The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 31, 1872, Image 2

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(Sfcoeeesoa to MaCului, Mtt 0 ,J
Merchant Tailors!
Cents' Farnishiac Goods,
Bit f at la ens of tbe Boast asesrtmenai ej
striped suitings,
Jrvar onasadja Mm OU Bogloa.
j&rjisra se caps,
Alt the klat and HobMeet Kjleo.
Hents' Famishing Goods, ftc
etroleum Centre Daily Record;
tV Ceattre Pa., Thursday, Oct. 1
Ulvme aervles.
Services every Sahbatb at 11 A. M. and
i f. M. Sabbath School at l P. If.
ala fre. A eordlal invitation extend.
ed to all. .
Kit. C. Moons, Paator.
fsesbtterIan CHURCH.
' Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., aad 7U
elook P. It.
Petroleum Ceatre , Loose Wo.
VIS, I.O. otU. F.
Regular meeting eight Friday, at
'clock. Bigoad.
B. ALLEN, If. O.
8. H. Keoxen, A See'y.
flTPlaee nf Beating, Main St., opposite
JMcCllatook Hoiih.
A. O. of V. W.
Liberty Ledge No. 7, A. O. of TJ. W.,
eete every Moodsy evenlog at 1U o'clock,
la 044 Fellow's Hall, Petroleum Centre,
feaa'a. '
. II. Klinuii, M. W.
A. Klixh, R.
' I. O. off R. SI.
Innekannee Trlb Mo. 183, !. O. R. M.
f Feireleuu Castro, meets every Thursday
evenlae. to Good Tesspler'e Hall.
BF OobboII Ire lighted at o'clock.
. ... n- HOWB; 8aobem.
B. BBTNOLPg, Chief or Record.
old at I p.m.
Tha Herald of tbli morala hu mmnt k.
loogartioledevotedoslsuslbly to Ibe Pro-
users' Ageooy, but principally addreaaed
; to Mr. Culver. Wbat Culver's put history
too to do with Iba Agency or Ibe gttring of
$6 par barrel (or ell, la pact couple asoalon.
. We mtpeel that Daner'a anlnuait ei
laics way back to Ibe dark Dnaneiardaya or
I SM. . Who koowe but trbal they have got
eon urewiord Ooooly Bank nock oo bead
tel. tbat tbey cannot dispose of. Cule.r
we lite It from tba aulberlty of number
of onegatee, bad oe more to da wlih erig
inaiug toe propoiea plao of tba Agtoej
tha any other delegate.
Meantime, let Iba prodaeor Hand flrm
Keep tie ranks, oloeed up. No matter if
tba entire Tlluevllle presa do go over to the
eaeeiy. , Rlgbl will trlampb e?r combfoa-
iieet gettea ap solely for plunder.
Take eourage, produoerei A
"Grsat la Public Opinion," eeye tba Tl
urrllle Herald of yeetsrday. An oil oper
ator at oar eboulder tblnkt It obonld bare
read-Greet la tba oplaloo of Abbott, Her
ley aad tba Tltusvllls Reiser's pipe llae
llqoe. Fretty near rlgbl.
Hok O'B.'leo, everybody koow Hank,
lis gone lata a new bullae. Be baa renu
1 tbe Harris Barber Sbop, next door to tba
Vertadtb Restaurant, newly filled It op,
hired two t:rt cUai barber, and pro pom to
glee tba paUsac at tbat ekep a good lavs,
jhsmpae ac hair out. GIto bin a ealL
Uletreai Elm rc reeled ber wblikey.
aeaVd ewoass la the lookup, night before
6aawey'( barest ra etaMwbel boiler to
lay. Thlak he will he able to open up
again hi a day at two.
We bear of bat few new eaeea.
Several el tba ells on Ckerrytree hive
Inereteed la prceatUeo since started up.
Goon Ehocoh. Tbe Inquiry has been
frequently asked of u during ,, tha thirty
days suspenaloD why the wells an Ibe Mor
rleon, Skinner, and other farme oa Oil
Creek, above Ibis place, were not shutdown
Tbe followlog communication lo Cel. Vera.
Secretary of tbe Petroleum Produoers' Asso-
oiallonof ttaia District, explains the sllua
lion on tbe Skinner Farm, and also plsoes a
gooe mto and stauoob friend of the produ
cars, whose loteotloos msy have been mis-
Interpreted, In the right light before Ibe
public Al I honor to not men. Give u
ore of tnem aod ring", eombloatlens,
thieves aod plunderers on ihe oil buainess
USI Stand mni. Reed It:
Petrulonm Centre, Oct. SI, 1872.
J. A. Vers, Secretary Petroleum Producer'
Association Eleventh District:
Deal Sir Uivwg failed to bsve tie wells
oo tbe Skiooar Farm, in wbiob I have an
Interest, slut down for thirty dsys, I herein
eoolose a check for $77.28, Ibe eme being
mount of my lotereat In tbe production ol
those wells during the thirty days' lutpen
sioo. As Ihe great majority of producer
bavesaerinced their entire income for my
benefit, as well as tbeir owo, II Is not right
tbat I should pocket Ibis. Hopieg tbe pro
duoers will accept wbat rightfully belong
to then, I am, Truly Tours,
. C. N. Paths.
Coma up and do likswlse, you other oper
ators in that vicinity, who failed to abut
down. Don't be mean in a mailer from
which you will derive so much benefit.
Now tbat the home epldemlo Is prevail'
Ink In our mldat, Ibe fint thing to look af
ter Is a proper remedy. Tbe place to get it
Is tbe next, aod tbat pltee Is at Johtfaon's
drugstore. Habaalbladay received dl
root from New York a large amoriment of
medicines au liable for Ibis dread complaint
Horssmso will take notice.
Tbe Drotherbood of Locomotive Eoglt-
eers, lo seesioo tt St. Louis last week, pi
d a resolution Isvoriog tbe abolishment of
all Suodsy trsins, snd a committee was sp
poioted to cooler with railroad offiolela
Ibroagbout Iba country on tbe subject. A
clsuae to he loeerlvd in tbe set of Incorpor
ation providing lor tbe expulsion of soy
engineer addicted lo tbe use ol any Intozi
ealiog iqiors,awas also adopted.
Tbe wile ol tbe Hun. Horace Greeley died
in New York city ysterdejr afternoon at lour
o'clock. Tbe funeral will like plnce on
Fridsy at Dr. Cbapio'a church.
Tennvaos. Inlrodncea the hitru nf hla nrno
Arthurian Idyl, 'Gareth and Lynette, In
aia raenioo :
"Tbe laat lall son of Lol and Delllcenl,
And tallest, Giretb, ioaibowtrlul apriog
Stared at a apate."
Stored at a what.' aak the ouxzled critlea.
Webster or Woroeater afford oo answer lo
tbe conundrum, end ao far as we have seen
oo aoiwer has been given. But Tennyson
i Jfond of reviving oberlete word and ol
oriogiog wQine irooi4 woraa that Bsve re
tired to tbe obsouritv of nrovl natal uaa. and
in tbe following up tbat clue we bare come
lo a peifect knowledge of wbat Garetb
stsred at. Spate,' In Ibe Durham provioolsl
means a little pond. 15ut Irom the context
it le evident a little pood Is not wbat Garelb
was staring at, lor we are told that
wai'St ne siarea
"a sleoder-ebalted Pine
Lost footing, fell, and so wsswblrl'd away."
Tha "Poet of tbe Sierras" claims Ihst hs
never set eyes on suoh a thing ss a "rhym
ing dictionary," that be bad no uee for
such a eontrtvaooe, aod that be was uncer
tain or its ezisteooe. Tennyson Is not above
nsing auoh helps to a lame Pegaaus, and
Uh this fact in mind wa turned to our
copy of tbe flrst rhyming dictionary In En-
gii.o, iu "ainipulue Vooabulorum" or old
Teter Levins, which be gave to Ibe world
In 1670 as being la the first pHaoe an Kn-gilsb-Latla
dictionary, aod In tbe next
plaoe a convenience for
Ispeare, who was six ysars old when,
r.iuu ii ie "ounaie or words
probably used it In finding some of Ibe
rhymeelntbe "Sonneta" or "Vanna. in
Adonis" of bis youthful pen. In this old
'poets' assistant" we rouod the souzht for
word. ''A Spate" is there defioed as a
lorhnrlaat stream, a rtream swollen by tbs
Miua mi - ivwwniui Dfiriug,
PlKHOXlL We are pleased lo aee nnr
old friend, OUver Cook, at home ooce more.
fTe baa been abaent lor some lime in tha
Slate ol Michigan.
Onr old friend. A. G. Barner. of Cn.
City, arrived home from a trip Weal, day
before seaterdsv He Is looking health
and hearty, and reports buaioes as being
good in tba Western oouctry.
Quite an excitement baa bean .'create A
among tbe colored people of Detroit by
Warn log tbat an old man living on Iadiaoa
treet, wnenas married nrteooor twenty
ouple darioz Ibe past Tear, has had n .
authority to warrant him to tier form anv
sneh oeremosy, he never having been
Our citizen will remember tbat this even
lag tboae old-time favorites, tbe Wallace
Sisters, Jsonte, Minnie and Maud, appear
at Ihe Opera Houik. We have no need to
recommend them as every one in acquainted
with their merits as artiste, and tbs bare
anoouncemeat of their coming la enough lo
guarantee tbem a full bouse. Tbe play this
evening will be '-The Savage Blle," and
ao amusing lares. Tbe Tituarille Coulter
aaya ol tbem:
Last night Mlas Jeonie Wallace, la tier
great role of Aline, Ibe Rose of Klllarney,"
abowed to tbe public tbat she is poeseael
of a rsre veraatilny of latent. Sue Is
equally good in a character of this kind s
in operallo burloeque, and aiie baa few
equal in either. Tbe Wallace Slaters are
uppurted by a floe company of talented
actors aid aoireases. Tbey always do what
Ibey advertiee to, and have never disap
pointed an audienco ;in Ibe manner ol tbeir
acting. Minnie and Maud are both im
proving as the yeara ro'l oo, acd tbey both
bid fair lo become ss bright siara lo the
profesa on as their elder slater, ienoie.
During tbe past three or four years lliey
have eacn soason visile d tbe oil region,
aod bare never failed to draw large house.
Their programme always embrace exoellent
and interesting features. Tbey hare won a
name and a fame throughout tbe oouolry of
which they have reason to be proud, Tbeir
atanding in our metropolitan cities, where
tbey niuet come Into competition with tbe
brat stage talent of the day, is equally as
goud aa it is In Ibe towns and cities of Ibe
exterior. And we may rest assured that
tbey will coutinue to glow in popular favor
io tbe future aa tbey have In Ibe past.
That Ibey are arlletts of great ability and
rare accomplishments, tbe Urge audiences,
wblcb eveiy where greet ibem, and the
encomiums of leading papers throughout
Ibe country sufficiently attest. Their fu
ture career is destined tu be a bright snd
prosperous one.
Of tbe lour fine iron steamers being bull i
for the American Stoainahlp Company, by
Iba Messrs. Cramp & Son., tbs seaosd l(
nearly finished taud ready for launch Irg.
These Teearls, named alter the central
States, Pennsylvania, , Ohio, Indian and
Illinois, are all the same in design, dim eo-
aioos, material, eo.
EjJTbere ware many exhibitions ot pluck by
the sufferers by the late ehocKiog Eastern
Railroad accideut. One stout gentleman,
whose leg was badly crustwd, and thul in
a most painful manner, ralwly smoked a
cigar wbll bia mutilated limb was being
The Denver (Col.) Tribune, ul the Oib
Inst., says that snow storms are of almost
dally sod nightly occunence in tbe muun
tain cities.
Two overgrown aaaea io Atlanta, Georgia
while laboring under a violent attack ol
Chivalry, established their claim lo Ihe title
by shooting at one another in an bouorable
way laat week. Uofortunately only one was
Two Eealncky girls -who. bsve "grown
tired of the. hollow, the bass and "tbe un
true, lgb for something belter," sod so
advertise (of correspondence with young
Those gills will soon be sighing for what
tbsr have, instead of as now, sighing lor
sometblog Ibey have not.
A family eonaietinn of father, mother and
three Children, Jiving In Merlou couoty,
Nebraaka. were lloeotlv buried beneath the
roof of tbeir bouse, which fell In while they
were asleep lobed. When found, tbe moth
er snd children were dead, and Ihe man an
fastened In by tbe debris ss to be uoaoie lo
A Western paper telle a story ol a rad
ish two feet by nine loohes and seventeen
pounds lo weight. Wsnted, somebody to
swallow II.
Tba latest development of American In
dustry is in Padiosb, Kentucky. Meal la
only sixty cents a buabel, and lard twelve
and a ball cents a pound; consequently a
compromise baa been effected by stirring a
grsat deal of tbs former into a very little
of tbe latter and selling it for the pure ar
Money has osaaed lo be ao object In se
curing domestio servants lo tbls city, and
mere are vscanl situations lor one thous
and girls as servants. Ottowa (Canada)
Tbs girls lo Ottowa it would seem work
for leve, and tbat being Ibe case, aowoadei
there are so many situations Vacant.
Corry is rejuioiog becsus Ibey have got
the berse disease In advance of their neighbors.-.
The disease is not likely to have a
long run io that one borse town.
"Alesks bosa" are announced by furrier.
This gives color to Ibe statement made by a
receal traveller In Ibe Yellowstone reirtrn
eoacerniog rsttiesuakei with hair on,
In a dog suit In Osliforuis, tha effect of
cutting off a dog's ears and tall earns np
incidentally, aod II was In proof that if yon
clip tbe dog's ears alter tha dog is a yesr
old, Ibe ears will lop forward; otherwise If
Ihe ears are trimmed when the. dog la a pop
And so with tbe tail, cut when tbe animal
Is green Ibe stub will retain an elevated poa
Itlon at an angle of forty five degreee erer
after. Tbis is looked upoo as establiabinga
very Important fact beretelore, judicially,
u mettled.
For tbe cneuipion whisky consuming Male
of tha Union, Louisiana can claim tbe
prize. Tbe New Orleans Picayune declar
es: "We know ol four parlabes In lb Is State,
with a population of about 43,00(1 of nil ages
colors snd sexes, In which 4,000 barrels of
whisky are required lo meet tbe yearly de
mand. It has been estimated, upon fair
basis of calculation, that tbe consumers In
these lour parlabes pay half a million dollars
yearly for liquor and strong drinks about
three liroea tbe amount of tbeir State and
pariah taxes. Tbe groat sales of Ihe cotton
aid sugar crops or tbs State since Iba war,
usuallly do not amount lo over 130,000,000
yearly. Tbe drinks" of Ibe people of tbe
Stale, hod the liquor bills, amount lo mora
than $30,000,000 yearly."
A correspondent of the New Orleaoa Pic
syune recommends tba Introduction from
South America of an Insect known as the
terrier ant lo destroy tbe cotton and hoi
worm in tbe Southern States. This ant Is
harmless lo vegetation, but makes ebon
work of any Insscl or small animal wbisb
eorosobss oil lis promisee
Recent geological surveys of Ihe new Tere
rilories of tbe far West have revealed Ihe
very Important fact that tba known coeldi
poalts of the Rocky Mountain region extend
over an area ol upward or two bnudred and
Brty Ibouaaad square miles, lo strata vary,
ing from five to thirty five feat lo thick
ness. Abdul twelve vents aee a steamer on th.
Mississippi, bound from .Cinoiosati lo tbe
Arkansas river, was run loto and sunk.
Wrecking operations were comssenovd, but
a neavy rise in ihe river put an end to Ibe
I. .
wum. i oe war orose out ebortly after
wards, and Ihe sunken steamer was forgot
ten in Ihe excitement of tha conflict. ' The
buoys wblcb marked tbe spot were swept
away, ana toe location of tbs wreck be.
came uncertain. Lalelv attention h.
uix-a uirnea to me matter, and tbe boat
has been found lying per fed ly straight at
the bottom of the river. Operations are
now in progress ta recover Ibe cargo, which
consist unueiptliy ol barrels ol whisky and
cases of French brandy, and It is Inougbl
Irom tlie sound eunditioo of tha wn4r th.
ineae articles have ool suffered from
long Immerelon, but will be found improved
iu quality.
Peters' Mutioal Mootblv lor November.
price 3J cola, conlaina the folloln hni.
collection of New Mueic The pieces are
also published In shset form prices annex
ed. Save one Bright Crown tot Me. Song and
Cboius. Hays 40 ctr.
Asking a Blesaing from Mother. Song and
Uhorus. Stewart 30 "
Thou art no longer Mine. Ballad
D.nka III II
Lost and Found. Ballad Donnlksr 30 "
L,ord, forever at Thy Bide. Solo aod
Quartet. Daaka 25 II
A Night In Yen ioe. Vocal Duel
Lucaoiooi 60
Grade's Walts Jtiekel 86 "
Rosebud Sohollisobo Bsebe 86 "
L'Africaiae Kiohei 86 "
Canary Sohottiscbs R.ueb 30
You can gst all ihe above Musio for SO
cents by sending for Ibe November number
ef Peiers Musical Monthly, or tha Publish
er win tend lbs last lour numbers for $1
oJiru,!'J,L;,t',l,J' Mu,Jo Pttbl'sber,
499 lfroadwoy, New York.
Tbe Grand Jury at Indianapolis is Indie,
log people wbo bet oo the oleclioa.
Down in Tennessee a man vsa reaantiv
inaioieu ror muraerooine sole testimony i
a sister of tbe murdered) man. Being re
leaaed oo bail, be devoted bleaaair aaalilii,
eusly lo tbis dangerous witness, aod before
me time or trial, effectually debarred ber
from tcatifvloi against him bv marrvlns her.
Hs was acquitted for want of evidence, but
noi every nun having bis choice between
hanging and marrying would sbooes the 1st
ter alternative.
Payaon says, when wa meet In heaven wa
shall see how Utile wc knew about It on
Colorado hss oaugbl Ihe diamond fever.
aod professes to have discovered deposit
of the gems wbiob rivals tba faaoni Dia
mond Valley of Sindbad the Sailor.
Hay Is said to be worth (ram fnt t .
- - -, w .
tyflve dollar io Pltlsborxh. and man far
mers in Mercer conily ore bavllig their
crops io toai place to mtrket.
ical Notices.
To do general housework. Highest
pain, inquire at
J. WOLF'S Jewelry gtora
MATHElt, tbe Pioneer Pho.
tograplier of Ibe oil regjpes, will
Into bia new rooms in Chase & Siewart',
New Block. ,Titusvllle, in about ,M
He will have ona of largest and mm ,h
gam Studios In Psnnsylvsnia.
Don't forget to clal aud visit kit a
For dale
15.000 lo 10.000 feet of KKmvn n...
TUBING, at from 30 to 36 ci. f".
,u ui viana oruer and all
ready filled. 111
April 23. tf. H. H. WARMER.
GAFFNKY keeps cooatanlly o,
baud Scotch Ale and London Patter tinu
ally for family use.
Lovers of good cigars will Hod several ta,
tlrely new brands, never before Inlrodoenli
io tbis plaoe, at the Post OOce News &,
They are warranted pure Havanas.
Advertise in tbe lUconu. 1
Butler and cheese are almost Indispead.
ble articles of food. Properly used, tin
are Dutrlliewa and healthy? bin a resell,
nste use of either causes iodleeiilee m
dyspepsia. Owen Gaffney's Sunday Csn
fort. Jedicioualy weed will remove bolhcl
mere trouoie
GOLDEN tRRASUKE ciiars at tha
Post Offloe News Uootn, gomibiog eoiirtl
Sunday Comfort still oo deck and Jar sale
at UAFrNhlD,
Tbe Viotor Brand of ciiars at lbs fat
Offloe News Room.
CW Highly flavored. Ice cool Bods Wilst
at Iba Poet Office Newarooss. Try It.
If o
Want a Salesmen,
Want a Servant Girl,
Waot to Sell a Horse,
Want to Sell a Patent,
Want to Lend Money,
Want to Buy a House,
Want to Sell a Carriage,
Want to Borrow Money,
Want to Sell an Oil Wt 91,
Want to Buy an EngJoe or Bollsry
Want to Sell a House and Lot.
Waml to Itnd a Strayed Animal,
Want to Purchase an Oil Interest,
Waift lo Sell a Piece of Furniture,
Want to Bny a Second-hand arrlai,
Want to Sell Tubing, Casing, Gs Pipe,
Want lb Find an owner for anything
Found, advertise In Ibe Record, as no lr
ban leo thousand people read it weekly.
Oct. (TNIIK!ID1YI Nov.
81. KKlDlY, i 1.
Tbe rami as
TennlerMlnnl0, Mantf,
The Greatest Organization iff
America !
Flavin Everywhere to Pack
ea Jtoaaea x
Reserved seats for sale at Ihe P. O. Ns
FRANK P. DOBSON, Sols Manager.
Shut Down for 30 Dtfjs!
With the-Largest and beat selected atock of
Ever brought to retrolenm Centre.
No Old Stock
- .AJl New.
Call at my Netv Store, Wash'
lugiuuoLreet, o uours aw"
Christie's Drug Store,
And azamine'fbr yourselves my stock of
Hate, Came, Tranltc, Vallj
Ao. Alee, the largest aSoekef
Gems' Furnisbinff Goods !
Ia Pebolessa Centre.
i Formerly with Sobel