The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 02, 1872, Image 2

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Merchant Tailors!
Gents Furalskiic ttootfs,
D.Beteoaaf taeBaaitaaaW.aaaflaa ,
frimoh and
errsmiD suitings,
lata Oil featem
AL tha Lateftaat "obbteft BtyMa
Gent;? Furnishing Goods, Ac.
r etrolsum Centre Daily Record.
Cot, Centra !, Batarday, Hot. 8.
utvtae Heme.
, Uervloee every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
r. M. Sabbath Bohool at t P.M.
eaterraa. A eordlol ievltolloa exteod
d to eU.
Rao. O. Moons, Pal tor.
Preaching at 11 o'etoek A. at., aad T
-emce. r. m.
Pelraietun CTeatra iioelaw,
Regular Moating eight Friday,
look, Slgaod.
. 8. H. Kooxao, A Beo'y.
PUoa of seeling, Mala St., eppoelte
Belllotook Hoaet.
A. O. Of V. W.
Liberty Ledge No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W.,
v.-ry Moaday evealng at 7W o'clock,
la Odd Pelloa'i Hall, Ptlroleaa Centre,
A. U. Kuanaa, M. W.
A Kuan, B.
I. O. CR. M.
laaektaae Tilba Mo. 113, L . R. M.
of Petreleua Centre, taeeta every Tburtdey
event in Good Toaplar't Mall.
CT'CoaoollBreillabWd al 7J, o'olock.
H HOWB, gtohtm.
a. ma.rrnji.Pfl, cater ol Beeerda.
old at lp. a. in
A TCHtaorary Arraaietatnt.
Tba plan propoetd M ttlobllah a Joint
Sleek Company wltb one or more allllooc
of dollar, to baadlo Ike erode oil produot
for aod lo bebalf of Ike lolerecta of Ike
lrouucr, ic ooe loot require line le par
itoi ana get into waning order
Alter tba tubeorlptfoaa are aade and paid
It require iptelal legltlttloa to give It of
Until tben It propoetd for eeob dl.frlot
lo ell It oil alia alnlaua efflve dollait al
Oil City or TliuiTlli-tbe ome alall In.
termedlaw point, late the utuel frelibte.
Aa every dlttrltl hit booking foollllle,
It le propoaed lo give tna agency lo
Catbler of one of Ibea In eaak dltlrlct,
bo le euro to be filled by reepoaelbliiiy aod
bailnett qualification lo look alter 11 with
cut rltk la nay way.
lie to be paid a calory aa Cammlaeioaer
eofficleol tojuitliy bla In employing an
aetltiaal to look after detail.
We oooreai, that wa fall to tee, wltb per-
bap a Utile amplitude, wby thli plea would
not work welt for a permanent arrange
ment A mlolaam of Ave dollar al tba
two central dlitrlbullng poioti, and a much
more a. th. rtSo.rt Intld aad ontelde of
the Combiaatloa, together with the expor-
ter are wllllog to give.
Thl plan ibul off all competition of tbe
produaru with eeob other, and pate it
woen it oeioogi, witn tbe buyer.
A tor liuklag lb tuiplut produetloa, II
elwey ba aad alwaye will be leaked by
tbe osuer.
Iu ibla ay no one ean complain that b
ptlvata afaii are mrddltd wltb or lojurt-
ouit .laM. li give tbe wide! po
tlt.ln mtrgm tut private oatarprlte, aod tn
no way intlrro with re)abUibitg rvfloer
le lu tb lutervtt of the produoer, re and
x eumiM ia lie naeoiu.
TION. Will meet this evening at 7
o'clock. The first regular semi
annual election, and other im
portant business to Toe attended
AtttmtlOH Oman At Wlleoa
Every member ti requetted la attend at
7 a'oletk ebarp, en Monday evening,. Nov.
4, 1871, at bmtueet of Importaooa will ba
laid balbratba otnb. All partial baring
claim ogelnet tha olub arc requested to
prcaant tbalr bill oo Mat cfcning without
fall By order
Roe No, 3 la public lobool will open
Monday, Nov. 4, Mica Thumptoo, teocber.
PupUc Intending to to attend aia
ootweolly requested to bopreoenl- altbal
llaia In order tbat we may perfect Ike elate
Iflcattoo. Mo new eletaee formed after tbat
data. . T. B. Alcohv, Principal.
The trouble batweea the Refiner' Ao-
clntloa nod tbe Producer' Council dot not
promlee to retch a aatlaiactory eolnltoa, o
loog a tbe Oil City and Tllutvlll editor
cootlna In tbalr pertooal welfare oo each
other and oa promite nt membei ot etch of
tbe eieeeteiloo. The producer allege tbel
the Rtaoer' Atteointlon I another name
for the ''South Improvement Compeoy'"
and have organized an anooialloa with a
view to proteotiog Ibelr lotereda. The
Eleventh dltlrlct or lb Producer' Ateooi
ailon have euneorlbed thirty tour tboueand
dolr to tbe (took of the new eouoero,
whleb I entitled "Too Petroleum Prodne
er Agency," and their example bat been
followed by tbe Twelfth dinriol, which
ubeeribe thirty Ihouiand dollar. If the
petroleum Interval deeira lo proeper they
tkould endeavor to oooperate and to rtu
latt their diffaranoat tbat both my realize
good profiii for Ibelr Mpeetiva gradM of
ail. By continued wrangling both peril
will MifTer. Pitteburgb Mali
The Mall ha a mltukea view of tbe ell-
uatlea. Tba producer do not want to nod
will not co-operate with the refloere or any
combloatloa wbote lolealloa appear lo be
end undoubtedly I to twalluw up the eo
llre butiove and leave tbe producer aod
IhooMndtaJ working meu dependlug upon
lh. All . A M hk.. . I.,H.. I..I.L....L
K r ' " ' I
Tbt traveling publlo will and tbe correct
ed Itme-t.ble ot lb Oil Creek ft Allegheny
River Railway, which taketeffeot, Sunday,
Nov. 3d, la aaolber eolumo. Nor tbward
train train 6, wbloh lormerly arrived at
6,30, now arrive two mlcute later; Train
3, formerly al 3,10, now arrive al 3,37,
Train 1, formerly al 7,07, now arrivtt at
18,33 p m; Aoc freight, formerly at 10,26 a
aew arrive at 10,13. Southward train
Train mar, tern time; Train 1, formerly
at 1,10 p m, now arrive al 1,20; Train 6,
formerly at 8,35 p m, hereafter at 7,60 j Ac.
freight, tarn time.
The publlo will alio bear In mind that
from and after to-morrow, Nov. 3d, train
will run by Philadelphia time, which I 10
mtnuie fatter than our time.
Under the management of Gem Snpt.
Lawrence, than whom aa belter railroad
mea an be lound, aad our friead Hepburn,
who alto nndetatand tba kutlne of rati
ro id maaaging thoroughly, wa prod lot for
tnt mot a new let of lite.
Tb Wallaoa Slater, that young, taleat
ed and boodeome art lite, mad Ibelr teeond
ana ioi appearance, al Sooet't Opera
Bon, loot tvenlag. In law fairy azlrava-
gaoca of Allodia, or Toe Weederla! Scamp.
Tbe pley wa ezaeedingly well brought ajt
both character acting aad tcenlo effect
Tb acting or tb titter far excelled that of
tb Orel evening. Manager Doboon kit a
Brat cltoi compooy la every reipoet, and
will alwayt receive a hearty welcome from
oat citizen. .
The Company appear hero again ihortlv
after the belideye. Until that time wo with
M oeger Dobeon ana the talented (latere
all moaner ot good fortune.
Several new oae of th bora dlitempr
are reported lodty. Partial owning horeee
ihoutd . lake tbe proper pteoanlloot. W
notloe teveral anlmalt on the tlreet today,
tbat bav the appeerance of having the dlt'
ft A young mto arretted la Cleveland,
en SatuiUay, and taken to Erie, en oom
plalot of a youag lady, whom ha neglected
to merry tometime tioce. Qo woe taken
before a mtgitlrata oa Moodty, and got
ui of bit difficulty by merrjlig ike gentle
Letters from the People.
Norn. Tb menegrroftblt journal, will
nut oodorelog lb eentlmeolt ol contributor,
deelrre to Offer lb Wldeel poceibl latitude
for free dleeiieeioo. It It merely ttlpuieted
tbat communication (ball coooera matter
ot public iateteet, be put in decent laniuavo
and acoiimpenied with tbe name of tbe
writer, aot for publication, but,at a gutr
tale ef good leltb.
Fotih Daily Rteord.
PtTBOLim Cixtki, Oct. 31, '72.
En. Bicord: Tblokiog a few fact In
regard to Ibo publlo tchool of Ibl place
would bo acceptable to your reader and the
publlo In general, 1 take the opportunity at
tbe coocluiloa of lb teeond moo lb of the
ettlon to gtv tbem.
The tchool I divided into three depart
ment I. a. Primary, Ml M. J. Kennedy,
teacher; Intermediate, Mlt Kate K. McEI
roy, teacher, and Hlgb Bebool, taught by
yoar correipondent. Total namber of pu
pil In attendance daring term till dale,
202. Male. 98; Femtlet, 104.
Tbe Mbool I In a flourliblng condition
ooatlderlog the nnmber of pupil' lo be
tongbt by each teacher. 4 Tb cloalng of on
department left the tchool lo a bad condi
tion lo elaatlfy. In the lllgh School there
are twenty olattet to beer dolly. The otber
roome ere too crowded lor comfort. Not
wllbtttndlDg tbeee drawback the whole
Mbool I proierea and promite well for
tbe remaining lx mootb of the term.
But there ara teveral obttacle In th way
of miccee which might aod I hope will be
remedied by tbe patron of tba tchool.
-Firtl among the icterdlntet or latent Of
attendance many oomlng a late at 10
o'olock In morning and 2 o'clock In afternoon.
With a little effort oa pert of parent every
pupil on be in hi cent al roll-call. Tba
nest and greatest obttacle we bav to coo
lend with la regularity of attendance.
Meny pupil not attending more than one
half tba Urn. Parent who keep their chll-
dreo al bom on every trivial pretext mutt
no t expect them to make much progre in
their ttudl. If mob parent were to viait
tbe tchool with Ibelr children after their
tbteooo tbey would be turpriied to tea Ibe
work II give lb tetober lo go over tbe let
eon loot by tb abut lee. They would
alto tee that wa are compelled to repeal Ibe
tm explanation every day In Ilia week;
I but often compelling u to apend a week
or more on a tingle lenoo which oiberwit
would bo nccomplltbed In ooeday. Hoping
the patioa ot tbt tchool may ut their beet
effort lo have their children at tchool In
time and ever.dey. I am Tour Tiuly
MATBin'a Photourapu Gallcrt.
Mether It the photograph arlial of tba oi(
region. He bo been located al Tltutvllle
for year, and bit work (peak lor luvlf
He bat turned out tome of Ike floett pecl
mn ol pbolograpblo art tbat w ever aaw
any ona wwoiag io obtain a photograph of
him or bertelf ibould not fail la cell on
Mather at hi place of butio la Tltut
M Meeting ef producer I called to
bo bold at Oil City, on Wednetdey, Nov.
61b, lor the purptte of eontultlog at to tbe
betl mode of pulling the plant of the Pro
ducer'! Coiinolt Into operation. A general
aiienaanoe la aetireo.
I The Jametiowo Journal den't like to tee
WMlneu waited on tbe deeerl air, and,
therefore, makn a fun about a icene at tb
depot In that village a few day ilnce. A
parly were about to villi Coiry, and ai that
it a long dlitaoc from Jamettowo, and tbe
danger of never meeting again on "thlt
yeorth" very greet, tbe parting ecene wat
very effecting. Flnl the wlvot kitted the
buabeodo, tben tbe butbeadi taluted tbelr
wlvet (thlt wot on lb platlerm,) then the
tamo prooeedioga were repeated in Ibe ear
and tba ll w tw el tbe oeoalatlng crowd'
wa a woaaa throwing a klt from th rear
pmaTorm of the trala to a gentleman oo the
ground, who, in hi effoil to catch It warm
and on tb flnl bound, fell over a baggage
man, who rudely dispelled lb cnerm of tbe
loan oy iemarKing, "Jmn a root atv-
ferente aod frlendi of education will do
well to read the communication of our wor
thy Superintendent of tbe public tcboel, Mr.
Alcorn. It it gratifying lo know tbnl the
tchool It la aa exceeolngly flourliblng con
dition. Tbe oaoee of education It oot that
enema mioreei every peiaeo, tna ptreott
ntvrog children atleadlag tb tchool ibould
by all mo aot oo tbe lugtettlooi offered
by Prof. Aloorn.
Personal. Our irieud, J. W . Irwin,
Etq., arrived borne, dty before yetterdty,
arier an exteaaea trip to the "ffett. n It
looklig exceedingly well, and lay hefeeli
wen arier the trip.
Rev. Burcbard, formerly at Cberrytree,
l . i l . n ... .
praasuo ai ia rretoyieriaa Chorcb. to
w. c. riammcr, editor of the Titutvlll
Courier, wit In town lot! nlgkt.
Epizootic Tamle-flaaie.
Tb Botto Traatorlpl. being Mixed with
a Mark Tapley HI of Jollty la the preeence
ef the eplcootle vltltetleo. makea tba fol
lowing attempt to gel ap a "bone laugh:'
No aceldtott from runaway bone are
reported lo the city (In lat Thunday.
A good motto fur expreee eempanlri, yea-.
terday "Sle(k tranttt gloria mundl ( Mon
de j) -
Cbetk relm are now antned In IW oily.
Let tbem never be returned, eipeeintly oo
draught hone.
A few daya of thl pur oxygen aad ' our
treete will not ore the ox again.
Many people will be benefitted by being
omplted to walk during th tuipenitoo ef
bone power.
Men who have pawed lor "off oxen" all
tbalr Hvee have at latt foaod tbelr placet.
The Pullmao company can employ tbem.
Wild oatt" item le be Ibe article In
demand during the bone embtrgo.
Tbe telge of Bottoo It aore terlout tbo
tbealegeol Pari. Tb latter city wtt
only reduced lo bone fleb. We are quite
below that point. '
Appealed at latt Tbe old lady wbo
tlandi oa tue edgetione, with ber armt up
lilted and ber bag and bendkareblef twing
ing, with a cooiteoty Ilk that of tbe In
dian devotee, orylng out to every patter
that 'tbem perky bono can won't never
Hop for her." Tbey are .Hopped oow, and
we hep b it avenged.
The moet through pnveotollvo yet found
of dieboneety aod peculation among here
car eonducton Typhoid, epizootic, gat
iroeryalpdatoue, catarrhal laryngtti. It ii
a bard thing to atk for bat aaiy to get, for
there It enough of It about.
Cambridge .Bridge looked odd on Ibe
rainy mornloga, when Ibere wai no bone
can. The matt ot umbrellai whiob tilled It
juil before bualneae houn lUfgettad , the
Biroam Wood expedition, or the "tetiudo"
of th aaoieot ilege trala.
Mottoeh ron TBI " Pcll-Mam Tbaix."
"Blow, wlndl come, rack!
At leail we'll die with barn oa eur back.1'
Macbeth. ,
"Let not him that glrdalb aa bl barnem
boaii himieir a he puttelb II off." I King,
xx, 11.
Aad yet you voluntary run
To that confinement you would ahun,
Content to drudga aloag tba track
Wltb bell aad hhtoe on your back.'
"And rlf, on morrow up rl
Out of thy bad, and horn the,
Or over dawolog ibou mailt tee."
A helping hand to one In trouble I often
like a twitch oo a railroad track but oao
loch between a wreck and a cmuolb rolling
Every oil operator lo thlt diiirlcl ibould
attend lb oil meeting, al Ibo Grant aad
V lltoo elub room, thi eveolng. Builoeio
ol Importance it to be Iran tec ted.
A novel bet occurred at Steven' Point,
Witcoatin, a few day ago. A man named
Burl Brawley bet $100 wltb a ttloou keep
er that he could go to Grand Rapid, a dlt
tano of twentyone milt, on root, quicker
than any team in town. Tbe bet waetekea
Brawley havlag tweaty minute atari, aad
be did actually beat the team' lima making
the dietano In two hour aad flliyiwe
minute. He bow waalt to make a bet
that be ean beat bit own lime twenty mln
A few deyt tince an old tailor applied for
lodgiogi al the police Halloo la Bauduiky,
having refuted lo go out tm tea (chooser
Erie, wbloh left port that afternoon, for Ike
roaeoa that juat before the Halted be taw a
nt iwlmmlng aebore from tie craft- He
aald It wat to unfailing ilgn of n dltaiter,
aad wat quite jubilant the nezl dty r hear
tbat the had, tho night before, gene down
near Kelley Iiland, wilb all on board.
A few daya ago a youag woman named
Eliza Drago, aged twenty-two yean, died
anddenly al Detroit. It wat al flnl given
out that tba bad died or eoogeitiva chilli,
bat eome of her friendt were tutpicloui that
bar tuddea taking eft wat oltrlbutablo lo
other cauaea, and aa loveatlgetloa wot
demanded, when it vm heoughl to light
that an abortion bad beta performed. The
UDlortuoele youag woman belonged to a
good lemlly, aad gava proaltt ef greal utt
lulneat and booor.
A eorreapondent ef the Journal da St. Pt
tenburg detorlbea tha mtgnlBoeaoe of aa
illumined copy or tha toend wrltlogi of
Buddee, la tbe language of Thibet, which
ii being oxeouted for a moagol prloet; II
will oooiltl of 108 folio volume of which
eighty era completed, all in lotion of gold,
aod in embroidered tllk, with Hirer eletp,
Th eopytet I te receive lwoiyflve tbenj
aod dollan for tb work.
Half tbe vole lathe work rite outer
fjeenml Ntlia.
tilRIt WANTEli
To do general bouorwork. Hlgheit
paid. InquUeal
WUL.F-B Jawoln SliM
oo 30-ld.
HATIIER. tha PiowaerPka.
tocrmpker of the oil rr gloat, will m,n
Into hi new room la A Bitwtn'i
New Block, Tliutvllle, la aboat ik,-
He will have one of large! and .moil tie,
gaol Studio la Penneylvanla.
Don't forget to elal aad vkdt hit i(
For Sat
10.000 to 20,000 feat of BECOXD-Baltft
TUBING, at froa to 36 eta. per fJ.
Tbe Tablog la lo fint elaaa order and hi
ready filled. ,"
April R H. WARN BE,
GAFFNET keept eonitaatly .
kaod 8eoieb Ala aad London Porter, emte
ally for family woe.
Lawn ef good elgere will find ttvenfne
tlraly new bread, never before lairadnctdt
lo ibl plaee, at the Puel OBce Ntai Bmo)
They are warranted pure Havooao.
Adverllo la ibe Rboobp.
Butter and eneote are alaoet ladlipeial.
bio article of food. Properly attd, tin
are aulrillou aod healthy; but aa laortl.
oat a of either eautej indlgettiot tsd
dyipeptio. Owea Gaffney't SundtyCta
fort, Judlcloutly need will reaove bath ef
there trouhl
Poet Offioe New Room. Somtblog eallrtl
On and after Sunday, Nov. 3d, 1871
traiot will ran at followt:
KOBTI no. A. ko. 3. jre. 1.
Leave Irvine. 1 1.58 a h. B.M r
Leava Oil Oily 6,00 a m. 2. JO r m. 7,50 r a
" PekCeo 6,30 " 3,37 8.SI
" Tltutv. 7,10 4,?4 9,16 u
Arrive Corry, 8,60 " 6,00 ' 11,46
No P Aecommodallon Freight.
Leavei Oil City 9.30 a a; Pet. Centre,
10,13; Tltutvllle, 11,05; Ar. Corry, 2,40aa
iOCTH. KO, 2. KO. 4. HO. (.
Leave Corry, 10,65 am. 6.10 a . 6,10 1
" Tltutv. 12,20 p M. 7.30 " 6,46 "
' P.Cen. 1,20 " 8.17 " 8,60
Arrive O. City 2.1)0 9,00 " 8,45
Irvine. 3,00 " 11.38 '
No. 10 Accommodation FrelgM.
Leave Corry 1,40 p m; Tltnev. 2,63; Pet
Centre. 3,55; Ar at Oil City, 4,30 p n.
ty No. 6 and 6 nt en Sunday.
tSrCommenog No. 3d tralee will ria
b Pblladelnkia liiaa. whiab ! via mn.
vrts rARTBR than enr lime
J. J LAWRENCF, Gee. Enpi
C. J. HxruiBX, Anr't eupt.
Erin and the Brennans
New Scenery ef Ireland ! j
Wow. f THURSDAY, I Nor.
T. VRIUAT, 'j S.
Bbowlng tbe Beam let of Inland, In am
eieat Ruin, Church, Tewot, Ao,
together with a frnt elan Coaedy
Co-, to repretecr the
Tbe KaterttrnaMiit aemg If ORALlNKRVCIITf
Benefit Sts. FeteTtSs Paul Church
AdalMioa, 60 eta. ReVerved Seat, 7 OH.
Childrea, 25 ot.
C. B. B1CKB, ipBt,
Shut Down for S3 lhiysl
BUT nar
Wtth the Largest ni beat .electee ttoek of
Irer brooght to Fetroleam Centre.
XIo OldGtocKf
All New.
Call at mjr New Store, Wasb
ington Street, $ doors above
Christie's Drag Store,
And .xamlne tot yeonetva ay tock of
Hate, Capa, Trake, Yalltw,
Ac. Al, tbt largeit Hook ef
Gents' FonlsblBS GoUl
MORBit aanrnon,
l Fomwly with 8ohL