The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 11, 1872, Image 2

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' (BmiMMon to JJalfarland, Smith A Co.,)J
Merchant Tailors I
A I) DKJtfjajaa IN
Gents' Furafohing; Goods,
JTJTt5Vj LiliK, PA.1
ltD ten T tb IhM aMenmerrta g'
frkxoi! akd
la the Oil Betfo
lb ttw Latest 4 KobUml Htyles.
enta' Burnishing Goods, fcc.
f'etroleum Centre Daily. Hecord
Fl. 4:cntrn P.. .Monday, Nov. 1
ITiua Per Ice.
awrvioet every batinatn at 11 A. M. ami
lH r. U. Sabbath at l4 P. M.
eta fro. A oordiul Invltatioa extend
ed to alt.
Uiv. G. Moorta, Pat-nr.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. il., and 7,
aioen r. m.
lHtrleam Cntro Lodge, No.
rift, ! O. of U.K.
Rarilar aee'tni- olctlt Jfrlday, at' T
'eloek. Slgaed. .
, , B ALLEN, N. O
8 H. Kookhh, A See' v.
rPloi f aaeetint;, Male St., opposite
r-p-a. i.i.
A. O. of I'. H.
Liberty I.orfge No. 7, A. O. of V. V,'.,
arU ever Mondav evenlnn 7i nVI'ick.
la Odd Fallow'! Hall, Petroleem Centre,
A. SI. KxecKnsjr, JJ. W.
A. Klikr, R.
I. O. Of It. M. "
linnekaunee Tribe No. 18.1, I. O. R. M.
f Petroleum Centre, meets every Thursday
fnlat In Good Templar'a Hall.
fST" C'lnncll lira at 7 o'clock
a II. HOWK.'StcbeBi.
S. REYNOLD,?, Chief of Record.
'Bold at 1 p. m. 114
Tie old Eleventh District came to the
resrue nobly, at the meeting held on Satur
day night laat. The total subscription Tool,
THOUSAND DOLLARS, three thousand
dollars mure than tbe amount pledged. Tbe
"pooling ' arrangement was entered Into
nntil (ticb time at, Ibe Agency gat Into ac
tive working order, and Mr. Harry Howe,
tbao whom no batter man could have been
elected, eboteq ai the. agent of tbe Asaea
elation for tbia Dlslrlot, through whose
bands all oil will hereafter puss.
We leel like rejoicing at the success of
this movemeut o lar, a every persoo wbo
baa tbe future well. re ol tbia region abould.
Il rings tbo death knell of all combinations,
ring, monopolies, thieves, &o. AlUb be
Tbe following special dispatch lioin Col,
Vera, member of Council from this district,
gives tbe total amount of subscription to
tbe capital stock af the Agency, as footed
up at tbe meeting la Oil City, Ibis after
noon. We are out of tbe wood. Great
is public opinion":
Oil City, Sept. 11.
Pledget made good.
Actual subscriptions TEN HUNDRED
Gala on actual subscription three hun
dred thousand dollars.
People Bod consolation under tbe severest
trials, as lor Instance the young Boston lan
wbo said that be was glad of tha horse dis
ease lor one thing, aid that was, bia rival
could not carry his Inamorata to ride for a
week at lett.
Chletflo bat twelve dally aier, eight
English, three German and oue Scaodtu
A UZa farmer bus forty Ave miles ol Unce
arouoa blllliiv
Terrible Railroad Accident.
A dreadful railroad accident occurred at
Pioneer, about 8 o'clock? tbii.mornlBff, re
sulting in the fontant death of Mr. ,T. A.
Hooper, a resident ol .TJIiiff llle nod weh
known oil man. The fuo's of this Bid atfur
as w leam them Irom Hie railroad mploy.
eei, and as brought out at the coroner's In
quest, are as lollons: Honper, wbe is te
agent for the Cortland, Maine, Oil Works
and l'uriland Tank Car Liu.i, bad come as
far as fioneer on the early freight traiu for
the purpose of lookiog alter some cars with
tbe Intention of taking tbe Utiiou freight
train back to Tiliisville. Killing to make
that train, lie got on to a tint cir ot tbe
wild cat train of Yai'dasastor Uaro of tills
piuc. wi.iuu usually follows tbo Union
train to Minri l'urm lor tbo purpusu ot do
lug the bniiliio at that poiut. Tho train
wan conpor-u o( two or thtee flit cats and
ooo rack ci. The rack car was to be
witched ofl' at Pioneer, and aa Is the cus
tom tbe brnketnao pulled the coupling piu
to allow Ike engine and ruck cur to pull
ahead leaving the box 'cars on tho main
track. The unfjrtuoate man was standing
en the box car, and the supposition is tlio't
toe engine and rack car wna going ahead
and be would be left. As eo'ju us tho pin
was drawu be ran ucross tbo Car and made
a jump fur the rack, as a matter of Cuurse.
tailing to catch'it und lulling to Hie track the
(ruok of the box car, which had not lost lis
momentum, caught him breaking all tbe ribs
on one side, driving tbem Into tho bean anil
lungs, cuing InBlnnt doalb. He alao liud
a severe bruiao on the tinnd.
Mr. It. was a man of about 44 years ol
age, and leaves a laigo liitnUy to mourn h is
untimely end. He originally cine Irom
Portlaud, Maine, nod bad been a rusiiieai il
TliiiBvilio lor over four .veins.
The lenmirfs were taken to Titusvllln on
thu IU.37 a mi train, accompanied by Justice
Keynulds and Free Musotis, ol which
Mr. II. was a meuibor.
Upon the arrival of the train lit tbat city,
a largo delegation ol ilusuut link charge ol
tbe body end conveyed it to the liomo of
tbe deceased. Tbe luueral. we uiideiatuud,
takes place day afier to-nionuw.
Justice 7.'. nouls suuitnuned o coroner's
jury, who alter a view of tne body and lalt-
log ol the lestluiotiy lnoiiglil iu the lulluw- i
tui vurdict:
PioxF.Bit, Nov. U, 1872.
We, i!B iindernlned j'prjmeti sutiiiuoued
by S. Ueyuold, J. P., i.ct;ng coroner, to
view the body of ono J. A. Hooper vtio
was K 1 1 !' at rioneer, fov. II, t f:4. n.
in., find that stld J. A. Hooper catuo lo hit
deulb by hi own carelonMiee in jumping
lioin one car to another vi.i:o in motion,
and we further eXhoiieratH llu ). C & A.
K. R Co., or its employees Irom all Llaine
J. W. Noves.
J. M. Uarvey.
W. A. l'uiliuau.
J. G. JJjWaOU.
A. Wlni!..
A. J. Lewis.
The great lire tit Huston was the universal
toplo ol conversation, on the snoots, yester
day and today, creating almost uu great an
e.xcileincu'. aa the Cuicugo nro did. From
our friend, Capt. I. Jones, who in a res1,
duul ol that city, we leurn that the burued
district comprises tbe mailt business portion
ol the placo. Tue area burned over eoui-
priars aeventy-twe acres which was closely
built iu Willi tnaaiiiGceiit granite blocks,
public buildings, churches, banks, Jcc. The
loss will uot fall short of $3Uu,uuu,UU0.
Despatches received this atieraucu stale
the lire to be under control.
Much sympathy is expressed far the af
fllstvd city t.y ail, We suggest that our
liheral miude.l people take action towards
reluiviug tbem by subscriptions of money
and provisions. We have teason lo appre
ciate the situation, our lowu having eulleied
irom tbe ravages of the fire lieud several
limes In tbo days gone by. Let ns, there
toro, add our mite towards their ruitef.
The lijsiuti Advertiser says: The oil exci'a
meul at South Lee still holds out, the UW
Irom tho spnugf coutiuumg iinabaiod. Mr.
Wheeler, the Egremont mineralogist, claims
that these small springs are only leaks liuai
large supplies of oil, aud that coal can be
found in the region. In proof of his faith
lo tbe latter statement, be is siukiug a shaft
on tbe south slope of Monumeut MouuUin,
having made sixty feet in twelve days, aad
has discovered an rxcellsrt quality ol lire
Clay, suitable for the manufacture of wbtte
Ore brick, which are now brought from lieu
nington, Vt., for use in, smelting lunmc-s,
tire places, grates, etc, although uo coal
baa beeu found as.yet.
A Chicago ealuou keeper hung out a Iieer
bottle, dresssd .in mourning, on Sund y, un
derneath wbicb was a bucket of water, with
the generous invitalioo, "Help yourselves,
Tbe liwiss are importing
to Improve their breed. ' .
Knglltb horses
Great is the Bw of Piic
' Opinion.''
The regular meeting of the Producers
Association .was held Saturday evening
Nov. 9th. ,
Roll called and majority of members
Minutes read and approved.
There being no objectious offered, the
following names were added to tbe roll of
J. M. Kepler, C. W. Atkins, Wm. II.
Ramsey, Gilbert Gordon. D. S. Winslow,
V. B. Davis, Preston McCray, Willis E.
McCr.ay, II. Howe, C. C. Wicker, Jos. II
Kirohner, 11. MeWelters, Tnos. Arnold,
J. H. Luther, C. C. Wbllfrrd, 0. F. Sobon,
blom, 1'rcd Gahrlng, and M. J. Kircbner,
each of whom with hut one exception, and
he not present took stock Iu thu Produc
er's Agercy.
Coin in it lee on Procuring room continued.
Letter received from secretary of Pro
dncers' Council notifying delegate lo attond
session ol Council t Oil City Tuesday Nov.
12 tli and t pirpnred to leport amounts
actually subscribed lo Producer)' Agency,
in Spot Cash, .Spot Oil, uud in Six Months
Upon a motion io continue subscription
to the Capital floc't of thu Pruduc-rs'
Agency, a call was m-tdo for further Inveat
menis, nnd respond In in a manner exceed
ingly gratifying to (huso Interested (as we
all are) in H e succ s f tho movement.
All "tha boys'' did well, there was no
si rnggllnu along the line, and even . tbe
I'KTiioi.ia'i Centiik ItKooiit) became ex
cited "jusi for luck" invested in stock, (li-
dicating ONE wealthy editor iu the coun
try anyhow.) Tim grand total ol Stuck
THOUSAND DOLLARS, nnd thus Prtto
leuin Ct ntro and the Eleventh District make
good their pledge, and most effectually en
dorse the Plan of the PRODUCER'S
On motion Eksoi.vkii, That until the
Piociucer's Antney is established end in
working,urdeij we, the O.l Products ol
this Ditttict, will pool our oil and euil only
ibrougb our Agent, paying htm a commis
sion not to tqueed one cent per barrel.
Ml. Hairy Howe was unuiuniously ei.ictv
ed Ag"ul und on, thu DirHCHus ol
ttif Association : nr-f r :i fV-fl io airuu,:o tin-ileiail-
nee saury to carry the poo log iulo
On molinn Hie pioceediiu of tins
meeting, with the iidilitioim to the lift of
tiieinbeiship, (milking eixty-nine in nil;)
amount of subscriptions, ootlon en pooliug
ifcc, be published Iti tho Pkikolbl-.m Cex-
TltB KKl'Oltl).
. ArJj.mrned tn meet same plure next Sal
urdny evening. Nov. Mi.
1'. J KEFFEU, President.
J. A. VERA, Secretary.
A New Jersey couple md up the
minds lo lo married, ami straightway sent
tor a minister. The latter gentleman, on
entering the rustic abode of Ibe damsel,
found her, clad in homespun, with sleeves
rolled up, busily engaged iu cbiirnlng, K.i
ftis was called from an adjoining field, where
he was plowing, and taking bis place with
Amanda Jane before the man ol authority,
informed him that they were ready to be
wed. ''But," stld the reveiond sire, "it is
custotnery to have a witness," whereupon
Amanda Jane weat Into an adjoining room,
and drew in a cradlu containing a plump
roy-cbeeked child. Tho minister "saw
lim point," and at once proceeded wit! tbo
McClymoud'e farm is a stirring place at
this writing. The many operators there are
pushing their wells us rapidly as possible'
each oue anxious to got down firsf. The
three wells completed on tbe firm Ate pro
ducing 41), 100 aud 125 barrels a day, res
pectively. This is a splended showing for
the territory. Operators who have been
fortunate enough to obtain leases there are
jubilant over their prospects, and no time
is tost to urtu tug. ireverni wens will bo
completed iu tbe course of a mouth, when
w look for soma good strikes. Fairvlew
The Jackson, Tenu., Whig tells the fol
lowing cow und bull story, which is just ns
good as a oock aud bull story: "There is on
exhibition at tbe fair a cow with two bags,
one un ber back, and lire legs, and a bull
that gives milk equal to any cow. "
Tbe Graud Duke Alexis, il is said, Is ts
be present at tbe National Centennial iu
Silver ore is uow seul Irom too Utah mine1
to Pittsburgh to be smelted,
New Orleans papers comptutu af a icsrcl-
j y of tonnage iu that city. -
Oil Nkws. The Trout Run oil well,
near Clarion borough wal torpedoed again
lat week, and has alnce been pumping a
few barrels a day ol oil, of a light green
ruler, about 47 gravity. There It almost
gas enough to run tbe err-lue, and Messrs.
Piockross and Beatty, the - gentlemen wbo
am running it, feel hopeful of tbe production
Increasf' g, and It yet becoming a good pay
ing well Tne oil isMbitig barrelled
up ami sold lo mill men, nu'rclmBls, and
otheis. Whether this well'pioves a paying
Investment or oot, It has established the
fact that we have, in Ibis neighborhood, the
oillisaring rock, gas, and oil ot a light
gravity. Other wells will be put down and
douhtlesHOil will be found hern in large
The James w.ll In UiUcrerk township It
now some 1,000 feel deep, and still dtilling.
' OH or Chiua" seems to bo their mono.
Rigs nr beltig erected ou the Frederick
EU'uger rami. Elk township, and also uu
Go. N. llerliu's Und, by Mr. Hundred.
R. R. Richardson It preparing In operate on
the Charles Weilekind farm. Capt. Geo,
Kriiibs und Jacob Habn, on tbe Keyser
place, near Edenbtirg.
The Ex ey well, of Dr. Hi mar on Switzer
Run, in Beaver towns blp, since the sus
pension, has been pumping about 45 or 50
barrels. The Martin well, wat'tdolng 20
barrels aud Is now beiug drilled deeper.
Tho Delo woll, in Salem township, is
pumping 45 50 barrels.
Tlit well on the Monns farm, on Beaver
creek, is doing a haul 6 barrels.
The Painter well was torpedoed last week,,'
and is now doing 10 barrels.
lo Reaver township In the neighborhood
of Capt. Krlhb.', there are lifteen rigs being
nut up or about being cotr.mmenced.
There are tome six rij;B going up further
down Beaver, in tho neighborhood of
There are six or eight commencing to
drill in the neighborhood of Geo. P. Delo,
iu Salem township.
Tbe Petersburg region it awake again
since the suspension, and it the iaigesl and
best producing district la the oil legion
Developments are extending rather too
rapidly lor the good of the oil mutkst.
Clarion Democrat.
Grave euil Cay.
The Troy (N. Y. Press lellt the follow
log story : . '
Last evening, while tbe audience was
doeply Interested in tbe play at the theatre,
a young child was obseived Walking down
lh aisle with quick and unxious Hep. Her
Kce nnd eyes betokened wneping, and even
yet the tibwiped tears weld trickling down
li r pale cheeks. The little one, alter glan
cing huirieOly and anxiously down
i ih aisle, Uirted lorwerd toward a young
woman silting uear the stage, and bi disg
over behind bor, tailored out between her
sobs, "0 dear! O dear! father's dead!''
Tliu jouug woman, atartled, exolaluiSti, "O
my Gid! my poor lalberl'and hastily arose
aud. with the mottrnlul and mourning mei
rnger left the gay place of pleasure for the
darkened chamber of death. Tbe scans was
noticed by a number, and for a III lju time
alterwurd there was noi a murmur of ap
plause nor a sign of a smile on the audience.
as the play progressed Ibe depression passed
away, acd toon tbe tad scene of real life
was forgotten In' tha painted representa
tion. Ao ingeniuuiuecbaiiio hat invented but
tons wbicb can be tewed on with a sorew
driver! Here's'a benefactor lb tha race!
Talk about tbe man who invented tleep.
He's nowhere. No more lo dreary solitude
will tbe bachelor consume the midnight oil
seeking in vain lo accomplish needlework
with bungling Augers. Tbe screw will do
It all.
Tbe begs in Tennessee are suffering from
an epidemic .
Black velvet boots, with pearl buttons',
arn worn by ladies.
Napoleon is to go to Madeira for the bene.
fit of his health.
The catch offish tn the lakes bat been
very small tli.a teason.
A gold nugjet was lately found la Austra
lia weighing 538 ounces.
Another large shoe factory is about to be
established in Vine'aod, N. Y.
Tbe French Government is reported to
bttve prohibited Ibe issue?! any newjourn
ols. Sleatnere for the Florida coast and tbe
West Indies are crowded IwllU Invalids In
search of winter sunbeams.
A lady juror, in Wyoming, was excused
ftoiu serving, because bar baby would
uot kuep quiet in Court.
Tho possibility ol' on union of tbe En
glish and American Presbyterian bodies !i
looked forward to. t
1. Tbe (boeaiakai'i friend- tbe epizootic.
Eighty-two dead Cbloanco were recently
ablped Irom Sacramento for burial In their
native land.
Butter and ohesse are almost indiapensl
ble articlei of food. Properly used, ibet
are nutritious and healthy) but an Inordi
nate use of either causes indigestion and
dyspepsia. Owen Gaffuey'a Sunday Com
fort. J adicloi-sly used will remove both of
tbere trouble"
Lovers o' good cigars will find several en'
lirely new brands, never before introduced
In this place, at the Putt Oilioe News Room
Tbey are warranted pure llavanna
For Pure Wines warranted as such by the
Brotherhood of Urocioa go to UAKttNKY'g.
We have juBt
Issued Strains' lo Two Vnlnmes. price 4
each iu boards $5 each in cloth. The two
volumes contain over Forty Uesuniui
Waltzes, worth at leoi t In sheet fomi
particular to ask fur Peters' Edillon of
Strauss' Waltzes, as it Is the only correct and
complete edition. a -TP
Address, J. L WAL I t&C5,
Peters. Musio Publisher, 599 Broadwav
New York; '
The Violor Brand of cigars at the Pot
Office News Room.
Sprliig-$t.,Titni-Illc, Pa.,
Dealers In
and Jewelry.
A'ew Stock .lust ltfceirt'd!
Ladle Ac Gents' Gold Watches
of all qualities.
GOLD CHAINS, latest styles,
SILVER 1 II A1NS, all kinds,
CHARMS, every description,
SPECTACLES, all kinds.
CLOCKS, every description,
REPAIRING done in S'UPEttlOIt and must Work,
manlike murmur.
Our stock will bo sold ct tho Teiy
Add no ono shall leave oar eMbHshrnent without
be-in peifjctly satisfied ihit tho - hive received a
bnrgq-.n. IMMM hlins.
Shut Mown for :t0 Days J
l'ur sow
With the Largest and best selected stock of
CLOTH 3N ft!
Ever brought tn t'etrolmm Centre.
No Old Stock.
-AJl New.
Call at my New Store, Wasb
ington Street, 3 doors above
Christie's Drug Store,
And examine far yourselves my stock of
Ilati, Capt, Trunk, Valises,
. Ac. Also, tho largest st ;ck of
Gents' Furnishing Goods!
In Petroleum Centre. - -
eutgl"n- Formerly with Solid.
On and after Monday. Jnlv 15; 1871
liUlPiU c- iu j it.
Acc'ia. M..I1. Krpx
am am. n m
Are Eip'
p m p ni.
.7 1
8 W
4 0J
4 40 I" 1
6 07 10 40
5 40 11
41 Hl
i no u st
Tlfttsvllls, 1 37 lil SO"
Petroleum Cen 8 SO 1 10
Oil City, 7 IS IS t 15
u ranium, a uu urn a on
Foster, 8 S 10 Id S 08
8-nibrm, 8 t,i 10 4t 8 30
KinienioD, i a V4
I'oilmrirh, 10 oil 11 40 4 V8
Parker's. 10 10 U IS 00 7
is i
I 45
II 21)
4 i&
Brady's Bend 1(5 ft 3U 8 00
Klttanulng, ...... 19 A 41
West Penu i'n, .... 8 111 7 25 ....
Pittsburgh, 4 55 8 4
am rt m Dm tint
Ema Ace Exns Wail Ace
a in
11 00
ID 45
1 31
9 41
3 80
8 43
8 55
5 00
6 SS
' S 48
7 10
1 50
p Dl
a la am a m e
a m
8 55
0 85
10 40
11 85
11 40
11 50
13 50
1 11
1 30
9 at
8 10'
9 65
West Puna .Tn 11 40
1 8U
Hrady's Bend,
3 38
8 44
8 M
4 41
5 im
6 IH
e i
1 10
7 UU
7 50 '
8 m
8 20
R 811
10 00
11 00,
p m
8 on
n w
6 28
8 05
8 8.1
(lil City,
Pet. Centre;
a in
p m
n m
July 17, 173.
Hunt enrdays.
i.-Kiivrl'.l.i-e gleenlne Cars on Mailt Enpresa
tralus both ways between Plltburi ard Corry.
j ijaw'ni i ."17
twos. M' Bixe Ass'tBopt.