The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 06, 1872, Image 2

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Merchant Tailors!
Geatt FnrnlshlBC tiooCs,
numm and
War cawsstila OU Begtaa.
i-binty dtfj-bbnt sttlis or
Ab tin Use-ant ltobMest Btjlaa
Qets tarnishing Goods, &e.
etrolowm Centre Daily Record,
Contra la, W(nn4iri Not. 6.
iBMtIm aorwloo.
. hntMirarMMkHll A. M. and
V r. X. oOfeoiB bciooi m ix r. a.
extras, A oordlel Invitation mud.
ad to el-
Bav. O. Moon, Futor.
rreeealeg at 11 0'olook A Jl., aad
lock P. M.
lwtrw.oB Carntrw , IiOdff If
Via), I. O. ! O. F.
loiter Bteetlag alghle rrlday, ao
'took. Sigaed.
B. ALLEN, V. 0.
8. H. Ihih A See'v.
yFleoe of meeting, Mala St., opposite
A. O. of V. W.
Liberty Ledge No. T, A O. of U. W.,
Met every Monday evening at 7 if o'clock,
la Odd Fallow'! Hall, Felroleam Centre,
A U. Klbcubb, 1L W.
A Klibb, B.
I. 0.tR, M.
laaekeneee Tiibo Mo. US, L O. B, M.
rf Petroleum Centra, meets every Thursday
vealag In flood Template Ball.
CTOoaacll are lighted ai7f o'clock.
H. HOWE, escheat.
B. EBTNQLDg, Chief of Beeords.
eld at 1 p. at. U2
The Tldtoote Journal of a late data kti
an ertlol against iba Oil City Darrick'i
siting op mm claim of kalag Ibo only pa
ns la Ibo regtoa Iran to iko producer'
ease. The Joarnel waxes wralk and Ban
ka4 language far a respectable aboak Tba
Derrick ku dona aiacb for iba mum, but bo
a toppeeoi far a moment thsy bava deaa
Mr Tba Bboobd, ttoai Iba first, baa done
Ita "iaral beet" to Mslala tba predator of
tbto region In the war kgaloil monopoly,
Imply baaaaaa II la queetion of rlgbl aad
Jo tloe, future prosperity aad advancement
of tbe ludastrle of lb greet - oil ragloa ol
leansylvaale, at rulaalloa aad porarly at
tea bend of rltgt, oemaloatlona, plunder
or aod thieve. II to aal a aoolloaal qaes
Hen bat Interest afar mao la Iba oil re-
gloa. Tltwvlllo aad OU City kavo ao more
at itaka Ibao Petroleum Centre, Tldloule or
Parker Landing. If ooa enffera, all mail.
CeBaoquenily, wo aaaaldar It tba bauodao
duly of every man Interested la tba oil
Irada er la bnalaaat la lb region, to load
tfcatr lima aad loflnaaa aad moaay la rap
port of Ua Palroiaaoi Prodaoorl Aganey In
heir effort to oruak oul mooopolle aad
weajbioatloM. .
Wbatever kbit Journal bet deaa toward
that end, tba prodneert ara walcom to
Whatever baaeaia may bo derived froia l.
Wa ikall oaaUaoa to "go aoa bettor'' aatli
oablatlleat are taroally mked out la
ma rogtco. "Stand la your gun, men."
Farther "ooaso down." Tko Titusvllla
uereia er ibla moralng pabllohaa Ika orl
laal plaa of tba Palrolaum Pre4oori A
gasey. oooaaaougb.
gvnromaat Dai offered a
yraalaa of lwaatylra tboaiaad dollara for
t dhMOTary f workable eeem of coal -A
ftym BUll la abaat to be erected In Bua
du inii. Tba mmuai ku t... ....w
rlMby Conjrtu to laftta kaodred tberoi
One Million Dollars Subscribed
to the Petroleum. Producer's
'Now by Bt George! The Work
Goes Bravely On!"
Oil Citt, Not. 6.
To Pbtrolbi'm Centre Rkcohd:
Nearly oe inlllloo euuecrlbed, and more
Ibao balance pledged.
Eleven tb Dmricl actual iubicrlptloa,
Ninety two Tbomand Two Hundred Dol
lare, $92,20U.
Tba Olatrlot pledged to go one bundred
HoCray baa dona nobly.
J. A Visa.
By tba above telegram It will be eeen
Ibal tbe itoek of the Petroleum Produeei'i
Agency bae all been eubeorlbed for or tbat
anraunl pledged. Tbiabgood Dew, and
now all tkat remaloi la to perfeol tbo plao
Is lie delalle, and wa iball aooo bava tbe
pleaiure of aooouDOlng "Oil, Five Dollare
per Barrell" and an appropriate obituary
ootlco of tba deatb of Iba Rellnet't Combi
Balioa allaa South Ioiprovemenl Co.
All bonor to tba noble produce ol tbe
Eleventh Dtitrlcl. On Hundred Thou
and Dollar wortk of Sleek Taken, aod no
"kaklng baod cro tbe bloody cheam"
either. Good day, Cembinatlon.
Tbo arrest of Mr. Vlolorla Woodbull and
Teonle 0. Claflin, for aa ouirageou and
ladeceal libel ea promloenl eitlaeo of New
Tork, ia the moot exciting toplo next to the
election lo New Tork ahy. Tbeae Infam
ou creature bava about rua Ibelr race, aod
their moat recent publication cape the cli
max of their (degradation. P peroral of
Ibelr paper plainly led ice tea a knowledge of
affair thai pure-minded women never could
learn tba circumitanllalliy with wbteb they
ara detailed exhibit a familiarity with tb
drag! and outcaal of aoclely tbat I dleguet-
Ing. Tbeae women are Id tba band of the
'aw, aad Iba punishment they bare baldly
courted will doubtleis be meted out to them
There la a strange epidemie of crime and
caanalty pervading thla community jnat
now. The knife In tbe banda of tba mur
derer la being piled with liouaual freedom,
while the rope ia doing tbe work for tbe
iulcld. Tbe remedy for the Brit t In tbe
banda of the Courta, ahd If promptly and
Impartially applied will prove Oicacieua,
Waal tba remedy may be for Ibo awlul
crime el auiaide baa never yet been discov
ered and never will be. There I also a
loo groat freqaenoy of deatb by rail, tbe
victims In nearly alljcaaeaj) being brakeaen
The railroad "accident" ara ebiefly the
reaull of eareleaaneia and negligence en tba
pari of tbejvlcltaa, aod might be averted It
theea railroad ampioyeea did not feel so se
cure lo Ibelr exemption from danger.
Pittsburgh Mail.
A Of (liver apeotaole wa picked up
oa Ibo street tba fir! night of tba Wallsee
Slater eatertalnmenl. They oao ba baa at
Ibto offlo on pay lag for lb la notice.
A captain auggeala tbat tba dgnal aer-
vice may ba made inlnltely mora useful and
ffeotlve by algnala from tba light bourns on
lb eoait, ao tbat veaaela at aea mlgbt get
tba advantage of tbe knowledge aod make
port in time when storms Impend. As
light bouses are Burner ou a long the eoaat,
and In nearly every ceae ara within algbt ol
each other, thealgaali, when given to some
one moot convenient, could be conveyed
from one to another by observation of tbe
light. The suggestion iscsrlatoly worthy
of eoaaide ration, aod wa commend it to tbe
attention of tbe signal servloe officials.
Governor Smith, of Georgia, ba leaned
tovltaltoa to th Governor of Ibo Wnlera
aad Southern States, te meet at Atlanta on
Iba lllb of November, for the purpoeo of
deliberating npOjB tbe subject of a canal to
connect tbe Tenoeee river with tbe Allan
tlo ocean at or near Savannah.
Petroleum Centre gave 63 Republican
majority, at tbe election, yeatarday, a gala
f 49 etnee the State eleotioo.
Tbe probabilitlea ara tbat Grant Is re
flected lo tbe Presidency for tbe ensulog
tour years.
Tbe absurdity of .post dating weekly
newspapers baa exepmllflcatlon lo the New
York Ledger, the issue of which bearing
date Sattuday, October 26, said Ita popular
oatributor, Fanoy Fero, wa extremely III,
when the fol ie ahe bad been dead aixteea
daya wbea the date ex" tba paror wta
.. Advertising for Crreposdenee.
A young man In our city has been engag
ad lor the paal aix weeka In wilting to a
fair young damsel ol Llrouklyo. He formed
bet acquaintance thiougb tbe columns ot
the- newspspers, aod, last eveniog ac
nrding lo engagement, went over to New
York, la Canal atreat, wbre bewaa to meet
bie unknown correapondenL He entered
the bouae, aod was soon ipjafbe presence of
young ledy of about nineteen years, wbo
tad the appearance of just being coovalo
teen! alter a ten yeara' drunk. He was
soon tnld that she was the lady in question,
aod asked "what be proposed lo do about?''
Sbe seemed In a great hurry, ralber too
much for our Jersey boy, bo told her that
he bad no proposal to make exoept to have
tbe door opened far enough to allow tbe
exit ol bis person. The demi monde, for so
sbe was, flew into a terrible rage, aod gave
bar vlaltor to understand tbat he coald not
occupy her time aod make engagements
with brr, aod told br frightened youth te
"sell out, er prepare for a tussle I" He
prepared to ' ''sell" rather than to have a
'male" with such a musoular lemale, and
gave ber tbe contents of bis pocket-book,
with the exception of tbreo cents to cross
the ferry, which amounted to a little over
eleven dollars. He told our reporter that
he was satisfied with getting off at that
price, aod tbat be would bava given twice
that amount aoonor than have any difficulty
with ber. He baa solemnly vowed never lo
read tbe newspaper or correspond
with an unknown person again. He bas no
particular affectlpnfor Brooklyn ladlea now.
Jersey City Journal.
A man of mature yeara ia Vancouver,
who bad a wife from whom be b ad been sep
arated, lately bestowed his tried affections
on a girl of fourteen, aod, as lbs gir's father
took the liberty to object to ber receiving
them, tbe precious psfr went to work to
prove Ibal the old man was crazy aod inca
pable of maoaglug bis own affairs, Tbe
girl aware to this statement, and a guar
dian was appoioled wbe readily coosenled
to tbe proposed marrlsge.
' Tbe Lycoming (Pa.) Gate tie says Franee
may boast ol it general, England of Its
lord, and America of Ita progreraion, but
Lycoming county bears off the palm In tbe
form of bymenlal novelty. It then go on
te describe now a matrimonially Inclined
hut eoonomloal youth of that section, find
ing tbe cost of license 103 bigb to suit blm,
and after vainly endeavoring to obtain ooe
at a reduced price, returned to bis expeot
ant bride with the information tlat be bad
concluded to remain single until tbsre was
a fall In tbe market.
Buffalo Bayou, which leads to Houston,
Texas, Is deep enough to float vessels, but
oo arrow that steamboats sometimes bit on
botb side. A ship canal company have
taken lo hand the job of widening, and tbe
city lee looming up In tbe near future tbeae
gallant tbree-masters.
A Featire Widower.
A Michigan avenue gentleman bas been
In bis day, tbe moBl married man In Wayne
eojnty. He bas been married eight timrs,
and now, In hi old age, la compelled to
sew on bis own shirt buttons. Six ol .tbe
oonfldlng females whose board-bill be
fondly eoutracted to pay now moalder lo
the cold and silent tomb. He goes up to
Elmwood every Sunday lo weep over their
grave, and then Heps Iota a saloon aeioss
tbe way to bide bie emotion in half a dozen
Isgsrs. Tbe other two wives made It too
torrid for bim, and a wise and beoeflcieol
divorce law ooca mere rendered bim bappy
Tbe gentleman say he regret exceedingly
that tbe first six died aod Is very, very
sorry tbat tbe other two didn't. L Detroit
Chicago is to have an immense CrytUI
Palace, In wbioh an exposition Is to ba held
during tbe rebuilding jubilee in October,
1873. Tbe size ol tbe building, according
to the plao which bava been submitted,
will be six bundrad feet long by one hun
dred feet broad, with a central tracsept two
bundred and fitly feet long. Tbe height
will bo eigbty;TeeTTiwilb a dome over the
principal entranca over one bondred fen
high. A floral garden will surround tba
building, and a portion of tba Interior will
also ba decorated with fountain, and fitted
aa a winter garden.
A young Briloa lately lost a large sum
by batting on spiders. He wagered that a
plder which be would produce would cros,
a plate qtiiokor than a spider to be produc
ed by a friend. Each spider was So have
lis own plate. His spider, however, on be
log started, would not stir, while Its rival
rao with immense speed. Tbe bet was
consequently loat; and the looser soon found
out the reason why hi frirod bad a bot
A treaty of commerce and navigation ba
joat been concluded between Nicaragua and
I iba eTIngdom of Italy.
Josqula Is mad and ba gone to Kurope.
Maggie Mitchell Is gotn to try ber head
at tragedy.
O'Aubigne's daugMer-ln-law to a New
York milliner.
Mr. Stanley will leave England for Amer
ica on the Din of November.
The recently magnlflceutly wedded March-
olneas of Bute is quite sick.
Some of ibetn now call it tbe "btfrse Jo-
fluenzt." That Is probably what It ia
New York people, in the transfer lloe(
are offering their kingdoms for a horse.
Macklio told Coeke that the first qnaU
location of an actor was to learn to stand
Fanny Fern wss tbe senior female writer
ef tbe country. Mrs. Stowe now lake kel
An American, wbo was Jamea Fly
when be lived In Connecticut, ia Sigoor Fo
il now that ha I a basso in Europs.
A Des Moines (Iowa) Clergyman advo
cates theatrical aod other amusements, and
hia congregation Is col abocked tbereab
Tbe President of Hampden Sidney Col
lege, Virginia, states tbat but one student
has died at that institution In one hundred
A large number of distinguished foreign
ers are now traveling In Ibis country, aod
California receives from them a good deal
Mrs. Lizzie ITayden, of Topeka, alall
tbat sbe wars, terrified into marrying tor
moneter, and wants a divorce becauaa ba
ilsep with a revolver under bl pillow.
Able bodied draught men, willing to
work, can miike a good thing of II la New
York just now. A good roadster, Who
doesn't balk, 'can earn ten or fifteen dollar
a dsy.
The unusual size of the bustles won by
ladies on tbe Detroit rivar lerryboato ply
ing between that city and Wlodsor, Case
da, Is unaccountable to strangers, bat Ibo
Cuatom-bouse officers say tbey know kanl
about II.
A French medico report lo Iba Aoadetay
of Science tbat intellect I oetbing but phos
phorus on tbe brala. So if you bappaa to
have any Idiots about you, all you bavo gal
to do to make men of geolua of tbetn to to
bore boles in ibelr skulls and pour la a
quantity of phosphorus.
Tbe intelligent jury that couldn't agree
to bang Stokes consumed ooly $37,40 worth
of cigars and $23,AS worth of wo laky aad
other beverages, which New Tork City must
pay for.
Thi woman queatioo is oow recetvlag
mora praotioal recognition lo England than
in America, though It I Dot Improbable
tbat a year or two hence another story may
ba told. Appleton's Journal notes lb tool
tbat tbe rigbls of woman in Eogland bava
advanced to that point of recognition tkt,
they may vote for parish offlolals, wbo are
political, and not, a tkelt designation Mold
imply, eeoleaiastloal official; they have a
voice, too, lo tbe choice ol the newly ooa
stituted sebool boards; and tba question of
their admission to tbe national universities,
as regular oodsrgraduates, I evidently oalf
one of time.
Tbe St. Louia Democrat print thla aoaa
tiful little dory: "Tbsre h a covered btldgo
at Peoria five hundred feel above high-water
mark. A drover recently attempted to
drive a tbociand abeep acroee It. Wbea
about ball way over the boll-weiber aoticed
an open window, and recognizing kit doatt
oy, made a strike for glory aod the grave.
When be reached tbe sunlight he l
appreciated hie critical aitnatlon, and, wllb
a leg stretched toward the cardinal polai Of
IheeompaBs, be uttered a plaintive ""
and desceoded to bis fate. Tbe next aheap
aod Ibe next (allowed, Imitating tbe gesture
and tba remark of the leader. For boar It
rained sheep. Tbe erswhll placid strsaai
wa incarnadine wllb tba Ufa blood of awtt
bund mutton, and Dot until Iba brief tall of
Ibe last sheep, as II dllsppearsd tbroogk Ik
window, waved adieu to til wicked wax It,
am tat mevemeni cease."
There Is a strong movement la Fraooa ta
favor of compulsory adncatloo. Tba FMMb
are thus taking lessons from tbo conquerors,
with whom educations is just a compulsory
as military service. Tbe Prussian govern
ment baa long noted upon Iko theory tool
the citizens belonged to tbe Slate and thai
Ibe Slate could afford to allow ao ono
jeot lo Its laws to grow up lo ignorance.
Thla country will bold tba same opinion,.
byand by.
Considerable anxiety Is fell by farmer la
California respecting tba safsty of their
grain, it being apprehended Ibal tba raloy
seaaon will aet io before tbey shall bava tno-
eeeded In bousing it for the winter. Io nteoy
districts temporary building bava
erected for ttoraga.
Tko pivot pter of to bridge over lbs Ha
jurt river at SI lnopk reaebed " ibe bat..
Iba rook oo Maadjay. ffw mare pi,,
mala eualL aad Ao ooatraeiaH -
tbey will bavo tko work oempleisd rstd,
for Ibo ereeslag of ear by lb lotk of JiZ
Tke Betes eouaty (Kaaaa) Democrat .
porta a vlsll to o tloao quarry usar Bails,
where a petrified saake baa been psrtliiit
ansa ve red. Twenty tool of this aooitat
bavo ao far come to Hgkt, add Ibal It h ao
more ibao half of bim.
litMsatl Jlotleea.
Al lb Petroleum Stohance Hotel u j-
dining room work. Alee a good cask
wanted. Study employment furnished sad
ao tg U WW wssajcaj paaiaj.
For 0lo
l& AOO in M.ouo at nr mtrnanm..
- - - w. nAflo
TUiUiO, al (am Hit U os. per fa
Tka Tahlaa ia in Iraa alaaa 1. . '.
ready tW.
Apni as. sr. n. H. WARNSE.
I eeea ml nod ale-era will flail
ilrely oew braoda, never before lalrodnesd
la ibla plea, at tba Post Offloe News Boaa
Tbey ara warranted pure Havana.
Aavertiso ia tae kbcord. ;
Bolter and cheese are almost indlinsnil.
bie articles of food. Properly need, tin
are nutritious and baaltby; but an loom'.
nato uao or eiiner esusaa indigestion ssd
dyspepsia. Owen Gaffney's Sundsy Con
fort, Jadiolously nosd will remove both ef
there trouble
GOLDEN TRBASUBE clfirs al lb
Poet effiae New Boon. Somtbiag eotirsl
TBAtiaa mn o. c. a. a n.
Oa aad after Sunday, Nov. Id, 1871
Irelna will rua aa folio wi:
xobtb no. A mo. 1 wo.1.
Leave Irvlao. I1,U a v. 8, to t a
Leave Oil City ,00 a u. 1.30 r a. 7,o r a
PelCeo , " 3,37 " 3,33
Tlluv. 7.10 4.26 l,l
Arrive Corry, 8,M (,00 11,40
No. f Aoeoaimoiolioa Freight,
Tave Oil City t.M a it Pel. Centre,
10,13; Tllasvlllo, 11,08; Ar.3orry, ll,40pa
aoura. wo, t. wo. 4. HO. I.
Leave Corry, 10,88 a at. 6,10 a m. 8,10 r
TMwsv. 12.28 r K. 7,30 3,46
" P. Ceo. 1,30 8,17 8,60
rrlvoO.CltyS,00 8,00 8,48"
Irvlao. 6,00 11.88
No. 10 Aeceuodat)oa Freight.
Leave Corry 1,40 m ; Tltosv, 3,61; Prl
(Jeatre. 155-r Ar at Oil City, 4,30 p m.
tT No. 6 anw I no oa Sanday.
. pfCmnnolat Mo. 3d iraro will ra
by Philadelphia lime, watsb la tn ill
evi rr Ibao oar lime.
i. J. LAWRENCF, Geo. 8npk
C. J. HBfBtran, Ass'l fcopU
Erin and tJieBrennaiis
New Scenery of Irefand !
a, AND
Showing Ibe Beaatlee of lrelaol, m Ai
aieui homo, uaareaea, i"
legetoar wllb ares etosa Coasdy
Co. to iwpmoal Iko
Tke stotsftahwaent bslag MOBAMHaTHtTCTlvl
and AMU RIO.
Benettt 9ts. Peter" b PboI Chnrcb
Admlarfaa, 60 eta. "Reserved lasts,
sjawasea, id oa.
o: a. 1CKB. Atsat,
Wist Eawa for l Daj
Xvsv braaght toFetroleam Csntrr.
No OldfGtOCliV
Ail New.
CbJl at my Nevr Store; Wa
ington Street, 3 doors aboto
Christie's Drag Store,
And siastlB fcr yearselvas my atoek of
Uatto, empty Tr-nlM, ValWr
. Aa. Alsa,thslargastaloskef
Gents Famishing 3oo-!
la Fetroleaa Centre.
Formerly with Sobw-