NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AT fjOXV KATES ! For $70 pet inch per month, wn will In tt so advertisement la 129 ' First Class Papon in P List tent on application to GEO. P. ROWE!,L CO., Advertising Agent-, 41 Par Row. N. Y. BOR9KNTOWN H. J. FF.JLH.H Ol.t (i K. Thoroozri Infraction. Heal thful and beautiful locatl Onootlhe most care fully sondiii;ted and he-'tsnstaitiod Institutions In Htato. Fortirms, etc, address Rev- JOHN IJ. BiiAKSLKY, Ph D . PennsylvaniaMilitary Academy. At Chester, Delaware County, Pa.1 For Resident Cadets ooy. Tbe eleventh annua I session commences Wednesday, Sept. 4th. Thorough instruction in Civil Engineering the Mathematical and Natural Sciences. The Classics and English is Imparted by West Point Graduates and other competent protesters. Circulars may h obtained of Col. THEO. UYATT. .-. PreBt. P M A. Guar ante d Bonds. ' Payable In New York City, for Balo at prlc cs tbnt will pay over 12 per cent on tbe In vestment. MUNICIPAL BONDS of the highest grade always on hand. THOS. P. ELLIS & CO., Bankora, H Pine St, Now x urn. GOODS Gl nllj'I&lnds. Fireworks, Flags, Lanterns, Torches, Badges, Uniforms, &c. v Joseph 15. Purely, 85 and 4 Maiden Lane, Established 1843. New York. A6BNTO WANTED For Harriet iluecli r Htowe's camnaign hook, with lives of the c:indldatcu and leuJaic men of all panics 20 Steel l-ot'truit $5 to tSn day rapidly a rt e't-ily made Write and soe Particulars freo WOHTii JNUTON, DCSXIN & CO, Hartford, tt CJlPffl GOODS FOR 1372 Amenta wiuito'l fbr onr Campaign good. Hull at b!j.'iit 1 Vixy 10) pear foul m-ilU Nuw U iJio thno Bend at owa fnr Descriptive iiad Price iM of our Pino Stool Kn.Tnvlitm of ail the Cntidi (In on, Cftinpiti7ii ltiurnphiiH, (!imrts, Plunoratu Badges Ptnfl. Flaps, mid uvurvihiim unite! to ttie titnus Tn dollar mt dav otllv ii.fuk' Full turn pint Hont for $8 Address UK)I& A GOODS ('LED 87 Piurk Kow, New York NOTH'NO LIRE IT In medicine A 'luxury to the imiwro, s r fthilt-sacvsr.tisnr, u gentle stimulant to the clrcula. ion, a perspiratory preparation, an nntl-MUuus medicine, u tomachir, a iliuri'tic and an admirable general alu.mtlvo Mich nio tho ack nowledged am d-tlly proven properties of TAIt HANI'S EmiHVEbOBNT SBLTZiiK APBH1 liNT. ,, , . BOLD BY ALL DH0QGIST8. CRUMBS. QF-. COMFORT! CRUMBS OF COMFORT! STOVE . GLOSS TJnparalle&Success msR tii'kwt Fonrt thousand oitoss bOLD IS LK Jb THAN U AluNTllS It Moke a Stove Shiue Like Burnished Gold. ASK YOUR STOREKEEPER FOR IT. If he don't have it, so to tbe nest store; but don't lie humbnpsrd Into buying or us InK any Uf the old polishes vruoa yott can get GftUE38Sr07 COMFORT AT TUB h AM K l'ltlrE Every Jobber and Retail Dealer In the United States baa or will have it if Bale. II. A. BARTliETT & CO, Manufacturers, PHILADELPHIA, PA. To AdvertlMors. All persons who eontem plate milking coturarts with newspapers for the inrUou of Advortisiini-nt should Bond to Geo. -P. Rowell&Co-, for ft (Irmlar, or imclo rents f,r their Oilfl Hundred Puo tnmtilet tout lining l.m uf a.tkx) Nitvmprii uml ottimateg ehniii Innunntof advert IhIhl'. a!o mnnv liMHt'nl lilntn to iidvortiKora, mud come acrxmnt if tho xnerlencfM of men who aru knowu tu Nucremif n I Adver- llMorMa This Arm are proprietora of tlitt Aiaurl crtn Newijiur AdvtfftlMug Agvucy, 41 PARK ROW, M Y anrtare pcw-WHod of unc(iiil1f d fAfiliHon for nocur itni tho intrt1nn f advenhftitniitii tit all Nuwa h,i:i and I'eritidicnlB ut, lowvat nttv.-i. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE, Is the cheapest and best article In the mar ket for BLUEING CL0TI1EA The genuine has both Harlow's and Wiltberrer's name on tbe label, and Is put up at Wiltberger'l urtig store, no. worth Wecnnl St., Phi adelphia. D. S. WILTBERGER, Proprie tor. For sale by Dmitglsts and Grocers. 5000s A(JF,NTS WANTKO Mam ies lent free liy 11 nil, villi rntAtnrlon frnm ar. tn io tlrles, salal)io ns flour. Addrota K 11 Wiii'iE, Newark, K J AGENTS WANTED. Agents make mote money -at work for us than at anything elo Business light end permanent. Paiticulars free. G. KTINSON & CO., Fine Art Pub imuers, rvrn .nui maine. DAM E. KM1TH & CO 't- A I). IMPROVED . Seneca Fails GAS : PUMPS With Steel Packing SO Sold la IiUat SO Day. Exchialvo Agonts for the Oil Kogtcn Dim, SMITH & Co., Successors to F. W. AMES, TITUS VI liliE, PA, Wood Woris FOE CARNAGE 2D GROWTH SPOKES, nUB3, CENT FELLOES, SHAFT?, SAWED FELLOE3. POLES, NECKYOKES, WniFFLETREES, HUB BANC3, AXLES SPRINGS, FIFTH WHEELS, MALLEABLE And tho Bcst.CarrIas8 Bait in SSIITII CO., fciicccssors to F. W. AMES. IiliKGBIEJM V VA t.IiET Ii IJ . On and after Monday. July 15, 1S1. ODtNU S' U I II. Aci-'m. M. 11. J-'xps. Acc Eis. am am n tn n m n m. Tltnsville, "! 37 ii :a) .... 7 10 Petrol.uiU Cen R 2") 1 VJ .... 8 sa (111 tltv, 7 15 tl 15 2 II 4 11 1 n :;o Kronoiu, (Mi u 6r, s m 4 in id ir FoHter, 8 S5 10 18 11 UN 0 117 0 4(1 Hmuli-raa-i, 8 1$ 10 -It '1 30 5 '111 11 1') F-nlenloi!, 0 li U 4 13 6 4 12 (l. Koxtalrh, 10 00 11 4'J 4 VS 7 (Kl 12 "4 Parker's, 1U 10 li la 5 1W 1 t li 40 Rnnly's Dend, .... 1 ( 5 : 8 tit) 145 KittmuloL', 2 50 fi 4( a at Wtet . Peiin J n, 8 111 7 S5 .... 4 S5 t'lttiLursIl 4 Ki 8 45 0 2f n in n m p ni p m a ui i.DIS'O NiiltTIl Kx.s Acc E.xps Jliil Arc p in T 111 u m a m n in P.t'stnirrh, 111 (I) 7 2 1 11 0) 8 .1.1 1' tr. W'esl l'enn J'n li 40 Ivi'tannil ib, 1 ) II 3T, 1 at Hrady'a lituO, B 47 7 00 111 40 2 41 Parker's, 3 SH Itfl 11S" 3 Ml Fflxhursh, 8 4'1 R (It II 4(1 3 4M Kiu'.calon, 8 55 8 SO 11 NI 8 5ii McrnllL-raas 4 41 B VII 14 Ml 5 00 (Coster, 5 (W 10 01 1 1! 5 Franklin, IS 2H 10 vS 1 30 6 4li Oil l ity. (I Ui 11 1)0 2 00 li v(l I'et. Cntre, 8 81 .... 3 10 7 10 Tltusvillo, 7 10 1J 05 SI 65 7 M t , a m pm p m -si in July 17, Wl KtnuSnid II (.0 (1 1'. II s 7 :: h ii". 8 Mi! HI lim B-Si:verl'alaee sioeplne rnrs on iMl-i.i Kij".n;ai trains both wuy hatwe,n lllt-lnire'i and Corrf. . J J. I.AWltliNCK, Ueu'liu:.L Titos. Jl Kino Ass't fupU VlittiVAI. AMI IMSPAH-rmtu OF XKAIA'S m o. C. 4; A. . K, On and after Snmlav. Junn nn,i i2-"i trains will run as follows: ' K0P.T1I no. 5. vn. s i Leave Irvine. 114Ai, s n Loave Oil City fi.OO a m. 2.27 P u. G. 1 5 p m .1 tJ .1 f -. e Oft .1 n . i ri.wm n.ou .1.IU 7.07 ' " Titttsv. 7.10 ' S.BS u 7 sn . Arrive Curry, 8.45 6,25 " 915 iu r lucornnintiiuion rreiupt. Leaves Oil Citv ft 411 1 m; Pr 10;2C; Titusville, 11,15; Ar. Corry, 12,50pm BOUTII. NO, 2. KO. 4. " NO. 6. Leave Corry, 10,45 a m. 6.10 a m.,1,05 p m 1 liinv, 1 j, in p jr. 7, .111 " 'V.S " " P. Cen. 1,10 ' 8,20 " 8,85 triveO. City 1,50 ' 9,05 ' 9 25 ' " Irvine. 4,43 " 11,40 No. 1(1 Accommodation Frolpht. Leaves Corry 1,16 p m; Titusv, 2,50; Pet Centiv. :t,5.r; Ar at Oil City, 4,40 p ni. S No. 5 and 0 ma ou Sunday. 'RECORD COLUMN. nAlw He NEWSPAPER, AND Kir Office; 51 a rm treEt, CtKAS. C VICUEii. Frovrietov. SEWS EPAR1'3!EXT. Wereeclvs teletr'-np'ilcidl'pntclirs up to 4 r. Jt and piucut thrm to our r aoeis every i veninir, cm luatiinu nows 01 cr.'at '.iitorest from all seo: inns ol Ilia country. We have niao speci-il ornin;t."neiils. wliend-y we receive nuu'nr l'ctilM!ii. Moek ai.d Piodui'ii Aiarkut lioptms every evemne by telcyreiih I'miii Now Voi'li, Philadelphia, and i"iitt)n'!;. weeih toaother with Bt'ltorinls and Local matters, muku It ,., oi tl,.. tinMt ilt-Hlrahie nowj:,aoias uuuiUllud in the 01 ifegion. Aa an Advertising laetUitsK, I'ne KlSi'Olf.l tins no superior, a it clanlatc1 vajruta' an (Jil Oiverator or Lealur can ht rolinu J0M3 BEFIMETO ,VtiOivJi:i ftfatvirla t-nUnt. v.r tho vfj l itOAl tyi'j. , We am tlmridorc of.'i'.iifd ro u.vcctitt Ion W'cj-k of 'ovory v:rioty in a wttiAf:ictory lr.aanor wlica dujirudf jobo will W utatljpiiutod iu Culuks V outers, Kill i S'nrc.j LF-TTEIIjllEADS, 1 mix nuADa, P.1LIS 0V UXDISG, Etc , Eit ' ISG ItAIiIi VI-HN'i'JNii. Plain or Fancy Stj'.os. nrarty nnd nroopily execu " - ted, e!0hxacliii INVITATION'S nnCT'J.AK's i'KOOKASi.MKH tAKtS, Tlt'IiSTS, Uti " ! ' n fact, every varloy anil stylo of wot to lottor p.refJ3 ir.iitlui;. Merchants. iAwyers. .Tiitieegof the Peace, T..tnd AiieutK. Oil Peji cr and Aireun. Insti ranco Acmts Kxpressmen and olhtif parties In want, are Informed hilt wcare pretiared to executed! (tntorall kinds 01 I.ANKS, iiu?iuepa or legal, iwiulrtd iu this com aianlly. JuboiuE'raUonai,": resiiectfully solicited. t". CW1CUEK TO.-iT OFFICH NEWSROOM Change of Firm. Having purchased the pes? mmm tl C I 'I I I am now prepared to sellany thing and everything in tho Sewspaiwr, (Jr. StosfkthrJiery Line ! At Greatly Reduced Prepai-atoiy to layirjg in an eir tirely NEW STOCK! In connection with the News room there i3 a first-class Chromatins Library ! C0MPrj-!xn Tiin latest pta.n- DAUI AN'D MISCELLANEOUS WOKK.-i OF THE DAY. Confectionery, Confectionery OF ALL KINDS. 'AND TOBACCOS ! iMy Stock is Unexcelled. SODA WATER! on draughtat all times. I hope by strict attention' to the wants of the public to mer it a share of their patronage,and would invite my friends to pay me a call. CMAS. V. WilRfcii. noil lyuii! GEO. W. WINSOR HARDWARE, ic Geo. W Winsor- STOEE. ESTABLISHED 1S9. Geo.W. "Winsor MAIN rSTnEEjf, PETliOLEllM; CEXT'E, DEALER IN Olti WELL TUBING AND CASING ALSO, WORKING BARRELS & VALVES, STUFFING ISOXF.S, CLAM fS, TONGS, INNIS SUCKER RODS, RIVETED JOINT SUCKER ROD BOILER PUMPS, CISTERN & WELL PUMP?, Ttescrlptton e supplies for :tiws.ra,. OIL Vt'LLll TANKS MB REFINERIES. BRASS GOODS, f H10 Cowing llxci!3tive '5'!!tiIiT--M 1. txcliulvs Agent fi-r the Oil I'.iyionf, STEAM & GAS FiTTINGS BELTING. PACKING AND U0SS KIRBY'S COMPRESSED llUNGri, EE -A. X) W' AHE, House Trimmlnpfs, CarpenlerB' Tcols, , Drilling and Plato Laid Rope, Oakum, Nails. Axes, Table and Pocket Cutlery, A fnU'assortmcnt of everything in U10 Hardware una, Ifouse Tarnishing Ccods, , AND Morning: G-lor , BASE ISLIEIES.'. ; HOME COMPANION. IRON GATE, and ' WHEAT SIIEAF Cools Stores. iNi'o. 1 Winter d ;ii:n (I liiard Oil, .VO. 1 KEFIXED OIL.. , cnAanoA cwniiEswiiixGEiLS Manufacturer of TIN. ' SHEET HIQN .& CCFFEU . WAHB.i SxMOKE. STACKS, ttepalrinirnrall kinds done with nentness and dis pitch, iupeclal uttemiou given to Steam and Gas Fittiifis Tin and Repair Shop. Thanking w frierdu for thelrllliwral ptitrentr?e in the pam, 1 losjiuc'lally rwiueat a eoi.titiuanco ui U10 suiae. N. B - Pvaacli Stw at St Petcrj'-nr.-h. Pai ' ' aol tX, VO. W. Wl.NbOK r