SHUGERT & STARR flu mm 1 MlfssaalJBejwrk CtJ: Merchant Tailors! Gents' Firalshlijr Voods, COt. 8PBING KBANKLHt BT3., TITVSYaLLB, PA. CL01R8& CABSIMERES BMQLBB. rUXCH A3 AM It BIO AN COATINGS, MIXHD AND nmB iFJkHGT VESTIHGS. TVBITT DimtMNT BTTL1S 0 CIATS SS CAP3, Ab th UM 4 XobMeet Wira A nix tnri o flenta Fornishing Goods, &c, Fatrolwum Centra Daily Record, ret. Ciatra, raw, Weaawaav. Q 13 geiTta avervlea. MVraODIST 1PI8COPAL CHURCH aevlao aver Sabbath at 11 A. M. and .u m. BahWlh School at UK P. M alto free. A eofdlal Invitation extend Ut Bar. G. Mooan, Faator. mvJlYTKHAN CHTJRCH. fWhlag at II o'cloek A. M., and 7 'atoek T. m. ptrleaCwar.IjMfy Wo VIA. I.O.ef O. r. tUfralartaaetlar, AlgkU Friday, at X B. ALL EH, V. O. fl at. KawieaB- A Sae'v. nrriao nf mealing, Main 61, oppoette MoCllntook He a. A. O. Of . W. Llbertv Ladca Ho.rT. A. O. of V. W, eneeta aver tloadev eveotoc al I o'oiook la Odd follow Hall, Petrol Contra, reaa'a. A. M. Klicxibb, H. W, I. H. SaaBlM B. I. O.otR. U. Innekaaaee Tribe No. 183, 1 B. B. M. af relralenoi Centra, rneeta every Thursday venleg In Goad Templar's Hall. ar Ooaooll if lighted at IK o'clock. H. HOWE. 3ohe. a BETNOLDg, Chief f Beoords. aold at 1 p. aa. da Tbat wicked abaci, Iba Oil City Derrick, fa alwaya doing aometMog to tllr np Ita Tl tuavllt neighbor. Tba aitlola In regard lo tbe Pennsylvania Tranaportatlon Company and Wm. H. Abbott, In regard to to paper aontntola, Ao., appeara to bava railed a dreadful commotion and require! the ebam plonthip of all three Tltuarllle paper to prove him Innocent The Preaa tayt: The charge la grossly falsa, but no woraa than the charge whioh commonly emanate from the Derrick, whenever the goad repute or business lotereit of any of our cilicent la concerned." Tba Herald aayt tbe Derrick It Ign 'tent, Ac. The Courier pronounce Mr. Abbott a great and good man, known for bit liberality, Ac We notiee, however, they do not aay much about tka P. 0. T. We ara not advltad at to whether the Der rick aarvlvet the tlfaok or not, but pretume It wilt Wa might add tba report It currently be lieved bare, the Tlluaville newipapari to eontrary. X Night before laat, a verv pleaaaat toolal MunUa took place at Boutavllla, tba occa- eion being tba laatallatlon of offlcera of Boueevllle Lodge Knlgbit of Pytblee. Tarr Farm Lodge were preaent by Invitation, arching from Tarr Farm to Boueoville beaded by tba Columbia Cornet Band. At tba oootlueloo of tba laatallatlon ceremoo lea, bath Lodgea proceeded to the Batkbuo Houaa and partook of a bountiful tepaal gotten up oy taiae noat Cbarlle Caalle, af ter which the Tarr Farm Ladgs marched back. Tue occasion waa a very pleaaant on and will long be remembered by the participant!. The la teat toveanou for travelers Is a com. blaed aomnaat, thermometer and barometer, Iba latter measuring 13,000 fret, and the whoa In a aolid itlver Cut about two Inche U diameter. Thb Wallac! SisTtRS. Mr. Goo. 8 8ldoey, the geotlemanly bneloest niuin of tb Wallace Bitten paid in a call yester day. From him we learn that tbil celebra ted and favorite Trio of 8tar supported by a very powerful company ol 25 Art lata. Full Orebntra and Draaa Band will appear at Iba Opera bona oo tbe evenings of Tbura day and Friday, Oot. Slat and Nov. lit. Reserved eeatt ara soar an sale al the Poat Offloe Newaroom, and tba Indication already are tbat there will be a large take. Tbe Wallace 8letert, bav thli aeaaon aa serobted around them very floe combina tion of Artiste, every one . of whom la a specialist in Ma or brr Hop, and everywhere they have xhlblted have been greeted with thaencuntninaof tbe preta, and platidita or the public. Al Chicago Mlea Jennie the eldeal of tba trio waa tbe recipient of perfect ovation on tbeoigbttot her Benefit, altera brilliant and orolooced teatoo of tbree weeka, and raoelved an elegant preaent In tba ahape o1 a maaalva tea aeivloe vt solid aitver worth i If aald $850 from eeveral of tba leading clli- tena. Minnie and Maud tbogema, have developed Into tubarb little Artieta, and ara Immensely popular. Th splendid Orchestra I noder tba ba ton of Frofeaaor Caaaidy. that l'rlnee of oornaL Nlgbt before laat tba Columbia Cornel Band dltooorted tome tweet muelo for tbe benefit of the realdenla of tbat farm. The mnaio could be plainly beard at tbla point and "founded tweetly on the midnight air. The Columbia Cornel Band baa tbe deaerv. ed reputation, to which it iajuetly eolilh-d, of being tbe beat In Weatero 1 enneylvanla. Mlttreaa Eliza Pert arrived In town nlgbt before laat direct from the elaaaic ebadea ol St. Petersburg, where, according to her atatement, abe bat been rusticating oo lb fat ol tba land Intermixed with beapa of tbe good old ttnfT. She alio elated the bad ta ken out naturalisation papert and Intended making tbat town her future homo. She could not ttand tba preeaiire but got drunk toon aa aba got la towo, and got back to her old quartert I lb look-up. Tetterday, upon a 'prom lee to go hack to ber adopted home al once, the waa tel free by order of Juatic Reynold, An error occurred In tbe report of the pro oeedlnge of the Odd Fellpwt meeting, pub llahed a day or two aloe. Tbe oyster tap per came offal the restaurant of A. 8. Smith loaiead of al Capk Smltb't Dolly Tardeo Saloon. Lovertof good mutio will bear In mind tba rebearaa) by tbe atoiart Musical Society alSobel't Opera House, tbla evening. Tbe Society will be assisted by tbe Bouteville Cornel Band. Tbe programme will coneial of a variety af muilo both instrumental and and total. Tbe price of ticket bat bran put al the low figure of 25 ceo la thereby en abling all to atteud. Give them a lull bout. A D apaloh lo Iba FiltiburKb Commercial, dated Wooeter, Ohio, Oct. 21, says: The Wooater Miniog AtaooiatloD, which Vor tome lima put hat been boring for oil In Kilbuck valley, two sal lea weal of Wooeter, are jubilant to-day over tba fact that at the depth of one hundred and seventy-five feet they were met with heavy volume of gat thai threw lb water eight feet np In tbe condjolor and lo tba obeck-box. The gat burn readily. Tbe oil men prononne the Indications ata premium, and prcdiol four hundred feet, A new proeeta of diflllllog petrolenm baa been discovered by M. Tatro. From two to four per cent, of tulphnrio acid It mixed with tbe crude oil, and then four to tlx per oeot. of dry lime It added. It It claimed that a larger proportion of distillate It ob lalned. Tbe proceee, whatever Hi advan tages may be, will bav tbe dlaadvantage of rapidly corroding tba Interior of tbe stills Irom tbe" acid mixture. Clam Chowder, Ibe Ural ol tba eeeson will beeervad np at Ibe Petroleum Exchange I Hotel, to-day. Patron ;n tba Extbange will take notice. A a umber of capitalists bava laken It op on themselves to open the beautiful valley of tba Kankakee river, in Illinois, and de velop ita many and varied resources. The Keakakae river, betide being ene of the motl charming lo the Weat, I on of the beat In that region (or navigation purpoar Being fed bv living Ispriags, taking their rise in the northern part of tha Stale aad Iodtana, It It not tffeoted to unfavorably by drongbt at other itroama. A burrid towo in Uregoo and tbe hull of a ship lo tha American deaertare amoDgthe latett discover If a. An entire English household, mao, wife, children, and tervanla baa caught the foot- aod-moolb.diseate by drinking tbe milk of a alck cow. Tbit tbowa the unpleaaaat pot albillliee of tbe Texaa tattle disease tbat It now making such bavac la the Wett. Somebody write tbna to the N. Y. World, from Oil City. He ' drifts away into the realms of Ideal lanwidge" at an awful rate. Read and erjoy tbe same: What a queer aspect thie place presen'l to what It did a tbort week ago. Tien Ibe air wat filled with tbe Mack smoke of bi tuminous coat, aud by nlgbt and by day the creak of walking beamt dinned tbe ear wherever In tbla section one might venture. All waa bustle and eonfuaion. Train alter train on the branohet ol the different rail- toads left here laden with tbe greasy fluid, and all day long traint of wagons traversed the roads transporting petroleum from tbe wells lo'the refineries and the depot. Now It seems at if It wa ever Sunday ; the olattar of tbe engine la hushed, aod tbe air tree from smoke aod dust. Look where you will groupt of laboring men ar teen con vening on that all absorblne theme, and great etrtko, while tbe bill sides and low 'andt ar thickly Molted with Idle bom aod mules. Think of hundreds aod hun dreds of well tbat threw out fluid with which the world waa fed with light, now quiet In their Idleness, and tbelr produot, worth millions of money, lying In tbe ground apparently In waste. Tbla town It overruo with men out of employment, many of them with scarcely enough mooey to koep Ibem In food, vet they are hopeful, and at a general thing are In sympathy with tbelr emp-oyen In the great movement. But one reform tbey propose II tbla atrlke It unsuc cessful. At a recent meeting they resolved tbat, as it la shown by tbe vole of tbe pro ducert tbat It dee not injure wells to sbiil dwoo for thirty daya, we a workingmtnr ask ibem to obey the law of God and our country by suspending all drilling and pnmpfag wells on Sunday. In a lew weeka it is confidently hoped that in tbia region Ibe skies will be much brighter than now and that flnanolal affaire will be on a sound r baait than ever before. The effect of lbl suspension has already been fell. Oil iba, a few weakt ago waa offered at two dollars and a half, oan'l be purthaard to-day for lur dol lar. The Louisville Kxpueiiiuu, ou a Oaplt of f 1M.000, bat netted lb directors Iht turn of $20,000 a profit of about thirteen percent. Tblt It Ibe remit of lb oral yeai't effort. Dan Bice's famou trick hnraa Stephen A, Dongless ft dead. It broke a leg the olbei day aod waa tool. Warren rejoice lo tha arrival of car lor her street railroad. Hereafter no one wil walk la Warren whn he can rid. A lien town haiaaoolelycalled the Knight of the Mystic Chain, who parade tbe tlrstt arrayed in black aod white robe and carry ing torches. Petroleum V. Nashy, (D. R. Locke,) le about to publish a book entitled 'Tbe Strug lea of Petroleum V. Nashy." It la to be published by Messra. L N. Richardaor A Co., of Boiton, Maaa fend St.. Lcn-a, Mo , aod it aold ooly by aubeorlpllon. We have no doubt tbe book will afford a great deal of amusement to those readlog It at Natby't serio-comic Kyle Is well known to all. Tbe following notice ol the work we oopy from tbe Chicago Journal : Tha book of tbe week moat likely to meet with popular favor it "Tbe Struggles o; PelroleamV. Nasby." Tbe Illustrations, wblcb are maoy, are tbe work of Thomas Heal, the Hogarth of America. There It a veryFflaUerlng Introduction by Charles Sum. ner. Tbe Nasby letters form a dietlnct and Important feature of our eonatry'e blatory during ihe rebelion. Arlemut Ward't atai lank at Natby't rose. Tba former had aimed at exciting laughter, and nothing more. He waa aa devoid of any purpose and principle as Jaok FalitafT; but Naihy 0nceived the idea of combining tbe wit 0 Ward with lofty pattlotiim. Tba result was a tucceat never before attained io bnmorous literature. Tha whole Republican press copied tbe letters, aod everybody read and laughed over them. Tbe most remarkable thiog about tbeae lettert It that Ibe author could auslalo himself eo long. The hook before ut It a pooderout lome of over seven hundred page. Tel there It no flagging fa lb wit, and no tadloua Iteration. A propotltioo bioaebed a year or taor. ago by tb leading Evangelist of both lb old aod new worlds, for the revision of the Bible, bet just taken praetide shape In New York, where a tontmltteo, composed of the leading theologians aod tebeltri of the country hat been constituted lot lb par poee. Tb lumbvrmeo ol Canada and tbe North wett are ttarliog large gangs of men to the woods every day, to eommeac opera tions for tbe coming wtoter'a work. f Literary manneee, eo popular among . Iba elite of Loudon, ara to be Introduced Into fashionable society in thlt country next win tar. The eoteriaiaaiewe ar understood to bt highly Intellectual. THE OIL VIT. Mr. F. M. Magee wet appointed by the Court si master, to bear testimony In lb case ol Hosteller vs. Warden, Frew A Co.i for the recovery of tbe price of 40,001) bar rels of oil. Tbe gentleman baa ptepnred and submitted sn able report on tbe cse. With regard to Ibe p'ra of the defendant tbat tbe dealings and transactions I herein alleged to have taken place between the said plaintiff on Ihe one pari, nnd tbe de fendants on the other part, but in tinth aod in fact were part and parcel of Ihe partner ship bueipess under the name and style o' ' The Pittsburgh Petroleum Company," and Wm. Frew aod Chat. Lockhari, two of Ibe defendants, and of David Hosteller, the aaid plaintiff, and ol Jot. Fleming. Alex. Bay ert, Wm. K. Nimick, Alex Nlmlck, Sam uel Lewis, Arnold Hertz and Chas. Lennig, heaays: There are numerous facts In lb evideooe which appear to sustain tb truth of tbe matters alleged in tbia plea. All the refined oil transactions were directly con neoted with aod arose out of the company and Ita affaire. Had tbe company not exe Isttd, ibe refined oil would not bav been purchaaed, and the lasue lo tbla oese would oot have been brougnt betur tha Court Tbe object ol lb ooinbloatloo, fa lb Aral iottance, wat lo rafte Ihe price af oil, and Ihut enable Ibe members of tha oompafjy lo make money. The maaier doet not submit aay decree to ih Court, oo tb grouod tbat a wat not to natructed. (.Pitltburgb Mail. Marrlasje In High 1.110 In Havaala. The following It Irum tbe Eureka Bant nl: A wedding in high (Eureka) Ufa la la tske place In a lew day. Tba el ream a aocet attending lo render It worthy ola notiee in a well regulated family paper. The gentleman It forty-one yeara of age, a f air blonde, aod a man of good fig are, who at been twice before married oac In Oregon, once In Yucatan. Hit Oregon wifetblnkt be died while member o Walker's expedition, aad tb wlU be ob tilaed ia Yucatan supposes a wat killed to tr,aInyo earthquake. Tbey ar both out af I ielr weed, and- ''may ,b happy yet ' IS lb various enterprises In which he bat b ta interested be hat not acouoiuleied a larg amount ol tha world' gMde, but ft bring loth taak before blm a worl d 01 good intention. Tb bride It lweoty tlgbt; .bat bad three husbands, fram two of Ibem ehe has beeo divorced, and Ihe iber one it a cold corpse. She brlok-t to ;ier butband tome good looks Intentions io! explained a tew article of 'household furnilure,many "fet of uedeveloptd mining rouod, an account of awn magnitude at diy goods store, and every positive promise 1 1 retorm. The ceremony will be performed i Ihe cbuieb, aad all Ineud af bom pare ilea will bav cards delivered by Welle, Fargo A Co. From present appearancee all will go as merry as a marriage Ml. An Indiana town baa a pig with a human 'ace which Ibe cil.teoa call a luaut natara. If be bad bad the human body also, a place would have been giveu bin among other human pice, and no meotioo made of It. Speaking ol CitJCtnuail, a writer la tb Boston Post aajer There Is no city, probably of which so large a proportion of society tpendt so much time abroad, which Imports so large a proportion of European tuatoma and tastes, aod which loset ao larg a pro portion ol individuality abroad. If you Want a Salesman, Want a Servant Girl, Waot to Sell a Horse, Want to Sell a Patent, Want to Lod Mooey, Want to liny a House, Want to Sell a Carriage, Want to Borrow Mouey, Want to Sell ao Oil Well, Want to Buy an Engine or Beile, Want to Sell a House and Lot, Want to find a Strayed Animal, Want to Pu'obase an Oil Interest, Waot to Sell a Pieoe of Furniture, Want lo liny a Second-hand Carriage, Want to Sell Tubing, Castas, Gtt Pit. Want to Fiod ao owner for anvtoloa Found, advertise lo tbe- Record, aa oo lees ban ten tbonsand people read II weekly, JMagtazinea. All Ih magezioei (or kiepieatw, www reaay. , Harper, Galaxy, Atlantic, LippincotFa, Eclectic, Transatlantic, Oliver Optic, Young Folka, Frank Leslie, Children's Flowet) Old and New, Godey't Ladles' Book, Loadoo Society, Peterson's Ladies' Friend, Arthur's Home, Hcieace Moulbly, Bailou's, Good Word, Nursery, Chatterbox, Metropolitan, Herald of Health. Al lb POST OFfffo JIEWSBOOM. Local Notiena. ?o Oil OfBRATOMk C. It. Jeni,uflr,j Kaue City, desire I notify oil operators that bit patent Sard Bag a Device fa. Shutting Off Water In OU Wella, arejmt what it needed during In thirty dtys skat ting down movement. Tbey at warranted, to abut lb water off entirely no mailer how ong the well may be stopped. Oil open- tore ar Invited lo call oa or addreat Mr. J. at Kane City. Taango County, Pa. :. In ITnitmolnlhlne at all klnita Al ntuiu atock, juat received, oaoaol be excelled la id eu regioDB. ieii enuezemiB. Bepl. H-lt For Sale. A tipHirohlfl ridinc ev rlriv'mr. HORSE, in good order. For forms hinnira at PhelvVa Vemis. " X y . vvmi- ble Store, opiiositw the Opera noiise, i euiojenm centre, l'a. Just received at AL DSN'S a large stock of geoia UndertlelfetBg. Tba very beat B town. for al 14.000 t20,IW0 leel el SECOHD-HAID VITUINa. at rmaa k ku 9t . t . Tb Tablag It t arsl cats or aad all reaay mini. April IS. It I. I. WARN1R, CTf DIBCLOT BIN 6 ; UMVERCLOTti IM6 Jest reeelvo i ike JAMESfoWl CLOTHING eTOKK, etll e4 tee m ttoefc, BTGR8KLIT HAT8 at iba JAMES TOWN CLOTHING STORI. Tba Yielor Bread af eigast a lb feet OOee Ne Bom. . BBT Highly favored, Itwtaol Sod Wat al ma Poet OMc Mawarooea, Try Is. GRANT HATS el( Ihe JAMKSTOWV SLOTHING STORE. HATBAND CAPS la great vailsly aid la all etylea, jest reoalvoa by etpreat from Hew York, al Ibe JAMESTOWN OLOTB 1NG STORE. Call and look at Ike Aognit ll-tt gar Joel raoelved al Ih jAMbbTOWN CLOTHING STOBI, a large assortasa of new and aobby ttyletef BATa a 0Arw Butter and fb ar aheoet iodltpensU ble article, ef food. Properly tiled, ttey are nutrition aad beHfty;bul aa inordi nate uae of either ane indigestion and dyspepsia. Owen Qalfneyb Snosay fa fort, Judlclontly need will restore aolbof there trouble CIGARS Levers f good cigars will Aod eeveral at tlrely new bvaad. never before witmdueed1 In lb la place, al Ih Pott Office Newt Room Tbey ar warranted pur Haveaaa . Blew Gooda. Emel Zedwich' ('LITTLE JOE." BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Haejuet returned from Buffalo with a complete atck of Fall and Winter Goods Ha been eswMlahed In Petroleum Centre ftir Ul past laaa yeara, and lea the neeui ef Maklagrtiie flrat Fit aa4FlaeE Boot la tbe Oil Kegeoaa. Be Is esoataotrr' rent Ting cedeai from ethtrse Uous eflbt Oil BegloDS. Ha eogetently keeps on ban Ready-made Doots.At SHoes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOaB AND GAITEB& CAE.. ARBMa am, JStf IMKI, 1BDW1CH . GEAND Musical Rehearsal OP TIB MOZART MUSICAL SOC'V of Pvtrelenm Centre, Asalated by Ibe KousevlHe Cornet Dand, AT SOB ELS' HALL, Wednesday Eve'g, Oct, 23, 1872. Prwrrflmmn willcnnniat of SoOC Glees, Chornsea, Instrnmental Music, &c. TICKETS By Order Com-