entered into at aome fuiuro lima between tba two. Sucb a'nl we are entirely opposed to, aod Us seutimeut ot tba producers of tbis die trict la ibe same. Tba producers,. we are aatialied, waut oo suck arrangement wltb tba Combination, aod will uol bave it tbat way. T bey bave no terms to maka with their old auemioa alter tbat fasbtou. Hev iug thoroughly organized oo a souad basis, aod cstablisbed themselves firmly under Ibe me of tbt i'auoleum Producer's Agency, the iiroducvrs bare no fatora to ask al tba hands of the reSuers. On tbo contrary, Ibe "boot it now on Iba other foot" tba Com' bioailuu is compi-Med to ask favors of Iba 'Agency. Tba producers ara willing (o act and deal fairly and honestly wltb all, but wbeo It om lu forming a coalition wltb lhair old enemies, Vim count lbeu out. , Wo would advise tba Herald to "Go Slow." ' Dr. L. 11. Cbriatrle baa bean engaged fcr several days past la removing bia drug store Horn the old location lo tha large building opposite Sctonblom'a grocery atore, oo Waabiogion atrael. Whan fitted up It will make a ttoe store room. Climate baa been roboed ol alt laurels by a lecjul disi.ury tuat Gulscppe Sarti, an UtK u, eted eaanon as a musical adjunct oily aa 1743. Tbe Sbab of Tersia baa provided $10,000; 000 to pay tint txpenies ol bit European tuur. The Burning of Boilon. II Is bat a llttla mora tbtaayear ago that Ibe piteous fata ot Bra-swept Chicago ibiilied ail .Christendom wltb terror and commiseration, and from every quarter of the couotry Indeed, of the world earned bands laden wltb comfort and assiataoca to bo tlirlched forlb; and now a similar woe baa befallen the great city of Boston. Tba losses are already estimated al bundroda of millions of dollar. There is no nerd to dwtll, here, upon tba awful character of Iba violation, our talegrapbio oolumna give Ibo doians ol the terrible calamity . What there la uei d to dwell upoo la tbia: Ibe necessity timi plly shall Instantly crystal llze Into bi'iii, ana sympathy resolve itae.f into orgnu . it succor. Never, perhaps, In all historj w.u ther a nobler nprising ol humanity f'r humanity's a sake, than In Ibe switt aud simultaneous response of the people, wltbout distinction of sect or party, to tne appeal of Chicago In bur rlreadlul desolation and need. Tbo heart of the na tion throbbed wltb but one Instinct the people knew but one impulse tbo sublime impulse aod inallnot ot help. This la what is nee ded now. There are the houseless and ioodlrts, alandlug naked upon Ibo edge of a pitiless New England wluletv It wil bo lime enouih by -and-by lo estimate tho values Ibat bave been destroyed, Ibe mag oitude of tbo Interests that are swept away, Ibe extent and character of the ruin and desolation whlcb bave been wrought, and the effect of tbese on tbe beslnesa concerns of tbe country and tbe world. But our first duty is toward those who bave been depriv ed of everything excect life. Bread for the hungry; clothing lor tbe naked these are Ibo criea which soond above Iba roariog flaod ol fire. No one who baa any eoncep lion of Ibe grand capaoily of Iba American people tor uaselOab sacrifice, whenever su preme occasion calls, will for a moment doubt the maooer in whicn they will be aoiwsced. Bui be helps twice who helps qulokly. Let tbe people ol 1'elroleum Cen tre aa of every otbet locality, remember it. Our friend Svewley, Ibe well known liv ery man, met wltb quite a serious accident at Franklin, early yesterday morulug. He was at tbe Jamestown & Franklin railroad depot walling for tbe arrival of tbo early freight train intending lo coma up la Oil City, when he was taken wltb a sudden fainting fit aod tell to Ibe floor.' How loeg be laid there b does ool know, but whan be came to bo discovered that in falling be had received a very severe coolusioo lo Ibe right eye, blackiug and cutting It badly. Sinswly thinks he got off cheap enough as It Is, with only a black ye. ' v Tba followlog is tha amount atock anb scribed lo Iba producer Agency by iba various districts: First District, 1100,000 100,000 100,000 40,000 60,000 101.000 109,000 64,000 lb. 1 10 ' 8,3'JO 105, 1U0 41,000 101,000 40,000 46,000 60,600 Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleveutb, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, s)l,081,ijoo The amount! reported at tbe previous mast meeting as subseripliona were merely promised In many Instances. The amount subscribed was only aboul $726,000. Tba 11,081,000 reportsd yesterday are bona fide subscriptions, an increase of over f 300,000 luce tha last meetlnir. . ZZ. I mi . ... . . . . X i" luuowmg resolution was orottgni dc-- Ion the Quoting of tbo Producer's Council, at Oil City, yesterday, and carried : Resolved, That the thanks of Ibe produ oers ara due to the banks ol Ibe whole Oil Region, wbo bave subscribed to the stock of Ite Agency, aod especially to tbo Savings and Exobange banks ol Tltusville, wbo subscribed In tbo face of thraata made by Ibe morning papers of that city, that II aoy did subscribe taelr customers- would with draw their deposits; aad we hereby com mend the action of Ibe several banks to tbo favorable consideration of business men- of 'bis region, whose protperity depends en tirely on the auctesa of producers. fSom of tbe Chicago papers, in discuss ing tba Sunday talooo closiog question, ara taking Ibe ground thai lager beer Is with out Intoxicating properties, loia is an error. An analysis of numerous speolmao samples of tbis beverage madd last year. showed the presence of alcohol In quanll' lies ranging from 6 630 lo 6.190 per Oent. A I'rovidaoue, It. I., paper records tie appearaooe In thai city dtiwc by foc lueu. . of loaded wagon Girl who marry Coachmen, ara not of necessity unhappy, .Tho story of Miss Boker, of New York, daughter of Ibe mil lionaire wbo married tho eoecbmaa Is re vived. She convulsed tha rasblenablea by marrying John Dean, bar falhet's toachman and so dissolving ber old family and social relation. But John, II appears, turns out successful business man and ibe two live comfortable and happily. Exhbange. There Is a great deal of bean about this marrying beneath them, by fashionable girls. Take a look through the rich and, of course, fashionablo residences of Ibis or any other fast growing, enterprising city, aod note tbo to-be pitied wives wbo married laboring man, mechanic, &o. Are they unhappy? Not If blgh-ceiting, tapestry carpeting, Imported furniture and modern Improvement without limit can make them bappy. And yet the great majority of wives wbo now loll In Ibe lap of luxury, marrrled poor men, uoeduoaled tDOD ID6D who -work for a living. Il would be a wholesome les son If the succinct biitory of onr rich men was engraved upon tbe fronts of tbelr pala tlal residences. Good lo two ways; as a ooostant reminder to them of tbelr bumble origin teaching, obarlty and bebevoleocet and as an. incentive to those young n now dinging lo the lower round aod dei perately striving lo grasp Iba roond next above, Aod II If tba daughter of tucb wbo exhaust sympathy when they link their lor tunes to those wbo , occupy tbe places tbelr fathers vacatad only a few years gone by, Isn't It funny that it should be a dis grace lo a daughter to do just what bar mother did when the was a gltltmarrya laboring man, a toachman, perhaps, a me chanic. The question abould be, It bo a good cosebmao, a . gcd mechanic? If so the girl wbo marries bin may before her hair turns grey be courted, aa the wife of a Senator, or tbo wife of a Vice President and Ibat other girt who married tbo rich youag man may bo striving lo procure a sewing machine on credit for tbe support of spendtbrift husband and surtiag. chll dien. Cleveland Herald. We copied recently from tbe St. Louis Democrat a beautiful little ttory about a flock of abeep "followlog their leader." -And now comes Ibo Peoiia Review with the fol lowing eomment oo the oaralive, which leads us to infer that Ibe Democrat's state ment was not strictly reliable. "Tbe atory of the 1000 sheep, who lesped through tbe iDdowofthe covered bridge, near Ibis place, Is very nearly correct. There were however, only 630 sheep in tie drove, In stead of 1,000. The bell-wether did not see tbe open window, It did not jump out of It- Tke flock did not follow it. Tbero It ao window lo Ibe bridge. Tbe drover Aid ool drive bis sheep acroea Ibo bridge; ho crostud al the ferry three mile higher up Iba stream. If the bridge was 600 feel above blgh water mark tbe present piera would bave lo be leoglbed 4 10 feet lo, order to reach the bridge. There Is not a covered bridge with In 1,700 miles ol Peoria. Wltb these typo graphical loaocuraoles Ibo romauco Is cor root." The Grand Lodge of Ibe Independent Or W ot Odd Fellows, passed an ameodroeo' to tbe constitution, providing that when a member Is expelled from a Lodge or En campment In one jurisdiction, bo cannot bo admitted to a Lodge or Encampment of any other jurisdiction without the consent of Ibe Eicampmeol front wblob bo waa expelled, but permitting ibe admission la another jur. Miction of a mtmber suspended or dropped for non-payment of dues only. We ara Informed on good authority tbat all tba walla owned by E. E. Clapp of President, on tbo Hendetaon, Baker and Aloorn farma In tba 16 district are to be that down hereafter every Sunday, com mencing to-night. This is no email affair wbeo it la taken Into account Ibat Ibe wells are aroduolcg aboul 260 barrels' per day. Let tho good work go on. No producer will lose a oent during ibe year by tbuiting down on Sunday. Tldlonle Journal. On Tuesday evening last, a special train Jack Wheeler, engineer, ocotaloiog General Superintendent Sweotzer and Division Su perintendent Bradley, left Salamanca at 6 o'oleok aod arrived at Meadville at 7:20. traveling tbo whole distance, 102 miles, la two hours and twenty minutes, Including two stoppages. This la tbe fastest time eve, made on tbo Attantl A Great Western Railroad. New Caatla Conrant, Tbe Petrolenm Producers' Agency bids fair to be a grand Bad successful scheme. Tho sixteen districts embraced la tbo Ponn aylvania oil territory bava subscribed to tbe slock of the egeooy 1,037,600. Tho direc tors ol the Tltusville Savingi Bank have subscribed $26,000,' wblob is tbo largest amount yat subscribed by any ol Ike bank PllUborgb Mall. Shipment of limber from Pugat's gonad for foreign port will nmoout to 238,00v, 090 feel this yean Iowa la In daager of losing lbs good repu tatloo wblcb aha has earned In paat year a an orderly and law abldlogtCommoowealth, More murders, It la said, have eocurrsd in that Plato In tbo last few naontba than In a much longer period before. "There la likely lo bee) clamor lor Ibe restoration of tbe death penalty when lb Legislature meets again. Tho leading homeopathic puyalcien In Dublin has bis Turkish batb In bis owo gar dan, so constructed as lo aooommodete both tba family and the horses; and whether sick or well, tho horses gel Ibeir tegular Turkish batb. Consequently, tbey never bava H hlppomoaoils. Turkey ba recognieed tbe right of litera ture by tba eoaetmeot of a copy right law. Tba txoluslve property i ao original work, wiih tha right ol translation, Is conferred on Ibe autber, hit heirs or assigns, lor torly years; for translations, tho privilege lo be for ooo half that period. All rights can be old for the whole or aoy part Of the term, and plraoy ol copyright will be punished by penal measure. Tbltry-seveo vessels belonging to the United Stale were reported lost or missing during October. Tbelr total value of car gees, I estimated at $1,192,000. Mrs. Hlllwig, an aockwl female, got Ioto an alteroatlon with one Duanigao, all about a bowl ol whiskey. Result Mrs. Hlllwig got not only "bounced" but severely beaten Tbla Is one ot them disagreeable days that cause bot wblakey poaches to be la ac tive demand. We prefer onr "plain and straight." Local mailer are scarce, Net a borte to be seen on tbe street. Smawley, tbe dray man, baa bad to come down lo tbe aborig inal way of carting good, In uae before draya were diacovered, tbat is. hauling then by band on a truck. Brooie aluds and sleeve buttons, of aol- que design,. ara now faableuable for gentle men. Tba Six-Nation Indian, in Canada, re cently held Ibeir fifth annual agttcultural exhibition. Tbe total subscriptions lo tba Producers Agency stock In this District foot up $105, IOO. Only one other district, lb Siveoib1 Is ahead ef us Is amount ol ubaorlptioas. Good enough. Poof ti e snip s, company of a British sloop-olewar recently swam across tbe Ilel- espool from Abydoa lo I.eslos. Tbe diss taooo Is about eeven miles. An Inmate of the poor bouse, al Crown Point, Ip.Uans, recently, having laid down ln Held, from exhaustion, was Blacked and partially devoured by bogs. The New England fishing season has just closed. Il baa been moderately successful, and attended with fair loss ol life eod prop, erty tbsn'laat year. Tba Cape Ana Ad vertiser says the mackerel catch haa been very light, probably ;tweaty.flve Ibouaand barrels lev than last year; bnt tbe Banker bave been very snocestful, aod tbe quaatity offish landed has been greatly In excess of aoy former year. Now South Wale I in urgent Deed of Improved agricultural Implements and labor tsvlag machinery. A man In Tennessee, acoused of ateallnv a check lor $216, and having It cashed, has neon acqirtted on a plea of losaoity. A iady ol Marselles. Fraaoe. haa au1 hot balrdrweer for $400 damages, for dyeing aer hair violet instead of red, aa be promise ed. Thai Califbrnian about their wheat crop, muob of wbioh la till In the open fields, aod Ibe rainy season is last approach log. Eighty-two dead Chinamen were recent l - . sblped trom Sacramento for bnrlal in tbeir nauve laou. THAINS ON O. O. A. B. R. On and after Sunday. Nov. Sd. 1871. train will run a follows: aonra no. S. wo. S. wo. l. Leave Irvine. 11,68 a h. 6.20 p h Leave Oil City 6,00 k. M. 2,30 r at. 7,60 p rei.ueo o,ao 3,37 " B.BS " ' Tituev. 7.10 ' 4.26 9.1S Arrive Corry, 8,60 " 6,00 1,40 mo. 8 Accommodation Freight. Leave Oil Cllv 9.30 m: Pet. Centre. iu,is; Titusvitie, u,oo; Ar. Corry, iz,40pm SOUTH. HO. 2. HO. 4. no. 6. Leave Corry, 10,66 , u. 6,10 a k. 6,10 p u " Titnsv. 12,20 r a. 7,30 " 0,46 " P. Ceo. 1.20 8.17 " 7.60 Arrive O. City 2,00 9,00 " 8,46 ' Irvine. 6,00 " 11,38 " No. 10 Aoeommodatino Freight. Leaves Corry 1,40 p m; Tituev, 2,66; Pet Centre. 3,66; Ar at Oil City, 4,30 p m. gjw- No. 6 aod 6 run oc Sunday. fycommeneing Nov. 3d train will ran by Philadelphia time, wbleb it Tin an a;. BT1S VASTBB man our lime. J. J. LAWRENCF, 00. Supl. . Birsun, Ata't bupt. O. J, Local Notice. JIUL WANTED " At lb Petrolenm Exohanga Hotel to dining room work. Also a goad all wanted. Study employment furnlsk.d 4 highest wagea paid. ' For (ilt 15.000 to 20,000 feat of 8I00N D-HANn TDBINfl. .1 facial tr. ta I "0 Tba Tnbtag Is In first claas order and .h April 23. tf. H. H. WARNER, If you Want Salesman, Wont Servant Girl, Wai t to Kelt a Horse, Want to Sell a Patent. Waot lo Lend Money, Want In Rn. n RmiM QWenl to Sell a Carriage, aii. k uorrow money, Want to Sell an Oil Well, Want to Buy an Engine or Boiler Want to Sell a House aod Lot, Want lo Hod a Strayed Animal, Want to Purchase an Oil Interest. Want to Sell a Piece of Furniture Want to Buy a Second-hand Carr'. Want lo Sell Tubing, Casing, Gas Pip,; i Want to Find an owuer for aujtiZ Found, advertise in the Ricord, as no lea, bao ten thousand people read il weekly. Butter nod cheese are almost Indlsnfn.l hleartlftlM nl fnnri P.nn..i. ...... p - . .wfioapj tlBBU IQ0V are nutritious and healthy; but an inordi nata use of either eanses indigestion aod dyspepsia. Owen Gaffney' Sunday Com fori. Judiciously used will remove both of tbero iroiibla CIGARS Lovers of geod cigars will flod several n, In lb I place, at the Post Oftce News Room twj ara warraoiea pure Havanae t"GAFFMEr keep) eonalanily o, band HeotAtl Ala anil Ian Ion Pnw . ally tor family ase. ' ' STRAUSS1 We bava jm laaued Kir.,,.. Wallzea la T.n Vnin.. . . each lo boards $6 each in cloth. The t volume contain over Fori R..1.1 Wallza. worth al laaat .tr. 1. .wi 1 irh.o;dd-erFAVORITE',?'T particular lo ask for Peters' Ed I lion of Strauss' Waltzes, aa it I the onlycnrresl aod complete edition. iaj aa a T"9rmr Addreat, J. L it ALTZES. Peters. Musio Publisher. 699 Rm.n... New York. " The Vtntnr Itranil af lr... il. .i - --a-'- u am OflicH News Room. ISHAIYI BROS,, ?prlng-St., Titnarllle, Pa. , Dealers la . FINE WATCHES i 1 Clocks, and Jewelry. New Stock Just Received! Ladle St Gents' Gold Wolchr of all qualities. SILVER WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS, latest styles, SILVER MAINS, all kind, CHARMS, every descripllo. SOLID GOLD SETS, GOLD FINGER RINGS. SILVER FINGER RINGS, 'SPECTACLES, all kinds. SOLID SILVER WARE. SILVER PLATED WARE, CLOCKS, every description, FANCY GOODS, Ac. KKPAIBntO done in KUPERTOR and most Work manlike manner. Our stock will ba sold St tbe ver j LOWEST RATES POSSIBLE Ad Ibo oae ahsll leave onr eetabllrhmant wtthmt. belnc peif.ctlj satisfied Ibat the; have rwsrved a bargain. IHUAM BROS. . Shut Down for 30 Days t BUT NOW STARTED UP AGAIN I With the Cargcst and beet sslectcd stock of CLOTHING! Bver brought to Petroleum Centre. No OldTstocK, A.11 New. Call at my New Store, Wash ington Street, 3 doora above Christie's Drug Store, And examine for yourselves my stock of OL OT SI NG t Hat, Cap, Trankt , Valle, Ac. Also, th largest stoak ef Gents' Furnishing; Goods ! la Fetroleam Ceatre. MOKUIS HEBHOJT, Fomtriy wUk Sobtl.