The rug Es Gelling Dm BB than any mt9 WasSa- gs, Medicines otSier Strug ington t. Perfumeries. House in Town. Toilet Articles, &c, CHESAF O. GORDON HARDWARE AND Oil, WELL FCPPL1E3. ,0 IMfe Oil,, m A It UK'S V . BY W. U. TEL LINK Ol KICK OF . Pbtbolbusi C:.vtuk I)it,t Pttrnnn V Oct. 22 IS'2 N The petroleum market extiibttH a belter B. S. Warner ft Gk C3-OK,3D03ST, DEALER I3ST Kain-St., Foteoleum Gent?, Keeps OB hand a fall Una of Souse Furnishing Goods, Boston Pat. Coipli Tils, Casing, Gas Pips ana Fife tSexf Bedford Bolt Ropa Cables and Sand Pump Lines, IPBBBR BELTING, T fACKlNG, AMD BOSX, Lanterns, Lantern Globes, Carpenters Tools ' ALL KINDS OF BRASS GOODS, ExfcG Winter Btraioed Lard Oil, Johnson & Karrett'a Lnhricatinc Oil, fta-Borsltyeaf EarcXaClrthe Wrifgirs, the ball n use, With vwllono ol Table aod Pocket Oatlery, and Silver Plat d Spoooi and Fork, STOTES, rtik r r-nnir inI TTKATHfO STOVE3 IbotiKhtbroMlkeUUlTaiiMof Stevas by Binnuf. cturen, lam enabled to still Mil at old pricea. Those dralrlig tnytblng in Irh way of a d k or Iteming But will do well to oall and oxtmina my .lock, ot vhich tbe fullowiog in a partial Hat; America (Cook With reiervoir n rarmlDgcloeet, a Drat olaaa Siove for hard coal or wood. lIRDiri Wr7,v lih tnw water renervolr and warmtni closet, for hnrd aoal VUG MELPUK R4l GBEAT IIELPKtt Cook, a eaenp flr.t class Stove with or wttboat reservoir and warming closet, ror bard or son Coal. 'Ira Oueea-Cook. Cheap first olaas Stove, for bard nr e-ifl coal. Iraai Siu - i.rf kv and durable Stove for soft anal. Wheat Sheaf-Cook, for bard or soft Stove aed eheapoees In price. 'Per Cook, for bard or soft coal, a smell but excellent Stove tod very cheap, Miuiieeota Cook, wood Stova with elevated oven. MY LINK OK PARLOR HEATERS"eanoo be excelled: The Diving Fine Light tton of 1ST-J Thl Is beaatlftil self feeder Panor Stove, wlm self regniatlng draft aod patent clinker grate. The Hadiatlt lltVme A new self feeder Purler Heater witb mill grate and Ilium 1naed base. KeemKlrfoi. sai-nc!lf f.mitAr Parlor Heater w lh eha,l:!r2 fire patent and dumping eltuker rile. . . , . , BlhKrlt Parlor Heater Something new, e. eery beautilul and power.til heater. t'Otey Light A aeat aod cheap Base Burner HorjSB lihrht- A cboao evlinder Sieve witb mill grate. "OB A etieet iron cylinder stove, very jk"A smsir sell feeder and quite eheap. lck Swan A parlor coot s'ovo witb oven, for iaal. A cheap dining room Stove. A cheap bed roonf Stove, rear I a cheap-cylinder Stove, for bard or toft eoal. julcaaie A large beating Stove, tiinnt AilantM for derricks and I ntel!. eALAhANDER A derrick stove. GLOB IS HEATER For atorea and olllces. MANWACTURER OF fifl, SHEET " IROil AND COPPER WARE, SMOKE STACKS BADE TO ORDER. to otJpt G ALVANIZED IRON SAND PIMPS whlclt arc "t'tdered the cheapest and safest pump now in ute, witb ommoa or patent valve. Repairing-of all kinda done with neatness and dispatch. G1LUE11T tOUDDV. 'ORKINO C HBRELS, TUBING AKD VALVES. CAcING VALVE CCP3, CLAJITS, No. 1 Refined Oil, STOYES ! t3 cannot be excelled In the oil rojlrn. Ab eoal, la celebrated lor Its qualities at good cheap. feeling than for several flnjs puft witb a Considerable advance. Oilers of f 1,2a have heen made to-day, but no Irons ic'.ioiis. Philadelphia, Oct. 22 Crude 14 . Eefl.ieil 2(5 . Oct. 2i,. Nov. 2C , Doc. Market quiet. Pittsburg, Oct. Crude, npot, 11 , B. O. nil year. 12''. B. O. do. "llja Prt!nd Spot 22; Oat. Katket quiet. 22. Kit Turk, Oct. 22 Crtide 13. Refined, 2.M4. Meiket Firm. Kbw Yohi, Oct. 22. -1127.. Gold AND. RESTAURANT! WASHINGTON STREET. PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA Cap. V.'. L. SMITH, Prop'r. Beat Alra and I. tiger on Top, Cliotcs YVIime, Native It ForclRii, JDomevtic and Imported Cigars. Cail and see fur yourself. jsi-tr. w. l. smith; To Oil Operators 1 Xcw um! ruijwrtiJKt Invcu turn lor WE IHK nTtdn-rf'-ncd having Invented and Applied X tor u r-tiiLti uu nu N ABRAIfSEISENT 10H SHED- UWM OIL WEILS THKQ' SNAIL CASING! IS 1REPJ HFD TO Afl'l.T THE SAME TO OIL n ELLS 1 THIS UUION. 5f This Invention is warranted to shut fT Wit; vatrr or.d tin rchy lnTtjwe (lie production of all elis Ui which It Is applied. Al.I, Oliir- ns mnst he accompanM with the PXA'T '1ZH Or' 'flit? AN'O THE AiluUNT OF CASINO IN T'sK IN TUK WUib 1111 CK 10,00 AddroM, C. 15. Patentee. KAN i: c: ITT, ';: :in. Vetft,..o Cnnntv. I'ernn. SAL Will And tray ynnr Boots andl.ctS at Geo. Magranes ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE 1 keen a xcr lrn utock of all kinds on hflni. mid rll as chep m rtny otlinr lionra In the OIL utuiu, uuiuH-tUHi witu my aure is a (usti;i Eicjtartment ! Aod I unnrantee n perrert fit In all uiy wn-' ngalrni neaiy dolu!. Knit dour to Vi'nll' Juwehy Slore. I'ftrolenm Centre. Pa. Miltf NOT1CK. All persons are bereby Lotifled that my wife, Elizabeth J. Wilklns, having left my bouse and family without any jutt cause or provocation, I will pay nn dhinf her con trading, unless ompellfil by iaw, snj l.ert l,y warn tho piiMio not lo Lurbor or l."i:ut her on my acenrut. NATHANIKL UILKKi'3. P'oneer, Veuaono Co., P., Oct. '.T-3i. Tbe Utest (tylia of I nderr It.tainit lor gents wear, at tbe JAUfcsTOWN CL0TU 1KG STOHE. W10liY jJP VAEDEN SALOON Za MFALEiriX . 1 SKC0NB-H1KB f All Sizes Casing, t njluc, ISoHnrs, and ' 0!Vj tt'KWi KUPPMES. HIGHEST CASH PRTOE PAID KOU OLD KOPK. IRON nnd BRASS. ?irTTav(n2 reeentlv perchns'-d a New and Ln rt ivdl I'll'K. CUI'TINO MAl'HINK. I nm prenn.-. h1 in cut ami fit all e'.xoa of iipe tnd (.'u&iu fi'ria inch to 8 1 4 Inch. uavlif iictioii-m.. Nenrly Otj. I'nch cHitr rionwi i'ei. oiin o, i-a. iris tf. II. U VAT(NH ISHAM & CO. Tittttivllle, Pa. NEW .Nf J.EAUT1FUL bTYMiS CF Watclies aM Jewelry.- (Amnrirnn, Fnpllsh nnd Swlan mnko.) S torhejr Silver 78re, i ilver Hated Ware, Of all (rndpfl, nnlquedeHlsnt hi HI I' VE!'. cuicla lj mla))t'di'i) pruionU CT.lnt 0IJ1CUAINS, JBWH.l'Y, FIsTiM.s. iit.V i V'!!'. 1 li-'IIINU TX'ICLE. 0 9H P 0 -p c3 0 H Pa'tlnlur rtioiiHon i-lv(-n , le'rtiir-1 Ins ftiifl tcltfj nud jtiwclry by o J fiinipi'fpnt nri;ni:i!i. I 'llt firm I nvo fl'S't a Ptnro Ot TI-1 TrsVH.l.K. K;,rim.' tn-et. v'prin:r teci'i. nemly 'vii. .inerl emi It.itul, 'j'UuevI'.U', I'u. H Anothfr Va'i:i!ble Irviii fio:!. CATE'S EACK-V-roTIdN P15EVENT0R POH OIL WF.1.I.S, pntwited Anjiisr 15, ln71, which en. tirely prevent the inlaws of air In oil wells, while tlio tnblug U l1ne drawn. Jt is a well known tuct to oil operators, that npon weMa v. here Gas l"ninp a'e Ufed It is neeesai y to preserve a nearly a per fect vacuum as possible, and that no a'r shonH be lot iito the well, a: any time, when It cn pwstbly le avoided; consequently, whenever the tuhlrg is drawn fr m a well it to t he eamo of preut Injury to it, as tho Htcftlnx bus, beJ'g theB neeiesearlly open ed, the air Immediately rushe back between the tublti; aud casing, into' ll.o well going Into il 0 oil rock and gaa veins, nnd coi seqitently oansin the oil and gas to rn.-h back to a pri st distanca. He much so, that it almost always takes sctoit.1 days a ter pumplni Is rommed for a well to ho brought hack to Its foi'mer condition, and oftentimes It takes several weolisj and ouitofreincntly wells have been almost conip'et.'ly ruined by the air beln' thus let in while drawing tubing The BACK SUCTION ritUVINTOK l attached to the st'i.nln hix and works In (itch a way that It completely shut up the apace between the ptufflrg box and tublbB bo efficlu.lliy Hint not a p'rllelo ol air can get throuuh at any tlmo wh'lu the tubing is hcine; drawn and reptaeiid. It supplies a want loitf felt, and la, without n,uest!in, one of the most vol natile inventlm of the day, to tboe erg ged In thi oil utilities'. No wel ahould he without it, na t ot ten times rvch tell times I.k eiint bv onee n-iti(r rw" Ir i nmiiufaelitrert althu IOUNIHtV AUD MAt'IUNB Ulnl'i.r ANUUKWS Jt CO . T1UI 00 1'E, FA., outl fur A e by liardware Dealers. A CAIIU TO TUK LADItM. UUPONCO'S o!drn rtrlodicul Fills! FOR FEMALKS. There fa not a ladv livlen t.nt what at wie' peri od of her life will find the DUI'inNCO (HM'LN 1MLLS juat the midicltio alio necda, for Nrrvetis IKbility, Ileaelnebr. t nliimeN, Ae Mothers, th!s la the greale't MeKainerver f r rd you, and you ahoulu inmcOiateiy i recnie theiie I'llli". They nevei fail, and may kedeiarded n,ion in evarv cu-e where the nifinthly flw has been ob straeteil thiou'.'h enld or disease. 'I'hty alwiysjive iaimediato relief, lieing epe-lnlly pr -tmred fer mar ried ladlus. A lady writes: Dmiiilien's l,nllen l'llla relieved no iu one day, without incouveuieuco, like TilK 0KNTI1NB am put up In WHITE BOTES, mum each box Jin will Bml my t.tivue llevenna Siiiimp upon vhleli r. the woull T):i'OMC(,'S Onl.DKN PKimiUfiAl. 1 ILLS, in White Letters" Without that None Are (ienuina. Full and explicit d niiraii aeeomteny eurb box l'rico $1 0) icr I X, six Mixes $5,0(1. Hold by one Djugrtial to every town, vl live oily sad bum let it the eorld. o'd by VON .IOIINSOH, Oragglst, Pelo Aaent fur IMroitt m ('enlre, l'a. lAItfLSI lly n ndii.g bias $1(0 to the Petro leum ('unl."c roi"trle, fm have tos 1'ilie (iiifilenuall.) by juail, loanyparlof thacvitnty, Ires of postage. JOHN t- HBNIIV, Oencral tud Wholasa'a A'ut iio u ol'e'e l'lve, Mew Juik Li It. olV im Advertise It) Ibe Hecord. ) Successors to H. II. Wsrner WHOLESALE AND KETAIL erch'nts TIIH Fntwrrlheni naTlnc koerhttSo old stnrd of 11 U. Warner. Intei.d cimrle the loU'eM and will keen mwii nn bond tb bwt tlie market afford. We will do a WtlOLKHALE aud KKTAIL uotle In lie (ullowltg product; Plour, PeefJ, Grain of all kind tine (Pc alao havo a very large atook 3T APPLES. wtln-ltea share of poblle jntr-nsTe, IMtnf confident we C'in give wtiniacitoti In prlee" ad ,.lit, of goods. m AmmtMvL Pvtrolenm Cenrro, Pa, Nov. ft. IMO it FOR gAZiLr CHEAP. Siconsl-IInml Oil Well ilie. id IHJ.i ft S In. T'.'BINO. If,' m ft BK end 8' i. d a inch ('AMINO. 6.(00 ft HV ALL HI'S). 6 t)00 fl srcNKH KOtm. 9 Ineh. b inch t and (In h I HIV INri I'll'K, KlTTINttrt at onebair price or new OAS and l.'OTAKY 1TM 1-8 for sale or to rt. KNCil.9 a,.d i.oii.niiK or a'l mi, si Got W). Pel rtifnui CeAtr Pa 1 et ?4tr - GREELEY Campaign Miisi( with a Pfeioro ot Greeley Brew. Uood-bye Ulysct. fcoug and Ch..raf Corkam M 0a. He twayi the Old White Hat. Song and Chorus Xecarly. 8.1 " Tbn Farmer goea Chopping oa tit Way. Song and Cenrna Jllgjins. 35 " Greeley A Brown's Galop to the White House Prjslor. 40 Gterlcy'a Grand HsiSH Smith. 40 ' Gnelej'JF ininil State. i" Any otlhe above ms'led, fx si jtaW. t' receiptor marked price. Addrepa, J. L. Peters. fi09 Dieadway, New Tork. ' Send SO eentt for tbo latest anmhef of Peters' Musical Koathy, and yon will gel eight or nine thotce pieces of New Husif. GRANT Campaign XXusic, wills a rictare President Grant We've Tested him lo Days goto by. bong asd W borne Tonne. Tho Man wbe Saved tbo Nation. Song ess" C'-'iros Cooper. We've 1 Mat for our Leader. Fone aod Cboiot Herbert, fSett. 85' " Gran's Caopalie Hi aivth Mack. Grant's Calop ta tbo While ifonse DesMer. .13 ' Presldeal Grants March Young. 40" , Any 0! tbo above trailed, poF" paid, 09 receipt nf marked price. Address, J. eV 1'eiera. fiJ!) liro.diyny. New Totk. tienii 3t cents foi the latest number of Peters' lliifical Month, y. aod vou will gel eight or nloor-bo'c piece(Mw Music sepi27-2iv Take JlifJKT. Gnt Reducti'n alba PRICSo? BENZINE! AT SchcracrlitrBleTt-ii KyiL's. AMDMABKRTf PICE P.U0 fU Oat'US o:u I'etinlettm Osaaru, Pi., July 18 T "G6LDWTlTWtW,"l'"' LODRI AND