BHUGERT & STABS (Suetuiaora 10 ttuITmikudMfeUUi Co. J) Merchant Tailors! AND.UKALKUS IS ti nts' furnishing Uttods, COB. SPttINQ b PRANKLIN 6T3., TITBSV.L.IiE, JPA. B v elt b sue of tbe finest sasor.menta erf CLOlIlSdc CAS8IMERES ENGLISH, FRENCH AND , AMERICAN C O A.T INGS, MIXED AND 8TRIPED SUITINGS, FANCY VESTINGS. V Bnr offend In the Oil Region. TWRNTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF ETATS 3e CAPS, All the Latest an. Nobbiest miles.' A FULL L1NB Off Gents' Itarnishing Goods, &o. re'roleum Centre Daily Record r tleulre, Pa., Taesdar, Oct. 1.2, tvlno Her vice. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services every Sabbath at II A. M. and , P. H. Balibath School at 12 P. M. earn free. A oordlal Invitation extend ed to all, Bit. O. Moors, Pastor. presbyterIan CHURCH. Freacning at 11 o'clock A. 11., and 7fc clock P. Id. petrolAun Ceatre Lodgo, No. 071 . I. O. of 4. P. Regnlar meeting nights Friday, at TJj 'clock. Signed. B ALLr.N, N.G. 8. H. KenniR, A See'y. tVPl leotif meeting, Mala Bt., opposite McCllniock Hae. A. O. Of U. W. Liberty Lodge N. 7, A. O. of U. W., meets itt Mnnlay evening at f o'olook, In 0M Fellow's Hall. Petroleum Centre, PeBS'a. A. M. Kxicscia, M. W. . H. HtRRlLL, R. I. O. of It. II. Innekaune Tribe No. 183, I. ft. It M. f Petroleum Centre, meeta every Tburaday oveotng In Oootf Templar'e Hall. V Connoll Urea lighted at 7J o'clock. H. HOWE, Sachem. 8. REYNOLD, Chief ol Record. Void at lp. m. 112 we are permitted to copy 'the foltowlnit nor extract from a letter written by a promi nent oil man In the down river territory to ne of oar o I tisane. It gives (air statement or the situation there. The letter la dated Parker'i Landing, Oot. 21: ''On Saturday market waa very quiet in deed, although buyer were In the market att,05HlO. Tbla afternoon market prang up to I, 25. wbiob waa and la now Ireely ottered by Bushnell, Seep, Lloyd and Piltibargh. No doubt In my mind Pitts burgh la short aad baa no other point from which to get ber supply, consequently when they have to bave oil always pay good prio ns Tbn eaat perbaps can get ber supply front other points at even better figures tban ber. Have watched the business bere dowry and am certain atoeka arsfastdlmln lablbg. B low I give you a statement of Iron tankage in this district with tboamouBt of oil In tanks as near as I can get at It: TANKAOC. BUS. Uolen Pipe Co., 41.000 Flrview, 1S,000 Aulwerp, ' , 10,000 Mntual Pips Co., fie.OOo Fertlg A Hammond, ,0C0 Fox A l iuk, 3,000 ' 127,000 ui tine amount lbs Union Pips Co. will rou out about, SO, 000 Do. Mutual Pipe Co., 40,000 Autwrrp, 6 000 t . M t 1 1 " 6 000 Total, 82.000 ib la about the whole amount of oil ex ept Pay 10,000 berrele at the wells, wblcb I loiuaie a iig estimate for tbla count .i the present, making a total of 2,000 barrels of available oil. Of tbla amouot, as near i can ana out from ihlppere, there ia 0 000 tbousaod barreli .old, leaving from nntt ... .... ... . . . . -,uuu io iu.uuu barrels unsold. I thick ibu nun fitiuaie of lbs condUlco ol am. ' UrfBnK' , , Mr tj.s district. 1 ne balance or oil unsold if j held by Palmer nd other wealthy onera- tore wbo rfue to sell below $4,30 to $1,50 So jou see our positioo lor lower pricn In Out very flattering. I duu't Want jou to consider me a "bull," but 1 will tet you new bat oil telle here for $4.50 before Sat urday olgbt. 1 nndersUnd Tidlnute ttarte up to-miTrnw, and IT she makca a big rucb or product, it o:ay sffrcl the markd fur a short time. Another week I Itir.k will bring our tanks near rllcy oil." With the above cheering vlfw of ffair n the Parker Dim let, all our operator bavatodois ' -to bold out falilifnl to ttm 11 10 wi" ill. ytl r...-i ,h nd," In order to reach tbe (5,90 oil, Sk. EbmI Z ilwloh, brtter known tie Joe," bin- jiirt returned from Buffalo with a large and cinilete Dock of I ad in', gents and ohildrrnV Imois ai d sbota for fall and winter wear. His Mock Is very full and complete, Bud we advise our oitlzoee to pay bim a oall. His new advertisement will appear to morrow. x The Oil City Derrick of tbis morning gives lis Pennsylvania Transportation Company pipe line monopoly a rigbteons punch In tbeilbr. It (eema that W. II. AbiMjtt, President ol that company, owns a number of wells on Church Run and baa ordered them started up before the thirty days shutting down cootrect expired. Tbe Inference drawn la that the P. T. C. bave ootbing but paper oil wherewith to fill their contracts. Tbey must bave oil, bf nee tbe tartlog up. It savora strongly of a con oeclien with tbe combination. Tbe course ol Mr. Abbott ia roundly curr ed by the producers hereabouts, :.. Cape Town, Alrlci, is said to be eetting to be about what California waa In palaiirit days of revolver and bowle knife, before society was at all settled, and when tbe n rue of Mexioao brigands and ttfe most tur bulent spirits ol tbe whole esrtb met in rich territory, each acting on tbe principle that to tbe strongest belong tbo spoils. - To persons concerned about their physi que It may be interesting to known tbat 'medicated shirts" are announced as tbe snresl general curative. It Is olaimed tbat persons wearing these oan dispense witb all the pills tbat flesh is belr to. The cholera, rapidly moving westward, baa now reached Poland, where Its ravages are terrible, and Us victims are numbered by thousands. PARTICULAR NOT1CE1 All members of Petroleum Crane Lodge of Good Templars are requested to meet at the Lodge Room, on Tuesday evening, Oct. 22, at 7 1-2 o'olock sharp. A general at tendance Is requested. Ai.icb NoRTnnor, W. C. T. i Remember tbe tebearsal to-morrow night. Tickets only 25 cents. A valuable tenm of horses, belorglng to Geo. W. King, Sr., ran away last night, on tie flats back of Washington street. When near the depot tbey were brought to a sud den bait by one or them dashiog bia bead gainst tbe aide of the Irelgbt depot. The animal was quite badly Injured about tbe bead but will recover. Excellent deposits of coal bave just been found In Turklstan, Asia, near tbe Yusal Pass, and three hundred camel loads ol the fuel bave recently been delivered at Kabul for use 'In the Ameer's fouoderlen. Tb!s fact will have B very Important effect on tbe progress, ol the work or developing tbe in dustrial resources of the far East. A singular accident took place at Lancatu tsr, Pa., last week. Tbe Reading road crosses tbe Pennsylvania road at tbat point, nd b train or empty oars was standing aoroes the latter track. About tbia time tbe Paoiflo Express came dashing along, and before tbe engineer bad time to check the speed of tbe locomotive It had d.ishud through a coal ear and was tearing along at Its regular speed towards Uarriaburg, witb only tbs loss of the cow oatcher. Tbe en gineer, seeing tbat no barm bad been done to no one, did not stop after be bad safely "gone thronib" tbe debris. "The wrecked car was struck amid tbe wheels and broken completely Into atoms, tbe splinters flying In all directions, but luckily hitting no one. Tbe shock was distinctly felt by tbe rail road employees who were siuiug on the Iront sod back ends of the coal train. An enterprising (Jbioagoan has begun tbe publication of business dictionary, to be isaued complete each month. Tbe necessity of b work wblcb wilt give tbe location of every business bouse, and keep pace with tbe frequent obaugea continually going oo, baa caused Ibis undertaking. A Bolomooian parent in Michigan, hav ing ralber spoiled a rod tban spared bis child, the dutilul little boy la'd wail fir bim witb a abut gon and gave bim hnathi r sort of a charge to keep, aud ol aucb is tbe kingdom of beavea. d-n frorr ' P'.toriihtir;; riugt'-.d a tary pertinent nt''e no the !ude ftMC'Ic. I h (ciine of the pip., lines In this country, Fraud beneeforlb lake its place as a fine art h rrf. After pnoketing the money for the nij the pipe ima cbnrgi' s'oraire and shrinkage on their paper petiole, It is plain that tbe market ia manipulated by paper ol and paper contrac's which Can be supplied ad libitum. Let us stoj) pumping long enouuh to dry these fellows up, and start tbe busi ness in a Dew and natural channel. During tbe past lew days reports have been current tbat tbe different pipe lines throughout the district bave run 'short.' he natural Inquiry bas been, bow is It that such should be tbe case when but a week or two ago their tanks wero overflow ing, and there was a reported stock of 000, 000 barrels on band? Our exchanges say tbat tbe Pennsylvania Transportation Com pany is 200,000 barrels short. Wby is It that but a few dais sine the rrfiacrs boast ed of bsving enough oil on band to carry them for six months? It appears to us like a revelation, tbe opening ot a enaled book. The reported shorts' of tbe Aatwerp aud Mutual pipe lines, Is, so far as we can learn, partly correct. Now what Is tbe fleet up on the producer? Let us Icok at It. On tbe first day of October, A. delivered to tbe Pipe company one tbousaud barrels or oil, receiving tberefor a certificate, good for that amount. He goes to tbe dealer and sells bis oil on tbe 18tb, receiving therefor foar thousand dollars. It is then out of bis bands and be Is safe. But if be effers bis oil and tbe dealer sajs, "your certificate Is worth nothing, the pipo line has oo oil, ere bas been half a dozen with certificate. but there is not a barrel in tbe Compani'a tanks I wou't buy " Wby it becomes a serious mailer, li is alleged tbat the pipe lines are io tbis condition. If so it show ihm namely, that tbey bave been speculating upon the oil ol the producer, aud further tbat tbey might be continued bad oot the shutting down of the wells, revealed tbe fraud, by lessening tbe production, and con. sequeotly causing them to fail In part or wbole, to All their contracts. It would ap pear that the pipe lines have sold the ui' 'jr which tbey bad given certificates, rely ing upon a coustant production., to supply tbe deficit I The production bas stopped. Tbere b. no supply. Tbe fraud la visible to tbe most iioaiisproting. 1 1 tbeir darkest hours tbe producers Dnd that tbey have also to fight the pipe lines, find that tbey are robbiug tbeni ot their oil which they ore endeavoring to eavi t Tie- wbolo mutter stands lhu, lor ll;ust.(allon A give II. a Check for 1,00(1, I), presents it at the bunk and is informed that A. ba no money In that, A. reader himself liable to prosecution, s i do tbe p!;e companies And If Ihey fail to meet their obligations, it is wise to seen and obtain redress. J A Itallroatl Hero. A brief history of ibe career of a railroad hero is ibns related: His name is B illy Ely lie tells it about himself. He was s lailioad engineer. His engine was faitblul, and be was kind. Everybody liked him, and sol their watches and clocks by bis train. One day, as usual, be was on time. Swift rolled tbe Iron sieed on its way. Bully IMy was at bis post. It was In tbe blackberry seofon on Saturday. As be came round the curve don't you know, tbat curve which is al ways found in a railroad story, ascertain as love In b novel, a sort of turning point, a one might say? be spied numerous child ren upon tbe track where it was hedged in by woods and briar. In an instant be saw tbat no ordinary means could save those In nocent beings. His engine was at her high. eat speed. But, hesitating not,. He shut ber off spit on bis bends lie made one awful plunge; Witb all his strength be grabbed her wheel Wbile in tbe ground he sunk bis heel, And held ber fast, and tbey were saved. Alas I bow do our petted neravles, our .Eneas, our Hector, our U yeses, our Agamemnon, sink into tit lei Insignificance before tbe might acd courage of tbis truly noble man. Persons wbo are gathering and preserving autumn leaves should beware of the poison ivy (remedies acetate of copper and cor rosive sublimate), and the polsgn sumac or dogwood. Tbe later has light est) gray stems; the harmless kind bas brown. iron- Child of tbe grand old autamal October floatetb by A legal grace on ber suullgbt face, And a light on ber beaming eye: Over ber polished shoulders To tbe dull aad fading grass, The golden brown of ber bair flows down, As ber springing f lotsleps paw! A Charleeiou man eoiutuiiled soicd tl omer uay, Because i.e naa eat n io muny read birds that be was nnai le to devour the epecUlly fine oae tbat be ba& rtxrttd lur i be last, 1 rsertiittf in tlie Soutli Sta. Tbe Adventurer, a whale ship ofSydmy, recently arrived at Auckland fioin a cruise among the South Sea Islands, in the course of which ber chief officer, Mr. Turnbull, af murdered at one of tbe New-IIrbrldeg Islands. Tbe following is a brief sketch of Ibe experiences of tome of ber crew who deserted at one cf tbe Island pradles: Wbile the Adventurer was lying at one of tbo South Sea Islands wbicb seemed to pron. ise every luxury io which a runaway sailor could indulge, In In one ullit, while the ves sel was lying quietly at anchor, five ot the inea tooH one ot the boats belonging to the ship and rowed asaore, taking with them a number of hatchetr, ship's knives, eta. On landing they made- their wey to a native village, some three sileeoff, and altboupb a search was made for them by the s -t crew tbey could not be found. Tho cap tain bad experience ol tbis sort ol thing be fore, so be sol sail without tbem, but return, ed to tbe same harbor in tbe course or two or three weeks. A cauoe then came off w:.b an old chief and several natives for the pur pose of trading with tbe vessel. Tbe cap tain at once seized the chief and put bim in In irons, and sent the other natives back, witb instructions to bring off tbe five di sett ers mat night lor Ibe ship would sail away with tbe ohief. The savages made ail tbe baste tbey could, and although It was tlien nearly dusk tbey returned shortly after dark with tbe Ave descrlcts, end every article Ibey had taken ashore witb tbem. Tbe chief was tbenallowed to go at large. Tbe deEeiters presented a most wretched appears ance. They were stripped of tbeir cloth ing, tbeir bodies wero covered with (ores from bead to foot, and tbey were nearly starved to death. Tbey slated that im mediately on tbe vessel's departure tbey hud received the most scurvy treatment froui natives, wbo looked npoa them witb jealous eyes, and were several t'rrnS goiig to murder tbem. They described tbe mode of livina. etc.. of tbe savages, scenos cf strife and bloodshed beiug of tbe most com mon occurrence. One night, wbile Ibe de-erters were lying in a but with a number of native., not daring to- call their )iveg their owo, an altercation took place between a sivaga end bis wifn. The savage, with out tbe slightest provocation, raised bis tomahawk and brained tbe woman on tbe icslant, immediately atterwatd throwing the budy outside like so much csrron. We need scarcely cuy that they never afterward attempted io Ueseit to oim of these South Sua par .dlrc. Wkst Vihuinu Gib News. Tho Pino Grove Oil Couipuny bave ci. traced with Jeffries & MoCabdlesa io drill tb la a urll on their leuse. Witman and Clouston' well No. 1, on Vol canic Oil and Coal Company's tract is now producing about 4 bariels per day. 8. C. IJrown E q , firm of S Fanclier A Co. of Baltimore is in town on bmioess. Lowell and Garver's well No. 3. on West Va. Oil & O l Lund Company tract woa torpedoed this week. Tbe result not yet learned, The St. Ronain Oil Company bad tkeli well No. 7 torpedoed this week. Tbe well is pumping 12 barrels per day and is on the Volcanic ridge. John A. Sieelv's A well, No 7, was torpejj doed tbis week, result not known. John A Steele bad bis Church well No 2 torpedoed tbis week, but theproduction was not iocressed. Shufelt & Stiles well No 9 Volcanic Oil & Coal Companj'sVact was torpedoed this week, Ibe well Is new ru'mpioc G barrels per day. Moore well No 2, on theGlsDZ traot was torpedoed this week, production notincreas. ed. Willian Dell bas bis No 8 well, on lease 1 sec 11, Volcanic Oil & Coal Company's tract drilled Io Ibe depth ot 300 fee t. Tbe '-Little Eagle" well, owned t y Wil liam Bell on tbe Volcanic Oil & Coal Com; pany's traot, is drilled down to tbe depth of 530 feet, tbe well was tested at ibe 8rst show 513 feel, bat no results It Is now being diilled to tbe second show. C K Leonard im N L L poo were la town this week buying oil We learn thev made some heavy putohasos VolCinoLu oricator. One of Ibe most significant prools of the recuperative energies of Cb'cago is found in ibe continued activity of suburban rest es tale. Netwitbstanding.tbe tightness ol the money market for cemmercial paper, tbe number ot transactiuos in outside property seema to be not at alt diminished, bnt ratber on tbe increase, at full prices. Sheep are said to thrive finally during six months of the year In the more elevated por tlons of tbe Sierra Nevadas, at an elevation of seveu thousand feet, mticn Letter than they do in the lower valleys. Tbe range Is immense, and free to all wbo desire to en gage in sheep-raising-. Petroleum bab beeu dmcoveied in Kan ss. 'luOlb OrRRATOSS. C. I). JenlloL . Raue City, desires w notify oil operateti that bis patent Seed Bass er Device for Shutting O.T Water in Oil Wells, areji,f -..... u. im'ij unjs nn, ting down movement. Tbey are warranted Io sbut tbe water off entirely no matter bow ong the well may be atopied. Oil opr or are invited to call on or address Mr. J. at Kane City, Venango County, P. 2w, In Unde rclothing of , all kinds ALDEN'S stock, just received, oannot be excelled tu ins uii legions, van anu examine. ' Rant. 91. It r For Sale. A desirable ridintr or driving HORSE, in good order. For terms innnire at Pheln'a Vprft. ble Store, opposite the Opera nouse, rerroieum uentre, fa. Jnl rwealveil at Al.tlEN'i) - l..-. .' . '., ( i- of gents Underolotbiag. Tbe very best la town. For ale 15.000 to 2t).000 feet of hrnntin nun TU11ING, at Irom 24 to S5 eta, per foot Tbe Tubing Is to irst class order and all ready fitted. April zs-ir. ri. h. WARNER. UNDERCLOTHING f UMDERCLOTH IKG; Just received at tbe JAMKSTOWV CLOTHING eTORE, sail aad see tbe ainck. E3PGUEELEY HATS at the JAMES TOWN CLOTHING STORE. The Violor Brand of eta-are al tbe feat Office News Room. rf Highly flavored, lee cool Soda Water at tue Poet Office Newsroom. Try It. GRANT HATS atf tbe JAMESTOWS CLOTHING STORE. IIATft AND CAPS in gieal variety and In all styles, just received hv express front New Vmk. at the JAMESTOWN CLOTH ING STORE. Call and look at larm. August 12 IC 5STJ list received at the JAMESTOWN CLO THING STORE, a large assortmen ol new and nobby styles ef HATS A f AfB Tbe best Pittsburgh Lager al GAKFNEY'8. Days Doings, New Varieties, New Tort; Clipper. Wllk'a Spirit, and all sporting pa pors at the POST OFFISH NEW3ROO&- II yon Want a alennan. Want a Servant Girl, Want to i-iell a llonw, W,,r t tu S"ll a Patent, Want to Lend Money, Want to Buy a House, Want to Sell a Carriage, Want to Itorrow Money. Want to Sell an Oil Welt, Want to Buy an Engine or Boiler, Want to Sell a House and Lot, Want to liod a Strayed Animal, Want to Purchase an OH Interest, Want to Sell a Piece of Furniture, Want to Buy a Second-hand Carriage, Want to Sell Tubing, Casing, Gas Pipe, Want to Find an owner for anylbintr Found, advertise in tbe Rkcokd, as no lees' ban len thousand people read It weekly. Butter and chesse are alrao.t Indlsnensl ble articles of food. Properly used, they are nutritions and healthy; but an inordi nate use of either eauses indigestion and' dyspepsia. Owen Gnffney's Sunday Com tort. Judiciously used will remove both of theio trouble School Books. A complete stock or School Bonks needed at the I'nhlto School can be found al Iks rOST OFFICE NEWS ROOM. CIGARS-. Lovers of good cigars will find several as' tirelv new brands, never before Introduced in tbis place, at the Post Office News Room They ere warranted pure Havana GKBAJNTU Musical Rehearsal OF TUB MOZART MUSICAL SOOT of Petroleum! Centre; r Aealsted by tbo- Uouseville Cornet CanJ, AT SOBELS' HALL. Wednesday Eve'g, Oc4. 23, 1872. Programme wiileonBist ofSoor;!' (ilees, Choruses, Instrumental Music, ci'c. TICKETS 25 CENTS By Order Coni- "X,