V X SHUGERT & STARR (toeesssn to MerastasVflmtth Co., Merchant Tailors I AKD.DKAUBS.IN Celts Furnishing 'Goods, COS. SPRING ft FRANKLIN BT3., ITITUSV.LLE, PA. Have ant la m a the nine immaii oj i ULOIUSA CA88IMERE8 INGUSH, TRENCH AND AMERICAN oo a. tin as, MIXED AND STRIPED SUITINGS, FANCY VESTIHGS. kw sW- var ofhradtta the Oil Begkak TENTT DIFFERENT STYLES OF HATS 5C CAPS, Alt the IaAe sad loUM fltylea a ryu. ura o Cents' Itannahing Goods, &c, r'etrolwum Ontr Daily Record rsa, ceam, r!Teosiay, o. i( SiTlae aarvlca. METRODIPT EFI610PAL CHURCH 8erir aeevy Sabbath at II A. M. and t f. M. f shbalk Softool at 11 P. It eeU n-ea. A cordial invitation ex ted edtae't. Ha 7. 0. Mooaa, Peator. riSSilTTKlfAN CHURCH. ao.it l 'alack A. Mm m4 TJa I Wort P. H. N rtrreiM ChMal v, . loda, Wo. ri, i.o.io.f. terilar mtleg agkle Friday, at e'etook. Bigsed. a'.ERRTGLRNN, N. O. I. O'Fuum, a eWy. WTPI o cr Meeting, ala'a 8t, opposite MnOilatoak Bnaw. A. v. ( (I. Vt7. Liberty Lodge No. T, A. O. of U. W., a lela eeary Moaoey eeealug at f U o'clock, la Odd FeWe Hall, PetruJeaa, Caalra, eTeaa'e. A. . Illrim, M. tf. i. . Meaaru, aV I O. i H. M. iaaaktiiae a Tribe Mo. lug. I. O. R. M. af Fairaknaj " t:r, meets ev.ry Thursday rwiinj ia va.jj Tsespitre nail. JP Caaaati Area nak ed at TV o'elook. . H HOWE, 8aaMB). - ft RSYstOLPk;, Chief af Records. oidal la, a. Ut A amlteg .. lbs aroaaeerj af lha Kiev a:1! Diilrlet, IsenVed far this afternoon, t a ureet w iieoe etua room, ta take aa lien ea 'J prosesilogs af lea Petroleum Product Ceaaail, est ta decide aa to htkr sbv will Join tka aald Caanatl. tea rtMsdloaa will enneaa In 'all tt-arorraes. ; ' Tka $i -u eseltemeal at Oil Ulty at pres ent Is In regard lo lha well owned by Mrs. Saade, atreok a day or Iwa sloce, and which eaatioare la yMd eU largely, despite the saTorta af ike eoanltUe af lha Seventh Dia ttlottoaavaltakaldowB. Mia-8aodalaa fe-ials tvoaitt aad doa't propose to ba ahut not If aba keawe W, consequently lha male gander ar la a qu nin'j. Tbey held a meeting yselsrday afteroooa, pansd rosola tlois, Ifcieateaed all kinds ol bad things, but la the iao af alt lha well (oaliaoea to prodocsatl. Bbal ber dowo, geatlemen, Vkelbee "the Widow" dulres it or not. A Uarle Jaha Hultisri, of tba McCliotock Hooea, kaewi lha component parts thereof, how t ails II to sail the taste, and just ibaquabtlty aendwl on a cold day. Thomas 4 T .HA. .. Th ai.i v . i. . . i . i u ... 31 cnntlaoi ta aiad wild cat dispatches over the wires ia the Tela radeavor to break dowo tht auapeialaa movement and lesd tba pro ducers' ta bsllera it will be a failure. You oaa'l eons It, geatlemen- of tbe Combination- Tbe producers will not allaw Ihtm aelves la ba manipulated by a ring of sharp aes any locjer. Tbey are wida awaka to tie slluattoa, and propose lo make Iba thirty day movement a suaoers, despite the efforts of lha ring to the contrary. A young lady of seventy sumweis receaU ly tried to elope with a man of twenty In Albany. Sbe waa captured by a aollaaoiaa teifflrt A eorreapondent from Bally Hill tends us an account of race In drilling between two contractors' gaogi, which waaby lb com pletion of a wttll on Monday tost by Parker Brotbert. who woo by Huishlng a well In twenty-tour days and four boura. What wa cere to know it not how quickly tbeee welli are drilled, but vhg are tbey drilled at (bit time. Wa anderatoori tbat kind of bue rnsa was- to (top for tba present. Oil CHy Derrick. If tka correspondent of tba Derrick wai half aa good at telling the truth as In aeek Ing to mislead the publie, and If the Der rick nan bad Inquired Into the matter, tb-j would have discovered that tba wells allud ed to above wre completed on the 30th da? ot Septembei, and were abut down without evnn being trued. Tbe Paiker Brulheri are heart at.d band In tbe sbutting down movement, and although tbey bave a Dum ber ol eontracli on band, do not propose to do any more drilling until tba present ques tion la setiled. I lWk i I ..(. jitiiiaaa m n .Inn null ba.11 lug tbelr wells very geoerally la Western Peatsylvanls, to tba special discomfort of their employees, who do not relish a sut peoslea of pay. Age. The above from Tllioo'a Golden Ago la a good fair sample of the bnderalandiog tbat papers aoteide of the Immediata region naveJ la regard to tba recent abutting down move ateali Wa would lay to tta Age thai the employees do mot complain and thai tbe majority of them are not loaiog pay. Wa do thtogi differently tare. Tidioute Jour net We know of several eases in thli vicinity wbere tb( wall owners keep Ibeir workmen on full pay during tba suspension. Tbe Columbia Oil CompaBy pay their workmen ball wages. Cornea ft Beers give tbelr men half pay. The Cenlral Company keep nearly all tbelr men at work. Wa would advise lbs Age man to book himself up little batter before be undertakes ta touch up the presanl movement again. A here will be a meeting of tba Grant ft Wilson Club at their rooms on tbla Tuesday evening, October 16th. A general attend aata la requested as business of Importance Is to be transacted. Mealing convenes at 7 o'olock sharp. JT. W. BEATTY, SeoreUry. Messrs. Patterson & Dickey are taking down tbelr la us iron tank, located on the Boyd Farm, and Intend putting II up at same point near Argyle, In tba down river cavalry. Now le tbe lime to gather kaule From ol tbe trei bi beting; For bl and bl when Iba git dri Tka moke tbe beat oletlog. A Jerrey paper tells a very interesting story or a lllllo bo in tbat State. Ue waa OliiDbiug an appla tree, and wbeo upon tbe topmost Utah be slipped and fell to the ground. Ha waa picked up and oarried to tba bouse In an Insensible condition. After watching by bis bedside through many woary boors, bla mother perceived signs of rjturniog ooarclousness. Leaning over bin aha asked If there waa anything she could da for bim, now Ibat ba began to fee1 oeuer. enema ana oaina nia roreneed, or ohaoge hia pillow, or fan hint Waa there anything he wanted? Orenlng his eyea languidly, and looking at bar, Iba little suf 'ererauld: "Yes, 1 want 'a pair cf pants with a pocket behind.'' Tba Republican Club meets Ibis evening. Every member Is requested to attend. Utah sends us tba horrible report, tbal a person In that Territory baa a lariat, or rope for lathering horses, made from the hair ot tba woman slaughtered at Iba Moun. tain aieaaow massacre, iba great crime Of the Mormons. It Is asserted upon tbe autbority of tbe contraotor lor removing the debria from It a Llodeli Hotel lot, in SU Louis, tbat tbe other day hia workman turned up twenty . . l I . L r . mi wiuw turn lunace, a burning mass or are wotco naa been buried lor over five years Hera Is an Interesting and suggestive fact: An advertisement asking lor a Protestant girl lo do general bouse work in a small lamlly, appeared two or three times last week, In two of lha Boston papera having the largest circulation, but elicited not a single response. Men ol color painters. Daik aires ladles' agea. A fast life married life. A bead wind a aoeexe. Eya aervaots spectaolea. A maa of tank a private. A pain of glass headache. Twiated hemp curses felons. Cannon law louob and go. Joint education gymoaalio. Neck or nothing a ball dress. A aaanmefeial tgant-HBOaeja Thb Ukioit Pbtrolfxm Co. Tba wells ol Ibli company resumed pumping on tbe Sib Inst, and were visited by a committee of the produoers Association who requested their superintendent, Mr. Hinder, to again abut them down. Re replied that be had Instructions from tbe company In New York to continue pumping, and could not grant their request Sioce then Mr. Diodes bas been to the city and consulted with tbe company, but conld not Induce them to no lle with tbe producers In tbe suspension movement, though betook with hlmeairoog letter Iroui tbe association of this district. Tbe company reply In language anything but respectful, and call soma ot tba bett members of tbe association very bard nam es. As we go to press (Friday afternoon) tbe producers are holding a meeting to de termine what action tbey will take in tbe matter, but we trust tbey will not resort to violence. It seems to us tbat tbe company wishes them to do so, aad believes that It can prosecute tbe offenders and obtain a large sum for damages, thereby making money wbere It would lose by complying with tbe producers' request. If tbe wells must be shut down by fotce wa trust tbat It will be done In suob a manner tbat tbe com pany will sustain no loss by It except tbat oauaed by aoo-productlon. Penosylvaa -A Ian. K A druggist up town, asys the SI. Lou I I Globe 'a New York letter, who Is about forty three and a bachelor, met a young woman, very comely, graceful and clever, two years llnoe, and was sa charmed wilb bar tbat; he proposed marriage two weeks alter hit ! trodiielioo. Sbe accepted, end be was hap. py (or six months, until be discovered by accident Ibat aba bad been divorced from three husbands since lha war, and bad two others before, from whom sbe bad separated without legal proceedings. He taxed ber with tba facts, and be did not deny tbem. She said be bad never asked ber about her antecedents, which was true. Ioslead of five and twenty, as sbe bad supposed, she i Is ten years alder, and, though winning la tba extreme, appears to be a regular adven turess. When be told ber he mutt leave bar, aha replied she was entirely willing, tbat there were hundreds of men who would be only too glad to marry ber. Ha bas gone, no one knows wbere; tbougb, from what I have beard, she will Dul be long without another lord. NOTJbS or Til hi UAV. The ushers at a fashionable New York wedding were all ladles. Allnnts, Georgia, bas just had a wedd ng at wblcb 2,000 gueais attended. Ohio stands second among tba aheese pro ducing Slates ot tbe Union. Four English lady tourists rraobad tbe summit ol Mount Blanc last moatb. Norfolk, Va., haa a dog wblcb attends oburch regajarly every Sunday. Tblrty-two thousand aeeds wera once eoonted lo tba bead of a poppy. A flock of several hundred wild iwaaa re cently visited a town In Kansas. Of forty steamboats navigating tba Red river, thirteen are named "Eva." . It Is proposed to light tba Atlantlo steam era with gas. On many of tbe Engliah rail roads Iba can are thus illuminated. Iosults, It ia aald, are like counterfeit money; we cancel hinder tbem from being offered, bui wa are not compelled to take them. A man in Sprlngwell, 'Iowa, was buried In a well ba waa dlggtog, by tba caving In af tba earth, and waa rescued aliva after bas log under ground seven hours. Fifty Italians, employed aa street musi cians, pedlers, and In similar occupations, were discovered to live In a small ;two story bouse in New York lately. Archbishop Bay ley, tba new Catholl primate, baa lelt Newark, N. J., for Ball! 9 more, wbere tba ceremony of loatallatlo Jj look place yesterdsy. Tbe Emperors of Austria and Gsrmaay are expected to visit Dresden soma time la November, to celebrate the "golden wed ding' of King and Queen of Saxony. A flonriat on Long Island has seventy acres of flowers, twenty of whioh are entire ly devoted to glodioli. There are also teo acres of Japan lilies and ova acres of lubo- The London bpeciator thinks tbat the principles laid down by the Geneva judge. menl are not exaotiy pleasant to Euglaod "but they are very moderate, wise and practicable." Tbe Swiss Times ssys that the work on the St. Gotbard tunnel ia being forwarded with great energy. Tbe workmen on both sides are said to bave eul mora tban one hundred. feet Into tbe look. A lecture was delivered In Boston a few days since on "Old Bonnets " Tba coal scuttle, iba close Cottage, tba kiss-me-quick, the Quaker bosnet and iba tailed (or wcaac's daligkl aad aaaasaeat. Thaukaglvlnir Proclamation. Washington, Oot, 11. By the President ol lha United Slatea of Amerloa, .a Proclamation. Whereas, The revolution of another year has sgala brought tba time when It Is usual lo look back upon the paal, and publicly thank lha Almighty tor his mercies and his blessings, and Whereas, If any one people bas mora oc casion tban another for just thanklulnesa, It la tbe oitizeoa of the United Stales, whose Government is their creature, aubj'Ct to their bebestn; who bave reserved to tbem- sslves amplHS civil and religious freedom and equality before tba law; who, during the last twelve mootba have enjoyed exemp tions from any grievances or general calam Ity; and to whom prosperity In Agriculture, maaulaotures and commerce bas been vouch safed. Therefore, by these considerations, I te eommeod that on Thursday, tba 281b day of November next, the people meet In tbelr respective places of worship aod there make their acknowledgments to God fur bis kind ness and bounty. In witneas whereof I bare unto set my hand and caused tba aaal of Iba United Slatea lo be affixed. Done at the city of Waahinglon, this 11th day of Ootober, In tba year of our Lord 1872, aod of tba Independence of tbe United States the ninetyseventh. Signed! U. 3. Giunt. By f resident Hamilton Fish, Secretary of Stale. The PeunejrlTanla Filrolenaa Ball road. Tbla company is golog ahead In dead earnest. Tba eontrnot for tbe docks at Erie bss been let to M R. Barr, aad work was oommenced yesterdsy. Tbe company owna twenty water lota ' on tba Like shore at Erie for tbe accommodation of their eleva tors. The cootrao s for tbe Bear Creek Railroad, on the Shenaogo and Allegheny river, were also let on Wednesday. This Is a part of lha Pennsylvania Patroleom Rail road Company's enterprise aad extends from Greenville to Harrlevilla, a distance of tblrty-two tmilrs, leaving about twenty- flve mora mile to build to tbe road opeoing tbe vast coal and oil fields of Butler. Nest at borne, tka Cambridge dlviaion ot tbe Pennsylvania Petroleum Road, Irom Ttliis- vllla to Caio.br tdge, ia nearly all graded, aod several miles ol trck bave already betn laid out to Cambridge- The Pilbole divle. ion, luPleueaoivillf, ia nearly all graded aud ready lor the Ir.ck. Work Is pro gressing with rapidity between Titusville and Enterprise. Tbe piers en Pine Creek are being eonatruc led, and Ikoae gver Ol' Creek will soon be built. Herald. liuielost" a missing waioh. IlUuatured ways cross ro.ds. . Tbe dismal side ol life suicide. Sin aod sorrow are Inseparable. A blank book an empty wallet A waist of lime a stool old lady's. Hop merchants danoing master. Query Is "old" part ever ''aldett" a ploture le a poem without words. Tbe belle of the season Iba bluebell. Tbe aolar system Tba ball of tba toot. Tbe eod of the world money making. The book ol numbera tbedireotory. Oil City Enterprlaa., The Incline Railroad ta Clark's Summi Oil City, Is completed aad will ba run Irea, lo the publlo till Wednesday lha sixteenth, the day of tba grand auction sale of Iota. The clllaena of Petroleum Centra aad vi cinity ara Invited to laka a ride. Clark 4 Poktbocs. oct 11-td U. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, ) W. D. of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Oct. lltb, 1872. ) THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE. That on tbe 101b day of October A. D. 1872 a War rant in Bankruptcy waa Issued airainst the Estate ot Andrew C. Scott of Iba County of veuaogo ana state or reaosyivania, who baa been adjudged a Bankrupt, oo bis own peiitloo; thai the payment of any debts aad delivery ofaoy property belonging losuob bankrupt to blm or for bis use, and the transfer of any property by blm are forbid den by law; that a Meet it g of tbe Creditora of tba said Bankrupt, lo prove ibeir Debts, and to choose ooe or more assignees of his estate, will oe neia at a uourl of Bank ruptcy, lo be bolden at Fraoklin Venaugo uouoiy renna., oeiore S. v. Itogera Jsq., Register, on Ibe 11th day of November A. D. 1872, at ooe o'block P. M. A. MURDOCH, . U. S. Marshal, aa Messenger, oot 14-bt CfTGAFFNEY keeps eons I sally an baud Scotch Ale and London Porter, eapeo ally lor family uee. CIGARS. Lovere of good cigars will And several aa ttrely new brands, never before introduced in this place, at tbe Post Office Newa Boon They ara warranted pare Havaaaa. Tba latest styles ot Understating for geoia wear, at Iba JAMISTOWM CLOTH tio STORE. Local Notlcea. TeOiL OraRATOB (J. D. Ja, KauaClty, destree to ItOU, otlfyoll opera lo,' .u-. p.-. u-H saaeor Uevlge f Shutting Off Water in Oil Wen,, ,,;"' what la needed during I, thin, oajl ling down mov.mest . Tbey ar w.rrsiiM to abut lbs water oT entirely ao alter bow long Iba well may be siopped. Oil opsra lors are Invited to call oo or address Mr J at Kane City, Venango Ceunty, Pa. j In Uadarelotbiag of all kinds At np ia t.l r.l.ul ...... ... "uul hia M fl M. M D 4 . nu.g, uw eicai k. .,i .--i... f.n i weuea uv -ii I'g.vw. van auu examtBe. Sept. SMt For Sale Cheap 3 Prodaciug wells with ma chinery complete. Inquire of HOWE&CUOK. Petrolenra Centre, Pa. IJcfc Box. Jaat received at ALDEN'S a large sloek of genie Uodorelolalag. Tka very best la Iowa. " For dale 15.000 to 20,000 feet of 8EC0R0-HA1II) TUBING, at from 2& to cis. psr Zf The Tubiag ia ia first elaaa order and aii ready fitted. a " April 23. tt H. H. WARWRB. UNDERCLOTHING; UNDIRCLOTH- IrtG; Just received at tbe JAMESTOWI CLOTHING oTORR, aall aad seeite slook. School Books. A complete stock of School Books needed el the Pnblio School eao ba found at tka POST OFFICE N EWS ROOM. IVGRBKLEY HATS at the JAMIS- TOWN CLOTHING STORE. The V 10 tor Braud at cigata at iba Fast Office Newe Roam. 9 Highly flavored, Ice cool Soda Water at tbe Poet Office Neweroem. Try h. GRANT HATS all Iba JAMESTOWB CLOTHING STORE. HATS AND CAPS In great variety an In all styles, just reoeivsal by express from New Yoik, at tbe JAMESTOWN CLOTH ING STORE. Call aod look at Ihesa, Auguat IS-lL C3FJnsl reoeived at lbs J AM KST0f "J CLOTHING STORE, a large assorlDM ol new aad Bobby styles of BATS A CAR. Tbe best Pittsburgh Lager at OaFFKBTI Days Doincs, New Varieties, New York Clipper, Willi's Spirit, and all spnrnng p- i peia at the POST OFFICE NEWSRUUM. J GEAND or 500 LOTS oil Clark'. Simit OIL CITY, PA., Wednesday, Oct 16, im The Incline Railroad Is completed ssd will be opened lo lha publie inedsys By meana of tbla road these lots are witkia Ave mlnules wslk to tba bnsla'SS esnisrot the oily. They are high above tbe tienih aod smoke of tbe city. Tbe air is purs ssd bealtby. No heavy morning log u slews. GOOD WATER. THE LAND IS LEVEL ! Tba Drives will ba Ibe best la this Bsglos, being Twelve Ulllea of Level Street, And one Boulevard sixty feet wide, Issdisg into the country. IX miles In length, Bines! perfectly level. The Landscape View Is not excelled la the Stale. Best .cf sll, tba Lots will ba .. SOLD CHEAP A net MSB ... ..waaaie VI fa ABB Mf MDt. smuia via veasej ttji M aiarvaaw f - fllteen per cent, eixty days, balanss Ilk, twelve aad aigbtaea aaeatbe. There 12 More Money in tise Lets Tbaa aay that wera Ever Before Sold at Auction IN THE OIL REGIONS. Everybody Coma) and See for Tbaa aelrei OK WediesiJay, Oct. l. 183 CI A HK POBVCC t